Monday, March 10, 2025

Malawi Veep jets into Zambia for a private visit


Malawian Vice President Joyce Banda with Guy Scott

Malawian Vice President Joyce Banda has arrived in the country for a private visit. Vice President Banda arrived at Dr Kenneth Kaunda International Airport aboard an Air Malawi flight at exactly 10: 10 hours amid tight security.

Vice President Dr Guy Scott was on hand to receive his Malawian counterpart and immediately proceeded to greet ruling Patriotic Front (PF) cadres who were dancing and singing solidarity songs.

Lusaka Province Minister Miles Sampa and Acting Lusaka District Commissioner Martha Mwitumwa were also on hand to receive Vice President Banda. ZANIS reports that upon arrival Vice President Dr Scott and his Malawian counterpart where immediately driven to Lusaka’s Pamodzi Hotel where she will be lodging during her visit.

While at Pamodzi Hotel, Vice President Dr Guy Scott and his Malawian counterpart held private talks and journalists who followed from the airport to have an interview with the visiting Vice President were advised to leave as Ms Banda would not brief them on her mission to Zambia because she was in the country in her private capacity.

Recently, Zambia and Malawi have come under spotlight following President Michael Sata’s refusal to honour an invitation by that country’s President Dr Mbingu Wa Mutarika to attend the just ended COMESA summit. The President instead delegated Vice President Dr. Guy Scott who attended on behalf of Zambia.

President Sata’s refusal to honour the invitation followed his un-ceremonial ejection from that country in 2007 when he was an opposition leader and was invited to Malawi by former president Bakili Muluzi.

To this effect, Mr Sata demanded that the Malawian government should furnish him with reasons for his deportation.

The Malawian government has since revoked the ban on Mr. Sata to that country where he was declared a prohibited immigrant and said President Sata would be accorded all entitlements of a Head of State.

Malawi, like many other neighbouring countries have enjoyed cordial relations with Zambia since independence from the British colonial masters on 24th October, 1964.



    • I did see how they supported Savimbi, what benefit did Zambia get while itself was battling Mushala. Tell us what you know about the support given to savimbi?? :((

    • Ba malukula #4, Kaunda never supported Savimbi. Did you mean Chiluba? Ignorance at its best. Please keep yo ignorance to mandamanda!

  1. There is no war here. Just diference of opinion by heads of states. To say sorry is not a mistake or weakness. Besides they need each other in biletral relations, boarder conflicts etc. We can recieve Mbingu when chased out of Malawi Just as Micheal also needs Him.

  2. I have a feeling Bingu had a big hand with those Malawian voters in the ended elections, these spats are just a tip of the iceberg

  3. Treat her as a tourist. It is a private visit that has nothing to do with her work. .. And Malawi’s refusal entry to Sata in 2007 is a personal matter that has got nothing to do with gvt. Bring in personal matters can harm the country

  4. The political scenario of Southern Africa is changing with the arrival Of President Sata on the stage. A good direction for democracy.Ms Banda defo next President of Malawi.Next, The Titanic.The other leaders must bring in Good governace for the betterment of their peoples lives.

  5. Let Mbungu swallow his pride and apologise or if he was right let him give reasons, for up to now reasons of deportation have not been mentioned.

  6. Mbingu, watch what happened to Gaddafi. Mbingu has bad relations with Zambia, UK, and ICC (World). You can fool some people some times, but you can’t fool all the people all the time. The world is watching… 

  7. CANT WE BAN THIS PRACTICE OF LADIES…AND MEN DANCING AT THE AIRPORT? People should be given opportunities to better their lives, work should be the norm…or spending time with one’s family on sunday! Nice to know, i think..that Micheal is gettin his chance to at justice! He deserves it…

    • that is entertaining visitors .. why banning?? what to do to replace traditional dances?? Even ex president Bush learnt dancing thru immitating from those that dances during his visit abroad during his hey-days.

  8. Take hid you the patriots of Zambia and claim saint Michael Sata is all wise to demand apologies even where there is no need. Sata has elements of pride in him and bethinks everyone in the entire Zambia should recognise who he is. He forgets he won an election and is president of Zambia. He claims a PI is still hanging over his head from Malawi. But Malawi and its president lifted the ban on Sata and announced it on earth. Sata is not satisfied unless the VP of Malawi says the apology in Bemba. Well she has finally arrived. We await the press statement from PF govt after she is gone. Swallow pride and know Sata needs other leaders to be understood and taken as a reasonable leader of Zambia.


  10. ALL YOU speaking of war. War over what? Over refusal to apologise or over inviting the vice president? WAR ? Who will be fighting for such childish reasons? You think our military generals are that dull? May be you the one commenting of war should go anf fight you are the only one with foolish reason to fight. Ati “war is looming” ahahahahah

  11. Mad-man Joyce…Sata wants to see ‘pubic’ apology from you. ,,captured live on our beloved ZNBC including Lilongwe TV..Nothing else will do with King Cobra .

  12. Good evening

    Quote: “While at Pamodzi Hotel, Vice President Dr Guy Scott and his Malawian counterpart held private talks and journalists who followed from the airport to have an interview with the visiting Vice President were advised to leave as Ms Banda would not brief them on her mission to Zambia because she was in the country in her private capacity.”

    Interesting how some bloggers can passionately manage to cook at least three different versions of what I can call “first class rumours” although they do not have the slightest clue of what was discussed behind the closed doors.

    As for me, I would rather wait for a fair picture of reality than rely on presumptious forecasters and prophets of doom.

  13. Why emphasis on private? If its private, why should the entire VP welcome her? Its called diplomacy. She is carrying a written apology from Mbingu, wait and see, you will hear that relations are normal. There is no way the entire president can publicly apologise, These people have been talking in the backgound and mbingu has sent his VP to seal the deal. Donchi Kubeba, You have forgoten what you voted for?


  15. Why welcome like that when the visit is in her private capacity? Even prince william does sneak into Zambia on private visits and no one knows except a few.

  16. This fracas with Malawi could easily escalate into war if not properly managed. Sata ought to know that he is now head of state and not a PF chief cadre. With the insanity he is bringing into the governmence of this country, I wonder how long it will be before uis heart packs ushering another presidential by-election. I hope it will be that not war with Angola or Malawi, or both.

  17. Look guys. I was hoping the cameraperson would have captured the fool posture of the woman on left. The sample looks promising. Or is it not!

  18. # 1, war looming? You should be serious with your sentiments, this is not a joke. War is no joke my brother for your own information. Focus on peace and not war, Zambia will always be a peaciful nation. Mbingu was at fault to deport Sata, an apology doesn’t hurt only promotes unity and peace.

  19. Dear Dos Santos,

    You will be pleased to know that we have stopped doing the horrible things we did to you. As you can see, we are now doing it to Malawi NOT you. Hope you find relief in this news.

    Yours faithfully,

    Chilufya Satana (Chief Zombie)

    Republic of Zombia


  21. Explanation for Private Visit

    First of all Joyce Banda is not representing Malawi at these celebration. In fact Joyce Banda are enemies with Mutarika, she was fired from Mutarika Party, but because the Malawi constitution on section 84 states that if the first vice president dies or resigns from office. That is why she can use a Sate Plan. Mrs Banda has refused to resign and gone on to form her own party that is directly competing with Mutarika’s party in by elections. Its crazy

    These are the dangers and flaws of a running mate that HH and UPND are advocating for. So President Sata is really stabbing Mutarika right in the back

  22. #30 chanda chimbwi you are dreaming keep dreaming boy. Anyway Mbingu should humble him self and apologise to Sata, also tell the world why he deportated Mr sata in 2007, i hope malawi veep came to apologise on behalf of her government, although her visit is private, who knows?

  23. Sorry meant to say that a Vice President in Malawi cannot be fired. She is only supposed to die or resign. And she has refused to resign and the law entitles her to the use of all state resources including the use of the Government Private Jet, Motorcade and Security..

    An example of a running mate system gone wrong. This is Africa

  24. I can see the next president apologizing to Malawi for Sata’s behaviour when he was president. The man was not president when he was ‘mistreated’.

  25. Sata was part of the system that almost took us to war with Angola. Is he apologizing for what he advised Chiluba? Better apologize as an individual not nation. Is Kaunda going to apologize for supporting Nkomo against Mugabe or supporting Renamo before siding with Frelimo. This is not time to be globetrotting giving and seeking apologies, its time to do the 30 day miracle. Angola turned the page long time ago when Mwanawasa became president. We’re apologizing like we committed genocide yet we kept their refugees. Sata need not embarass us to Luanda’s Cape Verdean elites that are now facing revolts in their own backyard. Perhaps, another Zambian president will have to atone the sins of Sata’s apologies when Angola is really free of the Dos Santos family.

  26. Chanda Beu ..u seem to offer another dimension…may be that’s why Joyse is on private visit..Sata is doing the ‘turning the table’ thing..Just to annoy the crap out of Bingu…this internationalisation of FP cadrelisation as its best..Anyhow why would our VEEP the Guy receive Joyce…. I guess Bingu is just star guessing what Joyse is doing in Zed.. Talking of war between Malawi and Zed,,, I guess Zed flaten blantire..what u think..if u re a coward pls dont bother to say a word..!!!.

  27. Mbingu doesn’t need to apologize to anyone. He did what he thought was in the interest of a neighbor. Malawi has its own laws that govern money laundering. This wasn’t just a private visit contrary to some accounts. I don’t see how Zambian anti laundering laws will allow any opposition leader from either south africa/Angola/Zimbabwe to use our banks for receiving financial support. Sata needs act like an office bearer not the private citizen he was. Its drama for a head of state especially with a country is more culturally linked to zambia than any other country. if kaunda kept the peace with Kamuzu, why not Sata – Malawi is a peaceful country. 

  28. Does Joyce have bokosi like the ‘tourist attarction’ the president saw in parliament?

    Just wondering, if she does she may double up as a good treat for our good leader, well, only if CFB allow him to exercise his heart to the extreme.

  29. Malawi is not a country to be begging for an apology afterlaw no one feeds the other.kubalekafye we continue with our own life.apologies wil come when both countries change presidents.those who think that SATA may bring war are wrong.SATA isnt just weak and easly convinced or fears anyhow. he does what he knows is right. COBRA will spit saliva on malawi.

  30. Firstly, those talking about war either have no idea what they are talking about, or are up to no good. @ MERCUTIO: If it is that simple and straightforwad then we dont need an apology. We just need a representative of the Malawian authorities to tell us why them man was deported. that is all. You say it was about money laundering. Fine. Let them say it too, It would save them a lot of trouble and embarrassment, and since they would be in the right, it would even clear them, so why are they not ceasing the opportunity? Because, dear Mercutio, what you¨re talking is absolute bollocks. Don’t even use that name. The original Mercutio and the Mercutio who used to write letters to the editor are both far smarter and more savvy than you can ever even dream of.

  31. You people are missing the point here. One can apologise to the other if he still needs the other’s friendship. According to the results I got after my analysis on our two head of states, Mbingu and Santa, these guys don’t need each other anymore and I feel pity for our citizens because they will definitely get affected by this childish game unless we can invite the international groups like NATO or ICC to intervene and make peace between this two.
    I also overhead a rumour that the Malawian Vice President Mrs Honourable Joyce banda is in Zambia on a private trip. If it is a private trip then I am not interested because that is her time and she will not be representing any of us as Malawians.

  32. Here in Malawi we were told through radios that president Sata Has invited Joyce for Zambia’s 47 independence celebrations

    who told you the trip was private? Banda Cannot apologize for BIngu they are great Enemies

  33. Good to hear from Malawians 41 and 42. Joyce is being used by our new leader to get at Mutharika, its a cat and mouse game as you correctly identified,achimwene.Joyce should not get too excited as sata is doing the same to Atupele muluzi, again same reason; to annoy Mutharika.

    There is no need for Malawi to apologise, our leader has a massively inflated ego and indications are that we are in the early stages of an Idi Amin style dictatorship.

  34. So if you were told on radio that she is going to Zambia what part of that says she is representing the government. Do not cross the borders and write nonsense on the international platform. Such nonsense should be checked properly before being broadcasted on the International platform therefore such comments can harm the reputation and image of the Malawian Political Analysts. I agree with Activist Abroad that it is no one’s business that the VP of Malawi is here in Zambia.
    Challenging such nonsense could be a waste of time as well
    Tags: VP of Malawi is in Zambia for a private trip, Crossing borders just to write nonsense, VP is not representing the Malawian Government, Let Bingu come himself

  35. You know what guys am just tired of Satan government already. this guy was in the government before he formed his own party. so when all things wrongs were being implimeneted he too was in the fore front. this guy is a pretender. then man SATA so called president of zambia will not work and or perform. he is spend much time and vengence. this is his time now to show zambians that he can deliver. we can see mrs vice president now on the track. elo lwanya. anyway God has his own ways for his children. he has nothing to offer for Zambia all he thinks of each day when he works up is changing names of places and other things, i have not heard of any good development at all. he has been firghting on vengence. we have another sadam and Gadafffi , sure there is no difference betweeb these.

  36. This ‘diplomatic crisis’ that Sata has created is a good distraction for the 90 day promise. How will this govt make good on its promise if it is busy creating such funny dramatics. It is typical of non-productive organizations to spend more time fighting (storming) than working. Please get over your honeymoon and start working for the people who voted for you. Mandela and Mugabe were imprisoned by their political opponents but they never insisted on ‘personal apologies’. Instead they worked with their former tormentors. That is leadership. I am waiting to see a leader in Zambia :-)

  37. Why waste tax payers money to take caders to the airport and cause unesesary congestion . Those cadres could have been doing sensible things at home

  38. Zambia’s leadership need to know that Zambia is landlocked.Therefore need to maintain good relations with all neighbours at all costs.Never know what tomorow brings

  39. People, this is not about Sata and Bingu. This is about human rights. Lets forget the apologizing. What about the explaining why he was deported in the first place? Why do we not want to accept that the Malawian government mis-handled the affair? When police take any person, even a petty criminal, they tell the suspect what they think he/she have done, and open a docket which states the offence or crime with which the suspect is charged. Failure to do so (as often happens anyway) is against the law. As I support Sata’s cause, I am not limited to that. I am also supporting the idea that governments should be accountable for how they treat any human being, especially people who have no power. Just because Sata is now president does not change the responsibility of governments to the people.

  40. On top of that, Bingu is a despot who must go. That is the wish of the Malawian people. We will help them, not to irritate Bingu, but to provide a nation of oppressed masses with an opportunity for a fresh start.

  41. Love her or hate her, she is the next president of Malawi. The good thing about Malawian constitution is that she cannot be fired. Joyce, we are with you to teach Bongo a great lesson. 

  42. Who is this buffon @40? Perhaps you want to rename me bonehead? Mercutio is a shakespeare character, what the hell you talking about? If you don’t like what I write, hell, who asked you to read it. You think your views hold sway? What Human rights does Sata know? He’s my president but I’m not a blind stooge. Want an apology? Lets start at home with him apologizing to Zambians for: Advocating closure of Zambia Airways, crimes as a colonial constable, UNIP panga in chief during one party state, Chiluba’s 3rd term advocate etc. Those are issues we’re scarred with not his deportation. Mandela is still waiting for an apology for being labelled terrorist and perhaps I need an apology from Zimbabwe for my border delays, but ,wow !! I’m not president.

  43. please focus on 90 day delivery and actually ‘having a plan’ instead of roping the whole nation into your personal drama… a distraction I guess….54 days more bane! I could certainly use more money in my pocket while inflation stays down and investment continues at the same pace…

  44. right on mercutio!…was also shocked to see that our typically blind cadres cannot even relate your name to its actual origin…the character in a shakespear play,would have responded for you but nachumfwa ubunang’ani! didnt even realise that their only point of reference for any literature is… the post! those sadly are the ‘more read’ among the 1m voters who have put us in this jam!!!

  45. Our Zambian journalists do suffer from a disease called DR. This is the reason whyy they are so much obsessed with the title Dr that they don’t even know when and where to use it.
    Is there need to call the airport as Dr KK int airport. Can’t you not just call it, KK int airport or KK airport?

  46. #54, wansekesha sana waishiba, i also dont see the need for the  Dr title to be added. How abou this? Dr DK secondary school!!!!! 

  47. @ all the jokers who are saying a war will start…. theres nothing in malawi that zambia wants and same goes for malawi …..this will end up like another zimbabwe botswana sitiuation where the 2 presidents are at loggers heads , peace will continue but the economies of both countries will continue to lose out. Any way we sent our veep there the other month

  48. @MERCUTIO: You’re definitely an angry and frustrated guy. Insulting others only proves that you also possess the un-forgiving nature you wish to condemn. If my comments were wrong you would attempt to make me see your argument without name-calling. That is not intellectual. That is primitive. I am not saying you are primitive. I am saying your approach in responding to what I said is primitive. I stand by my position that whether it was Sata or not in that predicament, a thing like what happened should never happen to anyone. Myself I am not even hoping for an arhument. I am just looking for an explanation why they did it, even a lie at least.

  49. @MERCUTIO: And thanks for the education on Shakespeare, by the way. I do appreciate when a fact is stated.

  50. @MERCUTIO: Whatever Sata did or did not do when he was in the MMD government does not justify an abuse of any human’s rights by any government, and if you disagree with that then I guess we can agree to disagree and go for a cold beer somewhere and only talk about neutral things like why water is always wet for example…

  51. The SADC Security system needs fine cool heads to manage the crisis that President Sata is brewing against neighbouring Malawi and Angola.Devisive flirting tactics with a Malawian Vice-President who has formed an opposition Party and allowing Muluzi’s son to run a subversive radio station from Zambian soil is a recipe for potential regional conflicts. It is an open secret that notable State Presidents (guess who?) in southern Africa are monitoring President Sata’s wild brand of politics with keen interest. What roles are the so-called intellectuals that surround HE President Sata – taking into account that running a Govt is based on team work?

  52. All of your comments are rubbish ba swine! Don’t use this online publication to advance your foolish & uncultured politics of the 18th Century. 

  53. WE can NEVER have war with Malawi. Dont even think of it. Malawi is not a neighbouring country it is a sister country.

  54. Do you know that Joyce Banda was Minister of Foreign Affairs when Sata was arrested in 2007 and she was in the forefront advocating for the arrest of your president. Much as I dont support Bingus recent ideologies, but your Zambian president has taken a wrong path. Bingu is already on the wrong path, why should Sata follow Bingu on the wrong path instead of taking the right path. Joyce is a heartless woman, every ministry or organization she has been to, people talk of her evil heart and never would want to hear shes being accorded VVPI treatment in Zambia. Yes there are grave difference between Bingu and Joyce but not to the extent of seeking asylum, all she want is international attention. Joyce will never become president of Malawi period! Shes a devil.

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