Monday, March 10, 2025

MMD promises objective criticism


Felix Mutati
Felix Mutati

LEADER of the opposition in the National Assembly Felix Mutati says political parties will work as a united force to offer constructive criticism to ensure the commitments made by the government are implemented.

Mr Mutati said the opposition will not work to frustrate the Patriotic Front government’s policies as alleged by some sections of the media. “The opposition is going to be positive in dealing with issues coming up in Parliament… our principal agenda is to deliver development to the people of Zambia,” Mr Mutati said.
He was speaking in an interview yesterday.

Mr Mutati, who is MMD Lunte member of Parliament, said the main item on the agenda of the opposition is to ensure Zambians benefit from the much-needed development.
He said the opposition will render support through constructive criticism to the government.

Mr Mutati, who is also former minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, said President Sata’s speech to Parliament was development centred. He said the opposition will remind Government to implement the commitments it made for the people of Zambia.

“We also want to see a place in the budget for the pronouncement made on infrastructure development. We shall push them to work,” he said. Mr Mutati said the PF, being a new government, is bound to make mistakes, but that the opposition will not dramatise its errors.

“As they work they will make mistakes, but as a united opposition will not going to dramatise that,” he said. He said the opposition will offer checks and balances on a continuous basis on the commitments made on development.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Well said Mutati..dont even say…”as alleged by some sections of the media” but “as alleged by M’membe’s Post”.Work hard as opposition leader and you will be destined for higher heights.

  2. Well said Mutati, sign of maturity…… not ba ruling party criticising ati opposition want to sabotage the govt.

  3. The man should be the next MMD president, he has his roots in the party from the beginning, he is young, articulate and economically emancipated.  MMD should actually look no further for aliens to rule them they bring the confusions. We need economic politics not politics of popularity without substance. This not directed at the PF, because i think they have some contribution to make to the Zambian economy but let consult and exhaust variuos avenues before we conclude on important issues.

  4. Mutati is not the mind of every opposition MP. Others are real caders to the bone. Checks and balances are well come. But remember, you’ve also promised the nation what to fulfill just as PF has also promised what to fulfill. Good promise.

  5. if**** bwezani didn`t hijack the MMD, today we would still have been in goverment with gentleman and president to be felix mutati.come what may he is next president

  6. Well said, Felix. Do not be part of the RB-HH schemes of trying to bring down PF, as we well know. RB is trying to ride on UPND hoping not to lose his immunity and face prosecution. HH wants to ride on a weak MMD without a party president and vice-president so as to take over MMD and hopefully get to state house in 2016. Mutati, Muteteka and other MMD leaders should not buy into this RB-HH nonsense.

  7. This is very different from what the PF did while it was in opposition. The PF members of parliament who cooperated with MMD on progressive issues were called rebels. Mr Sata opposed every thing the MMD did and NEVER, NOT EVEN ONCE, did he commend a single issue, even the same issues that were started while he was in MMD. Thank God that there are civilised people yet in politics. Well done Felix. Let MMD show what an opposition party is like in a democracy.

  8. #9 Ze Bige
    RB has nothing to fear. All the work was done by his ministers and agreed in Cabinet. Those who are going on this trail of wanting RB to be prosecuted will be wasting time. We cannot have these distractions any longer. Let us move on to develop the country. The Auditor General report is coming and every department will account for itself. So far, if this trend of prosecuting former Presidents continues, Sata is already lined himself up for this as well, by the ‘lapses on the constitution.’

  9. It seems to me that Zambians are more against corruption than against breeches of the constitution. The Only thing that a President swears to is to ‘uphold the constitution.’ If he doesn’t do that, it is a most obnoxious offence. If we as a country can gloss over such issues and simply call them ‘lapses’, we are of all countries most to be pitied.

  10. Felix, tell them they seem to be scared of their shadows. As you have said they are new and are bound to make mistakes, but hold on Sata was in government before and knows how it works he is deliberately breaching the constitution. Breaches are not lapses please don’t support blindly.

  11. There are people out there who still love MMD despite the defeat it suffered in the elections and the negative publicity that its been receiving.In any case when you go into a competition you expect to win or lose.Losing offers you an opportunity to take stock of your strategies.MMD don`t mind the loss just remain forecast and ensure that the party structures are strengthened up.Push the PF governemnt to work for their money.We are following the proceedings very closely and demand for a strong and united opposition team to offer checks and balances.

  12. Hon. Mutati. It is also the responsibility of the opposition team to ensure that what is termed as “mistakes in their work” is actually not in breach of the zambian constitution.We looking foward to seing the opposition seing to it the PF govt operates according to the laws of zambia.PLEASE BE FIRM ON THIS ONE.

  13. Mutati and Muteteka where were you whenBanda and Mabenga were allowed to destroy the MMD with their destructive phrase [ good riddance or is not a factor]. Iam behind you.

  14. Its interesting to see people demanding more from PF than they ever demanded when MMD was in power and stealing and intimidating left, right and centre. I guess it only means that with PF in power people feel more free to express themselves, even when they talk nonsense.

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