THE Government yesterday lost its bid to have Parliament adopt a nine-member committee of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) for the first session of the 11th National Assembly after the motion was subjected to a vote by division. The opposition garnered 61 votes against Government’s 60.
The members of Parliament (MPs) whom Finance and National Planning Minister Alexander Chikwanda proposed to be members of the committee were Chipangali MP Vincent Mwale (MMD), Christopher Mulenga of the Patriotic Front (PF), Mulumelume Imenda of the Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD), Patrick Mucheleka (Independent), Chifita Matafwali (PF) and Highvie Hamududu of the United Party for National Development (UPND). Others were Gabriel Namulambe (MMD), Mwansa Mbulakulima (MMD) and Austin Milambo (UPND).[pullquote]Leader of the opposition in the House, Felix Mutati in his debate said as much as the opposition was not against the names, it still felt uncomfortable to endorse them as the Government had not categorically stated the fate for the position of secretary to the Treasury[/pullquote]
Presenting the motion, Mr Chikwanda said PAC conducted a critical role in the usage of public funds and therefore called on MPs to support the members proposed for the committee. He said PF was serious about the fight against corruption and would ensure that reports produced by the Auditor General’s office were dealt with and culprits brought to book unlike what used to happen in the past.
The minister said it was therefore cardinal that Parliament approved the committee so that the fight against corruption could be stepped up through its oversight role. However, leader of the opposition in the House, Felix Mutati in his debate said as much as the opposition was not against the names, it still felt uncomfortable to endorse them as the Government had not categorically stated the fate for the position of secretary to the Treasury.
Mr Mutati argued that as far as the opposition was concerned, the Government had not stated if the position of secretary to the Treasury was still in existence or not, and that if it still existed, the bearer was supposed to be sworn in publicly. “The coordinating ministry, which was the ministry of Finance, should put its house in order and one key position was that of secretary to the Treasury. “That position is key to PAC. Under the Public Finance Act, the secretary to the Treasury appoints other office holders but under the current state the whole system is distorted,” Mr Mutati said.
He said the opposition would not have problems endorsing the names of the selected members for as long as the anomalies were rectified. “Speed is important but order is crucial and we have no choice but to have the position of secretary to the Treasury,” Mr Mutati said. In winding down the debate, Mr Chikwanda admitted that there was an oversight but stressed that the permanent secretary appointed was ably handling the affairs of the ministry as well as the roles of the secretary to the Treasury.
[Times of Zambia]
ya debate constructively and no silly rubber stamping in that october house. why is it called august house and yet mediocrity comes out of it?
yes make sure that you provide checks and balance
The person appointed as PS is related to Sata but he is not ST material please be serious bravo to the opposition for pointing out this anomaly….Appoint the Secretary to the Treasury per the Finance Act and then the other controlling Officers can be in place and PAC can constitute with the same names proposed by Alexander Chikwander who should really know better than to fumble this much.
viva opposition, tell them the orderly way of managing the affairs of our nice country
I think this is good, it will probably prevent unnecessary and hasty pronouncements and decisions by those in ruling authority. Every move made should be scrutinized and ensure that it conforms to due process, not arbitrarily.
With time, PF will do a good job as long as the checks and balance are in place. It is good to see a parliment which is not a rubber stamp but one which is constrcutive too. Pls minister of Fincance put things in order, business must start, we are waiting for more cash in our pockets. At the same time find ways to fight inflation so that the little people will be given is not eaten away by this animal called inflation, do not underestimate this. One way is to promote the manufacturing industry, remove taxes on all machinary for establishing companies and introduce other incetive, uncle Bob Sichinga show your know how here
zero data opposition
Just curious to know the academic and professional qualifications of Alexander Chikwanda. I knew him as one of the youths – the age mate of VJ Mwanga – in the UNIP pre-independence era. Let us wait for the fruits of the 90-days promises.
I like the combination and caliber of people the minister appointed as PAC members. This shows that the GVT is in order for the first time. PF is very considerate of other parties including independent MPs. This is what we call democracy.
If this is the kind of opposition (constructive one) we are going to have then we are headed into the right direction. Not just oppposing stuf for the sake of opposing but also providing tangible reasons and solutions. Keep it up. Hope its not just a one-off
hehehehehe..pf wawa….be careful next time..follow the la of the land!!
This is good for our democracy. No matter how good an individual or party is, power corrupts and its good to see PF being offrered constructive critisism or is it checks and balances.
This is just the beginning, even the 10th province nonsense sholud not be tolerated in parley!
Good opposition, Bravo PF
lets just wait and see, dont just open your stinking mouths anyhow
just wait and see, dont just say things for the sake of saying. shut up
Good contribution, I thot it was opposition for the sake of it but the explanation given is satisfying. Even the Minister himself has agreed that his boss put him in an awkward position. This is very good for democracy.
“Speed is important but order is crucial ”
SHOOOOOOOOOT all useless motions. 10th Province and relocation of the southern province capital not a priority now. PF government is not serious. It is one man’s show every day.
what are you guys praising? Mutati is out of order.. we wont support the PAC members because the Sec. Treasury job hasnt been filled.. what nonsese. hasnt he been told taht the PS’s are doing what ever it is that he was doing well plus the Accountant general.. VERY UNCONSTRUCTIVE.. there are bigger issues at play not one person to appoint others. we want the PAC to be a powerful watch dog forve looking over GRZ expediture.. everything…
You may have missed the point.
“That position is key to PAC. Under the Public Finance Act, the secretary to the Treasury appoints other office holders but under the current state the whole system is distorted,” Mr Mutati said.
PF is not obeying the law. We must leave in a country of law and order. Sata is promoting a lawless society, being lawless himself.
research more before commenting please
such kinds of manouvers will not pass thru our parley..pf should follow the laid don laws of the land..period..
The oposition should also oppose the proposed retirement age of 65.
#19 Digga, you may have missed the point.
It is clear that Sata is not following the law. Parliament make laws so they will not endorse Sata’s lawlessness. Listen to this:
“That position is key to PAC. Under the Public Finance Act, the secretary to the Treasury appoints other office holders but under the current state the whole system is distorted,” Mr Mutati said.
The opposition garnered 61 votes against Government’s 60.
Now lets hope that some unprincipalled opposition MPs will not prostitute themselves by gravitating to PF in search of jobs. When they do that, PF will be in majority in Parliament and they will pass every nonsense like MMD dominated parliament did. Look where we ended up – no checks and balances but a lot of tears!
Its indeed gratifying that the majority of names put forward for the PAC are non PF, which shows promotion of transparency on PF’s part. However, I am dissapointed that the opposition has refused to endorse these names based on unrelated reasoning. In the absence of the Secretary to the Treasury the parliament takes precidence. You cannot false the Govt to appoint one when there’s currently no one suited.
Iam liking this. we need this checks. It outs PF on its tolls thereby working hard and in turn Zambian receiving there benefits.
Quiet interesting, don’ t do things hastly without consulting and here we are now seeing the implications of haste decisions. Keep it up opposition.
Constructive criticism. Thats the way to go. HH needs to pass thru parliament to learn what construct criticism is b4 vying for president position. He’s made a lot of blunders recently. That shows how immature he is for the position he wants.
These are the kind of checks and balances required. PF must categorically state their position on ST, rectify the problem and then constitute the PAC. I like Mutati, he has always been a professional and gives constructive criticism.
It is democracy at work and we can only experience such parliamentary democracy and checks and balances during the PF government. Previously, under the MMD government, parliament was undemocratic, toothless and meaningless, save for the rejection of the useless constitution. The rejection of the motion to adopt the PAC is not a score to the opposition but a score to the PF government that has allowed the National Assembly to act independently.
Mutati’s oppostion missed the point. The PAC comittee members were mainly UPND and MMD which would have provided more checks and balances than one secretary to the Treasury to be appointed by PF. At least Mutati should have stated they were willing to pass the bill as soon as the secretary of treasury was implemented as it was a good idea. PF was providing transparency having non PF PAC members . My question is this the end of the PAC members idea because of Mutati’s argument? If it is the end of this suggestion… sorry bloggers Zambia has lost out on a strong committee that would have acted as a check and balance for PF economic policies. Chikwanda’s suggestion was in Zambia’s interest . Mutati got it wrong as the secretary of treasury issue could have been resolved separately.
I am sure the national assembly will now gain its respect. Constructive opposition is exactly what we need. Bravo opposition!
Looking at the bigger picture these non PF PAC members would have provided more checks and balances to the secretary of treasury who was not effective in the past. I think that is a pillar of order in economics where a person, party or financial dept is accountable to a parliament committee on economic issues. America has such committees in congress they are very effective. Zambian MP’s who are not ministers etc need to do more work in parliament and things like the PAC committees are a very good idea. Chikwanda gave a practical idea which should have been embraced.
This is a good sighn, however PF is trying to do things as if they ar runing a 100 meter dash! Satawhen are you getting your advises in place you run this country like a ka temba!
keep it up opposition!