Monday, March 10, 2025

Vice President Guy Scott expected in Australia tomorrow



Vice President Guy Scott is tomorrow expected to arrive in Perth, Australia to represent President Michael Sata at the 2011 Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM 2011).

Foreign Affairs Minister, Chishimba Kambwili confirmed to ZANIS in Perth that upon arrival, Dr. Scott will attend a session of the Commonwealth Executives. He said the Vice President will on Friday join 16 heads of government and representatives from 54 Commonwealth member countries in the official opening of the CHOGM 2011.

Mr. Kambwili said Dr. Scott will also attend a multilateral meeting which has been arranged with the European Union (EU). The Vice President will be accompanied to Australia by Minister of Labour, Fackson Shamenda and while Mr. Kambwili and Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry Bob Sichinga are in the advance party of senior government officials attending pre-CHOGM 2011 meetings.

And Mr. Kambwili has disclosed that Cyprus will in the near future send a team of experts to Zambia to explore the latter’s tourism potential. He said this was discussed during a meeting he held with the Foreign Minister of Cyprus in Perth yesterday.

He said Cyprus has since offered to sponsor Zambian officials that are responsible for the development of the tourism sector through training. He hoped that this bilateral arrangement between Zambia and Cyprus will help market the former’s tourism sector, which he said had not been fully done in the past.

The Queen of England and the Duke of Edinburgh, who have since arrived in Australia, will be among the many dignitaries that will attend CHOGM 2011 at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre. The theme of the CHOGM 2011 is ‘building national resilience, building global resilience’.

And Minister of Foreign Affairs Chishimba Kambwili says Zambia’s membership to the Commonwealth is very beneficial to the country. And the 2011 Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM 2011) is scheduled to officially open at Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on Friday, October 28th and close on the 30th of the same month.

Mr. Kambwili said in Perth today that among the benefits of Zambia’s membership to the Commonwealth is the opening up of the Australian market to African countries to export their products.

During the Commonwealth Business Forum, which preceded the CHOGM 2011, Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard announced the opening up of her country’s market to products from Africa.

Mr. Kambwili said Zambia is already benefitting from the pre-CHOGM Foreign Minister’s meeting, Commonwealth and Small Developing States Foreign Ministers’ meeting and the Commonwealth Business Forum (CBF).

He said Zambia will now take advantage of the opening up of the Australian market to products from Africa.

Mr. Kambwili further said Zambia’s position on issues of climate change has been made clear during the meeting of Commonwealth and Small Developing States yesterday.

He said Zambia’s position, just like other developing countries, is that developed nations should financially assist the poor and developing countries to fight challenges of climate change.

He argued that this is because developing nations were not responsible for the emission of most of the greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere.

The theme of the CHOGM 2011 is ‘building national resilience, building global resilience’.

There are 54 countries in the Commonwealth.



    • I think its true that you are a mad person…. now my fear is that madness and ubututuness are contegeous i fear 4 ur siblings…..

    • Don’t write Rubbish,, why do u like wishing others bad things, our President is not sick he is Very Health and very Fit to run the office of President… you are the one who is sick sick sick. you chip u must have respect for big people. Our President was in Government before and has traveled world-wide why talk like a child. PF at work just wait and see 90 days wt will happen just keep yr eyes open. have you forgotten that RB came from the farm that’s why his movements were nu-controllable shame upon you FC

    • Mwebantu tamwakwata chisuma.If Sata starts traveling at awe he is travelling too much.ekale mu state house ati balwele.Kanshi chaba shani ?

    • nalileka insele Ba FC luchelo luno,umuntu ulanda efibi pali ba shi chilufya nshimufwaya..nakupapata sana waumfwa….

    • ***** koswe! Are you alabee’s bootlicker? I am glad I have a president who actually has the country’s interests at heart.

  1. Zambians i always dont you that the man is sick. Anyway, he crticized RB for travelling too much, so maybe he is feeling shy coz he doesnt want to be shot at. Remember njoka ni nkoka. He must be upto something. I know he wants a photo with Obama.

  2. FC, ndiwe chipuba? Aren’t you the same people who named RB “Kmwendo Munjila”? C’mon, the man doesn’t want you evil guys to start complaining. Unlike RB, Sata has 5 years in which to travel. By the way, it’s unAfrican to celebrate other people’s illnesses, if there is any that is! Get a life iwe!!!

    • I don’t believe in insults just be objective and do not insult period. I am a true supporter of PF and I have the right to ask if things are not going in the right direction. As the head of state our president should show leadership by attending himself that is why he was elected. More especially that he is new in office alot of other world leaders would like to meet him. We will tolerate it for two or three times not five or more.

  3. @FC, For his herat condition its not advisable to fly a lot, on the positive this limits the unncessary presidial trip.

    • He flow a lot during the campaigns at times using unconfortable chopper. Why we appreciate the fact that the man is as simple as you and me. He has refused to construct a new state house. He is one of us! Pitty you didn’t vote for him, now it is hurting you. Wait for 2016

  4. I think Britains commitment to the EU has left the commonwealth without purposeful direction. I could be wrong ofcourse but empire is no more.

    And what’s this thing of looking to cyprus for assistance in developing tourism? Why do we always assume that most countries are better than us? First it was Turkey , now its Cyprus. We need more self confidence!

    • Lack of self confidence and esteem is a big problem in Zambia. That is why we are noty ashmed to beg. We should not live on donors’ funds but seek to make ourt own money.

    • when u come to Europe that’s when u realize that Europeans are overrated, not all countries in Europe are developed or at least Africans expect them to be lol i’ve been to a town in North Russia called Murmansk and i was surprised to find pit latrines lol no jock and most people are poor over there  

  5. Looking at the way our president speaks whatever comes to his mind, i think we are safer using the VP for such important meeting, who nkows what he might say to the world, it may cause more enermies to Zed. At least in Zed he can insult without causin more harm..

  6. No he is not sick, its strategy – Guy Scott is likely to pull more attention of rich white fellows/government than … You know lets face facts racism is there and is there to stay. we can pretend but———– lets make use of him. they have the money, we dont.

    • Talk about a foolish stubborn no self esteem having golden person. The Jews were maginalised and are still hated by most white people too buy low the pulled their weight and now wealthy. Don’t even say oh! They have Jehovah we all do. John 3:16. This is also the time of the Gentiles.

  7. The president is still busy in the country! You want him to be moving around like Rupiah ,the president has got issues to sort out unlike balya ba chikala ba fumine po!

  8. There more pressing matters at home than the luxuary of these meetings. Let MCS concentrate on the 90day at home and GS sale the country to the world. Thats were you opposition guys missed it, you concentrated more on MCS and forgot that PF had many people runing it, forsee the same situation hiting you guys once again. MCS will be making things move at Home with the goons, Winter will continue streightening the party while Scott goes abroad. Umuntu mutwe (think)

  9. I wonder what RB is thinking. If it were him who was looking for any excuse to travel. This is a big one commonwealth. He would have travelled with Dora and not Thandiwe. Full bottle of Whiskey on his side and roasted pork. Is guy scot using presidential Jet?

  10. i have never seen aclever president like Sata, he knows when to make a move, he’s got all the powers to travel but opted to clear the air at home, give credit where its’ due, don’t just critisize baba.

  11. That is Zambians for you, as MMD we gave them a president who traveled everywhere to secure the country’s much needed Foreign Direct Investment and what did they call him? Vasco Da Banda.

    Now our comrades in PF have given you a president that wont even travel out of Lusaka, as u wished, so that he can keep the eye on the ball to drive the country boat to prosperity in 90 days and what do you call him? Patient at State House

    Come on people, let common sense prevail , President is on TV every day taking oath from new appointees and firing and you suspect that he is a patient. I think that is low thinking.

    Lets debate real issues. PF have a lot on their hand, like major defeats we are dishing for them in parliament, for their president to afford the luxury of travel

    • Wow, its been ages since i read any sensible stuff from you man. fair play. I’m impressed with you just like i’m impressed with Mutati and Co’s performance in parliament the other day. See, this is what is called constructive critcism, not the name calling you used to didh out when you were in office.

    • You are changed man. Keep it up with your objective views. In future you may call yourself PF Chief Bootlicker. Good day.

  12. Wouldn’t have this been a useful opportunity to meet the Queen and make friends with other Heads of State Mr. President? Can someone please clarify what our foriegn policy in the new regime is…

  13. Have guys noticed how strategic PF is? most of you are forgetting about Winter Kabimba, the guy is busy streigthening the party further getting defectors but some people are too dull to notice, only when 2016 comes will the hursh reality chip in.Guy Scott is the perfect candidate to streigthen our diplomatic relations. Watch the space MCS is a political geneous just like VJ and late Kafupi….

  14. hehehehehe number 1 you are funny “ati why is the President alsways sending VP?”…….thats a funny question man

  15. Sata is no excited about being a president. And he knows where to  put priorities. He’s better off being around sweeping out the filthy which MMD left and, if someone can represent him on foreign matters, well and good. He is not like other presidents who wanted to be seen on international forums even when the attendees are  junior ministers. RB gave more priority to attending foreign meetings than knowing what was happening in his country. Even during the counting of votes, during elections, the man was in France. He was just called that he had lost b4 results were announced. 

    • Yaaah number 22 you are funny eeh,im sure thats why it was difficuilt even to rig the election coz he came at the last minute and VJ told him ati its too late.

  16. This looks like gay scots intervention, he offered himself to travel instead of his boss. The boss was going to fire the queen mid speech because thats the only language he know. Scot keep saving us from embarrasment as you are doing.

  17. Lekeni Sata ateke, chilishani ama jealousy bafikamba?. There are more important issues to sort out at home, remember he still has to fire some more chaps and has five years rule. bikeni bola panshi bangwele.

  18. Please u people were is the problem here.U used to criticise Rb and you are still critising Sata.Bushe finshi mufwaya kanshi.




  20. Yes it is true the presido has important things to attend to at home than just aimlessly travelling like what RB did. Give credit where it is due.

  21. see people the president is not excited like the formal who traveled anyhow sata has got work to do  remember its 90 days   i am liking this man every day may The Good Lord Bless Him and Add more Days for him to live And may he give him wisdom.
    sata has been there before which country hasn’t he  been  you dogs   

  22. #10 @messenger you are very right, I agree with you. This racism demon will always be with us, and we cant pretend that it doesnt exist. As long we are different the racism will always be there. As a matter of fact even as black we are racist, sometimes we think it is one sided it is both ways.

  23. RB the first thing after being elected in went to Mfuwe with his wife, kids and grand kids for a working holiday. When he came back he travelled the word for two years. When he settled, used five months to sell Zamtel, got involved in corrupt activities and used the remaining three months for “unprecedented” which has left our streets with dust and mud when rains start. He also managed to put his billboards at anything that looked like building. Bought a few hearses and mobile hospital.

  24. Sata has been in power for a month and when it comes to security norms,he needs to be around until such a time when he will have confidence in the people he has hired and fired.he need to settle down.I have seen that Hillary clinton travels more than Obama.

  25. The country needs to be secured .under the current state of affairs it will be folly for MCS to be flying about.See one thing that some pipo dont understand is that MCS is miles in thinking.Veep is good for marketing our country, MCS is fighting corruption @ home,Kabimba is recriuting members.Once u understand that. Will u give MCS enuff respect.

  26. But some people awe, you are the same people that complained about RB traveling too much. Sata has delegated and still has a lot to do at home but you still complain. If you dont have a solid comment then just skip to to next….*Fyolad*

  27. #18 MMD Chief Bootlicker-Mudala, I am beggining to like you, I am beggining to realise that you are a man full of wisdom although it still beats me that you hug on to MMD and saw it to its death bed.Keep it up with good analysis.

  28. Did you know that British Prime Minister David Cameron is also not attending the 2011 Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting? He has other pressing matters such as the EU economic crisis to attend to. Maybe Sata has more pressing domestic matters to attend to and why can’t he delegate to someone who is more articulate and with better etiquette?

  29. The president has a very good excuse on the issue of travelling out of the country – claiming he does not want to be like RB.

    Well, this excuse will save him from being found out that the real issue is about “How will I talk in a high profile meeting?”
    And the excuse he is gona use is quite convincing, at least to many people.
    Excuses are always everywhere, you need not be too clever to get one.

  30. Whether it’s VP or president travelling, the costs are still the same. Now was it not hypocritical for pf to castigate RB for his trips when they are doing the same? Let us criticze constructively and fairly and not look at issues from biased points of view.What has changed now?

    • what has changed, SATA concentrate on solving  issues at home and VP touring the world simple, people complained about RB traveling too much,so you people you want SATA to be doing the same thing,then whats the use of changing govt.   

  31. People who expect Sata to carry on Rupiah’s way of doing things are making a mistake. Rupiah had only his and his family’s interests not of Zambia and his travels were meant for personal gain and that’s why he was rejected and humiliated by the people. The mess and damage he did in just over two years is so painful. Sata loves Zambia.

  32. Guys what you should know is that the travelling expenses for the Head of State for one trip like the one in question is a monthly pay for all the teachers and policemen in the country, so why waste resources if there is an alternative of dealing with the issue. No more plunder of our resources in the name of international travels by the Head of State. Its time to work.

  33. good move mr.president.
    Let us clean our country.sending scolt means zambian is not a racist place.It means teaching the world how democracy can be showned by mother zambia.The only country leading us is the usa then Zambia.Thanks mr.sata for showing the world how zambians have grown.

  34. People you are just pathetic with your comments! If he stays to address other serious issues at home, you complain that he is not fit and hence he cannot travel while other claim he talks senselessly. What is the problem with you people? Nothing is good to you. There is totally nothing wrong with the vice president representing the president abroad. Besides the law stipulates that he should stand in for the president. You always condemned RB that he is a tourist and he must stay in the country to address national issue, now it is the opposite and you still complain.  

  35. its good that he is attending this meeting at least. However, I am concerned with the Cyprus part.. Their economy is on verge of collapse and we are excited to deal with them? Yet our economy has started to take a better turn.. maybe they should think carefully about this in my opinion…

  36. Man of Action at work may the all might God Bless you always… we need you more than you are wanted outside. keep cleaning the country as more outside trips are yet to come. VIVA PF

  37. No 1 your brains are sleeping dont you know that we are just recovering from the endless trips of vasco da banda.leave our presido alone he is busy firing the corrupt trip mr veep.

  38. The Presido is still around, he can’t travel………..could it be that Australia had also declared him a prohited immigrant?

  39. Bravo MCS, you’re proving to me that you’re not a tourist unlike RB, who attended every meeting including useless ones, e.g. Nigerian Independence Celebration.

  40. You chaps, you complained about RB’s trips, again you are complaining at SATA being Home. What do you what? please get lost if you have nothing to offer. VIVA SATA.

  41. Ayopa chizungu,those are not meetings for former constables,those are serious meetings with serious economic questions from international media…………..But again i think Australians will need re-orientation that Zambia is in Africa and Guy is the only white guy in Govt.

  42. In the eyes of Sata. everything outside Zambia will be remote controlled while he grapples with the “more money in the pocket” promise which is fast slipping away. Again, there is Joyce Banda who has stolen his heart away – and wants to keep her in the country at the expense of Zambians, good neighbourliness and rational thinking. Why is the national assembly so quiet about this Malawian rebel? Who has bewitched our MPs?

  43. @Dejalas Jorbug,I agree with you.I know Mudala MMD chief bootlicker is good and i agree with him on so many issues but my problem is that he is MMD and I am pro-poor and I support ideologies which are about uplifting the welfare of Zambians.I differed with him on some bad policies implemented by the past regime.Mr bootlicker can you re-brand so that we tap into your reservoir of knowledge unlike going by MMD bootlicker.This makes us think that your thinking has some subliminal content attached.

  44. The president has a lot of support from this site concerning his avoiding to meet the international community. This is why he can use the contrast between RB and him as an esxcuse.
    The president has a very good excuse on the issue of travelling out of the country – claiming he does not want to be like RB.
    Well, this excuse will save him from being found out that the real issue is about “How will I talk in a high profile meeting?”
    And the excuse he is gona use is quite convincing, at least to many people.
    Excuses are always everywhere, you need not be too clever to get one.

  45. imwe muletotonkanya ba mambala. if he had gone you the same pipo who would have been criticising. wats wrong with you. just give respect where its due ba fikamba, stupids

  46. Those aides at State House are said to be furious; two allowances for quick bucks gone begging. Now they wish they were at VP office! Is it not travelling that excites civil servants while actual salaries are far lower than an average corporate employee?


  48. Sata does not have the etiquette to address people with the queen’s calibre. In a nutshell, hundreds of millions are still being spend. Sata will be going to countries like Zimbabwe where there are dictators like him.

  49. HH and his DOGS would rather have the likes of RB and DORA plundering the contries resource than SATA cleaning up the country. The guy doesnt care seeing a poor person die for as long as he still has his billions. We should be watchful of such evils and guard ourselves against them. Sata wants every Zambian to benefit from the countries wealthy. But we have these vices which want to frustrate this cause which is meant to benefit a poor person.

  50. No wonder they say you can get a person out of the bush but you cant remove the bush out of his mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly speaking, people who can not reason on small small issues will not reason even if they were trapped with big issues. Its too soon to judge Sata. May be after 90 days we can complain about him not travelling to any country, besides he has not even gone to his village.

  51. All of you critising MCS are not normal.The meeting is for head of states or head of Govt(executive) so Guy Scott as head of state can still attend the gathering.MCS will travel at the right time. He’s not excited about the Presidency like one Lexus R Banda!

  52. After all the 90days action plan does not include travelling abroad.After all he has been overseas
    on numerous occasions even before he became head of whats the fuss??for yr own info he wants Lusaka and other C’belt towns to have ring roads.

  53. I think MMD Bootlicker is a principled person which shows political maturity unlike many MMD members who are jumping ship to join the new regime. I personally appreciate the way the new opposition is conducting itself in parliament and hope that they keep up the checks and balances they promised but not as spoilers.

  54. Glad we have a decent president.. If it was RBish he would have wanted to go, instead of delegating so glad he is history.

  55. #18. I kept saying there r better thingz that can come from u; and here your objectivity iz nice considering the stance u had taken when u were in “power”.

  56. I fail to understand some of my fellow Zambians. Aren’t you the same people who were criticising RB for travelling too much? Now that his excellence has delegated ati he is sick, what kind of thinking component is there embeded in your brains kanshi? Let the man concentrate on the local issues, Zambia is in serious mess and it needs to be cleaned. It is a good thing as a leader sometimes to delegated to see how your juniors perform as well. Sata is very brave. And above all he has just taken over the office, how will it look to many Zambians that as soon as he is voted into office, he starts flying high? Think twice before you blog!! Viva Sata

  57. LT please there is no such title as “Queen of England” what kind of journalism is this. she is Queen of Great Britain.
    any way the president has 5 years to decided which trip is worthwhile to take. Commonwealth is just another club to promote the British interests and influence. 

  58. Mwanawasa wanted to rediscover the world through endless traveling and RB followed suit. Thanks to MCS for staying and managing things at home.

  59. I am so comfortable knowing that guy scott, sichinga are representing me than that kambwili! Cyprus has no interest in the tourism development of zambia, its a competitor, they are interested in zambia because our country is growing tourism destination, their mission is to tap into our resources and still some of our strategies. I would not cooperate with them!

  60. People, hold your horses. There are more challenging issues at home than the presido attending a conference when he can delegate this. RB never trusted anyone and also wanted to see the world. Sata is not excited about traveling. His hands are full. He has to transform Zed within 90 days, so going to some useless conference like commonwealth is a waste of time. What commonwealth when EU member citizens are treated like brits in UK while we citizens of the commonwealth are subjected to all sorts of exclusion clauses in forms of immigration & border controls. Well done Sata.

  61. Zambians are now examining current and past presidents in diplomacy, influency at national and international level and our presentation out there. Usually this task of spelling out a national outlook is performed better by a head of state. Zambia is in a dillema with this new govt over this critical and vital protocol policy. Granted VP Guy Scott is very capable of represening Zambia, granted too important issues do exist at home. Wait a minute, President Sata has not informed Zambians why he can not attend this important meeting only next to UN meeting. Which meeting will president Sata attend of international stature. Benefits are numerous for a head of state to attend these meetings personaly when practicable. Mr Sata is not ill. Let Zambians be informed the truth about his non attend.

  62. Good move, it is too early for other heads of nations to start laughing at us! VP is articulate and able to attract investment. The other one can continue awarding medals to cadres in the state house.

  63. People lets not waste much of our precious time writing nosense. sata has got alot of domestic issues to correct. Besides, that’ s a reason why he is not in the executive alone. let’s learn to think and reason properly.Does it mean ba gs cant represent the country.Sit down and think properly b4 you write ba Zed. You are disappointing us and nowanda we are having corrupt and low calibre managers in the country coz of failure to delegate.

  64. To be honest we don`t need these CHOGMs any more. We don`t benefit anything from the Monarch any more. We pay visas to enter Britain and all.

    Is it really necessary?

  65. Vice President Guy Scott is tomorrow expected to arrive in Perth, Australia to represent President Michael Sata at the 2011 Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM 2011).
    ……. From the above statements contributers have made constructive and wild statements so far. RB has come in, HH and his dogs (watchdog) insulted. We need to change the way we contribute. We will always have one govt in every five years. Let us avoid insults and come up with ways of developing our nation. We may have peace outwards but really the insults do not bring peace in our minds. What is wrong between tongas and bembas – stop it.
    All what I can request the Vice President is to market zambia to the common wealth to the advantage of all Zambian regardless of political affiliation.

  66. Fearing to speak at such a forum? This is not true. Sata has what it takes to speak to any human being on earth. The beauty is that he is open and courageus. He will tell you off instead of pretending everything is okey. I can see that now we have a President whose heart is for his people especially the poor. Upnds named Rb ‘kamwendo munjila?’ Hypocrites. We want objective critisisms not the rubbish we are reading and hearing day in day out. GO, GO PF!

  67. We have a right to express ourselves. The fact is that we have a clown who kneels down to kiss the hand of an Anglican leader. Just imagine the day he will meet the queen!

  68. A boss who does not leave his/her office is a major suspect for fraud! Some they don’t even go on leave and people will think that they are hardworking.

  69. When Zambians are desperate for change anyone could be president. His ‘heart’ is not for the people, it is fragile and requires more rest.

  70. Has the president sent a minister or his vice? if its his vice president what is wrong with that? lets understand the offices and their works, the vice president is not only active when the top is inactive or dead, they share the name president one top the other vice. as regards the expense, the travelling is not for leisure but business so you cant capitalise on that, that will be nonsense. 

  71. It is our time to capitalise on anything, We shall continue asking questions and we shall be subjective in our approach. Wait for more drama in the governance of our lovely Zambia. Effective leadership is not about oral diarrhea, firing and hiring.

  72. I have a good feeling about Michael Sata so far his playing his cards right
    If u want white money appoint a white vice president.if u want drunks to spend all their money employ a female bartender with large boobies

  73. Good evening

    Criticising the president for travelling a lot is nothing new but hammering him for staying at home is a new dimension. I think Zambians can pick a leaf from the German model; most of the time, the Chancellor is at home dealing with internal affairs while the Federal president travels wider and plays the representative role for the nation.

  74. Kamabwili engaging a Cypriot official on tourism development? I guess that is a wrong focus—-because Cyprus hasn`t a well developed tourism sector. Like Zambia there is only one tourist resort, Aiya Napa. The area that Kambwili should have been engaging the official on is economic diversification approaches that Cyprus adopted– because like Zambia Cyprus used to be copper dependent but there copper deposits run out. You will see huge abandoned open pits when you get there. Brcause these guys knew that copper runs out at some point, they used their copper proceeds to invest in diversification programs.

  75. I think the other thing we should highlight is the reduction in the members of the advance party, saving us money. VIVA PRESIDO!!

  76. Bootlicker excellent point I used to think you were a cadre, but you have a load of wisdom and you talk pure objective politics!!!!

  77. @LaandaNabo Ubeba Allo Good point….. Its all about the British Empire’s interest. Stay home and pay attention to the ignored Zambians by the previous governement

  78. You can say and dream whatever you want and it won’t change anything, Zondwe is sick and busy dying. We’ll soon be the first post independent African country with a white president.

  79. Sata would have fired the Queen if he attended the meeting….ok coming back to facts. The Zambian community in Australia was hoping to voice our hope for dual citizenship and we trust Guy Scott will deliver this message to the President when he returns. We need dual citizenship so that we can also invest back home.

  80. £900 for a British visa application!!hehehe    commonwealth indeed, we would rather join the China Club we guaranteed benefits!!

  81. Leave the president alone. he is still working with left overs from mmd, until he is through with firing them , will not travel lest they overthrow him. You know sata loves zambia so much that….

  82. there 2 months the Christmas and the end of  the 90’s let the president stay at home and do some work his got 5 years to travel , see no problem with sending the veep and team 

  83. Let us hit the nail on its head Sata is not fit to fly for over an hour ……period thats why he’s busy controlling the price of bread at home rather been in australia.Another point is that Sata has no ability to debate ,his village wisdom can’t impress westners he will be a very big bad embrasshment to the country and Africa at large.He should not hide behind solving problems at home ,problems will always be there,he cheated too much such that he’s even scared of even thinking about his lies.Bwana Sata it is time to deliver no excuses please or else we empeach you remember we have the numbers not you.


  85. guys we have to face reality. do call your frends here chipuba when they speak the trueth. Sata cant express himself well in high deligation of people with calibre. lets face facts. sata can only talk were there insults and voshauta shauta. they man is not very educated. hes good at organasings things but not in meetings that involve interlectuals please he cant. Am sorry i have to speak the trueth. we all know the way he talks. you think he can talk to ant interlectual in that maner. ni baka ponya ba sata. Whether you like it or not thats who he is bring him in canada here what is he going to tell the Harper Government.Empty versel bane

  86. M Sata cant mix with well behaved deligation. he will never. he is only too good at gound work locally and not inter-relations he cant. he will never reach that level. just look at the way he was behaving when the reporters tried to intervew him last time , he nearly beat them up. yet those were like his children they humbled themselves. hes the one who behaved like a kid that day all just like kaponya. we just wanted change. other wise sure awe , sitype mwandi

  87. H.E. President Michael C. Sata is very busy now. We need him to sort out ‘home affairs’ first before ‘foreign affairs’. Thank you Mr President for delegating your veep while your sort our the rot in the country.

  88. interesting observations and insights, bloggers. Nice to see everyone’s point of view. Thats why i love LT. In my view part of the function of the presidency is to attend to matters on national importance. These summits be it COMESA or COMMONWEALTH etc if heads of state ones, should really be represented by Mr Sata in the flesh. He is a new President and there are alot of uneasy investors and partners out there. These are necessary matters of state and Mr Sata is Zambia at the moment and people need to know his plans for zambia and its neighbours. If other heads of state can travel and not deputise why not him? there will be time to sweep the house later. He has already done most of it anyway. Its time to work on foreign policy and sell the other countries on his statemanship. 

  89. People a written speech doesn’t need some one to be smart to read it. I believe the President can deliver such a speech. As a mater of fact, President Sata is smart. I think we are confusing smartness with diplomacy. I agree with what a blogger has already said it’s a strategic move by the president, Considering the unprecedent election of our VP Dr Scot the President is very proud to show the world how distinct Zambia is. Personally i am very proud.

  90. For me whatever reason he will be giving for not moving, I dont mind.
    What is important is that the nation will be saved from not only failure to communicate at high profile meetings but also embarassment from undiplomatic attemps to communicate and talk.

  91. Bantustan cadres are still hurting hence the bad mouthing they are doing at the moment against the government. Commonwealth meetings are largely useless only there to serve British interest and massage the monarch’s dying relevance and influence. Unlike carribean countries, African ccountries benefit zero from Commonweelth besides cipwena. HEMCS has enough on his plate already so dear UPND cadres bola panshi and wait for 5 years to finish In the meantime concentrate on popping out babies because you will need numbers in 2031 to unseat PF.

  92. #18 I have always read your messages and called you names but inasmuch as it hurts, this time ba MMD Chief Bootlicker i totally agree with you…… its a lesson well learnt, we are Zambians after all….thanks

  93. There is alot of work in the country to start global trotting. The same global trotting which was done in the past has contributed to some of the messy we have to sort out right now. The opposition have started taking advantage of currency silence and engaged in self vindication.
    The quality of investor Zambia will attract will depend on the level of face lift. Let the prsident work the internal matters that will help the outside community have respect for Zambia. Zambia is a great nation.

  94. 117 Chiluba.
    your reasoning lacks the most minimal principle of understanding issues. You better stop commenting on this blog.

  95. Shame on you bloggers who wish our President to be sick? God will punish you as it is same to wish your Parents Sick?? Evil minds. President SATA is just a good leader who knows how to delegate?? He does not need to be in every gathering. This is why RB failed to resolve issues back home because he was busy travelling.

    Our President has 90 days to make strategic changes. Leave him alone he is NOT KAMWENDO MUNJILA. Funny how shallow minded Zambians will never appreciate? Fyonse Fibii??

  96. Prof Clive Chirwa has strongly condemned HH and Tongas for not listening to his advsice on the pact.He has been informed by the UPND mgnt team that they greatly embarrassed by they arrongancy.The question is who does HH listens to…

  97. MMB cHIEF BOOTLINKER, you are presidential material. Sata should never ever represent us at big metings. The insults are better kept here.


  99. Number 11,13, 14, 15, 18. 20. 22, 26, 86, 87, and indeed many of you are being objective, thats what we need and not insults. Sadly some people may either be very dull (God forbid) or pretend not too perceive that HE MCS is one of the finest strategists. Thats why he won the election in that manner, against the backdrop of MMD having extravagantly financed their campaigns and being the ruling party. Its all a strategy to send Veep. A strategist is one who gets the benefit of anything at their disposal. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  100. I dreamt of this now it’s reality. Delegated responsibilities, checks and balances from the opposition. Those crying the most didn’t even know what a constitution was until a few years back, while others are simply not even Zambian. It’s LT, open forum so clowns will be here.  Am loving this.

  101. Africa is going to forced to legalise Homosexuality at the Common wealth meeting hope Mr scott will not agree to this mechanisation by these Bazungus to get our land cursed .watch the resolutions that will come out


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