THE K1.25 trillion Mongu-Kalabo road project hangs in balance as Government will soon review it to ascertain whether it is the best way of connecting the two districts.
The contract, the most costly in the whole country, was awarded to a Chinese company, AVIC International at a cost of K1.25 trillion. Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communication Yamfwa Mukanga said in an interview early this week his Ministry will engage other ministries to see how best to go about the project.
He said the current plan is that the 34 kilometre stretch, which passes through the Barotse Flood Plain, will be made up of bridges.
“The Mongu-Kalabo road project is a political project that needs a lot of commitment from Government. Right now, we are trying to engage other line ministries to see whether we can find other means of giving the people of Western Province this viable road,” he said.
Mr Mukanga said if such amounts of money have to be spent on one project, Government wants to ensure that the road can stand the test of time, and will not need constant repairs.
[pullquote]“The Mongu-Kalabo road project is a political project that needs a lot of commitment from Government. Right now, we are trying to engage other line ministries to see whether we can find other means of giving the people of Western Province this viable road,” he said.[/pullquote]
He said if after reviewing the project consensus is reached that works must go on according to the current contract, Government will allow the contractor to proceed.
In 2002 a contract between Government and Consolidated Contractors Company (CCC) of Kuwait was signed to construct the 74 kilometre bituminous road between Mongu and Kalabo at a contact sum of US$39.7 million.
During the 2003/2004 rainy season, however, high floods were experienced, which caused some sections of the embankment and a number of culverts on the 34 kilometre stretch of the flood plains to be washed away.
On average the cost of building a tarred road in the rest of the country is K5 billion per kilometre. The Mongu-Kalabo road, because of the complicated terrain, will cost K60 billion per kilometre.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
If built on the flood plain the it requires proper engineering. Water is no joke and safety can no be compromised. As proved by the failed Kuwait contractor theres need to bring in a contractor with a track record of building roads/bridges over water. We have lost a lot of money on this project lets get it right.
Gov’t at work!
SATA hates Easterners, Westerners and Southerners…point blank
Grow up!! didn’t you hear him inviting all ladies from eastern province who are not accommodated by MoH to move to his house. He was however quick to exclude on lady from the whole province – It is Dora I guess. May be you are right – he hates one person from EP
ulichikopo boi,,
#2 ulichikopo,, you can’t see logic in that??? Its not a question of having a road there today but its about our security and long assurance road… we have seen our brothers and sisters who have dead in floods after rain washes away bridges. Give Sata change..
ichi chipuba #1.
K60billion per kilometer. There is need to engage credible contractors.
logic and objective minds should prevail, k1.25 trillion is not much compared to the hardships people will go through minus this road, it is high time pf matured.
Nominations for 2011 blogger of the year:
1. For the most objective – MMD chiefbootlicker, senior citizen
2. For the eccentric – mushota
3. For the most fanatical – maestro hehehehehehe, kizito, mr. capitalist
you are so thick y don,t you go up your arse and bury your head while clapping for yourself and take the mushota man or freak of nature with you
Chi bootlicker, stop filling up this space with your nonsence. Your ideas are from Chainama hospital.
Once again the very expectant people of Barotseland will be duped. After all the elections are over…..and so who cares!
Divide Northern province in 2 to maximize resource allocation and deny public appointments and development to Barotseland, North Western, Eastern, Southern and Central but keep them paying taxes to finance the northern corridor.
Filthy andd shameless tribalists risked with in office.
Please dont give us that bullshit. Go ahead with the project. People have waited so long for this road. Do not diverge the funds to your new created Muchinga Province. Continuity is the way to go if Zambia has to develop. What best options can you come up with?
I thought when the project was started it was the best option. It would be wastful to stop or divert the road at this stage.
This road was constructed without proper analysis. The MMD government did not consult enough. To start with the nature of the flood plain does not need a road accross it. It is like fighting against nature and nature will always win or the costs will be too high. The same distance can be crossed by constructing a canal which resonates with the nature of the plain. It is better to abandon the project and instead construct a road from Senanga / Kalongola to Kalabo. This road will be more valueable because all the villages lying along the West side of the plain will benefit. The current road being constructed is of little value because it passes through the plain with no villages along side the road. Even the few villages get flooded and its people seasonaly move away from the plain.
Wena sikuba, kimang’i ya zwa kwa Mongu ya fita kwa Senanga pili asika ya kwa Kalabo? U sitoto, kapa u cisizwe milyani ki maBemba!
Your idea is actually pathetic, it will cost more for it and it will not link Kalabo and Mongu.
suits you fine! you had the bird bagged but because of your hatred of decided to gamble it away for uncertainty
Come on guys, we have UNZA Civil Engineers, the EIZ, and others who can loook into this matter and come up with a workable solution. Let us engage local talent as much as we can. As for the structural work we can engage companies that have the capability and experience.
Let us see wat happens peolple…….
Oh my goodness contracts are worthy trillions. I am bleeding with laughter.
This is a joke and will never recover, picture 50 years from now, and things will just be said to be the same of not worse. We all know we Africans the majority are born with creed, mendacity, contempt, power hungry. The president has too much power and once you have just once person calling the shorts in any country, it equated to autocrat, not democracy. Why the president should appoint the IG, anticorruption commisioner, the Bank of Zambia governor is beyond me. Let me get this straight, you appoint them and they ask them to be impartial? How can they be. Of course they will side with yourselves. The daily mail,Times editors are ridden of, and you should expect a yes man PF to be appointment. Thanks
Mind your spellings and grammar. A word out of place can erode any message that you are trying to convey.
With or without any review,costly or not, the road must go ahead. Sata shuold not die for the sins of past govts/presidents for failing to do this road, this in his tenure could prove a landmark of success to his credit & no amount of diverting it should be entertained. If its duped political, then the political will of this new govt will prove a real political will as much as every one is highly expectant of this road.
And the drama continues, Zambia is turning out to be a circus!!!
#12 – Agree with you. This minister is saying that they are carrying out an assessment to ensure the best way of linking the two districts. He is not saying the project is cancelled. Let us not read too much in the statement. They are aware that the project is political….very political. But the road at end of the day is an economic venture. The people who say it is only political are those that don’t know western province. The only thing I can say is that if the project doesn’t start or is completely cancelled, then that is the end of PF in western province, at the time when it is starting to make inroads into the region.
That’s what happens to politically motivated projects,the whole project is against the forces of nature. so the wise thing to do is abdone the project and deviate the monies towards Kalabo,Shangombo Kalongola road which will cover four districts of Barotse Province.Take heed of my advice iam a former Kalabo Secondary School graduate,i know the place very well. I once advised Mr Simasiku against undertaking the project by then he was the deputy minister of Finance.
#18 POHO – So you have contributed to the delay of the project!! Anyway, the route you are proposing is over twice the distance of the Kalabo-Mongu one and the Shangombo-Kalabo stretch is even worse than the Mongu-Kalabo terrain in terms of sand. Your economics do not add up. Secondly, Shangombo is already linked via the new and old Senanga-Sesheke road. The idea you are suggesting that people who want to drive from Mongu to Kalabo in the rain season should travel via Senanga, then Shangombo, then Kalabo is not only illogical but also daft. Bwana you are a terrible advisor, I’m sure Mr Simasiku later regreted having listened to you!! The road project has economic value, it is NOT any more political project than any other development activity in Zambia.
Human nature again being expressed here. This is the reason we advocate for balance of representation in govt. It is clear this project is expensive and will take away a lot from the govt vote. The problem PF has is that they want to spend more in the north than in any other part of this country. This must be stopped as it will surely divid this country to a point of no return. They have managed to rise hopes of all people and even for those who did not vote for them, implying they must play their cards well, as though they had support across the country. Only this way will HE President atttain more. Stopping this project for any reason is not viable for peace and unit. We wish PF well, not failure, five years is a long which should be spent building and not distroying the nation
This PS is a real airhead. let me say this in the simplest way. THE BEST WAY TO LINK THE 2 TOWNS IS BY BUILDING THE ROAD. there is no other way apart from building 2 large airports and providing public planes and airlines at affordable rates to the inhabitants, do not drag the country backwards just because you need more time to be schooled on your Job. Brains and technology have already been employed in designing this road and engineering and hydrology reports have been credibly compiled. There is no other ministry that better understands this in Zambia than works and supply, so why should we now consult with say the ministry of agriculture or others? This is a classic case of having the zeal but lacking the required knowledge
“Right now, we are trying to engage other line ministries to see whether we can find other means of giving the people of Western Province this viable road,” the Minister said. So what is the problem with what he said. And read what #17 has said, it is not a matter of pleasing people no. Mr Mukanga said “if such amounts of money have to be spent on one project, Government wants to ensure that the road can stand the test of time, and will not need constant repairs”. Gentlemen let us critisise logically.
lets wait and see….we need the road networks so badly and not just road networks..but roads that can stant a taste of time for the country..
stoping work and reveiws again. Shame on this govt. zed slowly going back to the …………..
Where is the problem when you review methods of delivering the best road? Are we all reading the same artical? Google Earth this area and you will realise that this road is no joke.You can only build a set of high bridges and not conventional road.
#2 ulichikopo,, you can’t see logic in that??? Its not a question of having a road there today but its about our security and long assurance road… we have seen our brothers and sisters who have dead in floods after rain washes away bridges. Give Sata change..
uneducated nincompoop!!
do u actually understand what logic means?
that project was heavily scrutinised and it took a lot of political will to approve it otherwise who ever dares spend such a large amount of money in one province on one project?
the reason the project is being looked into as you’ve actually read is not even corruption or lack of consultation, but because that is a lot of money and if the new regime sees no reason to spend such large amounts on barotseland, then the project becomes irrelevant!
Earmarked in the “mad kings” maiden speech to parliament were many road projects in northern province, did you hear any mention of this road?
Is the economic benefit comesurate with the cost of that road?
I thought these are national plans.
I also thought that these things always involve the advice of technical people that are not politicians.
Like for example, the national development plans – they are not owned by any party.
The geographical mapping of the country – it is not own by a party.
And these developments are recommended to government by technical instituions and not party cadres.
And when these institutions make recommendations they are expectated to have weighed various options and have found best fit?
If that be the case then were will SATA find a new team with new ideas?
What serious wrong and what alternative options has he visiolised, for him to halt a project and begin to plan in the middle?
Stop it. Let them be using cannoes.
The 1.25 trillion is a loan from china,is not grz money credited must be given to RB.
Who is going to pay back? RB?
people pliz the minister is rite!!! it has been monitored and evaluated that the project is likely to give us some problems if the works are are completed now therefore its important to review it and come up with a lasting solution….M&E has been put to work….
What the government needs to do is build the people of WP a railway to connect the two provinces. It will be cheaper i guess and they can enter into a PPP and make it economically viable.
‘suspending’ a railway on a bridge is cheaper then a road
Someone is telling you that this was a political project – in other words it was may have not been the best option. Just like most people, blogging is not the best for them!
People who have been to Kalabo of late have expressed doubt if the constructor will manage to do a good job going by what they are seeing. The gvt is very much in order to stop the work and make sure a strong road is done. If you are used ukubuta with RB sata tafwaya ukubuta. He wants a proper and strong road to be done period. And some *****s have even brought in tribalism. I know these are UPND failures who have nothing to say. The project should STOP to pave way for a better and strong road to be constructed by the PF gvt PERIOD. We want to show you that Tatubuta, we are always serious with matters of development.
Is it too late to realise what the government is doing to our country? I can only watch and wonder…
people Kalabo , shangombo and Mexico province of angola hold approximatley about 60 percent of commuters( trafficking) in western province. the M-K bridge will facilitate social-economic development in afromentioned ares which will enhance the living conditions of the local people. 1.25 trilion is a drope in an ocean looking at the long term positive spillovers effect our nation is to rip from this project. i therefor live all to the people of western province to fight for these project or the province find an alternative way of financing for these project.
Bt still more 60 Billion per Km ndemona kwati yakulishaaaaa……….!!!! Wat is so complicated on this road that it has to cost more than 10 times as normal?
the minister has not said that the project has stoped, why are you puting words in his mouth. i agree with # 21 and # 22. he is just trying to find the best alternative or rather the best way to build this road and not just after one year we start going bark to the same road coz it has been washed away
lets hear from the contractor , if the road is technically feasible for a long term.
this money was a special loan from CHINA for this specific project and Chinese conditions for low/zero-interest loans are that selected A-plus Chinese firms carry out the project or atleast 60% of it
stupid, stop praising chinese companies here. ARE YOU AMONG THOSE BEING FED SNAKES?
Rubish grz
We talk too much.
That is why we end up being sued for $100 milion.
If we muched work for our talking we would be much better.
Retoric is making a major part of our governance, and so we end up messing many areas of the nation.
I hope we dont take the nation backwards.
@ Fine – doubt whether we will be paying out $100 million to anyone who looks like this…
reportingproject.net/powerbrokers/sub_country01.html but on the other hand perhaps our guy is not this one :)
The Sikongo Kalabo Kalongola road can work if they will manage to construct a road from Kalongola to Senanga.The distance from Kalongola to Senanga is about 30Killo.In my view the cost will be the same.The floods betwwen kalongola and senanga is the same .Kalongola to Nangweshi to connect to the new road being constructed will be as well too costly because Matebele plain also get flooded just like Mongu Kalabo.The way forward is the Government to engage the engineers if they recommend that the Chanise contractors will do a better job let them do it it will be to the credit of the current Government.There is already a tarred road from Kalabo to Tapo.What will happen to this tarred raod if the other part is abadoned.
Rupiah was only interested in the commission he was getting from sourcing that loan…..you and me will suffer for the next 20years paying high taxes for a road that will be washed away within a year….use your head when thinking, it helps.
This road once fail because it was washed away after completion. A suspended bridge in the span of 34KM is not a joke. It is a bridge like from Chingola to Chambishi, Lusaka to Kafue or Ndola to Luanshya. This can easily be compromised because of the terrain. It is a swamp and dambo area. The construction of this bridge alone is like building a new road of 408km. Judge for yourselves.
Tell them a canal will serve a better purpose. The Dutch contractors will do a better job.Its better for that money to be spend on turning Kitwe-Chingola-Kasumbalesa- Solwezi inti a dual carriage way. Even its economic viability is not there.
Sata’s govt, always just talking and finding faults, when will we see results. Isnt it 90 days already
#18 POHO – So you have contributed to the delay of the project!! Anyway, the route you are proposing is over twice the distance of the Kalabo-Mongu one and the Shangombo-Kalabo stretch is even worse than the Mongu-Kalabo terrain in terms of sand. Your economics do not add up. Secondly, Shangombo is already linked via the new and old Senanga-Sesheke road. The idea you are suggesting that people who want to drive from Mongu to Kalabo in the rain season should travel via Senanga, then Shangombo, then Kalabo is not only illogical but also daft. Bwana you are a terrible advisor, I’m sure Mr Simasiku later regreted having listened to you!! The road project has economic value, it is NOT any more political project than any other development activity in Zambia.
This is proof that Black People can’t think. While other countries are talking about going to Mars, we are failing to construct a simple road across a flood plain… It’s ridiculous! We have a University with an Engineering department. What’s all this about? Very irritating…This road is doable; we are just failing to think. No mental capacity. Give it to a muzungu who cleans toilets and after 2 years you will be shocked at what he will have done. Very typical of us Africans.
Dear Gokigo, I am amazed that you live in UK and yet have such a mind set and low self esteem. Please note one important scientific fact and try to remember it for the sake of your descendants and your our sake:- There is NO correlation between the colour of one’s skin and the brain’s ability to function. NONE at all. All sorts of research have been carried out and it all points to the exact same thing. Unlike politics, science is exact.
The colour of your skin has nothing to do with your brain’s capacity to think. This is a scientific fact, and unlike politics, science is exact. (Ba LT, why are you removing comments that are not offesive in the slightest? Are you also bloggers, and biased?)
Dear Gokigo. Just because you have a very low self esteem, do not lump it on every black person. Please note: – The colour of one’s skin has nothing to do with the capacity of the brain. This is a scientific fact. Unlike politics, science is very exact. ((ba LT why are you censoring my comments?? They are completely rational and in context and contain absolutely no profanity? Is this becoming another POST?)
What does the colour of the skin have to do with the capacity to think? There is no scientific correlation between the two. You really need help, my friend.
If I were Sata, I would lock up all the civil engineers at University of Zambia with all the best economists, in a room for 60 days to come up with a local solution: give them everything they want, including commercial s.e.x workers if that will help motivate them. We can do this. Our brains have stopped working just because we always think about bringing outside help. Just wait, I know the govt will come up with some ridiculous solution – just like Levy and Rupiah did. I hope MCS can give us a pleasant surprise of action!!
All those people advocating building a canal…after failing to build a road, how can you manage to construct a canal and manage the massive Zambezi waters. You will probably find the entire construction company have drowned and died! Again, we are just failing to think. Typical… This problem will in the end be solved by a simple-looking bare-educated non-Zambian.
Satan promised to complete the road in 90 days. Is he now just promising to review the road positioning in 90 days? Will it be funded by the Chinese or the Archibishop of Canterbury who Sata kowtowed to?
its viable and economical important to western or baroste land,all ground works has been done .it is only this tribalist government which want to diverty the resources to one man made projects a UNIVERSITY IN HIS HOME LAND AND ANOTHER PROVINCE IN HIS VILLAGE
Hmm. Maybe a competition with a million dollar prize for the best solution :) I’ll get my lego pieces out and work it out for the right incentive. Don’t be so hard on Zambians. We think just fine. It’s opportunities that may not have been there…
The people of Western Province need a Good Road, whether it is expensive or not, Government should just construct it. We in North-Western have the longest Road stretching from Mutanda to Chavuma and this will be tarred, so what’s wrong with the Mongu-Kalabo road. Governments should be looking at long term plans and not short term. Suppose, in the near Future, they discover that there is some Oil in Kalabo, are they going to build the road over night? Please plan ahead or lets have some infrastructure in place to avoid panic.
Another test for PF govt to un do the road project and provide the altenative rationale – wait, too expensive, sourcing more funding. May be Mr Milupi whom the Westers voted in will contribute one kilometre. By the way, who is BOZ boss? I hear BOZ has no Governor up to now. Remember the Deputy Governor was a Bemba woman and she is still there. Any suggestion for safety of her job and status quo? Zambians can judge for themselves.
Well with all those monies, I think the best way is to tar the road from Senanga via Sinungu to Kalabo. this will in-turn save funds which can be used for other developmental projects.
Guys please, advice on civil engineering? I really need some information from the experienced out there, or even reference on where i can find the information? Thanks
@54, Dont think you are smart than all engineers based at roads, I have friends working for roads dpt who have admitted that this road is not as simple as you are dreaming. The gvt had at one time engaged an american consultant who advised that the best is to find an alternative route. For your information we are talking about sand plus water.The British cant do anything, they know nothing about sand. The best contractors in this area are from middle east but even then, a company from Kuwait completely failed. You have just expressed your ignorance and avoid demeaning a black man, we are a special race mune, irrespective of our weaknesses
@ 12 Imasiku, Don’t mislead people at the economic benefits of linking Kalabo and Mongu via the plain. The Senanga / Kalongola to Kalabo route you are proposeing is way too long and likely to cost even more money to construct. It would take even longer time to travel from Kalabo to Mongu; whereas via the plain it would most likely take only 30 minutes when travelling at 60 km/h. The economic benefits not only to the people of Kalabo-Mongu but the entire country are innumerable. This will open the gateway to Angola and the Liuwa Game reserves to business people and tourists respectively.
Forget the misinformation from politicians. Many of them have just used this road for political reasons to win cheap votes each election cycle.
But people are no longer naïve and they are now working up to the lies of politicians.
It’s not hard to construct a road over such a small stretch of flood water… of the mentioned 34 km KLB-MG distance, the flood area is only a small portion. Road and bridges like that have been constructed the world over, either through a floating road; a bridge; or an embankment. Even in China it’s been done really well (just Google ‘Jiaozhou Bay Bridge’ as a starting point – it runs a whopping 42.5km, much longer than this road and across the sea). Its lack of political will and the fact Kalabo hasn’t been represented by a capable and intelligent politician since the demise of Arthur Wina.
And for the record the reason CCC failed in its attempt is because they were using sand for an embankment. You need steel and concrete to withstand force of water. The floods we get in Barotse plains are nothing compared to what other parts of the world get and yet they have roads linking their towns.
the tallest building the world stands in sandy soils in saudi arabia or arab emirate if not misteken. therefore, what can make fail to construct a bridge across the barotse flood plains.
The Discovery of Kalabo by the colonist, the colonist really noted that the mongu kalabo was the only rout to be used to access kalabo as the other alternatives have difficult tarrins such as the matebele flood planis on the senanga proposed route.
What are the options? Putting up airports so they would fly?
‘It is a nightmare. It is a nightmare. Somebody please wake me up’. That is what those die-hard for RB are experiencing. Hey, life goes on. We once had a wasted 10 years with Hefty Jay. History has a way of repeating itself. Wow! I am speaking gibberish. Who cares anyway. Ni pa zed afterall.
Even if it may be politically correct to build Mongu Kalabo across the plain, this is about development. If this makes the people happy the government should not waste time. 1.25 Trillion Kwacha is nothing compared to the cost of infrustructure in the new Muchinga Province of Northern Corridor. If our government cannot spend this much on a project that makes people happy, the next thing that will make people happy is independence of Barotseland. Then we can build the road however, the local people want. Economically, the bridge needs to pass near the tourist attraction Capital of Lealui. Kalongola Kalabo, and Mongu through Libonda to Kalaboare still needed, but the shortest dist.between 2 pointsisa straight line. This money is for Mongu Kalabo road, please do not cut it for cheaper routes.
#53 Gokigo Milazhe,
Your moral life is corrupt!
There is no way of changing credit where its due.Banda was the first president to embark on a real well meaning project in Barotseland, to stop it PF shots itself on the foot. Let them do Kalongola Kalabo and Libonda curve to Kalabo, they can still get credit also. Politics aside the bridge adds beauty to the plain. Let it be. Its expensive cos its durable and professional. It has been assessed and reviewed for many years in the past. It will take about 5 years to build. 90 days of quick review is just a political mistake to delay development. They are not punishing Banda, they are punishing the people of Western province who need development now, and it will backfire. You cannot teach the Chinese how to build in the water, just let the work continue.
Zambians here we go again. The technology to build roads over flood plains is already there. There is no ‘invention’ business here. The Netherlands is built on land reclaimed from the sea. Isnt it the Chinese who built the Mukuku bridge in Luapula?. There is the channel tunnel undersea rail/road link connecting the UK to mainland Europe. Eh fellow Zambians ever head of a causeway? Search for causeways in the world and you will see what I mean. $250m is not a lot of money for a road that will eventually link Zambia to her shortest route to the sea. The problem is that Zambia and Zambians are a petty nation that is scr.ew.ed beyond repair. Finally backward Zambians go to Skyscrapercity.com and see what infrastructure other nations are building! Backward dirty Zambia!
Thick headed guys, they may just find the shortest strech of plain. All those refering to developed countries are fools and brains seized up. This is our problem. How much maintenance cost is Zambia prepared to spend to sustain the road? Roads are in grades. Which grade is the road, A, B or C. What is the life span of the road? review means the cost equivalent to the grade of the road. You want them to construct grade C and within 2 years it collupses.
It is very disappointing to know that many people are making comments about the project without even thinking about the annual maintenance cost that will be involved. A big project like this needs proper planning and the benefits of having such a project should be evaluated otherwise you may end up with a white elephant, which is never used because people have no commercial use for it and the maintenance costs sky rocket, end result, left to rot after spending huge amounts. We need this project but it should be re-examined so that we build something which stand the forces of nature which are encountered on annual basis.
this is inonge wina at work. back to the situmbeko sondashi debate. mongu MP wake up. you will be a 1 term MP
#56 Learn to think with your head and analyse the problem here, not just coming up your tribalist trash.It is people like you who can encourage the government to build houses in the plain without telling them that plain gets be flooded in the rain season every year! When life is lost and property is destroyed, you start to scream that they should not have built here but there, where it is dry all year. You have a chance to engage the govt on the best way to route the road and benefit everyone, tribalism will not take you anywhere,grow up!!!
Just because it is sandy on top of a desert, it does not mean that it is not rocky underneath.
i was in Mongu when RDA sponsred all district heads from the seven districts, namely, senanga, mongu, lukulu, kaoma, shanmbo, sesheke, kaoma, kalabo for work shop on the same. and the road is called M10. it was sponsered by RDA. the main purpose was to plan for the road. and we had engineers in these meetings too. a month later the same team including village indunas were sponsored to travel all the way to Siavonga and hold the same meeting there. it was still sponsered by RDA. the problems we first at first was land crisis. Western province is very unique as compared to other provinces. am from there.people never allowed the road to pass in their filleds and or villages they demanded compasation for that. so that is why indunas were present to the meeting too. but still as government we
mongu kalabo road continuation. the indunas still didnt allow the governemnt to allow the road pass in the village. they said thier maize filled would be disturbed. the disctrict commissioners faced problems in advising the villagers to accept development. so the contractor ended up geting the other site which has to have about ten bridges to kalabo to very expensive. coz the villagers refused. when constructions started the bridges started collupsing due to was even before the road could finish. but after the Zambezi in kalabo they even pua a tar mac road cars are running. so the road cant stand in the tarrain in that plain its imporsible anless they picked the luiwa way which was also contravesal due to land ownership by the villagers. so lest see if Sata will finish it then
Abandon it, concentrate on roads in Muchinga province. Dont shoot the messenger, this was Mr Sata’s instruction to the RDA bwana.
The best option is to build the road from Mongu via Lukulu district to Kalabo. It is the most durable option. This option will benefit Mongu, Lukulu, Kaoma and Kalabo itself plus will open up Angola to Zambia.
A direct road from Mongu to Kalabo is a non starter. Even the Chinese road built on the sea has been questioned for its safety even though the chief engineer claimed it was safe. Let us not waste money and take chances with people’s lives.
Dear Mushota, I agree with you.
Price . Are you really sure this company is an A -plus one?
Check on the list of companies that are building hig ways in China and tell Zambians the truth.In addition will Zambians know how you found yourself in China then the law will cast its fragrance at your doorstep.
Fine will it be will you be found “not wanting”
Just for gugs.But for sure that company is not an A plus.We love the loans from China though but this one, the mobile Hospitals the shoprite, smart centre under dipark partel etc are among the worst deals Zambia has ever cracked in history,,
#74 what are u saying and why is the Govt trying to
Chicken out of a good project, u must know that
You can never go wrong with a road,every project
Has its obstacle ,and don’t forget money has already
Been spent chickening out is huge loss for now and the
Future ,
gagande you are a disgrantled nincomp**p!
u hav no idea watsoever wat i may be doin in china neither do u kno how i may have suffered to get hear…but sinc u hav raised the topic, i wonder how u arrived in china!
Just complete that road. It has already been started for You. How long do you think your evalution will take? Another 4 years. You want to engage costly consultants to evaluate what has already began? Dont you know that in some countries there are ROAD BRIDGES longer than that nonsense political road?
A lot of misinformation even on this page. Arguing maintenance, though valid, as a reason for not proceeding with the project is a non-starter. Of course that is built will incur through life support costs and systems engineering has shown that a large portion of money spent on any system is spent during type of life for that system (save the acquisition costs). But that said, any good planning will put in long term measures to tackle any through life support including scheduled maintenance and spare parts. What you do you create a Program Office to oversee such issues. The road can generate it’s own maintenance costs by e.g. levying users. Talk of villagers and indunas refusing the road to pass through the fields is simply untrue. There is an existing road that gets used in dry season.
Yes Bo Mebelo you are talking about the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Look people let’s get real here. This road isn’t impossible to build. The CCC were a joke and the politicians just lack the political will to do it.
I’m an engineer (albeit not a civil engineer / surveyor) and I can easily put my hand up today that give the project to me to supervise; give me a reasonable schedule and budget and I will bring in systems engineering processes and you will have a Mongu-Kalabo road that is fit for purpose (hopefully on schedule and within budget). My resume? I have worked on 2 billion; 8 billion dollar bucks major programs to build bigger capable systems among many others so I know what I’m talking about. If they ever need someone, please temm them I’m here.
Dear Gokigo#52. What does the colour of one’d skin have to do with one’s brain capacity to think? There is no scientific correlation between the two. You clearly have a very low self esteem, but do not lump it on every black person.
I would definety like to put myself on the list of bidders to construct the road in question dispute it being where it is going to pass. What matters is knowing what is to be done. Roads have been built on water what makes it impossible on the flood plain if u an engineer like me, that’s something easy.its a pity I just seen the advert I wish I would be given the chance to do the job . My aim is not about money but for the love of my country and for the good of the local people. I wish the president of the rep of Zambia could have a chance to see this comment and give me the chance to do the road.thats when u will believe that there are Zambians who are able to do the job. Trust me.suwila Sinkolongo