President Michael says he has no apologies to make to Dr Nicolae Buzaianu over the gold scam.
The President says he found Dr Buzaianu’s demands unfortunate.
This is contained in a Press statement released by George Chellah, Special Assistant to the President on Press and Public relations
“Dr Buzaianu’s demand for an apology and compensation is completely groundless and is utterly unacceptable for Zambia,” says the President.
President Sata says Dr Buzaianu was at liberty to exhaust all legal avenues available to him.
“Infact, we need Dr Buzaianu to come to Zambia and help with investigations. More details that require his clarifcation are coming out hence the need to have him in person,”says the President.
On October 15, 2011, the President revoked the appointment of Dr Buzaianu as Zambia’s Permanent Representative to UNESCO in Paris, France.
This was after the President disclosed to the nation that Dr Buzaianu, an individual who is on the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) watch-list in connection with the gold scam, flew into the country from Geneva, Switzerland aboard a private jet.
Whilst in the country, Dr Buzaianu met former president Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, his son Mr James Banda and former State House press aide Mr Dickson Jere.
Earlier this week Mr.Buzaianu,as distanced himself from what is slowly turning into an increasingly embarrassing ‘Gold-gate’ scandal.
The Swiss national has hired Lusaka lawyer Sakwiba Sikota to defend him in the scandal that has already sucked in former President Rupiah Banda, his son James and a former press assistant at State House, Dickson Jere.
Bozaianu, 42, a self-proclaimed philanthropist, confirmed in correspondence obtained by the Zambia Daily Mail from his lawyer that the gold was bought not by himself, but by some two South African companies he named as Societies Financiere du Seujet SA and Valsior SA.
Mr Bozaianu wants Mr Sikota of Central Chambers to compel, legally, the Zambian government to pay him US$1 million for “injuring” his reputation.
This is a circus. Both presidents are kidding themsleves. WHy is this public knowledge? Sit in a room make phone calls and call it water under the bridge.
It is a joke really. Grow up peoplem, who advises the president? I am getting ver offended by all this
I bet Fred is the one calling the shots – Fred Mmembe. This sounds so like him.
Try to think before you blog. It wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.
The phrase “I’m sorry, I was wrong” is the hardest for most people but at times , one needs to swallow their pride I cant envisage Cameron and the french president being embroiled in all this. I think both of them are being adversely affected by this.
I am sorry blongers I have upset anyone , Please forgive me!
That was hard wasnt it? pathetic….
Ubututu nabo bulakalipa mweh…!!! listen to this ati “I am sorry blongers I have upset anyone” am even failing to follow the sentence awah sure u really come from Engy coz ichisungu champita mweh…..
Ba mushota Ichindikeni lekeni ukusabaila -Pabwato!
I bet Fred Mmembe is calling these shots. This sounds so like him.
I am really getting worried at the rate Sata is going. I am PF but at the rate we ae going, Zambia will be a laughing stock. I think we have a f00l of a person in state house. I end here.
You are not even PF with your little understanding of issues Mudala, take heart and know more before your toughe is cut off .Live us alone with our M-Sata.Pabwato!
Thats great HE MCS, why should the country bow to a crook ? The guy is 100% involved in the gold scandle and wants to play it clean. Please let him come to Zambia so we can question him about the gold.
mr presido, you should move in very fast and nab the rupiah family before they get you. these people do not believe in the rule of law. you saw what happened to the late mwanawasa and his crusade against corruption. he was surrounded by people like george kunda who, on face value, proclaimed that he was with mwanawasa in his quest to rid our country of corruption when infact not. the guy even…… well, the rest, like they say, is history. all am saying mr presido is, get them before they get you. do not undermine their influence here in zambia and beyond.
By the way, what will happen to the innocent former Lusaka Police Chief, Mr Zulu,.who was unceremoniously fired by the President for “sleeping on the job” over the alleged stolen gold which was never stolen? Is he going to be reinstated? I feel pity for him because he has suffered for nothing.
y ask such question?r u in zed or in hole?they r stil investigating!so chil dwn
Mushota, Bozaianu is not a president of any country. Or did you mean Sata and R. Banda who sithe former president?
Ooops i was mistaken, Poor me
Why is Sata refusing to make an apology to Dr Buzaianu yet he wants Bingu to apologize to him. Shame on this nkhalamba mwe.
the shame is on you that you fail to analyse issues intellectually. How can u even begin to compare wat happened to H.E. Sata to this!!! u must be joking! a person is accused of stealing gold & needs to stand trial but runs away…wat does that say to you…INNOCENT of GUILTY?? H.E. Sata was deported for NO REASON! wat kind of a fool are u that u cant see logic or sense in wat the president is saying or doing!!!
What makes you think he’s innocent. Don’t be that naive.
shira buzaianu is a thief what he need is prision not apologies
Why do people apologise? Man study the two cases and then make your conclusion. Don’t just jump to conclusions before you have facts. Buizaianu’s case is just unfolding and hear what is being said. Your hatred for Sata will take you no where.
Lol the guy is obviously a crook, why should Sata apologise kanshi
The question I have is how does this guy know that it is the two two South African companies (he named as Societies Financiere du Seujet SA and Valsior SA) that bought the Gold? He is a foreigner and our president doesn’t even know the information he knows. Jeez I smell some rotten fish here. For him to know who stole the gold (the fact it was bought in secrecy is similar to stealing) indicates to me he is very involved either directly or indirectly. He is demanding $1m compensation but how much will the two S/A companies he is implicating going to demand from him. Man this is a circus and pity our Prez is involved. May be he should have let his ministers or cops deal with it publicly – it’s kinda embarrasing now.
Only an ” intellectual blogger” would ask these sensible questions. I absolutely doubt that our presido is that damn. This guy is definitely guilty otherwise he would not be on the DEC watch list.
Fyanshi mwatampile ba president? He has money, if you are wrong, he will be on you until you done. May an apology will be better for now, especially if there is no evidence. Sakwiba is the lawyer, more money in his pockets.
sata and his cheap pride, what are you demanding from malawi?
Mushota, epo waba??????????? Are u still doing yo old white chicken dude?????????????
Kale we
The Office of The President is the highest office in the land as so the president should distance himself from such issues especially naming useless individuals by name; even the Police know that, and will only name drop when they have incrimination evidence. Leave this issue with the relevant authorities and ministries…I wonder why James Banda hasn’t been brought in for questioning has he got immunity as well, ask him how he has amassed such wealth in a space of 3 years!!
Is this the developement PF promised in 90 days? All we see is Sata acting like the director of Intelligence services.Can he please delegate and consentrate on runing the country.After all if Sata is wrong and this Swiss guy right it will be tax payers forking out that $1million.
This may not be national issue requiring presido involement..make No mistake, Sata and GRZ has every detail of the story, Sata is now the Chief Zed ‘CIA’…This Dr Buzai has admitted knowledge of gold transcation…but is pleading innocent of being part of the transcation team. He is also indirectly linking the RBs as possible collaborators for his alibi
#7 I think Zulu was NOT fired for stolen Gold…. but rather for neglecting to effect an arrest on the person whom he knew needed to be arrested for questioning over the Gold deal… The fact that the Gold was allegedly sold in July was already known and that he was linked, hence the need to have been arrested when he entered Zambia… which was not done
Ray Jay why should someone be arrested for something that was sold? Is that what happens in zed? What did this Bouzianu guy do? Was the sale by gun point? Plz let me understand.
I read one BLG saying corruption on How Police officers in the UN Mission areas over stay, Why cant be ONE Year for Each officer so that every police officer can benefit. Sata does not want corruption. Mr IG Do something Immediately all else u will leave that office soon as well.
Can someone explain why people are calling RB a thief? or is it the new Zambian fashion as soon as you cease to be head of state you are called a thief and investigated.It happened to KK, Chiluba(would have happened to Levy) RB next on chopping block.Our history suggests these are costly ventures that never amount to anything.We even had Regina Mwanza(wife of Late president) arrested over a TV set…..Zambia is really a circus sometimes
This nkani is now really becoming boring and seriously blanketing what people wanted from the new GRZ. Please do away with this ASAP and lets move on to economically developing our country. Its beginning to take up shape of the “Chiluba case” circus.
ray jay, good comment my bro. i do not know what the presido has done wrong here. maybe am missing something. the question is, is the gold there or is missing? if this buch.. whatever his name is, is not involved, how come he knows of the transactions that went on involving the same gold he is not aware of. certainly something is amiss here.
The gold was sold plulizi!
No one is in jail so far. So please stop this circus. Bring the evidence and arrest those involved or shup up-period. That is for PFools.you are in government NOW.
It seems to me that Sata is bent on tarnishing the image of his predecessor in every way and psyche up the Zambian people to rise against their former President so that he can remove his Presidential immunity and PERsecute him. He is the head of State and their should be nothing that he cannot find out. There was a hand over, so why not call Banda and ask him about it? If Banda says that he doesn’t know (as he was not as hands-on as Sata is) then there are records at the Attorney General and BOZ. What is the problem. BUT what I do not understand is why a Swiss national was representing Zambia at UNESCO?
Ahhh he is a DEC fugitive, since Mr. Sata said so? Before then, he was not and Mlhakeni Zulu was supposed to dream up the status of this ‘fugitive’ and arrest him. It is a case of ‘if I say so, then it is’ – wow the great man has spoken!
why is the president allowing himself to be dragged in name calling with individuals than just using relevant authorities. If the man has cases to answer with DEC, does Buzianu posses any legal immunity not to be taken to court or it was just rumor mongering by our big man
@Number 21
Have you just come out of a coma or just crawled up from under a fossil rock?? You my dear friend is the main attraction of that circus.
Zambians have now got Kachepa in State house :)
1. Gold was confiscated from Zimbabweans who arrived with it in Zambia by DEC
2. DEC decided to sell the gold
3. Advert was put up for interested buyers in all Zambia’s missions abroad
4. The gold was sold and ministry of finance received the money
5. DEC got back some of the money from the gold sells for them to use for operational expenses
Come Chief Kachepa……. A fugitive has stolen gold.
Why not go to the ministry of finance which received the money and ask who bought the gold.
This man is slowly becoming a laughing stock.
The first company had an Italian Swiss pilot as its owner and the pilot was named in a scandal the Swiss call Angolagate in 2008. The pilot is also his personal pilot. He was sponsoring the guy’s bid to break some world record. Safe to say NBB is being economical with the truth about his knowledge of that company. Angolagate details available if anyone wants the link…sad sad sad
thanks for the info. i will definitely look it up.
development in 90 days = gold scam which never happened
@Mushota you are now using idioms . . . .stealing ways of writing…
Yes I try to express in a way where the less priviliedged can hear me. Thanks
If someone bought the gold? What is the scam about?
You are back!!haha…why didn’t they advertise then if it wasn’t sinister??
some pipo blogging are really dull ! Ask yourselves – how daz Boziauno or what ever his name is know people who bought the gold ? . How did t the president know he was on a watch list ? He has been challengend to go to court , let him come back to Zambia if he is innocent . This press release is well thought of – Think Bane
It was advertised locally and through missions abroad. The gold was public knowledge.
Kambocho; the man had just a wrong name period, no much of the worry though he got that job based on that very name. no need to cry for him.
O.K. Mr. Flip-flop. To me you will certainly apologize after am through with your Zamtel commission. I will ever be a step ahead of you constable.
Very good no apology to make but end of the day the taxpayers will meet the costs involved. Were facts counter checked before the President made the comments. Where are the advisors or its too early to handle him and positioning best Ways of handling him. Your guess is as good as mine.
For those who are getting a description of this guy from Wikipedia I hope they are noting he is listed as the user and his last edit of the site on 24 October 2011 at 13:20. Dig deeper :)
LPM also implicated Katebe Katoto and other conmen in the FTJ saga. What’s so special about this Gold thief?
Imwe mwilamutina uyu Buezani. tulemufwaya ese pano pa ZED. Kuli nafimbi ifyo tulemufwaila apart from gold. elalanda fye uko ku Swiss. ima endesha ukwisa.
Why blow the trampet if you want to deal with the perceived theft?Don`t we have structures in the government to deal with criminal matters for the president to get involved?Yes he is incharge and presiding over national affairs, but to what level of significance.Perhaps the president could delegate some of these issues and proceed with dealing with those issues that would call national approval, through parliament if those that may have cases to answer enjoy imunite.Proceed quitely and bring out findings and recommendations of investigating teams.WHAT IF THE COURT RULED THAT DR.NICOLAE HAS NO CASE TO ANSWER?
Mr Sata has met his match and his careless talks are affecting me as a Zambian. I do not need to be compelled to say some sorry on account that am a zambian and because my president does not project himself as representing a nation with high code of morality, highlevelheadedness with issues, intelligent and lucid. Sata should say sorry on his own behalf and not Zambians. When he was deported from Malawi it was Sata and not Zambians. Swalow pride and say sorry and Dr Bezuaianu will help you trace those involved in Gold gate scandle. He has already mentioned companies involved for you to contact them. Ask him in humbleness to come to Zambia and will come. Mwe tata mwaliikapo pensaka? You are now President be fit for the purpose. Epo mpelele.
Ba Sata pls slow down, patu mwalayabwila mulilo pamakasa. In this time and age people do not want to loss national money unlike when Chiluba was president people did not pay much attention to national issues. I hope you do not cost this nation any coin or meanignful investor confidence in the process. I am waiting to debate on real issues which will help up light the standards of leaving for the common man. By the way have yo paid all the farmers in the country…. anyone knows
@32 ba Mbuzi, the question is not why Boziauno knows about the transaction. A number of people know about that transaction. The question is why did our President publicly falsely accuse him of a criminal act? The burden of proof is on the accuser. Here we are now, several days after the accusation, the accuser has not shown any proof of what he is talking about. Now he says some details need him to come and provide clarifications. Me I wouldn’t cooperate with someone trying hard to tarnish my good image.
This is schoolboy way of thinking!!
This is getting to be a very embarrassing circus. Sata should really learn to seek advise before he opens hos rotten mouth because at the rate he is going, we will be at war with another country even before we realise what is happening, all because of this big mouthed Nwacusa.
Buziana is guilty, first he sneaks in the country without meeting the president as Zambia’s rep at UNESCO. Instead he meets clandestinely with the ex-president and his children. If the sale of gold was above board and publicly auctioned would we be hearing about the buyers only now? This case stinks a mile away. I hope and trust investigations are conducted in a thorough and professional manner so we have solid evidence to send these punks to jail!
Daily press statements yaba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In 2003, the Angolan government went further and appointed Falcone as Angola’s Ambassador to the Paris-based United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in what most observers saw as an attempt to give him diplomatic immunity.42 The government’s decision was a worldwide scandal. For example, in November 2003, Catherine Deneuve, the famed French actress, resigned as a UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador in protest of the decision.43Despite the Angolan government appointment, Falcone was charged in 2004 in France and was convicted in 2007 and 2009 on charges related to the Angolan scandal and is now serving a six-year prison sentence in France.44
Source Human Rights Watch
What is with this practice of placing foreign reps. Are we unable to do these jobs?
Mushota, u are a Braggart, a cheap braggadocio
Even a fool, when he keeps quiet, is taken for a wise man.
There’s no need for Sata to involve himself in this issue so publicly. There’s wisdom in keeping quiet. He can pull strings from behind the scenes, making sure that relevant authorities and agencies are working on the case.
#44 Flippy Floppy,
I share your views, this Buzaianu cannot be trusted. His activities while in Zambia are suspect and he is giving contradictory statements, in one breath he says he knows nothing about the gold and later he says he knows the people who bought it. The same with RB. Buzaianu must come to Zambia and face the authorities here to clear his name, anything short of this is not good enough. Come to Zambia if you are innocent.
Same story. Sata has no diplomacy and he is not fit to president. As a leader you do not just open your mouth to be heard. Investigate quietly and give us results when you are done. Otherwise I have personally ticked Sata off my list. I have started looking for who can wonderfully lead Zambia.
Guys simple analysis here, Sata has not changed his intelligence the same intelligence RB had is what is feeding Sata with information. Do you think the whole of a president can make such pronouncements from without? The intelligence knew what RB was doing and fortunately RB left without planning for his departure coz the old man was sure he was winning. So just because an accused person denies a charges or allegations does make the accuser wrong. Sata is using RB’s intelligence on this matter and i dont think they are saying things from without. Even our brothers in the intelligence are affected by the corrupt RB regime, and they have made it their point to make things better by bring out the true RB. So lets support our president on this, its only for our own good, enough is enough!
I thought presido is supposed to be a policy pusher and not an operative. I need your guidance mwe bantu
The End of Sata will be disastrous indeed. So many fawls in a shortest period.
The Kolwestans shld realise their fate isnt blissful anymore.
We r a laughing stock in the western world to hv this sinile old man as head of state.
With his pace of blundering i see impeachment imminent.
only two things here; sata can be the best president ever zambia has had or he is going to worse than worse africa has had, advisors please help your person before we send him back to tanga.
The President is right and their is no need to waste time with planks like this Dr who are only respected in Africa. The mug should be loving this publicity.
I say to our President, investigate this thoroughly.
Buzaino is a crook. We know all about his dealing with RB. The money from gold was shared between RB and the dec boss. Ask the DEC officers they will tell you whole story.
@Mushota(MA,MSC,ACCA,CIMA)-philanthropist in salaula & developer of Zambia, great to have you back. Buzainu is not Presisdent.
Am really disappointed with the so called president of Zambia.I wish i had not voted for him, the man is deceiving just like a cobra, a snake.
Just stand on you word mr president.Zambia is a big country not for Mr Banda
I’m even tired of commenting on Sata’s many mistakes already.
Why sell? dont we need gold reserves at boz. As for zambia dont cry for something that was nevers yours. The white zimbabweans redeemed their loot thru this Boziana and zimbabwe is the greatest losser:”>
Sata learn to say sorry. you acted on rumors, what are you trying to prove? useless!
It looks like Sata has no scope of stuff he needs to do… He can not pick up a fight with a commoner…this should have been avoided if Sata delegeted the relevnat dept to handle operational matters… Sata may have the facts but he is the wrong guy to purse gold sale …
Whose $100M will pay Dr Buziano if the courts rule in Dr side? Our tax payers money? Not my taxes, Kolwestans taxes should pay because of their big mouths, reinstate Mulakeni Zulu he has no offence at all
#56..let them laugh..we also had a laugh during george bush jr maybe u missed out. Sata maybe mediocre class but the old man is a honest crook..it least we have something to hang on in govt…money and people’s lives in zed will be protected for the first in 20yrs..
who the hell dose Dr Buzaianu think he is..he come to our country get involved in some bad deal that take K32billion out of our struggling economy and now asking for MILLION DOLLARS and an apology..let this ***** come back to zambia and answer to this gold scandal.and pliz stop asking for these foolish demands..
Hey forget the apologies let’s now rush for our gold we have the clue where to find it now!!
How can a president call he does not even know a fugitive——-and later invites him to help with investigations? The problem with Sata is that he seems to have this propensity for saying things that he does not understand and seem to rely so much on his emotions than logic to make decisions. And having such a person as president??????
How can a president call a person he does not even know a fugitive——-and later invites him to help with investigations? The problem with Sata is that he seems to have this propensity for saying things that he does not understand and seem to rely so much on his emotions than logic to make decisions. And having such a person as president??????
The problem with the president believe in roumers and newspaper(post) not facts. He read papers than listening to accurate investigations interligency…He is driven by emotions.. Believe me he is a wrong person in state house.. yes he is funny and fun tro listen to.. but he is not presidential material.. You will be shocked when these things start back ffiring. The Bible says the person who speaks first seems to be right but wait when other begin to answer back
Why not a minister arguing with bauzaian and not the president.. he is down grading himself.. imagine Obama arguing with a business man Willie sanda..hahahaha
To be humble is not a sign of weakness. On the contrary it is a sign of wisdom and strength. Sata is not infallible! If and when he is wrong, he needs to apologise! Only GOD is infallible! Sata’s supporters should not pamper and mislead that he can do no wrong! It is such blind support that brought down KK!
How does the whole lot of a President engage an individual? This is very shameful to the country. If this person stands accused he is no different as any other person that stands accused in Zambia before proven guilty. The President’s behaviour of poking his nose in this will be the same as doing it on any other suspected criminal in Zambia. This is cheapening the Zambian Presidency.
The best he could do is let the relevant investigative wings do their work. The President should engage in greater things like policy other being individualistic on issues.
How does the whole lot of a President engage an individual? This is very shameful to the country. If this person stands accused he is no different as any other person that stands accused in Zambia before proven guilty. The President’s behaviour of poking his nose in this will be the same as doing it on any other suspected criminal in Zambia. This is cheapening the Zambian Presidency.
The best he could do is let the relevant investigative wings do their work. The President should engage in greater things like policy other than being individualistic on issues.
The impression i am getting is that the President is feared by people who surrounds him hence they cannot even advise him lest he bites by mistake.
He quickly needs to build an approachable personality that will allow others to advise him without fear.
James Banda, 51 has been arrested………….for a minor offense of assault. He is alleged to have assaulted Noel Nkoma former Finance Bank Director at a hotel.
Good evening
Zambia is a sovereign state. His Excellency the president of our Republic does not owe anyone an apology by virtue of the office he occupies, which is in service to the country. Asking a Statesman to apologise to an individual is like asking the entire state to apologise.
I am surprised that Mr. Bozaianu, who is a presidential appointee himself does not realise this and even has the audacity to demand compensation ammounting to US$1 million. This is unheard of anywhere in the world… except in Africa.
The question I have is how does this guy know that it is the two two South African companies (he named as Societies Financiere du Seujet SA and Valsior SA) that bought the Gold?
He is a foreigner and our president doesn’t even know the information he knows. Jeez I smell some rotten fish here. For him to know who stole the gold (
Let them feeel the Vernom. They are supporting a thief
@83 – ni company ya personal pilot… misleading when you see Society in the name…kinda makes it sound nice and snuggly :) busy pilot. Good luck with world record bid…better for your name than that little matter of millions of euros of Angolan state funds laundered via Swiss accounts. By the way who flew the private jet – surely not Italian who owns Societe fimo fimo. Forgive me. I am dreaming of breaking a world record of my own…not sure last govt knew who they were dealing with. Should have asked Angola:)
Zambians be rational over issues. Dr Buzaianu has bee n called a fugitive in unclear circumstances by a head of STATETATE Mr Sata. Law states that he is innocent and free to come to Zambia and meet who ever he wants. To call him fugitive is to suggest he has commited an ofence. Prove that or else you owe him an apology and explaination. Those who accuse him are without facts. Its more or less like persecuting a person when not heard. Mind you all reknown philanthropists are respected world over. I believe Dr Buzaianu is a respectable person who has to be given the benefit of doubt in our shameful gold sacandle. Sata has to calm down as the ball is in his court.
I hate to say this, but Looks like our Govt is creating an enabling environment for lawsuits and confrontations faster than it is for new jobs.
SATA ifyabupuba tafifwaya. he just came into GVMT and later that gold is stolen. why wasnt it stolen muli ruphia? Lets not fear ichimu guyz ichi pantufye nachilanda ukuchipela impiya ishingi. Afterwards, you will see that ichimuguyz will be guilty. ififine efyalenga ati tulechula. let him seal all the leaking holes.
@ Kambocho, how did this Dr know the buyers of the gold? His he the one who sold it on behalf of our country?
If at all this goes to court . Pa Zed – by the time they go to trial 2 yrs. By the time they give judgement if at all to this Swiss – 1yr. By the time the Government appeals 2 trys. By the time this case is dispoed off there will be a new govermnent and no one will care about this silly issue !!!
Sata stop witch hunting . You just said this to implicate rb otherwise theres no case. Go ahead and sue this drama of a president
On #29, Engineer. You are 100% correct. Sell of GOLD was advertised. SATA was not the right person to talk about GOLD but the DEC. After all, Gold came through Zimbabwe. We dont even know the originating country. Zimbabwe should also demand for a share then. SATA KUSATA FYE every day.
President Sata has a serious lack of human integrity but more loaded with genes of insanity. This is the man who thinks all other humans are wrong and only himself is ordained with wisdom. Therefore, the concept of apologising to other humans he offends is alien to his personality.