Monday, March 10, 2025

It is sad that President Sata has continued to disregard the Law- Mwiimbu


File:Members of Parliament listen to President Sata's speech

PARLIAMENT heard that a tribunal should have been established to recommend to the president on whether former Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) director-general Patrick Kayukwa should be dismissed or not.

Issuing his maiden speech and commenting on the president’s address to the House, Monze Member of Parliament (MP) Jack Mwiimbu (UPND) said it was saddening that President Michael Sata had continued to disregard the law on some key decisions he was making.

“Within one month, violations of the law have been done by the Patriotic Front. For instance, the removal of the ACC director-general which was incorrect, inconsistent and against the law. “A tribunal should have been set up to recommend to the president,” Mr Mwiimbu said.

He told the House that it was sad that the president had nominated 10 MPs to the House when such was not supposed to be the case, and that he also had earlier abolished the position of secretary to the Treasury without following the law. “It is your duty therefore as ministers to give correct advice to the President and I am appealing to you to be doing so,” Mr Mwiimbu said, in reference to ministers in the House.

Mr Mwiimbu also told the House that UPND would hold the PF Government accountable to the many promises the president made during election campaigns such as the restoration of the Barotseland Agreement, and delivering a sound Constitution within 90 days.

He denounced sentiments against the perceived alliance between UPND and the MMD, saying his party would also enter into such pacts with the ruling party on issues affecting the Zambian people.

“I want to state categorically that the PF is envious of the perceived alliance but I can assure them that we shall too have an alliance with them on the increase of Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to K5 billion; we shall have an alliance with them on the issue a good Constitution being given to our people and many other issues affecting our people,” Mr Mwiimbu said.

Solwezi East MP Richard Taima (MMD) also cautioned the president against making policy pronouncements that could be detrimental to the governance of the country, such as the release of prisoners that were jailed for poaching offences.

Mr Taima alleged that because of the pronouncement that people should not be jailed at the expense of killing animals, some residents in Mpika were now harassing Zambia Wildlife Authority officers.

He also called for the increment of CDF to K5 billion, saying the MMD government had led the way by raising the fund from the initial K30 million to the current K720 million
[Times of Zambia]


  1. It’s a shame that those who are supposed to be advising him are not courageous or is it that they were busy celebrating victory and forgot to read the laws. Wake up guys……cheers to the opposition but again you don’t have to rub salt in the wounds.  Those things have alread been high-lighted kudala

  2. Sad that UPND and MMD always want to find something wrong with the President and PF, Honestly why keep corrupt Director Generals? Always contradicting yourselves. Holding PF accountable, at the same time you want PF to move at slow snail pace. The president wants to achieve his promises and can only do it by taking strategic actions.
    As Zambians we want functional opposition not criticizers. Give the President and PF a chance. MMD you had your 20 years and achieved corruption. Keep Quiet and get serious.

  3. For corruption to be fought, i do not think the pipo who drafted that piece of law that the president shud seek parly approval to act on some important decisions were truly zambians ready to serve others.In some strategic departments,ministries or parastetal bodies including the private sector, i think the president shud have powers to act in interest of the nation and the zambian people at large.Corrupt individuals shud be fired out of offices immediately to protect the merger resources.

  4. @Sheikh, it’s called checks and balance. Believe me, the PF government is like a kite, without somebody keepng a string on them, they’ll fly us 2 uknwn bt disastrous destination.

  5. UPND behave yourselves. believe you me when parliament is dissolved SATA will have then a majority membership in parliament. Dont forget its state machinery at work. BOMA NI BOMA. bachimbwi behave. VIVA SATA.

  6. Thank you Taima for the comments. The president was way out of line. I was very ashamed to be Zambia as I read those comments. I was let down by my people because they voted into power someone who doesnt look beyond his nose. the prisoners blunder was the worst so far in my book. you cant just tell poachers that it is open season and they can do whatever they effing want. shame on MCS, as president he should no better than to participate in politics of ‘anikonde anikonde”. he should think carefull before he talks, his advisors are just mambalas eating free money  looking at the words coming from the presidents mouth. guy scott should continue being the face of zambia in the world arena. maybe he wont embarrass us like shikulu.. 

  7. I may be and i emphasise may be UPND but Sata is right whether the law says that or that. Just fire those useless chaps busy stealing instead of waiting for that slow process. Everyone is able to see and we all know these chaps. There are obvious cases especially at ACC, if not fired for corruption, then he was fired for not doing his work. Why should we wait. Look at the action taken by our now IG. We all saw in the copperbelt how hardworking he is. We need such people who work with passion.

  8. First of all I would like to advise Honourable Mwiimbu that His Excellency Michale Chilufya Sata President of the Repubic of Zambia did not violate the law, the reason is simple the, 2 of the 10 nominated MP’s you are talking about were not sworn in.If at all he violated the law where are the other 2 nominated MP’s?The other thing is that the MMD grz was full of corrupt individual who served themselves instead of the Zambian people, It therefore surprises me to see UPND who have been criticising MMD to enter into private pact and agree on blocking developmental bills such as the PAC.

  9. conclusion; pf is the most corrupt ever. how does the minister of justice shamelessly receive a salary when he has not been advising our president correctly?

  10. The release of the poachers from prison is a disgrace. MCS has opened a Pandora’s box here. It is now open season and we will see lawlessness skyrocket. He talks about fighting corruption and yet takes arbitrary if not emotional actions that are not only difficult to fathom, but also sending the wrong message to criminals. Five years of more pain for the unemployed.

  11. I support you Mr President on most things(especially the stand on corruption) but that decision regarding wildlife offenders was a booboo indeed.

  12. ba presido baitaya on the comments he made when releasing ma poachers and their allied forces.most of those pipo nima grade2 who viewed their release as vindication that wat they were convicted 4 was not a crime.

  13. The problem with PF supporters is that they have no logic what so ever immediateltely one talks about Sata’s goofs. All what people are saying is that let president Sata do things by the law not just as he likes. Once he is out of power, the next government can prosecute him for disregarding and actually braking the law and the PF cadres will say they are persecuting Sata. Once he starts disregarding the law on things that have no evil intent per say, it will be easy to in future actually break the law for evil reasons and cause anarchy. Let the president stick to the law.

  14. PF is now governing which simply means they are on the receiving end. Yes, errors were made in the case of firing some people who need be protected by law not to be fired any how. The issue is these people should have been fired but procedures should be followed, failure to doing so like was the case, it means these officers in future (which is during PF govt) these offices will not be independant as was established to be by the law. these should not be hired or fired by head of state to ensure security of their jobs as at times it means investigating the executive of the govt. What Sata is doing is reducing the levels of good governance which is not right, he should be helped to respect rules of good governance. I hope people understand this.

  15. its the the thieves and their children crying about the cleaning, any moral zambian is happy the sweeping our country is going through. go Mr preident we are behind you

  16. #10, just shut that your dirty mouth.problem upnd with their small party president have not stomached reality;mcs is zed presido.

  17. the release of poachers was a good move but they should undergo wildlife consavertion education programs and do free community work,their release has decogested our prison greatly and most of their offences are minor.otherwise brave move. mr MCS

  18. It will not work to just criticise without cause. If Sata violated the law by firing Kayukwa, why did these same UPNDs kept quiet when RB fired Rose Wandi without involving Parliament? You double tongued UPND, please stop this nosense it is taking you no where.

  19. double tongued upnd indeed. even corrupt mmd is now an angel to them. this is what lust for leadership can do to small minds.

  20. I keep hearing this B ull s H it about parliament this paliament that. I know for example that RB appointed and fired a number of officers without approval from the useless MPs. Chiwamila Galu is what is working here. To show these fools that the PF means business, Let us go to the polls. We need a new team of MPs, not those *****s who are selfish. They vote for their own salaries without debate. What a shame. let parliament be disolved. :(

  21. Am surprised that even the law makers themselves dont read the AC ACT…please Mr. Jack Mwiimbu read section 10 of the new AC ACT no 38 of 2010.its ver need of a tribunal unless the President thinks the DG should be Investigated thats when under section 11 a tribunal can be formed.

  22. Its good we have a well balanced Parliament. Now we have checks and balances. No more rubber stamping. Bravo MMD and UPND and Independents.

  23. It is better to release poachers than murderers and hardened criminals. Under MMD, murderers were released and serious crimes increased suddenly and most of them are back behind bars waiting for trials. Two years ago, RB pardoned hardened criminals from Kamfisa, Kitwe residents were terrorized by gangs of these former convicts and there was loss of life from these attacks.  

  24. There is a tendance among my country men of always trying to blame someone else for our misfortune. We are poor because of corruption! Really?. And when Sata fires all these corrupt people,us all poor people we will be rich. This kind of thinking just encourages the dependance syndrome. Tell all the people who are in town doing nothing, other voting for PF to go back to the land Mr President to produce food & be self sustaining. That’s how they will get the money in their pockets. Please don’t bring the Mealie Meal coupons back!

  25. why is most the attack on the President coming from UPND ? you don`t seem to believe he is now the President. Everything he says doesn`t seem to you guys !!! wow, get a life and live in reality !!!

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