Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Kalulushi Police rile mayor over handling of bestiality case


KALULUSHI Mayor Howard Simpemba has expressed disappointment at the alleged failure by the police to effectively handle the case involving a 67-year-old white man accused of drugging and pushing young girls into bestiality.

But acting Copperbelt police Chief Milner Muyambango has said the police had little evidence to give them sufficient grounds to build their case again Evert Wolf.

Mr Simpemba said at a press briefing in his office in Kalulushi that he was disappointed with the manner the police had conducted themselves over the matter.

“Personally I am not happy with the police because even in the case where there is no evidence they should show interest which they are not doing,” Mr Simpemba said.

The mayor said there was overwhelming evidence against the man, which his office had come up with.

Mr Simpemba said so far his office, together with other stakeholders, had spoken with three girls who alleged to be victims of bestiality and that they had all admitted to having fallen prey to Mr Wolf.

He said his office and other stakeholders in the community had resolved to take the matter to its conclusive and logical end.

“The police even know where this white man is including the girl who was luring her colleagues into this vice,” he said.

But Mr Muyambango said the community had not been helpful enough in the case because nobody had come forward with tangible evidence to help police build a strong case.

He said all the police had, were mere allegations which could not be used as evidence in court.

“Even the girl who was mentioned as key witness in this case has totally refused, so you can see how complex this issue is,” he said.

Mr Muyambango, however, said police were still investigating the matter and appealed for calm among members of the public.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. An allegation has been made. What you do is you arrest the man, bail him and then go confiscate his computers give them to a computer specialist to search the hard drive for pictures. Check out his bank accounts and credit cards if he is selling this rubbish and get Interpol to help. This is a vice that is spreading throughout the world with paedophilia as well.
    Zambia police should take this very seriously, otherwise the man is having a good laugh.

    • Who as the allegation been made by? As the statement by the police above says the girls who where the alleged victims and key witness has refused to come up and lay charges. So the police have no basis to search this man’s premises or seize his computer and files. We all would want him to face the full force of the law but then the law must be seen to be followed also in prosecting him else the case will degenerate and he will walk

    • @1 good comments unfortunately our olive are so dull tat they would not initiate such invstigations. they dont know how to switch on a computer. we needto change the whole police force

  2. Corrupt police officers. You think this is MMD era? This wolf *****(ugly name) should have bribed the entire main police station in Kalulushi and so they are misleading Muyambango. Why cant the police work with the mayor and the community? instead of following the community for evidence they want the community to follow them? we welcome your plans Mr mayor please go ahead. and my advise to Mr muyambango is careful you will loose your Job. You should have brought police officers from Lsk or southern province to investigate. You cant use police officers in the same district, they have been corrupted. People in such businesses have alot of money and know how to play it clean.

  3. The girls’ reputation wil be damaged for life thus their unwillinglyness to testify in the courts.  Unless the court guarantees “camera” proceedings and the girls identities be changed afterwards I don’t think they will testify. In addition to changing identities i.e. names their families have to relocate but of course with unemployment issues etc who wants to take the chance.

  4. Suppose it was a common man in Mtendere or Chawama who has been accused of being a thief? the police would have immediately moved in to arrest him and search the house even without any evidence. Because it is a white man involved, they are even fearing to get to his house. Why look for evidence from the community when evidence could be in his house? 

  5. The President must have instructed the police not to arrest the white man. A law is soon coming to legalise bestiality, homosexuality, sodomy, u name it. It makes no sense to arrest him when a law will be enacted within 90 days.

  6. Number 1 has said it all. There was the chance of computer evidence as well as DNA testing. This is why when the cases involve a victim who has died, there is no way of cathing up with the criminals in Zambia.

    It is insane to speak of lack of evidence before you arrest the accused and investigated them.

    The Police command at Kalulushi should now be fired, and introduce new educated blood there. Atase!

  7. I think the way forward is to book the muzungu and the girls involved in “pet lust” xxx. But i am wondering why the police cannot do that. My suspicion is that maybe ba kapokola have always helped themselves to some of these girls and do not want to take any action.

  8. There is an allegation,go and arrest the culprit first then the DDP will decide whether to take the issue to court or not.Why are these cops waiting for evidence as if they are the courts.Copperbelt cops awe sure.

  9. Some police guys need to be investigated.
    Why behave this way?This matter can also get into forensics and the like .

  10. Those suspected girls will never have a decent life, you hear someone committing suicide. Society has dented them as dirty-girls, they will never get married even if their parents send them away from Kalulushi.
    You can’t blame police, blame to community and its MAYOR. Such cases are handled with secrecy to protect and rehabilitate victims, in this case victims are parents. the girls, Mr. Wolf and dogs

  11. We have to think outside the box. This is the second time this guy is being accused of doing this. Is he that stupid as to repeat the same mistake? I dont think so. I’m from Kalulushi and know that some lady wants him punished for not getting what she thought was due to her. Thus no witnesses have come forth. The police are being proffessional. The Mayor needs education on the law. You can’t punish people based on rumors only.

    • Zamule that was my first thought as well how can someone do such a thing in zambia and am guessing he must have some knowledge about the zambian law

  12. This is why our people opt to mob justice. By the time the law is ready and set to take it’s course, the damage has already been done. I shudder to even think of what other nations would do to Zambians who contravene against their laws by inflicting untold misery upon the citizens of their countries. It seems to be poor is the greatest crime on earth.

  13. This sad. The story of the white man, one day this year Police planned a search, and he was tipped. So what he did was to put pictures in an envelop and gave to one worker to say she should take home and not open…Police went there, and found nothing. after six month this man did not take the envelop from the worker so she opted to open only to find that that Girls were having sex with dog obviously after being dragged. So there is possibility he has police people in the inner circle who give him up to dates information.The comments by # 1 are valid. It is not impossible to get eveidence. Secondly, all police officers at that post must be re-located to another area and bring a new team to cleanse the area. How could it be a mere allegation yet we in South Africa also heard about it????

  14. @1 good comments unfortunately our Police are so dull that they would not initiate such investigations. They don’t know how to switch on a computer. We need to change the whole police force

  15. In my experience, Zambians are prone to lies, inuendos and exaggerations. It is difficult to know who is telling the truth. If there is an envelope full of pictures, why have the police not seen this evidence?

  16. As the police chief has indicated, this case is complex – as regards gathering the evidence,why?
    1] If as reported, the girls were drugged, THEIR EVIDENCE WILL BE UNRELIABLE, AS THEY WERE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF DRUGS, so it will be thrown out!!
    2] If indeed photos existed, however, this man seems to have retrieved them – a helpful piece of info if police could lay their hands on. Though we would have to assume the photos haven’t been adulterated in any way, i.e. faces not obscured.
    3] It seems the man has a police informer, who has tipped him & keeps updating him. To find who this is, won’t be easy.
    4] As for the girls, coming forward, IS MOST LIKELY NOT AN IMMEDIATE OPTION.
    What mayor should have done, instead of rushing to press, was to & understand problems & work with police

  17. On the other hand, Police could still have acted on mere suspicion as long as the accusation sounded serious enough requiring investigation. A search warrant could have been obtained without necessarily arresting the guy – but it appears, he has an informer, thus he is always a step ahead of the police. THIS GUY JUST HAS TO BE WATCHED 24/7 x365!!!!

  18. #18, Mr Mukame
    Do you think a sex predator will leave hard evidence for you to find easily?
    The only way is to check his background and find out if he has ever being accused of sexual offences in other countries. An accusation is enough for a serious investigation if it involves rape of young girls or pedophilia.  Let us learn to listen to kids if they tell us somebody has  touched them wrongly or done something to them. Almost every week, we read in the papers of people sexual abusing their daughters,nieces and other innocent children. it is sicken, the attitude of the police must change to stop these monsters. 

  19. Its time our police sectors upgraded their investigative methods. The world today has gone far in terms of employing scientific methods of investigations. This simply shows that our officers are still entertaining corruption. Why keep a blind eye when your sisters and children are complaining. What is this foolish white man doing in Zambia?  

    • Ukulanda kwalyanguka bt you chek yourse
      F now and compare to some of the galant officers and give yourselves marks,common gentlemen get busy and be positive with your contributions,dont be behind time chase it and move with it,tek it or leave it.

  20. this story is ridiculous,somebody has to go and ask chilekwa why she is doing this she wants his house and will stop at nothing chilekwa alias erica is a relentles witch who made up a story and everybody chooses to believe her so people its easier to judge than investigate.

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