Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Siliya mute as she appears before commission of inquiry


Former Communications and Transport minister Dora Siliya and her lawyer Sakwiba Sikota make submissions to the commission of inquiry on the sale of Zamtel in Lusaka

EMBATLED former Minister of Transport and Communications Dora Siliya yesterday appeared before the Commission of Inquiry into the sale of Zamtel and Finance Bank but opted not to say anything on all allegations levelled against her during the submissions.

Ms Siliya, 41, of 411 Independence Avenue and clad in a red suit arrived at Mulungushi International Conference Centre in the company of her lawyer Sakwiba Sikota and informed the tribunal led by Commission chairperson, Sebastian Zulu that there were no irregularity in the sale of Zamtel.

Ms Siliya who spoke through her lawyer said she would not commit herself to any statement because the said allegations especially by Transparency International Zambia (TIZ) would be subjudice.

“ Everything she has to say is already on record so there is nothing more to add except to refer this commission to all the court proceedings.

“Since these allegations by TIZ persist notwithstanding the fact that courts of competent jurisdiction have adjudicated over the same, our client will not commit herself to any statement as these matters are subjudice,” said Mr Sikota.

He said Ms Siliya appeared before the tribunal where the same allegations by TIZ were tested after considering together with the evidence and made its findings which were contained in a detailed report submitted to the former Republican Rupiah Banda on April 16 in 2009.

Mr Sikota said her client had elected to refer the commission to visit the records of all the aforesaid matters which were public documents and were available at the courts, Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) and the Ministry of Justice.

He said after Ms Siliya was cleared by the High Court, TIZ appealed to the Supreme Court addressing the same allegations and in turn the Supreme Court also cleared his client and wondered why TIZ decided to raise the same allegations.

A Mr Francis Chilumba who referred to himself a ‘Patriotic Zambian’ claimed Ms Siliya had been mislead by her lawyer not to personally defend herself because she was the one who signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with RP Capital to evaluate the sale of Zamtel.

Mr Chilumba claimed that Ms Siliya allowed the under evaluation of Zamtel which was supposed to be sold at over US$1 billion and not the actual price which was US$257 and urged the commission to ensure that they see RP Capital evaluation report before coming up with a final report.

And the commission earlier advised Ms Siliya not to feel intimidated to represent herself because the commission was set to get more information on the sale of Zamtel and not for people to feel as if they were being tried in the court of law but to allow them to defend themselves once mentioned.


  1. Wow,thank LT for giving us her address,i want to have a private meeting with her. :)
    Now i wonder why she opted to be mute,maybe it’s time the matter went to court so she can exculpate herself properly.

  2. #2 This matter has already been to court and this witch hunting is just embarrassing the current government, you have these tin pot NGOs like TIZ who think they are a constitutional court on their own and they can overturn what they country highest court , the SUPREME court. 

    This is a bad precedent being set. The case was before the High Court Court and TIZ lost there, then they appealed as allowed by our constitution to the Supreme Court and lost there too.

    Now since when did the Zambia constitution say that if you lose at the supreme court you can appeal at a PF tribunal. This is total nonsense and flirting with the country’s constitution.

    This case is closed and move on.

    Great check mate,  madam.

    • This is not a court case, we want to know why and how Zamtel was undervalued. Every Zambian has a right to know. With you everything has to be political.

    • MMD Chief CB, I am not a lawyer, but it seems to me Zambians are very far from learning what the law is about. As long as she acted within the law Dora, thief or not, will get get away scott free. I do not subscribe to any political party, but stand to reason, and I can promise you that soon we will move on to another case this time involvinng a ruling party politician. I do not like how the MMD Govt sold Zamtel, but we should not also assume it was a bad deal. Zamtel was an incompetent organisation so attribution to fault rests not only with Dora, but Zamtel as well.

      For me trhe issue for the Commission has to be lessons learned so that the same error is not repeated if that is what it was.

  3. A president that comments on almost anything. Making baseles pronouncements. Everything must be about more money in people’s pockets. What more money when we see nothing being done?

  4. Why is Dora remaining mute over Zamtel issue? why cant she open her big gob now ?it was nice for her to steal money when she was in office.This woman should be investigated properly because she has aqquired a lot of wealth and she has a mansion in South Africa as well as some properties in Malasia.let her big soft bum turn hard in prison.By the way she is not 42 years of age as the LT quoted and she is around 55 plus minus..

  5. If I were Dora, I would now sue TIZ now. When the highest court of the land has passed a ruling, and a person goes on to claim that the ruling was wrong, this is a clear case of contempt of the court. Sikota SC should nail TIZ.


    She has already open her mouth , go to high court or supreme court and what she said is public knowledge and so is the judgments. If you can’t read that is not our fault. Blame your Kulima Tower education. 

    What don’t you get about those facts.

    Why should she be saying the same things when you can go and access these documents publicly available together with their judgment. 

    Oh and now you pick on her age, dear me, how duh can you get surely…where where you when she was at UNZA and a news anchor at ZNBC?

    Just find time to attend some night school, you need the education my dear. This is an information age, you will be drowned by your mediocrity

    • You?? we will make sure you are tracked and hunted down, you are very foolish and seem to have a serious problem. Dora is nothng but a theft who stole. how the hell you suport such nonsense???Get serious and please dont make any comments if you dont want Zambian to move forward.You are so Evil.

    • Ba boss, it does not mean that if I do not have a high profile education like yours then I do not have a right to comment on issues. Mind you, Kulima tower or KMB my reasoning is far bettter than yours. You obviously had a MMD sponsored education and for some reason you are indebted to theses thieves. News flash…..to a simple mind like me Dora stole, PERIOD. I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME TO GO TO ANY COURT THAT WAS UNDER RB THEN ( with due respect)


  7. We will see where this takes her but one thing for sure is that zamtel is getting back to its rightfull owners who are zedians.

  8. It’s a pity that things where done without the interest of the country. The case has been at the Supreme court and Ms. Siliya was cleared there as well. So what next……..should we just forget.

  9. Mr/Ms reporter, I guess you meant US$257million and not just US$257. Let’s get to the heart of this matter how ever long it takes us because quite clearly over US$740million has been stolen from the people of Zambia in the said evaluation (actually devaluation). And in all honesty no such order of recklessness, theft, dishonest and disregard for the electorate should be tolerated in the midst of such untold levels of poverty! The most probable scenario is that RP Capital paid US$257million to the state and a similar amount to Dora & company via foreign bank accounts! That money must come. No wonder RB got so close to FTJ, they were birds of the same feather!

  10. But it is good she appeared and did what she thought was right. It was just normal to request her to turn up. What she said or did not is up to her. The problem is that none, except those who were there know whether there was an effort to ‘push’ her to say something, if not then the commissioners must have seen it normal in law for her to do what she did. If she was not summoned, it would have been a different story on this same website.

  11. #5 MMD Chief Bootlicker. You have a point in your intellect submission over this case. To all those agitating for Ms Dora Siliya’s blood over sale of Zamtel shoult first respect the Zambian judicial system. When cases have been judged, you dont summon parties involved , you go to case records and seek recourse from there in courts of law. We are not aginst revisiting some of these sales of govt insitutions but the manner and motivation in which they are being done is typical of PFs incompetence so far displyed to Zambians.Lapses in Mr Sebastian Zulu will bring himself ino the gatter of PF govt. We, MMD Chief Bootlicker, and other progressive Zambians will ensure PF does not hoodwink Zambians at pretence of ridding corruption when preparing their plunder of Zed resources.

    • No offence but what world so some of you people supporting “Ms Siliya” do you live on?? A difference three quaters of a BILLION dollars (US$750m) is no joke!
      Regardless of constitution the Zambian people have the right to know EXACTLY what happened in the deal to sell Zamtel. And don’t give me that crap of “it’s at the courts go and look it up”, no, the people that look after ALL of us as Zambians must tell us through the press, tv, radio and any other means necessary we ALL can no why people are still dying from hunger, lack of clean drinking water, living on the streets of the cities, trying to survive on less than a dollar a day, unable to clothe themselves, unable to get an education for their children, unable to find jobs….the list is endless and very depressing.

    • Now if in one transaction Zambia can lose US$750m, how are our mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters ever seen a life fitting of a human being if you reduce everyting to nonesense politicking and just can’t simpy see the sense that this CAN NOT continue to happen and Ms Siliya happens to be the first point of contact regarding this issue. It’s nothing and should nothing personal against her as Dora Siliya but she happened to be the person responsible for this transaction.
      If we need to rewrite the constitution to get to the bottom of this matter and many other wrongs committed in out past as a Nation then so be it for the betterment of every man, woman and child of our beautiful country. We are ALL humans and deserve the same!

  12. @11 the commission of inquiry is not investigating Dora. She was summoned coz of the allegations by TIZ.However Dora shouldnt worry much, becoz she will soon be found wanted by the police who are also investigation her involvement in this deal. The commission apointed by HEMCS are being very professional.They simply want to know how the sale of our valuable Zamtel was done.Ask Senior Manager at Zamtel whether this deal was fare? You will get facts.

  13. Fuuuck these Nigggas in Zambia all they know is to steal money. Everything is f up in that country.I got beef with this fatty asss bitchheee in Red, she stole the cash and she cannt come clean? Someone need to put down this black asss monkey in the cage or somewhere in the ground. Tired of the same animals like RB, Kunda, Siliya, and the entire MMD pipo acting fools when they know that time is up.

  14. Whats wrong with MMD supporters ? You are to selfish and all you can think of is defend yourselves and friends and forget about the interests and benefits of the nation. Why ?

  15. @17, Make sure you dont disappear from LT when evidence on the sale of Zamtel start coming.Hang around please.


  17. Whats wrong with MMD supporters ? You are to selfish and all you can think of is defend yourselves and friends and forget about the interests and benefits of the nation. Why ?????”’

  18. @9 you are just an ***** with grade 2 education from Chibolya primary school and what can you tell kachigamba on your own education back ground.Dora is not 41 as stated and when dora was ZNBCyou were in your nappies mr bootlicker so get your facts right before attacking others you are a foolish *****.

  19. Is my brother Saki taking up a ‘cleaning’ job defending every accussed soul in the country? Going by the speed at which Sata is investigating people, Saki will struggle to cope with the long list of people to defend who are being investigated by the Sata govt. Dora is making a mistake not to talk for herself because this is the opportunity for her to lay case down so that we all know what happened. We all knew it was coming. William Harrington took the case to court TWICE, challeging her role in the deal and her decision. In each of those cases RB defended her. To me it seems that the reason she brought a lawyer to the commission is because she knows it was a fishy deal.

  20. Good afternoon

    This is getting interesting. So one can stave off their fate by simply staying mute before a commission of inquiry?

    Well, the lid has already been lifted and I don’t think that staying mute will put an end to the matter. Zambians still want to know what exactly happened during the sale of Zamtel. If there was nothing exceptional, why does’nt Ms. Siliya simply say so?

  21. Hey, times change. Dora being mute? I hope the tribunal will allow justice rather than mercy to prevail. If there’s anyone to feel pity for it is the poorest of the poor in our country. This under evaluation amounts to K3.7Trillion. Now, here is what we could have done with this money as a country, we could have built either (a) 2,500km of quality high traffic volume tarred roads (e.g. Zambezi-Kitwe plus Lusaka- Chadiza, plus Nakonde-Kapiri Mposhi), OR (b) 132 Full Secondary Schools with 30 Classrooms, Laboratories, Admin Block and Library (like Chamboli Secondary) OR (c) 20 Full Hospitals like Kitwe Central hospital. This is how much money these greedy people have pocketed, and should actually be escalated to TREASON!!!

  22. The problem i find here is not with the said ministers but the Zambian electorates. If you vote for a person whose qualifications are questionable or below standard, expect all the blunders. You do not expect a dull person to make intelligent decisions. That is why we always encourage you to vote for people who are smart and for that reason we advocate for minimum qualification to stand for certain offices. Now if you vote in to office a person who with humble qualifications and apparently lack knowledge of the constitution, all you will have is a waste of resources. THEY SAY, IF YOU THINK EDUCATION IS EXPENSIVE, TRY IGNORANCE.

  23. The sale of ZAMTEL can be reversed on technicality but Zambia will lose millions of dollars to achieve this goal. Yes, there were a lot of irregularities from flouting tender procedures to allowing interested parties to conduct due diligence. This too will not come at no cost. The best way forward is to have diplomatic talks with the country that owns 75% shares and agree on a way to to buy back the shares. Damage has already be made and all we need now is damage control which will cost us a few million dollars. The sale of ZAMTEL was done in bad faith period! 

  24. The coming 5 years will be the worst in Zambia’s history

    We lost 10 years with Chilumba
    We are going to loose another 5 years with a countable president.

    Need i say more…

    In the 3rd year of this term Zambians will know what a blunder the made. From a frying pan into the fire

  25. We all know that RB has always had a very soft spot for Dora that’s why he could not act decisively against her. He allowed the lunacy to prevail in the sale of ZAMTEL because he personally together with his family benefitted.
    Look at the campaign, Dora was conducting herself in ways that contributed so much to MMD loss but nobody said anything to stop her since she gave RB blow jobs and he loved them.
    By not making submissions Dora has gone in the state of stupefaction which will lead to self immolation
    Ours is a free country and she has made a very conscious choice
    Good luck to you “soft bum” mama.

  26. The Engineer (Australia), why should you worry about Zambians? Are you a voter? If you are in Aussie land, stay there leave us alone! We will build or destroy Zambia the way we want! Go away please, don’t come back!

  27. This case can be brought before the court of laws again depending if new evidence is available apart from the one which was already submitted in the first trials hence the need for proper investigation to be done.That is why we need new ideas in the offices of the DPP, Artorney General and Solicitor General to have a fresh overview of the case. I believe the former AG or SG can now give evidence if the president can lift the veil of secrecy so that he can testify. This is a case where all Zambians are interested because they are agrieved in the manner and modality in which their asset was disposed of.

  28. This is a “Kangaru Court” that choses to sweep their dirt under the carpet. Ms. Siliya has displayed her best to up-hold legal matters that were thoroughly delt by the Tribunal and the Hight Courts of Zambia. In this regard Mr Sebastian Zulu is being exposed as the worst Legal Advisor to President Sata. We wonder why the PF Govt conveniently presents a picture that Dora Siliya was a Minister of Communication up to the time Parliament was dissolved to pave way to elections that ushered-in a PF Government. Sata tried to humiliate Dora by ordering the re-admission of CBU students who rioted againsther appointment as Education Minister – a matter that interfered with running of CBU. I thought Dora was Minister of Education when RB formed his own Govt. Deception at its best by LAZ and TIZ.

  29. This chi thingh could Dora it has swindled the Nation alo of money.Now they are using that money to hire lawyers like sakwiba sikota.Sakwiba its your time you a share of that money my brother,just keep on billing them.I foresee a lot of clients coming to seek your help.its more money in lawyers pockets.

  30. It is early to celebrate. She is just buying time. The evaluation issue she can not escape. There is no law there but evaluation papers. Un less they bribed to change even evaluation price.

  31. The Post – Zamtel sale ridiculous, says Kavindele

    “US$257 million is what MTN paid to get a licence in Nigeria and how can you compare a licence “The IRU contract was imposed on Zesco by Zamtel, some officials from ZDA and the government of Zambia and it was done under extreme pressure. There was an impression created that Zesco signed this agreement willingly. We did not sign this agreement willingly for various reasons,” Mubembe said.
    to a whole company?” Kavindele asked.

    • Gordon Brown sold, via public auction, 3G licences to Vodacom for 21billion Pounds, Guess what happened? A millstone around Vodacom’s neck. It cuts both ways, son. People in authority make decisions and from what I can see Dora may just have erred and indeed benefitted herself. 65% of Zambians today are under 25 and it seems to me that the world revolves in perfect harmony in their eyes. I am sorry it does not. Errors are made, but you learn and move on. The Supreme Court has already adjudged this case and it is herded nowhere. HEMCS probably already knows this and is using it, as politicians do, to divert attention from his failed bid to create those jobs for the youth in 90 days. it is a tough task and I do not blame him personally.

  32. @42 above I re-post 

    The Post – Zamtel sale ridiculous, says Kavindele

    “US$257 million is what MTN paid to get a licence in Nigeria and how can you compare a licence to a whole company?” Kavindele asked.

    ”The IRU contract was imposed on Zesco by Zamtel, some officials from ZDA and the government of Zambia and it was done under extreme pressure. There was an impression created that Zesco signed this agreement willingly. We did not sign this agreement willingly for various reasons,” Mubembe said.

  33. He said the terms of the IRU contract were very unfair to Zesco because it gave Zamtel all the advantages.
    Mubembe said the contract allowed Zamtel to use Zesco’s fiber without putting the latter into consideration.
    “Zesco would be compelled under the contract to hand over all commercial customers to Zamtel. We currently have over 20 commercial customers and we are not allowed to carry out any commercial ventures on the optic fiber. The contract also allows Zamtel to keep 80 per cent of the earnings from the fibre and Zesco would only get 20 per cent,” he said.

  34. Ba bootlicker, I thought you were smart in the first place. The main contention here is the legality of the whole matter whether or not Dora worked within the confines of the law. Don’t forget that Zambians have had concern of the judicial system with the executive medaling in most court case. Everybody knows this. So what highest court are you talking about? The best you can do is leave this matter to the tribunal satisfy all public concerns especially the issue of single sourcing and under evaluating our national asset by selfish fools

  35. Mubembe further disclosed that the contract had no time frame but was in perpetuity.
    He said Zesco was obligated to fund all future expansions of the fibre optic while Zamtel would not contribute anything.
    Mubembe said the whole idea of the Zesco/Zamtel agreement was to empower the buyer.
    “In one way they (Zamtel) are using taxpayers money from Zesco to run a private owned company. We feel that the agreement we were made to sign has been disadvantageous to Zesco and the Zambian people,” he said.

  36. Mubembe further disclosed that the contract had no time frame but was in perpetuity.
    He said Zesco was obligated to fund all future expansions of the fibre optic while Zamtel would not contribute anything.

  37. Mubembe said the whole idea of the Zesco/Zamtel agreement was to empower the buyer.”In one way they (Zamtel) are using taxpayers money from Zesco to run a private owned company. We feel that the agreement we were made to sign has been disadvantageous to Zesco and the Zambian people,” he said.

  38. Asked whether the agreement meant that Zesco was subsidizing a privately owned company, Mubembe said that was essentially the whole point.
    Mubembe said Zesco signed the agreement under extreme duress.
    And Zesco senior manager for legal services Mbile Wina Vukovic said the only solution was to walk away from the contract because it was not mutually beneficial.
    Mbile said Zesco had a raw deal and was ready to terminate the contrac

  39. Based on my postings above, which foolish Zambian can dispute the fact that there was corruption in this whole thing? Why should our hard earned cash fund projects for a private company. It pains me to see enlighted bloggers like MMD Chief bootlicker supporting such things. Just admit that this contract was fraudulent and need to be revisited period!! Dora has no morals at all. How did this lady manage to be a minister? 

  40. Satas commissons of inquiry will yield nothing because there are all targeted at RB. And since rb has immunity which mp would dare repeat the mistake of voting for the removal of immunity that yielded nothing with ftj

  41. @50 Man of the people,

    The CE is meant to make your relatives back home leave a better life, they need medicines in hospitals, clean water,etc. It has nothing to do with RB, what will put RB in problems (if any) is his involvement in corruption. Unfortunately there is nothing sata can do to help him. Dont blame everything on sata.It is us Zambians who requested that the sale of Zamtel be probed.

  42. I think it is very hard to be sympathetic about this so called inquiry.  As other comentators have said, the matter being investigated was the subject of a judicial and parliamentary inquiry. Secondly, the inquiry is neither fair nor independent as it appears headed for a predetermined conclusion that has already been communicated. The problem with this is  the real problem will be overlooked. According to some  sources, the sale could have been completed in a more beneficial manner by selling assets and licences separatelyrather than a bundled sale. How we made that error of judgement is where the problem is. Its not rocket science and doesnt take much to scream corruption but the underlying problem must be addresssed otherwise, it will happen again and Zambian will continue to loose.

  43. She had to go with her lawyer, why! If there’s nothing more to say. As new evidence is produced the case will go to court. These MMD crooks thought they would rule forever. We shall wait for the conclusion of the commission.

  44. I can’t wait to see these mmd criminals begin to face the courts with their vulture like lawyers ,e g Sakwiba Sikota.

  45. mmd bootlicker bunch of thieves, dont cry foul you criminals. Dora must acconut for her misdeeds while she wasin grz. You took us for granted, but the Almighty is now punishing you criminals. Let his excellence the NOW President of Zambia clean the countryof its cobwebs. Some you dont deserve to live.

  46. Sakwiba Sikota a lawyer who couldn’t even speak on behalf of his fellows Lozis just because of money.It had to take his excellence, man of action Micheal Sata to free the Lozis from jail. What kind of a lawyer are you? Nonsense repent of your sins. Your fellow Lozis were roting in jail with no bail some of whom have died in prison until, His excellence Micheal Sata had to pardon them of cheap mmd political offences. The Litunga must ban you from visiting Western province. Are you not ashamed of yourself? Milupi and bo Inonge are the true nationalists representing Western province. The love of money will take you to the grave.

  47. I will always be around for those in doubt. Iam ORIGIN ZAMBIAN. We the Zambians will ensure that fairness prevails in the country. All those involved in the plunder of national resources and assets have to account for their actions while in public offices. We have confidence in our judicial system to competently deal with such matters. So far, we know Richard Sakala served his sentence for plunder, Dr. Kashiwa Bulaya is still in the cooler serving his term for defrauding Zambians instead of buying medicines in hospitals built his own clinics. Katele Kalumba is still walking free and we hope this PF govt will have the guts to put himon a fair trial. Kapoko is related to PF and we await action to be taken by PF govt as MMD had cold feet over 000s of dollar defrauding Zambia.

  48. The courts have already addressed the issues regarding Dora Siliya’s involvement in the sale of Zamtel – she stands acquitted. Government should not waste time and money with this tribunal. What government should do is attempt to re-negotiate the fibre optic deal where Zesco lost its investments or take that matter to court should negotiations fail. The Dora issue is a non-starter.

  49. Who couldn’t get away with a court case in the RB government especially if you are close, I mean too close, to him. Blogers, let’s not be too forgetful. I put it to you that the courts were compromised by RB and that all the records at all courts must be shredded. Let Dora speek

  50. It’s shame that in our country people are more concerned on you to fail as leader rather than you succeeding, if we are not careful we are going to make Sata a dictator… lets give him chance for heavens sake. He has only been in office for a few weeks. Lets have constructive criticism.

  51. you my step on me, trash me, say malicious things about me, spread rumors, say evil things, “STILL I RISE”

    these words were spoken by the great maya angelou and they are true of siliya today, she will rise!

    Our constitution has been raped by Sata and his bunch of confused illiterates but still it will rise!

    Zambia Proud and free!

  52. Kapoma Kabaso @ No. 56, I am aware that the lawyer who got Late Maxwell Mututwa out of prison and released was Sakwiba Sikota. You talk without facts. Sikota in Parliament also raised the need for inquests into the deaths. Challenge me and I shall look for the Parliamentary debate transcripts because i listened to the debate on radio live when Sikota raised this.

  53. Kapoma Kabaso, do not be jeolous when a professional uses his qaulifications to earn money in a legal way.Even people like Charles Taylor and Jean Bemba have lawyers. Even you too will one day need a lawyer if you keep on defaming people without having your facts straight.


  55. what do you expect from Chanda Siliya,s young sister. Stealing is a family disease. Ask old timers in kitwe especially the anti robbery

  56. No offence but what world do some of you people supporting “Ms Siliya” live on?? A difference of three quaters of a BILLION dollars (US$750m) is no joke!
    Regardless of the constitution the Zambian people have the right to know EXACTLY what happened in the deal to sell Zamtel. And don’t give me that crap of “it’s at the courts go and look it up”, no, the people that look after ALL of us as Zambians must tell us through the press, tv, radio and any other means necessary so we can ALL know why people are still dying from hunger, lack of clean drinking water, living on the streets of the cities or tin and mud houses, trying to survive on less than a dollar a day, unable to clothe themselves, unable to get an education for their children, unable to find jobs…

  57. ….the list is endless and very depressing.
    Now if in one transaction Zambia can lose US$750m, how are our mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters ever going to see a life fitting of a human being if you reduce everything to nonesense politicking and just can’t simply see the sense that this CAN NOT continue to happen and Ms Siliya happens to be the first point of contact regarding this issue, many others will also come to light. It’s nothing and should be nothing personal against her as Dora Siliya but she happened to be the person responsible for this transaction.
    If we need to rewrite the constitution to get to the bottom of this matter and many other wrongs committed in out past as a Nation to our detriment then so be it!

  58. It’s for the betterment of every man, woman and child of our beautiful country. We are ALL humans and deserve the same!

  59. TIZ wishes to test the Law that was used not to find her guilty, as I suppose you know some judges would bend the law to please RB those days and other related beneficiaries then.\we are examining the Judgement. Would it pass in any country where the Judicial is free from the ruling govt’s interference?

  60. What you all need to understand is the Zambian judicial system.in RB’s government was clearly compromised . It geared to protect people like siliya   while  while any opposition member at that time was castrated by the same Zambian judicial system. 
    It’s only now that because of change government the protective cloak has been removed that is why now the siliya n crew have no choice but to be in the firing range now .

  61. Zeitgeist thanks for the sensible contribution,

    you wonder why some people cannot think beyond their stomachs!!!!!. plundering of the nation by a few politicians at the expence of poor zambians is alright for some people. may justice for this great nation be done.

  62. I like hw # 29 has put, i thionk it will make sense to dee thing in such a perspective. Any fool who understand issues will appreciate this tribunal for the sake of development and unit

  63. This is just the begining ba Dora, amatobo ayo yalapwa wait and see. If you’ve been trying to lose weight iyi yena mwalaonda

  64. Dora, u can fool some people some time, but you cant fool all the people all the time! Why come with the now failure lawyer when you were a minister, and could speak for urself. During the deal with RP Capital, u got shares Sikota? Shame on this failed politician!

  65. Just becoz the case has been to the supreme court, doesn’t mean this is necssarily the end of the road. Why do I say this, simply becoz a court merely interprets law using the facts at hand – what we need in this case is the investigative wings of govt to come up with new evidence, such evidence which wasn’t presented when court sat. Merely using old evidence is simply time wasting & may easily be interpreted as harassment. We should stop Knee-jerk reactions, INVESTIGATE THESE GUYS(MMD) BEFORE bringing them up in front of tribunals or taking them to court. Rushing matters won’t get us anywhere, in fact we will lose more, becoz the processes gulp money without reward as you use stale & exhausted evidence!!!
    Do it quietly as the new IG Malama has suggested!

  66. I did predict on this blog that Dora will certainly remain mute! Do you expect her to co-operate when the issue was dealt with by the Supreme Court.

  67. Since some bloggers alreeady know that Dora is guilty why waste time? Charge her then and go to court. Why waste money on a commission? My own prediction is that Dora will be free as a bird and a lot of you will be left wonderring what went wrong because you have pre concieved ideas.

  68. You can run but never hide from the long arm of the law. The meaning of a ‘nullity’ has oncr again come back to haunt this silly girl like a ghost. Maybe another commission should be set up to investigate the alleged torrent ‘processed’ urinary waters resident in Siliya’s volumptous ‘kishtobe bokosi’ which hearly drowned an able swimmer like Folotiya.

  69. siliya was cleared before because it was her sugar daddy(RB)’s goverment then just like FJT was cleared of all cases,lets not forget that,she ain’t out of woods just yet,i im a proud zambian and i want to c some justice here finnally on the sale of zamtel,i would b a fool like most of bafikala apa who are saying she has bn cleared if i suported her…she’z as guilty as she looks..CLEARED MY ASS!!

  70. siliya was cleared before because it was her sugar daddy(RB)’s goverment then just like FJT was cleared of all cases,lets not forget that,she ain’t out of woods just yet,i im a proud zambian and i want to c some justice here finnally on the sale of zamtel,i would b a fool like most of bafikala apa who are saying she has bn cleared if i suported her…she’z as guilty as she looks..CLEARED MY ASS!!

  71. Man gone are the days when Sakwiba Sikota took noble causes for representation (e.g. defenfing KK, Mmembe, Mung’omba, Nakatindi, etc.). I used to respect and admire him then with the likes of Prof. Patrick Mvunga; Nellie Mutti; Mwangala Zaloumis; Mainza Chona among others. He was good then and he lost it and became a tool after joining politics, particularly following Mazoka’s demise. Jeez people change.
    What happened to him? Now he’s behaving like the Sangwas defending suspected thieves and scoundrels. Is it all about the money – at what point in your life do you say you are rich, it’s about time you redeemed yourself by siding with good causes?
    I understand everyone deserves a right to a lawyer but C’mon man. Problem here is that the Abuse of Office law was removed by RB.

  72. Since the Heads of TIZ and LAZ have vast knowledge on corruption, we hope these institutions can offer instances of corruption comprehensively – not selectively. TIZ and LAZ must also provide detailed accounts on the Zambian Airways saga on which Ms Siliya was activel involved as Magande promised Govt resources to bail out Nchito & Mmembe’s airline. But after transferring money to overseas accounts Mmembe diverted our attention to implicating Ms. Siliya on the Zamtel saga. Curiously, the business-minded Kavindele and William Harrington shared similar emotional sentiments on the Zamtel saga. I wish the late investigative journalist Joe Mwiinga was alive to expose the extent of business interests and unravel this axis of evil in Zambia. The Zamtel saga is just a tip of an iceberg.

  73. Apparently, Zamtel was sold at a time when Ms Dora Siliya was Minister of Education throughout the reign of RB’s Presidency from 2008 to 2011. Will Zambians be forced to swallow a belief that Prof. Lungwangwa failed to supervise the sell of Zamtel under his Ministry – and that Ms. Dora Siliya had super-powers to administer the 2 Ministries of Education and Communication. Selectivity seems to be the whole mark of Zambian politics. A Mwizyo a Sebastian Zulu, kwanu-in-kwanu or wako-niwako. The Bible has revealed that Sebastian Zulu, Lameck Mangani, Milton Phiri sold your own brother Rupiah Band,a and now Dora Siliya for a piece of silver. Ati kupusa bati, ayanu a Bemba akulyelani masuku pa mutu.

  74. We have an issue here. We know that our judicial system is corrupt to the core. As witnessed in the passed, the fight against corruption will remain elusive as long as most of the current crop of judges remains in place. For confidence and to have tangible results on corruption fighting, we need an overhaul of our  judicial system, otherwise, how can we expect the beneficiaries of corruption to punish their benefactors.

  75. By the way, Dora is just one of the issues in the sale of Zamtel. There are other issues like the integration of ZESCO fiber into the Zamtel Network to please the buyer. Of course the evaluation is Dora’s baby. Who owns the 75%? Is it all owned by LAP Green? Who is in the 25%?

    This issue must be followed until Zambians are satisfied.

  76. #87 Your tribalism stinks you rotten skunk of the worst order, and odour. I just hope Sata deports you to Blantyre acimwene uliye malango galu ya chiwewe weo.

  77. Ba ***** lets not differed blindly. Let’s look at our national interest. These people have brought down where we are now.


  79. Is it that Sakwiba is sharing the same bed with Dora the SOft bum. Sakwiba has lost integrity because he is trying to support thieves in everything he is doing in the name of law. It could be that Sakwiba and Dora have got some interests in each other as Dora is known to be a husband Snatcher. Dora Matako Matako….You are beautiful anyway but you don’t have any manners at all.

  80. Zamtel was grossly undervalued, the connection with zesco fibre optic and the whole RP lot smacks of corruption, thats the issue here, and do not talk of the courts under the MMD govt, they were highly compromised, imagine a scenario where even the chief justice could refuse to shake hands with sata for fear of being linked to him, what more of a case in court to do with the opposition at that time….,let us be objective and stop this unwarranted support for corrupt elements!!!!

  81. We zambian are a fine lot, we behave like zed is not our country. we are too casual on issues that affect us and our children. Please let us make zed a better place to living in.That is why amano ya chifyalilwa yaba importnt. No matter what we say or do there is one govt. in place at time. OUR LIVING GOD WE JUDGE US ACCORDING OUR DEEDS WHILE WE ON EARTH.

  82. It is not very surprising seeing the beneficiaries of the looted stae coffers crying foul that, the supreme court made chargment on this case in favour of Dora Siliya. this is how it is when a corrupt mafia government bribes all the way to silence every body. For those who were beneficiaries of this ill gotten wealth, please accept time has come to start sweating for your money. If anything, u should not even worry because the corrupt MMD gave you enough to last for another 20 years, so keep stolen money well. the truth is MMD and its minions are corrupt

  83. Mr informed electorate, foolishness has nothing to do with wisdom. If education was a requirement in USA, then that country would have been rulled by proffessors. Coming to Zambia, i dont see any claing to be more educated than the other. I believe all have the degrees. But my worry is that, those that claim to be educated have only first degrees from UNZA are some of the foolish pipo that i have never seen. They cant read the situation meaning given chance to rule, they will never be wise but only bluffing. Get skuled young chap. Wonders were performed by colege dropouts. Am sure u must be one of the educated fool

  84. Zambians you fools y do u like hearsay so much. analyse issues before you yap. for example do you know that famous blogger who used to write good english is no longer contributing on behalf of pafwaka? most of his contributions were done either at lunch or in the night?the person is in a very high position now and watch when the meeting ends his blog pseudonym will start. Do u know that we are being taken for a ride? where is windfall tax? where is mealie meal reduction? where is electricity tariff reduction?where is more money in the pocket? no policy one can say will bring more money. tel me which one coz even these foolish enquiries is a way of siphoning the little reserves mmd left. WAKE UP ZAMBIANS WAKE UP!!!!!!!!

  85. The justice system in Zambia was corrupt,Dora Siliya and all other parties involved in the sale of the national assets needs to come clean.The valuation of Zamtel should have been tendered and the other question is where has Dora Siliya got the wealth she has?The country is entitled to know because she was a public servant.I am calling upon all the Zambians time is NOW to demand Accountability from the RB Govt and the SATA Govt.

  86. Dora, don’t worry you will just receive what you deserve. Stay cool cousin ask for my help if the rest mute.

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