Tuesday, March 11, 2025

MMD youths against nominating new leader and call for an extra-ordinary party convention


Some MMD youths marching along Cha Cha Cha road in Lusaka.

Opposition MMD Youth Wing calling itself ‘Die Hard for RB’ has advised the National Executive Committee (NEC) and MMD party officials to immediately convene an extra party convention to elect the party president to succeed Mr. Rupiah Banda.

MMD Die Hard Youth Wing National Co-ordinator Bowman Lusambo says MMD youths are opposed to NEC’s decision to nominate a leader to take over from Mr. Banda.

Mr. Lusambo says the convention would provide a platform for all MMD members to democratically elect a leader of their choice.

Addressing journalists at a press briefing held at his office in Lusaka today, Mr. Lusambo said the young people will support one candidate from the three names that have been floated by the party.

MMD Deputy National Chairman and Kasempa Constituency Member of Parliament (MP) Kabinga Pande, former Zambian Ambassador to Canada Dr. Nevers Mumba and MMD Lunte Constituency MP Felix Mutati are some whose names have so far been mentioned.

He disclosed that the youths have got their preferred presidential candidate to support at the MMD extraordinary convention but stated that it was too early to divulge the name of the candidate.

Mr. Lusambo pledged to support the new Government of President Michael Sata and give him the respect he deserves as head of state.

He, however, stated that MMD would bounce back to power in 2016 because the party was still very strong and structures were still intact but only needed re-organising.

On the MMD/UPND Pact, Mr. Lusambo said the youths do not recognize the political alliance and said MMD would go it alone.

“We don’t need the pact because MMD has got credible leaders to take the party forward. Pact for what, MMD is strong enough to stand on its own,” Mr. Lusambo said.

[pullquote]“We don’t need the pact because MMD has got credible leaders to take the party forward. Pact for what, MMD is strong enough to stand on its own,” Mr. Lusambo said.[/pullquote]

The MMD Die Hard Youth National Co-ordinator described those defecting to the ruling PF as people with no morals and accused them of running away from possible prosecution because of the illicit dealings with public institutions like the Food Reserve Agency.

Mr. Lusambo threatened to spill the beans by reporting some former high ranking officials to the Anti-Corruption Commission for their many misdeeds during their tenure of office.

And Mr. Lusambo has thanked former president Mr. Rupiah Banda for the smooth handover of power to the PF.



  1. That protest against true democratic process is welcome by the youths. Fellow youths do not sacum to guided democracy or any other undemocratic tactics used by the former leaders like RB over provincial ledership elections, or NEC elections where he wanted Chembe Nyangu elected as MMD Deputy National Secretary. At the moment Felix Mutati or Kabinga Pande need to be in leadership. Consider others in the diaspora too. Remember other MMD members went abroad because of intolerance exhibited by old chaps in MMD leadership.We need new blood with new thinking and innovative way of running party affairs and re-align ourselves with current status as credible effective opposition to prepare ourselves to taking back leadership in governance and leadership in Zambaia.

  2. Pliz let rb go and rest let other pipo take over. No bemba to be given chance let kabinga take over i think we have bembalised everything. are they a special tribe? Lets wake up

    • you are making a mistake,look at the combination during the struggle for independence look at the combination during 1991 when MMD got power from UNIP and look at the combinaion in 2011,in all this combination there is a success story.Rupia Banda decided to take Newstead Zimba and Kavindele to campaign for him ,no Bemba in the campaign team what happened,it took a Bemba to campaign for Late Mwanawasa so tha he wins the elections,think twice before you make a mistake.ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION.   

  3. Please let us choose leaders based on merit. To me if the so called bembas find themselves as being suitable to lead a political party and they are the ones who stand a chance to lead a party to national victory let it be so. So please let us stop this tribe card but let MMD members fight for presidency equally we shud not disqualify anyone because of tribe.

  4. So RB gave them that peanuts for them to go protest solidarity for him. Coz noone with all this heated temperatures can go in the sun all day matching for some finished dreamer politician like RB. MMD and Corruption are like mobile and SIM card, corruption is the very foundation of the party- their conventions elections are all fixed. What a party! Only criminal youths would embrace that. What a waste of time, to think that MMD will come back to power is to be insane and dillusional JUST WATCH and learn.


  6. MMD needs to redefine its ideology….PF is communist-.socialist thus the embrace with china. what ideology does MMD stand for?

  7. @6, where PF got the money to host their convention last time is where MMD will get it.are you still sleeping to realise that PF is sata and beyond sata their will be no PF.so the corporate bodies do not put eggs in one basket.and mind you it`s only tommorrow chaps who were expecting more money in their pockets will wake up to reality and discover that worse even they can`t even afford a 2500 pin meal at savage restaurant so wait for that reaction.

    it`s mutati for 2016 mwana

  8. ba MAN OF THE PEOPLE muli chhipuba sana is there anything Bembash in people doing their democratic right you will go to hell with that stinking stance of Anti BEMBA

  9. Mr. Lusambo threatened to spill the beans by reporting some former high ranking officials to the Anti-Corruption Commission for their many misdeeds during their tenure of office.

    Is this Lusambo Zambian? What happened to patriotism? Go and spill the fresh beans you mug!

  10. Lusambo should be brought up for obstruction of justice or charged for trying to Blackmail some individuals. He should otherwise, immediately go to ACC and give his story.

  11. Lusambo is a pure Kaboke, a Congolese national from kwa Chibambo Mission in Katanga. Just what he is still doing in Zambian politics I do not know. As for Nevers Mumba, atase, whoever thinks a Christian right lunatic like that one can lead a party must have their head tested for masalamusi at Chainama.

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