ZAMBIA is ready now more than ever to do business with China, Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources Wylbur Simuusa said in an interview yesterday following a meeting some 150 top Chinese business executives held with President Michael Sata at State House on Saturday.
“The meeting the President had with Chinese business executives is very symbolic in determining how we do business with China from now on,” Mr Simuusa said, “to me the President sent a clear signal to the world that he does not have any anti-Chinese feelings as the world tended to believe in the past as he campaigned for elections. The meeting means we are ready to engage China as an economic development partner.”
Mr Simuusa said China now “cannot be ignored because it is about to become a super power,” that must be closely engaged instead of “shunned.” He said Chinese investment in Zambia, especially the economic back-bone which is copper mining, will be protected but at the same time Zambia shall ensure that Chinese companies “treat their workers well and pay them well,” so that both parties benefit.
During Saturday’s luncheon he hosted for Chinese business executives, President Sata said, “I used to criticise you and said I would sort you out, “but now I want to use you to help our people.”
President Sata “eased” his hard-line position onto the Chinese saying they can work and “engage” in any kind of business they wished as long as they did so within the laws of Zambia.
Chinese envoy Zhou Yuxiao advised the business entourage to act “within the law” while in Zambia and avoid doing anything that would tarnish the image of the country.
Chinese companies have invested about $2billion in Zambia and they are responsible for creating up to 2000 jobs but they have constantly come under fire for under paying workers and disregarding labour laws but Zhou said this will change.
[pullquote]President Sata “eased” his hard-line position onto the Chinese saying they can work and “engage” in any kind of business they wished as long as they did so within the laws of Zambia.[/pullquote]
Zambia is Africa’s top copper producer targeting about 2 million tons of copper annually by 2015 the government said in April.
And the Private Sector Development Association (PSDA) says President Sata has made a right decision to work with China in advancing Zambia’s economic development.
PSDA chairperson Yusuf Dodia said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday that Mr Sata’s statement and stance on Chinese investment is positive because this can help Zambia to improve the country’s infrastructure.
“China has the technology, roads, bridges and investment which Zambia needs. Zambia cannot wait to develop but we should use every opportunity from countries like China to develop our country,” Mr Dodia said.
He said China has US$3.2 trillion in foreign reserves and Zambia needs to benefit such resources. Mr Dodia said Zambia needs to use China to develop because even countries called the “super powers” are using Chinese resources to develop their countries.
He said although the “super powers” used to borrow money from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, they are now getting it from China. Mr Dodia said President Sata’s statement that he will use Chinese investment to develop Zambia is important and should be supported.
He said people might criticise President Sata for his decision to work with China but Zambia needs development and not criticism. Mr Dodia is hopeful Mr Sata’s statement will further strengthen bilateral relations between Zambia and China.
He said most Chinese investors are hardworking and ensure their projects are completed on time. Mr Dodia said he is happy that President Sata has decided to send former President Kenneth Kaunda as his special envoy of goodwill to China.
He said he is confident Dr Kaunda will execute his mission to China successfully and help to strengthen the bilateral relations between the countries.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
of course they can’t
There is so much we can gain from china. Let us work with them in infrastructure development
these days its very interesting to read articles upto the end especially if its daily mail or times.but if its the private media writing then its all about grammatical mistakes,hatred and lack of truth in their stories.Congrates to the president for this decision.if the USA can criticize but borrow from China then why not SATA do it.YES MR PRESIDENT LETS USE THE CHINESE PEOPLE IN ORDER TO DEVELOP. Chibamba Kanyama once said “You have to climb on the back of others for you to succeed even the ones you don’t like as long as they are useful to your success “
Everyone except the PF leader and his followers knew that China is an economic force to reckon with. To the PF leader and his followers this is their “Eureka” moment. They must continue reading to become enlightened on issues. Governing a country is serious business. We do not want to continue witnessing these inconsistencies! The current government will do well to revisit their pre election campaign speeches and stating what is their position on the various promises. Some people are still waiting for their manna and quails and more money in their pockets by Christmas time!
Be realistic boss. Some of us knew of China’s position in the global politcal and economic sphere, but we did not agree with locking up our workers in their work places and shooting at them. Now they have agreed to adjust of course we can accept to conitnue working with them. You seem enlightened, but your writing seems to be more emotion driven than logic driven. You do have issues with PF and us who support it other than the seemingly logical arguments you present.
Now, Sata is beginning to think logically. Keep it up, my man! The next issue is tribalism/regionalism amongst all Zambians. Let us begin to unitlise our human resources to the maximum–by putting the best skilled Zambians (man or woman) to the available positions. Then we will trully be the envy of not just Africa, but the entire world. I believe in you King Cobra.
Wow wow (am clapping) .. . . . . .campaigns . . .. they really tell us what we WANT to hear….Congratulations HE MCS you caught me sleeping there.
I look forward to a new Zambia in it’s “renewed” friendship with China. I will also applaud the Chinese envoy Zhou Yuxiao who advised the business entourage to act “within the law” while in Zambia and protect their country’s image which I think is very important.
If the whole president can deceive himself that he can use (in this day and age) the Chinese people to develop Zambia, then the country is in real trouble. If the Chinese government is always looking for ways to trick the USA government on trade, currency and other economic issues——–can the Chinese really be used to develop Zambia? I have always doubted whether Sata understands what he says——because in Case of China & Zambia, it is actually the Chinese that are milking Zambian resources to develop their country. If Sata thinks he can use the Chinese to develop Zambia, he should think twice. Secondly, can the Chinese help Sata & his PF to develop Zambia beyond what they offered their best friend the MMD?
That’s I call ‘strategy’
There is nothing wrong with hosting the Chinese businesses—-but the PF government should have been smart i.e. it should have been a combined event with about a 100 or Zambian businesses—just to send a signal that PF government does value local businesses too. Excluding Zambian businesses is a clear show that their contribution is nothing. Its like a father who hosts dinner for the neighbors and excludes his children from taking. What attitude will the neighbors have towards the children? What is annoying is that we hear these Chinese employers have no respect for Zambian workers, there condition of service are so poor——-and the president who was voted to deal with the stuff cant even have the courage to raise the issues and yet it was such a huge opportunity.
Remember that this is a “Donchi Kubeba ” government. And this is just one of the donchi kubeba move. Cool move mr presido
My friends even here in South Sudan, the CHINESE has awarded a contract to build a new capital city for SOUTH SUDAN , so china cannot be ignored de only thing we can do is ,if one is abrogating de laws then he /she should be dealt with…
Malawi can’t be ignored too Mr. President
Thats a nice one.lol
A flip flopper as President Sata is known in his utopia, we should appreciate the fact that his behavior is born out of protruding ignorance, a humble education a lack of ground in political economy of nations and the world. Nothing wrong in bitting his loose tongue. Its humiliating though to bow before the same he xenophobically called infesters and very embarrassing for his unbriddled treachery of the West and the Cardinal he unsolicitedly kissed in pledge of realigning Zambia to the West against our South-to-South foreign policy. It looks like a Judas Escariot threater right in President Sata’s flip flopping. I don’t know if there is anyone in the West who will take President Sata serious. China is an economic power house you don’t mess around with.
Win – Win situ is better than the balance tilted to one side. Good move
Now what is this business of abusing our tired found father KK in stressfull foreign missions as an emissary? Why did President Sata appoint uneducated and clueless cadres as Kambwili to be foreign Ministers when they are clueless and can hardly articulate any foreign policy. The chap can neither engage anyone or sustain a discourse. Why make him minister of foreign affairs? Doesn’t PF have any intelligent people to serve in these offices of responsibilities? Foreign office Minister must be an educated, grounded and articulate figure head to articulate a country’s foreign values. Kambwili is zero value appointment. What can he articulate at the UN, AU, or bilateral platforms if not just insulting delegates?
I am begin to like the DONCHI KUBEBA slogan. You know why? Because it is a double edged sword that can cut both ways. Let me just quote this.
” President Sata “eased” his hard-line position onto the Chinese saying they can work and “engage” in any kind of business they wished as long as they did so within the laws of Zambia.”
How a campaign platform can turn around is absolutely amazing, anyway it’s a DONCHI KUBEBA on those who voted for Sata.
And Mr President, while you are your U-Turn hat on , can please flip flop on Bank Governor. Firing him was a mistake and the fact that you have taken long to fill that position testifies to your knee jerk reaction. Our man Ngandu has credibility issues even in his acting capacity. Bring back Caleb. DONCHI KUBEBA
These knee jerk reactions are not good for President Sata’s governance and his fragile personal health because they just pill up on him needless stress long after sobering up. Look at the headache he has had on the BOZ Governor position, Secretary to the Treasury where he has put up another of his uneducated nephew, Minister of Justice where an amoral mole has been placed, Foreign affairs now turned to into KK Ministry. Its sad that he has only surrounded himself with boneless cadres without moral natural rigor to write the President. You can not afford to be a leader with xenophobia of intellectuals and investers.
Look at these contradictions:
We are for a mean lean Government-More appointments of cadres
We are for depoliticization of the civil service-ALL DC fired only to be replaced with PF cadres
1)-Ministry of foreign Affairs=He appoints 2 ministers Kambwili a clueless cadre and Dr. Kaunda stressed against his health and age.
2)- Discarding the Power to imisepela (youth) instead he goes in the achieves to retrive all fellow geiatrics as Sebastian Zulu, Shamenda, kasonde, Chalabesa, and at Finance Chikwanada a man too busy racing for his 80th birthday with an intellectually retired brain and lost on even enterpreting a simple none complex financial spreadsheet.
Since all PF cadres have lost their civic duties and are too busy panting or soliciting for public service jobs President Sata is giving out based on sycophancy. As patriots lets start putting up checks. its time for activism against increasing acts of constitutional breaches, lack of coherence in policy direction, endless hollow prouncements without tangible results, dangerous disunity tendancies and lack of foreign policy vision evident by overboard flip flopping. Poor zambians have been left without a voice while complicity has already discarded the social contract the Zambia labor voted for. There is no hope for our poor people because those who pledged to champion to the fate of the poor have opted to betray Zambians.
Senior Citizen
We do not go to school for nothing…. we go to get knowledge and become wise. Am afraid with primary school education you can not just cut it in this modern day environment as a president.
Without productivity, i do not see how the chinese will pay high salaries to the lazy Zambian workers. In fact the chinese a right, how many Zambian companies pay higher salaries? People do not even get their pay on time in Zambian companies.
By the way the UK prime minister last night just announced that the UK will cut aid to any country that does not review their Gay rights laws. This one will be a nice one for COBRA
We will wait and see what businesses will be PF-chinese. But please Mr President, dont kill the local poultry industry. We can not have chinese farmers trading at night.
All said, President Michael Sata for the choice of Mr. Berlin Msiska as New ZRA Commissioner General. Mr, Msiska is a perfect fit for the job. He is an eminently qualified technocrat that brings a lot of value. This is an A+ appointment as is that of Dr. Malama as Police Inspector General. If President Sata made more of such merit choices, he would win the solidarity of many of us not available to endorse bad choices like that of corrupt and unqualified Bwalya Ng’andu for Bank of Zambia and the unqualified nephew appointed as new Secretary to the Treasury.
All said, i applaund President Michael Sata for the choice of Mr. Berlin Msiska as New ZRA Commissioner General. Mr, Msiska is a perfect fit for the job.
what is kambwili”s stake on this chinese issue. Is he protesting while naked?
ya i also strongly agree with President Mr. SATA he can improve zambian economy and also give good pay out to all zambia people
Next it will be legalising same s ex relationships. Donchi kubeba.
I am appalled by the congratulatory messages pouring on for the right decision by HE.MCS. First and foremost, PF should be condemned for telling Zambians lies during campaign. I mean, every right thinking person knew that PF was playing with fire by the rubbish talk over China. Those of us who understand World Economics knew from the very start that there would be no way PF can do without China. Whereas now MSC has come back to his senses, he should be advised to evaluate policy statements he makes before he opens his mouth. Welcome back to the club MSC. You were misinformed or probably did not understand World Economics. Work with the Chinese and develop Zambia. In future, MCS, don’t put Zambia in trouble by making statements that puts Zambia at loggerheads with bilateral partners.
Sata was a huge mistake. No wonder majority of his voters were school leavers who were just following the donchi kubeba wind. See how has handled the Angola and Malawi saga. Various constitutional bleaches. Appointments of relatives; his nephew as ST and his former wife as PS for southern Province and He has already started intimidating MPs. He will be worse than William Banda. Remeber the days he National secretary for MMD. They are coming back.
they must start looking to add value to our raw materials or taking a bigger tax cut which should be reinvested back into the local community or in manufacturing…. a postive start from the goverment btt. i want to see i how you make to china-zambia deals more balanced than the mmd’s ones
Write alot u guys the govt is listening. Kambwili talk we are waiting for ur reaction concerning chinese
Guys, you must realize by now that our president is a very intelligent man. He is a typical Bemba who knows that “ukupoka icinsenda kunkoko kunakilila”. He knows that the Chinese have the money and in order for him to get Chinese wealth to benefit us, he must be seen to be uwanakilila toward them but at the same time demanding what is right for the citizens. I have learned in life that you actually get what you demand. And I can assure you that MCS will get just that from the Chinese. Those who think that the president has U-turned do not just understand how the man thinks. Zambia yalawama bane.
hahah the choncholis must be laughing ati ‘look at these deluded f00ls’. i dont know what trock sata and his people were living under to to know that vintu vinacinja and its all about the dragon. cos 2 seconds on bbc would have shown him that bazungu balibe ndalama. vintu vinangu they should be keeping quite. plus the foreigh policy ya aba bantu will land us in soup.
The Chinese are very simple investors and easy to work with as far as development is concerned. If, Like Rupiah, you put leaders’ selfish interests before the masses and obtain commissions through Bank of China, they will oblige but don’t expect them to double wages for your poor workers because money allocated for that has already been spent. Sata condemned the chinese conditions of service and not the chinese investment, two very different things I think.
Now you get it!Exactly the reason i didnt support pf,they didnt have good policies especially on China.WE NEED CHINA.ZAMBIA NEEDS CHINA.Sata’s u-turn was expected but now no one trusts him.Maybe now he has some good advisers.Please he shouldnt make mistakes.We pray for him.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
This is a good move mr president that’s the way things are done you can’t ignore china in this era am proud of your move and you did well to send KK . Keep thinking in this way from now
Look who looks stupid …. Yes, you the PF cadre hahahahahahahhaha
Yaba! where did any one anywhere in the world win any elections by telling the truth, and nothing but the whole truth? KK lied about the three meals a day, Mandela lied about everybody in RSA will have a house and a job, Obama lied about lots of things too many to list here. The list of presidential candidates lying through their teeth to grab the top post is too numerous to enumerate.
The point is Sata will cut a fairer deal for the Zambians than RB could ever have done. RB cared only for himself and his kids. Whereas RB was a Chinese ass licker Sata is ensuring that both countries mutually benefit from each other. The president is on the right track. Give him all the support he needs instead of just criticizing each move he makes all the time.
This is exciting because many Zambians including hard core PF cadres have now realised that Sata was taking them in a wrong direction over China as infestors that need to be wiped out. To the Chinese govt we should send our 1st republicanpresident KK to go and apologise for the senseless statements made by Mr Sata our current president. To the Taiwanese Zambia needs to give them part of Luapula to do what ever they wish to do so long they obey the law. Our next advice for Sata PF to correct the mistake made is to let FNB be run by other people than Mahtani family. If its be run as any other normal bank, let BOZ monitor their operations like any other bank. Sale of FNB by RB was scandalous but returning it to Mahtani was equally wrong. Hope reason will prevail on this move by PFgovt.
If Sata supported the Chinese, as he is doing now, would he have won the elections?
You can only ignore China at your own peril. By the way, is it fashionable now to have very old rough-looking men in key Government positions now?
Wilbur is a smart guy, but he is singing for his lunch here. It stands to reason that he can not be heard to defy his boss in public. Unfortunately, Kambwili’s reception in his constituency (Luanshya) may be fractious. He will have a lot of explaining to do that the leader is now hob – nobbing with the choncholis.
This is exactly what RB was telling you when Sata was busy telling his Kaponyas that he kick out Chinese Investors—-sorry he actually called them Chinese Infestors
Too bad for the Kaponyas who were waiting to take over Chinese shops at Kamwala. The Chinese are here to stay, kaponyas, time for plan ‘B’ start building Tuntembas.
I see the Kaponya as the main casualty of this Government. All Kaponyaz, get ready for serious bruising, no bus stops, no markets for your livelywood. Get busy and either start night school or find some manual work otherwise you are dead with hunger.
Being in opposition is different from being in Government. King Cobra has just discovered that the rulers are not actually PF and himself but invisible people behind the scene. I think if he was to be given a chance to go and campaign again, he would not promise what he promised. He promised to do everything in 90 days but up to now nothing has taken off apart from firing and hiring. Too bad for the Pf cadres who had so much hope about our President.
“Senior Citizen” those spelling mistakes.. Is it really u? Achieves for Archives???
Well Well Well! This is interesting indeed. A man who can tell a lie to a country with a straight face! I hope the new constition should include a close about obtaining votes by false pretence being and offence! I trully believe that Satan just played on the ignorance of the people that voted for him. Not that he didn’t know that china is a powerhouse not be ignored!!! He just told lies day in and day out just to get to plot one. Now that he is there he is home and dry and can start telling some truth. I feel pity for the hundreds of thousands of young people who fell for his lies and must be jaw dropping now at these pronouncements. Another big lie he told is on the Barotse issue. I hope the lozis are now not expecting much from their “savior”
Right move by President Sata. America is borrowing from China. Now the EU, in their recent meeting, have also resolved to ask China to bail them out. So, any right-thinking and well-meaning Zambian should support Sata’s move!
The PF government at work.Ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma.The Chinese have now become very important investors not infestors.WOW…PF cadres where are you and what are you thinking now.I’m wishing you all the best.Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.DONT KUBEBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im not insulting ur intelligence, If PF makes a promise think before u celebrate, u r not kids to jst believe, every1 needs big, rich and powerfull ppl around for benefits, EU asked china for help, Britain sent envoys ages when they saw china emerging world’s next biggest economy, did u think sata can be any wiser than countries avoiding the chinese? HELL NO.he played the game to get votes now its BUSINESS AS USUAL. we need the chinese but its a question of can we get a better share than w’ve been getting? not sure coz SATA has foolishly shown how desperate we are as a tick country from grabbing to a fat cow and suck more blood.
All of you who want to say that all supporters of PF are un-educated, you’re either quite shallow or then you are just malicious haters and pompous people filled with vanity and inflated self worth. You would do well to take a good look at yourselves.
Nobody ever said ALL PF SUPPORTERS are dull! Stop being paranoid. No amount of spin will improve the image that the HEMCS is inconsistent on issues! By the way why did he not ask the Chinese to apologise for the shootings!
Good decision by MSC. We won’t chase the chinese but let them work within the law and respect and pay well the Zambian workers. Is this what you call a U turn? NO. Julius Malema should also be doing the same he will not and can’t chase investors from SA but he will definitely re engage them
Oh yeah? Now the mines minister is playing cheer-leader for China; great.
Ati china china china salibwino china is bogus, i just watched and laughed and told my friend one day the chinas will be PFs best friend and you wont believe it, it has hapened even holding a party for them Presido, Donchi Kubeba……
Origino Zambiano, no one was being taken in a wrong direction. We understand the game of politics my friend. You and your RB were getting bucks for campaigns and your pockets. Sata can never do that. For your information, you should never make friends with a person that has no benefit in any way. It is a give and take game; not just lining your pockets the way you were doing.
Get lost and get real, MCS is in charge.
but why was satan againist them before he became presido. was it just that hes fond of criticising. he is sick in the head
Fasto you are a stupid full leave RB out of your fieces ok. shit
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