Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Opposition will now support bill – Mutati


Felix Mutati
Felix Mutati

Opposition Parliamentary Chief Whip Felix Mutati says the opposition will support the motion of the Public Accounts Committee following the appointment of the Secretary to the Treasury.

Mr. Mutati says President Michael Sata’s appointment of the Secretary to the Treasury is welcome as it complies with the conditions in the Public Finance act.

Mr. Mutati was speaking with ZNBC news in an interview in Lusaka.

He says the Secretary to the Treasury is very important as he is the controlling officer within government.

President Sata last week swore in Fredson Yamba as Secretary to the Treasury.

President Sata had threatened to dissolve Parliament if opposition political parties in the house continued to frustrate government efforts.



  1. So Sata call people who remind him of the law as frustrating PF programmes? His threat of disolution shows a weakness in the constitution that needs to be corrected as an individual should not be allowed to make such an expensive decision. Once again, Mutati has demonstrated why the President needs to be a technocrat, which Sata is not. Go Mutait Go, we are behind you for President. This may happen sooner than 2016.

  2.  Make sure Opposition help Sata. Also LT be balanced in yo reporting. After the full analysis, it makes sense but please Mr president be firm for the benefit of Zambians not Chinese I quote “If we give the Chinese contracts and we don’t give them proper specifications, they will do as we give them. When we gave them a contract to build Tazara railway we gave them specifications. We have not been complaining about Tazara and it is up to us when we sign agreements, they must be a back up on any agreements. When we give the Chinese, the Chinese are very generous and because you are hoodwinked by their generosity you don’t give them proper specifications of the road. Don’t blame the Chinese, blame yourself because the Chinese are wil

    • Mutati a good man! You stupid goonk stop praising these chaps for doing nothing apart from auctioning the country to China when he was commerce minister!

  3. ba mutati be carefull otherwise you will loose your intergrity in a while. We love SATA so don`t ever try frustrate his efforts. His a pro poor person. Be carefull otherwise muzasila naimwe. No matter what you say about sata he still remains our favourite. Donchi nokubeba.

  4. I say we revert to “one party participatory democracy”. It was more orderly… We’re headed the right direction. Viva MCS!! Nice words @ the thanx giving service.

    • Hey MAMA G-STRING Am perfect in the arms of jesus and the poor people. Reality is tha, No mAtter what. We love sata and have seen the liittle things e is doing for the good of humanity. How do Mps deny the removal of RB s immunity and also demand 5 billion CDF when they dont want to be accountable for the money and yet they advocating for the increase in bread prices which cost 4,500. Stupid Mutati uzasila ka. just keep your ka little integrity you have.

  5. Mr Mutati, It is not enough to just say ‘ the secretary to the treasury is very important as he is the controlling officer’ when you and your fellow MMD plunderers in the Rupiah government did whatever you wanted with public funds, rendering the controlling officer impotent and useless. You never told Rupiah the truth but instead hero-worshipped him.

  6. Iam not impressed these are the guys who wanted to pass the imfamous constitution bill against the wishes of the zambian people, and yes ideally parliament should have been dissolved then, that’s what happens in democratic countries when a minority gvt fails to pass important bills, it has happened so many times to Harper’s gvt in the last few years! so when MCS talks about it, it is not a threat, it is doable regardless of the cost!

  7. Sata was trying the waters he is experienced in this game. We need order in a nation by following the constitution to the word for word. I hope we change the constitution with reduce powers for plot 1 and one with reduced gradeint for MPs as these should be ready to service for little money unlike what is being said that they monthly allowance may go upto K40m per month. That will be unfair and stealing from the poor people at it best. These people should be paid less then $1000 dollars so we have only those ready to serve.

  8. bravo opposition thats is what we need and please POST and the govt vuvuzelas dont twist facts. we all heard that they objected to PAC becoz there was no ST now that ST is there the motion will be supported. ba……….a

  9. Ba Mutati can even afford to smile in the PF gvt. In MMD they where underdogs with no voice. Everything was being controlled by RB and Kunda. Enjoy the moment but be warned, we dont want foolishness in parliament and don’t think Sata is a coward. 

  10. Where in the contitution is it written that no Public accounts committee bill shall be passed before the secretary to the treasury is appointed? Sometimes we can be misguided. The executive and the legislture must just act their parts. It is good that everything is over.

  11. Mr Mutati – you have not commented on the Secretary to the Treasury. Does it mean that HE just needed to fill the vacancy with whomever? I thought the ratification should also address suitability for the job?

  12. Thanks to the opposition for helping SATA realise his mistake.
    Thanks Mutati for your good work.
    Keep it up, together with your MMD, UPND and FDD colleagues including the independent.
    Great job done, dont let everything tick but only what is vital to our democracy, governance and nation as a whole. VIVA opposition!!!!

  13. Mr Mutati is demonstrating that slowly Sata PF have to realise that if they aregoing to have any impact in governance, they need to look on their shouders and acknowledge that MMD is around and check-mate them. In today’s Zambian politicts unirateralism does not take you further than your own shadow. There is more checks and balances with the recent numerous lapses, ommissions and breaches of the law in appointments and dismisals. Some appointments were supposed to be done by the board of affected institutions, so are dismisals and not president. It is the intention of MMD to provide an effective opposition to unprogressive moves by Sata PF. If need be, lobby others to protect our nation from purpoted PF moves to do things without following the laws of Zambia.

  14. The opposition should not have voted against the PAC in the first place because their argument that president Sata had abolished the position of the Secretary to the treasury was not factual. The vice president Dr. Guy Scott is on record as having told parliament that the position of the Secretary to the Treasury had not been removed. This was well before the voting was called in the house. These opposition members were just driven by their selfish interests and they thought it would be a way of revenging for their humiliating defeat. We voted for change and development and if you think you will frustrate the PF government development plans in parliament,you are inviting the wrath of the people who rejected you.

  15. thats what checks and balances r there for , it leaves no room for the ruling party to bull doze ask Obama about his health reform bill, PF like any other party in the world needs checking, no blood if the bill is rejected its democracy. work for zambia boys $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  16. MMD are scared of adissolution of parliament cause it means that they will lose even the seats they rigged for. Dissolution will mean the death of MMD, opposition must also be objective, how do you turn down a bill for parliamentary accountability?

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