Friday, January 10, 2025

Former Presidents should form a union – T.B Joshua


The General Overseer of The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations, Ikotun-Egbe, Lagos, Nigeria, T.B. Joshua has attributed the backwardness of the African Continent to the dearth of consultants and elder statesmen.

Lamenting the situation, T.B. Joshua said that former presidents of the African Continent should, by virtue of their experience and wisdom, become fathers to all political parties, corporate societies,the business class and individuals alike instead of attaching themselves to particular political parties or ethnic groups.[pullquote]the crises in Libya, Egypt, Cote d’Ivoire,Tunisia and other countries could have been averted or minimized if ex-leaders had come together to form a union to curb the excesses of any current leader[/pullquote]

This is contained in a press statement released by The Synagogue Church Of All Nations.

The world acclaimed faith healer and philanthropist said each time incumbent presidents in any African country look around for advice, they are disappointed because those they should look up to are busy fighting for one political group, ethnic nationality or another.

T.B. Joshua advised that whenever an incumbent is leaving the seat of power, he should tell the whole world that henceforth, he is no more a member of any political party or group but father of the whole nation as an ex-president.

“As one who has been there, he is in the best position to tell the incumbent and other groups alike what they should do to succeed, since experience is the best teacher”.
As a former president, he is well placed to serve as a consultant to all these groups. Others will look up to him for counsel to avoid pitfalls in
the pursuit of success. In this way, he will bring harmony,cooperation and prosperity to the continent. The peace the continent requires for progress in all fields of endeavour will become a reality as a result. He urged ex-presidents and heads of state to come together and form a union which current leaders can look up to for direction.

This will serve as a beacon of hope and force of unity for the continent in general and the various countries in particular. The union will also ensure that current presidents have access to it and its pool of rich experience for better governance.

T.B. Joshua declared that the crises in Libya, Egypt, Cote d’Ivoire,Tunisia and other countries could have been averted or minimized if ex-leaders had come together to form a union to curb the excesses of any current leader. He therefore calls for the urgency of this union for the good of the entire continent.


  1. This Joshua gets too much attention. Can you apologise to Africa for causing sick people to stop taking their medicines and as a result many of them died. The documentary was on tv! You have led many astray.

  2. Enjoy your millions T B Joshua, but don’t try to bring about Bwezani Banda and the likes on the political scene again as they have nothing to offer apart from corruption, corruption and corruption!

  3. Problem, when these so called african leaders are in power, they forget the purpose they were voted into power. They become greedy, cheeky,stubborn,blinded and corrupt. who can even listen to their advice when they leave office with such a bad reputation? answer=only a full!!

  4. Good advice. They can continue pushing forward Gadafi’s vision of uniting Africa and liberating it from western imperialists.

  5. heheheh..TB..the healing of people has flopped now..?hahahahahaha..yaba..kwena pa Africa..just keep preaching my broda!!

  6. All those that are saying bad things about the man of God dont know anything about him, please, its better you dont comment. Honestly, who would say any bad thing about Prophet TB Joshua if they really knew who he was? Watch emmanuel tv and get to know the man and then comment. God bless the man of God

    • And you “know” the Joshua because of ku tamba T.V??? Nigga please!!!! Some of us have close relatives who have gong’ad themselves by going to SCOAN, only coming back more brainwashed, with less money in their pockets and of course with the virus that took them there very much in replication mode.

  7. The man of God is saying the truth.Even in our family we need the elderly to advice,once leaders open up they will lead the country properly, like what our President is doing.

  8. i think it will be a duplication of what the AU stands for. Besides not all former presidents have a good record for them to be consulted on issues of governance. the problem in Africa is because we tend to trust individuals with state and governance  matters. its time we created institutions to help in governance not around individuals because individuals die and are prone to be corrupted.

  9. True, we our former presidents to be none partisan so that they are approachable. Imagine Sata consulting Rupia, Wa-mutharika consulting Muluzi.

  10. Good idea …Honestly what advise can a chap like buff00n RB give you apart from how to launder cash from brown envelopes through banks and dodge companies!!


  12. With up right thinking former leaders it is a good thing as at now Africa looks lost they cant support their pipo like libyans suffered

  13. from every indication shows that our incubent president has good intention for our country. but he has started listening bad advise of those evil men dat decay this country. Tbj u said the right thing.

  14. What does this so called prophet want. let him just continue his propheses with no value at all. By the way is he a witch doctor or what?

  15. Amen to this word of advice from T. B. Joshua. However, I also feel like #17 that the African Union can be used by the elder statesmen. The case in point is that though the old men have the experience and wisdom, it is the young men that will now shape the future of Africa.

  16. The man may be a business man or a con r whatever you could choose to call him but this advice is very timely for Zambia and Africa as a continent. It is high time we moved to another level and united. Then maybe we can become free of this neo colonialism we are experiencing

  17. This demagogue, they are already doing that! Elderstatemen such as Mbeki, KK, Rawlings, Obasanjo, Mogae et al. Even the councils have what they call Alderman! Unfortunately, this bishop rejoices in other people’s woes! One Hefty Jay, was told, “I cannot do anything for you because you did not come with your ‘real’ wife!” What cheek!

  18. Brain washed Emmanuel TV watchers! I can never sit back and be lied to… Let the magician repair an amputee’s leg, then you can call me for consideration. Let him make bread for Ethiopia or Somali for five loaves then we can just about start discussing!

    • thou shall not put God to test. if u dont believe him let it be like that. but i can assure u tht b4 u die u will hav an encounter wit him. may GOD DELIVER U MY BROTHER. A FAKE PROPHET NEVER LEADS PIPO TO CHRIST AND TO REPENTANCE, THIS IS WHAT QUALIFIES HIM.

  19. why not being object to the advise instead of attacking the man of God. whatever your faith may be remember, the bible says touch not my anointed one. otherwise it is timely advise because if the waste leader has had some experience of governance hence the need for them to become the haven of wisdom. 

  20. why not being object to the advise instead of attacking the man of God. whatever your faith may be remember, the bible says touch not my anointed one. otherwise it is timely advise because even the waste leader has had some experience of governance hence the need for them to become the haven of wisdom. 

  21. This generation is very lucky to be blessed with holy men like Prophet T B Joshua. He is the first true Christian I have ever seen. Truly holy man. True man of God, this T B Joshua. How I wish he was easily accessible.Unlike many of our pastors whose main message every session is tything…….The more you tythe the more blessed you will be……..Mwanwhile they drive expensive cars…..they look hefty…..can’t help the poor…..and they refuse to accept smal amounts for tyth……we are blessed to have T B Joshua in this generation.

  22. Anyone can claim to be anointed, even the late FTJ claimed to be anointed! This materialistic brat just wants the lime light!

  23. The fruits of the Holy Spirit include the following: Humility,peace, love, patiencen,kindness,etc and all these are present in Prophet TB Joshua. All those people who speak ill of the prophet are demon possessed. They are blinded from seeing the truth. Unless they are delivered they will never know what is good for them. We do not have a choice but to love TB Joshua; he is wonderful.

  24. May GOD forgive all those who have passed bad comments about TB Joshua the man of God may God speak to your conscious so that you may know the truth

  25. plz african leaders listen to the man of GOD and adhere to his proposal in jesus name. mind u all will be well with us in africa and i bet u no conflicts will erupt in this beatiful land of africa. and N014 (mo teim) put your bubbling mouth away from TB. jashua as he is the man of GOD. may the lord guide you properly as you do not understand the word of GOD. It is not TB. Joshua speaking to ur former leaders but GOD thru a man of GOD. please read in between the lines before you speak my fellow sinner and may you be blessed in Jesus name… Amen.
    mind u TB. J is NOT a guy as u put it – do not be fooled by the world sir. Pray hard as i do. amen, may the Lord bless you and give you the light to see your future…..

  26. God has spoken through the anointed Man of God PROPHET T.B JOSHUA. the rest remains with the African leaders to take it or leave it. The bible is full of messages from God through his prophets and the consequences of ignoring such messages. Glory be to God!

    • Not to mention that it is used out of context. So is “let he who has no sin cast the first stone.” or “who are you to judge”

  27. Only good former presidents. Former presidents involved in corruption and convicted in the courts of law should not be included. Those who overstayed in office beyond constitution requirements of their countries should not be part of it. Some have nothing constructive to offer.

  28. I am a Christian and I only believe in the righteous rule of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. However, I believe the advise from TB Joshua is very good and timely. Look at the brutal strength that was poured unto Libya by the western forces, hunger and war in Somalia most help is only coming from the west and brutal rule in Zimbabwe, no fellow African organised enough to intervene in all these sad situations.

  29. WE NEED THE SEPERATION OF CHURCH & STATE ASAP!!! This T.B Joshua is gettin on my nerves with his political prophecies n predictions..F***!

  30. Thank you man of God for the message thru you. It is about time that Africa ex president should join forces and rather act in the advisory capacity. To those who are yet to far from the man of God may the almighty touch you so that you start believing. 

  31. #15 Nigga you know Joshua because you have watched tv and you donate to the man making millions???. Show me anywhere in the bible where the ancient prophets anointed by God used to make million for doing Gods work? Dont be fooled guys dont call any jim and Jack who self proclaims themselves man of god as Men of God. Read the bible about what it says will happen towards the end of the world. “Fake prophets will arise and mislead many”. And i am very confident that this Nigerian 419 dude calling himself man of God is one of them. Just pray to your heavenly father through his Son Yeshua Christo (Jesus Christ) and God will show you the way. Christ said you can only get to the father through him and not these useless businessmen preying on people seeking to find God. So tell him to Shut up!!

  32. thou shall not put God to test. if u dont believe him let it be like that. but i can assure u tht b4 u die u will hav an encounter wit him. may GOD DELIVER U MY BROTHER. A FAKE PROPHET NEVER LEADS PIPO TO CHRIST AND TO REPENTANCE, THIS IS WHAT QUALIFIES HIM.

  33. I thank God to live in this age to experience man and women of God being used mightly like T b Joshua. Whether you don’t believe in him or not ,what we know he is a man of God and what he speaks comes to pass,Deutronomy 18:18-22. Glory be to Jehovah God. We see the book of Acts in action. Indeed can anything good come from Africa? Can anything good come from Nezareth? Can anything come from an African ?THANK YOU FATHER you have not revealed your secretes to the great but to the simple .lf the prophate were ‘white ‘ you would have been worshipping him. Man of God you have spoken and the wise will listen.

  34. keep to ur bible man of God. leave politics to politicians. In developed worlds ex leaders make no headlines , its what we call progress never look back, they have done there time and we have wide sources of referrence should we need help.

  35. Man of God my foot!, Lets put that dude to the test, tell him to leave his riches behind and follow God, am sure he wont The dude is all about money and nothing else. Its sad that people like him take advantage of thousands of people seeking to find God, He tells you to donate to his church for you to have riches, what a bunch of bull! He owns the church and the bank account only him has controlling rights over the church money and when he spends it, he spends it in the name of “pastor needs a new car (Benz), pastor needs a house bla bla bla” Am also a man of God people follow and give me money lol Yaba, the end is near indeed!

  36. Number two, can you go to hell and perish with your Sins for talking evil against the man of God, may you never see the Love and grace of the lord till you meet your master satan in Gehana.

  37. You lads, why do you always go astray? Why don’t you just comment on the subject in question? TBJ as as African has a good suggestion for Africa’s sake. Why not just SHUT UP if someone is frustrated and just sits around before the computer to pass such********comments! Get back to me whosoever is concerned.

  38. Instead of commenting on the issue raised some people are busy attacking the prophet.He has every right to his opinion no matter how u look at him.I think the people insulting the prophet for voicing his opinion lacks substance and should go and hang.T.B.Joshua is here, wheather you/your sponsors like it or not,he is making an impact in our world.If u think he is evil,go to him and deliver him from evil with ur Godly power so that heavens will rejoice but if he inturn delivers u from envy,backbitting,rumour mongering,lying,hate speeh,decietfullness,demonic influence etc. so be it but whichever way it goes,heavens will still rejoice.Leave T.b.joshua as a prophet alone for God.

  39. This man T B Joshua is a false prophet, the biggest 419 in Nigeria today ! He’s deceived many because people are ignorant of scripture, and he’s able to manipulate and fabricate things to prop his image. He disregards the two main commandments of Jesus to baptize in water and to remember the Lord’s supper. This puts him in rebellion and rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft. 1 Samuel 15:23. T B Joshua practices witchcraft, preaches another gospel and has another spirit. 2 Cor 11: 4. Jesus warns us of many false prophets arising in this latter days and Joshua is one of them !

  40. @Mr Terric,According to u T.B.Joshua does not observe the two commandments of Jesus.Why not allow Jesus to judge him,remember that Jesus promised to judge everyone at the appropriate time instead of jumping into conlusion or are u now taking the position of Jesus by judging him as a false prophet,419,deciever and rebel ?.The bible also said that thou shall not judge.

  41. This is power, wisdom and the Holy Ghost Speaking he That has ears let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying.
    I pray God to strength and more wisdom to the Grace God is Given to you.

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