Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Government pessimistic on dual citizenship


File: Dr Scott at the Press Briefing

Government has expressed pessimism at allowing Zambians living in the Diaspora to hold dual citizenship. Vice President Guy Scott said that although the issue of having dual citizenship among Zambians could be important and helpful to some, government was worried that other people might misuse it for dubious activities.

Dr. Scott has said that the government is however still studying the issue. “The issue of dual citizenship was important but we are worried about the misuse it will bring. But it would be important that you are entitled to that,” he said.

Dr. Scott was speaking at Edith Cowan University in Perth when he addressed Zambians living in Western Australia. The Vice President told Zambians in Australia that government will cautiously discuss the issue of dual citizenship at cabinet level.

And Dr. Scott has disclosed that government will discuss the need to establish a consular office in Australia especially that the number of Zambians living in that country has increased.

He said that opening a consular office will allow Zambia and Australia boost their business ties while easing the lives of Zambians in that country. There are over 4,000 Zambians living in Australia, out of which about 2,000 live in the western part of that country.

The Vice President further called on Zambians in Australia to invest back home and help rebuild the country. He said the PF government will level the playing field for both foreign and local investors who want to engage into various businesses in Zambia.

Meanwhile, Dr. Scott told Zambians in Australia that the Patriotic Front won last month’s general elections because young people were frustrated by the failure of the previous government to create job opportunities for them.

He said government now has a challenge of providing Zambians with their needs hence the need for investments that will create employment. Earlier, Zambians living in Western Australia asked government to urgently address the request to allow them be citizens of two countries.

Chairperson of the Organisation of Zambians Living in Western Australia (OZALIWA), Chilekwa Mwaba, said Zambians living abroad will easily invest home if they are granted dual citizenship status.

Mr. Mwaba also appealed to government to open a consular office in Perth because most of the Zambians are living in Western Australia. He said the Zambian embassy in Tokyo in Japan is too far to quickly address needs of Zambians living in Australia.

Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chishimba Kambwili, thanked Zambians living in Australia for conducting themselves well. Mr. Kambwili said there have been no bad reports about Zambians in that country.

The Vice President, together with Mr. Kambwili, Commerce Minister Bob Sichinga, Labour Minister Fackson Shaenda and some senior government officials were attending the 2011 Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM 2011) in Perth which has since closed.



  1. You want investment from Zambians abroad and you will not grant them Dual citizenship.
    What security concerns are there for Zambia regarding Dual Citizenship which Canada,UK,Nigeria etc do not experience.
    Even old Mr Munkombwe was able to articulate and advocate for this.
    Wake up PF government otherwise you shall be a one term party.

    • The best example is Ghana which has seen an increased levels of investments from the diaspora after it allowed dual citizenship. Zambia needs young leaders who will understand the new global dynamics of the 21st century. These old tired dogs don’t understand how to be competitive in this fast paced world. I bet they don’t even have a cyber policy in Zambia, no wonder they don’t understand the direct relationship between increased investments and dual citizenship.

  2. Well according to PF campaign promise, they are supposed to deliver a new constitution in 90 days. And they will do it by incorporating the submissions made by people in the three sittings. Dual Citizenship is one of the items Zambians overwhelmingly wanted.

    So you PIG thief stop this rubbish of cabinet is still studying it. This is a constitutional issue and Zambians decided and not for PF cabinet decide.

    I repeat this is not a PF Government cabinet issue. This is one of the submissions made in those constitutions reviews. Enact the Constitution in 90 days as you promised. And this clause shall be part of it.

    Don’t think 2016 is far. It is not. We shall show you the door.

  3. I attended a 47th Zambian Independency celebrations in Sydne last Saturday and everyone in that hall had a Zambian and Australian passport including myself. The Zambian govt should not deny us dual citizenship, what security measures are they worried about that countries like Australia, USA and UK that have troops in Iraq are not worried about? We will only contribute effectively to Zambia if dual citizenship is offered. I dont want to go to visit Zambia hiding my other passport…..they should not subject us to such tactics.

  4. These politicians drag their feet over this issue because they view Zambians living in the Diaspora with a negative eye. What abuse are they talking about, which other countries do not experience. Zambia spent a lot of money training most of these people that are living abroad and now these politicians view them in a suspicious way, instead of benefiting from that investment. Why complain about lack of skills when there are many Zambians available that can be utilised in almost any area? Passports are designed to stop the wrong people from coming into the country and not keeping the right people out.
    In this day and age, it is not uncommon for a person to have 3 or more legal passports. I am going or a third passport at the moment and I am not counting the Zambian passport! Wake


    • Ba tata mulichikopo zoona. Go and look at yourself in the mirror… you piece of shiite. Do you have any idea how hard we worked for the British Passports? Walisukapo umusungu amafi? chintu chobe..

    • The issue with misuse as you say here does not lie in the granting of dual nationality. You say there are people already holding dual passports, question is how did they manage to get the Zambian passports. This points to a different issue – that of corruption.

      I have also heard of stories of Zimbabweans obtaining Zambian passports so they can easily go to the UK and again, how is this happening. The system here needs to be overhauled and the checks changed.

      When you consider, for example, how one goes from a temporary visa to being a citizen in say Australia, it is no easy process. The issue you raise here is not dual nationality but the corruption allowing the issue you mention to go on.

    • people, people you speak as though having dual citizenship will allow dubiousness more than it is.you also must know that opportunities in the western countries is abundant and hence this idea of dual citizenship.people will feel free to marshall capital to Zambia from the developed countries while feeling comfortable that they can move freely without any impedments of visas.The number of dubious people will not be 100% obviousily.There are more law abiding citizens who genuinely want to invest back home. a case in point is Ghana, Nigeria,to name a few.when they get citizenship of USA, they immediately move to Ghana and open up businesses that link the two. it is very easy to for one to move back and forth when you have dual citizenship.our allegence to mother Zambia is unquestionable.

    • I think Malikopo does not understand the issue at hand.This issue of duel citizenship has always been brought before all Constitution review committees which were set up by different governments and its not Zambians abroad who have been asking for this but Zambians in Zambia.You write negatively about Zambians of Indian origination.These people work hard and thats why they are rich but you the lazy Zambians think that they deal in drugs.When are we ever going to look at a rich person and say he/she has acquired the riches by hard work.To be wealth does not mean you are a thief or drug baron.

    • From using caps for your posts is an indicator of something missing. Please take time and step outside the box…….. You dont have to look as far as US or Australia. Just take the road to Cairo and stopover in Addis to witness the attributes in diversity from dual citizenship.

  6. I hate my zambian passport, once I get my British passport why do i want to go to back to a third world country?

    Britain all the way, I am afraid. This decission does not affect me in any way whatsoever. Who cares, as long as my fiance Nick who I love stays with me, and i have no reason he will ever leave me as I show him affection and do things to him which only me I learned can do to him. He will always love me

    Zambia and me dont fit in the sentence. My favourite colour is not Green but meroun. (passport colour)


    • Mushota, r u 100% normal? n’way only educated pipo huv a dream abt home ZED, bcoz they knw they huv a life back home. can you dream of going back home if u work in KFC? ofcos NO, we don’t huv KFC pa zed. or homes for old pipo. akukolopeni ba Mushota.

    • Mushota you are an ***** & a disgrace to the Zambian community. Fiance Nick! Your asshole! You are not even married to a Briton & u r boasting like lunshi pa maafi? For your own info the British passport is red. And you will never get it. Panyo pako!

    • Ij cole, good points. As for Ka mushota I see why people vilify you. You are full of shit. The forefathers of the people in developed countries worked hard to attain their presents standards. you from no where you think you’ll easily swim in their hard earned wealth. Wait until they are done with your skills, if at all you’ve got any, and chase you like a cockroach of a cupboard. Never despise where you came from my sister.

    • Typical Identity Crisis wakeup!!! lady no hard feelings but you sound so colonised in your mind and thats a mess i feel for you so much,hope you come to an ephiphany soon.you can be doing all you are doing there that is good, but to demonise your country no matter what, its just absurd i wonder how your friends look at you there if thats how you talk about your country.am sure in the long haul they will find it hard to respect or take you seriouse.take a close look at yourself please am telling you this out of the spirit of UBUNTU.

    • move on if you must, but don’t belittle the land of your birth. It speaks more about you than the land you are so publicly trashing.

    • You an eediat big tym and your postings shows it all. 99.9 percent of it is total crap. Makes me wonder why that Nick fool can´t live you cos he couldn´t get any pussy from the british girls and after trying Thai women, he found you.

  7. Good evening

    When it comes to Dual Citizenship, views and emotions will always be divided. I have my own reasons for holding on to my Zambian passports but I wouldn’t impose them on anyone else. Suffice to say, what is a convinience for the majority and a necessity for some might turn out to be a golden alibi for others.


    • you can only whole heartedly contribute if we know that our contributions are secured and we have free access.so dual citizenship is the best answer donot talk from a jealousy point of view

    • I wish to respond to your comment based on ignorance, my wife is Australian and am Zambian. We are building a school in Chingola for the poor…www.blessedtobless.com.au and we travel back and forth a lot for the same reasons and my spouse VISA expires next year meaning that everytime I need to travel to Australia I have to apply for a VISA a process which is a nightmare to go through. If I have both passports my whole life becomes better. Besides I have 3 children who half Zambian and half Australian and I need them to have the Zambian citizenship aswell without forfeiting the Australian…..Before you utter rubbish think twice Kolwe iwe

  9. I am already dual just by flipping passports. Zambian borders have no way of detecting which other country I am a citizen of. Just show a valid Zedian passport at KK airport while your US, UK passport is in your bra, chapwa!

  10. Could someone educate me, I have never ever understood why African people have English names.

    Felix, Brian etc, you should be ashamed of yourselves. Its not slavery is it? If yo have an English given name, please consider giveing it up. My father told me, I am also Prisca. I found it very insulting and deamining. I will never accep it, NEVER, if you have an English name, you must consider giving it up, You just a disgrace to Africa and its history.

    I hope people do agree with me on this one, Thanks. I am Mushota Chimfwembe, how beautiful!


  11. Mushota, you are sick, an illusionist (like David Blaine) or a comedian (like Peter Kay or Russell Brand. What do you think yourself about your sanity?  You are probably even out of touch with yourself.

  12. Yebo nchinga MALIKOPO, it seems you are stuck pa ZED. Let those that are not stuck pa ZED
    get dual so they can move easily and bring you money for CHIBUKU. SUNTWE YEBO

  13. This kind of nonsense and myopia at the heart of government is frightening indeed. Firstly Chishimba Kabwili’s wife and kids live and work in the UK. If this is the official position of government, then kabwili must lead by example. So there is a possibility they already the documents we are talking about. Secondly Guy Scott is so dull and has no national interest at heart. If Scott and Sata think that they can deny our descendants their legal heritance to Zambian land then they are asking for a problem. There are over 500,000 persons living in the diaspora and the majority are professionals with skills that zambia badly needs. These skills can only be traded in with dual nationaity – no more no less.l

  14. # You people have too many things to wory about. Just get your citizenship from what ever country you are living. But do not denounce your Zambian citizenship. As and when you are ready, go back and cool down at home. Simples!! Zambia is ours bonse, if you have no part of Zambia then you need to start working hard to claim part of it. For me, I fully support what Dandy Crazy said: “that I have I own a part of Zambia which am ready to sacrifice my life for because I value that absolutely” (Nalikwata part ya Zambia nkafwilapo pantu patali) So he sung. You see how I struggled to translate what he sung; shows you am not English, no matter how hard i can try, am not. So ba Scott, with or without passsport, I know a part of Zambia that belongs to me. Patali!!

  15. #Just ignore these chaps; we supported them through and through, giving the suggestions; now they are in power so they can do what they want. Why do you have to announce that you have a dual citizenship? And in Zambia for that matter? That wil be trouble for nothing!!

  16. #8 Nine Chale, nshaishiba nga ulichipumbu nangu you eat with both hands.
    Under the last government you were or pretended to be pro MMD and now you are more or less PF.
    Mumbwe umfwa, dual citisenship is a national issue and not for individuals.
    I reside in Zambia and has dual citizenship – British-Zambian and work for the government. And I am not alone, ask- Prof C Chirwa, Dr Rogers Chongwe and many others, with more brains than you, as to why they are Zambian and other.
    Simple, this is a global world.

    • Inkondo tukwete, bakaboke bakaitemwe of Zambians staying abroad nabafula. Mule my friend, like you rightly puts it, this issue goes way beyond our wish to be Zambians and only Zambians. americans of UK, Russia, China etc origines,go as they wish and equally the same the other way round and that’s why they have succeeded. How in the hell aim I gonna help the crippled, blind and poor if I do not have the chance to get into my country without applying for a visa? Dr Scott errored on this one. To even the score, he should give up his UK citizenship now that he’s VP and lets see how he likes it.

  17. If anyone meant to abuse their privileges, they would abuse their current Zambian Passport and status.

    Give the people dual citizenship. If there will be serious issues, you can always revoke it.

  18. This is the most DULL Vice president Zambia has ever had. Where does he get that thinking? Besides bwana we all have dual passports even if Zambia officially has no dual citizenship. You are wasting your time. Besides this Guy Scott has his Zambian and British passport

  19. MuleThe problem with Nine chale, if you watch his contributions they mean nothing . he does not criticise no educate anyone and he is in the middle ground which makes you wonder what he stands for. I read al his comments with disbelief, which is which? Where do you stand? His comments prior to elections where all for MMD now he appears lining with PF and making sentences and a few big words which mean nothing.You need to make points and make a stand sos people respect your opinion, mere groundless contributions makes him look desperate. Listen to Engineer, Bootlicker etc and you will learn something. I don’t hate him, just an observation, and I have been on here for almost 4 years now. I think he is motivated in wanting to win awards and he is coning the bloggers lol

  20. Whether PF likes it or not dual citizenship tulegeta. Next year am getting my British Citizenship and you fukkers will not stop me!! Guy Scott, your dad left Glasgow for Lusaka and was declared Zambian, did you advise him to drop his British Citizenship? Why do you want to ‘discuss in detail’ with cabinet when this was a foregone conclusion in the NCC?

  21. I have renewed my Zambian passport twice now but meanwhile I hold a USA passport. I’m a dual citizen already. When I enter Zambia the don’t even see if my passport is stamped or not, I just present it and they stamp. When leaving I just present my USA passport. The change won’t affect me in anyway

  22. The problem, Zambians who are self centred nabafula. “Mule”, like you rightly put it, this issue goes way beyond our wish to be Zambians and only Zambians. Americans of UK, Russia, China etc origins go back and forth as they wish and that’s why they have succeeded. How in the hell are we gonna help the crippled, blind and poor if we have to apply for visa every time we want to get into our country to give to the desperate I personally saw. Dr Scott errored on this one. To even the score, he should give up his UK citizenship now that he’s VP and lets see how he likes it. We are just trying to help and I hate not doing enough for my country. To those in comfort, think about what your grandparents and your parents sacrificed for you to be where you are.

  23. This is why most in the Diaspora have supported the pf because of lack of sensitivity by the previous regimes. Imagine my children, born in Britain and become British nationals denied an opportunity of being Zambian. Where is my pride as their parent. Be sensitive please. There are no security concerns but an opportunity for development.

    • Mwana wesu, God gave us a chance to help those that still struggles. I don’t believe a coward would deny us what is good for the country. You wanna ask me the difference between the USA and sambia, or Zambia as I have always known it. Mwe bafuunuka, to be Zambian is a gift from God the father, not your sponsors. I have had a chance to be around the world 30 years and I don’t regret. I cry foul as an american zambian. Eimwe mulefwaya even my lozi friends to start eating sand. Ukushukila Mubita na muyambango

  24. Bwana VP that is just hot air that you’re blowing.Having or not having dual citizenship does not mean dubious acts stop.How many “makwerekweres” in SA have been able to buy their SA citizenship courtesy of the corrupt SA immigration?Soldier of fortune or mercenary Bob Denard was able to move around even overthrowing several African govts.Same applies to Simon Mann who was able to do dirty work in Zim,SA & other african countries.These dirty deeds were all achieved thru citizens who most likely had no dual citizenship but all the same they sold their countries.

  25. It is no secret and its widely assumed that since countries such as the US, UK and Canada allow dual citizenship, then it must be fine for Zambia. Nobody asked why countries such as Germany, Japan, China and India do not allow dual citizenship…..even a country like India with a very big diaspora population has a modified form of dual citizenship what it calls “overseas citizenship”, but stops short of dual citizenship.

    • Hey jay jay, India has the two top 5 richest on planet earth and we ain’t crying about them bcoz they can move as they wish. Trust me I have friends of 35 years who are indians and chinese. Them criminals terrorist especially from west and north africa have dented the image of of the entire continent as we knew it in the 70,’s. Lets ask ourselves before we become stupid all in the name emulating democracy. Of what benefit is dual citizenship to zambia?

  26. To be honest Guy Scott has no much say in the matter, MCS made it very clear even before he became President that he did not support dual nationality. When the NCC was deliberating on possibilities of granting dual nationality MCS said it was not a good idea citing security concerns. During his visit to the UK early this year in his speech to Zambians, he again emphasised the need for Zambians in the Diaspora to return home if they were to make meaningful contribution to the Country in his own words, “I also worked in london during 1960s’ doing all sorts of jobs but I returned home and I am still alive so what are you afraid of?”. On that score do not expect much sympath from MCS’s Government on this one, it was never their campaigh promise unfortunately. Writing was on the wall.

  27. #6 your argument shoots itself in the foot!! You acknowledge that bad characters obtain Zambian passports without problem, SO THE SECURITY PROBLEM DOES NOT LIE WITH DUAL NATIONALITY, but rather the corruption & porousness of our security institutions which ahve allowed this to happen. CURRENTLY THE GOVT IS FORCING WELL MEANING CITIZENS TO COMMIT A CRIME SIMPLY BECOZ IT DENIES THEM ONE OF THEIR FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS, THE RIGHT TO FREE ASSOCIATION & MOVEMENT!!!

    2016 is just around the corner, We have the last of his generation being president, 2016 will be another defining year, WE WILL HAVE DUAL CITIZENSHIP!!!

  28. PF do not take people for granted!!! The desire by Zambians both in Zambia and abroad regarding this matter was OVERWHELMING. It is one thing everyone agreed on. This made RB accept it without doubt. So why does PF want to subdue people’s desires? Only recently did Kenya pass the law for dual citizenship – they have seen benefits which countries like India acrue as a result of allowing their nationals to hold dual citizenship. Moreover, countries such as UK, Canada, and other developed countries would not support dual citizenship if they knew that it was detrimental to a country. PF, why do you want to take us backward? We will vote you out sooner than 2016 if you wish to take us for granted.


  30. Guys The Vice President is right. it will be grave to implement a policy that the Government will have no capability to deal with issues that will arise from it. As Zambians lets not be selfish and just think about our families, Lets think about the impact of dual Citizenship on a small guy in the Zambian society. Not until Zambia has fundamental capabilities or system that will make dual Citizenship safe for all Zambians i say it should not be implemented. “Concerned Zambian in Diaspora”

    • Wikalakwi nangu walibwelalamo kwesu? Don’t kid yourself. I have 5 doctor friends who would want to get back home just as I would. But everyone expects us to be paid less money than the *****s they continue employing as expatriates. Why do you need to pay Renhard $20,000 dollars when you have zambians with equally or even better qualifications? Oscar Mwaanga just got his doctorate but you would not pay him not even &5000 bcoz he is zambian. You *****s forget we came from families and rarely do you recognise a zambian for his achievement. Kuja mwa ja.

  31. The problem of not having dual citizenship is that you can not work in Zambia if you Zambian unless you hide your other nationality .. Which you can do effectively until a jealous friend or relative reports you to immigration .. Then you effectively get deported .    

  32. This is to the editor, please give us news or soon we keen followers of your publications may just not look at your site anymore. Dual citizenship can’t surely be your lead story, the news today is about the appointment of former spyboss as PS. Do some investigative journalism and give us more facts about this story.

  33. These politicians drag their feet over this issue because they view Zambians living in the Diaspora with a negative eye. What abuse are they talking about, which other countries do not experience. Zambia spent a lot of money training most of these people that are living abroad and now these politicians view them in a suspicious way, instead of benefiting from that investment. Why complain about lack of skills when there are many Zambians available that can be utilised in almost any area? Passports are designed to stop the wrong people from coming into the country and not keeping the right people out.
    In this day and age, it is not uncommon to have 3 or more legal passports. I am going or a third passport at the moment and I am not counting the Zambian passport! Wake

  34. This is the way politicians are. Once voted into office, they start serving themselves and not the people that voted for them.

  35. Lets face the facts here the advantages of dual citizenship are almost entirely for the people seeking it, not the state giving it; they gain a lot in terms of ease of travel and entry into the country and economic benefits despite having other citizenships.On the contrary, the country loses in visa fee collections, stimulated and accelerated brain drain, divided loyalties and possible betrayals (including espionage). In particular, the provisions for dual citizenship do not adequately take care of security concerns Have you also sat down and thought about other potential implications of dual citizenship, including taxation and conflicts of laws. Lets face it guys you don’t have to be a citizen to genuinely invest in Zambia.
    You made your sodding bed now sleep in it!!!

  36. I am an American citizen who would consider coming to Zambia and investing in Zambia if I could obtain dual citizenship. Zambia needs to consider the good outcomes of allowing dual citizenship along with the bad. (So does America, by the way.) The world is shrinking, the laws must keep up.

    As for the comments about the drug runners and other criminals who might exploit dual citizenship: Are they not already committing crimes without the benefit of dual citizenship and could they not be prosecuted for these crimes alone? It is natural to want to keep crime out of the country; it is suicide to shut one’s self off so tightly from the rest of the world that no growth can happen. Ask North Korea.

  37. I’ve lived in the UK for over 15 years and cannot see myself not having a Zambian passport.I’m very proud of my heritage and honestly feel sorry for people like Mushota, but then again everyone is entitled to an opinion.

    I’d not want to surrender my Zambian passport, in fact my son was also born in the UK and will also be having a Zambian passport.I think dual citizen-ship is long over-due for Zambians living in diaspora. If security is an issue biometric passports will catch out the fraudsters.

  38. I remember very well that Sata was asked about his opinion dual citizenship by some concerned Zambians when he had meeting with them just before elections in London. This was after addressing the Oxford University students. His was very vague. He told the gathering that they were not going to worry about dual citizenship if Zambia was developed. This simply means that PF as a party and Sata as an individual do not support the idea of dual citizenship at all. The only consolation is that people of Zambia through the Mung’omba commission spoke with a loud voice that they want dual citizenship. These problems we are facing as a country of being cheated by one crook after another makes me think deeply as to why Mwanawasa died the way he did. I seem not to stop mourning about LPM’s death.

  39. Honestly speaking, all the zambian people i know who have citizenship in other countries also possesss zambian passports. Even these same politicians they never denounce the zambian passports when they get citzenship for other countries. For me this whole thing of saying we want dual citizenship so we can invest home its total rubbish and it will not make any difference. Those who have money, a heart for our country, and proud of being zambians and do not want to continue working in nursing homes,while lying to people who don’t know what actual jobs they do, and then later go to live in nursing homes when they retire have always invested home. It is because they truely know that home is where we belong.

  40. Give Citizenship to whoever is willing and able to work hard and contribute to the economy….I wouldn’t even mind giving those Chinese peasants Zed passports coz they work hard and dont just lazy around shouting meaningless political slogans, expecting the govt to give them everything….

  41. Please I will really appreciate that, it didn`t make much sense for me to pay for a visa, just coming to visit my own country. Zambia will always be in my blood, I might have a citizenship of another country but no one will ever take away my heritage !!! Please PF Government help us with this issue !!!

  42. It was a pleasure meeting the Zambian delegation. Thank you for taking us seriously on the issue of dual citizenship.

  43. Animal Farm is a cycle. Kaunda started of good in 1964 and finished badly by1991. Chiluba was good in 1991 until 2001. Levy was good in 2001 until RBbish finished of his Levy’s term with a bang. Sata started a good man last month but I don’t know how long he will last being a good man, what more with all these U-turns which are more like V turns.

  44. The problem with the dual citizen issue is that PF knows that if the give it to Zambians abroad, the will be able to vote. The vote from abroad will be objective and will be the swing vote for any future election in Zambia… thats the real reason SATA and co have started saying no to the issue period

  45. “The issue of dual citizenship was important but we are worried about the misuse it will bring. But it would be important that you are entitled to that,” he said.PLEASE PEOPLE CAREFULLY WHAT THE VICE PRESIDENT SAID. HE DID NOT SAY NO TO THIS ISSUE. I THINK EVEN THE COUNTRIES THAT PEOPLE ARE MENTIONING DID NOT JUST ALLOW DUAL CITIZENSHIP WITHOUT FIRST LOOKING INTO THE MATTER. PATIENCE PAYS. After all many are claiming that they already hold dual citizenship, why get so worked up now?

    • Adage, there is nothing to investigate about this matter. First, there were submissions by Zambians, who said they wanted it. Then the CRC FURTHER investigated it, and upheld it. Then the president RB, investigated it and accepted the wishes of Zambians and CRC investigations. Surely, what more is there to investigate?

  46. Here’s the deal. It is gratuitous thinking to think that everyone in the disapora is doing odd jobs. There are many that have much to give back to Zed but working through the red tape if you happen to hold a foreign passport is a hassle. I know of a number of accomplished Zambians that big projects in the works that are meant for the benefit of Zambia. If you take away the hope of dual citizenship then the impetus for them to invest (not charity) is taken away.

  47. @12 Mushota for once in a million messages you have brought something interesting. I honestly support you on that one. Africans should bare African names. We have million of white Africans but you will never hear them giving their kids African names. And why should we continue with English names if we are not English? I have one kid and he doesn’t have an English name, and I’m very proud of that as an African. Good one Mushota….

  48. This is the first rubbish i heard from you guys. That is why you continue loosing skilled manpower… already most Zambians are dual Citizens whether you like or not. Grow up!

  49. SAME – SAME with MMD, Nothing different. In this modern age? Give the Citizens a chance. More over we have tried to invest home; there is no room for Citizen Empowerment. Your borrowing Rates are at the most highest. If you apply for Land to build a House, very expensive and full of corruption.

    I thought with a Muzungu VP we will do better? Damn, another Ma Rubbish. Most Zambians already have dual Passports (Citizenship) for your Information.

    It is really a shame to see how our country will never move forward.

  50. this is none negotiable ba PF, it was proposed by Zambians to be part of the new constitution and no one should stand in the way. we need it and Zambia needs it. what abuse are you worried about you double tongued creatures…? which developed nations areint worried about. everything has pros and cons just put mechanisms to handle the alleged abuse period. tahst why you are a government.

  51. This GRZ dont understand that you can not live in Diaspora for donkey years on work and perm resident permit. You need to be citizen. If you not a citizen you may not fully benefit from the ‘host’ country.. in some countries you can not even get a loan, buy a house…To complicate matters even a 6 month baby needs a study permit to go to creche’ …Dual Citizen ship just clears all these issue.. And the biggest benefeciali is GRZ, when we send Moneys back home we are indirectly contributing to economical fortunes of Mother Zambia.

  52. This ka bitch ka mushota thinks she is too intelligent for Zambians who live within. She is just a cock sucker with no credible identity…to hell with you ka nick old muzungu. Proper Zambian are patriotic to mother Zambian and have got strategic jobs hence contributing to the growth of our economy unlike you who is just bitching around in the diaspora.

  53. I have come across west africans who bought their Zambian passports for 200 US dollars and kept their passports of country of origin safely. Zambian passports are easier for them to travel around on and get visa’s around the globe than ghanaian or nigerian passports.
    Meanwhile there are some decent NATIVE ZAMBIANS around the globe who have been following the law and travel on their adopted passports while waiting for a chance to get dual citizenship or reclaim their birthright legally!!!. Dont make them start buying passports from your corrupt officers that cannot resist $$$’s.

  54. More than 90% of the bloggers here live ‘ABROAD’ no wonder we can never have a meaningful debate regarding issues on the ground , you people have no idea of what’s really happening, your interest is dual citizenship because you have failed to contribute to the development of our country through hard work and decide to work in foreign land…..shame on you……investing back home does not require dual citizenship wake up you dull people. Mushota uli ule sana no wonder you are in UK giving BJ to that guy for your freedom that side…

  55. why are you crying so loudly? If you are zambian your are zambian no one has refused you. Get the passport of wherever country you are in…if they allow you period ! and you still remain with the zambian plus your registration card so who cares? after all, you did not even vote even if you yap to say your were promised dual citizenship, to hell with you.

  56. Why didn’t he elaborate on what abuse or what kind of dubious activities he meant. I’m still at loss as to try and understand how someone can abuse dual passports. And I have tried to go through the bloggers’ comments and I haven’t found any posting that expands on how this could be abused. The only thing I have come across is the so called ‘Security’. Are you serious? Why would anybody in their right minds travel from the UK, USA or AU to go and obtain a Zambian passports for the purposes of spying for these countries. What a joke!

  57. #8 MUSHOTA – you are at it again! What kind of a human being are you? And you keep talking about your fiance…how long have you been engaged? You need help.

  58. This is again another stupid party that has taken over govt. By the time we reach August 20th 2012, there will be no difference between PF and MMD. The same old *****s. 2016 all these chaps must go, we need completely new blood. How can they start talking against something PEOPLE said they want. Is it our fault that PF did not participate in the process. Stop urinating on people’s wishes. PF is definitely a one-term party.

  59. What is there to discuss in cabinet when you are saying Govt is pessimistic? Thats Govt stance now and in short you are telling us that you are not for that idea,who are you fooling? Those fake campaign promises will haunt you shortly.

  60. Many Zambians left the country for economic problems caused by bad politicians. It is therefore absurd for the current govt to say these people pose a security risk. Is there a research which suggests that these people are a security risk? In my opinion, the biggest loser in this mess will be the Zambian economy because it will not fully benefit from the talents of these people, which was paid for using copper money. One of our biggest shortfalls as Africans is the fear of the unknown. This prevents us from exploiting opportunities because due to insufficient information we decide to take no action, and even worse we resist change. When man landed on the moon, there were a lot of unknowns but they still performed the task due to strong will.

  61. Gave up mine long time, whats the use of it, when we have people thinking like the communist 60’s. The world is going borderless, you still have government that still does not trust its own. Developed countries have had this for centuries. Why should I invest back home when the government at hand does not trust me but they want me to put my sweat in their controlled little country …. to hell. At least RB listened to the people and started this initiative, just imagine how many jobs would be created if we (diasporains) invested just 10% of our annual incomes. Dull government!!!!!! Including morons like malikopo … but you are ready to trust chinese whom you have no idea where they get the monies they invest.

  62. # 8 & 12 Mushota – You contradict yourself too much. One moment you hate third world Zambia and do not want to go back, next you are advising us not to have English names. If anybody, it is you who should be ashamed of yourself for the inferiority complex that you have exhibited in your past blogs. Coming to dual nationality, here in Britain you can have a British passport and still keep your Zambian passport – the British goverment is not too bothered about that. I don’t what Sata’s and his cronies’ problem is.

  63. Guy Scott the Position of VP can be abused just good as dual nationaity. This is a stated fact and it has been abused in the past So should we ban the position of VP. Mind you as people in Diaspora we encouraged and supported PF to come to power. If there is anything we can gain from PF Leadership is dual nationaity. Or else you will lose our support, confidence and trust we had in you. This is timely warning. Let PF get this message loud and clear.

  64. Why get bothered by dual citizenship. If you are real Zambian just keep safely your Zambian passport and when you want to return to Zambia use a foreign one and once here your NRC /Zaambian passport will matter alot. Thats why the Indians dont bother themselves. They possess Zambian passports and when they travel abroad they change colors.


  65. Hey people listening to the Veep saying such things i felt like the man is mad! May be he is. This issue was submitted by Zambians and the NCC did a good job on it in the draft they presented to parley unfortunately Guy and his friends could not support it. So do not even waste our time by taking it to cabinet to discuss coz the Zambians spoke and wanted it and that is why the NCC included it. So RB was right on this one and many other issues except that most people especially the ones that were born in 1991 did not vote objectively. The man of action they were voting for actually they never experienced his actions in UNIP days and MMD days for they were little ones. Now that is the man of actions with his Veep telling u they need to discuss the dual citizenship when the Veep has dual !

  66. I understand everyone’s animation but remember, remember that it is not Scot or GRZ or PF who will decide new constitution content. The comment Guy made was his personal view only – so lighten up.

  67. I guess those that voted for PF are reaping what they sowed.For sure these guys dribbled you to get the votes they needed and now the decisions they are making are what matters to them and not to those that voted for them.Dont say you were not warned MCS has been on the political scene for a long time enough for anyone to know what he really stands for.

  68. I like the emotion and reasonning on the blog from the zed diasporas..this is brainstorming..no good or bad ideas… We are key stakeholders wrt Zambia National affairs. Dual Citizenship is just one of the issues we need attended to…we have so many ‘operational hiccups’..passport taking too long to process when u apply from our embasis (Embiles)…it is just dificut to work our foreign offices…

  69. Number 79 “The Reminder” puts the whole debate into the right perspective – personal opinion is what the VP is expressing. Even for MCS it was his opinion that he was giving us when he came to UK. If it be known nearly everyone in the Diaspora that has been fortunate to have acquired citizenship in their adopted country, all want dual nationality as the majority would like to retire back home in Zambia rather than live in misery in one of the old homes – if one can even afford it. It is a no brainer and I can categorically state that GRZ will not step in the will of the majority – be it we are in the minority but still carry a lot of weight if we speak as one voice. 

  70. Continuation … Bear in mind that The Mungomba Constitution Review recommended Dual Nationality and if Constitution is to be installed within the 90 days of MCS Governmnt, then they would have to implement the Mungomba Constitution in its entirety since submissions were collected country wide and nearly all the NGO’s and other interested parties contributed to the final document – it is therefore, a national review with no hidden agendas as the NCC was

  71. Pf dont have a clue on most issues.How can the whole vice president go and say such crap and uncordinated speech to highly learned Zambians.For a start those are 4 000 Zambians who disenfranchised because of silly Zambian politics.You deny them dual citizenship and say they should invest!They have Zambian pasports then u.k,S.a,Us passports!what name do you give to such a situation?These are genuine children of the soil being denied a basic right.Is he aware the U.N says a person who stays for five or more years qualifies for permanent residency!Does Kalusha Bwalya and thousands of other Zambian not possess dual nationality already.Only a danderhead cant see that.We lack dimensional thinkers in this pf govt. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  72. Perhaps an amnesty will also be required as those crying loudly have broken the law. Patience. It will come. Hope those who have illegal duality are prepared to settle up without complaint before joining the legal duals. South Africans are finding out the hard way when they now get stopped at Heathrow as the biometric system is in play.

  73. Every issue of this nature has a pro’s and con”s.The sata administration would be doing their job well if tghey look at this issue objectively.zambians living abroad after contributing to their host countries for some number of years in the form of taxes and being solid members of society find it in their interest to offer those zambians citizenship after thoroughly checking their background.they offer citizenship not because of goodwill but because they want to keep such solid people.I don’t understand the logic in denying us dual due to the security threat that we pose.There maybe a case of not allowing dual because of loyalty issue but the reason given doesn’t withstand scrutiny.why create exile’s of some very capable people .

  74. This administration appears not to be well thought out.Lead with your reasoning skills rather than emotions.gut decisions take you only so far before you fall of the cliff.There should have been more elective classes in humanities in Dr Guy Scotts agriculture PhD.

  75. President Sata said something about returning to zambia after working “here and there”.He is making the same mistake of assuming that everybody in the diaspora are menial workers there are a lot of extremely successful people in the professions and business who could make a meaningful contribution to the growth of our country.There are some stories of biilionaire business people who are ex zambians living in california who have Dr KK picture on their office wall because they grew up when his photo adorned every room with a roof on it in zambia

  76. I attended the meeting referred to here in Australia. Dr Guy Scott clarified that he does not hold dual citizenship. He renounced his British citizenship donkey years ago, before dual citizenship was introduced yonder. (Oh, he paid 5 pounds fee for the same)

  77. Here we go again with Mad Mushota trying to contradict herself/himself. She/ He talks of giving up English names and at the same time despise Africans and African names. What a fool. Can someone please sledge hammer this Mushota thing for good’s sake! I end here!

  78. I think the PF is getting this idea of prohibiting dual citizenship from the Chinese, I knew something like this would come out from the recent renewal of vows between sata and the chinois. But with all things being equal and with God on our side, I believe any well meaning Zambian should welcome such a policy. Why should we have folks prostituting, today you are supporting this country, tomorrow that one. If you choose zambia then period! case closed!

  79. Guy Scot is echoing the sentiments of MCS over the issue of security. I am a Zambian and hold citizenship for another country as well. It is very difficult to understand what security or dubious means I can use to endanger the security of Zambia. It is this shallow understanding of things that we have always opposed.

  80. I will use my Aussy passport while travelling in Europe and the Americas then use my Zed passport while travelling in Africa….Donchi Kubeba !!!!

    • Exactly! That’s how it is and will continue being if these bozos dont aloow dual citizenship. And anyway, when push comes to shove, i know which passport I’m keeping, and it aint the zambian one…

  81. The PF govt is making a mistake by mulling over this issue. The US, UK, Rwanda and Senegal are some of the countries that have beneftted greatly from dual citizenship. The benefits outweigh the negative aspects. Why host a dinner for Chinese investors when you are afraid of your own citizens in diaspora? Maybe, politicians find it easy to deal with the Chinese who can bribe them. There is not much the politicians will get from diaspora investment.

  82. Dual citizenship must happen in Zambia, not just because the world is getting smaller, but because people are calling for it. If this is truly a people-driven government, then government must oblige; otherwise we’ll find a government that will. Simple. 
    I really do not see any abuse that can come from this — all GRZ needs to do is gain more control of citizens, i.e. have a system in place to know how many citizens we have, how many have dual citizenship, how many are arrested, etc, etc. 
    Why shouldn’t we compare Zed to other countries, do they not get 24 hrs of sun, air, and life as we do.
    We need a can-do attitude.

  83. Zambians to misuse dual citizenship? its a joke frm these PF kaponyas. In the western world and some African countries have dual citizenship entitlements, have they got issues? No, any misuse is met with a robust legal system in place. PF with so called foreign minister Kabwili, did Guy Scott introduce him as such, what a joke we are in Zambia. Any way its a one term govt. Zambians learn quickly to know the seriousness of our leaders. Sata and PF has let Zambians down like Chiluba did. Change back to a new MMD is coming.

  84. I have read through the thread and nobody has convinced on the need for dual citizenship, to the average Zambians on the ground this is the least of their priorities, you talk of investing in the country then what’s stopping you…I’m not going to tip toe round this issue…you have forfeit your Zed passport now have your cake and bl@ody eat it…you can’t have it both ways!!!
    Zambia has no capacity to manage Dual Nationality (at the moment); have you thought about tax implications, the law what happens when you mess up you flash your US passport.  

  85. I have friends who hold other passports and are investing heavily in Zambia and they are not cry- babying about baseless dual citizenship…like i stated you have to do more than this to convince Zambians who are voters and politicians only listen to them that will not change…we know that the likes of President Sata  are true nationalists cut from a vintage cloth hence you have to do a lot more than this to convince him.

  86. Other countries like Ghana have fully taken advantage od dual citizenship by attracting business in Ghana by Ghananians living abroad. These people have invested back home. Am sure Zambians will also want to invest home with an assurance they can live there once they accumulate wealth. After all it is cheaper to live in Africa like a king that in Europe or America.

  87. Tax evasion is the issue, it’s a difficult question, imagine a Chinese comes to Zambia, buys a passport, then when charged for tax claim no, am Chinese so I pay tax back home. They need to discuss this one

  88. “The youth voted for the PF government because the MMD where not creating employment for the youth”  – Meanwhile all the jobs are going to old people like Alexander Chikwanda and the likes who have long retired…. Raising retirement age to 65 so to secure fellow old guards their jobs…. And they think we cannot read between the lines… At this rate this government will not even have the luxury to sit in office until 2016… We are watching very closely…

  89. Air time Sakala you are just as dull as your Guy Scott.. You actually are attempting to rationalize this PF folly… Go read a book cadre…

  90. Kambwili, what an idyot! Who said all Zambians conduct themselves well there. remeber those 3 guys who raped a Zambian woman in Sydney??????????????

  91. I’m ANTI-PF until they fulfill all their promises……. With regards to dual nationality choose you bunch of selfish *****s. Abash dual nationality- you either want to be Zambian or not. It’s people like you who will destroy the economy because you’ll pull out if the economy doesn’t suit you. You a bunch of pompous twits. Sata please ban dual nationalities so all the educated Zambians abroad come back to Zambia to contribute. 

  92. Guy Scott practice what you preach. Now hand over your British passport or step down if you don’t want to and give the VP job to a true patriotic Zambian who is proud to be Zambian and won’t runaway when PF plunders the economy; which they will be doing very soon. Now put your hands in the air and hand over your passport; I have 7 guns remember.

  93. any of you pipo asking for dual citizenships are just plain selfish…chimbwi afwile danganana..why did you live Zambia in the 1st place?..was it for education or maybe just to get a better life..well now you have the better life you asked for,so why do you want to come back in half?.there aint such thing as a “half crook” you either a crook or not..you held a bible in yo right hand and accepted to be a citizen of a country that is not yoz and you promised to abide by the laws of that country. so if you want to contribute to yo home country nothings stopping you, you can always come back as an expartriate, infact you will earning more money that way. i honestly dont think dual citizenship is the most important thing for Zambia righ now..we have billions of problems to fix.

  94. People are wasting time discussing this issue. Just Donchi Kubeba that you have dual citizenship, like Dipak, Kambwili, Scott, Ticklay and a lot more.

  95. I am disappointed with this new govt that they would like to make an issue of allowing Zambians to have many passports. This sort of thinking is not in line with modern trends. Trust Zambian politicians to always view things negatively! Majority of people that wish to have another passport are just ordinary people that wish to use available opportunities. Why make people ‘illegal’ for no good reason? Such mindsets in leaders is the reason our country will take long to develop.There can be no development without human capital and putting in place the right environment can address this problem.
    The govt should be thinking of how to attract skilled immigrants into the country and not keeping their own people out. This is what developed countries are doing. These politicians are a big mess!

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