President Michael Sata has castigated cabinet office for leaking state information and breaching security.
Mr Sata said that he was disappointed that there is no confidentiality at Cabinet office and security information is being leaked to the media.
President Sata was speaking during the swearing in ceremony for three permanent secretaries for Northern, Central and Western Province.
Mr Sata has also warned the new permanent secretaries against peddling rumours at the expense of work as they risk being removed.
He directed the permanent secretaries to tour all the districts in their provinces to understand the needs and suffering of the people.
President Sata says the new officers should not reveal any information they receive because they are under oath.
President Sata has appointed Edwin Zumbunu as Central Province Permanent Secretary, Emmanuel Mwamba for Northern Province and Augustine Seyuba as Western Province Permanent secretary.
Iyo kwena elo lwanya lwati PWAAAAA!!!!!
He is now testing his own medicine, The man loved leakes during the MMD, so now that things are leaking in his government, He is surprised
You know what Government Computers in ZAMBIA are the lest secured, any body with capacity to write a virus can offload thousand of classified information.
I am now going to learn C++ plus
I am now going to
You’re a prick!!!!!
Tata ba Sata on Emmanuel Mwamba and Xavier Chungu pena mwafakapula.I can`t believe you just did that.You have just spoiled my day bosses.
Beware of goats in a sheeps skin.
Fakapuladi big size.
What the f@ck is “mwafakapula”? Â Use English on a public website – this is not your donki-kubeba kaponya website, s@ck@.
Please No Chungu mwebantu. His hands are blemished.
Is it true that Xaviour Chungu has been appointed PS? How come he was not swone in today?
when will we have a government that runs an open house, in service of the people what on earth can go on that the people should not know about, this is where corruption start, when you are doing things that you dont want the people that you serve to hear
Come on, man. You cannot just put all your strategies in the open. Every state has friends and enemies,and there are also people who are just malicious and would wish to destroy whatever little progress someone is making. There are security concerns. Vote for anarchy and I will support you. Vote for Western democracy and accept that this is how it works.
Whoever thought Sata and MMD were different is the most confused one.Sata is MMD and MMD is sata.It is like trying to put an earing on a man in order to make him a woman.Deep down there will always be a manhood.
Emmanuel Mwamba was a spokesperson for Chiluba who denounced Sata on Chiluba’s behalf. He always came to Chiluba’s defence whenever Sata accused Chiluba of corruption. Xavier Chungu was a sole signatory of the Zamtroop Account held at ZANACO Branch in London that was used in the matrix of plunder by Chiluba. Is Sata really allergic to corruption or he does not know what the word means? Recent developments by PF government are worrying?????
I have reposted this on the people’s pact forum lets see what they will say? Nice one, am learning alot from these comments
There is nothing worrying about what the PF govt is doing. Â Only a fool would have believed the anti-corruption message by Sata. Â Sata’s corruption will be downright blatant and unapologetic. Â It took Chiluba more than 5 years to get into full corruption gear. Â It has taken Sata less than 90 days. Â He didn’t tell you that when he was campaigning, did he??? Â That was what DONKI-KUBEBA was all about.
He is a disguised MMD thug now we are finding out.
This is good turn around. This man used the Sata-leaks to gain cheap popularity. Now its time to taste his own medicine. He cant say its bitter this time around after all he started it. Anyway its politics as usual. When are we going to start working. Time is running out. Those of you who have been counting how many days more…?????. I end here!
Reposted this on people’s pact forum…lets see the response! Good observation there
#5 Steve Putter, protocol has to be followed. How would you feel if you were asked to give a speech, and then you discover that everyone has a copy of your speech ten hours before you deliver it?Â
Why do we have to know this? I mean why should the public know this?
Is he saying he has appointed incompetent people to run his administration.
Bottomline is, this makes him look as bad as the people he is implicating.
I am having serious reservation about the competence of the president. He is being surrounded by glad-handing nonsensical, Yes men.
You see I keep being vilified and hated, but how can one not see that?
Very upsetting
Never worry about the vilification and hatred. The drama will speak for itself.
I agree with Mushota
Guys sorry for campaigning hard and putting PF in power. I think the effect of tabacco is taking its toll on our President. In 2006 elections he promised to release FTJ and that was the reason he flopped. Now he is slowly bringing his corrupt friends in government. Has PF run out of cappable clean citizens to assist him run a clean govt? Ichachine, mdala napena..
Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you voted for me??
kekekee.. nice one!
Hey! I love the Gladiator.
whatever is going on, hope someone some day comes out and tells us, or is our president doing a BIG DONCH KUBEBA ON US!!!!!!! CHABIPA SANA……………..
We had hope in this guy but see what happens when you dine with the corrupt? Soon we will have to usher in a new govt. Knowing this man’s history, people will die before he is democratically removed. Watch this space….
#6 Bush obama you ve gat a twisted mind.LOL!
So the leaked story was in the post? nombaline balatampa ukushupana.
This is totally unacceptable, shameful and sad for Sata to appoint Emmanuel Mwamba and Xavier Chungu ti be PSs. Is this being allergic to corruption. Cant wait for 2016.
The leakage came from george Chella who is mmembe boy,Â
Look at this bloggers
Kaunda=Zambia Airways; Chiluba=Aero Zambia; Mwanawasa=Zambian Airways; Banda Zambezi Airways; Sata=Ubwato Airways or something like that. Another Airline is coming watchout.
Too many mistakes. It looks as if the president is seriously lacking in good advice, or he together with his people have taken leave of their senses. How can he appoint Xaviour?? God help us.
zambia has been duped. i warned you.
Sata`s medicine is so sweet,it`s good he has tasted it now.He should have just asked to say,why leak information to the post?
Only credible leaders are appointed. PF=Pa Fwaka
Ha ha ha ha. This news has made my day, oh, my week. Chungu, Mwamba PS? Atleast these two never gave him a vote. As for the leakages, what what did you expect you ka,po,nya president? You have appointed the Post newspaper personnel in all the stategic positions and you expect to keep scandals confidential.Bwezani atleast never appointed any convicted convict in such a senior Govt position. Goodmorning ba kaponya, its 2nd November!!!
what goes around comes around. INDEED A PIECE OF YOUR OWN MEDICINE.
“donti ku complainer” family forest is difficult to please everyone. there are so many pipo who helped us to win. chungu was one of them on pvt.
Now i am taking my donchi kubeba words back.Ata bane !
Is the president saying he is not in control of some departments in his administration? Â
Lets enjoy the cobras presidency i know by 2016 will have enjoyed the drama. Mwebatu tell me is this presidential material
I claimed he had moles everywhere in Govt a thing he boasted about.Both Augustine and Emmanuel have run there race,Emmanuel still has pending court cases……What a lack of serioussness from the “allergic to corruption”
Up to now, I do not believe that Zambians opted for sata as president. The man flew with K2BN stolen from national assembly to kabwe for thec mmd third term convention . How many of you bloggers do not know about this? and you think sata is clean?Chuungu was close to chiluba so was sata, there is no ways that he can leave him out.
Good afternoon
I don’t understand the uproar among bloggers. So what is wrong with the president insisting on state confidentiality and directing permanent secretaries to be professional on their job and to desist from rumour-mongering?
Eyes on the ball and mind over matter please. There is always a different way to do something and that is why someone will always see something wrong with how someone else does something because they have not done it like others wanted it to be done. So the best way to do something is to do it the way we feel something needs to be done. I hope I’m clear?
State confidentiality is essential, but appointing Emmanuel Mwamba and Xavior Chungu as PSs’? I thought it was bad enough having a banquet for the Chinese at State House but this really is the pits.
Bro, i have a lot of respect for you but it seems sometimes you are not objective. You are telling me you cant see anything wrong in this circus???
well, atleast he is able to reverse wrongs.
big up to the listening government! atleast he listerns not RB…. but pali mwamba again twafweni
very disappointedÂ
Serves u for experimenting with presidents. More drama is coming. This is only a tip of the iceberg. Wina azanya
Namakando has infiltrated the govt with his boys, his business has to continue what’s the point having the same news as the public media.
Guys; y are u talking about Chungu? He has not been mentioned, lets get facts before we make comments.
hw was almost sworn in until the president saw the news in the Post.
Am I missing something or what? I have read this story 5 times now and I can’t see Xavier Chungu’s name? Where are people getting that information from. And what is wrong with Emmanuel Mwamba that has constitutionally mandated that he should not hold public office?
Sorry I have to back the president here. It is his constitution right to appoint anybody he pleases in line with the powers vested in him. Our constitution does not stipulate that he should have people with surnames starting with Ha Ha or He He or Hi Hi.
So those attaching President Sata, knock it off. No constitution has been violated. Our constitution gives the p[resident that power.
We tried to change it as MMD, the same people with H surnames shot it down. So, just keep quiet.
I will be among the most dissapointed Zambians by Sata if its true he has appointed xevier Chungu as PS. Chungu has no room to work in civil service for the rest of his life if we consider his reputation with Zamtroop scandles. Also am shocked why Sata as appointed E. Mwamba as PS. Anyway its called Zambian politics, who cares?
leakages will continue for as long as bad decisions are being made. they are a lot of good people at cabinet office who will not sit by and watch the big man act contrary to our aspirations as a people. i truly find his anger over the leakages [-( especially that he knows the reasons for them.
ba  Sata  does it mean their are no people you  can appoint sure is this what we voted for i have stopped voting than
Sangokwete, please go to tumfweko.com. Also, when it fitted Sata to receive leaks from Cabinet meetings it was okay. Now that his data is leaking the man is complaining. Kukosa mune. Wechisoka weh!
This will no doubt shame thoze who thought The Post will be praize-singing Sata all the time.
odd man u a sick i wish i had not voted  for  u  we dot need that thief mwamba how much suport did he give u disolve parliament and c if  we can vote for u  u a finished  mr sata
President Sata is making the same mistake RB did. Where are there real PF members who supported him? Y is he not appointing them? [-( where are his advisors! Am disapponited with Sata. I have gone to NAREP may be there is integrate there. The 90 days are now a foreclosure on PF! He has put himself in unnecessary pressure. Mr Seyuba is ok but those other two !!!!
Xavier will be sworn late in the night after the Posthas gone to press!!! heheheheh
It’s called ‘Donchi Kubeba’, say one thing during campaigning and do the opposite once you’ve won. I reckon we aint seen nothing yet, this is gonna be the next worst presidency in Zambia – after 1) Chiluba and 2) Banda in that order.
Zambians! I have not recovered till now and now this
What do you expect from a Monkey in a Maize field??? We told you that this chap is corrupt and No one seemed to believe. A corrupt person never changes period.
This whole thing of the president appointing everyone in govt is just total insanity. You see now where its leading us. MARUBBISH!!
hehehe, yaluka ya Xavior Chungu ka? you ve been caught napping Mr President. ati am allergic to corruption and you are busy appointing people stinking with corruption in goverment. think again Sata. I ve lost trust in you ba Sata.
ni DON’T KUBEBA!!! sum1 in your administration smiles to your face sata and then leaks the information afterwards!!! very effective!!!
How much you praise a PIG to be clean and smart, soon it will show you where and how it was raised,it will go back and wallow in the mud .:-?
Wait for 2016 and PF will go with Emmanuel Mwamba and Xavier Chungu. Sata who are your advisors? Sata is not seriuos with corruption fight.
@#2 Betters. There have been reports of people hacking into Pentagon. What is Zambian government computers?
LT mods read people`s mails. Once you post on here your Laptop is vulnerable.
Is this Emmanuel Mwamba, the brother to GBM????
And here is the reason why a president appoints close colleagues as confidants in sensitive ministerial positions…the president shouldn’t forget that MMD was in power for 20 years and a lot of people in GRZ in high positions were helping themselves to the till unquestioned so he should not be surprised when opposition sympathisers are in Cabinet Office given that he has now got the tills padlocked.Â
#58. Contd. But then again H.E is yes having a dose of his own medicine. I honestly find this unprofessional and foolish because most of these leaks are actually done by people from within.
Chungu was appointed as luapula PS, it hasnt been mentioned here meaning his probably still thinking as too how his goin to do it….hahaha ba president besu aba ni dont kubeba zooona :)
This is the reason why i don’t comment on politisians. l know how they are. Nothing will Change .
RB is much better than the Cobra. Atleast he took time to show his true colours. Cobra needed less than a month to appoint cadres like Mwamba. Come 2016, Mr Pres you are gone. We want a corrupt free person. Full of rhetoric but practicing corruption. Why condemn Cabinet.
This is the meaning of Donchi Kubeba you who have been asking-you say one thing and do the opposite eg promise lozis freedom so they vote and change your mind,promise money in pockets in 90 days and give everyone nothing after 90 months,promise to chase Chinese so the coal miners can feel secure and embrace the Chinese once in power. You seat back and relax more is yet to come. Donchi kubeba – fire the chaps at cabinet office they tell the press instead of donchi kubeba.
When all is said and done, the government way of operation does not change no matter who the president is. Please just shut up and leave the president to rule until September 2016. For now we shall have to make do with all that he is appointing. Soon you will see EK (Kavindele) being sworn in for something. All of us PF chaps should wait for our time at National Service Camps – it’s coming. Nice jobs are for the presidents boys!!!!
I’m sure Xaviour was on the list but due to the backlash, he was removed at last minute. Ba Sata, we can’t forget the zamtrop issues and if you are allergic to corruption as you claim, please act in ways that show this. Its like being afraid of leprosy but dining and mixing with lepers (sorry for discriminative example).
Pliz ba President listen to us on this one Emmanuel Mwamba and Xavier Chungu are as corrupt as former president Chiluba WAS.Just rewind and think about what Given Lubinda said about Xavier Chungu campaigning for RB.It will only be wise if you revoke Emmanuel Mwamba’s appointment.There are better people to be appointed than E Mwamba
#3 OCTOPUS PAUL BWALYA, You feel happy about the Tongas not being appointed. It is actually good. I do not think Tongas are the type who would fit in some mediocre arrangement. This is too low for their standard; I have worked with them and I know my mbuyas. Just as good Luvales are not part of the government, except for Seyuba who joined the PF just last Tuesday.
Hey, there is however, one Tonga in Cabinet; Wilbur Simuusa, and someone just wrote his strong stance on corruption involving the mines may land him in trouble with his own people who are slowly seeing some opportunity …..pretending to be concerned about high levels of corruption but doing completely the opposite. Who, by the way, is earmarked to supply the army with mealie meal from the offloaded, cheap maize?
More branches as the family extends ……. very soon all civil servants wil be relatives just watch, when there is a funeral a whole department will be closed. Donchi Sh1t
Bootlicker! Zambian are upset because we are going back to the same circus of reclycling old fool that robbed us Zambian. Is Sata telling us he has run out of clean and intelligent pipo that should help in the cleaning of the country? What is wrong with the resst of us that helped tirelessly fighting with him. Again Sata should be the last person to complain about leaking information.
SATA is corrupt himself, period!
hehehehehehe..this comedy will never end..thats why pf cadres will never get what they were promised..no money in your pockets..hahahahaha..keep it up sata & give technocrats but ba chungu awe…!we need our loot!!
iam suprised that you are suprised. brace your self, their is more to come. what do you expect
from zondwa a.k.a ukwa.
The WHOLE Bemba tribe has failed and need not be given another chance.Next to rule will be TONGA,LOZI,LUVALE,LUNDA,KAONDE in that order. Thank you real Zambians for realising that Bembas are bad leaders.
can someone please wake me up from this nightmare, this man has really spoilt my day, upto now i still can not marry the two together: allergic to corruption and xavier appointment, someone pls tell me its just a worst nightmare. I was ready to support sata despite his past deeds in MMD but on second thaughts its true a leopard can not shed off its spots, am now seriously thinking NAREP is the way to go, come 2016, these old goons are a let down. Guys let us flat out start campaigning for NAREP if you are 45 and below, lets remove the wax from our eyes and take over from these senile OLD MEN who are more suited to pose as graven images in a museum!!!!!!
sorry fellow bloggers, am actually mad as am writing this, never mind my tone, from teh way things are going, there is no hope for this country!!!!!!!
The POST Newspaper is well connected. It digs deeper. Now it has two of it’s staff working in seniro positions in the PF Govt., what do u expect???? PFWikileaks will intensify. Viva the POST. for giving us relevant Breaking News always.
As the saying goes “You cannot teach an old dog new tricks”. MCS is a chip of the old block and from the way things are going, he is there to give people jobs. A lot of the people that he has appointed have been in the system from the time I was a young lad in the early 70’s. I cannot believe that since independence we still have to rely on the same people to run the country. A case in point is the Finance Minister who looks tired and needs to rest more than manage the finances of a promising country like Zambia.Â
Sata must play his cards well. He doesnt have a majority in parley and he is slowly annoying PF members with these outside appointments and the Post will soon turn against him especially if XC will be appointed. 2012 will be an interesting year politically.
Am allergic to corruption?????????????? Donchi kubeba ati am a chief liar
I have never seen such an open and aggressive form of tribalism and nepotism as is being exhibited by the current president. HH was right when he said that this is a family tree.Â
Comedy of errors indeed. Can a normal person appoint Xavier Chuungu as PS. When his friend leaks it to the public he reverses it. Even if its appeasements of your tribe, this is serious. You people who voted for this Guy, you thought what would he bring new to this country?. Ba Kolwestan, this should teach you a lesson. Voting on tribal grounds. Has he given you more money in your pocket, Ba kaponya bafikala, or you are still waiting for manner from heaven. Keep on waiting. You have to work hard to earn a living, not waiting for SATA because he’s your relative or tribesmen. Word of caution Zambia belongs to everyone, look at these appointments with impunity and without shame. God help us!
Edwin Zumbuni was fired from ZRA Mwami Customs border for stealing revenue(cash) and forging receipts and today Sata appoints him as PS.Shame on the big man,this nation is going nowhere with this kind of appointments.
No amount of threat shall hide your filthy acts Micheal. Even what happens when you are alone in the toilent we shall know. We are much more smarter than you.
Ba fee colour we told you this chap would never ever reform but you gladly voted him. So you are reaping the fruits of your labour. Expect more of the same. If u haven’t noticed Katele is coming back into cabinet, may be even Kavindele. So much about employment opportunities for young people.
#23 [Analysis Corner],
Honestly i feel guilt in supporting this kaponya called Sata who duped Zambians in the name of fighting corruption but he himself is corrupt. For goodness sake why appointing Emmanuel Mwamba who defended corruption of Chiluba?
Sata you need to go!!! We the Zambian people will vote you out!!
Former President Banda now looks to be a better President than Sata. What a shame!!!!!!!!!!
Sata we are not in the 1960s where you used to work as a colonial policeman who used to brutalize innocent Zambians who were fighting for independence. You are a traitor!!.
Sata is a cheat and Traitor!! How come is appointing crooks now!!! JEESSUUUSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
I can not understand why Sata has taken more than a month appointing people. There is nothing else he has done apart from appointing people including commissioners and 90 days period is finishing soon. For me this man was not prepared to form government and that is why he has taken so long appointing people. Why swearing in two or three people everyday when he can swear in a lot people at a time. Why recycling people? We need people different people with new ideas not those who are interested in filling their stomachs.
I fail to understand SATA because this man did not attend three funerals of politicians, that of Mazoka, Mwanawasa and Chiluba. For this man has a big psychological problem.
I wonder y it had to be these pipo ….
Guys, Emmanuael Mwamba has been a free lance journalist for a long time. The fact that he worked for the state by being spokesperson for the 2nd Republican Presidential Office does not make him criminal.
Does a lawyer representing a criminal become criminal too. Or does Sakwiba, speaking for Dora, become blemished with Dora’s sins?
I doubt your minds.
Am quite pessimistic with this administration it’s like we have gone back to the 1991 – 2001 period were the was no economic progress.
kolwestans awe sure..!hehehehehe
If you appoint your inlaw or a relative to a Goverment position, how would you discpline them if they misappropriated goverment funds. Isn’t the president going to look the other way. Better appoint people on merit, people who are qualified to the job. It is easier to discpline strangers than friends or relatives. It’s also easier to steal with an or relative than with a stranger. A relative can be trusted to stay mute. So I tend to differ with those that say the president is appoiting those he feels he can work with.When are we as a nation goin to be truly optimistic?I admire this country South Africa with the way certain things are run.
If you appoint your inlaw or a relative to a Goverment position, how would you discpline them if they misappropriated goverment funds. Isn’t the president going to look the other way. Better appoint people on merit, people who are qualified to the job. It is easier to discpline strangers than friends or relatives. It’s also easier to steal with an inlaw or relative than with a stranger. A relative can be trusted to stay mute. So I tend to differ with those that say the president is appoiting those he feels he can work with.When are we as a nation goin to be truly optimistic?I admire this country South Africa with the way certain things are run
UPND is to blame for the current situation. Am begining to think that either HH is a freemanson and therefore in collision with Sata or that HH lucks strategic thinking.
UPND is to blame for the current situation. Am begining to think that either HH is a freemanson and therefore in collusion with Sata or that HH lucks strategic thinking
Our campaign was for Real Change, Zambians wanted change. You reap what you sow. 90 days of PF will be a national mourning.Â
All the those saying that they regret voting for MCS. i have four words for you, “ShuT the FUkk Up.” You should have known beta before casting that decisive vote yet you kept singing your stup!d kaponya anthem Donchi Kubeba instead of using your brains. I wonder how some of you run your families. You are the kind who act and think later, typical of a people lacking foresight. You disgust me..
@104 What has UPND done in this issue? Blame for voting blindly and tribal only the wise voted wisely.
Very useless and what a jack ass of a President!
We wish him to dissolve the parliament before 2016 so that we can have real change government. Let the opposition MPS in parliament put more pressure on laws that will negatively effect Zambians so that he can give up.Â
What nonsense ! This man has no scrupples . Can’t you remember how he has shown a lack of allegiance to any party or belief. A self- professed devout catholic who was part of the unip machinery, then jumped shit to mmd when he saw the ship sinking. Because he couldn’t get his way with mmd he went and formed pf. Can such a person be trusted , really zambians? He has only power on his mind and he was willing to drag zambia through civil war just to get in power. In 1991 the shout was the hour , the hour has come! 2011 it pa bwato! Be careful what you wish for. This man is dangerous. You will see it for yourself soon zambia. This is how dictators are made. Did you read animal farm? Loleleni!!!!
Look at the calibre of all the PSs, they are all cadres, look at chibota traditional affairs ministry PS former house of chiefs clerk. Remember the house OF chiefs curtains saga he is back with pf
Well, I am ‘maoless’. How can the Cobra who the people trusted so much during campaigns that he would deliver and work with people with credible background dissapoint the masses so much by appointing Xavier Chungu who fled this country after the plunder with the late ‘Kafupi’ FTJ worth billions of our cash. Its rubbish and nonsense. Please MCS, don’t take people for granted. It is too early for you to show your colours. Is this the “Donchi Kubeba” you preached? This is an insult, and my advise, Please reflect back………!!!! and rescind your decision even for E.Mwamba who spoke ill against you when you spoke the truth about FTJ.:-?
secretary to the treasury at the ministry of finance is Mrs Sata’s brother-in-law, is this another family tree being formed?
Be careful what you say, for we can easily identify you, and you will be sorted out. Â We knew that most of you are dull and would not see through our lies. It’s called politics and now it’s too late, wait for 2016 and thank you for your votes.Â
Why are most bloggers with a bemba name now calling to support NAREP? The guy they supported is showing signs of madness and they want to replace him with another Bemba? There are better leaders out there with high moral standards. Who are the real tribalists now?
Please dont be tribal. There are a lot of bembas who dont use Bemba names on this blog. Also there are a lot of Bembas who are not PF nor Sata supporters.
For your information Iam one of them. And I have many Tonga friends and some have married our Bemba sisters.
Can you please apologise. Learn to live at peace with all men. Thank you.
Appologise for what?? The amount of tribal remarks I have heard from Bembas. They think they are the only ones who can run office. I am sorry to say that the only reason why one of them is in office is because they are the majority in Zambia and will not vote for anyone else from another tribe. Are you honestly telling me that amongst the current crop of politicians, Sata is the best Zambia can offer?? They vote on tribal lines, one they get into power they appoint their own.
I am slowly losing my Faith in our President, Honestly what the hell is this Rumor / truth coz I heard it on QFM Afternoon News Online?? That he wanted to wants to appoint Xavier Chungu as PS? Ba Mudala Ba SATA, there is a lot Young Fresh Zambians that can do these Jobs. Why bring the Old thieves again???
Mwebantu, I think these Old people will just finish our Country; we should raise our concerns, voices and take over. This is attar Rubbish.
Ba SHUSHUSHU Bloggers, Better tell the President that Young Zambians in the Diaspora are watching. We are coming back o take over if he has failed.
When will the youth of our country have an opportunity to apply their skills and intelligence for the benefit of our country?? It is totally appalling to bring back all these old guards who should have long retired. What contribution will the likes of Chungu or Seyuba bring to Public office?? These are figures who already have had an opportunity to serve in whatever capacity they did and retired comfortably, what is the purpose of bringing them back. Evidently the President has no confidence in the people who were the largest supporters of his campaign – The Youth.
Ladies and Gentlemen, children of the corn, pls calm down here. No facts have come out of this appointment of chungu, what if it turns out to be a false rumor? Lets not judge this president by the way he starts but how he finishes. For some of you even if Jesus Christ himself came to rule zambia today, if he didnt have all the roads paved in 2days you would consider that a failure. I know the mmd losers cant wait for a mistake to be made and we all know the president will make mistakes but thats part of being human!!!!
Kuikoselesha oko.
I will always say it, Sata does not seem to understand what he says. Today he is blasting officers involved in gov-leaks and yet that is what he encouraged and thrived on when he was in opposition.
Why people didn’t listen when everyone else was warning them against voting for Sata is beyoind me.
There’s nothing surprising about sata. Just look into his history. May be most of those who voted for him are young people who have only come of age. They can be excused.
#116 Impeach the Cobra.
Please dont be tribal. There are a lot of Bembas who dont use Bemba names on this blog. Also there are a lot of Bembas who are not PF nor Sata supporters.
For your information Iam one of them. And I have many Tonga friends and some have married our Bemba sisters.
Can you please apologise. Learn to live at peace with all men. Thank you.
@ # 117 SHEIKH, you are very right these old moron are really taking the zambia people for fools.we put them in power and hope that for once they do the right thing but no.. its the same old story. am sick and tired of this kind of rubbish someone needs to answer to this confussion happening in our country and put thing in order. we have said it over and over that we do not want corruption, that we want better hospitals , jobs , more school,and just a simple thing like people getting there benefits when they retire but no,its all about them getting rich at the expense of the majority who just need the basic things of life.zambian politician you have really pushed us to a point of snapping, i pray and hope that someone dose not end up like muammar Gaddafi……
I think impeachment is just fine. The Preisdent must know this is a democracy so we are privy to all its tools for removing political leadership. Ifyakulatupela Xavier Chungu panse!
We need the FOI bill now. We do not need state secrets in cabinent. This is why this country has been stolen clean. Now billions at ZCCM IH have done a disappearing act, perhaps used by the overspending MMD campaign. You are pushing us into the corner, Mr President. The issue is not the leak. The issue is you could actually begin to deliver on the 1996 promise to the thieving people – Chiluba, Chungu and others. That is the issue as I see it. Anything that is not done in the interest of the zambian people should be leaked out by good intetioned Zambians so that we can check the president in his stride.
See who is moaning! The same people who shameless exposed their nudity celebrating Sata’s victory! It’s not long ago. that saying Sata is blunder prone was considered a capital crime by his supporters. This man, we were told will and could do no wrong. You haven’t seen anything yet!
1996, read 2006
Tribalism has the same ugly effects on man like racism,nepotism,corruption,thieving,prostitution and murder.we need to fight these vices or they will tear down the moral fibre that should hold us together and keep this country and continent going.Our battles are clearly over resources and we need to know that.Most developed countries are teaching their kids that and us lost in these petty issues.Of cause Sata will never lead Zambia succesfully due to age,education,heart problems etc.we can only pray for the better.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
We warned that pigs will fly! Twapupuka nomba tu nkumba!
#118 I endorse your words and I’m glad to find someone who sees things the way I do. It is not hard to see that there is a seed of bitterness among many here who have always wanted Mr. Sata to fail. Now that he is ruling, they are laying in wait for “controversial decisions” so that they can cry “impeachment!”
The good side in all this is that even the president is allowed to make mistakes. And mistakes are not a reason for impeachment. Some presidents have made grave mistakes that have cost their nations disastrous effects – from economic misery to bloodshed, but very few were ever removed from office. It is only at the end of the term that a balance can be drawn.
Meanwhile, all haters only have two choices: keep on hurting or wish the president good luck!
The best or the worst is yet to come
Wasaye (A lozi Proverb)
The worst danger to national security is to appoint crooks
I have achieved one result in the crusade to preach about the true Michael Chilufwa Sata. To those still in doubt that Sata is MMD in totality perhapsnow its chwee, chweee, chweee. Mr Sata has no PF members to rely upon, so he does what comes naturally to him. Appoint MMD especially those from Northern and Luapula. We have heard from Bootlicker so far but Italian Bunga Bunga I hear is in querulous mood at state house looking forward to be appointed to, then blog to us later. However, Zambians Sata warned us that we should mourne for ourselves and true to his word it has come to pass. Much more will disappoint Kaponya cadres. My question to Zambians is Do we need Sata in 2016? with only a month in office we have seen what he can do. What will be left for Zambians after 5 years from today?
I would advise those screaming “impeachment” to google what “impeachable offences” are. The last time I checked, no president to date had ever been removed from office on grounds of impeachment.
In the U.S. there have only been 3 cases of impeachment (out of more than 50 presidents!). Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson were impeached by the House of Representatives but both remained in office because they were acquitted by the Senate. Richard Nixon (Watergate Scandal) was facing impeachment, but resigned the Presidency to avoid it.
In the UK there was an attempt to impeach Tony Blair for his role in involving Britain in the 2003 invasion of Iraq but it failed to go through.
Shi Mwansa, agree I think NAREP is the way to go! Let us get rid of the MAD OLD MEN!!!!!
Bull in china shop with no advisors
I remember the words of the outgone presido RB in his farewell speech “To the victors, i say this: you have the right to celebrate but do so with a magnanimous heart. Enjoy the hour but remember that a term of government is for years.
Remember that the next election will judge you also”.
Already I am seeing judgement.
Kolwe no plan.
Ah, Chungu is a dissappointing appointment however one looks at it. We can keep recycling politicians and their aides, I think it’s time citizens start applying for diplomatic and PS jobs, let us get some governmental positions based on merit!
I echo veryone who is against the appointment of Messrs Chungu and Mwaba. We have too many young Zambians with brains and education that can handsomely do the work. It is not long ago that Generals & Colonels were dropped to give way to the junior officers. Why not do the same with these people that have been in leadership positions in the past? They have had their turn, let others take over and do the job.If we don’t do this, the country will not quickly develop to an appreciable level.
@ Ice_Road_Trucker. Appologise for what?? The amount of tribal remarks I have heard from Bembas. They think they are the only ones who can run office. I am sorry to say that the only reason why one of them is in office is because they are the majority in Zambia and will not vote for anyone else from another tribe. Are you honestly telling me that amongst the current crop of politicians, Sata is the best Zambia can offer?? They vote on tribal lines, one they get into power they appoint their own.
learn ur democracy zambia. in developed countrie once a democrat, republican, labour,conservative u have to belong to that party for life.its true democracy but from UNIP=MMD=PF good Lord keep growning!!! ANTI-CHINESE NOW PRO-CHINESE.
Zumbunu is a thief and very corrupt,he stole revenue money and forging receipts,how can sata appoint such a person,the boat will surely sink in 90days,madam kaseba plse advise ba mundala this is not what we voted for
Call for early elections and we vote real change!
People it is futile to blog around tribal lines. SATA is wrecking the country not just for other tribes but the Bembas or Bember-speaking inclusive. I am one of them and I am utterly pissed off by appointing direct links to corruption!!!
MMD , UPND please oppose all the bills so we can have fresh elections soon, after all the cobra asked for that. It will be less costly to have another election now and get rid of sensless PF than wait for 5 years. Waiting that long will cost the country trillion upon trillions of Kwacha in courruption at the rate we are going in just under two months…We can’t even talk of investors who will just simply run away and not come at all.
Let us start looking at putting into government young visionaries with absolutely NO LINKS to corruption of any kind.
PF = MMD(b)
What happened to the Freedom of Information Act that was promised? If MCS really believes in eliminating corruption then he must also accept to operate in a transparent manner.
People. be patient. May be the Pres is just trying to keep his enemies closer??????? BUT STILL IT BOGGLES MY MIND !!!! Makamaka Chungu & Mwamba !!!! Ninshi the whole Zambia bantu basila kulibe bali capable????????
one stupid decision……………..has made me defect to narep………………….disapointed zambian………..chanda chimba was right…….we have a dangerous snake in state house….God help
Will join you
Sata the one term President!
Ba Sata you are just begining to lose credibility. One cannot believe that you have put the right handman of Chiluba in the name of one E. Mwamba as permanent secretary. Is this person a civil servant to start with? And for Chungu what is the explanation for him to even to be flooted for PS? I now understand when your oppents think your govt will may be the worst govt this nation has even seen. Apart from pure tribal line appointments, these people have questionable standing in the society and are facing cases in courts of law. Well continue testing the waters. My wish is you reverse some of these appointments for the seek of this nation’s unit and development. on the fight of coruption I am now not sure if you mean well or you are just giving lip service.
Chill chill guys. Let us start  afresh. From this moment forward, I will not repeat this kind of mistake. Please forgive Zambians, I will not disappoint you again. I am still allergic to corruption though
KANO NGA ebo…..efyo chali naimwe bene tata ba Sata mwaleumfwa bwino leakage
What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Sata loved leaking state secrets, he only last week leakd one about the MMD government in which he was a senior member’s clandestine and dangerous gun-running for diamonds in Angola. This is what ultimately led to Savimbi elements shooting Penza in his stupid thieving skull. Sata was part of that government and he knew everything that happened hence his dispatch of KK to Santos last week to apologise. He leaked a “state secret” so he should not be annoyed when his pronouncements are leaked by the Post.
Sata’s tribal bigotry is going to destroy this country. We all know how he and Chiluba hounded Dr Sacika out of Cabinet office for simply being Lozi. It’s the same with Kanganja, the only crime he has committed is hailing from North-Western province and Sata wants a fellow Northern to head Cabinet Office, period. There is virtually no need of harrassing this man everyday like this, the leakage for intents and purposes came from State House itself. We know so many people still in government who must have been fired from day one, Mchenga and Mpondela for two. He has not fired them for simply being his fellow Bisas but Kanganja is being embarrassed everyday. Mpondela even nearly killed Scott in the lift but he’s still at NHA. sATAN’S tribalism is hitting the lunatic level.
Peter Kasanda curretn PS foreign Affairs will be appointed Secretary to Cabinet after Kanganja was chased like a dog from State House yesterday…
This will be the first time am criticising the president. This time there are enough grounds for it. Firstly, what message do you send to the various stakeholders when you bring corrupt people close to you. Frankly, this is very disappointing. No one should be fired as it is, in other countries, the media can speculate potential people for a job or get inside information. MMD must get themselves organised, it appears Zambia has just become a real democracy and they can get back to power with a vibrant leader!
Its th leaks tht mad sata to hv first hand info wats wrng w it th öposìtion ienjoyng thir turn pay bck tìme th same tricks you used wil b vsed againrt u
Sata, the question is not about leaking the info, the question is that, ‘how can a person who claims to want to fight corruption appoint the most corrupt person in the history of the country?’ Someone tell me, MMD appoint a leader now and get ready to start your battles. Make allegiencies with the right people and come the next election, we will swear you in.
So ninshi fyonse ni Donchi Kubeba.!!!!!! The Donchi Kubeba Culture…
uprising zambians if you not happy with the new government. don’t let them take us for granted, appointing people like Chungu who everyone knows he has criminal record. why? there’s heaps of people who can do those jobs. It’s a damn shame!
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