Friday, March 7, 2025

Government outlines a new constitution road map, it will take more than 90 days


Justice Minister Sebastian Zulu
Justice Minister Sebastian Zulu

Justice Minister Sebastian Zulu has outlined a new constitutional road map in which the process will take longer than the 90 days earlier announced.

Mr. Zulu told Parliament that President Michael Sata is in the process of appointing a team of experts to revisit the Mvunga, Mwanakatwe, Mun’gomba Constitution review commissions.

He says the experts will also look at the recent constitution review commission draft constitution.

Mr. Zulu explained that the experts will then come up with a draft constitution which will be taken around the country for peoples’ inputs before going for a referendum.

After the referendum the draft constitution will then be brought before parliament for possible enactment.

Meanwhile Mr. Zulu says his Ministry is drafting various pieces of legislation to support the pronouncements made by President Sata in his recent speech to Parliament.



  1. fact. the 90 day nonsense was a pure lier. better we forget about it and do what is right, it will take longer though.

  2. the old man writes in his sleep. thats why they so many errors in th gov already. the 90 day theory is a crash course for Sata’s gov. how many more mistakes are you going to make?

  3. whoever believed that development will come in 90 days need to have their heads examined.Because even Sata himself knew that it was mission impossible.You ve been dribbled, Sata 1 Zambia 0.

  4. what dull person on God’s green earth would want a constitution of a country done in 90 days. are you kidding me? that would be one junk of legislation that would be meaningless cos everything would be done in a hurry! let the right procedure be followed. Sata should stop lying or rather he should start thinking before talking to the public otherwise the public is watching! 

  5. 90 DAYS to look up a constitution really was and is not realistic…even a grade 12 can understand the difficulties involved..what is important is that we handle this issue with respect because it deals with people’s rights and freedoms. Every Zambian should be given a chance to look at this document and must be heard, regardless of the cost. It would a blessed day when this is created on merit, based on human rights and protecting a quality of life possible by our means and standards today in Zambia.

  6. Well it was DONCHI KUBEBA platform, just tell them in 90 days we shall do everything they want.

    With all the blunders I think it is actually 

    Sata 4 Zambia 0

    We have been beaten clean, but DONCHI KUBEBA

  7. This is good news that the PF is reaffiming comittment for the new constitution. The 90 days may not be feasible but MCS is comited and needs support from all progressive minds. MMD stayed in power for 20years and never thought of subjecting constitution making process to a referendum. VIVA MCS!!

    • MCS stayed in MMD for half of those 20 years and was part and parcel of the system. It is called collective responsibity. He only left when he was not adopted to stand as President on the MMD ticket.

  8. Jesus once said he can destroy the temple and build it within three days. Did he really mean that? Did anyone sane vote for PF solely because of the 90 day promise? I voted for Sata and I can do it again tomorrow because I understood him and I still do on the 90 days metaphor.

    • this is a nonsensical comment! Now thant the lies of your say anything to be elected, incompetent and intellectually bankrupt president’s lies are coming home to roost you are justifyong them as metaphors…what blind loyalty is this? The emporors clothes have fallen off period. Not hook line and sinker….SATA is a disaster!!!

  9. Things to NOTE:
    1) The constitution will note be delivered in 90 Days.
    2) The team will look at Mvunga, Mwanakatwe, Mun’gomba Constitution review commissions.
    3) The experts will also look at the recent constitution review commission draft constitution.
    Looking at the above you see that work is different from politics; going by the statement that 90 days is not enough means the promises of the campaign cannot be mapped on a 1 to 1 basis with governance.
    It also tells you that NCC is being recognised as having given input into the constitution process.
    This is why the experts will recognise and look at the work of NCC.

  10. President Sata’s PRIDE is going to cost the country more money on the constitution. Why not just take the NCC draft, the only constitution drafted by most people in Zambian history, to the referendum? We will have the PF cadres like Kabimbas now being paid from state coffers.

  11. People are behaving as if they have never proposed love to a girl. Think about the words we used in grade 7, 9 and then 12. Those are campaign promises. But I do not think most of us gentlemen here re mistreating our wives after they agreed to all our stories.

  12. .
    Sata needs to put a FIREWALL on his mouth or throat to stop him unleashing fake promises. I would recommend him using… McAfee || E-Trust || Norton || Sophos || Barracuda etc….

    In addition he needs a good an Ant-Virus Software that should screen his head 24/7.

    Above all he also needs to backup his mind/ brain/wits before he goes to bed every night as it appears every day since he came to power, he wakes up in a different world.

    The Gospel According to Sata (GAS) preached during his campaign has completely faltered and melting so fast like a Con-IceCream dripping on a hot summer day.


  13. #14 Kci – What proposal words were you using ukufwaya tu gelo in grade 7?. I can only remember my familiar line. I used to tell tusutunke that ” nkakushitila umweshi pampela yandeleshi” and none of them told me that I twisted the words because they were not paying attention to my words but nato twalefwayafye ukukwatako umwaume uwakututonyako utwantutu. Pa last ” Ni Donchi Kudabwa”

  14. ‘Man of action’?
    No, more like ‘man of promises’ to me. I havent seen any action since 20th September except ‘firing with IMMEDIATE EFFECT’ of course.

  15. .
    PF is now asking UPG (South Africa ) to print the ballots for the up coming 3 parliamentary elections. Is this the company that PF & Fred False Prophet Mmembe accused to be so corrupt.

    Sata categorically said Government Printers is capable of printing ballots. What has changed in the last 43 days?

    Xavier Chungu is a Lobbster and a Thief. The appointment of Chungu is now being questioned by the same people who are fighting corruption that supported Sata to power. Who are these people now questioning Sata??

    1. TIZ – Transparent International of Zambia
    2. CARITAS

    What has False Prophet Mmembe to say about Chungu’s appointment having spent years and his investigative resources chasing Chiluba & Chungu to get then locked up?

  16. what a circus of the a country we are? Now I remember when KK’s terminology, KACHEPA. These politicians are liars, what do they want to do in the provinces again? OMG 

  17. #You can tell that most comments are from those that believe in “literally 90” days. For your information, the government started working from the word go. What they will achieve in 90 days would not have been achieved in 10 years by the previous government. But I sympathise with you lot and your feelings about the current situation. In fact am with you; except I totally understand that for Zambia to turn around for the better it will take 30 years of hard work. Constitution, 90 days is possible; cleaning the system, no chance!! Good water and sanitation services, 10 years, good roads, 20 years. However, when change starts and when it arrives you will not realise it has arrived. Good luck bane

  18. The old man is almost reaching No. 20/21 names. This is the best effort ever for the constitution, MCS is in the right direction even RB knows.

  19. There is no need to go to all those commissions and they did not achieve a definitive end as promised by who ever set them. This costitution makimg will gobble more money at the expense of other developments much needed like roads, hospitals and critical shortage of houses in the country. All that is needed is revisit contetious issues that made the motion fail to be voted in parliament. Other issues can be legislated as more and more issues get debated on and agreed in the house. These commissions are a recipe for expenditure that is not budgeted for and hold other areas in development. The legal fraternity in Zambia lives much to be desired as they punder to political appointments than their independence in executing their profession. Kunda in point is one example who misled everyone.

  20. What has happened to the 90 days? Is this man with his president!!!???. I am sure he is asking for trouble. No surprise he will be sacked for not adhering to the 90 days ultimatum. If not so its clear the president has been dreaming. I end here!

  21. Are we still living the lie of thinking the politician will do our bidding while we sit back and await their action? Wrong!!! Look around you now – there are Occupy protests going on and politicians are acknowledging what their citizens are trying to say. There are lessons to be gleaned from there. Lets for once get up as citizens and voice our requests to our elected representatives and hold them ACTIVELY accountable. If a wrong appointment is made, let us ACTIVELY reject it. If a wrong decision is taken, let us remind our leaders of their pledges ACTIVELY. Don’t fixate yourselves on this 90 day metaphor (that is like the way most of you read your religious books – literally!). Take it easy and see the metaphor, and act upon it!!!

  22. The road map looks holistic. Its what Zambians need. I hop th opposition MPs will not shoot it down.

  23. Imwe ba Ngwele, let him give us a good constition to reduce presidential powers, we all knew the 90day theory was for the campaign gimic but thumbs up to Sata for his commitment. UPND or MMD would not do this. Besides HH’s companies pay peanuts. Chipimo is next president.

  24. When some of us said it was not possible for Sata to fulfil all his promises, we were showered with terrible insults by his supporters. The question is, is President Sata a credible person after all those lies? Is it a question of now saying the end justifies the means? Trying to defend Sata’s actions and words is like trying to empty the Oceans of their contents in a second to create more land!

  25. Ba Zulu, please “don’t kubepa”. We were told by HEMSC, with confirmation on the swearing dais, that the constitution will be given in 90 days!

  26. I told you that 90 days was just a lie and you castigated me. Your heads are now in the hot sand especially that its october. Many zambians are easily cheated just like a woman who can give up her virginity for a bottle of fanta and vannila biscuit. Shame. By the way how much more money do you have in your pockets??

  27. And who paid for those ROSES??Do we really need those roses while the country is broke,its about time these leaders set some examples.

  28. Sata condemed the NCC becoz he believed it wasted money, now he wants to waste more money by his new method. Refrendum has its own challenges & requires more money. What a joker we have in state house!!

  29. What good can come out of this crook and Kabova called Sata? He just crooked Zambians to get his way through the presidency. What a shame!

    No Zambians should expect any good thing to come out of this constitution. Zambians have already lost hope with all these scandals going on Zambians should expect the worst now. Sata may end up making his constitution that will suit him as he knows that he is more than 70 years old and may die before the next election.

    Am very annoyed and disappointed with Sata’s behavior and crookedness as a president of Zambia.

  30. Apparently, hurt as we might be about the break in not fulfilling the 90 day promise, lets appreciate that it means, Micheal Sata is listening more to the Zambian people and probably a whole lot more people than just his inner self. Of course, given him being a cobra, he can ram a constitution down our throats just to fulfill his promises, regardless of how it looks which might sadly allow him to become a dictator. But who wants that considering what we have seen in the arab uprising? We need to be somber, accept and joke too that he’s has bitten his tongue by accepting and doing what’s best for the people and country. We had already suffered enough under UNIP and MMD. If they guy is listening even when it means breaking a promise, then that’s ok matafe.

  31. According to Mmembe’s Post, Sebastian Zulu is corrupt. When he was appointed Minister by MCS Post saw nothing wrong with him but later when he tried to defend the judiciary against Post attacks, the Post revealed just a bit of what they know about from Sebastian’s “corrupt past”. Talk about selective corruption!

  32. LT and some Bloggers please do not mislead the Zambian people about the 90 days, we live in Zambia and we have been following SATA during his campaigns, what SATA has been saying all along. He has been saying that he will setup a team of experts within 90days and look at all the submission from the Mvunga, Mwanakatwe and Mun’gombaConstitution review commissions. Never did he say that he will enact the constitution within 90days that’s not correct please do your research. Its seem LT and ZWD are not interested at   reporting   the truth the way it’s presented.  

  33. Some people learn with their eyes, some with their ears, yet some with their mouths. The later should have a decent editor in place.

  34. I pray that my brother Kachigamba Phiri who is a priest and my best friend Munsaka who is a dignified Reverand, are not even seeing this incumberance. Now, I know, its becoming shameful to be Zambian. Imagine what we have witnessed in Zimbabwe, Angola, Malawi, DRC and other neighbouring countries. To bo Mubita Mundia, we will still be brothers and Zambians first. To the madichis and malichis, we will always be family. To the kalembas, Zambia is for all zambians regardless of tribe.

  35. Does he need to reduce his powers? I doubt, the man is possessed with power without consultation. The constitution review will take more than three years to compile so that power is left in his hands only without questions asked.By the end of the period MCS would have his team of thieves in key positions without questions raised from parliament. BRAVO PLUNDERERS still it’s your time to cause havoc to a commoner.

  36. Does he need to reduce his powers? I doubt, the man is possessed with power without consultation. The constitution review will take more than three years to compile so that power is left in his hands only without questions asked.By the end of the period MCS would have his team of thieves in key positions without questions raised from parliament. BRAVO PLUNDERERS still it’s your time to cause havoc to a commoner.:@):o)>:)

  37. the saint,the draft constitution had so many errors that the other constitutions need to amend it.e.g the work of police officers is enshrined more to protect the individuals of political parties than the do u xpect progres in such.and the IG needs to be some1 still sarving as established by this new it is vital to luk at all previous happy to note tht my govt has seen tht the constitution cant be done in 90days but more,such is a workin govt ready to deliver its best.

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