Wednesday, March 12, 2025

PF has no intention of wiping out opposition parties-Kabimba


PF Secretary General, Wynter Kabimba
Wynter Kabimba

THE Patriotic Front (PF) says it has no intentions of wiping out the opposition political parties because it needs them to provide checks and balances. PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba said the court petitions that some losing PF candidates have embarked on have nothing to do with the party leadership.

Mr Kabimba was reacting to MMD spokesperson Dora Siliya, who alleged during a media briefing on Thursday that the ruling PF wants to use court petitions to wipe out or weaken the MMD and other opposition political parties.

He said petitions are being pursued by individuals who feel they deserved to win the elections which they lost. “As PF we have no ill intentions regarding the opposition political parties because we need them to provide checks and balances. We are not like the MMD who had such motives,” Mr Kabimba said.

He said the petitioning of parliamentary by-elections cannot be attributed to the party leadership because everyone who feels grieved about the way elections were conducted has a right to seek justice with the courts of law.

Mr Kabimba said the petitions will also give the people a true picture on what transpired during the elections in the respective constituencies. “If the elections were genuine, parliamentarians whose constituencies are being petitioned have nothing to fear unless they engaged in malpractices,” he said.

He said the PF is also interested to know what transpired in the constituencies where the party lost.

About 51 constituencies are being petitioned by the PF losing candidates.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. What is MMD scared of? Let them just face the reality. If they genuinly won those seats theresno need to panic as the truth will prevail

  2. Come on Mr Kabimba,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,donchi ukubeba let them have sleep nights, esp the crazy bed wetting dola, who used the power of her bum to rig the elections

  3. MMD is already weak and on it’s way out for good like UNIP. No sane human being will ever vote into power these two failed parties. They had between them a combined almost 5 decades in which to have demonstrated their love for the country but they failed dismally. UPND and other smaller parties have the opportunity to be the next big challenge to PF. 

  4. I honestly wouldn`t mind if MMD was wiped out.

    Dora has got a job to keep any way so she is allowed to show all these bum shows she is putting up now lol.

  5. Yes you can wipe out MMD because the worst MMD under Chiluba has now regrouped within pf – Sata, Luo, Scott, Chungu, Mwamba……..

  6. We told the Zambian voters that Sata was dictator who hates to be accountable. Why is the PF government scared of the current composition of Parliament? Now that he is in state house, he will try everything possible (including using courts of law) to overturn the will of the people. It is a great tragedy for Zambian democracy when a party that had less than 50% of the presidential vote seeks to use courts of law to secure a majority in Parliament. Judges should be warned not to fall for this trap from PF, however should they cooperate with Sata and his friend (Mmembe) to deny Zambians checks in parliament, a change of government will not spare them.

  7. opposition parties are not disadvanged by simply petitioning the results by PF. If 4sure their victory oz properly earned, they will get them back no need to worry.

  8. Weather belonging to PF or not,The president has made some mistakes in his appointments, its good to acknowdlege.But at the same time i would say the mistakes made by micheal can quickly be controlled because its in his early time unlike making mistakes 3 months to general elections its too costy. Mr Sata listen to the pipo who chose you not jumping into defence u are not the defence Minister.

  9. Politics is like capitalism. “If you do not swallow me, I will swallow you”. The opposition just have to work had so that they are not swallowed, Period.

  10. PF has every intention to wipe out the opposition.
    Hi guys! What is happening to ThePost Newspaper on line. Have they been banished for exposing this Sata thing. Send me the site guys please if you can!

  11. PF will never wipe out the opposition parties. Events that led to the break-up of UNIP and later formation of MMD, UPND and PF tend to reveal interesting political regroupings. UNIP was a truly national party that embraced various major tribes. The need to consolidate democracy to foster leadership rotation among best politicians led to the formation of MMD. Tribalism set-in during Chiluba’s 3rd-Term bid – when the Bembas featured as being superior to other tribes. Mwanawasa’s reign entrenched the Lambas & Lenje groupings, but RB’s reign embraced all the tribes. UPND had a national character, but HH turned UPND to protect Tongas interests. PF under Sata is perceived to serve Bemba interests. The Easterners and Northwesterners are just watching. Hence PF cannot wipe out other parties.

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