Wednesday, March 12, 2025

PF’s 90-days Constitution ‘U-turn’ gets criticised


Members of Parliament listen to President Sata's speech n which he promised to deliver a new constitution in 90 days

THREE political parties have criticised the Patriotic Front (PF) government for allegedly failing to honour its campaign promise of delivering a new Constitution within 90 days of coming into power.

The three political parties are the opposition MMD, United Party for National Development (UPND) and the National Movement for Progress (NMP). They were reacting to the announcement in Parliament yesterday by Minister of Justice Sebastian Zulu that it will not be possible for the PF government to deliver a Constitution that will stand the test of time within 90 days as it had promised because there is a process involved.

Speaking in Lusaka yesterday, MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga said it is disappointing that the PF government has U-turned on its earlier campaign promise of delivering a Constitution that will stand a test of time within its first 90 days in office.

Mr Mabenga said it is not enough for Government to just promise to deliver a new constitution without a clear roadmap and that Zambians are disappointed to hear statements from Mr Zulu indicating that it will not be possible for government to come up with a Constitution within 90 days.

“During the campaigns President Sata repeatedly mentioned among other things that the PF will deliver the new Constitution that will stand a test of time in 90 days if it formed government. “We are now surprised and disappointed to hear that the same party has U-turned on its campaign promises,” he said.

UPND spokesperson Charles Kakoma said his party is shocked to note that the PF government has failed to honour its campaign promises of coming up with a new Constitution within the promised 90-day period.

“President Sata, when he was campaigning, told the people of Zambia that he will deliver a new Constitution within 90 days. Even when he opened the First Session of the 11th National Assembly he assured Zambians that the new Constitution will be in place within 90 days.“We are now shocked that the Minister of Justice is contradicting what the President said,” Mr Kakoma said.

And NMP president Ng’andu Magande called on government to come up with clear roadmap on the Constitution-making process.

Yesterday, Mr Zulu said although Government is making frantic efforts aimed at coming up with a new Constitution, there is need for the people of Zambia to give the government time to come up with a Constitution that will stand the test of time.

Mr Zulu said this in Parliament yesterday when he outlined the new constitution review roadmap. He said President Sata will soon constitute a committee of experts to analyse the recommendations of all the previous constitution review commissions and come up with an inclusive draft law.

Mr Zulu said the draft Constitution, which will be drafted by the committee of experts from the Chona, Mvunga, Mwanakatwe, Willa Mung’omba commissions and the National Constitutional Conference (NCC) will be taken round the country for people’s input.

“Mr Speaker, let me inform the nation through you that this government attaches great importance towards the constitution-making process. President Sata will soon appoint a committee of experts that will consider all the previous constitution review commissions and come up with an inclusive draft law.

“Let me also inform the nation that it will not be possible for the Patriotic Front (PF) government to come up with a Constitution within 90 days. This is because we want to come up with a Constitution that the people of Zambia will appreciate, and this will take a little longer,” he said.

Mr Zulu said over the years, the people’s call for a Republican Constitution that is expected to stand the test of time has been loud and clear. He said it is unfortunate that the previous regimes have wasted a good portion of the country’s meagre resources on financing the previous constitution review commissions without coming up with such a Constitution.

The Justice Minister said it is shameful that after 47 years of political independence, the country has failed to give its people an acceptable Constitution that will embrace the interests of all Zambians.

He said the PF government should be commended for promising to deliver a new Constitution that will stand the test of time. Mr Zulu also said the committee which will be constituted to work on the Constitution should be given time to complete its work rather than 90 days if it is to do a thorough job in addressing the many contentious issues, errors and inconsistencies in the previous constitution review efforts.

He said the terms of reference for the committee of experts will be among other things to identify and examine contentious issues, errors and inconsistencies in the 1996 Republican Constitution and the draft constitutions of the commissions led by Chona, Mvunga, Mwanakatwe, Mung’omba and the NCC.

Mr Zulu said the committee will prepare a provisional draft Constitution based on its findings and that citizens will be given time in which they will present their comments on the content of the provisional draft Constitution, followed by the preparation of a final draft Constitution based on refinements made upon consideration of the people’s comments.

He said after the preparation of the final draft Constitution, a nationwide referendum will then be organised to gauge whether or not the final draft Constitution will reflect the will and the desires and aspirations of the Zambian people.

Mr Zulu said the role of Parliament and the President will be limited to the provision of financial and material resources to the constitution-making process, and to assent to the final output of the process after the referendum.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


    • No, its not needed. There are lots of degree holders with no leadership qualities and equaly countless non degree holders with very high leadership qualities

    • A degree is nothing in Zambia I know a lot of people who have degrees but have no job. Therefore it’s not the end of the world if one holds no degree. Someone who has experience and is competent is far more valuable that someone with a degree who can’t tell the difference between clay and excrement. 

    • I agree with you Big Dick,the degree clause is a must in the new constitution…lol.Grade 7 failures with Honourary degrees should not be given chance to be in State House.They usually depend on ‘HIT AND MISS” methods to rule.No more experiments.We are in the 21st century.

    • @alfonse caponse:

      And then you will be asking mostly the poor and none degree holders to send you to state house, right? If people without degrees are so useless to our democracy, why then don’t you the “learned ones” just compaign amongst yourselves and vote for each other? Going by your own logic, why don’t we just say: “Since the poor and uneducated cannot independently think and analyze issues, they need people like you to think and vote on their behalf ” right, Mr. Degree Holder? And we all shall sit back watch how far this takes you in politics. Wow, how myopic can you get brother?!!!

    • And then you will be asking mostly the poor and none degree holders to send you to state house, right?

      If people without degrees are so useless to our democracy, why then don’t you the “learned ones” just compaign amongst yourselves and vote for each other? Going by your own logic, why don’t we just say: “Since the poor and uneducated cannot independently think and analyze issues, they need people like you to think and vote on their behalf ” right, Mr. Degree Holder? And we all shall sit back watch how far this takes you in politics. Wow, how myopic can you get brother?!!!

  1. UPND & MMD should be disappointed with their judgement and not with PF. Because there a lot of things that PF promised to deliver in 90 days that are still pending. How does one continue to trust their 90 days delivery model?

  2. Dull political parties how many times is PF going to tell you that the 90 days is for constitutional framework not the actual enactment of the new constitution. even if sata was a magician he can’t manage that within three months go back to school you bantustans

  3. Mr zulu that’s wonderful. Nothing special about 90days take atleast 9mounts to come up with cap 1 which would stand and appreciated by all zambia. Pf you are in power for 5year so don’t rush

  4. us the voters understood it was impossible to see tangible results in 90 days. we voted knowing 90 days is a starter. why are you dissappointed when you fi MMD failed us in 20 years.

  5. #2 degree is just a paper,kk did not have a degree but see what he & his team did for the country,many degree holders are failures in life ,most of their knowlege is in theory rarther many degrees does BILL GATES has & how many degree did STEVE JOB but see what they have done for the or no degree u need to be a brainstormer and be very practical.atleast one should have some education somehow.

  6. The 90 days campaign promise was aimed at persuading the majority of illiterate Zambians to vote for the PF and its leadership!
    Skype ID: dieter19912
    Mobile: +260 979/967/955 588189

    • ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha was Dont Kubeba to the illiterates.ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha’ve made my weekend Chipalo.

  7. These are not U turns people. There are just coming in thick and fast. LT you need correct the headlines.

    These are more like V-turns. At least a U takes time before it moves back. But looks like the PF government is just bouncing off all their promises and not even making an effort to implement them.

    These are V-turns for sure.

  8. Please imwe bantu let’s stop hero worshipping where we clearly see wrong doing. Those that thought Sata was a man to be trusted should come back to planet earth because you are slowly creating a demon. This government will make the Chiluba era look like a walk in the park. Brace yourselves for more shocking maneuvers from this sub unip and mmd party. They all belong to the same club but Donchi Kubeba!

  9. 90days was a fuss from the start coz President Sata did not know the extent of damage done by RB and his MMD cabinet, he was just taking advantage of peoples ignorance and need for change worse off, look at his cabinet full of incompetent people not to mention his pathetic advisers. i just wish he had a cabinet like the one Chiluba(MHSRIP) had before all of them become corrupt and crooked..Sata meant well its just that bad company has corrupted his good morals..I have no high hopes for the forth coming 2012 national budget

  10. “A good politician should tell a lie and convince the electorate on what he is going to do once voted into power, and tell another lie and again convice the electorate on why he did not do what he earlier promised.” Sata is the best politician in Zambia as of now. Believe you me, if in good health,he will go for the second term and win.

    • i agree with u.most politicians are liers.though SATA might not have lied abt his 90 days,he is not in such a hurry to please a few pf members by giving them a constitution in 90 days at the expense of many millions who are really suffering.what wrong will it be if we give him more time to come up with a good constitution which will benefit the majority of Zambians and not just pf members?

  11. what are they complaining about MMD you failed to deliver for so long, you have left most of our people still living in the last century, 20 years you stole and plundered our money. As for you HH for the past 15 years you have broken the promise you have been making to your Tonga blind followers that you will take plot !…. Under5.Lies Lies Lies every election you con the Tonga tribal party zis year we willo have cattle clazing in prot 1, wake up fools no way shall we put such a cow in plot1

    • Dont ever forget that Sata was one of the most influantial leaders in the first ten years of MMD.Even campaigned for Chiluba’s Third term bid,having fired 22 MMD leaders who sought to protect the constitution.Sata is the father of lies.TAMBA BEHAVIOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Mr zulu and sata do mean that when you were promising that you ar going to instal new constitution within 90 days u didnt know that ther is alot involved?

  13. A lot of Inferior less intelligent people commenting lately

    I think as someone who has ACCA, CIMA and an MBA and is seeking to start a PHD next year, I will refrain from talking more than I should. I shall make breakfast for Nick


    • Mr mushota keep your qualifications to yourself or only expose them when job seeking.We aint interested in them, just air your opinion if you have any..

    • @Mushota keep those qualifications to your simple self we are not interested in them on this blog..If you genuinely have those show of at your job interviews not here, we only need you opinion on the subject at hand.

      Tip: Doctors,Professors and us Engineers don’t boast around about our qualifications

    • I thought its a euphymism for her giving it to him early in the morning. So how did the breakfast go, or is it still going on?

    • All those fake qualifications ba maid ba Mushota.When did you have them?I feel sorry for very old muzungu Nick Nick.

    • Mushota You are the Best and I like your comments, most people hate them cos they speak the truth, and its true, other will just die without a PHD. I Dont think Sata will touch the constitution cos the current one gives him all the power he needs right now

  14. The 90 days was a big lie and only fools were convinced. Lelo lelo ba donchi kubeba. Today you have changed your blind followership by saying lets give them time when you strongly supported yo leader that it was possible. Kwena we are in a banana farm. HH was the best as he is consistent.

  15. why are all these dull fulls surprised? that man never means what he says becoz he is a joker and joined politics as a joke but you took him seriously. he is actaully surprised that in his dotage and ill health you were dull enough to make him president.

  16. Reality has kicked in but unfortunately it’s too late to rescind your decisions! Someone is already in power, delivering all his campaign ‘promises’. Wake up and do better next time…

  17. Guys this Mushota is psycho right?? Because no sane person can come up with some of the crap she posts up here.

  18. I can’t believe that people actually religiously believed Sata will fulfill all his promises in 90 days sharp! But that’s impossible! It’s unrealistic to expect the president to achieve that in 90 days! That was just campaign rhetoric to win elections. It’s naive to trust that a mere human being could deliver on the promises he made in such a short time. I can’t believe it’s so easy to win elections in Zambia! 

  19. Thought the constitution says you rule for 5 years when voted into power.

    4 years 11 months to go who cares about 90 days?

    UPND and MMD mugs are hurting.

  20. The reality is that Sata did not say he would achieve that in 90 days. He said he would START programmes to bring development. Regarding the constitution, there is one important fact that most of the bloggers are missing… This is that despite having the presidential POWER to accept or not accept a draft constitution, Sata has actually given PEOPLE to decide (not for him or parliament to manipulate the constitution). Guys, remember how FTJ manipulated the draft  constitutions using presidential POWERS? Sat has said no to this, and for this I commend him. 

  21. If you voted for PF based on the understanding that you would get a constitution in 90 days then you must be very DULL because you know how long it takes to come up with a constitution. They (PF) said they would commence the constitution making process within 90 days and that’s what they are doing. Criticism yabupubafye apali ponse nefishilingile.

    • Ba Ngombe Ilede you must be very dull than the word itself.Why are you doing PR for the PF thugs.Read the article again and pay attention to what Minister Zulu said.Dont interpret what he said.Ubukopo bubi sana.Dont Kubembwa!!!!!!!!!!

  22. It is shocking to see how daft some bloggers are!PF have told you they will give a road map on how the constittution will progress and that is within 90 days!MMD and UPND should NOT even talk about the constitution,they went to NCC and enjoyed themselves and they voted against the same document they wasted money on.

    PF is saying they will be a referedum after a team of experts go through the report of the 3 commissions including the draft of the NCC.On this one they have kept the promise.

    • U must be PF Senior Advisor…..i didnt know u can keep a promise by breaking the same promise. We learn something new avery day!

    • Mimbulu,neshinafye.Yabaaaaaaa!!!Are you advancing the PF propaganda?You still want to be in the comfort zone believing things are going according to plan.Anyway ‘People want to believe what they want’.Sata and the PF cant fool every Zambian,for sure.They’ve fooled others and that includes you Mumbulu(Jerabo).

  23. Sata never SAID he will perform magic in 90 days!HE SAID HE WILL PUT PROGRAMMES TO DRIVE DEVELOPMENT,LOOK INTO BAROTSE AGREEMENT OF 1964 within 90 days!He is doing just that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!dont just criticise for the sake of it!

  24. First it was the Chinese u-turn, then the fight against corruption by appointing Mwamba and Chungu to senior positions and now this! Barotseland is already gone but hey Sata got what he wanted so what does he care?

    • Mimbulu,who doesnt know what happened concerning Chungu’s appointment.Afterall Mwamba’s appointment is bad enough.What’s your comment on Mwamba,ba Mimbulu?Since you base your comments on facts which are on the ground.

  25. Let the constitution be delay, it is good for all Zambians. Let us not just condemn. Very surprising how MMD & UPND would claim to be disappointed when they clearly know how difficult it is to put up such a critical and crucial national document.
    This is a typical “set to fail syndrome” by opposition. Let them work with the Government for a proper constitution, than pushing PF to meet the 90 day promise. Can be very dangerous.

  26. Not other review when the lt  was not even enacted into law, yet vast sums of hhe country:s scarce resources were spent/wasted. And u want to go thru the same process again? No wonder we are so poor, management of our resources simply does not exist.

  27. #31 Nobody forced PF to say that they would bring about a new constitution in 90 days. That came from the mouth of none other than the serpent himself. Why should Satan not be made accountable to his own utterances?

  28. “MMD national chairman Michael Mabenga said it is disappointing that the PF government has U-turned on its earlier campaign promise of delivering a Constitution that will stand a test of time within its first 90 days in office” MMD has been in office for 20 years and you failed to give us a constitution that would stand the test of time. So what the hell are you talking about?

  29. Agony is being a PF supporter and trying hard to justify Sata’s words and deeds! No amount of spin will change the fact that Sata is more of a liar than a credible person!

    • nyce comment Czar.PF supporters are equally upset with the turn of events by Sata and his PF government within 90 days,but some of them are so ashamed that they are currently doing Public Relations for the Cobra’s government.Defending and interpreting everything for their incompetent leaders.

  30. Promises made during any Presidential Candidate’s campaign should really be called proposals. After all, campaigning for President of any country is essentially a marketing process, in which Candidates present themselves as products, differentiate themselves from the other products and make proposals on how they will perform if they were voted for. This is why campaign promises are such an important part of the election process, especially if they revolve around issues that divide a nation or create emotional interest. Most often, these issues involve five areas of human endeavor: Political and ideological; economical and financial; social and cultural; defense and security; and scientific and technological.

  31. are you honest you sincerely invested your faith in those 90day plans?if they did they would have to be called by a different name,honestly!

  32. If Sata makes a promise, do NOT beleive it untill one of his ministers says the TRUE position.

    The ministers are more realistic than the man who is trying to sound ‘man of action’-like by finnishing all his sentences with….’with immediate effect’.

    i fire sos and so, with immedaite effcet’, ‘I rename this and that, with immediate effect’, ‘i demand an expalination from cabinet office, with immediate effect’ etc

  33. Good afternoon

    I agree with Justice Zulu when he says “it is shameful that after 47 years of political independence, the country has failed to give its people an acceptable Constitution that will embrace the interests of all Zambians.”

    Real independence and meaningful development will not only come with economic growth or an improved standard of living but also with a bona fide Constitution. I also doubt if 90 days is enough for PF to remove the many stumbling blocks on the road map to delivering the Constitution.

    Having said that, I also feel it is time for us to move beyond the British Constitution model which Zambians have test-driven since independence. Why not look at the German model for example? The federative structure is more advantageous to the individual citizen.

  34. “We are now shocked that the Minister of Justice is contradicting what the President said,” Mr Kakoma said. 90 DAYS is possible if one wants to drive a country into a pit, time is really needed to come up with a constitution.

  35. # 25 Italian Bunga Bunga. Sata is more of a big liar than a credible person. You who support Sata PF wholesomely defines your level of analysis on national issues. We the Origins would want to have a credible working government of Zambia so we remind Sata PF where breaches, lapses, ommissions in law have occured. This is not only good for Sata PF but the whole Zambia as a nation. We will continue helping Sata PF pointing to lies of (90 day promises of mor jobs) more money in your pockets, tribal appointments, hest press statements thought through later etc. Let Sata PF concentrate on NCC that already looked at all the named commissions and contentious issues already identified. These issues led to motion failure to pass in parliament last time. Let that so called “Team of expert”.

  36. Surely who is going to give us, ZAMBIANS, hope of doing things correctly.The Post is not doing much in its reporting.A lot of issues are being hidden.Why not take the govt to task over the mistakes it is making?Look at how RB was being taken on.

  37. consult with all stake holders to flush out all the issues and any other pending issues considered and present it for refrendum to Zambians and parliament ratify document later for enactiment. Risk of personalising this document as that of PF will fail in parliament and voted out. So its up to Sata PF to be magnanimous over this process. Blindly support for Sata PF is for people with diminishing inteligence to see beyond one’s nose.

  38. PF peddled their way through lies. It’s evident from the countless flip-flops we’ve witnessed so far. This is not just unethical, but disappointing to the masses. It really hurts to think what the youth, the elderly, the poor, the helpless and all those that hoped their situation would change or at least show signs of changing within 90 days. The 90 days pledge has been nothing but a big let down. Yes we still have a 4+ years before the next election and it is still possible for Govt. to amend the wrongs and start heading into the right direction. Forget not, leadership is a challenge the bigger the challenge, the greater the opportunity. I am still not convinced this is how PF wants to be perceived. I believe better things are yet to come let’s hang in there and give them our support.

  39. LT and some Bloggers please do not mislead the Zambian people about the 90 days, we live in Zambia and we have been following SATA during his campaigns, what SATA has been saying all along. He has been saying that he will setup a team of experts within 90days and look at all the submission from the Mvunga, Mwanakatwe and Mun’gombaConstitution review commissions. Never did he say that he will enact the constitution within 90days that’s not correct please do your research. Its seem LT and ZWD are not interested at   reporting   the truth the way it’s presented.  

  40. MMD, you failed to deliver constitution in 20 years yet you want your friends to it in 90 days.We want a constitution that will stand generations. At-least they have started working on it

  41. When they say you are a snake – what do they mean? This phrase is just as ancient as human origin. It was first used when Satan lied to Eve about the Tree in the garden of Eden. Satan is known as the father of lies. So it is simple; if some one claims to a cobra then he is a liar. The concept of ‘Donchi Kubeba’ is conned from a deceitful mind. Only Satan and his demons will not tell the truth. FOOD FOR THOUGHT!

  42. Hey Mushota, just saw your Nick with some hooker in some Scottish pub … Sure the breakfast will help him reminisce the good time she gave him. At your expense, of course!

  43. Zulu fired,with immediate effect. constitutiton to be complete in 90 days as earlier stated by the man lacking action.

  44. Sata Knows very well that most of Zambians are not wise, and tha they will accept a lie and defend him even b4 he speaks. Chinese will be more hard on you their employees than even during the time of banda. Thy have already sorted out Sata next its you. Continue singing even when you know sata is killing you 2moro. I Like My president Sata but his ways a dislike.

  45. This is just a normal situation and there is no need to be shocked or even criticized the PF, in the right state of minds of those criticizing, is it really possible to make a Constitution with with three months? Absolutely impossible and provided the PF had gone ahead to to enact a constitution within three months the same pricks criticizing would have behaved the same way they are doing now. Asking questions and the caliber of those making a constitution within three months. Dont Kadabwa, the point is that the constitution is coming but not in the first three months period. If you are not happy go hang yourselves! After all MMD failed to enact a constitution in 3years! 

  46. Let other noble organisations complain and not you 3,upnd ,mmd and to some extent Nmp leader. We are still talking about the need to have a constitution that will be acceptable by almost all and stands the test of time. Mmd embaciles you denied us . Upnd you became a catalyst to mmd’s selfness ,greedyness and thieving behavior. You went to plunder our money in the NCC which you knew very well that it wouldn’t succed. Give pf time imwe ba kolwe and stop taking us for granted. Dull Zambians that went to school only to prepare to write exams . Today you think like a dull grade one. Look at this plastic of a human being -kakoma. Pf, go on and shame these demons .

  47. Bembas are taking Zambians too far. The responsible tribes must ashamed that in PF they gave power to shamelles thugs in their trade make “donchi kubeba”. Lozis are right.

  48. That 90 day rubbish was only directed at the illiterate and ignorant. It was never to be taken seriously at all. It is all about politics.

  49. Bola ni 90days.Pipo lets wait and see because all the construction are MMD started programmes.lets keep our eyes on the watch its in December when we shall evaluate someone and see the mango’s and oranges of there campaign.lets wait because i cant wait for more money in my pocket and more jobs.After all we are in November 2011 and its just a month in between for us to be in December.Ba MMD and UPND just wait and see time to evaluate someone has not yet.We cant wait to see roads ,schools, universities,more mines,buildings in the one month remaining.Imwe we where laughing at RB who built schools within months buts lets wait for MCS for his turn a university is coming by December.Ati Donchi Kubeba lets see your fruits because you thought leadership is easy

    • I meant I am not suprised at the government’s failure to give us the new constitution in 90 days because some of the officials can never be trusted they speak waht people want to hear but do a different thing.

  50. fact truth@59 Tough what are you gonna do about it just take all your relatives to the states with because us bembas are you here to stay, Zambia has had 5 presidents 3 of whom have been bemba.. God willing we may have hon Lubinda as our next president because he non-tribal and does not believe in your rubbish….Bembas will always be in the govt if you don,t like it just book out or give it up

    • 2 ‘bemba’, i would agree. KK is tumbuka, so he qualifies for both ‘bemba’ or eastern or neither as he originates from Malawi

    • 3 Bembas?I doubt.KK was from Malawi,Chiluba from Luapula and not bemba, and the Cobra is Mwachusa from Tanzania.Ask him if you so wish.

  51. What is good is that bembas are not the total sum of Zambians. With this rote on the rise, you will soon go back to monkey eating. Lubinda ………I doubt, we have enough in Scott, who is taking Zambia bankrupt Europe.

  52. 90 days promise was just hallucinations to cheat all dull dizzed foolish embiciles
    who took sata seriously.what about-firing the Director General of ZNBC and replacing him without advertising the position.Firing the ACC DG without ratification frrom parliament.abolishing the position of secretary to the treasurey but rescind the decision wen put under pressure.the leaks at cabinet house,u blame the secretary?

  53. #2, BIG DICK, R4M is long finished and those girls are gone you wont have anywhere to use your big dick so use it properly now and not talking about degree holder. your mind is petty and simple. UPND indeed you are under 5s, why cry all the time? spend your time strategising on 2016. charles kakoma, how i wished those mmd militial thugs amputated your legs completely.

  54. #56, President Sata talked to chocholis from a position of strength, RB engaged chocholis from a position of weakness. dont alarm workers.

  55. #SDA whtever, you are dull. HH has just been in politics for only close to 6 years now take your ignorance out of this site. Sata promised to arrest HH over the privatisation, but to date no process has started. Mr Sata all zambians know that HH is a clean man, if he did something wrong, why didn’t we hear of his name before he joined politics in 2006 while the privatisation was taking place under your MMD administration in 1995. Mwanawasa started the fight against corruption in 2001 and we never heard of HH’s name untill when he joined politics. Now that you have realised that the man is clean, you have started talking of tribalism, shame on you who do not want other tribes to rule, but only you masholi(thieves) to keep taking advantage of us. Barotseland please come January.

  56. HH my mbuya is a clean man who is just victimised because he is clean, principled etc. These masholis want someone they can use, if you join them and you belong to a different tribe you are not tribal, Lubinda is not tribal today because he is in their camp, the day when he will decide to leave their camp he will be called names like tribalist etc. I really, accept those who say they want only people to join them, and not making their own parties. If you are Lozi, Tonga, North-westerner, lenje etc you join PF you become a saint. When HH was in the pact, he was praised, when he left he became a tribalist, really bembas who can you fool around. You are there saying no Lozi or Tonga can rule, and then you want us to be with you. The word Tribalism started on Mazoka, now extended to HH.

  57. fact truth:Awe mune, lets put tribe aside, Sata won elections by simply dribbling brilliantly past RB and HH in a fair match that RB almost rigged. Sata is Zambia’s democratic favorite, lets give him respect and lets also refrain from trashing each other’s tribe. We have no choice but to share this republic with all our 75 tribes. Every president that inhabits state house has a tendency to appoint people from his region. In KK’s time every body who was anything in the party and its government was mostly from eastern province……….

  58. Continued………

    In FTJ Kafupi Luapulans dominated, in Mwanawasa Lenjes, Solis and Lambas came alive. I RB’s wherever you went it was East azaza. If HH or Milupi wins you will again see the every available job will be grabbed by tribesmates. This is way it has been and will always be

  59. 90 days was a bit unrealistic but wats important is the fact that they will work towards the promise as long as its done in their 5yrs mandate.

  60. Zambians are docile and gullible! Very few analyse issues critically part from inuendos because we pretend to know everything especially politics! My foot! PF and Sata have never believed in new constitution because it was going to be an hindrance to their access to power especially the 50+1 clause. Strategically they boycotted NCC and easily duped Zambians to believe that they cared! The walking out of parliament was another gimmick to shoot down the draft constitution! The only party interested in the draft constitution is UPND who even in the late hours were pushing for 50+1 inclusion and coalition govt formation. PF now is in power and they changing go posts. Remember Zondwa Sata was part of the changers of current constitution duly believes it in totally. Another circus begins!

  61. UPND and MMD should be the last to talk about the constitution of the Country. First they should appologising to the Zambian for swindling them a lot of money without delivering the constitution. Fellow Zambians the two parties owe an explanation to zambian.90 days was meant to set developmental agenda as well as consittution frame work.its cheap politiking on the party of MMD and UPND.

  62. # 68 I am really saddened by your level of inferiority complex. I urge you to discuss issues than trivialise a particular tribe. If the issue is about tribal balancing why dont you simply propose that it is put in the constitution rather than being a die hard of tribal mudslinging. The word Bemba, Lozi or Tonga should not prevent you from making positive contribution towards the development of the country. Good boy come out of your tribal shell. Mind you abusive language will not help MCS become a good leader but you have an opportunity through this blogs to help shape Zambia positively. China is moving on Today as one great nation (y with so many ethnic languages because they are able to rise above ethnic and regional politics promoted by people like you who have too much inferior motive.

  63. If you want Barotseland to continue being part of zambia, it should be included in the coming constitution that presidency should be rotational among the 7 major tribes of zambia. Those provinces or province whose turn for presidency comes should be the ones have presidential elections. On the ground I hear so much about no Lozi, Tonga, North-westerner will ever be president. The society as it stands is not fair. #75Umupano pamo, mind the one who started the topic, I was just responding. You Bembas are a problem and cause of this unfair treatment for other tribes because you are too one sided, and selfish to say the least. If a bemba insult me and I respond with the same insult, you blame me, shame on you Kolwestans.

  64. “HYPOCHRITE,THY NAME IS..YOU.” Independent blogging = objectivie perspective. I recall how we used to condemn, rebuke and pigeon hole MMD Chiefbootlicker as a blind and heartless MMD toady. With PF now in power, we’re witnessing a twist of events where bloggers who were on the offensive are now on the defensive as they have evolved into PF bootlickers themselves.Fact is there is discontent among the public as PF has made so many gaffes in so short a space of time(what more is in store? more turbulent times ahead?).For now, it Looks more like Zambia is being driven in reverse, back into the gutter. Yes, 90 days is not feasible, but wavering diminishes trust in the minds of the people. Unless PF acts dramatic to recreate it`s image. things aren`t looking good

  65. The turns and twists Sata PF has performed this far is a clear manifestation that Mr Sata can not be taken for his words. No body advised Mr Sata to make promises 1- Provide Zambians with a new constitution within 90 days. 2 – Give Zambians more money in their pockets. 3 – Resolve BRA for western province within 90 days. 4 – Fight corruption to zero torrelant level. These promises were made by Mr Sata and all Zambians recall it well. To turn round and claim he never said it just confirms how BEMBERS can never be trusted. The other contestants never promised heaven or promised a group of Zambians.

  66. To support Sata PF blindly and say he never promised is colluding in lies and untrustworth inthe eyes of Zanbians. This will talked about in 2016 and we are keeping trail of all that we see, hear and experience in failure and non regard of the law.

  67. Pf and their lies!The elections are coming.what did they think 90 days was? I cant believe those supporting these U-turns.Has pf raised any income for Zambia or they just busy eating what MMD left!One day we will cry as a nation.The U.S.A constitution was made by just 55 people and has withstood time and why is it that a country with the shortest presidential term in the world is the most developed?We need to learn from such countries.The next president should serve 4 years while mp’s term remains 5 years.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  68. leadership with intellectuals not mediocres, so please think rationally before u talk you are leading a country for christ’s sake.

  69. its like mmd and upnd are already de-campaigning pf,,,, we know them,, always concentrating on cheap staff,,, things can not just happen at once,,,,patience pays,,,,we should not just follow wat the opposition say, coz all the tym therz is some element of bringin down the ruling.positive criticism is gud and thats wat lacks with zedians, we just talk for the sake of it….

  70. Give PF some credit, at least they gave themselves a TARGET TO WORT TO, other parties esp EMU EMU DEE should SHUT UP as they were only out to chew our money with the NCC, which the other complaining parties were only too happy to join in the chewing. LEAVE THE JUDGING TO THE PEOPLE, PF didn’t ask the “ka bova” parties to judge them!!!

  71. Some people will defend willy-nilly. Could it be because of “he who has just hatched in the nest from which I have just fledged?” or put it plainly; kinfolk. Their passionate ferocity seems to smack of a profound causation.  Well your guess is as good as mine

  72. Bo Mundia @76 Western province will always belong to Zambia, Look who the Commander in Chief of the Army is, Defence minister etc we will use our military to eliminate any terrorist in our country can with your stones and witchcraft you will be no much we shall finish you in amatter of hours Angola and Nambia supports the Zambian govt on will have no where to rain Remember Savimba. We can turn those plains into new Kasama

  73. Zambia needs serious prayers. Sorry out of topic ,A quote from the Post newsapaper story TIZ and Caritas question Sata’s corruption allergy
    Lifuka said many Zambians were worried that many of President Sata’s appointments to positions of authority were seemingly driven by a sense of appeasement and cronyism.

    “President Sata was elected to provide leadership to this country and not to be the source of employment for friends, relatives and supporters. Government should not be a gravy train and a cash cow but a vehicle for public service,” Lifuka said.

  74. For those of you still hell bent on cuddling and babysitting SATA/PF, dare read Sunday Post (Pest) Online Editorial comment

  75. ummm bane why criticise the u-turn. we all agreed that the 90day promise was silly. now that pf has finally realised, lets pat them on the back and tell them to think faster next time.

  76. Ladies and Gentlemen, calm down. This is really amazing that it is coming two most corrupt and terrible animals in Zambian politics. Mabenga and MMD and most PF crop of fools participated in the most corrupt and useless constitutional scam Zambia has ever seen. For these two to even open their pie holes is the biggest insult to our nation. After so much billions and man hour spent on that crap of a constitution, what did Zambia get out that? How long did that take for them to come with that trash? How much did they spend on that piece of trash? I am looking at how most of you are making yourselves look like these two trash, foolishi comments like you have never been even to an elementary school. How long does it take to make even a simple by law for an NGO?

  77. pf are pathological liars. with a strong united opposition, they will not make it in 2016. their leader is dementing at a fast rate and we wont see much action other than reversing things. just work hard at individual level if want more kwacha in the pockect. sata was part of mmd and pf is mmd2

  78. #81 Caf-u, can you show here on LT when you last criticized MMD and that scam they came up with as a Constitution? Where is it? How much tax payers’ money was spent? Why don’t you talk about that trash? You talk of 55 coming up with a constitution that has stood a test of time in the US, how long did that take them? Do you know how every state is run? How many amendments do the US have? What do you think those amendments are for? There are 27 amendments to the constitution of the US. And there are millions of propositions that have changed the way the US constitution is handled. All the propositions are taken to the voters in each state to vote for or against. So, for you, with your uncoofed mental laziness to evoke the US constitution, is utmost appalling. Read first, then comment.

  79. Some of you guys, I am not insulting you, have never written an essay that can be graded above C level, and to have you criticize and wanting a constitution to be written in 90 days, is literally foolishi and just tells how shallow the diaspora is littered with Zambian litter. Instead of you suggesting how the constitution should be written and forming viable lobby groups and think tanks, what do you choose to do? Criticize. Some of you guys are so pathetic even the word pathetic does not want to associate with you. You should also understand that you are discussing a constitution for the nation, not some by laws for Monze Swallows, or Chiparamba soccer academy. Ask yourselves, why did MMD and PF fail to come up with a constitution after spending such billions and so much time?

  80. I have basically concentrated on my most important thing in my life, my kids and my education, but after reading your pathetic and non researched childish comments, I was compelled to put you UPND and MMD failures back on track. Why do you think MMD lost? Why do you think UPND did not do any better than they have ever done? Sadly, you are abroad, and people back home expect you to have learned something wherever you are, but it seems that those back home are deeper thinkers and use their brains better than some of you despite having seen how others have achieved progress. Sadly, some of you even after going through school, your brains are still stuck in Cow Manure and your thoughts and assessments of things are always affected by tribe and hate for Bembas. You are truly losers.

  81. Wow, wow!!!!!!!! the govt has failed to give us even a small achievement to the proposed 90 day ultimatum they instituted upon themselves. At least one goal should have come out. On the constitution, it sad that aZulu and his old minion still wants to steal money by appointing a commission to look into what is known and needed. We have had four commissions purporting to write a constitution for the Zambian people and all the records are there. I do not see anything new that the Zambians want included in the constitution from that already submitted. Please govt and all those that are listening we can use the “WHITE PAPER” TO ACCOMPLISH THE LONG AWAITED DOCUMENT OF THE LAND.

  82. How long does it take to find competent, efficient and unbiased people to perform such a momentous task like rewriting and revising a national constitution? How long does it take to vet and weed out wrong people from those that you find? Is there a budget needed for such a task? Is there money needed for such a task? Remember we are not discussing a corrupt MMD/Rupiah government that put off important national issues to fill their pockets first. How many people would be needed to do such a task? Do they need to go back to the people to collect their input? Do they just take what we all know was a crappie document from Chifumu Banda and George Kunda and add somethings to it? Do they just ratify the Wila Mungomba document? Guys, where are your brains? Do you’ve headaches when you think?

  83. The best criticiser is he who opposes meanwhile giving solutions. Most of u who are simply opposers lets hope it will take somewhere but not then i am worried about how much precious time spend foolishly. As for the constitution its clear it wont be ready in 90 days as ealier announced due reasons given by the justice minister,if still u are not clear start making yo own and present it to parliament.Why waste time?

  84. The best criticiser is he who opposes meanwhile giving solutions. Most of u who are simply opposers lets hope it will take you somewhere but if not then i am worried about how much precious time spend foolishly. As for the constitution its clear it wont be ready in 90 days as ealier announced due reasons given by the justice minister,if still u are not clear start making yo own and present it to parliament.Why waste time?


  85. Some of these people are so shallow. These are foolish armchair critiques who in their entire lives, if they have lives, have never even written a mere one month budget for their families, but they want the PF that they insulted and scoffed at the produce a national, not district, document that will stand the test of time in 90 days. What kind of constitution will that be? MMD and that loser called Mabenga were in office for how long? Why didn’t they produce one? UPND has been a part for how long? Do they even have a viable constitution? Does their constitution say that UPND will be run only by Tongas? Does their white paper say they will have leaders by appointment only? Why don’t they start with their constitution?

  86. Well the Great M. Sata and his ever wise Fred Mmembe are taking the country on a merry-Go-round i hope for their sake the time frame is within the confines of good faith ,i have some questions that ARE begging for answers how is the Bank of Zambia governor are we sure the national KADUDA (cash ) is not being looted with all these talk shop committees and tribunals,inquiries,kangaroo courts,THE NEXT T-SHIRT ARE READING : VIVA 50+1% BANTUSTANS FOR LIFE ,


  88. So there are people who believed that PF would indeed come up with a new constitution in 90 Days? I rest my case…

  89. Two wrongs can not make a right. MMD`s` failure should not be PF`S excuse. By the way, people will give  their input when asked to do so and until hen,doing so will be an exercise in futility

  90. Kalos2121,cool down and think with your head than your intestines! If you smart enough why are you not running for public life than just be a coward.I have only voted for mmd once in 1991. You and Sata are more mmd.Talk of IQ’s and thinking!wow!my friend iam in applied mathematics for a living.I think dimensionally and i can challenge for a thinking contest.What iam criticising is the 90 days for this and that and these u-turns.I can advice and work with Sata anytime.Dont insult Zambians in the diaspora coz iam aware most of them are highly learned and have top jobs. Do your home work,mr know it all.Constructive criticsm wont break a good president,it will build him.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  91. # 108 Caf-u, what does your misapplied mathematics got to do with 90 days for a constitution? If this is what mathematics can do to a person, I think we do not need it. A bachelors in applied counting? Sadly, the so called intelligent ones like you seem so dull that they don’t know that one cannot come up with a constitution in 90 days. Seems like you did not apply your math when you vehemently opposed Sata and PF during the campaigns. Did you misapply again.

    About your education, please leave it out. Who told you that being educated is synonymous with being wise and astute? You can advise Sata in what again? Losing? What happened to your advise with RB? People who know who Kalos2121 is are really laughing at you. So, please don’t even go there. Your MMD lost. It is over.

  92. we knew these kolwestans would not live upto the promises..they cheated their cadres who are now busy white washing their mouths with hunger!!

  93. Caf-u, now about me running for public office, let me address that intelligently. First I thank you that you have seen some smartness in me to an extent you think I should run for office. Yes, you voted for MMD in 1991, probably you voted for me and I led you for a good 4 years. So, you are indirectly asking me to go back and lead again. I will soon. I also thank you for inviting me to a thinking contest. In fact we need that in Zambia. What are you going to call it? Challenge of the two nerds? I believe I will beat you hands down. You will be calculating, I will be thinking. And I believe that is what most PhD students do, think. So, don’t worry about that. I will be helping you when you need me. I have no problem helping you with 50% of your thinking, but even with that, I will win.

  94. Kalos2121, Iam so disappointed with you former submission. there is nothing that you have to offer from that kolwestan hut.

  95. So you are mmd! I thought as much.I am not pf or mmd or upnd.Infact i will launch my own party in 2012 then you will know who iam and what i stand for.From what i can introspect it is precisely and exactly why Zambia cant tick coz of myoipic people like you.You misled kaunda,chiluba,mwanawasa and now Sata!As of Banda you didnt for obvious reasons.I would surely a contest with you but wait a minute for the presidency of Zambia.Yes i will run in 2016 or when a bye election occurs.Enough is enough.How much have you yourself stolen?we will catch all of you thugs who today have jumped to the pf bandwagon.Applied maths is not for boys like you.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  96. #112 upfront, I am not here to appease your little punk head or any creature of your kind. You have to find your appeasement somewhere else. I owe no one any allegiance or my intellect. If you think I am here to make a following, you are in for a rude shock. If you read your own posting and the foolish name of kolwestan coming from lower thinking characters of your type, I have no time for such cheap heads filled with nothing but water to occupy space for balance. So, find another leader, not me.

  97. #113 Caf-u, again you are just confirming how smart I am. I misled all these leaders. KK, Chiluba, Mwanawasa and now Sata. What does that say about how smart I am. You tried to mislead Banda, it never worked. WOW. I have already won battle number one. Which one have won so far? Four leaders under my tutorship and the only one (Banda) that I did not help lost lamentably, that my dear is a feat you will never achieve. About your 2016 candidacy, I sorry to inform you that you will be the last my dear. Even if I put Chama Chakomboka’s name on the ballot, even if he is dead, he would defeat you like a baby. I am not threatening you on pending massive defeat, but warning you. Every time you post something here, tells us how horrible a candidate you can be. You lost before you even announced.

  98. God Bless Zambia, how about the country you are hiding in? How about Jamaica? How about Congo? How about the people of Zambia?

  99. Chipimo (an educated lawyer) said from the very beginning you cant deliver a constitution in 90 days. Lets begin to look to the leadership of the future becuase from the way things are going now, this brand of ” personalised” leadership which lacks consultation and due regard for process will give us the same or even bigger headaches than the corruption of the past. Its not about tribe…at the end of the day, we need to vote in substance as this type of Sata leadership is as dangerous if not more so than we have had before. All tribes will suffer not just Bembas or Tongas or Easterners…Chipimo is a resource of ZAMBIA lets use him – he is young and educated, articulate and willing to work for the country and not for his own self interest.

  100. its your tribal lamentation that ticked me off. I have been on your side in the previous postings but on this you dropped the ball. read the last two lines of your #102 and tell me how that relates to our current discussion? I am well traveled and informed Tonga, mulumendo.

  101. Mr President speaks and the minister says something else…. this is unacceptable and a sign of a govt which is not serious. The president said animals second and hence ZAWA should go and it went, then the minister in the name of one Lubinda says the opposite because the earlier statement was negative to his ministry. Appoint extra MP, u turn on China investment (sorting out theory), appoint Chungu and blaming cabinet office the list is endless. My president and your govt you are seriously worrying. on the 90 days, I think this was for motivating people, too bad if anyone believed or believes in it. It is good to have targets

  102. All those focusing on 90 days are very dull people.Imagine the ills MMD did in 20 years and all you can focus on is 90 days surely? Iam very disappointed with especially disgruntled UPND Cadres who cannot offer serious opposition but are bent on talking about 90 days_Shame to you (Actually you will never rule this country , we are not fools we are watching all your efforts to frustrate our government.HH was chairman in the privatisation of companies and all you can talk about is 90 days mwebakamushi imwe

  103. The 90 days is not for you who never voted for PF. Its meant for PF members ONLY. So why complain about the 90 days. Continue working with RB

  104. The promise of 90 days was given to all Zambians whether PF or not. I concur with what Kabimba told the people on the Copperbelt the other day that victory for PF came as a shock and so they needed time to recover from that shock, according to the Post of 7th November 2011. They thought they would remain in the opposition. I for one have never shared in this promise of doing things within 90 days. That is why Rupiah stared at Sata as he repeated the 90 day miracle theme during his inaugural speech at the Supreme Court on 23rd September. So these U-turns are not surprising at all to some of us. That is why the Lozis are saying the setting up of the commission of enquiries was another trick on them.

  105. It is not surpring that we get such tone of rhetoric. A promise is one thing evenn with good intentions, but implementation is another. The goodwill to chnage the constitution is still there. The will of the Zambian people and not necessarily of the PF as a govt alone shall determine the pace of these anticipated reforms. The govt has realised that, more time is needed to come up with a formidable constitution and they are right. Remember how Obama promised to shut down Guantanamo Prison, withdraw US troups from Iraq and Afghanistan. Has that happened. Yes only in part. Withdrawal from Iraq is ongoing, Afghanistan not yet, closure of prison highly politicised – hot topic, no clear “roadmap” yet.

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