Wednesday, March 12, 2025

More crops would have gone to waste had PF not been voted into power-Sata


President Sata

President Michael Sata has disclosed that more than 60 per cent of the crop that has been purchased would have gone to waste if the Patriotic Front was not elected into power.

In a press statement made available to the media by Special Assistant to the President for Press and public relations, George chellah , Mr Sata said that he was happy with the progress government has made in the purchase of maize and other crops since taking over office.

The President disclosed that government has so far purchased over 1,660,899 Metric Tonnes (MT) of maize worth K2.1 trillion and over 993MT of rice worth K1.5 billion.
“Government has paid out over K1, 774,836,300,000 (approximately K1.8 trillion) and another K100 billion will be disbursed this week to speed up payments to our farmers and settle all arrears in order for them to proceed with the ongoing farming season with minimum difficulty,” President Sata said.

“More than 60 per cent of the crop that has been purchased would have gone to waste if this government was not elected to power.”

The President has re-affirmed that the new administration was determined to steer the agricultural sector as promised and in line with the PF manifesto.

“During the campaigns we made an undertaking that we shall ensure that maize and other crops were bought just in the early days of us taking office. This promise we have kept hence our decision to dedicate huge sums of money to the crop marketing season,” President Sata said.

[pullquote]“More than 60 per cent of the crop that has been purchased would have gone to waste if this government was not elected to power.” [/pullquote]

“We would like to express our gratitude to our millers who have reduced the price of mealie meal. And we hope that others who have not yet effected this price reduction will do so to help the majority of our people afford this essential commodity.

“We are happy that the Food Reserve Agency has taken keen interest in purchasing other crops such as rice and we anticipate that other high-value cash crops will be identified.”

The President also said government is working on comprehensive measures to combat animal diseases in the country especially in Southern Province.



  2. Last year none went to waste, so why were they going to waste 60% this year. The statement is very hollow, he needs to tell us why MMD was ‘planning’ on wasting so much.

    Does Southern province have more animals or the few animals there have more disease?

  3. This is normal ba Sata naimwe… ..Press statement over amataba sure…where is Min of Agric… they are the ones who should give such stats…Inany case GRZ al buy maize… how Can a country feed its self without GRZ knowing the correct stock level?? … Tell us something new…

  4. He is about to join KK as one of our great fathers of the nation 
    Bashi Chilufya you joining Bashi Panji in the statesman league

  5. Enough self praise Mr Cobra, please build MAIZE SILOS and many more in every District of Zambia. We should NOT wait for another Government to come and do this, it’s very simple to ba President to build Silos either from durable and strong plastic materials, alluminium alloys and/or indeed steel, which should stand the test of time. Covering tents and other materials over produce will not yeild the required results; Silos is the answer…

  6. Zambia has no president……the president does not know his priority. This is a statement from the ministry of Agri specifically by a permanent secretary. Sata is lost..he appears to have no plan for the nation apart from kachepa type of management. people want to know the way foward on job creation etc.this man sata is lost i begining to regret for having voted for him. So far no plan on the deveolpement of the nation, how his government intends to create jobs reduce poverty.

  7. Don’t hoodwink us with so called 60%..that money was budgeted for.I hope it is NOT part of the 90 days miracles as the bumper harvest was left by RB.We are yet to see yours.

  8. good job sir and Farmers deserve that recognition for a job well done. but Mr President you haven’t explained how the 60% maize would have gone to waste.

  9. Oh, I thought this president stopped smoking. Has he started smoking again? And what is he on this time? certainly, not those Cuban cigars.

    #6 Great point.  Exactly my thoughts. Where did he extrapolate the 60% maize loss from. As MMD we have had two great bumper harvest, is that the data he used to come up with his estimates?  Any students on the blog from Matero University or Kulima Tower School of Economics to unpack this complex  research and analysis for us, please? 

    I will be waiting. 



  11. This business of trying to erase history and the legacy of our predecessors just doesn’t work. If our friends in the West had attempted to erase their history, we would not have that precious book, the Bible, today. No wonder we have no indigenous written history to talk about, and little wonder we are so undeveloped, we have simply erased everything that was there to learn from.

  12. More than 60% maize going to waste if PF government was not elected to power?I dont think so.# 1.Malikopo,Sata to be made life President?NEVER.Ulichikopo?Stop worshipping the Cobra my friendo.MATABA MATABA PRESS STATEMENT FROM THE KING COBRA…LOL

  13. GREAT JOB Mr President!!! You are taking us were we belong as Zambians.We have been missing such a preisdent like you sir for so many yrs.Keep it up with the good works you are doing.The bembe’s say “Uushitasha pakanono napa kakulu teti atashe” kabili batila Uushitasha mwana wandoshi”

  14. i agree with Punch Drunk Cobra,this statement is shallow and hollow. what makes them say 60% was going to go to waste, elaborate,tell us why and how you think it was going to waste,we are tired of these populist statements and announcements…

  15. FRA is was already buying maize when the Serpent took over office. The overzealous ***** is claiming glory over something he has not done. The only achievement the PF has recorded in the regard is selling the maize bought by the FRA (under MMD) at a cheaper price as a reactive measure to the rains. Start working and stop parading your foolishness by claiming what you’ve not done. What’s wrong with this man?????

  16. It all shows that our country is not serious how can we say we saved some of the maize…..i have said this time and again plz tell MC SATA the maize can be grind and made into animal feed . Animal feed is more costly than meali meal ….so why cant govt see that please atase.

  17. Zambians are simple minded people, Sata hasn’t done anything special here. The government has just done what any other government must do in order for their farmers to remain fruitful. I have never seen a president who seeks praises all the time even for things he is already supposed to be doing. 

    • You remind me of what comedian Chris Rock said “ni**as want credit for things they’re supposed to do”. Mr Presido its your job to do that, so you shouldn’t get credit for doing your job

  18. I think the man doesn’t know what to do,someone to advise him please,oh I forgot that he doesn’t listen to advise.

  19. Mr President, how about giving as an analysis of how you arrived at this conclusion? Are we supposed to believe it just because it has been said by you? Only the naive and gullible would believe such rooftop pronouncements. Data analysis is a science with clearly defined procedures and methods. Guys this is not presidential material. It is time this new government started telling us where we are going. He cannot speak about foreign issues because he will be forced to adopt a tone that is alien to him. Kulima tower economics zooona …     

  20. Let him advise on how his presidency is planning the current season’s delivery of inputs, seed, collection of next year’s harvest and ensuring farmers’ are paid on time i.e. strategy for next year. Talking about how you have saved RB’s SUCCESS in agriculture is a non-starter tata. Always looking at RB’s negatives even where there is none won’t work.

  21. What is this fool on about?  Did he produce the maize in the last 6 weeks he has been hallucinating at State House? Already the price of maize has dropped and I can tell you there will be a drop in maize production as farmers stay away from maize production and concentrate on more profitable ventures than growing maize.  we are back to Kaunda days of subsidising consumers instead of producers.  Expect to queue for your maize next year as you buy it with coupons!

  22. Hey…………..! Did the agricultural marketing for 2011 start after PF came into office? I believe this is just a continuations of where MMD stoped. Is he telling us that there was no palnning (budgeting) by the concerned authorities as to how much should be bought prior to the starting of the marketing seasoning? These claims are just for shallow mind kaponyas.

  23. Any secured produce means success to the country. Many times FRA fails to pay farmers and fails to secure the bought product. Am supporting permanent shelters for various crops. Some crops can not withstand dampness in tents. Just buying crops for mean is kudos whether MMD, PF or any party. This move helps our families in rural areas. This can boost morale and standard of living because of ready market.

  24. ell It Like It Is @ #26, good points man/lady. that what a productive person should be talking about at this time of year considering that we getting into another growing season in Zambia. For anyone who understands agricultural production will appreciate your points.


    Nine Chale…Well mannered…No matter how the Germans despise him for being black and worse still coming from Africa he still manages to say ´Good evening´_ ´ I think Zambians can pick a leaf from the German model; most of the time, the Chancellor is at home dealing with internal affairs while the Federal president travels wider and plays the representative role for the nation´ .To him everything he sees in the west is good. How dumb!

    INDEPENDENT OBSERVER…´A reservoir of wisdom and knowledge, though I think is gay _´How can a nation have a Central Bank without a board of directors and a Governor for a month´?…


    Nine Chale…Well mannered…No matter how the Germans despise him for being black and worse still coming from Africa he still manages to say ´Good evening´_ ´I think Zambians can pick a leaf from the German model; most of the time, the Chancellor is at home dealing with internal affairs while the Federal president travels wider and plays the representative role for the nation´ .To him everything he sees in the west is good. How dumb!

    INDEPENDENT OBSERVER…A reservoir of wisdom and knowledge, though I think is gay _´How can a nation have a Central Bank without a board of directors and a Governor for a month´?…


  28. …MMD Chief Bootlicker…A genius and writes with sheer wisdom, but still licking those MMD losing boots, one wonders what it feel like to lick those boots._ ´Lets debate real issues. PF have a lot on their hand, like major defeats we are dishing for them in parliament, for their president to afford the luxury of travel´.

    ? Mushota…Perhaps the most prolific blogger of all time, a nuisance and a second class citizen in the UK. All she ever wanted in her life was to write; thank God she can now write on LT_ŽŽ I felt really weird. My friends always tell me that I´m the Whitest Black they have ever met´

  29. …Senior Citizen…Intellectual of all times, ostensibly gone. Wrote/ spoke with exceptional English and went down with the ship (MMD).Word on the street has it that he likes little girls _ Impossible for me to be coerced by any forces whose value systems I don´t agree with under the sun.´

    ? Luciferous Calyptus…An organic Intellectual, always bragging, though he is un wanted immigrant in the US_ ´weigh your sentiments. You are exposing your mental mediocrity as well as your doucherty and assholism´

  30. From what i KNOW, IT WAS Levi’s and RB’s government that built more silos so that maize doesn’t go to waste. Now, Mr Sata says ‘IF’. Now everyone knows that just after 26 September he fired all the people who would have done the job. So what does he expect? It is like you get into a house and you find people working, then you expel everyone and then you start working and then go on to moan, ‘if I had not cleaned up, the room would still have been dirty!’

  31. And from this we can extrapolate that most whatever Mr Sata sees or says is 60% lies which also means he is still losing 40% which is still too much lost.If you were voted in to save 60% then you are still a complete failure and i don’t get why you would open your mouth to trumpet such useless drivel.

  32. This country will remain backwards if we dont legalise homosexuality. What people are scared of, is beyond me!
    Because gays can’t marry, it’s very difficult for partners to help each other in difficult situations like medical crises. The burden of support and decision-making typically falls in the laps of other family members when it should fall to one’s chosen life partner.
    people are able to take time off to help their hospitalized spouse. Gay couples who cannot marry don’t receive the same help, so much of what gay partners would do for each other must be shouldered by the community at large.
    Gay Marriages Will Help Stabilize Society Generally,Gay Marriage Could Benefit Marriage

  33. Going by the many disapprovals and bad comments on this topic, one can safely conclude that our president is fast losing popularity.

  34. 29.10.2011
    ´UK prime minister last night just announced that the UK will cut aid to any country that does not review their Gay rights laws
    ´.I wonder where poor countries like Zambia will get the funds from to administer her projects.

  35. Mr President, your agric minister told the nation that he will buy and pay all the farmers by 31st october,2011. Todate most of the farmers on the C/belt and S/provinces have not been paid. How do they buy the farm inputs? Farmers are regretting having voted for you.

  36. Man will not live on kachepa alone, a president is supposed to be above that. we have had enough of that and it is time to work. you can demonise the other guy all you want but time will also judge you. by the end of the day zambians will realise that RB did a better job

  37. Mushota, with or without Britain zambia can still stand on its won. That is the culture we need to develop. I do not think we should be forced to accept gay and Lesbian in Zambia, well if they are there in darkeness so be it but to legalise honestly would be an insult to our morals and cultural values. Its like someone says you must eat your feaces or else I will not help you…so they go to hell. I am sure you Love your NICK, so let others also find their loved ones. So Cameroun can go to Hell, we actuall got the news when he addressed the Australian Parliamanentlast last week if not mistaken.Mushota I liked your model picture where is it…did you delete it ??

  38. Good evening

    #37 I don’t know exactly what your mission is but if you’re trying to bait me, it is not going to work. If it’s just a need for people to pay attention to you, I don’t thinkl that’s working either because no one has even bothered to rate your comments so far!

    Well, if attention is what you so badly need, let me at least respond to your presumptious assertion: “To him everything he sees in the west is good.” Wrong!
    Yes I am Black and better still, coming from Africa but I am not too proud to learn from the west. Not everything in the West is bad, just like not everything in Africa is good. I believe that humans can all learn from each other.

    Now, let us focus on the lecture at hand. And even here, we can learn a lot from the west.

  39. Just politicking. This guy thinks he is cleverer than RB and the MMD in general. But I can see through his nakedness that he is just lying. Whom does he think can buy such trash to say the least. Just do your work and we move on. I am disgusted about such empty rhetorics. Political milage is over now just work batata. To me and other well meaning Zambians all these things Sata claimed to in place were already put in place by the former regime. Ndipo bativuta bakaponya. Kaya mailo or even today just wait and get yet another surprise from this “intellectual”. I end here!

  40. I think somebody is masquerading as Mushota because a quick analysis of the purported contributions do not seem to match with what we expect from her [him]. Firstly, the number of spelling mistakes has reduced drastically and the grammar is much better than what we normally get from her. The other point is that she has not mentioned Glasgow in her submissions which makes me conclude that it is not the Mushota that we are used to. At the same time, she always leaves a blank line between the last line and the “Thanks” salutation.  

  41. Mushota or the person masquerading as Mushota, you try too hard to be controversial. The fact that you have been colonized physically, mentally and anally is enough.

    Zambians just remember that Divide and rule was and is a system colonialists use to take over Africa. We may not agree on who should be in power…But let us not be divided because of it. The fact that we are here blogging shows that despite our political affiliations, we have one thing in common…We are Zambians and we love our Zambia. The decisons made by those in power now will affect us all regardless of who we support. Lets us agree and let us disagree, but lets us respect each other as Zambians.

  42. Here we are again, preaching in the name of crops? Hello?

    For some reason I think Zambia has overrated farmers and quite frankly a lot of them need education. I would care less about the farmers, for all I know they are a minority and any country will blossom easily without them

    The trouble is we are talking about a third world country in Zambia,where people eat Beans for lunch, pot holes all over the poor roads, No 5 star Hotel, where the gap between the poor and the rich is so far that, that poor are getting lost

  43. We are so backwards, its not even funny. Build school, let people get educated, educate the less privileged so they don’t fornicate , don’t get aids, become key players in the county. 

    I want to be the first female president, I can do this, with my education MBA, CIMA and ACCA and on arting a PHD in Business ethics

  44. The person posing as me, as a Psycho that need help! But then again you would expect that from most zambian men, no confidence cheats, absolutely Grotesque!

    Have your own analysis and be proud of yourselves. I am as humble as they come and I love Nick and will get my Britsh passport when I get married but i refuse to accept sub standard lives that I am seeing in zambia

    I want people to work hard, fetch for yourself be like some of us who have worked hard. Excessive mumblings like headless chickens will lead you no where.

    Grow up people and contribute to zambia, personally i think the best days in zambia are gone absolutely. I am 27 and soon to be 28 and I have never felt more detached from my country of birth because I refuse to succumb to its ways


  45. but zoona ba president besu ni loss. surely how does he call a conference to praise himself over maize which the govt always buys every year… yaba.. zambia has gone to the dogs under leadership of this thing called sata.. 

  46. i see this feace called mushota took over my spot. elo kabvi ka mushota. i think she is postive. we like our women curvy and with meat. somebody throw some ARV pills on mushotas face

  47. What’s the purpose of this government? Where are the plans for the 2011/12 farming season; projected input support in terms of seeds, fertilizer, etc, time of delivery and expected yield in tonnage? Conjuring percentages out of the air of crop saved from the rain is Neanderthal. What has the Zambian voter put into government? Please send these cavemen back to their hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Loss of space; little wonder Mushota is forever slugging you.

  48. Thank you guys for the welcome. I ave been underground working hard for my construction company which i own. we are doing very well and reaping the benefits. how are all you paupers doing? my white blue eyed blonde wife has now got our baby boy. very lovely looking boy.

  49. Doe this grade two(2) drop out know how to even calculate percentages?Since the LPM no maize crop has ever gone to waste ,RB i mean RB paid particular attention to maize marketing you can take away everything he did as president not maize marketing and storage.Just shutup you i.diot you think you are talking to street sweepers?Rubbisssssssssssssssh

  50. This is a press statement as usual the lazy government media makes it look like the President cleared his days schedule to give this statement. Another reason why government should sale these useless tabloids. 

  51. Sata gassing lies as usual. Which maize did he collect to present to his PF members as a PF achieveemnt? Let him come with original successes and reserve maize collection next year when PF will deliver farming impliments to farmers. As at now he is in negative of failure to fit in as a national president, fails to appear and meet any foreign leader, and continues with tribal appointments. Zambians are waiting for more money in their pockets, Lozis await BRA, the nation wants evidence that he is seen to fight corruption and not political rhetoric and do the opposite by appointing corrupt people such as Chungu and Mwamba. Shame those suppoting this hypocrisy.

  52. Zambia is like a headless chicken. There seems to be no sense of leadership direction from the president. He is shooting in the dark. He needs to stop dwelling on trivial matters and confront, head on, the real issues at hand and come through with his promises. I bet it has dawned on him that running a country is a mammoth and complex task.  People are now scratching their heads, wondering whether or not they made the right choice.

  53. This man is so shallow, is he normal? Why is he takings Zambians for a ride. Emphasizing that he is keeping campaign promises over this simple issue is foolishness when already back-peddled on major campaign promises.

    SATA says
    “During the campaigns we made an undertaking that we shall ensure that maize and other crops were bought just in the early days of us taking office. This promise we have kept hence our decision to dedicate huge sums of money to the crop marketing season,” President Sata said.”

  54. Does this mean he will only deliver 60% of what he promised in 60% of the expected 90days time frame which is 54 days instead of 90 days?

  55. Most of those against the article must ask real farmers for their opinion. FRA became a joke owing farmers huge sums of money after Mwanawasa.

  56. WHY ba mudala ba Sata baoneka monga ba yamba kuzola mafuta????? OR Am I the only one seeing that change in his complexion??? Awe, I think ba mudala ba MCS bali pa diet ya jaribu and mekako mwe!!! Someone went to Soweto for a good shooping ya mafuta for him. Check that his lips though are refusing to change from BLACK, which is a clear indication that ba mudala bazola kuti bankale buga-buga!!!!

  57. #45 MUSHOTA – For the first time since the year 1015 BC, you have said something sensible. Keep it up…and I don’t want to hear about your fiance EVER again!!!

  58. Thats why you were voted for, thats why you live a the best government house, thats why your kids go to school in brand new lexus’, that why the government bought you a private jet, helicopter and all those mercedes’, thats why you are called your excellence, thats why you have been given so much power, to do your JOB! Just like we all do our JOBS!



  60. Sata lets see what you will do. please i was one time in zambia during disaster we suplied food. and we could buy from local farmers and sometimes from government agencies. the maize lasts too long in the sheads before the farmers realise it will go to waste. ans we too time to encourage them sell. so if its not well spread for ants, normally will go to wast. so can that be your fault. the same will happen in your government, the problem is when people talk about any thing under your dictatorship, you will say they are disclossing secrets. go on lets see.we will be watching from a disatnce. but falllow all the embassis with audit quaries please. ottawa has too many quaries. people who have access to president satan tell him to go to ottawa and visit the accountant who has been stealing

  61. pleasen follow the accountant at zambia embassy in ottawa. too many audit quaries. let her be anserable to all and be accountable too

  62. This president sounds like he is still on the campaign trail. He is in too deep and doesn’t have a clue on what to do. He managed to convince the simpletons of Zambia to Vote for him and now what? Can anyone convince me that we have a competent president in power. I am now really worried.

  63. The era of success in AGRICULTURE began with Levy Mwanawasa and was well consolidated by RB because both Levy and RB were/are fine farmers at Teka and Chipata respectively, As usual President Sata wants to gain credit and popularity for a crop that he NEVER cultivated. We doublt if ba Sata knows how his backyard garden looks like. The bumper crop Zambia has achieved over a number of years is a CREDIT to MMD good agricultural policies. The rains have just began. We hope Ba Sata will sustain a fine agricultural development. We need a viable network of feeder roads and marketing system so that our suplus harvests can be sold to Angola, Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia and Somalia. Ba Sata must just settle down to productive work and stop apportioning childish blames to previous MMD Govt.

  64. The only problem is that of not giving employment to people who voted for change, you have started giving jobs to ba Saviour Chungu, what is the idea behind employing a criminal? People will loose confidence in you and they will retire you as faster as kaya!

  65. Iye ubufi chimudala ici.. Why do you always like to uplift yourself? Why can’t you just praise your predicessor for this bumper harvest? What input have put to this harvest??? Ba king cobra grow up man. We are educated people and mind you are no longer a man of action. Fyakale filya ifyabusushi. You have become a man of boredom and shallow thinking befitting a kaponya and not presidential material. Let me assure you that you will never win another election even if it was held today. Heed to your advisors and you will be good.

  66. SATA is learning that being opposition leader is different from being President of the State. What stats made you arrive at the conclusion that 60% of the maize would have gone to waste? Foolish man, the MMD recorded bumper harvests through their good agriculture policies, let us wait and see how your harvest will be next year. You are trying to get credit for something your predeccessor achieved. You despicable man, you make me want to puke through your diatribe. What did Zambia do to deserve such a president? 90 days is almost up and what have you achieved? Big ZERO, apart from the confusion you are creating. We in the diaspora are very ashamed of you. You are a total failure and the sooner you realize that and vacate the presidency the better for the country.

  67. This is a very strange man in Statehouse.MMD has never failed to pay farmers and this year would not have been different even if they won elections.Sata should concentrate on delivering to the Zambian people instead of boasting of a mere payment to farmers which even me can do if i had the funds to pay them.The bumper harvest was left by MMD and he should concentrate on his own harvest because that is where we will judge him and not the rubbish he is talking about.To have this kind of President for the next five years is a disaster to this country and we will leave to regret our mistake.The reason why God never wanted this man to rule was because he knew who he was but i think we pushed God too far and now we should just keep quiet and stop complaining.

  68. For whatever you have collected, it is not a favour to us .It is simply your job.The maize that has been soaked is due to your misplaced priorities. You concentrated on firing people instead of starting with collection of maize…..and you think you deserve our praise by telling us that you have collecteted 60% of the maize! You should have collected everthing as you had all the time. Chioneni kuipa!

  69. If I hadn’t gone to work today, so many things would not have been done. My employers should be grateful that they employed me!

  70. I think this isn’t correct Ba Sata. I fired RB but we should give credit were it is due. Under RB Agriculture improved & for the first time in a long time we experienced bumper harvests. Just focus on doing your job & not politiking!!

  71. Indeed saving the crops from wasting is highly commendable. As well it is good to note that some millers have lowered prices. What I hope for is a universal downward trend in prices of this our staple commodity. Surely, while being cognisant of all the logistics of production, storage and distribution, there is need to lower the prices much further. Currently, the commodity is priced as if it is an imported as a finished product.

  72. The president is chief Custodian of every ministry in this Country whether Small or Big.
    Yes! he does not need to announce it himself but he should have a Big Nose to be able smell what is cooking in the Kitchen but not to do the Actual cooking himself. 

  73. @ Kolala II, what will a DG be doing if a president gives a report on maize ?????? Just shows our president does not understand principles of management or governance i.e. Delegation. I swear this man can fire a cook and gardener. Imagine the corporate world we live in … the MD firing a receptionist.

  74. Let us give credit were it is due. I for one I am happy as one of the part time farmers. I have been paid for my share towards the 1,660,899 Metric Tonnes of maize. I got my money and I am happy ready to re-invest again. This is the way to go of empowering people. If it is true Mr President you are investing in animal diseases control, come 2013 I am investing in this sector too. This is how an economy can grow. Each one of us should identify an area they should participate in growing our economy, other than formal employment (seating beyind posh desks). on this one I am with you in support of more cash in my pocket….250 bags by 50kg


  76. improved farming amid massive plunder of national resources by RB. Just work hard you zambians.We are not the fisrt ones to have a president of such calibre. Look at Javez, Lula of brazil and even our middleeast neughbours and Russia. Almost all developed countries had leaders who seemed to be at variance with the public because of political rethoric at the same time have developed their countries. At some point we need such with pragmatic leaders to trigger developemnt unlike have snobbish chaps as president with tribal and politcal nihilism.

  77. My former yama cannot let old habits remain in Chitulika. He has to say something everyday simply because he has a mouth and not because he has thought through it.

  78. The rain season is approaching fast.  What preparations are in place to improve the poor drainage system and avert floods especially in places like Lusaka? This may cause an outcry from the people. Very soon we`ll be seeing people wadding in filthy water and an upswing in water borne epidemics such as cholera, dysentery etc.  I hope the deluge won`t cause the ubwato to capsize.

  79. What is that Bemba proverb about someone who doesn’t appreciate? I have never heard any single word of appreciation about the bumper harvests that others left for us in our silos. Talk about living and ruling according to the Ten Commandments! Someone tell me, does God like this?

  80. Kamushota bola panshi. Dont insult impostors they are part of the game you started. People are tired of your rhetorics and now they have got it on you – you have been caught red handed. Just chill and do your analysis – forget about impostors and please chill if you are a woman. By the way hows Nick. Is he better than a Zambian MAN with a bit of vukavuka. Take care!

  81. What is Dr Guy scot’s phone number? Iam told he made it public and asked anyone to call him if farmers willnot be paid by 31.09.11. Why is Billy Mwanza not in the national team? Can anyone tell me where he is ? I need to contact him over a professional deal probably extended to change of citizenship so that he can be playing for some country u will see at AFCON 2012, Kabili imwe ma zambians mumeka to recruit him in the KK eleven squad

  82. Yes , great job mr HE MCS ..continue doing like that and we will praise you..but if you appoint chungu I will hammer you cobra. Bravo so far.

  83. Its a job well done shikulu we are prayering for you. But please say something about chungu and mwamba appointment awe ifwe natupapa embracing pipo who was against you nangu ni reconcilation teifyo iyo twakana.

  84. @KAPOTU- Please, stop being an MMD cadre. I know you are still in shock about the election defeat, take a nap, drink some tea and tell your wife I said hi, oh, sorry, I meant your husband, since high school you have been a little gaylord!

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