THE Die Hard MMD youth wing has backed the candidature of former Zambian High Commissioner to Canada Nevers Mumba to take over the party presidency from current holder former republican President Rupiah Banda.
National co-ordinator Bowman Lusambo said in Lusaka yesterday though other party officials named in the former ruling party’s presidential race equally have leadership skills, Dr Mumba is the best candidate.
Others reportedly vying for the MMD presidency include former minister of Commerce and Lunte member of Parliament Felix Mutati, former minister of Defence Kalombo Mwansa, Chisamba member of Parliament Moses Muteteka and former minister of Foreign Affairs and Kasempa member of Parliament Kabinga Pande.
“We think Nevers Mumba can push us from where we are now to the next stage, probably taking us back into power. We know that Nevers Mumba will work with the youths, all structures of our party, the Church and ordinary Zambians.
“We want to encourage the MMD youths to come together and support his candidature because we, as the party youth wing, have received warm welcome from the general party membership in all the provinces. We have also received a lot of support from the intellectuals with whom we have shared this idea (of supporting Dr Mumba),” Mr Lusambo said.
He said Dr Mumba has leadership qualities that the MMD needs in its current state.
He said the tele-evangelist and former diplomat, who once served as republican vice-president in former President Levy Mwanawasa’s administration, is charismatic, clean, has the ability to interact with all citizens regardless of their political affiliation and has vast experience in relating with the international community.
Mr Lusambo warned that the MMD youths will not support any candidate who will engage in corrupt practices in a bid to win the presidency.
“If we hear that anyone is dishing out money we shall report that person to NEC (national executive committee) and demand the expulsion of that particular candidate because we don’t want corruption. We want to have a new MMD with a new image and strategies,” he said.
Mr Lusambo said all the presidential hopefuls must exercise their democratic right in a decent manner. Mr Lusambo said the MMD youths are aware that a named senior female party official is scheming to disturb the democratic process of electing a new president.
He warned the official in question to stay away from the process because she has misled the party before and is still capable of doing the same. Mr Lusambo said the MMD youths will maintain respect for Mr Banda and former vice- president George Kunda and pledged to work with the two on all matters concerning the party’s welfare.
Mr Banda, who went through unopposed at the party national convention held in Kabwe early this year, has fallen out of favour with the party after the MMD lost the September 20 tripartite elections to the ruling Patriotic Front.
Meanwhile, opposition MMD national youth chairperson Moses Muteteka has called on party members to give chance to the national executive committee (NEC) to select an acting president of the party.
Mr Muteteka, who has applied for the position of acting party president, said he is ready to take up the position and re-organise the former ruling party ahead of the 2016 tripartite elections.
He said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday he will contest the position as announcement by MMD national secretary Richard Kachingwe, who called on individuals desiring the position to express their interest and apply.
Mr Muteteka, who is also member of Parliament for Chisamba, said he has been in politics long enough and has the capacity to provide leadership to both the young and old.
He also welcomed the decision by the party’s NEC to invite applications from suitably qualified members to take over the leadership of the opposition party following former President Banda’s intention to retire from active politics.
Mr Muteteka said the party needs a vibrant and youthful leader and that if elected acting party president he will work hard and help the party to win the 2016 tripartite elections.
“I have applied to NEC, and I’m hoping that I am given chance to be elected as acting president so that we can organise our party ahead of the 2016 elections.
I’m mature enough to provide the leadership that the MMD party wants,” Mr Muteteka said.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
nevers mumba can be the right person as at now. am a student in ottawa and for the period that i have been here, i have seen he can lead the nation. The Embassy has been able to hold important activities without funds from government. he has been seeking for donors to fund some of his activities. e.g zambias independence, magazines and cultural exchange like that og the amayenge who are still in canada. he is a organisor and can take mmd in tract again with the back up from former leader. godbless you nevers mumba, you are still young and when one door closes, anather one opens. get this offer from mmd please and may God grant you his love and favor and peace and streangth
we need you nevers pls
let Nervers mumba take the request from the people. Sata is too old to take Zambia to the next poll.you never know this may be the time God gave to you. please take it up. yours people who love you from montreal canada
can some some one advise this die hard guy to go to hell with his reasoning.he is not a julius malema.obviously rupiah banda wants nevers mumba and he wants to use him.nevers mumba can not win any election in zambia because he cheated god.MMD can only come back from the ashes with FELIX MUTATI CHAPWA.so can somebody communicate to this fooooollllll
Let Mutati concentrate on parliamentary issues. in fact he would serve well as a vice president and parliamentarian!
And who are you supposed to be a Judge? Ati he cheated God….shame on you man
Yes, he cheated your god, NOT his God and my God
Bowman Lusambo was just 2 years ago selling Fridges in Game Stores, was just surprised to see the guy representing Sh!t Hard for RB and now this
dr. nervers mumba take mmd and lead us. we will back u up
neners mumba take the mmd party and work with them. this is your season
nevers mumba we need you to go and lead mmd. we will back you up. Satan is too old to contnue in the nxt polls
Boyi Ain’t you tired of submitting the same thing under different names?? Give it a rest!!!
Let him organise the MMD so we can have a healthy oppostion in Zambia, but just know PF is here for another 3 terms we shall work hard use our time in power to mobilize and make ground in the east,west and north west…Please stop wishing our President HE MCS bad health you people claim to be christains.
Tell them
@ 1,2,3 you are the same ***** disguising yourself to portray the situation like nevers has got the backing,nevers can not lead any party.sata founded the PF and single handedly steered it to where it is today,what happened to nevers and his party? it`s because of personal interests that`s why MMd lost and you want to repeat the same.it`s MUTATI or never
You are right.It is the same chap.
forget it that is none starter , this man failed his own church , failed to run his own party , just got lucky to jump on the MMD band wagon , what has this man done in canada aside from what yhe later above mentioned in otawa , what about the rest of the zambians in canada.
MMD is DONE …D .O .N .E …. DONE !!!!
. Keep on dreamimg , thats is the same way UNIP went in 1991, where is UNIP right now . DONE and 6 feet under thats where .
Ubepelefye….watch this space and see him do it
Well so if the MMD convention was held in a free and fair manner even Muteteka, Pande and Mutati would have challenged RB. I am sure one of them would have emerged victorious and not RB . . . . Warning to MMD and other political parties make sure you have vice presidents in the party to avoid problems the MMD and even the country following LPM’s demise. Wishing RB all the best as he retires for rthe second time.
Nevers is charismatic, unfortunately, that is the only quality I have seen in him. I have a feeling he is the type of leader that will end up going in the same path as Chiluba, arrogant, corrupt and plunderer. We all loved Fred because of his charisma and look what happened?
I think Dr Nevers Mumba is the right man to stir the sinking Titanic (MMD). We need a man of upright character. Where did Zambia throw its morals. A leader should be a husband of but one wife. We need a vibrant leader who is conversant with the needs our country as well as foreign investment opportunities. A leader who is not ashamed to face positive criticism. A leader who understands what dual citizenship can bring to a poor country like Zambia. I think Dr Mumba, you should not let us down…MMD is in need of guidance from a God fearing man. Right now we look no further than you to bring us back in power.
hey supporters of Nevers,you failed to see potential in him when he had his party now you think he is the right man.Piliz this guy told us GOD told him to be the vice president of zambia but did he last?how does God change! kabwalala! Gold digger,Go back to church and preach ateast pipo respected u then…
Some change their principles for the sake of their party,others change their party for the sake of their principles.In zed,however,neither party principles nor personal principles count much.It is just getting elected that counts which is why a party president in Zambia is always a person who “sold” another party to be where they are now.Whichever way this one swings we’ll just end up with just another opportunist politician at the helm.
Felix Mutati…..definitely more charismatic
I agree with you…Felix Mutati should take over.
Nevers will ground the MMD for sure. One thing I am certain about is that the MMD is yet to finnish itself off, to the level of UNIP.
noooooooooooooo not nevers. nevers conned God and since he is still alive he must go back to the church repent and then preach more. you people you are not seeing that we need more christians than more politicians. look at the rate of sin coming up .gay rights that govnments will soon fall in and even nevers in state house can be forced in but in the true church politicians dont play but they kneel down. Nevers must go to preach and not join the top political which is will be taken over by chrust very very soon.
Am not MMD but nevers Mumba wuld not make president. remember how zelous he becamewwit the post of VP. floating nevers as president will make history repeat itself in MMD…I mean getting someone from apther politucal partyto take the MMD presidency
Felix is a disguised thief. If only Sata could enact the Abuse of office law, he will soon be dancing in courts.
blue for life and Felix Mutati is the man for the Presidency and must be deputised by Kabinga Pande then we can smell plot one again.
you are very easy to please babes a sniff is all you want hey…because a sniff is all mmd will be getting
is he not the one who got money from Rupiah before the 2008 elections for his support. ask Lukuku
I can see a few defections after this circus in MMD.
Kapaso, more popcorns please!
“MMD Shall Be Saved” by Nevers Mumba. It appears MMD is about to have a nervous leader.
“Mr Lusambo said the MMD youths are aware that a named senior female party official is scheming to disturb the democratic process of electing a new president.” that mus be Dolla Siliya. MMD yourths your best candidate is Felix Mutati. any way for our advantage (the PF) please make a mistake and choose Mumba Nevers. wish you all the best as you choose unwisely.
You think Zambians are stupid to replace and Bemba president with another Bemba. Don’ t think so, find another non-bemba preferably Chituwo.
you are sad really a sad so and so, Tonga are you ?
Felix mutati is a better conman
#24 Here comes another tribalist, i think you might be a tonga baba
24 you mean
You MMD chaps get real!
You rented Rupiah, a refugee from UNIP and look were that got you!…Now you want to rent another political refugee who abandoned his own party!..A dull lot you chaps are!
Let them go ahead and put a Bemba as president of MMD and you will see how the party will suddenly shrink to just Northern and Luapula province. Do you honestly think that other tribes are *****s who are just here to watch? There will be no Bemba or Easterner president in 2016. If you don’t see what is going on that is your problem.
# 24 Wetlook …. We not talikng about tribal balancing here, we talking about brains, character and ability (potential) for MMD presido candidate…As for me Felix Mutati seem a better candicates of the names being thrown around..he understands numbers (finance and commerce) so he can hence spearhead development…I had a chance to listen to him a while back in RSA during their FDI drive workshop….
there comes a problem again. Time to choose a leader. MMD must be fair to itself, use past record to choose a leader. And going by that Felix is the way to go, but Zambian (most of us) analytical thinking is what we hate. Nevers is a good man but not a leader and history has it. As in a person he is a good man and that is all there is to him. Anyway MMD had a chance may be it is time they destroyed the party in totality themselse, have another mistake as in 2008 when you when for Banda and not Magande.
Which Mumba is this ?Do you mean the talkative guy who was fired from the veep office No..no ..no..no..no you guys are a butch of jokers.
mumba yah can do
I think This time Mr Nevers, He should change the slogan to MMD shall be served
Nevers is a sell out..!
Kabinga Pande is a principled and mature politician..!
iye imwe. Bakatusha just like they have abadoned the flock.
The man who failed to lead his political party.
If I were Nevers , I would start making earnest preparations to launch my MMD presidential candidate bid, all the ingredients are there, the hatred from the majority. By everybody shouting Nevers cannot be a president and all that gives him the green light. They are the ones who kept shouting Sata can never be president, he is only good as a follower, even KK and Chiluba said Sata was not presidential Material, and the rest is history.
Nevers go for it, only a DEAD FISH swims in the direction of the current. Live fish swim against the current. And yes a Kite rises against the wind.
Exactly! Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa and all of them never believed in Sata. What happened.
Nevers failed to run his kantemba party, how do you expect him to run a big party like MMD? think again!
Never say Never to Nevous
The Tonga’s tribalism is going to pisss of the the rest of Zambians to an extent that HH will be getting 90% in southern province and only 1% in the rest of the provinces. The Bembas you are busy attacking occupy three provinces ie Luapula, Northern and copperbelt. Over the years Bembas have Voted for Mwanawasa, Rupiah who are none bembas. HH if he reads situation properly he can get votes from the bembas who occupy more provinces than any other tribe in Zambia. If the Bembas chose to be very tribal like the Tongas have chosen, there will be no other tribe ruling this country since democracy is majority rule. Please do not pisss of the majority. Let us not look at tribe but at the ability and quality of the Leader. Mutati for me because Nevers sold his own Church
good statement mate
you are right kci lets put the interest of the country first. tribal will do as bad. but to honest the word mmd shouldnt be mentioned at all cost.
Felix Mutati has all the leadership qualities we are looking for in MMD. Nevers Mumba should go back to his Ministry. Political arena is a vicious circle and we cannot afford to put NM
Yes definitely this is another Chiluba. Good for the Party’s popularity but bad for the country’s development and economy.
We want the playing ground to be as level as possible with green grass. Then I will re join my MMD, but Mr Mutati for Presido.:x
#26 Wetlook I totally agree with you. We need people from other provinces to takeover the affairs of this country. Let us not pretend, tribalism/regionalism is real in Zambia. We can’t continue to be electing leaders from the same part of the country. Lungwangwa is equally eloquent and can make a good leader, all they need is to sell him to the electorate in the country. I don’t see any leadership qualities in Nevers. Felix is a business technocrat, not a politician. I rest my case.
you are very behind,let the other tribes you want come out in open,we need quality and not quantity,sharp and inteligent.
lets not talk about regionalism here but the quality of the leader to lead the nation.Let me give an example of that UPND MP with the T-shirt written bantustan i was shocked to learn that is the mind of a tonga man.That simply tell us that tongas can not be presidents as that MP has said it on an open ground, no wonder HH WINS ONLY IN HIS AREA.Please my fellow Zambian can a tonga man tell me if that is the real interpretation on that bantustan T-SHIRT.How do you expect people from northern,luapula,eastern,western,north western to surely give you a vote with such a mind.
NM is full of boasting, pompous and likes luxurious life. We need someone who is down to earth like Felix Mutati. Cweela
#18, when we used to have only few preachers on znbc, the nation was upright, God fearing and holy. now with the nation flooded with all sorts of pastors,bishops etc, and declared a christian nation, my God! even demons say we better. preachers are only interested in money and women, gospel music is used for earning a living and women advertising their beauty to grab other women’s husbands. the music is so meaningless,artists dress and dance like they are singin for devil. people in zambia are evil hearted.
#43, You live in an illusionery world, Bembas do not constitute a majority at all in this country. There is no single Zambian tribe that constitutes any meaningful lectoral majority and that is a fact. Sata tried so many times to rely on the Bemba vote alone and it as not until he had to face a completely useless Bwezani with a coalision of other tribes that he was able to win, albeit with the narrowest of margins and a minority parliamentary stake. Mumba is a lamentably failed veep, he’s all about air without any substance. He’s another Chiluba, period. With Sata’s tribal appointments and how pissed other tribes are, forget a Bemba winning polls in MMD, mark my words!
It does’t mata whoever takes over MMD presidency but da thing is; the hour is gone for them thy are goin da unip path…
I am a former mmd I joined PF after dubously RB was chosen as the president after Levi died and that pained me because I was for Magande. You guys we should learn from the past mistakes. You made a mistake by avoiding Magande who I believe was going to bring stiff competition to MCS and went for RB who wasn,t a match for MCS. You still want to make the same mistake to go for Nevers instead of Felix. Let Felix take mmd and I can assure u many will rejoin the party but failure to that, then forget.
Pande is what the MMD wants, period! Though I doubt they will ever arise from their UNIP style comatose. Maybe if they brought back Derrick Chitala and Aka to revise their creation, and I doubt even them can repair the AIDS Bwezani has infected this party with. For all I can foresee, not even the powers of the most powerful Sangoma can revise the MMD’s fortunes, for this party, kufelile, kwamana pe, kwasila etc
If Nevers enters plot one, am officially changing my name from Tuvi to Matuvi….bcos it will be bullshit living in Zambia. The guy will shut down all the bars like he wanted to do with Alpha. I can’t risk having that guy becoming presido, some of us alcoholics and promsicous bastards will die a miserable death.
Uli shilu iwe lol
The MMD youth have a stake in who comes to take over the leadership of MMD. However, they need to carry out a personal profile of all aspiring candidates with leadership qualities and compencies all round and create a rationale led process subjected later to an expert team of professionals to suggest the likely person for the job. This will help impulse and emotional way of picking the person. National leadership is more than being seen as rhetorical as Mr. Sata. it involves systematic reasoning and communicating effectively while enthusing with a clear vision to the nation. That may assist to pick a credible person while others mentioned as part of team. Presidency is collective leadership and this has to be understood by all including the elected person.
Nevers failed to lead his own party, how can he lead the mmd. Unlike Sata Nevers failed to grow his own Party. I wonder whether he won any sit at Local Government or parliamentary. Now you want him to inherit a dying party like HH. If ypu want mmd to never resurrect give it to Nevers
Nevers Nevers, MMD is not serious, Yes currently MMD has no credible candidate but why go for nevers, Mutati would be good but he is not a politician and as such can not woo voters. so for now MMD should keep searching mybe even from outside the party lika has been the case previously, if that option is open let them go back to Magande. he is the only one that I have in Miind who can turn the fortunes of MMD around. thats my advice To MMD. I am fully PF by the way
Nevers Mumba iz not a “true blue”. Pity VJ haz a “history”, else he would have been the best to give the late MMD some ray of hope.
Az it standz PF will rule for 25 yearz. Sata will make even a bigger name by doing only 5 yearz, then identify young onez (40-55year oldz) to do two termz each, then maybe we can have the UPND or even NAREP to some chance of forming government.
VJ looks like half the size he was. Oops! Sorry! Shouldn`t have said that!
Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati Mutati
mutati is the man you are a wise man i must say
Nevers should not accept to be MMD leader. Instead, let him join the PF and he stands a better chance to take over from Sata. MMD will never rule again, it is finished and if that is what nevers wants, let him be finished with it just like UNIP.
Nevers, please jump on the boat, you can realise your dreams of Zaambia shall be saved through your service with PF not MMD, period.
Fweba Bemba efyo batwebela, all names proposed are from the same region bushe teti muciteko co-opt other regions sure??? Mumba, Mutati, Pande yaba…
I thought Kabinga Pande was from Northwestern?
Have they barred some people from lodging their applications?
Got to laugh at these Mwadya Mweka Daddy mugs. Kapaso more Popcorns please.
Tomorrow Nevers will be in the papers saying I had a vision that I was President of Zambia. This man abandoned his Party to go and get the position of Vice President after betraying his fellow opposition members.
He will abandon MMD again if sent back to Canada. Funny but knowing our President (and I am PF) and his appointments, you guys will cry!
Goerge KUNDA, KUNDA, KUNDA or DORA the female President – LOL
Let them get Nevers Mumba so he can hammer the last nail into the MMD coffin
Nevers. … Hmmmm …… can you sale this bling fake kasesema to the nation??Surely MMD is in trouble and funny thing is they did it to themselves.
@ Uwakwisano, point of correction Kabinga Pande is from North – Western. I think he should lead the MMD and not Nevers.
……..and for MUTATI – if there will be an election in Lunte he will lose.
MMD are just jokers……
by the way Nevers is Bisa and not Bemba
Another Bisa, Another Bemba. I tell Barotseland, Southern, Western, Central, CB including Eastern will not vote for a Northerner or Muchingan. President either West, South or North Western Province. Nothing more, nothing less. All else barotse is gone. We cant be ruled by same people.
Imweee mwe bantu….pliz lets be serious with wat we say!!! Nevers cannot rule this country.He has betrayed peolpe in so many ways.Nevers if you are reading this, just forget….
Ba kamalasha……..dont blame bembas. Its the people that vote for them.
Yes tell them to hate the voters not the Bemba
Maybe we were just born to rule them
If MMD chooses a Bemba candidate (Mutati, Mumba, Kolwe1, Kolwe2, etc) for 2016, then HH will win the Presidency hands down. 2016 will be Bembas versus the rest-of-Zambia. Watch this space.
Come on people.Nevers Mumba failed to run his party ,cheated the church with his slogan ‘Zambia Shall be saved’.
He is manipulable.He will be an underdog.He might have done well in Canada for sure but i strongly feel.Pande or other real MMd members can take over with the full passion at hand.Mumba had no passion for the Church which puts God at the forefront.He is such a disgrace to the Christian community especially the so called BORN AGAINS
Does it matter who rules you as long as he is capable
Get Mumba and PF will have the last laugh, Mumba is not different from the late Chiluba the man can change at any time, he became PF the day Sata won the elections, check the statements he was giving out, ok go on. .
its amazing to note how tribal our country has become.everyone is thinking of which yribe is the next president not how efficient the person is!the major problem is when some people think that the country is better when their tribal men rule.zambia has 9 provinces and many tribes whose people are capable to govern but the way things are,its only a leadership that sees beyond tribe that would liberate us. this present government,can it end the tribal calling tags coming on the scene?country men answer me please.
#9 ine ndiwansele,
You are right, #1, 2, 3, and also 5, 6, 7, 8 is one and the same person, probably it’s Nevers Mumba himself.
Let this party choose a leader with true appealing qualities & not based on surname or color, to avoid joining HERITAGE, FDD, & UNIP.
Mmd will never rise again. Just wait and see. However, Felix is the best. It is unfortunate to some human being s who think only in terms of tribe . It’s charactor that counts. Everyone can be what he/she wants to become. Kukosa mwefibantumwe. As you work don’t say it is your tribe that doing that work. No favours! If you can’t manage go and throw yourselves in a Ocean.
Nevers is a wrong man. Zambians are so short sighted. This guy is power hungry and will just finish off the MMD, anyway since we are all fed up of MMD choosing mumba to lead will be a good sure recipe for burying the party.
MMD under Nervous is finished. There is only hope for the party if;
1. They float Mutati or
2. Ng’andu Peter Magande.
The two have similarities in that they both know the economic machine, they are also well vested with rich knowledge in interpreting policy and development issues. The only differences are that Mutati is more charismatic than Magande and yet Magande is more Pragmatic than Mutati.
nanga Bokosi?
i think she could do better than all the men mentioned inthe article.
Ladies and gentlemen, i note, with substantial interest, the various comments posted earlier but one very strategic questions still begs an adequate response. The question is whether Mutati, Chipimo, Nevers Mumba etc are the only people with “Character”, “Charisma” and other leadership qualities in Zambia???????. Are there no other people in MMD, including Dr. Chituwo, Pande etc, who qualifies to be President????. Is the Zambian Presidency reserved for the a particular group of people??????????. i am lost and can you please guide accordingly
Felix Mutati for president. chwechwechwechwe
Nevers Mumba taking up MMD leadership what value is he ging to add to it. Yes tha man is charasmatic but he lacks in depth intellecual faculties to under satnd the intricases of economics. Look how he ambandoned his flock and his Hit Programme Zambia Shall Be Saved. I beleive felix Mutati can be the best and Kabinga Pande is the Vice President. We need serious men and women to steer the Party to true democracy. Lets all wake up and subject all candidates to new mandate.
Who cares just put who ever you want but I will never like him.
Easy! Am a Zambia man and not a dog that goes to its vomit. Nevers never practiced what he preached. What will he preach when he never preached what he practices. ABASH MMD!
My take is let Professor Chirwa lead the MMD. Knowing how tribal Zambian politics are he will keep the Eastern support. East is still very much behind the MMD. Nevers will shift MMD to North and clash with the strong PF support..he can’t beat the PF in North.
All above have ignored a very ambitious and pragmatic young man MOSES MUTETEKA! He is ready to steer the MMD to better prospects of winning elections. # 71 Jelly Belly Mwamba, KUBIJA WEBO! Nevers Mumba is from Chinsali and there are no Bisas their. This Nevers is definately not suitable to lead MMD at its weakest moment! For the sake of not going into extinct, MMD should consider Moses Muteteka and Kabinga Pande, seriously! PF is being led by a Bemba, MMD having Felix Mutati will be terrible in the eyes of most tribe sensitive Zambians. I would not mind I am a coloured 50% Bemba and 50% Lozi! Mwamona ububi bwa tribalism to some of us?
MMD will never rule again.Let whoever you blogers have suggetsed to be the next president form his/her own party and start convincing people.we dont need people who just wake up today and says i will be president…….Ninshi walipena wemuntu.Be focused !! One needs to have an AIM, PLAN and DIRECTION. Ba MMD namupwa zoooona……Nevers?????? He will sel this country!!!
Nevers is never good for nothing, I thought Nevers was trying to join PF. MMD is fallen, give it to him , give it to him let him ,put it in his pocket, give it to him, give it to him. I think Zambia is finished, Zambia needs a new brand of leaders, thats gonna take a while. I don’t see any modern leaders in that country for now so we are in for a run.
Please do not blame the Bembas for being leaders it’s the Zambian people that vote for a President not only the Bemba people. Those going for tribal vote go Jump in Victoria falls because you shall never split us Vote for your tribesmen 1%•• REST of us 99% will vote for a
Zambian President for all regardless of tribe
I would suggest Kabinga Pande and Kalombo Mwansa in that order. Reasons with held.
Guys, how about Bradford Machila for President? Mutati is good, but I doubt he is a ‘politician’ – he’s more a manager than politician – would he wow the ppl, I don’t think so. Why don’t MMD go for the young ones like Machila? Kalombo mwansa is also very impressive and more charismatic. BUT whoever is chosen should know they will be in opposition for at least a decade!
MMD need an original figure head, the founder members like Eric Silwamba and Chituwo, not outsiders like Nevers, RB and Kunda. These outsiders have cost the MMD so much, they do not understand the principles on which MMD was founded. If the party continues to pick outsiders, MMD will be history in 5 years.
This Evangelist lacks political substance and mautrity, people mistake his fast talking charisma and evangelical abragada bra for political prowse, but nay, he can not perform or win support for majority Zambians, not even the believers! Remember his stament, I have met more people as Vice President than when I was a preacher????
MMD has Kabinga Pande, Felix Mutati and others who are credible and well grounded politicians, as usual this corrupt Party may resort to those paying their low ranking cadres more, wishing you hell, oops, well!!
Mutati not mature, Mutati not mature, Mutati not mature, Mutati not mature. but Kabinga Mpande and Nevers can do
The invitation for the post is to everyone. No need for tribal rants here. No one has been barred.
Has Nevers said he is interested in being MMD president? If he is, then let everyone have an equal chance at being considered in a fair and transparent way and on merit.
Let the best and most capable guy win.
mr Lusambo your NEC is corruption itself, so how do you report anyone to an MMD NEC? if you are serious report such cases to the police or ACC, I can’t see your NEC doing anything about corruption, they embrace and nurture the vice! you are one joker to even suggest that!
felix mutati is more mature and has respect even from non mmd members and he well liked by most zambian.dont try again outsiders like RB,NEVERS MUMBA.AM SURE RB HAS A UNIP CARD AND NEVERS STILL HAS HIS PARTY CARD.WHAT NAME WAS IS IT CALLED? MUTATI CAN BRING UNIT AND SANITY TO THE PARTY.
Dont just talk let people vote, let every one of them that want to stand do so, the people will vote for the person for the top post that sounds good go MMD if you can only chose the right candidate zambia will be live again
Felix Mutati is the only one who can give Sata a run in 2016, anyhow, that’s my opinion. As for MMD, am happy that the party has not died like UNIP. Zambia is now a full fledged democracy with a ruling party, a contending party and (with all due respect to the UPND) a king maker!
May be even a female like inonge m lewanika can do better wat do you think people ?just my opinion.
A lot of PF friends are commenting that Sata made a big mistake by bringing back Nevers from Canada. This shows that Nevers has potential to give PF a run. It can be seen even from various comments. Some commentators from PF hiding that they are MMD are saying they want Mutati or Kabinga not Nevers because they know that once Nevers is elected MMD president, they will be on their toes. No sleep on duty. NEVERS HAAAA!!!!! THEY WILL DANCE
I am a also a student in Canada but to be more honest, I think Nevers Mumba cannot be president because that man is corrupt. He misuses government funds and always has these tuma unecessary trips just to get travelling allowances. Also, that man, I overhead was trying to side with pf when he heard that they where gonna win. He is jst not decided with what he wants. I think he should just repent and continue with being a pastor. If he ever becomes president, everyone supporting mmd will regret. And point correction on the guy or girl who said he brot amayenge, it was not him. It was the guy who purchased one of the mines in Zambia.
It is high time leadership rotated from one Province to anothet. This time around Kabinga Mpande is our best hope to unite the country and KILL this “planned” TRIBALISM that originates from Northern Province.
Yebo #28 the fact that you are singling out tongas as being trabalists indicates that you are the worst one.so stop thinking in those lines and treat people as individuals.stop thinking from your stomach and use your heard.True Nevers failed his party and church.
Let us all lay our eggs in Kabinga Pande’s basket. Indeed It is good for Zambian leadership to rotate from one Province to anothet. Kabinga Pande is our best Man because he is intelligent and has the political and economic skills to revive and sell Zambia’s integrity to the World. Nevers Mumba had his chance but failed. Talk of Nevers Mumba, Chipimo and Felix Mutati may be a deliberate and well orchestrated ploy to sustain Bemba supremacy in Zambian politics.
Kabinga Pande is the best so far with clean record of his political career. Atleast a balance in the Country if MMD has to come back into power, not a bemba to lead it, because it will be associated with the late corrupted leadership of F.
ELIAS CHIPIMO for 2016!!!!
Never say Never to Nevous, The Nevous Mumba for MMD president and the Felix Mutati for vice MMD president. Trymore national youth chairman, Muteteka national you treasurer.
I think MMD should reconsider its democracy. Bulasho Musonda (PABS) of Kabwe wanted to stand for VP and was blocked. Now you are asking people to apply for presidency. You must be jocking. Let RB continue as President for life and Kunda as Vice for Life. You want a president because you lost. Think again.
if you want MMD demise to come early, then let nevers Mumba be ur party president
Never trust Nevers who has fallen from God’s Grace due to being so selfish.Besides, why do people like him who has a political party support another party. He’s just like Sakwiba Sikota..useless fakaz
Nevers Mumba is a psychotic hypocritical liar and can NEVER be trusted with instruments of power. I am Bemba and can not vote for such an ***** and would rather vote for decent people such as Chituwo or Pande.
How come the position of MMD president went un opposed just a few months ago and now we have over 5 fighting for it? Or, I forgot, all the pipo that showed interest were expelled from the MMD. Why doesn’t the MMD have a vice president?
ok,iam for mutati but for the sake of national unity,i agree when it comes to kabinga pande.lets not pretend that tribal discontent does not arise when it come to choosing leadership
so bnow you back the guy that sold his party to the MMD, unless you planning on liquidating your party go ahead
Well done MMD cadres, as that will be the end of your Party, Don’t blame PF for a one party state as you have just initiated it. With all due respect, the man failed to run a church- his party which he traded to MMD for his own benefit.
way to go mmd mumba is the man, i promise you my vote..
Putting up a magazine, taking Amayenge and donor meetings in Canda do not make a Presidential Candidate. While all human beings have flaws, Mutati is a better candidate than Mumba. He would just need to tone down his GDP stories to issues of drainage, housing, cholera, bus accidents, police corruption, etc which will resonate more with the grass roots. Mumba needs to chill first as Minister for Community Development. Probably get Sakwiba or a neutral guy like Dipak Patel as Vice (not Pande or Mseteka).
Hello ba Zambia.
Let the best man win the Presidency.
You are wasting space.
MMD will surely Rise Again!!
MMD was killed by Rupiah coz he doesn’t listen alongside with corruption. Now if you want to bury it for good let it be led by Jonah or call him nevers mumba. That man left the pulpit for politics,it wont workout well. Kindly find people who can light up MMD nicely Felix Mutati. That man will revive zambia from the current level of poverty to the better level. Rupiah must retire from politics, his chance is gone. Let him not ruin the party,like he ruined UNIP,period
away with empty christian rhetoric while he lines his pockets. we know how nervers is in it (church, politics) for personal gain
guys lets get real mutati is the man we want MMD wont go anywhere with mumba
It’s just funny just how disgruntled MMD supporters are right now, how emotional they post comments and just how they think shallowly. Mumba, honestly? A man who disregarded his role as a winner of souls to become a contender for votes, get real! Yaba, I can’t help but laugh at how the opposition MPs reacted to Sata’s threat to dissolve parliament. MMD know that without state resources, most of their seats will go to PF!
@DS Malama, you are an *****, it is a shame that you have a little brain. Tribalism is only a thing when you actually think about it. All you look for in names is tribes. Little bigot. You are a mindless and tribalistic little moron who lacks judgmental priviledge!
A principled man will stick to the value of his calling. Nevers Mumba was in the church and he did make a calling where some of us enjoyed listening to evangelism. Politics is not a calling but a gamble of choice which is dirty and does not suit him. Evangelism is clean when you preach the right words in the bible whilst politics is practiced from adhering to govt policies. Nevers is NOT a politician but an evangelist.
Thats already a Problem. Nevers Mumba was an entertainer to you. It is all about you. Who taught you the theology you have just displayed?
Why do you have to express so much bitterness against an individual like him. Im shocked that you have no guts to do anything but be so bitter. Being objective and democratic is allowing people be who they want to be. Im so tired of cheap talk about Nevers Mumba and all that. It is irritating. If he wants to be whatever he wants leave him. Please let’s get civilised.
I really wonder why pipo should be concerned about Nevers Mumba. He should not take our productive time to talk about significant issues partaining National development. It is indeed irritating. Why should he be a factor? Lets not worst out time talking about MMD and who they should have as President or whatever. What is our Problem Kanshi?