Wednesday, March 12, 2025

UK minister visits Zambia


UNITED Kingdom (UK) minister in charge for Africa Henry Bellingham is in the country for a three day visit. Mr Bellingham whose visit is aimed at strengthening the broad bilateral relations between Zambia and the UK has since congratulated Zambia for the transparent and peaceful conduct of the September 20 elections and the subsequent smooth transfer of power which he described as a major success for the country’s democracy.

He said the country was a model in the region and the continent as a whole. According to a statement released by the British High Commission in Lusaka yesterday, Mr Belligham said Zambia had an important role to play in the SADC and COMESA regions. “I am very much looking forward to my first visit to Zambia.

This visit provides an opportunity to strengthen trade links between the UK and Zambia, regional and international security issues as well as identifying areas for further cooperation and highlight where we can work together in the future,” he said.

I congratulate Zambia on the peaceful transfer of power following recent elections. The transparent and peaceful manner in which they were conducted, and the exemplary way in which power was transferred is a major success for democracy in Zambia and a model to others in the region and across Africa.

He said Zambia had an important role to play in SADC, COMESA and the Southern African region and that he would be discussing a range of important regional and international security issues and trade opportunities with members of the Government. During his visit, Mr Bellingham is expected to meet President Michael Sata, Vice-President Guy Scott, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry.

He will also meet the British and Zambian business community. Mr Bellingham will also visit Zambia Sugar plc in Mazabuka, Southern Province, and the UK’s biggest investment in Zambia. President Sata will also host lunch for Mr Bellingham at State House, to which he has invited members of the British business and resident community in Zambia.

And British High Commissioner to Zambia, Tom Carter said Mr Bellingham’s visit was the first by a minister from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in several years. He said the visit offers the opportunity to bolster trade and investment links between the two countries. “This will be the first visit to Zambia by a minister from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) for several years.

It offers the opportunity to bolster trade and investments links between the two countries and highlight future investment opportunities for British businesses. It will also be the first British ministerial visit to Zambia since the change of Government in September and will enable us to forge a new and deeper relationship with the new Government.

”The UK enjoys strong trade, cultural and educational links with Zambia. Currently, the UK government, through DFID, is supporting the Government of Zambia to deliver better services and make better investment decisions, tackling malaria and maternal mortality and increasing opportunities for rural wealth creation. DFID will be spending an average of £59 million per year in Zambia until 2015.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Let’s hope he has not brought conditions to Zambia. These Guys are Satanists and should not be Trusted by our Christian country.Why these visists to my beloved country? First it was that Bishop who supports Gay rights and now it is this Minister.God helps from these Demonic persons frequenting our land.

    • KimZ, thanks for your great piece of advice to our president.
      For several years he has never been in Zambia.What is the deal now? Ba Sata , please , be carefull as you always have . Most European countries are panicking because of the Chinese’ policy on Africa. China has already done lots of damage to most African economies .We would not like to see more pain inflicted on our country by pretenders. let your King Cobra strenght be ever alert.
      Europeans and Chinese , were are closly watching you ! Zambians first !!

  2. KimZ, thanks for your great piece of advice to our president.For several years he has never been in Zambia.What is the deal now? Ba Sata , please , be carefull as you always have . Most European countries are panicking because of the Chinese’ policy on Africa. China has already done lots of damage to most African economies .We would not like to see more pain inflicted on our country by pretenders. let your King Cobra strenght be ever alert.Europeans and Chinese , were are closly watching you ! Zambians first !!

  3. I agree with vina..
    Guys therz more we can benefit unlike everything being related to gays.
    Yu cant tel me that someone can force yu at gun point to have sex wt your felow man. Thats shalow thinking. Gays have pipo they slip wt so why geting nevours? Let sata rule in peace. Give him chance…

  4. Ba president SATA balichenjela……This is a genuine visit guys!!! The president cant allow stupid things in this nation.he is a real man.I LIKE YOU Mr PRESIDENT.

  5. The laws are there, all we need to do is to implement them!!!! Hope this is not the start in a bid to have more money in the govt coffers down the people who were enticed to vote for PF because of the promise of more money in their pockets.

  6. The fear exhibited here is an important ingredient for remaining in a third world state of mind. Fear of the unknown, why don’t you dare to dream and imagine. How do you think this minister’s ancestors built their world. Africans, too much Fear! Awe, iyo, takana ise, so chabe, no, not now, later, why, this is just okay, too much is not good, good is bad, everything in place is wrong, shortage is good, lack is good… Where Africa? We have a long way to go people, let’s hitch a ride.

  7. Vina and Paulo Dicanio,one American President said that “in Politics,nothing happens by chance and that if it happens you should be assured that it was planned that way”.The question you should ask yourself is, what did the Man of God come to do in Zambia immediately after elections?This man is a great supporter of Gay although he hides behind the pulpit.Much as you support the President,you should also be sobber and vigilant and look out for these signs and pray to God that our country is not turned into a devil’s playing ground.Sata is an inocent man and just a vertual President but the rulers are the ones we are seeing coming to claim their reward for making him a President.

    • You are very right my friend.Most European leaders are so into the occult(Bilderburgers).Most worship Lucifer the devil.We have to be very careful.NOTHING HAPPENS BY CHANCE,EVERYTHING’S PLANNED.

  8. That’s why at times,he looks confused and does not know what to say in Public because he is given instructions behind the scene to say what he says.He is all over the place kissing Priests and other religious leaders.There are a lot of things that happen behind the scene which we people are not aware of.I would advise those of you who live in Lusaka to get DVDs from the Seventh Day and follow what they teach and compare it with the Bible and then relate that to what is happening in the world today.You will be amazed to see how dangerously this world has become.

    • Done Corleone, why do you make such foolish statements about European leaders if they are followers of satan then why have they been assisting African nations with their budgets for decades now? .

  9. Guys, true let us think beyond all you’re insinuating. The interest the West is taking Zed can be or is already a good sign and we have to be proud. International relations are about promoting national interest; bith Zed and UK interests are being promoted. China, the US will do the same. But agree wth me that these guys in promoting their interest also mean well (idealism). They care about water, education, health, sanitiation, etc., basic needs and human rights, free media that undergird development which China wont give. It is upto our country to formulate foreign policy that will safeguard our interests and the am hoping the current govt is doing just that. Given them chance and pliz fear not, take risks, God is in control;

  10. Zambians stop being negative. The guy has not even presented himself and you are already saying all sorts of mean things. Perhaps it is time you guys started looking in the mirror.

  11. what ties can we have with UK they are racists and always want us to be they slaves.
    just come and congratulate that muzungu SCOT and go back.Given 10 minutes and you pack and go.why three days

    • Back bencher, which people in the UK are racists would that be the English, the Scots, the Welsh or Northern Irish.Maybe all the muzungu’s born in the UK or maybe all those people born in the UK with African {zambian] parents, Chinese parents, Indian parents, West Indian parents or South American parents.

  12. Fellow Zambians, let us not be insular. Really, are we going to exploit this medium by disparaging envoys coming to our country. I urge restraint in making certain remarks. Let us be optimistic. After all, we have an able govt that is able to tell milk from water. They can negotiate on equal footing. It is no longer a horse and rider kind of relationship. Every bodies knows that. So please lets observe etiqutte.

  13. Zambians why do we have such evil minds? I personally do not trust the British because there is little they can offer and want to milk lots out of us. But as to our Zambian Values, Welcome the visitor, sit him down and listen to what has made him visit us.
    Know that you are a shining example of true democracy in Africa, therefore be receptive as people would want to learn a lot about us.

  14. The West are always interested in any country that has put a stupid man in power. A person they can manipulate. After Sata shamefully kissed the hand of that gay bishop of the Church of England, they knew they had their man. There is no development that England can bring to Zambia, they are finished!!! PLEASE NO GAY AND LESBIAN ISSUES, WE ARE ZAMBIANS.

    • Pm, if the British were to give Visa’s with out any requirments this day week there would be a queue outside the British high commission the length of Lusaka and that then would prove that your statement was rubbish.

  15. Hats off for this visit! Gays are not the only moral issue here! what about prostitutes, Drunkards and immoral vices? if Britain wants to partner with us then they have seen potential in this country. The King Cobra will Govern this Country with 10 commandments. 

    • Is it the 10 commandments from the Holy Bible,or the Koran or from the Roman Catholic Catechism?What law out of the 10 did he use when he almost picked Chungu as PS for Luapula province?HYPOCRICY!What about Mwamba Emmanuel?Does the 10 commandment encourage committing adultery?Sata cant rule by the 10 commandments.He should not mock God Almighty.

  16. I can assure you the visit is not in our favour,Britons know time is money they do not spend it walking about. OOOH I’m so worried with the little you guys seem to know about these guys by the time you know the damage is massive.

    Don’t even think about education,water,health the man has a powerful agenda watch this space!!!

  17. Britain is broke. There’s nothing more they can give to Zambia. Any extra £1m will come with conditionalities, like gay rights. We live in UK, we know the country does not have money to spare, unless its for war over oil, like in Libya. Even Europe does not have money, that’s why Italy is broke, Greece is broke, Portugal is broke, Ireland is broke.

  18. What trade does Zambia still do with nthe UK since they decided to put in place all the travel restrictions to all of us. We now need Vizas to visist each other.Remove the travel barriers

  19. He is welcome on condition he doesn’t threaten us and preach gayism. We are still traumatised from Cameron’s rantings. He should be made to understand homosexuality is not even up for discussion and debate in Zambia. It’s clear the majority of Zambians don’t want this filthy practice, it’s taboo. 

  20. please people look at his face again, his mouth has Already said something “gay……..” UK let us talk real investment and developmental business in our meeting and no strings attached. by the way LT is Lubinda invited?

  21. can you zambians please welcome the superior man with 2 hard, buff strong black well endowed men, so that they give him fwasa kummaatako spovido

  22. Still trying to recolonise Zambia after Zimbabwe’s went out of control. Of course this is a prior arrangement with Guy Scot and Sata during their visits to UK in July. Is this the reason for all those millions you disbursed to civil society to campaign for change in Zambia so that you could kick the Chinese out and get your hands on the Uranium and the oil. Well you seem to have played your game well. It is pay time.

  23. Mr Henry Bellingham must be a junior official in Mr William Hague the Foreign Secretary of Britain under which falls the overseas secretary of state. Non of these is Mr Henry Bellingham and that implies a senior officer in the foreign office dept. there is no minister of Africa in British political structures except Overseas minister. The high profile given to him is just an exageration of this visit. The British have not been active to Zambia for a while now as we are managing our own affairs. this visit is definately meant to push an unknown agenda to the new PF govt. We need to be careful the British colonial mentality has never changed much. You experience it in their midst and subject it to anyone who is not one of theirs.

  24. Remember recent conditionalities attached to recepients of British aid have to consent to support Gay and Lesbians in their countries. Watch for aid given to Zambia as a result of this visit will entail Mr Sata has consented to and sold our values for silver. Mr Bellingham is not so much known in British politics and hardly hear him. This may suggest he is a messenger of the agenda itself. I appeal the media to grill him to come out and state precisely his purpose of the visit and why now?. zambians be ware of foreign values that may corrupt our morals.

    • As regular readers of this site will know, this post is misinformed. The UK have not discussed gay rights with Zambia, far less attached conditionality to aid. Tom Carter confirmed this recently.

      I also love how the guys who disparage Britain the most all seem to posting from here. They hate the UK so much they decided to stay!




  27. I can’t believe how trivial some bloggers can be something…’Britain is broke, gay issues, one guy live in UK and he supposed to know all every guy in UK’…this is crap… Governments coporates on myraid of issues… political, economical, strategic, security, cultural, scientifc Governance democracy..etc etc …come on guys lets be real

  28. Henry Bellingham MP was appointed Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on 14 May 2010.
    Henry Bellingham first entered Parliament in 1983 and is Member of Parliament for North West Norfolk.
    Born in March 1955, he studied Law at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Having graduated in 1977 he was called to the Bar (Middle Temple) where he served as a barrister for 8 years.
    Prior to being re-elected in 2001, he ran his own consultancy practice specialising in advising firms on inward investment. He is married with one son.
    Positions held:
    Member of Parliament for Norfolk North West, 1983 – 1997

  29. Parliamentary Private Secretary to Malcolm Rifkind as Secretary of State for Transport and for Defence and as Foreign Secretary, 1991-97
    Member of Parliament for North West Norfolk, 2001 – present
    Shadow Minister for Trade and Industry, 2002 – 2003
    Shadow Minister for Economic Affairs, 2003 – 2005
    Opposition Whip, 2005 – 2006
    Shadow Minister for Constitutional Affairs/Justice, 2006-10
    Parliamentary Under Secretary of State , Foreign and Commonwealth Office, 2010 – present


    Overseas Territories (not Argentina/Falklands or Gibraltar)
    Conflict Issues
    UN and the International Criminal Court
    Climate Change

  30. FCO’s relations with British Business, in support of Lord Green
    Ministerial Oversight for FCO Services
    Human Resources and Diversity

  31. Glad to see you all write in English :) A non issue. Plenty of countries are engaging with Zambia and if you think British interests disappeared with independence then you are mistaken. Forge positive relationships in your own lives with other nationalities and see that as what our government is required to do too. Look forward to the level of debate on this site rising above the belt :)

  32. Guys let us wait to hear what he has for Zambia. We should not judge him before he declares his innocence. We need investment in our country- good one not slavery instment we have with the chaina man. Let the reformed colonialists come back since they built what has been desroyed by the chinese and the thieves of Zamba. Who knows, they can make Zambia a province of UK ….


    • You must be a HOUSE NIGGER.To hell with you.We dont need whites to develop our country.You think we gat no brains?Ma rubbish!

    • Don Corleone, why after 47 years of independance are millions of Zambians living in conditions not fit for an animal. I think many of those Zambians with Big brains were putting the money in their own pocket.

  34. Guys economic partnership with UK will benefit most Zambians. You need partners in this world if you have to develop as a nation. Whos knows, he could assist sell Zambia as a tourist destination like i saw on Channel 4 last night. The more Brits come to Zed the cheaper will be the air tickets to zed. Mwilafimwena mumusana ifintu ati pantu ku UK efo batemwa!!!

  35. Remember there is no free help in this world. Many are the times we ve seen giant countries either supporting or geting involved in the affairs of other countries in the name of liberating them but what do we see? a reverse. why cant they help somaria or ethiopia where there are no minerals. I support critical analysis than just taking things for granted. If they are really with the heart of helping zambia let them help us to be self reliant in terms of turning raw materials into finished products like copper training zambians to do it. Also our education system to be structured in a way that it can mould people into passionate people ready to work for the development of the country than always crying out to the government and donar funding.

  36. Another Gay activist within 90days he is already in Zambia. Oh Lord our God deliver us from Evil..Even if it means taking some people’s lives with you

  37. Visits by such people is always strategic. Europe is in trouble and the Chinese are moving into Africa because they know that it has a lot of untapped natural resources. Therefore, I would look at such visits with a bit of suspicion to start with. The idea of the Common-wealth is something we have embraced and yet if you look at it closely, who stands to benefit the most out of it. The United Kingdom is a small Island which can only boast of coal and yet it is in control of the gold, copper and cocoa e.t.c. that comes from Africa. We are sitting on wealth which the troubled developing nations are coveting and yet we are poor. At the same time we should not chase them when they come as friends but when it comes to business we should be treated as equal partners.

  38. SADC to which Zambia is an affiliate should emulate UK and appoint a minister in charge of Asia. SADC is certainly interested in Asia, most particularly China. SADC is interested in China’s capital injection and technology transfer into SADC, hence why not have a minister appointed as minister in charge of ASIA…

  39. A Junior British minister is coming to Zambia and you chaps start a homophobic witch-hunt, a new Zambian administration has just been sworn-in power its normal for foreign officials to visit, mind you Michael hasn’t yet travelled overseas and all what they foreigners know about him is from the media. These chaps are anxious to know where Michael really stands on issues such as corruption, good governance, transparency, accountability, welfare, overseas investors, windfall tax and Mugube etc. 
    Who would be the most suited partners to assist the new government achieve its objectives? The British government of course our government framework is a mirror of theirs..all he has to do is just should look at the BIGGER PICTURE!!

  40. Just a point of correction #35 ‘Mayo Wandi’…I live here in the UK and for your own information, the British Govt is not ‘a gay govt’ as you speculate in your post above…and over the years, Britain has been the largest donor of developmental aid to Zambia than any other country and as such it should be a privilege to have Mr Henry Bellingham (Minister in Charge of African affairs) visit Zambia to familiarise himself with our current govt and explore further ways of how Britain & Zambia can be partners together economically, politically, socially etc.

  41. Good evening

    The British Minister is welcome to Zambia and it’s fine that he has disclosed his interest in strengthening relations between the two countries. However, we don’t need to pretend that things have always been fine or that they still are. We have not forgotten the damage that slavery and colonialism did to us and we also know that British foreign policy towards Africa is still largely based on the despicable method of “use and refuse”.
    Therefore, our government need to be on red alert and apply strong principles of patriotism to protect the interests of Zambian people. It is now time for Britain to treat us as equal partners.

  42. Zambia is the only country in the former federation of Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland still talking to the UK. Malawi and Zimbabwe are not on talking terms with Britain. This guy has come to make sure we chase the Chinese and get their hands on the Uranium in Gwembe and Oil in N/Western and Luapula.

  43. #53 Jay Jay and #54 . The British govrt is one of the mature institution on earth and having colonised much of this world, have influenced a lot of what exists today. They have/are played behind scene to change regimes that fall out of favour with them at times. To this effect the British know Mr.Sata quite well and know what type of person, character, weaknesses, strengths and level of inteligence. After all he once came to UK to study law but unsuccessful ended up as train conductor and cop. That is the only news came in the paper that a former cop is the current president of Zambia. BBC only caried a story of Dr Guy Scott as a white man now VP of Zambia, born in Livingstone where his father used to work in the railways as a medical doctor. So Guy is proper Zambian from that story.

  44. You can clearly see that Americans have stronger moral ethic than Britons. William Hague, the foreign secretary had a sex scandal with a male lover. In America, when you are a Conservative (Republican), such things are not tolerable. The west must keep their disgusting ideals to themselves, when it comes to morals even the Chinese are better!! Zambia will never accept homosexuality, this is immensely wrong and all those practicing it are by default, hell- bound!!

  45. The point is that the visit of Mr Bellingham has nothing much to foster relationship with Britain, its important to scan through what the British have /are doing now with the changing geopolotical landscape in the world. They have/are losing influential power in the world because of enlightment in the world of self rule. Europe is sidelining UK Cameron govt and economically there has been no growth for 3 yrs now. Zambia has to continue to be on guard over this former colonial master of ours. In case you are not aware if Zimbabwe changes govt with one that is to their liking, Zimbabwe will be better to them than Zambia as they have so much investment there and can practice two way state, one for them and another for black Zimbabwesns. In Zambia that does exist in subtlety in certain cases.

  46. Idachi,the reason I put this CV was in resonse to #36 Paddy UK’s comments. It may not bear any relevance to you or to some but it’s helpful to enlighten those that may knwo who he is. No one is forcing you to make any comment, this is a free open forum, I carefuly put my comment and do not mean to offend anyone.

  47. White people are not to be trusted period. Remember, once upon a time a white man came to africa in one hand he had a bible in the other a gun… only God knows what this Bellinham guy is carring in the other hand..there kind is not to be trusted:”>

  48. @ Ice Road Trucker, Origin Zambiano and Shaka; my thumbs are up for you chaps. We are educated as Zambians now. In the past, a grade seven qualified to be a teacher in Zambia. Its not any more. Open your minds you people, UK is not supposed to be richer than Zambia. She has no rnatural resources of her own. Imagin an island the size of one of Zabia’s pronces giving us that trouble! Don’t sign contracts with these guys. They only sign when they are to benefit more. Up to now, they think they are more human than us. Let us join forces and develop Zambia by ourselves. Guy Scott is ok but that guy from Britain, tell him, its now 50-50 or 80-20 in favour of Zambians. Fyonse ifyaba mu Zambia fyesu. Open your eyes. God bless. If we don’t have capital, lets keep resources for our children.

  49. Too many kiddys on this threat who know nothing about anything and China came on the scene yesterday, you know nothing beyond that imwe bakuudo.
    Go back into your prams!!

  50. Youngest Major, You need to stop fighting with Spears and step in modern day reality. Zambia trade lays in Zambia hand, I welcome china and europe and america but trade neg must be done on Zambian terms. We need to protect ourselves with labour laws, human rights and land rights and control our taxes copper etc.

  51. “Minister in charge for Africa” What exactly is he in charge in “Africa” seeing as the continent is one huge mass. I wonder if we can also have a minister in charge of the UK.

  52. The Bits are not Satanists but perhpas some of them are etheists (Please forgive e for the wrong Spelling). The Brits are not gay but are perhpas tolerant of opposing views and lifestyles. Don’t ignore the problem if its there. As stated in the Report, Zambia has Historical, cultural and educational linkages. Archibishop of Canterbury probabaly knows Zambia more than you think. The Christianity you are proclaiming was brought by David Livingstone who came here as a Missionary and Explorer from Britain. Without the British we would not have known God and been saved from Eternal Abomination. They brought culture, you are now able to talk and mix with manners. You able to read and write and communicate with the World, thanks to the british. Learn your History it may help your future.

  53. naturally like your web site however you have to test the spelling on quite a few of your posts. Many of them are rife with spelling issues and I find it very bothersome to tell the truth then again I will certainly come again again.

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