Wednesday, March 12, 2025

PF didn’t promise West Province secession, parliament told


Members of Parliament

PARLIAMENT heard yesterday that the Patriotic Front (PF) in its campaigns in the run up to the September 20, 2011 did not promise to secede Western Province from the rest of Zambia but advocated the restoration of the Barotseland Agreement.

In his maiden speech to the House, Western Province Minister Nathaniel Mubukwanu told the House that the PF promised to restore the Barotseland Agreement so that justice could be accorded to it that was why a commission of inquiry has been set up.

“In our campaign promises, we didn’t promise secession of Western Province; as PF, we are alive to our election campaigns to the Zambian people which include the Barotseland Agreement which the MMD government mishandled,” Mr Mubukwanu said.

The minister said the PF has since delivered on some of its promises it made over Western Province such as the release of the prisoners arrested during the Mongu riots; a commission of inquiry had too been set up in that regard and action was also being taken to fight corruption. “Up to now people of Mongu are still waiting for former Vice-President George Kunda who justified the shooting of a defenseless person to go there and demonstrate how a person could be carrying a burning tire,” Mr Mubukwanu noted.

He said the high poverty levels obtaining in Western Province and lack of development in general warranted the calls to have the Barotseland Agreement restored. “Poverty levels in Western Province have deteriorated and let me state here that politics of marginalization also caused calls for the restoration of the Barotseland agreement of 1964.

“People of Western want equal distribution resources; Western Province is the only of the nine that does not have a girls high school,” Mr Mubukwanu told Parliament. He appealed to the civil society and donors to join hands with the PF Government to transform Western Province for better.

And his Lusaka Province counterpart Miles Sampa has defended the Cabinet appointments President Michael Sata has made, stressing that there is a balance in tribe. Making his maiden speech to the House, Mr Sampa said that President Sata has appointed ministers almost from all the nine provinces, contrary to assertions that his Cabinet was tribal.

“Has appointed Mr Wilbur Simuusa from Southern, Ms Inonge Wina and Mr Given Lubinda from Western, Justice Minister Sebastian Zulu is from Eastern. Others are Vice-President Dr Guy Scott from North-Western and Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba from Northern,” Mr Sampa said. Mr Sampa also expressed sadness at the way he was hounded out of employment from Finance Bank by the MMD government without notice although he sued and won for wrongful dismissal.

Lunte Member of Parliament (MP) Felix Mutati (MMD) in his debate said the opposition in the House would accord the ruling party space to govern but stressed that the opposition would not compromise its role to providing proper checks and balances for the good of Zambians.

“As opposition, we shall give Government space to govern on three key principles in that we work with them in accordance with the aspirations of Zambians to ensure we remain as their beacon of hope; We shall remain and reserve our allegiance to providing checks and balances to ensure that governance does not meander.

“We embrace what President Sata said that Zambians deserve better and are entitled to a better life,” Mr Mutati who is also leader of the opposition in the House stressed. Mr Mutati welcomed the decision by the Government to consider floating 35 per cent shares in the public media on the stock exchange, stressing that such was a good governance idea which the opposition embraced.

Meanwhile, Speaker of the National Assembly Patrick Matibini sent away Labour, Sports, Youth and Gender Minister Fackson Shamenda for improper dressing. Mr Shamenda entered the chamber without a necktie warranting a point of order from Kalomo MP Request Muntanga (UPND) as to whether he was in order to dress without a necktie.

Dr Matibini ruled that he was not in order and asked him to get dressed properly. The minister later came back wearing a neck-tie.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. Lozis and Tongas are dreamers. Lozis think they can just cut western province from Zambia. Tongas also think they can rule zambia through HH. Dream on. That is why I cant even come back from England to Zambia. There are just too many dreamers!!! I would rather stay here with my white girl friends!!!

    • You loser hanging out in Hillbrow working in a bar. Zambia doesn’t need shallow people like you. don’t come back to Zambia as we don’t need people with experience in flipping burgers.

    • Remember my Brother to come back home. I am sure you do not even have a house in England. Zambia has vast land in each province for you to build your dream house. All 73 tribes in Zambia are equal that is the reason we marry each each.

    • ***** I know you, you are in SA not Engi, stop tryin to be controversial to seek attention. That woman you call a mother didn’t raise you right. Bloody dog

    • Just stay there cleaning old people’s a$$holes ! Diaspora diaspora when you dont even own a pit-latrine back home. Sw!ine !

    • Whatever tribe you are you are shameful. Though you have moved out of the village, the village has not come out of your head. Be mature and stop commenting from afar. Tongas and Lozis have not ruled so why did you run away from your so called wise Bemba thieves and Easteners? you did not run away from us, but from your own. You seem not to be thinking at all! By sleeping with a white, you will never be white! your things will remain black

  2. Kuluku you are a fool. You must be a damn terrible dreamer yourself. You gat a complex and I can read you must be short and small everywhere! 

  3. An agreement is an agreement until parties to that agreement mutually agrees to do away with it by signing it off with a counter agreement.

  4. Mafela. I know in which part of your body your brain is. You are sitting on it. Lets discuss issues here or I block you. This is my site.

  5. Yes PF didnt agree to sucession of Western province. Western Province is part and parcel of Unitary ZAMBIA. However, if they want to suceed, this should be a new request and Zambians will NOT support it.

  6. The worst thing to do to a people is to raise their hopes really high and then turn around to just dash them.

    This issue has a lot of under current which as MMD we fully understood and I hope the PF really understood it when they were running the campaign. It is easy and fancy to attack and ridicule the establishment.

    Now you are the establishment and you have to manage the hopes you created in Western province. Yes I agree you did not promise succession to anyone, but did you really understand the deep motive behind what is happening in WP? And did your message really deliver what you are saying now in clear and uncertain terms.

    Anyway, you can’t bash the establishment anymore because you are the establishment now and deal with the hopes you created. The folly of 90 days.

    • think straight iwe ci bootlicker no one promised a new state to western province ..nangu lupato nifi????? be serious

  7. A lot of times an excited dog chases a car once in a while senseless and never envisages catching the car. But someday the car does stop and the Dog just breaks and runs back with a tail between its legs after realizing the meaningless of biting into a tasteless tyre. I hope PF with its 90 days cocktail is not the illustration above.

    I really wish they succeed because if the do, Zambia wins and we all win. As MMD we inherited a bankrupt Zambia from UNIP and passed on a Zambia with surplus reserves and no history will ever take this from us and as MMD we are proud of that. Regardless of what people say Zambian coffers are not empty, as we had Inherited them from UNIP. And we delivered a B+ rating on top of that.

    • bootliker can you go back to your post september 20 hiding place! when you briefly disappearred from this site! you nauseate me, talking of surplus reseves with soaring levels of porverty, MMD could not as much as get rid of cholera after 20years in gvt, their campgain song was UNIP brought cholera! which they failed to eradicate by simply providing good sanitary conditions and constant flow of water! the fools I hate MMD!!!!!

  8. kuluku you are an imbecile. you are in england and yet you cant understand the plain writings in the queen’s language. read what the minister said again. you *****!

  9. When you promise too many things, you forget the details. And end up confusing your messengers. Case in point, Roger Chongwe said the commission of inquiry was for apportioning blame on who fanned the violence and how it was handled – read ‘fix RB’. WP minister says it is about Barotseland Agreement, read ‘secession’. 

  10. ba chief bootlicker, the story here is not about bankcrupsy or reserves but the succesion of WP, please stick to the topic. you see, when you go out of topic, thats when people start to use vulgar language.

  11. Kuluku block me if you own the site. Believe me I know who owns the site and it is not an individual but a powerful institution in our land. Be respectful towards other people and don’t mourn over my height and all the goodies due to your misfortune. I know it is frustrating to be short and small especially in key functional areas. 

  12. Pseudoman, instead of working u are busy blogging and insulting me! U dont even know how much an airticket costs to London and u claim to be holier than thou! Mwaumfwa bwino abakashi bachi mipelako lelo? Ndoshi

  13. kuluku .. you must be very veruy dull so to say the least.Each time you open yo beak o u think are Tongas .Dont you hv other things in yo head to think or say other than always tribal sentiments. warm up man its hipocricy

  14. Yes minister at least you have made the govt position on this BRE very clear for any person to understand. We will not give away any part of our nation,any body who thinks they can force or bully such are move are wasting their time….it shall never ever happen and for those intent on not being part of Zambia please make your way into Nambia or Angola, if they will have you, but make sure you leave the Zambian passports as you will not be allowed back.Both the Angolan and Nambian govts already consider you rebels without a cause just alcholic trouble makers

  15. PF was founded by a liar. The man has taken the ‘art’ of lying to unprecedented levels. To understand and work with Sata you must be a liar. Even in his dreams, Sata is a liar. His default settings and profile is that of a liar! Lozis are in for a rude shock with their naivety.

  16. Achimwene, a Peter, pitani uko. Peter Banda, thats why RB lost cost of xracters like you. Im talking about Tongas and Lozis. u had you three years – malukula

  17. kuluku you are a moron. do you even know where i am? you wont have an  easy escape from the topic. read what the minister said again. sick bastard. don’t just comment for the fan of it.

  18. PETER BANDA@17 you have given your true tribal identity away, if you really are Peter Banda as you name claims, why didn,t you mention the fact kuluku Lukuku dreams of Lozis as well not only Tongas are the Lozi,s not people ?? As for Kuluku Lukuku how can you not want to go back to Zambia ? you want to stay here with you white girl friendS….u flag says your in SA where in the uk are you mate ?

  19. Sounds like a bait and switch tactic used by the PF to get hold of western province votes.Next elections are not far away and people will remember and hold you to account.Restoration of the BRE to some ill educated folks could have been misunderstood to mean seccession and thats where care was not taken by PF in its greed for votes.

  20. BC: The flag means nothing. its just the host for your savour. For instance number one is in Zambia. Im in London. For security reasons, I wont tell you more.

  21. A breach of an agreement is the end of an agreement…Zambia has not ownered the agreement…Honor the agreement or we secede!!!!

  22. BC 22. Peter Banda thought he was posting on facebook!!! Ubututu. I know you chap. Search for him on Facebook, you will know him. Hes from kalulushi. I have even got his phone number from FB, hehehehe.

  23. Mubukwanu told the House that ‘the PF promised to restore the Barotseland Agreement so that justice could be accorded to it that was why a commission of inquiry has been set up’. Mr. Mubukwanu, as an MP one would expect you to know the terms of reference of the commission rather than talking nonsense in the august house. Could someone, anyone tell us the terms of reference other than just saying to ‘find out the causes of the Mongu riots’.

  24. PF was founded by a liar.The man has
    taken the ‘art’of lying to unprecedentedlevels. To understand andwork with Sata you mustbe a liar. Even in hisdreams, Sata is a liar. Hisdefault settings and profileis that of a liar! Lozis are infor a rude shock with theirnaivety.

  25. I have posted my comment twice to prove to you that the flag on LT does not mean you are in a that particular country. Some people claiming to be in the diaspora are actually in Kalingalinga, Lusaka

  26. Kuluku Lukuku l hear you,Do not to worry about the insults, come to north London mate l give you 2 tonga and 2 lozi girls for you, just for breeding purposes we need to give them our last names l have fathered enough with both tribes

  27. Kuluku, Mafela, Achimwene, Peter, Pseudomam and BC you’ve really made me laugh. We need you guys around you give us life though you go out of line. BC Flags don’t really show where someone is coz mostly when i make a comment a different flag shows when am actually in zambia.

  28. why are tonga’s and lozi people are so primititive ? the like dreaming every day …….. the truth is that Zambia will never ever divided, one zambia one zambia ……, the lozi’s are big dreamers, but th tonga thinks that this chap hh can rule Zambia …… all this are rubishess ideals……..crazy….

  29. can some one explain to me what is meant ‘ RESTORATION OF THE BAROTSE AGREEMENT OF 1964″. HON. MUBUKWANU seems to be diverting from the core issue.

  30. Can all of you Chaps Take time out and read the barotseland agreement before displaying your ignorance and insolence here…its there on wikipedia if you care. and it does not talk about secession in any sentence at all. lets bring informed debates and arguments here. not who has a long or short what and where is whose brains..

  31. Kuluku I also live in kalingalinga like you. So let us meet for katata tonight my mate. What security concerns would you have? Unless you are an enemy of the state or the people of Zambia.

  32. Of course it makes sad reading to have sections of our society advocating for secession.
    As a Zambian, I am of the opinion that reasons for secession should be of high gravity and probably have no other remedies. What about regions where such treaties never existed? Are they going to ask for secession in order to develop their regions? The answer is no. What needs to be done is to address the issues of enequality. This is also a wake up call to those in office now. They should address immediate needs of employment creation, poverty elimination (not just alleviation), creating an economy where people can afford decent meals, hos

    • Regions who don’t have such agreements are stuck with Zambia and the ruling thieving class.  The people of Barotseland have an option which they can exercise.

  33. #29 you are very right. I get that same flag you currently have when i access and comment on LT using my phone but when am on my PC the original location flag kicks in. Most of the UK/American flags are “Kalingalinga, lusaka” based lol

  34. There nothiing dramatic in barotse aggreement document . It was designed to inrich litunga. To make litunga  a small god.

  35. Ba Mulipa Banda @ #13. I think you should read MMD’s Chief Bootlicker’s postings at #7 and #9 and you will realise how constructive his contribution is. If you can not, then you have a very big problem of assimilation of information. Or are looking for an exsuse of using vulgar language? As Bootlicker, simplify some of your postings so that some simpletons can understand what your contribution is.


  37. Kuluku Hahahahahah you maggot you have  made my day, ati SAVOUR LOL it’s server, you are in south you degenerate prick. Hahaha you need an education go back to Zambia you are in way over your head. Savour??? Awe Mwandi

  38. BA64 is a decentralisation of resources document ment to develop WP as anyother province. America has many states which operate independently but answerable to the central GVT and called USA. Zambia is Barotesland and Nothern Rhodesia. That thought of the agreement may be was borrowed from what was existing like America. Ve read it many times and printed from Let this be settled. Am suprised that even technocrats can fail to assimilate the information.

  39. pliz read the baortse land agreement of 1964, it does not talk about secession! it is a kind of decentralisation.. and thats what the PF promised! lets not be too forgetful or allow ourselves to be misinformed by our EGOs. Sata promised to restore the 1964 agreement in its original state before the alteration of 1969 chapwa

  40. You pipo its not western province, its Barotseland. The agreement was not between western province and Northern Rhodesia, no. It was between Barotseland and Northen Rhodesia. Am not supporting sucession myself. Why are you so afraid’.

  41. I dont understand why people who were advocating for ethnic cleansing in W province were released extra-judiciously whether their cause was justified or not. The people advocating for the restoration of the agreement could have done so within the law without endangering lives and property. PF sought to make political mileage out of the fracas by adding fuel to the fire and now they are backtracking. 

  42. Those calling for the restoration of the agreement could have formed a political party to push for their cause as the Scottish Nationalists have done in Scotland. If a party pushing for the restoration of the BA won all or the majority of seats in W province it would then have the mandate to lobby govt for the restoration of the agreement. If the govt was not willing to budge, then the BA restoration could use its MPs to try and block govt legislation with the other opposition parties instead of threatening to kill Mbundas and Nkoyas and expecting RB’s administration to remain ndwii. 

  43. If Linyungandambo had carried out their threat to kill all non-Lozis in the province, do you honestly think that the Nkoyas, Mbundas, Luvales amongst others would not have retaliated? What would have been the fate of Lozis living in other parts of Zambia, wouldn’t their lives had been at risk? Now you have a situation of the people who were calling for genocide being invited to make submissions at a commission that is going nowhere.

  44. I LIKE THE WAY MMD CHIEF BOOTRIKER # 9 IS CHALLENGING PF MWE!. ITS TRUE IN NYANJA WE SAY ” chili pamunzako kumati chigwile njanga” literary mean-when your friend is being attacked by buffaloe, you say hold it by its horns, But its you being attacked you fail to hold the horns of the buffaloe you were suggesting”. WHEN MMD WAS IN POWER SATA AND PF SAID, MMD DID NOT KNOW HOW TO HANDLE THE BARO ISSUE, IAM AFRAID, LOZIS ARE STILL AWAITING THE PROMISED SOLUTION TO THEIR DEMAND,BUT WHAT IT IS EXACTILY I DONT KNOW. GAME ON ON THE POLITICAL FEILD!!!

  45. Unfortunately some plans are not well sort. can we see the boundaries of the agreement. if its just western as we know it, let it be coz they can export a lot of sand for building projects in other countries then their new country can be developed. I hear there is some gold or something like that.

    One Zambia One Nation with ALL TEN Provinces intact including WESTERN PROVINCE.

  46. This can not be effected no Presisent would want to accord part of his land of rule to be ruled entirely by another leader.One Zambia One Nation.

  47. mosiaoatunya——————————I wish everybody came up with your kind of sense, Zambia as a whole would be a much better place, soon our time will come when all Zambians will embrace the democratic right o allf it citizens and we all stick to our 1 zambia 1 nation. To all these conning themselves that they shall break away from Zambia, PLEASE WAKE ITS ONLY JUST A DREAM AND SHALL REMAIN JUST A DREAM

  48. This should save as a lesson to other Parties that coming to Power through lies is costly.PF and Sata in particular thought he could handle this issue and solve it within 90 Days. He,together with Caritas Zambia, even fanned the violence in Western Province so that the Lozis could turn against MMD.Well, that he succeeded but he has to deliver the promise he promised the people of Western province and no amount of changing goal posts will save his skin.He should restore the 1964 agreement as promised in his campaigns and no explanation will be accepted. I do not support what the people of Western are advocating for but i think a Liar and a deceiptful person should be taught a lesson for his Red lips.

  49. First, western province has noi right to sucede by itself. what has the right to sucede is the Barotseland as whole. Politicians are dirty in their mind and want us to believe that the barotseland is about western province. thats wrong. so nathaniel, handle this matter well, before you end up like mulyata. as MP for mongu, you know very well that Barotseland agreement cannot be cut down to western province alone. and by the way, its not about equal distribution of resources that we want. we want our dignity that we are after. barotseland became poart of zambia only through the barotseland agreement. without that document, zambia is a colonial master over us. thats what we refuse. so restore the agreement in full, and you will have peace. otherwise, we shall sucede.

  50. I am very happy about this article… everything very good. We have a mature parliament on our hands here. This is great!

  51. Zambians, when are we ever going to have constructive debates, people blogging here keep insulting each other completely diverting away from the story at hand. Lets change people…unfortunately, whats going on here is what goes on even on the political scene of this nation, insults after the other…

  52. Guy Scot from North Western province Hah! Mr Miles Sampa tell us which part of NWP he comes from. Otherwise please stop misleading the people on MCS appointments which are skewed.

  53. Good morning all.Can someone who is not biased against the Lozis or Tongas or Bembas kindly explain what this agreement is all about? We are supposed to debate in a mature way if ever we can come up with a lasting solution for all Zambians.Who were the parties to this agreement and what were the conditions at the time?How do they apply to modern day Zambia and the neighbouring countries?Who is supposed to implement the decisions ,is it the rest of Zambia or Namibia or Botswana or the British?Now I am not asking those with some inferiority complex or tribal mentality to answer these questions.Don’t waste other people times but I am appealing to well learned people from across different disciplines and expertise to contribute and educate us all.

    • Please stay ignorant or google the “Barotseland Agreement” yourself.  Then read about how Western Province came to being.  Go back to history.  I assume you have a brain.  KK who signed the agreement is till alive and kicking or being kicked around by Sata.

  54. In my view the two issues that is the Police brutality and the barotse agreement should have been separated. now there is confusion.

    • There definitely is NO WINDFALL TAX.  Sata did not mention it in his speech to Parliament and none of his ministers has mentioned it since 23 September.

  55. The PF minister Mr Mubukwanu is misleading the people of western province by raising the bar of expectation so high for PF to achieve. He pints out marginalisation of development to western province and demean any level of development done in the province by past regimes all which Mr Sata was part of. His statements makes it difficult for PF to biasly pick his province and develop it overnight. PF has many issues of promises it made to Zambians during campaigns. BRA’s details are not only known to Zambians but has lost its relevance in today’s Zambia. These are dreams only to be realised in dreams themselves because the reality of the situation is sammarised by # 9 MMD Chief Boot licker. Read it and the import of his comment is fitting Mubukwanu’s assertion.

  56. Webmasters can use a geolocation services which attempt to map Internet Protocol ( IP)addresses to geographic locations using large computer databases.vice to track the geographic distribution of visitors to their site. Therefore IP addresses of web users are linked to geographical locations and country flags are linked to user locations. It is therefore safe to state that Lukulu Lukuku is in South Africa, as tracked by the geological system!

  57. The Rhetoric Zambian: Blame the blackberry. I just hit enter without checking if it was the right word. mistakes are yos to correct. we ndoshi we

  58. Mafela: So you live in Kalingalingasdale, no wonder your comments. Anyway, I have invested a lot in Zambia. Im sure some of your relatives are my employees. so careful what you say. I can trace u. Im using a 5G phone.

  59. Thanks #34, 44. It has confused me for a long time that such a simple document as the Barotse Agreement could evoke issues such as secession. Those advocating for its restoration are looking for a scapegoat to actually secede. In that case they need to originate a new document, get someone (at gunpoint preferably) to sign it so that they can be allowed to secede. Other than that they must do the best with what they currently have…

  60. #63

    There definitely will not be a Windfall Tax on mining companies.  Listen to tomorrow’s Budget Speech.  Sata did not mention it in his speech to Parliament and none of his ministers has raised this issue since 23 September.  Another U-turn indeed!

  61. Kuluku Lukuku, click the red button at the far right of your web screen with the number 608. You will see where you are? Your IP address is well known.

  62. Restoration of the Barotse Agreement will in no way benefit the ordinary common folk in WP.It was a feudal arrangement that presumes that the people of WP collectively agree not to participate in the governance of the prov except through the royal establishment.During the colonial era, there was little benefit to show to justify how the BA64 benefited the commonperson.
    More importantly, the signing of that agreement is based on a fallacy that the Litunga had authority or power to mortgage WP, Southern, Central, Copperbelt, NWP etc for a gun boat on the Zambezi, £2000 per annum and British protection when in fact he had no such power to grant foreigners such rights as he did. Litunga does not own land: he administers it on behalf of the people.

  63. @48

    You are an utter fool.  I would like to meet you in town one day and cut your nuts off and fry them in front of your face.

  64. Kuluku Lukuku, whatever, what security reasons are you talking about? Or maybe you meant confidentiality reasons? You are in the UK and still a hardcore tribalist? Your comments are tribalistic!

  65. I have just read the so-called barotse agreement and I am left wondering why such a simple and straight forward issue should drag on and on.It speaks of the following:
    1. That articles of the constitution of Zambia to do with protection of human rights, fundamental freedoms, public service and judiciary shall be in force in Barotseland. 2) that people of Barotseland shall have access to the high court of Zambia 3) that the Litunga and his council shall be the principal local authority in Barotseland with authority to make laws on certain specific issues like the Litungaship, canals, canoes, fishing, control of hunting, the supply of beer etc. 4) That the Litunga and his council shall have powers over land matters. 

  66. Contn’d. 5)The Government of the Republic of Zambia shall have the same general responsibility for providing financial support for the administration and economic development of Barotseland as it has for other parts of the Republic and shall ensure that, in discharge of this responsibility, Barotseland is treated fairly and equitably in relation to other parts of the Republic.6)The Government of the Republic of Zambia shall take such steps as may be necessary to ensure that the laws for the time being in force in the Republic are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.

  67. This Mubukwanu is a munungu who is busy farting in Parliament.  He has no idea what the Commission of Inquiry is about – it is not for the restoration of the BA64 but about the violence that led to deaths in Mongu earlier in the year.  The chairman of the Commission has stated so and as he is a lawyer, one must presume he read the terms of reference of his own Commission.

    As for all those dimwits on this site who are farting about One Zambia, One Nation, KK’s stupid slogan came about because he had abrogated the BA64 and had to disguise the abrogation.  The BA64 was the only basis of creating Zambia as we know it.  If one party abrogates an agreement, the other aggrieved party can revert to the status before the agreement was abrogated because the agreement is now null and void.

  68. Cont’d.7)Any question concerning the interpretation of this Agreement may be referred by the Government of the Republic of Zambia to the High Court of the Republic for consideration (in which case the opinion thereon of the Court shall be communicated to that Government and to the Litunga of Barotseland and his Council) and any such question shall be so referred if the Litunga, acting after consultation with his Council, so requests.
    Now, people, both Lozis and none Lozis, what is so complicated about allowing the Litunga and his council to become the principal local authority in their area? instead of having district councils in Mongu, kalabo etc let the Litunga and his council be the local authority. For uniformity purposes, let the same happen all over zambia.

  69. Sounds like ‘barotseland’ is getting more ripe each day for Dr Malama’s men to continue where RB left.

  70. Here is an abstract of the Barotselend Agreement of 1964.
    I expect constrctive debate after this!


    Now this agreement witnesseth and is hereby agreed between the said Kenneth David Kaunda, Prime Minister of Northern Rhodesia, on behalf of the Government of Northern Rhodesia and the said Sir Mwanawina Lewinika the third, K.B.E, Litunga of Barotseland on behalf of himself, his heirs and succesors, his council and the chiefs and the people of Barotseland as follows:

  71. Esther. I want to come but in Zambia too many thieves. U steal Gold, other pipo’s wives like Kafupi, Zamtrop, Lexus, drugs, everything.

    • Those are your people the kolwestans you support stealing every day Chikala. So you are also afraid of your own people will steal from you. hahahahahahaaa. Ulichikala zoona. small mind and small dick…

  72. 1. Citation and commencement

    This AGREEMENT may be cited as the BAROTSELAND AGREEMENT 1964 and shall come into force on the day on which Northern Rhodesia, including Barotseland, becomes the indepedent republic of Zambia.


    The constotution of Zambia shall include the provisions of agreed upon for the inclusion herein at the constitution conference .

    .-The Litunga of Barotseland , Acting after consultation with his council, shall be authorised and empowered to make l


  74. continuation

    to make laws for Barotseland in relation to to the following:

    – The Litungaship, The authoruty at present known as the Barotse Native Government, The authority known as Barotse Native Authority, The Courts known as Barotse Native Courts, Matters relating to Local Government, Land, Forests, The Institution at present known as the Barotse Native Treasury, Local Taxation and matters relating thereto, Amoung other provsions.

  75. #96 Because it is no longer Barotseland but Zambia. The Boundaries of Barotseland go beyond Zambia. We do not have Barotseland but Western Province. The agreement was barotseland to cease and Zambia to start and no reversing. Where is the extent of BA64 today? What is wrong with the District councils? We are together till death do us apart.

  76. Who let this fo0lish chap Kuluku Lukuku in?? we already have one sicko creature thingy from Glasgow in the building, now we have to contend with this Zinjanthropus chap from watchdog!!

  77. cont….

    The Government of the republic of Zambia shall have the same general responsibility for providing financial support for the administration and economic development of Barotseland as it has for other parts of the republic and shall ensure that, in discharge of the reponsibility, Barotseland is treated fairly and equitably in relation to other parts of the republic.

    The Government of the republic of Zambia shall take such steps as may be neccessary to ensure that laws for the time being inforce in the republic are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.

  78. Guys are you telling that Mushota actually lives in Kalingalinga not in the UK as the flag suggests? In that case I will ask my sister to invite herto eat ifishimu, pupwe,chikanda, pampa and impembya LOL.

  79. people of western province should just advocate for development not sucession. We have married thier children and have mingled very well and we are one zambia one nation.

  80. Kuluku you are one lost muppet! It is not where you are that matters. Claiming to be in UK amounts to nothing. The status you hold in whatever society you live in is what is important. There’s no pride in being a servant in other people’s countries. That won’t heal your inferiority complex. Stand and Sing of Zambia Proud and Free! So grow up Nkuku ya loan iwe!

  81. #2 Kuluku Lukuku tell us exactly what you’re doing in the UK. Cleaning old people’s bums and having a low life white girl for a girlfriend? Things are happening pa Z chikamba!! Young people of your age are earning good cash – unlike those petty amounts you get after working off your ass at those stinking homes.

  82. People talking about Sata failing to deliver in 90 days, has Sata served for 90 days? The man hasn’t even served for 60 days and you are busy calling him a failure on his promises. Lets wait for 90 days to pass then judge him on what he has or hasn’t accomplished according to what he promised. How can an examiner stop a 3 hour exam after 1hr:30min and say that you have failed the exam? So for now lets give the old man chance to fulfill what he promised.  

  83. This is what Gadhafy did all his life, cheating and lying to his people. In the end, someone screwed the guys with a bayonet, up his bacside where it never shined. To think that the subjudication of Barotseland will persist forever is being illusional. So many wars in Africa were sparked by the same kind of behaviour, leaders cheating their people, forcing them into a marriage where there was no equity. Look, Zambia has never ever won any war, Foday Sanko’s rag tags captured an entire Zambian battalion in Sierra Leon and butchered them. Mark my work, if war breaks out in the West, Zambia is doomed!

  84. My drunkard subjects we need to get off our imagnery high drunk horses, we very well know the govt will never give in to our fraudlent claim to the zambian land. I know that the 1st battalion of tagagan infantry commodos are already in shangombo, in readiness to crush any fake rebellion you are drunkenly dreaming about, let us enjoy the traditional beer in peace,because you very well know our Lozi women have been starved in every department including the bed room cos we are drunkard inbreds, our women are going to ran off with these bemba commandos, we shall remain without our women turning us to homo inbreds please


  86. I didn’t know Guy Scott was my tribes mate! so which village in north Wesstern province is he from? or is this PFs poor attempt at humour

  87. Indeed PF did not promise secession of Barotseland. If the Barotseland agreement was not abroagated by the GVT, no one would be talking about secession. The PF GOVT, as I have said to other gvts b4, are presentated, through the BA 64, with a wonderful opportunity to devolve power, real power and decision making to the people. Allow the people to chart their own development agenda. Restoration, or, failing that the bana ba poho yesu will secede to chart their own development agenda, reduce graft and corruption, and stealing of national resources to a bare minimum.


  89. Yes it is time as western province we became indenpent from foolish Northern Rhodesia.

    Sata must fulfill what he promised us or let him kiss gudbye from our votes come 2016

  90. Kuluku, you have been shot down by 116 Tonga Bull. Well said mate, I wouldn’t have put it better my self. There is nothing special about being in a foreign country unless you are doing something sensible over there. Where is Mushota for controversy not this dull imbecile who  can even spell. Ati blame it on the blackberry, how does a spell checker mistake SAVOUR for SERVER?? *****

  91. Mr Miles Sampa you are telling lies to Zambians about Dr Guy Scott having hailed from N/Western Province. This is what makes most Bembas untrustworthy in their character. You are better off quiet or ask and get the right information and tell the nation the truth. Dr Guy Scott is the sone to Dr Scott who came to the then British protectorate working for John Cecil Rhodes Railway co. in the 9120s. Dr Guy Scott our VP is the son and was born in Livingstone and probably lived a long the railway line and not N/Western province. Dr. G.Scott is Zambian and has lived within the connobation of urban ares of Zambia. Go and confirm with him and apologise to the MPs in the house. You are occupying important positions in society and lies breeds dishonour to those who appointed you.

  92. @ALL PRO BAROTSE- This might upset your entire establishment and frankly, I do not care! Why is your land so bound by an agreement that favours a few ‘elite’ individuals from your land? Why is it that the person who signed the agreement has his family set for life and yet you who defends it stays in poverty? If you want a fact, people from your area are the most unforgiving, sectarian and backward people. You are the extremists of Zambia. The Barotse agreement is a stupid charter that needs no understanding. I have read it and from what I think, it accounts for why your province is poor, fools!

  93. The Lozis’ do not want cessation but RESTORATION OF THE BA64.  Big difference!!
    Honouring BA64 means giving power back to the Litunga to govern Barotseland, whilst still being part of Zambia.  This will allow the much needed development for WP to materialise because WP can then control its own resources and channel them to areas such as education, health, defence, transport and communication.
    Its more like a federal state.  In fact, I recommend a federal state for the whole country so us Bembas can steal from ourselves and leave other tribes to develop their provinces.  Only, I am not convinced that we can survive without the humble and educated Lozis and other similar tribes.  

  94. We Bembas are lazy and only survive by stealing.  I suppose that is why we are afraid to honour the BA64 or have a federal state because we cannot survive on our own! We would just end up killing ourselves.

  95. PF did not promise W/province secession, did not promise windfall tax, did not promise 90 days more money in your pockets, did not promise to deal with Chinese investors. PF only promised what it didn’t tell you – donchi kubeba. Charles Milupi is right when he says that PF was elected on false pretences.

  96. Malozi are just difficult for nothing, and you also ba PF, popularism is always at a cost. By the way, what resources are in Western Province, or is it Barotseland?

  97. Tongas are backward retards, lozis are just plain,pure *****s. They are always in extreem in everything….the men are drankards and tribalists, the women are beautiful bitches with small brains.

  98. #132, couldn’t agree with you more. In fact the main beneficiaries of the agreement are the members of the royal family and not the common man who suffered the wrath of riots. Whatever PF promised or did not promise, that agreement is archaic and feudal for this modern day and age.

  99. Zambia Zambia Zambia.
    ZAMBIA is a beautiful country with a lot of potential for development. If only we could seriously work together to develop this country.

  100. The best way forward is to enter into fresh negotiations between the BRE, the Nkoya Royal Establishment (N.R.E.) and Central Government and come up with updated agreements that all parties will accept and support. Crying for the restoration of an old and questionable document will not amount to anything.

    As a region, we need to get past such issues so that we can focus our energies and attentions on developmental matters because even those BA64 supporters are not going to be fed on this document alone.

    The NRE have put their case forward for Kafue Province,while our neighbors are also crying for some form of decentralisation in some parts of WP, so why not just enter into fresh negotiations?

    This PF minister did not read the terms of reference of the Dr Chongwe led commission.

  101. Ladies & gentlemen, all rural parts of this country mostly are marginalised not only western province. I give an example of Lundazi District in Eastern province. They have had a terrible road for many years. This has not made the people just wait for govt to provide. They have invested heavily in farming and trade with Malawi & Tanzania.For example, on thursdays, many people leave Lundazi and go to boarder areas (bwandila) at Jenda for trade & people lead comfortable lives. People should be creative. I understand their complaints but they also need to do something. Western province has a lot of educated Zambians and they can do well to invest in that region. Politics of xenophobia will not work.

  102. D.Minister should have kept quiet. Now he is undoing what Dr. Chongwe has been fighting to correct. The useless tax money wasting commission of inquiry shouldn’t have been setup to begin with.

  103. Bemba’s say “malibu yakuilombela”. This people who started this all thing are quiet and enjoying peacefully in their homes. Most people fighting over this issue will mostly likely not benefit anything from it and have very little understanding of the matter. The BRE stands to benefit more from the restoration of the agreement than ordinary people in the kingdom. The President is on record with a promise to resolve this matter within 3 months, so let him do it. The commission is a shere waste of public resources and designed to fix the previous top leadership who acted in public interest.

  104. Bemba’s say “malibu yakuilombela”. These people who started this all thing are quiet and enjoying peacefully in their homes. Most people fighting over this issue will mostly likely not benefit anything from it and have very little understanding of the matter. The BRE stands to benefit more from the restoration of the agreement than ordinary people in the kingdom. The President is on record with a promise to resolve this matter within 3 months, so let him do it. The commission is a shere waste of public resources and designed to fix the previous top leadership who acted in public interest.

  105. I have seen some TOURIST ATTRACTION right in the meddle of the picture. DOOOO Slitty May be barotse will miss. But they shall not as they are our part and never to let go

  106. Please lets use decent language when making comments especially when referring to each other as Zambians, i believe one day the issue would resolve. it is just fair to make worthy and constructive suggestions that can even help our president make better decisions.

  107. “Has appointed Mr Wilbur Simuusa from Southern, Ms Inonge Wina and Mr Given Lubinda from Western, Justice Minister Sebastian Zulu is from Eastern. Others are Vice-President Dr Guy Scott from North-Western and Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba from Northern,”

    Can someone tell me if Guy Scott is from North-Western? I thought he was born in Livingstone?? But in any case Sata’s cabinet is not balanced. There are more Northerners than others. And the justification by Mr Sampa is useless. What I believe is there is no cabinet minister from North Western province, even the provincial minister is from Western province. I stand to be corrected??

  108. Wena Mushimani tuwe Mubukwanu, plz b careful on what you say about the Barotse Dynasty. Barbed wire, we shall witch you if you try to bring down bana ba Poho yensu . Bloggers we are busy watching the purse of your PF gvt.

  109. What a maiden speech from Lusaka Province Minister. Parliament is not house for trivial issues. Why talk about your career at Finance Bank. We are not inetrested in that. We are interested to hear regarding the walfare of the people. You could hit on issues relating to modernizing Lusaka City. I never knew VP, Guy Scot, is from North Western. Guy Scot is a Zambian of British origin.

  110. This western province issue ought to be handled with baby hands. At no time do i think our generation will be a part of its effects, good or bad. And in my opinion it has so much to bring out our deepest divisions as a country. Question is are willing to sit down and iron out these division or we are going to keep stepping on other people’s heads until they have no option but to pick up arms or break away? This is a beautiful country, lets remove personal  and *****ic mentalities and keep it whole.

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  115. Cycle Mata is one to blame for the statement he made during his campaign tour of Western Province.To the Lozis restoration of BRA means seccssion,so if Cycle Mata knew this he could have zipped his uncordinated mouth.Now wapya munzi,you start flipfloping-just extinguish the fire instead of blaming MMD that they mishandled it.As at that time MMD made the right decision,which we are condeming now.Make yours too now which will be condemed tomorrow when you are out of the office.

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