The Kingsley Chanda Commission of Inquiry probing irregularities at the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) has summoned former republican Vice-President, George Kunda and former minister of Finance and National Planning, Situmbeko Musokotwane.
Mr. Kunda was also minister of Justice while Dr. Musokotwane was chairperson of the ministerial tender committee. Former Ministry of Finance Permanent Secretary Emmanuel Ngulube will appear on Friday at 10 hours and Ministry of Agriculture Permanent secretary Austin Sichinga who served as chief of staff at State House under former President Rupiah Banda has also been summoned and will appear
on Wednesday at 14 hours.
According to a schedule obtained by the Times of Zambia in Lusaka yesterday, Mr. Kunda is expected to appear before the Commission on Friday at 14 hours on matters related to the awarding of tenders at ZRA. The commission last week heard that the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) was under pressure from the committee of ministers that made decisions that could not be questioned by experts in various strategic institutions such as Zambia National Tender Board and Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA).
The manager for Cargo Scans Limited has also been summoned while Ms. Nana Mudenda of ZRA is expected to appear this morning. Dr. Musokotwane appears on Thursday.
Former ZRA commissioner Wisdom Nhekairo will appear on Wednesday at 15 hours while National Movement for Progress (NMP) president Ng’andu Magande who was minister of Finance during the presidency of late President Levy Mwanawasa will appear on Thursday at 15 hours. President Michael Sata, on 20th October, 2011 established a commission of inquiry to look into the operations of ZRA.
The decision was made under the Inquiries Act Chapter 41 of the laws of Zambia to establish alleged illegal activities at the institution. The President also mandated the commission to establish whether contracts were awarded in accordance with the applicable laws and procedures. The commission heard last week that contracts worth over US$ 40 million were single sourced and Cargo Scans, Nuctech and Zambia Border Protection Company (ZBPC) were named as beneficiaries.
ZBPC representative, Kelvin Orchard, will also appear to represent his firm tomorrow at 14 hours while ZRA commissioner general Berlin Msiska is expected to appear on Wednesday. Former ZRA ommissioner-General, Criticles Mwansa, was named as having authored a letter to PPP seeking authority to single source.
The Kingsley Chanda commission, however, rejected the justification by Mr. Mwansa because the scanners not acquired in a period of a state of emergency where single sourcing was legally permitted. Mr. Mwansa has also been summoned and will appear before the commission on Wednesday at 14 hours while former Secretary to the Treasury, Likolo Ndalamei, appears on Thursday at 12 hours.
Deputy Secretary to the Cabinet Evans Chibiliti and Ms. Susan Wanjelani are also expected to appear before the commission that held their sittings on Saturday at Chirundu border post.
[Times of Zambia]
90 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
George k, ur the veep and above the law, tell these pipo u knw everything. Oh! I forgot its a new govmnt, wapya munzi lelo. Lelo lelo, we knw yo corrupt investments n businesses. What goes around comes around.
Ala ulangumfwisha bwino,the way you write;wapya munzi kaaa
What goes around comes around. Wina azalila!!
(caption pic) at which funeral did kunda represent Govt? any connection with the running story?
90 days is catching up..utopia shall ever live on …
This is not witch-hunting, proper investigations have to be carried out. We know that a lot of wrong things were happening at ZRA and still are, therefore this should just be the starting point hope that all culprits however small or big, will be exposed and prosecuted, not persecuted.
It’s about time and we appeal to those in charge to do a good job, surely how do you let such things happen Rupia and George thought Zambia was their personal company. How do you also give 500 mil to one individual when that money could build a small health center in a remote village. What the hell is wrong with an African mindset.
#8 Uwakwisano,
You are very right, the truth must be sought and brought out and we know that the beneficiaries of these scandals as always will say ‘ it is a witch-hunt’.
Mr Sata give liverage to the commission’s findings, made available to the public and handed over to ACC and prosecution in the courts before he makes his press statements. Zambians too are judges in these findings of investigations. Most of the people with PF connections are equally invoved in these scams and Zambians will follow issues with keen interest.
George K, also tell the commission how you appointed your son in law a grade 12 failure, musician and clown called ba wile ndengelemo to be a director at disaster management in you former veep office. the chap even drives a latest range rover while graduates from unza are selling puppies at mandahill foot bridge Â
sham! It is about time!
MMSK fr. heheheÂ
same whip to be used on pf one day. need developmental issues.
#14, If indeed you are the next generation at the very least you need to know how the institution mandated to collect your revenue utilises its own income. It all starts with ZRA and if rotten elements inside or outside are hindering progress, lets know and deal with them. If PF does the same, well and good let them be investigated, because corruption took no country anywhere!!!
George Kunda LOL, just go the farm and wait on the day you will sleep and forget to wake up
ba george in parliament you used to say that you as the govt it is your mandate to work kanshi your mandate was to do ifyabupuba.what learned a honourable shaaaaaaaa
tekanyeni chabe, ba kunda patali.