The opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) says it still has an opportunity to bounce back to power in future elections.
MMD Chairperson for Commerce Felix Mutati says the former ruling party has embarked on a process to cleanse the party before electing a new person to take over from former President Rupiah Banda as party president.
He said in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka that the party has since set up a postmortem committee to ascertain why it lost in the September 20 general elections.
Mr. Mutati, whose name has been floated by the general membership to take over from former president Banda, said it is important for the party to critically analyze its operations before electing new leaders to lead the former ruling party.
The Lunte Member of Parliament (MP) has also advised the party against rushing into electing a new leader of the former ruling party saying the issue should be handled carefully.
Mr. Mutati noted that the MMD needed to know what happened for it to lose the September 20 election and establish whether or not it lost contact with the people and learn from the reasons to build a stronger party.
MMD president Rupiah Banda has stated his intention of resigning from active politics following his defeat in the September 20 general election to Michael Sata of the Patriotic Front (PF).
The MMD is in this vein asking its general membership to apply for the position to take over from him.
Some MMD members have named Mr. Mutati, former Zambian Ambassador to Canada Dr. Nevers Mumba, and former Foreign Affairs Minister Kabinga Pande as possible candidates to replace Mr. Banda.
With people like the short chap he is with, forget!
MMD bouncing back, NO WAY this will happen.
2016 is very far away. PF is likely to lose some support as they may fell to perform to expectations. With only about 5 MPs difference between PF and MMD, it is possible for MMD to gain ground.. If MMD holds onto their MPs, they can easily win a few more at 2016, may be even some by elections.
Mutati is right.
You ve had your chance. 20 years is no joke.forget it Mutati! you failed the people of Zambia.
#3 contd. Also remember that already, some people who voted for Sata have said on this blog that they would not vote for him again. We need to be realistic, Sata may not get as many votes again. Some of those votes could go to MMD and UPND at 2016. Also there could be a few 100,000s if not 1 million plus newly registered voters coming of age at 2016. Juist like at 2011 such youths found Sata to be the best thing since sliced bread!! No history of 3rd term, Chawama matchets, Nakawala, Christopher Chawinga, Sata’s K2bn cash from Parliament, his holy alliance with FTJ etc etc. That’s demographics changes and their impact on elections for you. You discount MMD at 2016 at your peril.
IF PF failed, i would go for elias chipimos party and not MMD. the way UNIP has drawned, thats exactly the way iwe chimutati MMD will sink. 5 years is alot that mmd will not be head.For your own information, only foolish people cant see what PF is doing. we dont want fi president fi kuwe but those who dont fear like king cobra (sata)
What has PF done mwe bantu? Nothing all that is going on is MMD progrmmes and MMD budget which they have tried to distort a bit. Shame on you.
on conditon that you unite with upnd.
Another bemba trying to rule. Quick at getting responsibilities but poor at delivering. Very quick and swift to claim the glory of other peoples achievements.
No.3. Good annalysis, PF watchout and do things properly to avoid it to happen at all cost.
all you need is a very strong united opposition- mmd/upnd combination is the best if you are to make it. in the just ended elections mmd&upnd shared the rural votes and this created an opportunity for pf to win.
Those who want to ignore us , do it at your own peril.
Zambians are not as gulluble as you thing and remember about 60% didn’t vote for this government. Zambians now know that they can kick out anybody in power. So far all the 90 days bubble has burst , and they are now telling us that it meant initiating development and projects , that is what they meant. Great one PF , they call it politics. So many promise broken already. Kaponyas are not seeing more money into their pockets. PF is a one term party and we will be back come 2016 for now people will realise how we run the economy well and left over $2billion in reserves after inheriting a bankrupt nation.
I think this man is just an MMD blind follower, you are right by saying that the people know when to kick out the Govt, but you should have known this when u called others KAPONYAS while eating popcorns, so now you are watching from outside the same kaponyas…..its not the kaponyas who have power but the people…common poor Zambian. So do us a big favour and zip your shit hole.
You need serious help man. Check into morningside at your earliest opportunity. You have this tendancy of calling PF supporters ‘Kaponya’. You’re so narrow minded and choose to avoid facts at hand. MMD lost because they took the electorate (who you refer to as Kaponyas), they did not want to listen. RB single handedly took control of MMD just like Chiluba did. Many of us(not so sure about you) were there from the very begining of MMD, we knew what the party was about but lost direction along the way. 20 years is a lot for MMD to have brought significant change but they failed. So you enjoy all that popcorn on the outside and remember that PF is in power for now.
insanity laid bear!
If we agree to be level headed and objective, it will help us to debate the future of Zed politics even better.
Elections are about numbers. Elias Chipimo seems a nice guy but it is not easy to see how he can master a following large enough to compete with MMD at 2016. He is not a sort of Michael Sata. MCS is a veteran politician, Chipimo is a starting where HH started, only he does not ahve a party to inherit. If say, Mutati led MMD at 2016, it will be difficult for Chipimo. So the main contenders will most likely be MMD vs PF. If MMD strongly believe they have a chance at 2016 and so remain united, they could give PF a good run for their money.
Let’s not bring tribe into every topic! Let’s judge a leader not on the basis of his or her tribe but on what his Party stands for and what he or she can deliver if elected Republican President. We should vote for the best in 2016 be it a Luvale, Lozi, Bemba, Kaonde, Tonga, Chewa, Tumbuka, Lenje, candidate etc.. no disrespect to the tribes I have not mentioned. The fact is we vote for a REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT and NOT a TRIBAL WARLOAD or KING!
there is nothing with mutati expressing his opinion but there everything for someone to make tribal sentiments about mutati’s statement plz pipo we are only one currently united by 73 tribes if u feel its high time yr tribe took over sale yr candidante for elections to de pipo of zambia they vote him or her
Perhaps with a different party name not MMD. You are still gasping and MMD will completly be dead in less than one year. One has to gasp before death..
# 11: Your analysis is fundamentally flawed. In the first place you created a voter’s register that had gost voters. So the percetages to not add any value to the status quo. With such a high turnout you cannot understand why the voer’s register was in excess of 5.5m people. Without PVT you could have been in power; albeit fraudulently. Each day that passes we see the evidence of the mediocrity and utter stupidity of the then key decision makers who looked educated on paper but had greed right through their actions, decisions and lifestyles. We, the innocent, had suffered enough at your Mwadya Mweka Daddy’s rule for 20 years. Granted, we would have proposed a firing squad for blood suckers like Shikapwasha, Chanda Chibwi. hear that?
But we know that he knows, but the fact that he knows does not make him a better person, infact it just shows how evil that man is. And the Zambian people now know him, the young acted out of ignorance. But not next time. They did not know what they were looking for.
Mutati has always been a sensible guy. He is the only politician I have seen in Zed who always addresses meetings without a written speech, and consistently. Figures and facts just come naturally from his head and logically. Quite some guy.
I like the guy too. He is a good brain and if he can lead MMD, PF will have a serious opponent to deal with.
No. 11
“PF is a one term party and we will be back come 2016 for now people will realise how we run the economy well and left over $2 billion in reserves after inheriting a bankrupt nation.”
The only person gullible here is you and your corrupt party, $2 billion in reserves is that something to be proud of when your people are living in poverty. How can you sing about having a fat bank balance when your children are eating Nshima with beans everyday, typical MMD selfish Mindset.
Some bloggers think MMD will die like UNIP. Could someone explain how?
We could be comparing oranges to apples here. There’s a big ideological difference between UNIP and other parties. Ideologically, PF and MMD are the same, just that MMD became complacent and lost touch with the people. UNIP is socialist – humanism, the other parties are capitalist market oriented. Socialism died with the end of the cold war, in the main. We are staring at the collapse of a philosophy here. Humanism just can’t cut it now.
The biggest threat or risk to MMD is their MPs crossing over to PF. This can be overcome or minimised if they pick a leader who inspires them with confidence. Leadership is what will make or break MMD between now and 2016.
True. UNIP’s situation was totally different to MMD’s. PF never won on a landslide to make MMD or UPND go into oblivion. PF start has been very shaky. If PF and their supporters discard MMD they will be doing so at theirown peril.
Mutati, please stop hurting yourself!
#16 Kaya. Good points. But once you are president, performance is what will make or break you at future elections. KK, RB (and even FTJ’s 3rd term bid) lost because of not-so-good performance. Sata will need to perform in a way that satisfies voters. Also lets home he rigs elections. Its tempting when the going gets tough.
Meant to say “Lets hope he doesn’t rig elections.
Him and FTJ were accused of that.
mmd coming back???kaya!!!lol
This goon doesent stop to amaze. Whenever he opens his mouth, he sounds like a PF cadre. Even Dora siliya can be better. Let this chap join PF. That where he belongs
Mutati you are sick in your head. Just join PF quickly. You make me sick
#16 KAYA – Sata can try but it will be tough for him. Remember that other parties are also not just sitting down watching him scheming. For all I know, at 76 he will be too old to think clearly and match the energy of younger candidates. He will only win if he rigs the elections. That is the truth. If the constitution gets passed before 2016, we are more likely to have a coalition government after 2016. Plus other tribes are becoming more and more aware and wanting to be in power as well. 2016 is going to be tough, very tough. It won’t be the kind of elections we have had so far since 1991. The only way Sata can get awya with it is if he dilly-dallys to pass a new constitution – which I suspect is what is going to happen. They are all the same at the end of the day – same tricks!
MMD to bounce back?where?lets give chance to other new political parties not the former ruling party,past is past,no returning back.We vomited MMD and we are not dogs which eats what they vomit.can somebody challenge me over this matter.if we are dogs then we shall vote them back but if we are human beings,then lets move foward,what is so special about MMD?
# 5, sorry to remind you that most of the people on the blogs are not even there in Zambia but in Diaspora and will never vote at all. The voters are in Zambia which means that no matter how much you try to discredit the Government in power in your cheap papers, it will never have any impact at all. So cheating yourself that votes will ever come from the comments that you post on the blogs.
Trade unions in Zambia especially on Copperbelt have said they feel cheated on some campaign promises – like Windfall tax. If Sata promised to maintain same status quo with the Chinese he was not going to get the votes from those who were not happy with the Chinese. He may have got some votes from those who believed he will do the Barotse Agreement good.
Things like that are likely to affect PF at 2016. Just being objective here. Political observations. Meantime, let’s support PF’s govt. But keep 2016 in sight.
i think Mutati is a fool. he was one o fthose in MMD and is this how people look for jobs. Mutati you are a fool
What about Sata wasn’t he one of those MMDs? Where is he now. Mutati is even better than Sata.
Whom is in PF who wasn’t in MMD?
Sonya Mu Chitoyi. blockers do not votes. infact that is not the motive. they are there to just give advise and critisise. it normal, rember its a democratic country. so why worry. kupusa
another state funeral in zambia for sata
Well, well, well dear blogers PF has already started delivering to the majority the MMD government marginalised. I can rest assure you that PF has a Master Plan to transform Zambia in a way that it would be extremely difficult for any party or a consortium of political parties to unseat PF in the next 20 years. Indeed MICHAEL is a seasoned politician and a ‘political genuis’. He has the heart to serve not to take away. Its almost two months the man has not gone on holiday like some people. He has served billions of kwacha by to gravanting. Wait and see how Zed gets tranformed. Viva HE MCS.
Im not in Zed at the moment and i can prodly say my family back home are happy with Sata, he has a heart for a common Zambian and does not please any bootlickers because Iam certain Sata does not steal like KAFUPI and VASCO DABANDA did. If Sata restores the respect of the police and Judicially no one will remove him from power by voting him out. If he sticks to his campaign promises then the Zambia we love will be transformed. U have my support even though im away. Go PF Go.
The key to MMD survival hinges on the type of President it will elect/select. MMD is now broke so its need a is resourceful, charismatic and a visionary leader. These are some of the qualities that will compile an average zedian to voluntarly rally behind MMD. Other it will die a natural death like UNIP.
MMD can not bounce back to power in the next 20 generations. It has been dealt a fatal blow. Mutati is just wishfully thinking. Reasons why MMD is gone forever:
1. Corruption has undermined its core
2. Soon it may be declared bankrupt since its financial muscle it pretended to have when it was in power was based on misappropriation of state resources.
3. Reorganizing the party will meet mammoth challenges which will include financial constraints, defections to other parties especially the ruling party by opportunists, cowards and criminals trying to run away from prosecution for the crimes they committed when the party was in power
4. MMD is now bereft of original people who formed it and who espoused the original party objectives.
Great comment. 1st time someone has explained why MMD would disappear.
Mutati 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wapya munzi ba kaponya PF with you 90 days. You ahve neglicted the youths who voted for you. You have borught in old men with walking sticks back into govt. Retirement age at 65 yeras, when will be the youths from collges and Unversities going to work??
MMD will bounce back Zambians. The political landscape in Zambia is changing rapidly than most of African states. One reason attributing to this trend is the political awareness of fundamental democratic values cherished by Zambians acting as drivers to this development. The MMD is a peoples party whose roots are that of Good governance, Rule of law, Accountability and Transparency. This is the only party whose genesis is founded on people’s views, opinions and resolve. However, along the way the party was highjacked and individuals were allowed to be above the set standards of the party. Spill over style of politics from UNIP contributed to the dilution of what the party stands for. The entire leadership from PF came from MMD and now implement MMD solid policies.
“One reason attributing to this trend is the political awareness of fundamental democratic values cherished by Zambians acting as drivers to this development.”
Great comment!
Any party in Zambia can not do away with the carefully crafted policies of MMD that were aclaimed intenationally to be a becon of democracy in Africa. Having said that leadership in MMD lost it and the well versed Zambians in democratic principles used votes to oust leadership of MMD. As at now Zambians voted in reaction to bad leadership in the last govt and will examine what PF govt can deliver. The beginning of PF in govt undobtedly is trial and run and Zambians are already talking about it. Their expectations have not been met in the short-time and we are yet to see in mid-term and PF govt has to do much better than what they have demonstrated so far to achieve a long-term legacy. A new leadership in MMD will be the team to watch and zambians know what MMD delivered.
The RENNAISCENCE in MMD and post election analysis and remedial action to disassociate the party from unprincipled oppotunists as stated by Felix Mutati is what will bounce MMD back. Young, well articulated, intelligent, educated leadership of the party will provide robust threat to PF’s lapses as witnessed by Zambians and have bring back New MMD into power for the hope of Zambians.
Can’t agree more. Actually Mutati seems to have the depth to understand what went wrong with MMD, which you have ably summarised here.
“Young, well articulated, intelligent, educated leadership of the party will provide robust threat to PF’s ….”
If MMD can constitute such a leadership, they will be unplayable. It may even be advisable for Elias Chipimo to join MMD. My opinion.
MMD is better off dead deservedly. They betrayed the people of Zambia who gave them power. MMD is dead and any body who thinks this party has a chance to bounce back in power is simply hallucinating. Zambians are ultra sharp and patient. MMD was allowed 20 years in which to prove their mettle, they failed. What gives you confidence that they will do well if voted again after such a dismal performance? No ways! This is a party that must come to terms and accept that they are failures and willingly go into extinction. Only close relatives and friends can vote for MMD.
PF is yet to prove itself. It’s a long way to 2016.
Besides, the strength of character is in bouncing back from defeat. MMD did not suffer a fatal blow. The difference between PF and MMD is only about 5 MPs. In developed democracies, that’s close. If only 3 of those swang to MMD, they could be in power. No?
I think mmd has more chances of bouncing back than UPND’s chances of ever forming government In our lifetime. It’s crucial for MMD’s survival to avoid at all cost getting iinto a pact with UPND because by they’ll come out bruised the worst. There’s no reason to suggest mmd will go into abyss UNIP style, they will be here for a long time beicause they are a national party.
politicians have become very obsesed with power. Zambians will be unrealistic to vote MMD back in power. PF will win 2016. the comes Chipimo. MMD you’ve done your part
I agree with you, if their intentions are to be accountable and save the people of Zambia they wouldnt be so obbsesed with power but we all know the reason why this is so……….TO STEAL AND ENRICH THEMSELVES. MMD should never be allowed to rule again, the peoples president Mwanawasa unfortunately passed away when we needed him most. So the only person who has values that Mwanawasa had at the moment is Sata. He has my support and not these MMD thieves.
Chipimo is over rated. Can he compete with Mutati? Can he come up with 100 MPs?
# 34 Kulaumone excellent analysis
Eyes on Chipimo not $ again with unprecdented developments
The trends will tell and so far the defeated MMD areas will continue to fade into PF and opposition voter fatigue in these areas may set in if the PF does better. The by-election in Southern Province shall be a good indicator though early in the PF rule.
(i)We’ll be back!
Mutati and group go ahead with the postmortem then thereafter organise elections for all party structures,thirdly,change the watch symbol it doesnot move with time,try to rebrand the party and sell it to the grassroot. We are not UNIP and MMD is not a family party. Then come 2016 we shall bounce back.
We will be back.
MMD back?? Well they have a mountain to climb as they failed Zambian people for 20 years. I see MMD ending up like UNIP. Just wait for 2016. They don’t even have money as a party within the 1st two Months??? Wonder how they will re-organize themselves.
Good Luck MMD cadres.
The worry i have with MMD is the witchhunt which is going on where everyone wants to put the blame on RB.If you lose an election,it’s everyones blame because everyone could have played a part in making it win.If this issue is addressed quickly and people stop crossing over to Pf,then i see no reason why MMD should fail to come back.People have already seen the performance of Pf and with the rate at which we are going,i don’t see them Running Zambia for another 5 years.They have injured a lot of people,including their die hard supporters within short time and i can foresee many Lodges and Guest Houses closing which will make people lose business and this will in turn lead to Job losses.
It is possible. Please let it be Mutati and Pande as vice coz the majority of voters are the youth and to me Mutati is more appealing to the youth than Pande. However, with Pande you are assured of North Western vote. Mutati can also get us the elite vote. Not Nevers Mumba please! Dr. Musokotwane for national chairperson. Please Lusambo just enjoy a few kwacha from Nevers but we need a man who has what it takes to win the youth, elites and international community. Mutati and Pande can do it. Nevers Mumba can be given other roles. Ba Chewe just concentrate on your business. Dont think that if Sata and GBM did it then you can also do it. it is a mistake that Zambians intend to rectify come elections.
You wish you could bounce back, forget it!
mutati mmd will bounce back in your dreams
I won’t argue that MMD , UNIP and even a combined oppozition can wrestle power from PF, but certainly not in the next 20-30 yearz.
The advantage PF haz iz that they have a prezident (the Republican President now) who haz served in both previous governments at any level one can think of, and so he’z well aware of all what it takes to work for the people.
for now i agree, MMD will bounce back to power in 2041, unlike its’ UNIP counterpartwhich will never rule Zambia again. for now its PF until 2041
MMD bouncing back? In your dreams!
Dream on Mutati. Indeed denial is not only with HIV, remember that is what UNIP was saying as well but where are they. Dream on
ba feligo i thought mwalikwata amano nomba chaba shani? u dont know that the pipo of zambia have now realised that mmd has nothing to offer them. i think if u went to villeges now u eve prove me ryt bcoz everywhere now is “dont kubeba.” u are naturaly wise but what u shud do now is to join the part that will suit yo wisdom nonti ubobuwelewele bwiswile mu mmd. pipo lyk D Siliya, kuda (the red riped),shikapwasha,Banda wiliiam and one Bwezzy ar the ones who made u lose and as long as these are members of your party u will never go anywhere. do u think u ar heading any where use yo wisdom wisely and in a ryt party not mulibapompwe pantu naimwe mwalabipilamofye ishina. and wat as happened ku chongwe u dnt have any cadidate why? this is your decline
If we look at numbers, MMD is only 3 MPs away from being in govt. The current difference between PF and MMD is about 5 MPs. If 3 of those went to MMD, they can form govt. Numbers don’t lie do they? So MMD can bounce back.
MMD has these problems to face, They have been surviving on tax payers money and have no means of making money of their own. With the politics of the belly we are going to see a lot of opportunists crossing over to the PF for jobs. Voters like to be associated with the winning team so the voting pattern is likely to change. PF are unlikely to stop campaigning unlike RB who went to sleep for too long. It is very likely that the economy of Zambia will improve in the coming years with copper prices projected to rise even further. There are a few remaining MMD founder members with dedication enough to pump in money and Chinese have already shifted camp to who they are funding.
Viva Mr. Next President of Zambia. Felix Mutati
I am the next president, General Swiper the Fox, at least I would have ruled Zambia in a dream. Dream on of you cant get there like me.
Dream on. Once bitten twice shy. I dont think the Zambian people will put their trust in again
in mmd again