President Michael Sata has revoked the appointment of Dr Simon Kamwendo Miti as Zambia’s Ambassador-Designate to Switzerland. In revoking the appointment, the President directed the Secretary to the Cabinet Dr Joshua Kanganja to furnish him with a full report regarding Dr Miti’s employment status in the Civil Service.
This was contained in a press statement released to the media by the president’s special assistant for press.
Dr Miti has been on forced leave since 2009 following investigations into the financial scam which occurred at the Ministry of Health during his tenure as Permanent Secretary.
President Sata has further demanded for an update from law enforcement agencies on the matter.
Meanwhile, President Sata today swore-in 40 senior officers from the Zambia Security Intelligence Service (ZSIS). During the swearing-in ceremony at State House, President Sata emphasised the need for high standards of integrity, professionalism and ethics in the intelligence.
“Mr Director-General you have to refocus how you want to run the intelligence. As Commander-in-Chief, I want intelligence officers who will fit in any situation. In short, I want an all-weather intelligence officer,” the President said.
“We need an intelligence service which the country can depend on. And Zambia Security Intelligence Service must coordinate all other intelligence networks existing in government ministries.”
Get to know facts before appointments.
Well done king cobra
PF try and error governance ……………..
May be that is why Sata needs this intelligence. But the Miti story was an open story which didnt require a lot of intelligence
Too bad for Dr Miti. I thought the intelligence people had cleared him before he was appointed!
honestly speaking that has been a good move,Mr president i gave u my vote for change,some appointments need to be checked,i believe all thoz that have cases before the courts of law shuld not be appointed into servise until the cases are disposed off.U seriously need to looked at the appointment of Emmanuel Mwamba,for nw u ken revok and wait until court case is ova..Presidential advisers please do yo job professionally,its too early to let the big man make an appointment and u-turn a few days later,be bold enafu to advise truthfully thats the change we voted for,otherwise thumbs up to PF govt.atleast things a changing
Ok am confused here, what is going on? Who appointed him ambassador to Swaziland in the first place? Was it RB or Sata? If it was RB then I can understand, but if it was Sata, then why and how come? Where was he when this guy was in the media about Kapoko’s case. As far as I know Kapoko’s case is still in court. Why would the president think this guy was in the clear and decide to make him a diplomat. I hope the Wife was not involved in twisting Sata to send her former boss into diplomatic service. Can somebody dig more on this one if it is Sata who appointed him
He listens when people complain!NOT NJALA YAMUNYOKOLA whenever people disagree with the head of state
Rubbish, Your MCS was testing the waters. He thought Zambian had forgotten. Now that he has been caught with his pants down he is trying to pretend to be a listening leader
Good move Mr. President
:-? chashupa…How is this ‘game’ going to be played?
There is something wrong with the president. His actions show lack of consultation. I shudder for my country. Mr. President if you want to crack jokes please join the circus. You are head of state with the entire government machinery at your disposal how can you be commiting errors in appointments almost on daily basis. First it was on Mr. Chungu and now Dr. Miti. Does it not bother you to excite people and then disappont them? You did the same to Mrs. Sherry Thole. Mr. President there is still a lot of goodwill from Zambians towards your government do not lose it
You have an opposition (UPND & MMD) willing to support you to govern. When they observe an anomaly they always advice but you never listen. Do a self soul searching and seriously reflect on the manner you have distributed government and other available positions. They are tilted towards Northern Province.
Hmmm, quite embarassing! there is something wrong with this man! you appoint and revoke within 48hrs…making sense.
Number 8 is right. Njala yakunyokala was sturbon. Old for nothing. He thought thats the way but he was a mooba
Recent appointments are quite shocking. What happened to profile research and induction before posting? ZED has had questionable representatives i.e. dancing FOOL sent to German, UNESCO, Northern Province and others that we are yet to know.
meant not making sense, post #13
You mean Sata never heard of Miti’s thieving. Please do a thorough background check on people before appointments. This is disgusting!
Honestly how could RB appoint Miti into foreign service before the man is cleared of theft by Public servant. I heard that after investigations the security people went to arrest Miti and charge him, thats when they received a call from state house that they should not arrest him. that was after Kapoko had just been arrested. I smelt a rat. What was RB hiding, Miti as PS was the controlling officer in the minstry, how could he not know what was happening with the money. Mit had amassed too much wealth you can’t imagin
Miya, it was Sata who appointed him to foreign service and has just rescinded his decision. Get facts before complaining.
Do you even know who is in office? or you don’t live in Zambia? or your just commenting without reading SATA is the one who appointed him swore him in without getting his facts straight.Read the story before you rush to comment.
This man is mad I thought before the appointment is made one has to be cleared by the security agencies in this case it means he didn’t consult. The opposition will be laughing at us every day making mistakes here and there. However, rescind the Emmanuel Mwmba appointment as well cases still in court. Miti is now going to have a stroke and will not be evacuated to south. Moreover, we need new people in govt why always same people.
Well done MR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEXT DROP MWAMBA AS WELL.
This is shocking.I thought this man was on forced leave because of a scandle at the Ministry of Health?Why did Sata appoint him? This man was all over the news and Sata was very much aware of this fact.Is the President ok? What’s going on Guys? Why all these lapses by our President? First it was Chungu,now it is Miti.Was it because some information were leaked to the media?
Ba Chanda Beu. It is not Swaziland. It is Switzerland. Anyway, it is embarassing for the president to keep making these mistakes. I am sure there is an established consultative process he is suppose to follow before making an appointment with the employing department, Justice Ministry, intelligence Services etc.
Its a very good decision the president has taken most of all he’s still have an hear for the people. Well done, this what we want to see in the future
You are really a listening president!! God will give you more days Mr president.Bloggers???? Let us give credit where it is due.The man is working hard and do not know whether you are sleeping just to ensure that things move.
I think there is some conspiracy at cabinent office or Public management service division. i am begining to suspect Dr. Kanganja is upto no good. the president makes appoiments based on recomendations from these baffons after looking into service records of indivuduals. Bakolwe they are taking advatage of PF stance of no cadrelism of appoinmts. Ba***** are making all scandalise appointments to embarrass Mr. Sata. i wonder where Winter has gone. Please drop Mwamba. the guy is nuseausating to say the least. he has become vocal to show that he is working. cheating people about employment. who told him that a provincial PS employs. its the public establishmt division you fool. you can only employ CDs. Chilekalipa sana.
Kateka aletusebanya, should carry out thorough homework to avoid embarrassing himself.
Don’t worry Mwamba is to dropped very soon.
Is there no clearance procedure before employment or appointment? Does the president consult his advisors? It will save him embarrassments like this.
The sword, which is the voice of the people vested in the presidential powers, should cut across all suspects with justice and righteousness….No double standards. Ifi sonso mu ma corridors of civil service is too much…maybe ba president needs a big bloom with hard thistles to pick micro details and push them into the bin.
this attitude of hiring and firing the next moment should come to an end. You can’t appoint and disappoint at the same time Please Satana consult before you appoint
Its also unfair tom the family. imagine the joy of the wife and kids that they are moving to Switzerland
This is unfair to the family. Oh the joy of the wife and kids that they are moving to Switzerland!
Now imagine also their embarrassment at work and at school. Mr President please spare them.
Kolwestan comedy of errors indeed.
You are right. This is a comedy of errors indeed. I end here!
Good move but I ave some criticism. Why is the President making appointments before checking the suitability of the appointees. These appointments and reversals are now surely becoming an embarrasement much as they show that the President does listen to the pipo
Well i am happy the president heard our cry and dropped the appointment.A good sign of a listening president.I give him kudos for this.At least he has proved that he is not like RB who refused to drop Dora despite a wide outcry from the citizens.
Zambians do not be shocked or disgusted, I forewarned you on the path our country is embarking on through Mr Sata PF govt. Appointments,dismisals and disolutions is the wholemark of PF govt’s legacy to remember. OBJECTIVE:To get rid of corruption by appointing more corrupt people and questionable individuals(Zambians know them eg. Cungu, Mwamba and others) ACHIEVEMENT: Complex and subtle Coruption difficult to detect.
Who is BOZ governor? Zambia without cetral bank governor is hard to believe and its a source of concern for those of us in the profession to envisage.
What about that letter he did writer to RB?
i think am now starting to feel pity for our dear president.this not funny anymore for me
too much corruption in satas’ head.
hire,fire and then consult , is sata’s slogan!
HE MCS needs help in his setup at the presidency. There is a clearly missing link between what Zambia wants, and what he is being told to do as a CEO. Sadly, we seem to have no investigative journalists to unravel this cause for serious errors in decision making at State House. One does not need to be a bishop to know that Miti, Kapoko, Mwamba, Chungu, Siliya, RB, etc are all of the same feather.
Perhaps we need a new intelligence organization to ensure that te prsident is well informed on anything he says or does. Our services appear to be riddled with incompetence and looking at how thugs and crooks have led Zambia since 1991, I do not see any 2 Kwacha worth of an organization at Zambia;s intel.
Why is the cake being shared by the same people years on end? Why is the learned Secretary to Cabinet Dr Kanganja so visionless as to keep track on his retiring civil service work force as to provide a reserve of retirees to serve in other capacities? Instead of considering an increment to retirement age only meant to stall benefits payouts for the next 10 years, cabinet office could have maintained a good data base of its managerial civil servants from which the appointing authority could have a well grounded source of personnel to choose from and avoid accusations of nepotism but cabinet office is neither helping nor considering rewarding its retirees. The cake would then be sampled by many including some cadres
OK this makes the HE MCS look silly. He obvious knew about Dr Miti’s link to the Kapoko case. Why appoint him and then revoke his appointment in a matter of hours. Who is responsible for such clumsiness? Shouldn’t someone’s head roll? There’s nothing to praise HE MCS in this matter!
hiring and firing. thats all you are good for. let guy scott run the important issues
Miti was able to buy trucks for in use on the mines using funds from MOH! This is plain for all to see if they enquired. He is a crook, and for Sata to have been this absent minded is really a great misdeed for the Zambian people. Is our president suffering from dementia? He appears unable to understand the processes that he must use before appointing anybody.
Hopefully the family did not hold farewell parties or sold household goods. Maids retrenched and dependants dispatched to the village. Spent hours studying maps of Switzerland, the culture, exchange rates etc.
Dont they have the right to sue teh govt for stress, inconvenience, disturbedness and embarrassment. Can even call it harrassment since Sata knew all about Miti.
That is the problem of working alone and also having too much power. I see some applause by some bloggers on the so-called good work. Is it for appointing and disappointing or both or whatever? In Quality Management people are taught the aspect of ‘gettting it right first time’, but I wonder if we have quality principles at the highest level in Zed. It is more like trial and error or fyala isova. More like a comedy show that we have I must say except it is not funny. Or it could even be the onset/full blown senility somewhat somewhere. God help us.
The only sensible thing he has done is by making Dr Chitala Mbita as per my father’s text to be the British High Commision to the UK
I think this is another embarssing episode in the president.
The country is a joke, I refute being associated with it, ho can blame me?
Why r u being nice all of a sudden?
Yeah we cannot blame you but we can just despise you! I end here!
Ifyaku rivoka rivoka ubwingi ba Pulezidenti Yaaba!
if zambiansin the diaspora know about the scandal in the MOH involing Dr simon Miti then President Sata sholud have a good idea tha we do. we do not have short memeries like politicians.Miti stole so much that he became un touchable. he is sly and a liar he wrote a letter to RB pleading for his dear life and job ati bamayo balifwa, my wife was involved in RTa, but forgot to mention his mistress by who he has 2 chilldren. Miti if it wereher ngawalikakwa. Someone said at alipanda ubuloshi, he even fooled ba sata, umulandu taubola. how incompetent were you that kapoko and et al stole right under your fat ugly nose and you had no clue?
commander -in -chief indeed..hahahaha..how come he didn’t know..?
thats the picture. i of dr miti attendng a police inerrogation at central police regarding the K24 billion at MOH in 2009, i did predict then that he would be scott free!
this president is a fool. seriously how do you make an appointment then ask for consultations later. this sata is mad truly and who are around this man when he is making all these mistakes?
Are you all surprised? If you were expecting Sata to do things differently then you should have your heads checked quickly at Chainama. The man is simply confirming to you what he truly is. Infact all the “reversals” he has made so far are cosmetic and the only reason he has done so because his friend Mmembe the post “advise” him to do so. He couldn’t have done so if anybody else did complain.
# 45 read your comments before you hit ‘submit’. Who or what is “British High Commission to the UK”? I have never heard of such a position.I didn’t know that Britain sends a High Commission (Commissioner?) to the UK. I didn’t know Mbita Chitala was British either. Judging by comments on this blog,I don’t even know why am responding to your post.
# 53 above second last sentence should read “judging by your comments on this blog…..”
#54 above it should actually read “last sentence…..”
The long time head complaints by pipo close to SATA have started proving correct. SATA has poor leadership qualities. FTJ sidelined him and many others said he was not fit based on their associations with him.
He needs to quickly change before he is beaten by his own poison.
You should wait at least a month to celebrate your appointment when it’s absolutely clear your position won’t be reversed. I am now beginning to have serious reservations about our president’s mental healthy. As head of state he is privy to first class information. How come then all these repeated errors of judgement? For a person who is allergic to corruption he has penchant for attracting and hiring the most corrupt people. At this rate Zambia will stagnate or worse, collapse.
Doc Miti, congrats for curing Sata’s corruption allergy.
the best way to rule in africa is by disorganised organised system. and SATA is good at it.
I would be wise if the President can do his consultation before appointing people into higher offices
My understanding is that in appointments of this nature, (as Minister Kambwili said), the receiving country has first to accept the person being proposed for diplomatic posting, before the appointment is confirmed. Could it be that the revocation could have been necessitated by rejection of Miti by the Swiss government? Mind you, the misapplied Global Fund (which our govt admitted and even refunded) is headquartered in Geneva, and it’s possible they may have rejected Miti on basis of corrupt acts!… Just my view!
I think the president was more concerned with the way Dr. Miti took care of him when he suffered from that terrible heart condition during the reign of the late Mwanawasa. The man took care of him and saw him off at the airport when most of us were fast asleep. That is enough to make Sata forget whatever is going on in the courts of law against this man. Whenever he sees Miti he remembers the agonising pain and how the man intervened as PS, then, of MOH. How would you do it if you were in his shoes? I have personally found room in my heart to forgive him.
what starts first,appointment or assessment of someone.i hope we i never made the same mistake when i voted SATA into power.coz i refused to reason this time coz i really wanted RB OUT,when i voted for the late MWANAWASA i reasoned.looks like our president is doing the same.
same mistakes,were are his advisors,have they become bootlickers so soon,for fear of being fired?
I honestly remain convinced Sata is very sick, in the head. If this is allergy to corruption ebele, then please I beg to be shown wedded to corruption. The lumpen is a disaster. And by the way, it was Switzerland that rejected the accreditation of that stinking thief to Geneva forcing Zondwe leak his open wounds.
Good evening
Before we all get carried away with emotions over the lecture at hand, here is a list that I came accross in a German newspaper today featuring 5 of the worst International Airports.
You may be glad (like I was) to learn that Kenneth Kaunda International is not amongst them!
1. Charles de Gaulle – Paris
2. Los Angeles International Airport
3. London Heathrow
4.Toncontin International (Honduras)
5. Ninoy Aquino International – Manila, Philippines.
The list was compiled with respect to airstrip safety, congestion, service, hygiene, building architecture, travellers satisfaction, etc.
Koma zo ono
PF government especially SATA does not seem to know what he is doing. For sure they don’t have a system for checking the integrity of somebody beofore making an appointment. My advise is that let them come up with a system of appointing people who are honest. Even a simple check list of the required attributes of somebody to be appointed would do. Or else twasebana ba PF. Where are the advisors of the president?
Take a close look at the president, especially his eyes…..the man is very scared to work as president. That is why he sent Guy Scot to Malawi pretending the Malawian president pissed him off by calling him prohibited immigrant. The guy will disappoint us at very high fora!
How come this man is appointing thieves, some of them with court cases hanging over them.Who are his advisors?I havent been to Zambia for 25 years and yet am aware of the DRs crimes. How can i take this man serious?Hes better than RB though,but must raise his game. i will soon lose respect
I am glad that this president listens to advice
Guy Scott – it is time for you to retire from active politics.
There is NO WAY the Zambian people can continue to be robbed, by not receiving $1.3 BILLION, PER YEAR, from the mining sector. If we get $200 million in royalties, we are still LOSING out $1.1 BILLION A YEAR.
Saying that $200 million is ‘enough’, or claiming that taxing WORKERS INCOME TAX equates to taxing the mines is the DUMBEST, STUPIDEST CONCEIT IMAGINEABLE.
Does this guy think we are stupid?
Guy Scott, you are in office to extract $1.3 billion a year from the mining sector. Everything else is extra. That is your task.
Now do it, or step aside!
#65, No one knows about our airport; there are only two international flights per day carrying Zambian shoppers to Joburg and Dubai and a few to UK.
In football, see a player introduced and withdrawn immediately before he even kicks a ball!
We have a very dull president, very dull indeed. We reaping for voting for recycled politicians, they can never bring anything new. He is not a listening president but one who makes embarrassing decisions. Lack of education is evident here.
Neo-Conservertisim at work. the president should consider recruiting gratuates. Zambia has many without jobs. Many from UNZA, Australia and other countries and Many educated civil servants who can perform well.
But why did he appoint him in the first place?
I am getting worried now! This thief has to be sent to jail. I now believe Xavier Chungu was given a position as well.
I am PF through and through but I am getting really worried now!
# 62 that know makes sense
@Nine Chale.
Charles de Gaulle – Paris is one of the best Airports I have even been to. They have facilities Heathrow and Gatwick don`t have. My son enjoyed PS3 on line for about an hour. Now don`t say that to people in Zed! Going on line on PS3 is a dream in Zed. Not even for minister`s children!
Great airport!
Toilets, yaba, public toilets in France stink!
Simple advise to SATA. Let all his appointments be subjected to scrutiny by his independent advisors if he has any before final announcements of the appointments.
Calamity Mike! One blunder after another. Has been in the same country and reading the same news papers as the rest of his compatriots?
Dr Joshua Kanganja IS A GONNER.
@Saint. Their airport is better than what you get in Britain. You probably havent been to Heathrow!
you probably haven’t see Baiyun, Peking or Pudong!!!
Govt’s lack of a robust vetting process is worrisome.
Another real challenge Sata is facing is the lack of indigenous PF qualified and experienced professionals who can take up various positions. Isn’t this why some of you call them kaponya’s and rightly so. Our hope is that whatever appointments the president makes are not marred with controversy, but benefit the people of Zambia. Those of you mourning about the calibre of the appointees you have every right to submit your resumes to Statehouse to be considered for future positions.
It is amazing how people create excuses to try and defend an act that can’t be defendable in anyway. Mr Sata does not know how to run the affairs on a nation. He does not understand that talking to his advisors and seeking guidance is very much part of good decision making. And I assume that he thinks people will see him as weak or indecisive if he did so. That is one of many of his failures and if that doesn’t change. Blunders will continue. PF cadres learn to call a spade a spade and not praising mr Sata as a listening President for reversing a decision he shouldn’t have made in the first place without consulting.
#73 I love it! Great rebuttal!
This president is an embarassment to himself and the country as a whole. Five more years of this kind of uselessness will be painful. Now he wants to censor outlets like this one because bloggers speak freely and he can’t stomach the truth. We will continue blogging from this end Mr. President and there is nothing you can do about it. Infact I will personally startup a website dedicated to “fact checks” on the PF government with servers stationed where the filthy hands of your chola boys can’t reach. Welcome to the Internet age!
BAD: He appointed Dr Miti when it’s public knowledge that the man was linked to corruption on several occasions during his service in government.
GOOD: He seems to listen to the outcry of the people, he is different from the ‘stubborn’ ‘njala yamunyonkola’ nyama soya!
Read the story, its incomplete do not rush to judgement. God bless you “know it all” fellows.
the only person who has been in UNIP,MMD and PF govts Sata with his old way of doing things.This is 21st centuary learn 2 consult your advisers if at all you have any
presido i disagree with you, give Dr Miti another chance. If i may ask where were you when Miti was apointed?
Our beloved President needs to go back in tour to connect with the people. He needs advisors who will tell him the truth and facts about his decisions. All appointees should be vetted and scrutinised before annoncement to avoid continuous embrassement. We all have goodwill for him to succeed but he needs to get his house in order, as his honeymoon is fading fast. He was voted the people’s president so he should always lend his ear to the Zambian people. The famous
Dag Hammarskjold states “A
task becomes a duty from the moment you suspect it to be an essential part of that integrity which alone entitles a man to assume
responsibility. “
#91 Please disregard the typo errors in my post.
there’s so much confusion per zed because of confused leaders.what do you expect from a cobra?
In his capacity as Health PS, Dr. Miti worked so hard to frantically save Sata from a fatal heart attack by faithfully carrying out Mwanawasa’s directives to hire a flight ambulance to deliver Sata to South Africa. Mwanawasa and Dr. Mitti demonstrated a human heart (feeling) to save Sata. RB also displayed a human feeling by sending Dr. Kaseba to South Africa too. Alas, the Cobra can strike the very hand that saves it. President Sata is actually implementing his so called 90-DAYs programme of humiliating any soul that worked under Mwanawasa and RB. Thinking is not necessary nro allowed to prevail in his political database.
90 days promise, appoint and fire!!!!!!
You have noticed too. I can now think of appointing her as ATM. Assistant To the Madam.
The president has a listenig ear. We have to appreciate this. He is human and can make mistakes. He does not glory in errors. All can make mistakes. What’s important is coming back to your senses and do the right thing.” Utabifyapo, amulase ilibwe”
Mad president!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who dosen’t know Kapoko’s story?? SATA knows that Zambians have short memories, he was thinking you have forgotten Miti’s issue the same way to chose forget Sata’s third term campaign and Chawama saga
This last Tuesday evening, President Michael Sata called his newly appointed Inspector General of Police, Dr Malama, on his home line to report that his state of the art Mercedes-Benz S600 Pullman Guard limo car has been broken into. Sata was wholly ballistics and threatened to fire Malama as he explained the theft to the spooked top cop, ‘and they’ve stolen the stereo, the steering wheel, the brake pedal and even the accelerator, this can only be the works of Bwezani and the MMD.’ Dr Malama answers coolly, ‘Stay calm Shikulu, the Commissioner of Police (State House) is on the way.
‘ A few minutes later, the Commissioner of Police (State House) radios in. ‘Disregard,’ he says, ‘His Excellency The President got in the back-seat by mistake.’ Now, the appointment of Dr Kamwendo Miti is one “senior” moment too many, Zondwe is sick in the head.
#106, These are not mistakes, no! There is the appointment of Mwamba, then Xavier Chungu, then Dr Kamwendo Miti. Not forgetting the one of a notorious wife batterer Nsofu GBM. All these things are not happening in a mistaken vacuum, they are happening in a context called dementia! Sata is sick, it will not take long before he does something so embarrassing right before the cameras of the whole world for Zambia to wake up to the reality that indeed we have a mad man at the political apex.
No 25. You are right. Mwamba is really nauseating. he has so far changed the complexion of Northern Province, taking it back to the Mwalimu Simfukwe days. the Province once again stinks. It is really bad.
….just thinking – after the Xvr Chungu appointment leakage he didnt want to tell Sec. to Cabinet about Miti appointment. Security Clearance is a must if you have to avoid serious mistakes which have potential to put country in danger.HE and his Party should take these blunders seriously now and not later. At this rate he may even appoint Dora or George Kunda and later – yes- Chanda Chimba 3D !!!! – LOL
They warn speed kills.At the speed you are moving at you are going to collide with the judicial and the law enforcement agencies. Get your facts clear before you appoint any body be it your relative.Use your legal advicer and consult other cabinet officials.
I agree with Checha 100%.Miti did a wonderful job to Sata and it’s only ungrateful person who would ignore that kind of intervetion.Sata is going through a lot of problems in trying to accommodate his comrades but because of our big mouth,he is finding it difficult to please them.The issue of Miti was all over the news and even a 10 year old child was able to follow these events and for Sata to make such a blander is very shocking.I don’t agree with #25 who is suggesting that the Presindent is being misled.If there is any person who knows people better,Sata is one of them and there is no this could have slipped through his nose without detection.
You can not break the law and say sorry, someone must quiz the president, why he is making so many blunders. The people deserve an explaination
You are dull and have a corrupt mind, people are just judging Sata according to his own words, how can he say he’s allergic to corruption and embrace corrupt people? If you have such blind support for the guy, then tell him to watch his toungue…simple!
I’ll be happy if he appoints Chanda Chimba, the Zed Hero!!
He who has never made a mistake let him be the 1st to cast the stone.Yes Sata can make mistakes here and there , but he is not all bad,there is the good he has done also.I agree 100% that he needs to be advised well and he should consult.But he is not all bad
One PF *****s cheated me on my vote, two Syco matta has done done anything sofar in 90 day, was it all about hire and fire? how many times are you going to appoint and revoke, shame on you big man, that shows you poor leadership qualities, learn to consult you can be old but dull.Those are charecters of dictators.
When you have a dull president, its better to have wise and intelligent advisors. When you have an Intelligent President, its better to have dull advisors. What do we have in Zambia?
Please advise
Sata & PF are slowly becoming unpopular with these scandalous appointments. Waitaya malume! It appears Sata finds comfort in the company of these crooks, ex convicts, plunderers, list is endless.
We voted for a president who championed to fight corruption, but now what are we seein? Birds of a feather…..
Can anybody tell me why Mbita Chitala was fired as Zambia’s Ambassador to Libya?
Zed, we’ve done it again, all in the name of change, MCS will beat FTJ’s record as the worst presido Zed has ever had, we’re actually the laughing stalk of Africa!! I agree with #111 that we’re yet to get the worst embrassment ever!!
Switzerland actually rejected Miti. Very embarassing , where was this man when Miti was crying before RB. Is it the time he went for a heart transplant??
Dr. Miti was the PS at the Ministry of Health when Sata was being evacuated to South Africa. He must have played a role to save Sata’s life, hence the aborted appointment.
How embarrassing. The president keeps on giving jobs to corrupt pipo. He is not allergic to corruption but has a very big passion for corrupt elements. Your excellency we are counting the mistakes you are making in your appointments. 2016 is not very far away.Take advise from your advisors. Please dont be a mr.know it all. I feel sorry for your mps who wlll be heckled in parliament today becos of your mistakes. I hope you read lusaka times and take some advise given here. Am PF but am getting embarrassed and worried by your actions. Miti’s issues are not a secret.
He has no advisors, One of his ministers said it on radio on sunday. Lets wait and see.
PF (Pathetic front) please govern the country and not individuals.
deal with the thieves Mr. President let them pay for what they have done
Guys…. njala yakunyokola never used to listen when people talk. He probably only listens to Thandiwe & sons…Mistakes can be made but having a President who can listen when people complain is change worthy.
#7 very good questions.. PF cadres are afraid to answer. Sata appointed him.. Very funny govt. Sata wants to appoint all corrupt guys the MMD was investigating..The man has an allegy to corruption he says.. yes are agree the allegy is attracting courrpt and thioefs to him.. Sata is very honesty..He needs help for this allergy. Do you know that Kapoko is his nephew? Miti appointment not mistake but strategy wait and see…
My President is really worrying a number of us in this country. His office is the most informed office in the land. Why these appointments, is he really serious with fight against corruption? I wonder. For sure what we what to see is development five years is a long time to fail. I want to support him but some of these appointments. Please let him slow down, he will change things but not at super speed and costing his standing in international community.
First of all, all the MMD cadres need to take a long break. Their philosophy is garbage, their economic policies have seen the theft of at least $10 billion in non-payment of taxes by foreign mining companies.
Having said that, the PF has to become open about major policy decisions. The Windfall Tax is not a PF issue, it is an issue that not only affects the entire nation, it will affect generations to come.
Therefore, the PF cannot unilaterally take the Windfall Tax ‘off the table’.
There is no tolerance for more backroom deals – that is how we ended up with the disgraceful Development Agreements.
Many presidents make mistakes and when advised they are too stubborn to rescind the decisions that at the end people start thinking like they havent even made the mistakes. this led to an embarrasing fall from grace of one RB. One FTJ also ended up spending his retirement in courts and with lawyers. But the intelligent man MCS is not ashamed to rescind his decisions once they turn out not to br too good, such leaders are respected and are rare to find. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
The crisis of a nation starts in its home and we have not forgotten it.
This medical doctor (PS) embarrassed us locally and internationally.
Such characters described as, “Me, myself and I” should be put in the dust-bin of history.
This doc was a good example of what our brothers from West Africa say, “monkey de work, bamboo de chop!” “Opportunity only knocks once” and he messed up!
There are more intelligent, honest Zambians out there with a heart for the people. Zikomo!
i think most of the bloggers here are insane. someone was implicated in a financial scam 3 years ago. he has never being taken to any court of law apart from being tried and convicted in the newspapers. is this fair to Dr Miti? The question bloggers should be asking themselves is why has Dr miti not being taken to court of law?
COMEDY OF ERRORS, IYI YENA NI JOB ON TRAINING ZOWONA!! keep the pop corns coming, am beginning to enjoy cobra’s blunders.
but this president is confused. changing every time
make your bed and lie in it you chose the wrong man swallow the bitter pill sorry it is too late you have to put up with him until 2016
Why should SATA suprise you today?Then you are sick yourselves in the head. There is nothing strange this man has done other than what he always has been….Nicompoomp.
Coma pa ZED there is a lot of ignorance. Most of what has been said about Dr Miti are blatant lies and fabrications. Dr Miti has NEVER been arrested or charged. Yes from what I know, he was interrogated and investigated for a long time and for the past two years he has been a State Witness helping The GRZ ie the State to convict and prosecute Kapoko and his group of Kapoko thieves. Anyone is free to go to court and confirm the evidence DR Miti has provided. He was cleared a long time ago together with others, but the beauracracy in GRZ has taken just too long. So who says he cannot be Ambassador when he has been declared to be in the clean? Get your facts correctly than insulting clean professionals. Dr Miti has no criminal record and has never been charged or arrested for anything.
I am from the investigation wing. It’s true I want to confirm that Dr Miti has never been Charged or arrested. He is our Key witness. Without him the Kapoko cases would have been very difficult to prosecute. Dr Miti is very intelligent and hardworking and has performed very well at court. There is a lot of jealous when people see someone progressing. Instead of learning from people like Dr Miti how they have succeeded, you criticize them. As a Law student myself, this is public injustice on an individual and let’s stop it. I hope Sata will reverse the revocation and allow Dr Miti to go to Geneva as Ambassador. Get your facts correctly!!!!!!
Bravo Dr Miti. I salute you!!! You are just a nice, helpful, kind man. People are very jealous of you and admire your success. I did not know that you are just a State witness to convict Kapoko. You deserve to be Ambassdor!!! Since you have never been charged or arrested before. You have a clean record!! Bravo your Exellency!!!
Heya i am for the primary time here. I came across this board and I find It truly useful & it helped me out a lot. I’m hoping to give one thing back and aid others such as you helped me.
Yes, as a public prosecutor, let me put on record and the truth and nothing but the truth. Dr Simon Miti has NEVER been charged or arrested or convicted or prosecuted before. He has given the most credible evidence and has helped the state to prosecute Kapoko and his tandem of thieves. He has been a state witness. Don’t insult Dr Miti by falsehoods. Come to court and get facts or visit the law investigating wings. I hope this puts the matter about Dr Miti to rest. He therefore qualifies to be appointed to any post in Zambia. He is a free and credible man under the laws of Zambia. Let’s not be jealous about his success. Bravo Miti…!!! You have my support because you are innocent…I hope HE Sata reads this truth….to reappoint Miti. Sometimes the truth hurts some people’s egos…
I don’t even know the way I finished up right here, however I thought this publish used to be good. I do not recognise who you might be but definitely you’re going to a famous blogger when you are not already. Cheers!
Sata is old and forgets the past he was fully advised to aopoint Dr….. bu forgot and named the miti man and just like the decision of the ref in football you dont question a decided faul it cant be reversed once everyone has seen it. We need to learn from this that young mind are a drive to the current leadership old pipo are a tourist attractions for meseum and history not forgetting learning from them