Maxwell Mwale, Former Mines and Minerals Minister in the Rupiah Banda led administration has been arrested. Sources familiar with the development have disclosed that Mr. Mwale, who is also Malambo Member of Parliament(MP), was arrested Wednesday, afternoon after long hours of interrogation.
Mr. Mwale has been arrested in connection with the alleged disappearance of gold at the drug enforcement Commission (DEC) offices in Lusaka. He is said to have been denied police bond and has been detained at Woodlands Police Station.
Mr. Mwale is expected to be taken to court tomorrow. Recently, Mr. Mwale was summoned to appear before a combined team of law enforcement agencies over the gold which, Republican President, Michael Sata claim was stolen.
He becomes the latest high profile official in the previous administration to be thrown in the cells following revelation by the Police command that all those linked to the missing gold will start appearing in court this week.
Meanwhile, Former Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) Commissioner Aaron Zulu who was arrested on Tuesday has appeared in the Lusaka Magistrates’ court for mention.
This is in a matter where Mr. Zulu is charged with abuse of authority.
The former DEC Chief is alleged to have abused his authority on July 8 this year by directing the sale of one hundred and eighteen point 897 Kilograms of Gold to Societe Financier Du Seujut SA.
The gold was allegedly sold at the value less than the market price.
Mr. Zulu is set to appear for another mention on November 23, pending consent from the Director of Public Prosecutions -DPP- to prosecute the matter.
Meanwhile, Principal Resident Magistrate Aridah Chuulu has granted Mr. Zulu a Five Million Kwacha cash bail.
Magistrate Chuulu has also ordered Mr. Zulu to avail two working sureties in their own recognizance.
This was after Defence lawyer Sakwiba Sikota, applied for bail saying his client is facing a bailable offence and is of fixed abode.
This is what I want to hear – Putting plunderers behind bars. Once tried and found wanting he should also be stripped off his parliamentarian post.
This ka former Minister had long fingers. He should also be investigated on his dealings at the Ministry of Mines. He used to move with some files for certain investors from one officer to the other until the approval was finalised!
Fighting corruption using corrupt means. Let them be taken to court so we hear the truth!
While we know what we have to do with plunderers, the rule of law should be followed. Proper channels have to be taken. Witch-hunting and intimidating the opposition is not the way to go.
God! the fight on corruption has really taken off! Good work, but what we want to see is proof beyond reasonable doubt that they stole. Bail is a right, grant them, let it not be like it is personal or ya chifukushi. Let the law operate independently lest you are occused of witch hunting ba boss.
Iyi nkani ya gold izatipeleka patali!!! Is this the only scandalous scheme the previous regime got it wrong?? Anyways if the guys are guilty then spare them not, for they know not how much misery they inflicted on poor zedians.
this gold scam is really complex.why shud gold said to have been seized frm zim nationals raise so much dust.anyone with facts about the gold plz?
This iis oo ppolitical GGod wwil vvindicate tthe iinnocent
Political victimisation-Throwing people in jail over gold that wasn’t even dug from our soil?Mugabe should claim his gold back.I wonder what the head of Intelligence at state house has up his sleeves.
white collar criminals! Awe sure prisons will be full
Sata wants to chuck out all MMD MPs hence the witch hunt, lwanya!
iyi gold nayo naileta akantu, bushe uwailetele mu calo kanshi ni nani? Its shameful to see the the whole gov machinery weildg their strength on gold seized from an individual, a foreigner for that matter. Takwaba fimbi ifyakucita?
ZCCM-IH’s missing K850 billion:
Minister of Mines looking for it in a wrong place-Maxwell Mwale told Hon W Simusa.
Well, we expect you to mentiong everyone who was involved, or else you will rot in jail baba. Just mention them, start with your boss.
Muzi wapya
It one way of weakening the opposition. But do we have real evidence over this. What about the Swiss guy who has already sued us over the same gold issue?
Number 12 I like your sense of humour. Bane I left soon after the elections, i am enjoying the update, then for the past few weeks was off internet, somebody update me did Brian accept the SA job? Has budget been presented if so what is it like, PAYE? Are there new provincial PSs? What happened to Henry’ case? Renaul (whatever his name) how is he so far? And many more bane nalaisa mu January pa leave Lesa amupale. God bless Zambia.
I see people who sata has appointed also being arrested e.g Emmauel Mwamba some people have delibarately been appointed so that if they are taken to court they can say “these are people i had apointed”. Anyhow this is a good start of the fight against corruption. we will always look for reasons even when the President is innocent, to accuse him even when he is doing his job properly lets appreciate people and Give credit where its due.
This is nothing but vindictive politics! And if the Judges are not PF bootlickers, this is a non-starter! Who decides the selling price of any item between the buyer to the seller? especially in an aution as was the case in this apparent gold scam. In an auction the highest bidder gets the goods and in a one off situation it is more than likely that the selling price will come in cheaper. I personally think the state got a good rate. Those who authorised the sale can not be labelled corrupt unless of course someone has complained of foul play and has evidence undue practices aimed with the intentions of personal gain. A bad deal without personal gain is not corruption, Its a bad deal!!
Correction @17 above… I meant “undue practices with the intentions to benefit personally”.
This is beginning to look like a circus. When are we going to hear of developmental issues from the likes of the president. Firing and intimidating leaders from the previous government is not going to put more money in our pockets. One thing the current leaders should bear in mind is that what you do today will visit you tomorrow. Not everybody in the current government is clean. As the popular Bemba saying goes i.e. “Umulandu taubola”. We need to start focussing on wealth generating activities and plugging the gaps in the shortage of skills such as nurses, doctors e.t.c.
I personally think that we should allow people to steal nd incarrige them to invest the monies. Look at the investment that rb is doin by building the flats. It’s only logic to know that rb will employ people to look after the flats hence creating employment for our people in Zambia. If Chiluba was left alone, this time he could hav employed alot of people at his institute and that our kids could hav benefited.
Last time i checked Zambian politics, Sylvia Masebo was implicated by late Tentamashimba over the purchase of those government hearses. In the same manner Kanganja has been told to update the inquiry into the case of Miti, the same should be done on Masebo’s alleged hyper-inflating the cost of the hearses.
The MMD weakened itself alraedy by allowing corruption and thievery to take root amongst its ranks. They surely don’t need Sata or PF to weaken them. The previous election should tell you everything you need to know as far as how weak MMD has become. By tolerating corruption and uncontrollable appetite for “get-rich-quick” schemes amongst govt officials, MMD weakened itself morally and they paid for it. The results of the past election are a clear testament of this fact.
And why are we surprised with what the PF govt is doing? They promised to clean house if elected and that’s exactly what they are doing. If you missed their campaign promises because you were too busy deluding yourselves as MMD, well that’s your problem. Zambians wanted a govt which takes the fight against corruption seriously and not the rhetoric we were subjected to by RB and his cohorts—get used to it!
well said, it can never be put in more simple and clear terms.Zambians have been fooled too long in the name of Christian Nation and always THIEVES complaining about political harassment whenever they have to account for their decisions, then suprisingly some people start complaining without base. Politicians are there to serve people and not get rich when in office.
Why deny him bail. Its gud 2 fyt corruption but it should be with malice, or chifukushi
Pardon me, meant to say shouldn’t be with malice or chifukushi
Below market value…
Its laughable isn’t it? troubling people fore selling gold (seized from a foreigner) at below mkt price! And someone expect PF govt to bring DEVELOPMENT? keep dreaming folks.
I think wakamba,iwe!Uli na point…though they can still try to unkamba what u have said!
Cobra , pick and lock all thugs.At the expense of thmajority suffering people man should not steel to such levels.lelo lelo ….mungena!!
Sure pf govt promised to fight corruption and thats exactly what the pf gvt is doing coz they promised people during campaigns. So let sata and his people do the job they were voted for. Viva pf
The whole world is laughing at the zambian system, a country where people passoinately fight for the sale proceeds of gold that does not belong to them. U wanna fight corruption this is what you do, you seize the gold and return it to the rightful owners “the zimbabwean government” ….come on guys, biggest scandal in zed is over Gold that didnt even belong to zed, and people are even saying “plundered resources” if those 2 zim guys never brought the gold toz zed would you still consider this money to be public money???? what a joke!!!
One of these days i’m hoping to see some PF hoodlums also hauled to court.It can not be that all MMD is dirty as hell and all PF are angels as Mr Sata likes to make it look.Corruption has no party affiliation and justice has no political malice.If Sata has enough gumption,sagacity or discernment plus political maturity,let him also arrest those who tore into William Banda’s hse.They broke the law too.No prevarication,no equivocation,but just letting the might of law fall where it may.
Lets be professional this time around and win some cases! We need convictions not 7 years of court sessions!
ATT MR SATA, I hope this information will eventually reach.As much as you are fighting corruption remember that you promised us Zambians the following.
1)more money in our pockets.(2).To re-discover our zambian dignity in 90 days (3).A constitution that will last the test of time in 90 days (4).to honour the Barotse agreement (5)Re- introduction of windfall tax (6) to chase the chinese and bring Taiwanese .Remember that amongst other things these are the major promises you made that took you to state house.But dissappointingly you are back tracking on all your promises which is very bad and sad.Let me remind you that you have about 40days remaining before we declare you a liar.
I hope you will get this message.
What was the market price then? I hope they are not like the Daily mail was doing comparing the value it was sold at at the time to the current gold price on the London Metal Exchange because the citizens are not ready to start paying compensation for wrongful arrest. In a country were we are having people wrongly appointed I hope the same doesnt happen over these arrests. If he is guilty then way to go.
The PF govt has a 5 year mandate to govern, whether or not you see what you expect in 90 days. So far, we’ve started to see results. We’ve only seen plunder during the MMD’s rule.
This culture of stealing makes me sick.Where did it all come from?What do you tell your children?Dad or mum is in jail for theft!Its a rotten ideal which must be erradicated from society.What difference is there between a minister who steals and Morgan Mwansa or between a stealing president and Nevers Kapenda or Roy Mudenda?Politicians must come clean and lead morally right lives.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.
This is good and i hope it is being done on merit. Zulu then Mwale careful easterners you will all go to jail until Eastern Province is under PF.
Iwe Sata,drop Emmanuel Chungu with immediete effect.This is not ‘Animal Farm’ where ‘All animals are equal,but some animals are more equal than others’.Arrest Chungu with immediete effect,then the fight against corruption will be deemed genuine.Be fair Mr Presdo all else come 2016 you’ll be jailed aswell.
so now its Easterners fighting with Bembas..hahahahah..who are the real thieves..?
you people try to understand dont just critisize,if the eastener makes offence,like Zulu and Mwale you want shikapwasha or mutati to be in for it?
Surely why deny him bail like a common criminal when he’s innocent till proven guilty this is all political bullshit,Hon mwale has been quite vocal on parliament against chi satas decisions this is to intimidate the opposition!this is wrongful arrest and sata will pay dearly atase ifyupuba!
Go and arrest some more please!
its a pity son`s of thieves are against cagging of criminals, you know yourselfs ,some you`ve been raised on stolen monies nowonder you are so much against the fight against corruption wait and see wat will happen to your ballies.Balekakwa basakala nyongo balionaula ichalo chakwa Jehova Lesa. Go pf go
A fair and Just system is better! In my opinion you do not need hard evidence to have some arrested. That has been a serious limitation in the courts of law because they want Evidence.
when you are not found guilty by the Law it does not mean your innocent. The late FTJ M.H.R.I.P was found innocent beyond reasonable doubt because of lack of conclusive evidence.
You just need a Smart government to have you arrested not evidence.
Burden of proof lies upon one to prove the other is guilty. The innocent will be vindicated and the guilty will be punished. Of course a good lawyer can blur the lines and change the outcome of a guilty defendant. Either way it is probably best to try in court than through the media. Has there been corruption endemic in our nation. Yes. Can it proven? Maybe. Will it cause a change in our business practices. Hopefully. Hope is all we have. God bless Zambia.
Sex outside marriage and adultery are THE WORST SINS in the 10 commandments, why is SATA not talking abou ADULTARY
Sex outside marriage and adultery are THE WORST SINS in the 10 commandments, why is SATA not talking about ADULTERY if he is ruling with the 10 commandments
Sin is sin,no sin is worse than the other in the Ten commandments baba.
If the Gold was SOLD below the market price, is that a detainable offence:? I thought is was STOLEN?
The witch-hunt begins. I would like to take this moment to encourage GRZ to look at the state of our prisons. These places are damp, poorly ventilated places not suitable for human habitation.
Prisons need to be rebuild, cleaned painted, windows repaired and the diet and dining rooms sanitised.
This is important because one day YOU will go into one of these prisons and you’ll wish you had cleaned them up when you had the chance.
Who knew Richard Sakala would be locked up, KK, Fr Bwalya, etc.
What of Mwale’s hand over notes? Didn’t he hand over? Or did he consider it unnecessary to mention the matter in the official hand over notes to his successor? Otherwise, why did he wait only to open his mouth through the media?