Sunday, March 23, 2025

Zambezi Airline judicial review adjourned


Zambezi Airlines Plane

The LUSAKA High Court has adjourned hearing in the case where Zambezi Airline has sought Judicial Review over the suspension of its air service permit.

The hearing has been adjourned to November 21 on grounds that State advocates need to be furnished with further instructions.

A week ago Zambezi Airline filed an application for Judicial Review following government’s decision to suspend its air service license.

It sought the court order of certiorari to quash the decision by transport, works and supply Permanent Secretary, Dominic Sichinga to suspend its airline service permit.

The Airline contended that the suspension was illegal as it lacked jurisdiction.

Zambezi airline argues that the power to revoke, suspend or vary a permit is the preserve of the Minister for Transport, as contained in the Air Service Act Chapter 446 of the laws of Zambia.

The Airline has also alleged that the Director of Civil Aviation acted illegally by evoking legislation which has NOT been enacted in Zambia to arrive at the suspension of the permit.

Zambezi Airline also lamented that the verdict to suspend the air permit was defiance of the rule of Natural justice because the airline industry was NOT given an opportunity to be heard.

But Information Minister Given Lubinda told parliament recently that the airline flouted both international and local aviation rules.

He also revealed that Zambezi Airline engaged an Air Crew that had not been cleared by the Department of Civil Aviation.



  1. With Sata leading in suspending,dissolving and revoking left & right with immediate effect,it is hard to know if due process is being followed and all points being carefully considered in all of this mucky business.Rule of law demands that we act with punctilicious,meticulous or scrupulous rigidity in observance of social & legal conventions.

  2. we dont have to wait for a disaster for us to act. ba zambezi you want to kill pipo. just do the right thing and you will be flying soon. what is important betwin money and life?

  3. I cry for all my brothers and sisters at Zambian Airways that have lost jobs and affected by this inhuman decision by the PF government. Not forgetting the pain and suffering that will be extended to their families and extended families. The multiplier effects of such a move are tremendous. May god guide them favourably thru these hard times.

  4. why does the government fear competition in the Zambian aviation industry, wanna kill of one airline before another pops up, looking at the way Zambezi came up as an international carrier bet Pro-Flight will take over or what ever PF back airline pops up

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