Recalled Zambia’s high commissioner to Canada Nevers Mumba has responded to allegations of financial irregularities at the Zamnbian embassy in Canada. Dr Mumba has said that he is innocent and said that he will only return home when he gets a Foreign Office clearance officially.
He denied any allegations of “financial irregularities,” in an exclusive phone interview with the Daily Mail yesterday.
“Our office books have been audited thoroughly and I can’t recall any irregularities,” Pastor Mumba said, “I am happy this is an allegation and not a charge. I am open for investigations and the Auditor General can return to Canada and carry out another audit if there are any doubts…I am a God-fearing man and I fear tax-payers’ money. I have never stolen public funds.”
The fire and brim-stone pastor, who has been in diplomatic services for about two and a half years, has been placed on the spot for alleged “financial impropriety” by President Sata in a statement signed by his special assistant for press and public relations George Chellah.
“Information so far suggests serious financial impropriety at the Zambian mission in Toronto which is under the supervision of Dr Nevers Mumba,” President Sata’s statement said adding that the preacher-turned-diplomat was “resisting recall.”
The President wants Pastor Mumba to “corporate with authorities while in Zambia on a personal visit” he must be prepared to personally pay for rather than use tax payers’ money.
But Pastor Mumba said, “I can’t come home until after December 31 when my tour of duty expires. I have applied for local leave twice and twice it has been denied because I have been told to stay here until my tour of duty extension expires at the end of December. I am not coming.”
Pastor Mumba suggests that he could be getting the “heat” because his name has lately been linked to a list of a possible successor of Rupiah Banda, who resigned after he lost an election to President Sata on September 20. He declined to elaborate.
[pullquote]Pastor Mumba suggests that he could be getting the “heat” because his name has lately been linked to a list of a possible successor of Rupiah Banda, who resigned after he lost an election to President Sata on September 20. He declined to elaborate.[/pullquote]
However, he said he will make his political position clear once he retired because at the moment he is still a servant of the government led by “President Sata…I am still a government worker and will remain so until I come back home.”
The Pastor said he did not resist a “recall” notice sent to him but asked that his return be extended to the end of December so that he can find a place for his family to return back to rather than become destitute on arrival.
“I need time to find a place for my family to stay,” Pastor Mumba said, “I also needed time to bid farewell to friends while I was in service in Canada. I will return soon.”
[Zambia Daily Mail]
He has only stolen from God, church money. Plse understand
Lol, wantekunya!
Do you have proof of this? One of the 10 commandments says do not accuse someone falsely. It is as bad as the commandment “Thou shall not steal”.
Pot calling kettle black?
No time for excuses wapya munzi baba come clear your name iliko bad offering manje tax payers money
ba nevours. i can get a nice chalet for you in misisi compound. the rentals are affordable and its got a nice view of the lovely blue water dam.
Iseni Tata mwise mwi ilandele.
Nevers, prison is full of God fearing people!! Investigations will prove you innocent or guilty. Anyway, I’m sure it’s the madam who was shopping every day not you!!
I think a lot of pressure is being put on the Police ! If the president has already told the country that Dr Never”s had stolen how can the Judiciary work independently ? The presido should wait until conviction to start commenting on cases . What a Zoo !!
Dont worry Nevers; persecution and witch hunting will only make you more popular among disgruntled zambians. consider this a mere test in yo journey towards greater things for you and for zambia. We pray for your steadfastness, God will not leave you to face this alone. stay blessed
President Sata is the appointing authority, if he recalls any person that person should abide otherwise it would be deemed as undermining authority which is an offence. so “Pastor” even the bible talks about persons accepting authority. remember Mwanawasa sacked u because of being cheecky and u dont seem to learn.
Has Dr Mumba refused to come back?
Or has his extention to remain in Canada to end of December been granted by GRZ?
Who is telling lies here, Sata or Mumba?
Nevers Mumba you are right. Sata is being influenced by evil Roman Catholic Bishops who opposed the declaration of Zambian as a Christian Nation. Nevers Mumba supported the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation.
Sata should know that the MMD and its government machinery failed to suppress what Zambians wanted that is CHANGE OF GOVERNMENT. IF Sata and his ROMAN CATHOLIC Bishops advisers thinks peddling LIES will keep him in State House; He is more than 100% WRONG.
Sata you are hurting the very people who voted you in power. Am not Roman Catholic member but i supported you. What you are doing right now amounts to WITCHCRAFT. That is telling LIES to Zambians.
behave stupid boy what has the catholic got to do with this thief wanya he is going to jail
What Christian Nation full of porn stars…?
Jst shut up shaka if u dont have n thing to say
We are standing in the gap,sir.
Be still and know that He will lead you through.
Zambia Shall be Saved.
guest@ do you mean us disgrunlted tongas
Ba Nevers, politics is dirty hope you are clean coz it will be sad if what Cobra said is true. I note that Malama has reduced himself to police spokesperson.
Come back mwandini pastor tulefunya ingulu.We should surely save Zambia.
#7 guest,
Nevers Mumba is facing the machinery of the Roman Catholic Jesuit Bishops who have become advisers to Sata. The aim of the Roman Catholic Bishops is to change the Zambian constitution according to their desires. These are Bishops who have persecuted Protestant Christians all their lives.
Just as the Roman Catholic Bishops schemes have failed before even when they tried to PERSECUTE Luther the first Christian to stand up to the Roman Catholic persecution and DECEPTION of Christianity.
Even if they succeed in persecuting Never Mumba The LORD will raise up another one.
Next Zambians will hear LIES about Godfrey Miyanda
Only the courts and investigations will prove him GUILTY or NOT. Bad blending CHURCH and POLITICS always has side effects
The best job in the world is to preach the gospel, living under the protection of the almighty. Nevers had the best job and was extremely influential. I can just imagine how he could have been now had he continued the will of God on his life. God sent him to Ninevah and he went to Tashish- another Jonah. Now he is at the mercy of pagans. What a disgrace. This man should just ask for forgiveness from God and go back to the pulpit, where he belongs. The devil is creeping up on him.
13 uncircumcised william,
You are wrong! You MORON Chimpanzee and Roman Catholic Jesuit member. How dare you accuse the anointed man of God like that?
If you think this Sata and Roman Catholic Bishops persecution of Nevers Mumba will succeed you are WRONG!
Go to hell with you Roman Catholic Bishop.
These Bishops are doing their UNFINISHED Business which they have failed to complete before. God bless the Nation of Zambia as a Christian Nation and may the Lord maintain this declaration.
are u sure that God is happy with yo language?
may we pliz debate issues and not USE THE NAME OF GOD,JEHOVAH JIRE, IN VAIN
He is now dancing to the tune of politics of propaganda, i bet Nevers is now regretting why he left his church
#16 MJ,
You MORON blind Roman Catholic Jesuit MONKEY!
You want Nevers Mumba not to engage in Politics but THREE Bishops have been included on the Commission of review of the Zambian Constitution by Sata.
What do you think they will be doing on it? Preaching their DISTORTED Roman Catholic message?
NO the Bishops will be DOING politics and to make matters WORSE they will be paid ALLOWANCES in the name of politics.
People of Zambia. The bible says do not touch the anointed. Do you know that you can have curses on pointing ur fingers on the anointed? Lets choose what to say please. I hope o who post ur comments are mature. Lets behave in a maturely manner.
I wander what kind of madiness in Pente Churches. Is Mumba still woman of God?
I don’t have anything wrong against Nevers Mumba and if what he is saying is true then the president needs to tekanya.
Shaka Oz can you please restrict your criticism to Sata. Did you hear of any catholic bishop talk about Nevers Mumba? And the declaration of Christian Nation was never objected. What was objected was to hide under the theme of Christian Nation when those that declared it do not practise any Christian ethics. Its not enough to just call yourself Christian even your deeds should be Christ like. You for instance is using hate language against servants of God yet you call yourself Christian. May the Lord have mercy on your soul because clearly you do not know what you are talking about.
Nevers is now regreating and this is when he wants to go back to God.This man has stolen,remember the brown envelopes in 2008?He shud not pretend that he is still a man of God !!NO, he must be caged should he be found guilty and prison are full of such person like him who let God down.he is paying for his wrong doings.
# 22…Thanks for reminding this chap SHAKA OZ.He seems to be shallow minded and he doesnt know wat he is talking about.These Catholic Bishops are very intelligent people and i will give this Shaka boy an example of just Bishop Dr Alick banda (Ndola Diocess).I feel pity of you Shaka and dont pretend to be a christian when you have such hatred agaist other people.Thinks b4 you post on ths forum.
Point of correction, the Zambian mission is based in Ottawa not Toronto as reported in the article. In fact Ottawa is home to many diplomatic offices from around the world. It is also worth noting that Toronto is not the capital of Canada but the capital city of Ontario. Toronto is also Canada’s financial district while Ottawa is the federal capital city of Canada. In Ottawa, that’s where the Parliament is situated as well as other federal offices including the residence of the Prime Minister.
so what and who cares?
To Mr Sata you will always be guilty till proven innocent otherwise how do you explain his many “with immediate effect” decrees even before an investigation?.His judgement is beyond reproach apparently.It is a major blow to spoil someone’s name without proof and Sata should know better since he has felt the painful sting of rumours being sread that he had died.One of these days the shoe will be on the other foot Mr Sata.
I am a Sata-fearing man, I fear tax-payers’ money and I have never stolen public funds-Nevers Mumba
#22 Lundazi Dweller & 24 Paolo Di Canio,
And Sata is saying he is allergic to corruption and RULING ON THE TEN COMMANDMENTS? Is He practicing what he is saying? Sata has appointed corrupt convict Chungu and corruption supporter Mwamba? Are these based on the TEN Commandments principles?
Why are EVIL Roman Catholic Bishops quiet and have accepted the appointment on the Constitution Review Commission appointed by Sata who is not practicing what he is promising? These evil Bishops opposed Chiluba from the START just because he was Pentecostal!
Though you are in the USA your mindset still dwells in the RURAL setting with all the ignorance and discrimination.
You Blind DONKEYS!
Respect the prez, he was voted by more peoplethan any other individUAL in the prez race. Respect people choice that is what democracy is, isnt?
…“I need time to find a place for my family to stay,” Pastor Mumba said, “I also needed time to bid farewell to friends while I was in service in Canada. I will return soon.”..is this the best reason he can think of, is this guy serious!!!
totally agree, what happened to his previous residence?
“I also needed time to bid farewell to friends while I was in service in Canada. I will return soon.”..how many friends does he have that he needs September, October and December to say bye-bye?
Go to Chimbokaila, everyone in there will tell you they are not guilty.
Time to come back home Nevers. Why are you resisting? I bet this man will be asking for asylum in Canada-persecution as an excuse!
24 Paolo Di Ca,
Your name, “Paolo Di Ca” sounds LATIN like the names given to JESUIT trained PRIESTS/BISHOPS. Is it why you are supporting the Roman Catholic Bishops support for the INJUSTICES Sata is doing to Protestant Christians in Zambia?
For you own information: Sata is an old Zambian politician who can not change anything good for Zambians! Sata grew in the times when Roman Catholic Bishops DISCRIMINATED against indigenous Zambians who were FORCED to carry these PRIESTS/BAMWISA on their shoulders.
Go every where in the world Roman Catholic Bishops/Priests are associated with all the shame and all that follows: INJUSTICES!
Shame on you.
all the recalled diplomats have since returned, why should he be the only one resisting, is he buying time to clean up the mess?..ba AG, DEC, swaa!!!!
You think so! Prove it to the Cobra…
#24 PAOLO DI CANIO. You are right Catholic clergy are among the most intelligent and educated people in the world. The Catholic church is an outstanding institution in its fight social justice. I am aware that Jesuits used to keep refugees fleeing from then brutal white regimes in South Africa, Namibia and Rhodesia. However at times the leadership has failed in its moral responsibility to stop injustice and unfairness. Where was the church when Hitler was killing Jews?. What happened in Luanda?. Even now its time the church guided the current leadership on issues of perceived nepotism/corrupt elements and tribalism.The church is completely mute on this.These issues will have a carryover effect and haunt the nation for a long time to come- way beyond the lifetimeof the current government.
#36 Tear gas
Thanks for your comment regarding #24 PAOLO DI CANIO. Hope your comment can open the mind of this person to see the INJUSTICE happening to Zambian Protestant Christians NOW!
During Ian Smith discriminatory rule in Rhodesia, Apartheid rule in South Africa and Namibia their were some EVIL ROMAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS/PRIESTS who used to report innocent to the same authority which persecuted them and sent them to prison!
Moreover these EVIL Roman Catholic Priests used to support and enforce discrimination laws. No one never heard of these EVIL Priest standing out to the South African Apartheid government like the way Desmond Tutu of the respected ANGLICAN Church did in South Africa.
Its not too late for Roman Catholic Bishops to stop supporting SATA’s injustices!
Nevers, Nevers…pls..pls… if pipo behaved the way u behaving …we can have chaos…RB is gone, Sata is now the boss…u still choose to argue with the boss…you making it worse…when u re fired, looking for accomodation is personal and private….you can live in your church…your ‘members’ ..’the zambia shall be saved gang’ will help you…
he is political human being.
Japhen Mwakalombe is high commissioner to mozambique, very funny indeed, after causing a by election and he is in opposition? whta is this COBRA up to?
“The fire and brim-stone pastor, who has been in diplomatic services for about two and a half years …” Really?
There is more than what the Naked eye can see. Am indifferent and it is too early to say anything. Facts can be deceiving sometimes.
You are staring the problem right in the eye, guys, yet some of you don’t seem to see or recognise a thing. Please listen, the TRUTH at play here with Sata is that Nevers has the ability to dwindle Sata’s political tribal support base in Chinsali (where Sata is trying to be a political paradice). With Mumba’s likelyhood to lead the MMD, Sata sees red to his own political future. Mumba’s entry into the fray would effectively decrease Sata’s Northen and Luapula provinces support base owing to the fact of having it shared between the two home boys–Nevers and Sata. How big would Nevers’ share be? I don’t know. Now, that’s the question Sata is not ready to leave to chance. Hence the smearing of Mumba. Can you hear me now, guys?
Mbuzi . I think the president did not say Pastor Mumba has stolen but he says there are some financial irregularities in zambian embassy Toronto Canada.
that means the same mate!
Shaka Oz you talk like its a writen law that the it’s the preserve of the catholic church to counsel the president. Besides how do you know maybe they have done it in private? What of protestant pastors and Bishops who has talked against Sata’s appointments. So far I have heard Fr. Bwalya say the appointments are embarassing. When Chiluba was plundering the economy is it not some protestant churches that were receiving donations and standing in church praising him when people were suffering. Who spoke against that? Who fought for debt cancellation? No human is perfect but it is folly to follow only imperfections and ignore all the good that is done.
President Sata is now The Post newspaper. He accuses, prosecutes and convicts all at the same time.
this guy never learn, leave that office, GRZ doesn’t NEED you. Just repeating behaviour as when LEVY dropped you. LEAVE
The Zambian embassy in Toronto? We have a mission in Ottawa that also looks after the Caribbean, not in Toronto.
Look at this scenario: Nevers Mumba comes back home, right. At the aitport, he declares that he is defecting to PF and is in full support of Sata’s government. Before you know it, Sata and gang will drop all these rumors against Mumba. “He’s clean!” they will swear. Watch this space; here we go!!!
Nevers we don`t need another audit. We already have a report.Just come back bwana. Incito yapwile pa 20th September. Zwaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
Shaka OZ….I dont preach hatred to my fellow brothers and sisters,i dont preach tribalism like you do neither do i use abusive language.Which clergy do you think can be appointed for this constitution forum?Nevers Mumba? You have to be realistic in your thinking, dont just have hatred for people just because believe in wat they believe in.If you are a pentecostal well and fine,if you are a jehova’s witness well and fine, if you are a seventh day adventist well and fine and still if you are a Catholic well and fine.Who do you want to be part of constitution?You are too shallow minded person.
Man of God,the truth will set you free.If the audit was done as you claim then let the auditor general explain the report to the president in a simple language of accounts since he is 1950 model.I have lost hope in the leadership of the nation with what has been happening of late.It’s tu Bemba against bo Lozi and BaTonga,Now its Cothgolic against Full Gospel Churches.If as a natiion we don’t pray,we are headed for gloom and doom .
PF cadres have a blessed day as you await more’ immediate effect’ pronouncements from your bemba govt.
No. 16 The Catholic Church stand for poor and the voiceless. The President appointing three Bishops is a plus. To tell the truth these people know the suffering of ordinary Zambian better than the politicans.
Just sue sata for defamation. Everyone is lining up at the courts to sue the head of state for firing off the cuff
Catholism is a fake religion, I fear for Zambia. But us born again we worship the living God and not the pope. Nerves, you were a preacher of the word of God and now you are a politician
Sata is indeed the new and ‘improved’ Post newspaper! Why all these allegations.First it was the Swiss man Bozaianu,now its Nevers.Won’t it be embarrassing when all these man are proved innocent?Sata should learn to keep quiet.It is better to be thought of a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.
“The Pastor said he did not resist a “recall” notice sent to him but asked that his return be extended to the end of December so that he can find a place for his family to return back to rather than become destitute on arrival.” Liar! Is he telling us that he doesnt have proper acommodation at his age?
If it was on rent he has to give notice to the tenant!
#53 MISS B. C,
Its not you to decide what is good for all Zambians so everyone must be involved in deciding what is good for themselves.
The EVIL Roman Catholic Church ONLY stand for poor and the voiceless when it suits them. The President appointing three Bishops is a MINUS because it excludes other Zambia Christians apart from Sata’s relative Rev Mutale.
To tell the truth these EVIL Bishops NEVER knew the suffering of ordinary RWANDA’S people who died in the GENOCIDE and Jews who died during Hitler’s rule!
The Bishops will be given allowances and will ONLY be serving the Roman Catholic AGENDA ONLY!
#57 Esther,
True! People who don’t steal through corruption like Chungu who Sata wanted to bring back through the back door don’t have accommodation till they are given their benefits.
These happened to Kenneth Kaunda, Gray Zulu and all the Freedom Fighters after the 1991 elections they did not have their own accommodation.
Nevers Mumba is just doing good planning.
#56 Njila,
You are a great thinker and have wisdom. Sata is confused. Unless you can not see through his deception, Sata is abusing his authority and DIRECTING the Zambian Police, DEC and Civil Servants to persecute his political enemies.
Even IDI AMIN of Uganda started as a saint like Sata and ended up as the WORST dicator Africa has ever had. Sata is already showing TRAITS of a dictator, LIAR and SUPERSTITIOUS man who wants to use all at his disposal to suppress his political opponents like what IDI AMIN did!
The drama continues, Mr sata is now the police sporkesman, nafipa ifitu
# 58 …SHAKA OZ!!! Are you ok in your thinking?The way you are analysing issues here does not seem to be coming from someone who is normal in the head.You havent answered who you want to be part of the constitution.I again ask you,who do you want to be part of this constitution?Give us the peolpe you think are of high calibre and we might try to push them in.You want people like Bishop Chihana?You have to learn to appreciate…..Alot of bloggers on this forum have been educated by the catholic and alot people again on this forum have been served from dying through the hospitals that the Catholic have built and many more!!! People will bare me witness…..YOU SEEM NOT TO BE OK mannn!!!
Paulo Di Canio,
Enough is enough stop cheating and deceiving people. Do you want to lie that it only the Catholic Bishops who have the calibre to sit in the committe. What about the SDA how big is their following? Dont they have capable leaders? Think about people like Bishop Joshua Banda the Chairman of the National AIDS Council, think of the president of the Evangelical Church in Zambia (EFZ), think of the leader of the moslem community in Zambia. I think Sata is the Worst dictator that Zambia has ever had. For you information if you study the history of Religion you discover that the Catholics bishops had commiteed the worst attrocities in the world: Genocide, Rape, Child abuse, apetheid, Ningas, etc
The real question here is why 3 Catholic Bishops?? Why not a fair balance of clergy from the many different denominations? Other denominations have done many good works in our country and above all, other denominations have revealed “God the most high” to us Zambians than the Catholics have. We now know that we too are co creators with God and can and will build hospitals and schools ourselves rather than remain obligated to the Catholics and their traditions. Realize that generosity breeds obligation and hence Paolo Di Canio you remain obligated to the Catholics because of what you perceived as generosity. There was, and still is a hidden agenda in that, to influence you and keep you blind from the truth of Christ that shall surely set you free. Be loosed in Jesus name.
People, God is not interested in Religion or denomination otherwise they could have not been different religions in the world. No Religion is devine than the other. We need to be tolerant and embrace our common values. As much as many were disapointed with Never’s transition from pastoring to politics, i don’t think he can grown long hands. As others have already said, the president should not be the one to anounce whose corrupt and who needs to be investigated. The president is emberacing respected people as they are not found guilty. Investigations need to be finalised to avoid premature accusations. I think PF is somehow going a wrong direction. i think H.E. Sata’s advisers are incompetent or the president is a unitary decision maker, very dangerous stance
No one has accused and even less charged Nevers Mumba of anything. His response is similar to the thief who runs away when no one is chasing – verbally declare innocence, but by your actions admit guilt. Another one bites the dust !!
The reason Nevers Mumba was shipped to Canada was because his wife pleaded for the family to be spared from the man’s lack of principle. For an alleged man of God, Nevers shows as much stability as a blade of grass in the wind – no back bone. Now that the wind is blowing in the direction of posible MMD presidency, he is leaning that way. This man will abandon you for less than 3 pin – the track record shows how he abandoned the party he formed in favour of earning 5 pin. If I were him, I would keep silent and let the auditors declare innocence.
I don’t think H.E Sata is a dictator or that he will turn into one But i do think that the president is still living in the 20th century hence following the Kaunda Era status quo. He is a hands on man but lacks diplomacy
in my view i think Sata has sorn the seed of hate since winning the election. when mwanawasa came into power the issue was he a cabbage, Sata comes in tongas fighting bembas. has he come out and made a statement to unite us zambians? you can sense the tribal hate on blogs allover the internet. whats next? are we taking to the streets to deal with the issues we facing?
Lets not get too excited about the alleged misappropriation of funds by the Evangelist.
Obviously, it is a daint in his way. We should allow him to be vindicated by the law. Remember, “not guilty till proven otherwise..”
Going by the flip-flops we have seen of the accusations that have been flying around, I am really to see a charge stick to the accuser. Our president, with all due respect, is turning out to be shooting, blindfolded, into the darkness. I bet all these misfiring may be due to no time for reading the various many reports that are arriving at his desk. I really doubt the aides are not giving him proper advice.
I grew up as catholic and now ‘born again’…and the truth is the Catholic church is one most organised, structured and principled church…And of course worship the Same God as ba pente.. most of ba pente churchs are have pets issues, fighting between these small pastor, bishops ..it is just crazy, now it is about properity gospel…i’m going back to catholic…by the way these Catholic Bishops (unlike ba Penta self appoited bishops) are schooled properly baba……
Good points, though I wonder what spiritual food you’ll get from the Catholics. Ask God to guide you. he will surely speak to you. May teh Lord lead you t o a church that’s best for you.
the problem with sata is not what he does but how he does things.he barks at every whim.why announce before nevers comes to zambia or worse still wwhy announce before verifying the information?now mumba can refuse to ever come back or he can start to clean himself worse still he can sue the state because of the president’s leaking mouth
People foretold this man cannot make good president. He has always behaved like this. But people deliberatedly blinded themselves so they could have change at any cost. This is the small price for the change people wanted. Guess you didnt have much choice, given RB. May just have to live with him. LOL!
Nevers should have continued with his Church. Politics and Church do not fair well. I am just imagining how he will look when they ask him to remove his shoes. Ahahaha
who is better between Nevers and X Chungu??
@ 71 chungu is better in Sata’ eyes
What is the truth? This corrupt pastor is giving two different reasons why is not coming back to Zambia until December…and this is just in one interview! He is a liar and he thinks we can’t see that? The stupid dull Daily Mail reporter also failed to spot the anomally and carried on with the interview without questioning which of the two reasons is the real one for not coming back. Njoka iza muluma, afuna safuna!
Every time you hear of a hiring or thief in Zambia today, paka pa nkale po mwine Bembanese! Maybe this is the lot we must cede to Katanga to link up with Katebe Katoto, Kabongo Ngoi, Mutubile and Katumbi to take Mobutu’s “munthu na munthu ku libongesha” theory to another kleptomaniac level.
Are you tribalist? Is it going to take yiou anywhere?
Yes you were warned. You reap what you sow. Sorry Sata is your own baby.
salut, j’espe8re que tu cherches torujous e0 faire des rencontres, si c’est le cas ( pour mon plus grand bonheur), contacte-moi vite, je t’en dirais plus sur moi, sinon, permet moi d’ajouter que tu as un petit cf4te9 diffe9rent qui te donne beaucoup de chalme. A bientf4t j’espe8re.
# 75 Kolwestan,Ngombestan (Dungstan) , Anikondestan, Johnchinenastan, Tubulustan, Cowfellastan, KopalaKabovastan — all are have stolen be it rustling or ntolelefye
…. and back to the subject i think MCS has two trays on his desk and he should be careful as to which one fills up first – the Bad or Good tray. At the rate he is going with the bad and trivial tray I will soon start predicting 2016.
Amen. Now bring back our money.
It’s Zondwe Sata’s stinking tribal agenda that is sinking him fast. Even with all the by elections he is engineering, he should forget about winning outside of Bembastan. No one in Zambia is interested in giving credence to such a rotten tribal charade.
#16 SHAKA OZ….what a load of rubbish bin.
Malaria may be killing people but it is curable.
HIV is now less devastating than it was BUT why is it that there is no public awareness campaigns against HEPATITIS C and B viruses! In the US now, Hep C deaths have exceeded those from HIV! Wake up Zambia and do not allow this new pandemic to overtake you like HIV did in the 80s. Start screening and testing for Hepatitis B and C!!!!
Nevers is making a big mistake by resisting to return to Zambia, giving those flimsy excuses is not good enough. Who does he think he is? A God-fearing man never abandons his flock, the church. Nevers Mumba, stop being stiff-necked and return to Zambia to face the music like a man!
Just like there is no Bradford University in Canada, there is no Zambian Mission in Toronto, it is in Ottawa. Sata needs some serious education.
SHAKA OZ……if anything, I think this will be the best constitution ever produced in Zambia. Catholic Bishops will not even physically handle the allowances. They will probably give it to the poor in form of food, clothing, toys for orphans. They will call a spade, a spade. If they’re not happy with the discussions and decisions made, they will speak out and condemn. 3 catholic bishops and Mr Lifuka……..this is a big PLUS
Maybe, draw up your own list and lets compare it to H E MCS’s list
If a former pastor, Vice President and high commissioner can’t afford a house all these years, can a simple miner or civil servant ever own his on house with the low salaries being offered?
He is laying he has a house in Lusaka, He is a fake Pastor who leader expensive life with his wife, shopping, If Generals can pack and go what about him. Do not extend his leave, a notice , was sent to all missions no extensions what is he talking about. Pack and go you Fake Pastor
Zambia shall be saved part 3.:((
Tribalists are insecure people. They rush to hide under the banner of tribes crying”Tribal, tribal, tribal” at everything. But the problem is with their own warped thinking. They think security is in belonging to a group, a tribe. Even in urban areas, or in diaspora. Ukushishita.
As for Sata vs Nervers, time will tell who’s telling the truth.
We can not afford either of these guys telling lies.
Dr mumba why cant you just continue with pastoring people of God.the isrielites were in the widerness for fourty years,some started looking back to Egypt but Moses was there encouranging them.till they saw the powers of God.Pastor God has been protecting you since you stopped watching his flocks;now its time to answer the calling of God and cross over before you are finished by senior politicians.
Has the PF government got a chief spokesperson or is it the president himself? Everything that is happening in the country seems to be announced by the president… My advice to my tribal cousin: Ubufumu baichindika abene.
I have taken it like maybe these are intelligence briefs which are not yet fact but the Kateka believes in shortcuts and tells us anyway. The investigative wings are the last to know and am sure they are not yet used to working in reverse or backwards. this will lead to police changing charges one or more times as I have already noticed and Sakwiba Scott knows this is were he can mint big time. Just notice how fast he is off the block on every case!!
There is no way that the Catholics can advise Satan, they killed Jesus and they have the blood of the lamb hunting them. look ar Sata what christainity is in that Guy. that man is evil, well all know that he killed mwanawasa. hes a very bad man were juju is concerned. everybody knows that and we shouldnt pretend. the guy will suck the blood of Zambians.
Musonda the chap Sata has in a few days hut a lot of families and he is still huting many. this guy will end badly that i see am telling you the trueth. He is the Snack that he Potrays he is. How can a normal man a father and a leader of a Nation, who goes to Catholic depend on a snake for a symbol. Is this what the Catholics teach? He is a satanist am not joking. a snake is a very bad symbol in the bible, and that is what Satan picks for himself. is this guy really normal. we reap what we saw.Snakes have been associated with some of the oldest rituals known to humankind. …. In the Genesis story of the Torah and Biblical Old Testament, the tree of the knowledge … a Sanskrit word meaning either “coiled up” or “coiling like a snake. so do the Catholic ecourage snakes in their church.
Just start praying and fasting before 90days.
and how does the money move from accounts to HC. then the account also is a thief
Several different Hebrew words that are translated as “serpent” or “snake” are used in the Pentateuch. The most common term is nahash, used in Genesis 3:1, 2, 4, 13, 14; Genesis 49:17; Exodus 4: 3, 7:15; and Numbers 21: 7, 9.1 It is found at least 30 times in the Old Testament,2 and means “to make a hissing sound,” as well as a “venomous reptile with deadly fangs.”3
A more ambiguous term is tannin, which can also be translated “monster,” “dragon,” “sea serpent,” “crocodile,” and can mean any large sea creature or reptile, as in Job 7:12.4 It derives from the Ugaritic tnn, referring to mythological sea monsters. This word is found in the creation account in Genesis 1:21, where it is usually translated as “sea monsters;”5 in Exodus 7: 9, 10,
Saint Nevers
Growing up in Kitwe and raised in a catholic church, Nevers Mumba was the first voice of God I heard calling us to repentance and teaching us new things we had never known about the wonderful depth of the things of God. As most of us now know, the catholic church is all traditional, revealing very little on the majesty of God most high. Mumba was called and chosen to accomplish Gods work. The inclusion of 3 catholic bishops in reviewing our constitution is the beginning of the installation of a secular constitution. The declaration of Zambia as a nation for Jesus Christ has been offensive to the adversary and as the old serpent has always done, it is using its Catholic agents in a very subtle manner to try and stop Christ from reigning in our great nation. Pray & Fast Zed its spiritual war
do catholic believe God. those are fake. they just pretend and yet the are homosexuals. what Catholic Musata nyoko. live nevers Mumba alone. Mind you judge not. if he is a child of God and neglected God , so what? what did jesus come for here on earth. didnt he come for sinners, he is only human like you stupid people passing comments. fools and may God put a curse upon your families just this day and may you all never see the favor of God. May the God of creation visit your homes, since you have decided to stand in the gap of God almighty, the only one who can judge and not any of of suffering guys who have nothing to do in life. people of little sense
Sata is only afraid of Nevers because he is so charismatic and fast. He is also presidential material.
**==king cobra a fool. live nevers alone
all those realled just work hard and team up for a good party . do go home to lower yourself like mrs Luhila, the wife to former dilopmat in Nigeria, who was found dancing and joinning the PF after the husband been fired by the same party. is she normal that woman is a prostititue. and by the way, were is her so called boyfriend who was campanning with her during FFD Litana Elija. they used to sleep together and Luhila knew nothing, is he normal. that woman Sata should not give her a job. she is just a prostitute. let her clear the buses she got on credit from where she bought them.
Sadman then she will sleep with Sata to get a job
Nevers is more mature than SATA. believe me. the man is very bad. i have a friend who is one of the advisors there. he says they cant pronounce any word of advice, he just shuts them up. so dont even blame advisors, he is an advisor on himself , and also a spokes person and a president. he is finishing himself very very fast.
Arrogance and the Church don’t mix
All the best to the Man of God. “In all my life, I have never seen the righteous suffer nor their children beg for bread…”
Ba Nevers if ever a statement were true, right now, silence is golden
Reading some contributions on this blog, I can see that a good number of you are still blind on the activities of the catholic organization. I call it organization because the word church is according to Apostle Paul, the body of Christ. They don’t believe Christ is God hence the emphasis on Mary.In the US it is taken to be a distinct religion like Christianity and Islam.
1. The pope signed the declaration which stated that if there is going to be one to be a slave, it has to be a black person-that’s why the organization does not attract a lot of black people in most developing nations except of course the ignorant like Miss BC & Paolo Di Canio.
2. The catholic ‘priests’ are on the verge of bankrupting the organization because of lawsuits involving child molestation. Its the organization’s fault to continue denying their hyper sex driven ‘priests’ to marry as it was in the past. In case most of u don’t know these guys used to marry. The policy changed when it became a burden to the church to take care of the ‘priest’ widow & children when they died. since they were never in gainful employment they had nothing to leave 4 their families to take care of themselves so the organization had to take care of business.
I got enough data on these guys. God will not allow Sata naba patili bakwe to go thru with their evil agenda concerning the constitution. I urge every Christian to go on their knees.
UUhmhhhm….ATI MAN OF SHAANI?…eya
I think I now understand my president better. He is still in the opposition mode. He thinks he can pass a statement and at times it won’t carry that much weight. Please those next him do inform him that his word is next to poilicy. Once he passes a statement, we expect it to be accurate and it should not be found to be otherwise with simple investigation. I hope ba Mumba you are true to the word you have said, ”as having not touched our funds”.
Nevers can never be a threat to Sata and will never be. Politically Nevers has not achievd anything and I doubt if at all he can. Even in Northern Province and specifically Chinsali as someone was hinting. It can’t happen. Nevers is not a political force. Infact I think he is not a politian but a preacher of the Gospel
Sata must go in 2016! Zambia will be worse off by then. Watch this space!
Is this man a politician or a man of the cloth?
#43 Don’t Dwindle My Tribal Base, you are right about Sata’s real concern. I am a Sata supporter, pleased that PF is in power. However the manner by which President Sata is making such serious allegations shows unprofessionalism. Mr. President allow the due process of the law to carry itself out. What Sata has managed to do is make Mumba more popular. Watch and see.
I trust God Loving men of God and NOT God fearing liars like Nevers Sekwila Mumba!
I am so amazed by some of these comments. What’s this between jesuits and pentes? So I guess the types of comments show what type of christians you are. Aba bamudala I stopped trusting him when he sold out the opposition. There’s time for everything!
I do trust all the ideas you’ve introduced in your post. They are really convincing and can certainly work. Still, the posts are very brief for beginners. May you please lengthen them a bit from next time? Thanks for the post.
nevers maybe you want to finish your church you left hanging and unfinished inparklands,coz umutulo was not enough hence to go in politics where tax payers money is loose,once you complte it,thats wen you will go back to pastering,mind you GOD is watching you and satan is hapi and celebrating for your wrong doings,And you cant be a zambian president,U cant’people no u,more especially in the copperbelt wen you go for shopping in shoprite,ba kaponya know u.zambia shall not be saved but betrayed.VIVA PF and SATA.
ala na 2016 ni PF fye,nevers you will not have it at all,only those you used to swindle maybe will vote for you,not us civil servants,the youths of zambia nowadays are sharp sharp in mind,and they dont no you GOD SWINDLER.ALA MMD YALIPWA,NA BO BA HH BALE SABAILA FYE,HE HAS NO WAY,AND HE LUCKS POLITICAL SWEETTALK.IF YOU WANT TO FOOLED VOTE FOR nevers,just understand his name,he will never be a president as his name states.
Pastor Mumba is just one bad sign of what is going on with Zambian men, most of these holy men have too much love for wealth and luxurious living. Its not evil but it is not morally right. Why should men of God be having five meals a day when 85% marinaded in abject poverty. Shame on you. What is the diffrence between you pastors and ‘Wall Street Excutives’ and Inter Bank excutives ??? Where is your heart, Nevers and other prominant Pastors, Bishops etc, You know your selves, you are bad examples of the gospel. Pastor Mumba, please produnce audited accounts of your Canadian position and justify to Zambians why you got cash from that questionable organisation. Change for Jesus Chirist name
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