Monday, December 16, 2024

President Sata urged to include EFZ on the Constitution committee


An opposition political party has requested president Michael Sata to include the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia on the technical committee appointed to draft the new constitution.

The Zambia for empowerment and development -ZED- which made the request says the Evangelical fellowship represents a large constituency of voters.

ZED president Fredrick Mutesa has also said the twenty member committee of experts in its current form is not balanced.

He was speaking in an interview with ZNBC news in LUSAKA on Thursday.

Dr Mutesa has observed that the last constitution making process under the MMD failed because of controversy surrounding the composition of the commissioners.

President Sata on Wednesday appointed the technical committee to draft the new republican constitution within a 12 months timeframe.



  1. No pliz they had their chance and eveyone saw what happened during the NCC.But anyways your contributions are nevertheless welcome.

  2. Besides we dont need 100 people to do the right thing.I really dont care we who is in as well as they do the right thing within a short period of time.This is were we go wrong.

  3. EFZ is a set of dull chaps with big mouths and pot bellies. how do you expect them to analyse issues? sata is very right to leave them out. 100% my support.

  4. Please wat new ideas do the have? Beta get witnesses, rcz, latter day, the constitution is 4 all zambianz nt voterz.

  5. tooo many cooks spoil the broath, I think we have enough brains in the constituted team besides they are not doing it from scratch as they already have reference points.

  6. They Were in NCC and made their Contributions which will be presented to the Committee by the Representatives of NCC (Mwangala Zaloumis). What new Ideas apart from what they already Said in NCC. Actually The church is already Over represented.

    Maybe Cry for other Profesions Like Journalist or a Credible Politician from the Opoosition. Actually Even the same Experts come from the Churches, so its enough

  7. Oh please! Not those mugs who only yap when they see brown envelopes! They are the last people I would ever want to come close to this.

    To hell with them. ECZ? Never heard of them!

  8. As a country we do not have resources to waste on time wasters! Bafyatile aba ba ECZ baimya na Mamba ati balya again, Takuli this time around, Misula shenu. Fyototo Fyototo, atase. Mwanya, who even lied to you that you are indespensable mwemashilumwe!!

  9. Yah ZED man is right i think the director is Rev. Putkuta Mwanza he has always been very vocal in times of traffic accidents and has suggested very goos ideas to RATSA that they are implementing to avoid traffic accidents across the country, include the man please

  10. Munazigon’ga president,now you want to start crying foul.Let him go ahead with-mongapanali poyamba,ndisopano,ndipanthawi zosatha.Amen.

  11. Let them go away. We know these plonkers. It`s like inviting Nevers! Before you realise he is Vice President. Despicable people. Yes they want to have the cake and eat it. These mugs were there with Kunda what is going to change this time?

    Let them go to ZNBC and have their contributions recorded. Their contributions can be put on DVD in no time. Fake Pastors ata! Mushota would say pass me the puke bucket please!

  12. I think Mr Mutesa is right. No matter the way we look at it, we need to have representatives from EFZ. There is no need to have 3 Catholic bishops, for what? What about other faiths like Muslims or Seventh Day Adventists, UCZ, Apostolic church? Surely we have large diverse religious faiths in Zambia, and it’s only fair that other faiths are also considered, otherwise this will be misconstrued as being one sided because the President is Catholic, what with the bemba chief Luchembe, of all chiefs in Zambia, already in the mix. With so much talk about ‘bembas being favoured’, the most to have happened was not to appoint a chief from northern province, perhaps another province. Constructive criticism didn’t hurt anyone by the way!

  13. Satan must not be allowed to divide this country. Surely why should we insult each other like this? You may think Satan favors you because you are Bemba or Catholic but he is only setting u up as a target. The comments above look like sata has now embarked on dividing the churches upon successfully dividing tribes.

  14. I think the president is right and has put together a great and sound team and he has my full backing here. This committee is not creating a constitution from scratch or from without. They are going to just sit and read the drafts that are already there and make recommendations.

    These are the learned men on the constitution that we have on the team. And really tribe or religion should not be a factor for people who are just going to read and review documents without adding anything to it.

    All the material from all the corners of Zambia has already been collected from all tribes and all religions, come on people move on and this is a good move from President Sata and lets support him and cut your tribal or religious rants.

  15. A point of correction to some contributors. ZEC, CCZ and EFZ (three Church mother bodies) refused to participate in the previous NCC. The EFZ Board Chairman was and is still Bishop Joe Imakando. The then EFZ Executive Director was Bishop Paul Mususu and the current one is Reverend Pukuta Mwanza. Can anyone prove that the above mentioned participated in the NCC or better still prove if they sung praise of the former government. The only mother body that participated was ICOZ and some individual pentecostal leaders who did so in their own individual capacity or maybe represented the denominations where they belong. Conversely, we heard of some catholic clergy that used to have a soft spot for RB and MMD, including where Sata congregates.

  16. I can’t also include these Pentes.They had their time and our money was chwed by these fake pastors.Bravo President Sata.we don’t fake pastors!

  17. Don’t allow satan to tie you with a twine. Oasis forum please….susan, susan reject satan’s offer. FEZ members please forget not the word of prophecy from Prophet Kurhe. Don’t pull down the alters. Let’s pray on. I said born again christians are his Target. Don’t forget. They even have my true identity and threats have already come but I fear no evil. Like Never I say God will judge between Satan and me.

  18. This Mutesa also, how can he just say “it is not balanced” without explaining… is it coz of too many lawyers? too many bembas? too many men? too many what?

    what side is heavier than the other?


    As a party, we have always been quick to commend President Sata when he has made correct decisions because we believe that his success as head of state is the success of Zambia as a whole. But we will be failing in our duty as a responsible opposition if we turn a blind eye to the president’s decisions which are inimical to national interest. We have observed with dismay that the composition of the technical committee appointed by President Sata to draft the constitution bill is not properly balanced.

  20. CONT’D

    In particular, we are very concerned that the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) which represents a large constituency of voters and has historically contributed significantly to the constitution-making process is conspicuously absent. Meanwhile, the other two main church mother bodies, CCZ and ZEC, are well represented, with the latter contributing three bishops, besides the numerous Catholics who are there in their individual capacities. We do not need to remind President Sata that the last constitution-making process superintended by the MMD failed, largely on account of the controversy which surrounded the composition of the National Constitutional Conference (NCC).

  21. We have plenty of qualified zambians to sit on that board,but we cant afford all of them.Mr.ZED president tell the nation if you need 73 people on the board from 73 tribes of zambia?Because each tribe has eligible person to sit on that board.Let us not trivialize matters for our selfish gain pliz. Twenty people are even more.Since zambia has no enough funds.All the money is stolen.Didnt you hear that Mr. Mutesa?

  22. This was the main reason why the NCC was boycotted by several key stakeholders, including President Sata’s then opposition Patriotic Front. We should learn from our past mistakes as a nation if we are going to avoid falling in the same ditch. President Sata is not only a president of one segment of society; he is president of all Zambians. It is not too late for the president to rectify this error and ensure that we have a truly all-inclusive constitution-making process.

  23. #17. Chief you have a poit. I support you 100%. Dr Mutesa is day dreaming. I mean the church is represented already by Suzana Matale if not mistaken, so what else does thay need? The next thing if we heed by the call, it will be ehovas witness , then SDA, then Catholitc, then Bhudist, then Moslems then small churches etc…lets leave the team as it is, they are not going to begin from the scratch for Gods sake.

  24. Dr Mutesa quote” Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) which represents a large constituency of voters ????do you have statistics? why speak from the blues??? all churches have voters any way. That does not hold any waters. Can we see a bigger picture. Lets not be myopic. I agre with the #28. the next thing it will be all churches need to be represented.

  25. Constable sata’s hatred for Tongas has been laid bare. No Tonga on this shum committee. lest He will be missunderstood. Let Membe and Sata’s hatred for Tongas consume them. Just like sadam Hussein a suni northerner gassed the shihites downsouth in I raq, there is a danjer that the southerners should expect the worst. But dont you worry, let God fight your battles. These 3 catholic bishops 2 of them bembas. its a shum failing before it takes off

  26. Hey its not a committee for prayers to ask every church to be on board. This people are not starting from the scratch. the material is available to extract the information from.Submission have already been done even by the muslim brothers.Let guys who know the staff work on it.

  27. No quarrel about the calibre of the team. Albeit the team is not representative of Zambian – ness. The One Zambia One nation thing. My marternal relatives, the Nkoya – are they includeed? No wonder the Batustans cry foul; and the Barotse want to go. At this rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if the Bantustans and the kaondes and the Luvales and the whole bevy of NW express desire to go with the Barotse. Lest I miss to mention the Bemba supremacy conspiracy theory that it started well in the late sixties with a well known leader, Chiluba, it is said was the heir apparent. Aftermath of the 3rd term was a temprary setback. That gthey are now back into the cockpit nursing a young leader to take over after MCS’ 5 year term, and perpetually lord it over the other tribes, The wise, the well informed

  28. The Team has been finalised. You guys will be consultated…So forget about Seating ‘allowances’..Give submit your ideas.

  29. #19
    Your tribalism is sickening, are you seeing bemba’s anywhere you look? There are more 73 tribes in Zambia including descendants from other countries like Indians, Somalians etc, do you need all these people in the committee to represent there interests? Start looking at other people as fellow Zambians instead labeling them into tribes.  

  30. #3 [Analysis Corner],

    Including the EVIL Roman Catholic Bishop CHILD MOLESTERS in the constitution review make me feel like vomiting because of their blindness of not seeing the DANGER in these actions of EXCLUDING Pentecostal/Evangelical/Protestant Christians out of this Constitution making.

    What will happen is that counter reaction to this: is that Pentecostals with all the Evangelicals will start praying to vote for their own Born Again President like Godfrey Miyanda or Nevers Mumba as they feel that they being persecuted in their own country Zambia.

    The Evil Roman Catholic Church Bishops are used to causing interfaith CONFUSION as they have done in Northern Ireland. Zambian Christians do not want fighting over issues that can be avoided.

    Shame on you haters of Pentecostal

    • it’s either you are catholic or protestant christian, mind you christ founded the roman catholic church, and you?

  31. #13 Italian Bunga Bunga (Original),

    The current Pope has a POT BELLY i have seen him and he covered CHILD MOLESTERS PRIESTS when he was a Cardinal in Germany!! You are acting like wise tufi!!

    You are a Pentecostal/Evangelical/Protestants Hater for NOTHING! You need to be caged like your fellow EVIL Roman Catholic Church Bishops who are participating in what Sata is doing because they think they are doing Zambia a favor when in fact not! These 3 Bishops on the Review Committee are parasites who will eat tax payers money. Our Money mind you!!!

    The Roman Catholic Church educate, give poor people things they get for for free from well wishers its not their own sacrificial personal money. NO NO NO NO NO NO!!!

  32. #7 Italian Bunga Bunga (Original),

    Which Hell Pentecostal hater for nothing!! Thats what i heard one EVIL Roman Catholic Church Bishop saying against a Born Again Christian who was praying in tongues.

    Am told that These Evil Roman Catholic Bishops have insecurity over the Born Again Charismatic deliverance message to the point they would prefer to deal with the DEVIL than a Born Again Christian.

    What a shame!!! What Hatred!!

  33. #20 John -Eastern power,

    You MOROON CHIMPANZEES with your short memory with your EVIL Roman Catholic Bishops who have no morals to support Sata’s unprincipled appointments of corrupt people like Chungu and Miti!

    How can you forget that through the OASIS Forum Pentecostal/Evangelical Pastors/Bishops and Bishops stood up to Chiluba’s Third Term?

    LAZ Chairman Mwenya is a Pentecostal Christian, Bishop Mambo, Bishop Mususu is Evangelical e.t.c. All these stood up to evil MMD schemes.

    This will definitely backfire on the Roman Catholic Church involvement with Sata’s government, just as it happened in Rwanda’s Genocide and the way the Evil Roman Catholic Church Priests supported Hitler and remained quiet during the persecution of Jews in German by Hitler

  34. EFZ has a large following comprising of major pentecostal churches and leaving them out would be a grave political blunder similar to that of NCC. The three Church mother bodies are 1. ZEC for Catholics 2.CCZ for Protestant Churches like UCZ,RCZ etc and 3.EFZ for Pentecostals. So why should the two be included but leave out one?

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