President Michael Sata has questioned the motive behind certain people demanding for inclusion of Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia on the committee of experts tasked to draw a new constitution of Zambia.
President Sata said he has appointed several Bishops most of them born again Christians to seat on the committee.
He said this at state house today during swearing ceremony for Justice permanent secretary, Patricia Daka Jere and Francis Kamanga for ministry of works and supply.
Mr Sata also noted that it is very difficult to balance appointments of people based on tribe.
He said the appointments of Mr Kamanga and Mrs Jere both from the Eastern Province are on merit.
He questioned why some people complain about his appointment being tribal when some sections of society such as the disabled have not complained.
The president also tasked Mrs Jere is a disabled lawyer to draft legislation to regulate internet journalism.
Mr Sata also told Mr Kamanga to put an end to the corruption at the road development agency.
He told Mr Kamanga to go country wide to monitor road construction projects and not leave to RDA.
Mr Sata also directed Mr Kamanga to upgrade all aerodrams in the country.
satas reason not to appoint efz: they were on defunct ncc constitution process
satas reason to appoint remainder of technical team: they participated in previous constitution processes
Please read again, is that what he said? You have telepathic abilities mune?
Where is 7th Day Adventist Church????
get a life
Drinking seven days…
i think we need to understand that as a nation we trying to save money, we wasted a lot during RB’s time. therefore, we cannot afford to include everyone in this exercise. what we should be looking at is, are the people appointed credible enough to the work. some people want to be there for their own personal gains, we don’t need that.
There is no credibility in making appointments for such an exercise as important as the constitution alone then later on appoint 3 Catholic bishops simply because you the president are catholic… Nonsense to say the least and we will not accept it.
You are right,Musoli, but that also includes unnecessarily having 3 catholic priests.
Let me get this straight. Do these people crying to be there looking at it from monetary term or what. For you own information, we wont spend more like the N.C.C. Some of you will be made to pay from your pocket. careful what you cry for. On that muslim man boasting that the economy is bright because of them, he should think again. Would have been buying those white cloths if the our people whom you abuse through small salaries and selling your things high price if they didnt buy. You can claim to be the reason and live our Zambian people who dont riot anyhow if things dont go well. we have countries were even an increase in price of bread makes town littered.
@2 please am SDA , please not them on drafting the constitution. They dont even
the limit of 7 days given to the submisssion of the constitution report is a good thing as less money will be spent compared to the loss on the past sitting
7 days is for presenting a plan!
The EFZ can not be trusted. In Chiluba regime the supported third term in Bwezani the the supported corruption. Dont trusted these briefcase pastors leave them. Get trusted men of God
The 3rd Term was Sata’s baby. He even managed to change teh MMD constitution to allow it.
Ok not over exhault sata’s wisdom but sometimes his wisdoms shuts up alot of us with our tribal rehetoric…
Sata, listen EFZ will defend the ‘christian nation preamble and they will definetly be aginst gay rights. When know what they stand for
The Zambian Watchdog is really and surely biting the old man
Even us Kachokwes ,want to be part of the constitution making process! Mwalitulekelesha sana!
Why is Mr Sata scared of internet journalism. It is the same inrtenet J which contributed to his ascending to power. Why is he scared now that he is in power. We are no longer blind fools Mr President. All you want to do is simply abolish our voices for your selfsh benefit. This country is not for you alone but for all zambians. Please do not bring in dictatorial type of govenance in this day and age. We will not accept it!
#7 Samba, where was Sata during teh 3rd Term?
Question to you Mr President is what is your motive in appointing 3 catholic Bishops.???? Why 3 from one denomination?
Why regulate internet journalism? Takuli ifyo twakana…
The issue is why 3 Catholic Bishops? One position can be alloted to EFZ.
What is at stake is the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation. The Catholics may kick that out. Also, EFZ will oppose gay rights. Born again Christians are bible based.
in your dreams
The EFZ Chairman or Executive Director can replace one Catholic Bishop because they represent an affilliation of over 100 Evangelical and Pentecostal denominations. For your own information EFZ did not participate in the previous NCC, after all its then E.D Bishop Mususu was an outspoken critic of the NCC. The same reason Sata appointed the Catholic Bishops is the same reason he should include EFZ, so instead of us giving him the reason, let him (Sata) give us the reason he appointed 3 Catholic Bishops and excluded EFZ. His directive to the new PS to regulate internet journalism is an effort to introduce archaic laws aimed at stifling the freedom of expression and as such an indicator of a manipulated constitution in view of Sata directing the committee to directly report to him.
what about the Muslims, Hundus & all other religions?? if u come to that…wont we jes be repeating the NCC?? thot this was about saving costs now!
Sir, please be a father of the nation and don’t scatter the children. Catholics 3 bishops, CCZ Secretary General and EFZ no official. This is really naked ….
All the *****s crying to be included in the draft are just looking for cash, how many times do you what to chew money over same things, lets look at it from the monetary view. This time there is no loose cash, we all know what we want even 10 people can draft it pfovede they are not compromised period.
Sata is truly mad in the head, how could he say that those who are qustioning his stinking tribal appointments should also be complaining about his lack of appointment of e.g. disabled people. All tribes have diabled people you fool. With such a flawed analogue, who needs a fool for president?
There is no credibility in making appointments for such an exercise as important as the constitution alone then later on appoint 3 Catholic bishops simply because you the president are catholic… The idea is to get fair representation across all demographics in our country Zambia. Such extreme arrogance by His excellency, the chick and audacity to even question why we the people are questioning the appointment of 3 catholic bishops to draw up OUR constitution.
Why only 3 Catholic Bishops. Include also other denominations, we are not all chatholics.
what about islamic society of zambia, it is the fastest growing religion in zed at the moment why should they to not participate in this here process?most of zambia will be wearing skull caps if they are not kept in check.
The catholic Bishops represent all the christians.coz all christians (ba pente, chitawala, chimpempe etc etc) use same the bible….And as Sata said they re all BORN AGAINs..It is just that ba pente think they re born aain more than the other…
Ba pente nabo nga ba nunsha ulupiya…
Its a good idea to have more catholic priests in the constitution making process. These priests they really work for the people even though they don’t even benefit from taxpayers money. Look at how many hospices they have. They are known to looking after ophans. I also know some orphans who were educated by catholics up to the university. Catholics are known for helping the poor. On the contrary our colleagues in the pentecosts are more on the receiving than giving. For as long as you give offering or tithes, to them you are blessed regardless of where you got the money. And if you are poor to them you are a sinner. They will even tell you you need deliverance. They will even tell other people not to be associated with you because they poverty is contegeous.
Ngombala Muhapi wa Maqwereqwere! You can put up a good point without insulting. Not where you sound so personal and insolent. And you call your self wise with that kind of language which is reserved for call boys. It is a sad life you live.
Pentecostals are anti poor. They enjoy moving in expensive vehicles and living a luxurious life even when they are living among the poor people. These guys have greatly contributed to our sufferings in our country. They called Chiluba ” An anointed man of God” just because they were benefiting from his corruption at the expense of the majority poor Zambian. Just one of them is enough so that their voice of anti-poor is not left out.
Please no religious bodies on this one, if so then you must include all i.e Muslim, Hindus, traditional, Scientology, etc (including satanic religions)
I hope they wont be appointing a “commission of inquiry” on this one too and hope to give us the results(and not the solutions) after 5 years of office.
My God! What would a Kachokwe be doing in the commission?
EFZ eat alot on NCC so not again tubena Joshua Banda twaliya sana indalama thats why i dont trust pentes
The gentleman at plot one needs to have his head exmined big time by serious medical practitioners. Is all I can say.
this is a one term president sowing division by tribe, churches, etc
If you are true christians,you will not even fight to deal with politics.politics existed even in time of Jesus Christ and his apostles.When Jesus was to be made king as the pharisees noted that he was of great wisdom,he left that area and went away(like into hiding).Politics do not go hand in hand with true christianity.
#12, ba pente are not so Bible based as you claim because if they were ka FTJ would not have bribed them left, right and centre…brown envelopes started with the same so-called born again pastors, they are compromised but you can’t compromise the word of God. Thats why the catholic priests and bishops are always deemed to be against those in authority, even Sata will start complaining about them very soon becoz they side with the poor & voiceless unlike your bishop Bandas, Imakandos, Chihanas who dine and wine with the rich and corrupt. Remember that Jesus came for the down-trodden and not the upper-mwambas…
Mwe baKwisano mwe mfumu, twatotetela mukwai.
God is good. The Bible is his word. Read it for yourself. If a Christian backslides or does not obey God, it does not make God a liar. there are a lot of genuine servants of God.
It is Jesus who said you must be born again. Check John 3. That’s the qualification for seeing the kingdom of God. Its got nothing to do with church denomination. God will judge mankind, whther one is a pastor or not.
Appoint anyone you feel is qualified…period. will never move forward if all we look at is tribe!!!
A Christian Nation or a Catholic Nation?
It is a step in the right direction that finally we have a committee to handle the constitution, though it is now clear that the ninety days (90) promise was merely a political gimmick and empty rhetoric to hoodwink unsuspecting voters.
What seems to stick out though from the personalities nominated to be on the committee is the fact that there are three Catholic priests. One wonders whether this country is changing from a Christian Nation to becoming a Catholic Nation.
As the rightful ruling tribe, I think us Bembas should be left in peace to come up with a constitution for the country we now rightfully own.
l hear you my brother we are born to teeka them
#24, I do not think you know what you are talking about. Politics affect all of us, even if we are Christians, Politicians or what ever and therefore to remove yourself from discussing what directly affects you is similar to lunacy, cowardice and ignorance of criminal magnitude. You can talk and influence politics without being a politician. Jesus fought for justice and preached equality among the people without being a political leader….
Monze Swallows,
Dor you realistically think the President is appointing from eachand every denomination??? How big will the technical etam be???? The church is representative and the same people who have been included will represent the church adequately
@24 Jona Nkutiz you are a true christian and a true man of understanding. The visible are temporal but the invisible are internal. A true christian can never involve himself in politics because we know that the true change will be brought by christ when he will return. Sata can try but will not finish all the suffering. Our job is to pray for those in leadership so that the lord can guide them.
just shut up, sata is right.
EFZ is a renowned organisation and ambrera body for many churches such as Brethren in Christ,ucz,assemblies of God,cmml,baptist,sda, etc these churches represent 60% of truly again Christians. It makes no sense for Sata and and his tribal Govt Just because EFZ stand to uphold the declaration of Zambia being a Christian nation and do not support gayism. Sata”s reasons for omitting EFZ begs alot of answers. Any way as for myself I will not take sata”s govt serious, they are a trial and error regime and they will go in history as the worst tribal and nepotism masters of our land
Number 15 Katole kabawiso
why are even putting in ba…katole kawaishi pantu wishi nebwa without a tail
Another abortion constitution making process, are we ever gona get this right?
The jehova’s witnesses also want to be included on the committee to draft new constitution!
The catholics have taken over the running of our Government and are making a lot of decisions as can be seen by a lot of blunders Sata is making.He is all over the place kissing them and worshipping them.He seems not to be sure of whatever he is doing because he is not in control.I am not surprised that he has included them on the line-up.Those of you who see nothing wrong with this should go behind the scene and see who is running the shots.Right now people have so much love for our President and do not want to be told that there’s something wrong.By the time they will open their eyes,it will be too late.All the best people for the next 5 years.
Mr Sata is setting his house on fire. True to saying that when God is not happy with you satan turns you into clay. The leave out of certain groups is dividing the country. Not all can be fooled. For example, what is the deal between PF and The Post! You mean educated journalists are only those from the Post! Diplomats in modern world is econmics and human capital development, education, ICT, etc. What will journalists do will this new approach to diplomacy! Even the too tired PS and his too tired ambassadors like Chibwa in Malaysia are a misfit. You are disgracing Zambia.
Ngombala muhapi wa maqwereqwere. think and grow up
…Good reasoning MCS…the EFZ ate enough during NCC…
Could someone kindly clarify! I thought there were 3 Catholic Bishops on the list! which ones is he calling ‘born again’ The point is there was no representation from one of the church mother bodies THAT was the bone of contention. Can we please have some sincerity from our President, He is now Head of State and he cant afford to communicate in an unclear manner!
Jihad and the Mujaheedin should also be included in the new constitution
Let’s not just criticise for the sake of scoring cheap mileage. Prof Pat Mvunga is a Constitutional heavyweight and so is Mwangala Zaloumis. There aren’t any better than these two that I know can interpret Constitutional like they know how. In them 2 alone they can collect all the past submissions and give us a Constitution that can stand the test of time. The only controversial appointments on this list are the 3 Catholic Priests; but then the Catholics have been known for championing basic human rights and standing with the poor and down-trodden in our society. How I wished the late Bishop Paul Duffy was on this team.
What I’m worried about the most is what Sata will do with the draft Constitution they will submit to him. In my opinion the draft should have just gone directly to parliament for debate and subsequently enactment. We have seen each and every President start with good intentions, only to water down the good report by removing stuff perceived to threaten their stranglehold to power.
As for those whingeing about lack of enough representation, I thought this wasn’t supposed to be a Constituent Assembly, but rather a team of ‘experts’ (whatever that means). There is a better way you can contribute besides being on the team: MAKE SUBMISSIONS TO THE TEAM when it starts sitting!
As for those calling for consulation, I believe Sata has appointed these people to do the ‘CONSULTATION’.
This constitution committe is really about Zambia being a Christian nation and I do sincerely hope that we as Zambians will not give away the precious gift that MMD helped us get from Almighty God that is having Zambia declared as a Christian nation. There is no nation in the world like us. MMD was not perfect. No party will ever be perfect anywhere in the world. Looking for perfection? You are looking in the wrong place. Perfection only exists in heaven not on earth so when dealing with people, governments etc here on the earth always take the good and discard or ignore their bad. Zambia is now a Christian nation and will always be one and changing that should never even be discussed because these are spiritual matters of security. There are always two matters the spititual and natural.
90% of the so called technical people are from northern region of zambia.Naked hatrage for the people from other regions.And why should it be that difficulty to balance tribes you misfit of a president. 20 people are more than enough to include every stakeholder for the sake of unity in the country.By the time your 5 years is finished there will be no single zambia at all. And should you make a mistake of closing down blogs such as ZWD and LT,that will entail bringing a presuure cooker in the country which will explode in you eyes-Noncompoomp.
people questioning the non inclusion of EFZ what do they really mean. You mean the pannel of expert are non christian who do not understand the needs of people.submissions are there even from the muslim community from the previous sittings.Sata is right even Disabled would have cried foul.Don’t be petty on this issue. The techical committee will not ask for the re-submissions.This is very straight forward. The issue here is money not being left out.
@ #12 That is the point. Sata and Catholics have said time to time they don’t want christian Nation in the constitution. Now this is their time.
#24 Jona and #29 Pelsi, it is alright for Christians to involve themselves in politics. The evils we have suffered are due to greed and all sorts of corruption by fellow men. They loved themselves and had little regard for other human beings.
A true Christian is a child of God. He fears God and obeys God and does what God tells him to do. It would be good to have such godly people running our country.
I know people rush to point at Christians who have failed them. But that does not mean there are no true Christians out there. The majority of Christians are honest, God fearing people that would not steal from you. Because they have a reverence for God, the Judge of all mankind.
#48 contd. Look for Christians who fear God. The big word here is FEAR God or REVERENCE for God. Consider Joseph in the bible, a woman wanted to sleep with him. He refused, saying, “How can I do such a thing and SIN against God”. Similarly we have Christian professionals in accounting, ZRA, etc who for the sake of the reverence they have for God alone, dont engage themselves in stealing. Why steal and go to hell. Aren’t you a Christian because you dont want to go to hell?
Its not about titles, its about your relationship with God. Look for such children of God. They will make you excellent administrators – like Joseph, Moses, Daniel et al. Honest and pure.
Or become a true Christian yourself and serve your God and mankind through politics.
Good afternoon
The new constitution will affect Zambian people’s lives more essentially and directly than anything else the president does, so it is important that the people feel well represented in the drafting process.
Having said that, I also feel that people are putting too much emphasis on tribal balance in the president’s appointments. Yet I bet these same people can barely name any outstanding lawyers or local judges from their tribes to fill the positions.
Nine Chale, it is not the job of the citizens to nominate members to the Committee or to ensure they know names of lawyers or judges in their tribe. It is the job of a national leader to do this and ensure that there is a “buy-in” into his ideas otherwise we dont want to see what happened to the NCC report which after all the hundreds of billions spent, it failed to be adopted by Parliament. Are we not taking this risk because PF will need 2/3 majority to pass the Constitution – which eg they cant do if UPND votes against it, as PF did when they voted against the NCC constitution. THIS IS WHY CONSENSUS in constitutional making process is important. If Zambians want 200 people to sit on the committee so that it is representative, why not????
In a democracy, the president is not supposed to be too important. According to the constitution, he is just one man that leads the executive branch, and this branch has no more power than the legistlative or the judicial.
In fact, it can be argued the Attorney General is a more powerful person as he can arrest you! The presido cannot.
Its not practicable nor desirable to include every Jelita and Tom on the Constitutional committee. I am disappointed that we have wasted so much time and resources trying to come up with a ‘new Constitution’ over the decades. In my opinion, the Constitution has only ever needed a few changes and inclusions; i) Whittling down of the executive powers ii) Strengthening the Bill of Rights and iii) Decentralising some govt. functions. I am restless with all this clamour about what church or faith should have a say or weather Zambia is a christian nation. There already is a clause in the Constitution that guarantees freedom of religion. This should remain general. No need to declare Zambia a christian country. All religions should simply abide by the laws of the country.
….. Most of this Constitutional exercise will be done in the urban areas – where all and sundry who think they know anything about the Constitution will make a submission. Have we ever explained to a lot of people, especially in typical rural areas, what a Constitution is, in the first place? How do you submit to something you don’t understand? The Constitution is the supreme law, but is only one of the laws. Some submissions will have nothing to do with the Constitution but the change of other laws ( most of which are archaic or need to move with the changing socio-economic landscape )
people will always complain, its why we have an elected govt to do its job
Sata hates born again Christians and that is why he has left out EFZ. We don’t need the Muslims because Zambia is a Christian nation. Sata wants to remove the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation. Let him know that we will reverse what he plans to do in 2016.
I hear ba Chifi babapela salary increament. Now that is MMD gone!
Mr sata has ignited wild fire in the nation which may not quench before it consumes him. He issues press statements that makes zambians express their disgust in all sorts of form and shape. Their expectations are hightened by the numerous press statements and then comes contradictions and unclear direction of where the country is heading. Zambians expect delivery of services and fight corruption through the independent judicial system and good governance.
As at now the president is pre occupied with arrests of individuals. Well plunderers have been there since 1991 when MMD took over. The late president PL Mwanawasa resigned because Mr Sata was involved in corrupt practices and wanted him prosecuted but Chiluba objected. On principle he resigned. Mr Sata can not play “Saint”.
this is the most foolish president. how can you give someone a task of regulating internet journalism?
EFZ participated in MMD NCC for monetary purpose which did not even produced a people driven constitution. they had stolen from us so what are they crying about? Mr Sata go ahead leave them behind, they should learn from their mistakes, Zambia is big and we have more competent people to preside over constitution making process than EFZ.
No brain president – Do you see is argument on tribe balancing. Ladies and Gentlemen education is good.
#58 Kashimani – It literally means screwing up and internet provider who allows a controversial blog to exist. By end of 2016 both Watchdog and LusakaTimes will no longer be in existence unless they shift their hosting to outside Zambia. But even then there is now technology to block specific sites hosted outside geougraphical borders. The Chinese are doing it very successfully and I’m sure they will offer Sata that. I don’t know why people are complaining because they voted for Sata and wanted action-man…now they have him. It’s not even one year since he got into power. By 2016 in Zambia we will have gone fully back to Kaunda days when you could not be seen with a dollar in your hand you had to explain…after being arrested. That is where ‘Uza kambila ku Police” came from!
It is amazing how some people virtually find President Sata “infalliable”. Whatever he does is right??? It reminds me of how, in 1991-1992, anyone who criticised MMD then was “uneducated”, a “foreigner” or a “unipist”.
To me what matters is not the composition of the technical committee by gender , tribe, religion, etc. For me the bottom line is the quality of the constitution that will come out of this committee.
How can Quality of the final product be ensured? Simple get experts from most interest groups in the team.
The fact that sata realised other tribes complained and chose not to hear the plight is evidence enough the president looks down upon certain tribes.This characteristic is does not fit a man at the helm of the nation when unification is dearly sought after now than before.
Sata must heed calls from all walks of life lest he pays a high price at the end if he ever lives to see it.
Sata needs to resist responding to every issue. This is not his constitution or the PF but one for all of us he therefore, needs to listen. replace the Catholic Bishops. Instead have 1 person from each of the mother bodies & include Moslems! Please Sir, learn to consult.
Well, you voted for him so don’t complain and you have not seen anything yet. Give him time and you will see the old Kaunda days of the Vigilante coming back to Zambia. KK and Sata, are the same and this time Kaunda is respected not because of what he did but as a states man but he made so many blunders and that’s where Sata is heading
Sata did not become a Republican President by being stupid as some of u think..he is human and def make mistakes ..but so far so good..He has 5 yrs to deliver ..so for me its early days to be conclusive on his leadership..he is also learning..coz it is huge transition from being oppo leader to Republican President
How can u have space for 3 (THREE) CATHOLIC bishops, but not 1 (ONE) space for EFZ? Sata dont scatter Zambians please…
If “most of the people on the Committee are “born-again” so no need for EFZ”, why then have THREE CATHOLIC BISHOPS already of the Committee members may already be of the Catholic faith?
CONSENSUS IS CRITICAL IN THE CONSTITUTIONMAKING PROCESS @50 and 51 Nine Chale, it is the job of a national leader to ensure national representation so there is a “buy-in” into his ideas otherwise we dont want to see what happened to the NCC report which after all the hundreds of billions spent, it failed to be adopted by Parliament. Are we not taking this risk because PF will need 2/3 majority to pass the Constitution – which eg they cant do if UPND votes against it, as PF did when they voted against the NCC constitution. THIS IS WHY CONSENSUS in constitutional making process is important. If Zambians want 200 people to sit on the committee so that it is representative, why not??
The Pentecostals were heavily represented in the failed NCC. In fact, Bishop Joshua Banda of the Northmead Assemblies of God Church,even chaired one of the Committees of the NCC. What more do these Pentecostals want? That’s the problem with Dr. Mutesa’s ZED party. It is crawling with Pentecostal fanatics.
You people why are you so dull. You only see things things thru your tribes. lets us examine things from a nationalistic point of view. Are 17 other people and other technical people all catholics or Bemba tribes mate if they are then God forbid. Ba Pente Mwalishana sana muli FTJ na muli RB lekeni bashikofu nabo balandeko palwa Constitutional nga filya chali inshita yabena David Masupa and the Independent Churches. As for SDA whats the fuss contribute thru other members dont cry for seat on the committee even us the non believers want to participate.
@71 Ma Mbizo wording such as “these pentecostals” and “pentecostal fanatics” has no place in today’s Zambia. Religious zealots, just like the Jewish Zealots, have a right to participate in the affairs of their country. Such religious hatred as you portay has been a painful and destructive part of Ireland. Were chiefs not represented in the NCC? So what is Chief Luchembe doing???? – Just using your hateful rationale…:x
We needed more legal experts, especially people with experience with drafting constitutions. The UN can help us with such expertise. Three catholic priests is too much, when one can do. We also need a reference constitution to use, one that has actually been used successfully in another country.
#7 samba says:
Ask the EVIL and Child Molesters Roman Catholic Church Bishops how EFZ through the OASIS forum opposed Chiluba and MMD’s third term.
You have severe short term memory or is it you are just an intelligent person who can not learn!!
Sata is a dictator who is not a democrat. Right now he wants to ban Internet MEDIA, WHY? The Internet Media helped us Zambians to support Sata and his PF and former President Banda never complained against this, but this Evil Dictator called Sata can not stand FREE Expression of DIVERGENT views from Zambians that is why he wants to BAN FREE
Right now the EVIL Roman Catholic Church Bishops are QUIET and supporting Sata’s corruption of appointing CORRUPT people like CHUNGU and MITI.
What a SHAME!!
# 74, you are just bitter for nothing, Go and hang! Catholic is just the voice of the poor. You talk of money, while them talk of EMPOWERING the POOR! I like catholics, they fight for rights and justice for the poor. What is wrong with that?
Many people of this country are shocked with the many mistakes and deliberate oversights made by our MCS. the rest of us cannot talk about the mis-governance because that ius exactly what we expected. The Catholics are controlling Zambia as at now and it suits MCS as they remain the insurance in this debacle. They will seek to defend him even though they have sworn to justice and protection of the vulnerable in society. This is the reason he has three of them and none from other church mother bodies. The Tongas, pentecostals and other ‘small’ tribes such as mine do not exist in his mind.
What is it now? Not everyone can sit on the Constitution body.
In the 80s, we Evangelical/Pentecostal Christians prayed and fasted for justice & for change. God answered. What has changed now? Our primary role is to pray to the living God.
The invincible cobra, through his carefree spits (speeches) has never been more susceptible than now. I think our president is too whimsical and needs to stop making a spectacle of himself. By making arbitrary, insensitive and arguably detestable pronouncements, he exposes his weakness and vulnerability each time and results in him taking hits and criticisms as some see him as sneaky and devious. To eschew this he needs to take a deep breath, step back and do some delegation of duty. For invaluable advice, he must consult, plus he should get a good speech writer and make sure he sticks to the script during his addresses
Why are zambians complaining about the actions of sata now when you were all warned when the man cleary stated on tv that he was a catholic fundamentalist.i warned alot of sda about this man called and his catholic inclination now live to enjoy what u brought upon ur self.To all of u who voted for sata u r all part of the problems that we are facing.God hide in the hallow of your hand until the storm passes by.viva upnd and HH go on mr presido u told us and when analysed and discovered u were true dont give up go on.
And this time Zambians are comfortable that one politician has personally chosen and appointed each and every member of that technical committee and at the end of the day expect a national constitution???? Zambians, you have been through this with FJT and his third term colleagues, what makes you think that this time around the product will be any different?????
Ngombala Muhapi wa Maqwereqwere please be respectiful in what you write. It does not pay to insult elders muli bakulu muleichindika mwe!
Perhaps I misunderstand the intention. Is it not possible that suggestions, input will be made by many via the small 20 person team? It could be a 100 person team and some will still feel excluded. We gotta start somewhere though and many chosen seem pretty competent. I think freedom to worship will not be removed just coz 3 Catholics made the team. Just make your input via the provided channels and pray for overall wisdom.
Sata reportedly withdrew Xavier Chungu’s appointment after a public outcry, and he is still president. If he removed one catholic bishop and replaced him with an EFZ member, will he stop being president?????
Bishop Joshua Banda, yes was on NCC, he got allowances, bought Iphones, again he still wants to be on same thing, please give it other people. Pente afwayafye good milile, they are good in receiving but not giving. Th same Bishop Banda is always once or twice on trips to New york U.N. please let ba katolica nabo balyeko No bena will give to the poor and the ophanes.
Where is Mr.Sata going to get the money he is going to pay the Chiefs the increased salaries?
I HOPE BY NOW MOST OF YOU ARE AWARE OF N W O NEW WORLD ORDER.THIS IS WERE WE ARE GOING HENCE THESE 3 BISHOPS ACTUALLY THOSE MUST BE JESUITS NOT MERE PRIESTS.IF YOU WANT DATA REACH ME ON [email protected] or 0967372102 0977372102.Also research about HAARP ITS NOT ONE WORD THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE USING TO DISTURB WEATHER AND THEY SAY CLIMATE CHANGE NOOOOOOO LIE.IF YOU WANT THE PLAN FOR THE JAPANESE QUERK I CAN EMAIL IT.MY FELOW SDA BE READY 2012 IS COMING.2012 day adds up to 21-12-12=2+1+1+2+1+2=9 .9 is new order 11 is current order so every programming is in 2011 follow the date remember 9/11 these are complete masonic dates.eg 6,9,11,13,18,29,32,33,44,66,77 etc 32 is the highest degree in masonary 33 degree is honouraly.
Bible prophecy must be fufiled but it should not be you to fulfil it.jesus was to be crucified but would it be right if it where you to fulfil it?
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