Friday, March 7, 2025

The Need to Curb this Bemba-Catholic Hegemony taking center stage in Zambia


Some Roman Catholics during a fundraising walk along Nkhata road in Lusaka

By Choolwe Muzyamba

Comrades, the debates, insinuations and innuendos that have ensued following the appointments and decisions being made by our republic president cannot go without comment. We should not sugar coat this bitter pill of rivalry that is slowly gaining dominance in our country, nor should we cocoon ourselves in a mesh of deceit and pretend that all is well.

The fact that different groups in the country are indicating that they feel left out in all these appointments and that there seems to be dominance of either Bembas or Catholics in the appointments being made by President Sata is reason enough for us rethink or/and restrategize. Let us not fall prey to the temptation of castigating this outcry as mere hullaballoo.

South Africa was warned in 2005 about the potential bursting of Xenophobic attacks on foreigners and the mistake they made then was to sweep the warning under the carpet and castigate those who warned them. I am sure that we all know what ensued in April of 2008 in the rain ball nation. Call me a prophet of doom at your own peril.

When certain groupings within the population begin to raise concerns of the nature they are raising today here in Zambia, It should be a source of concern for all the peace loving and patriotic Zambians and all those who at least pretend to be.

It’s not a secret that the majority of President Sata’s appointments are Bemba, with very little representation from Southern and Northwestern provinces. Don’t get me wrong, I am not advocating for appointments based on tribes, but on merit while taking very full cognizance of the fact the appointments must reflect our diversity as a nation. It is incumbent upon the President to unite the nation at such critical times. When comrade super KK was faced with such a predicament, he coined the term “One Zambia, One Nation” which saw him defeat the rivalry that was growing then.

More still, I vehemently and ebulliently feel that the composition of the technical committee set up to give us a new constitution has failed the test of logic. How do you appoint 3 catholic Bishops???
How?? When there are so many religious groupings in Zambia. Zambia is not a country for Catholics only!! We have Protestants, Adventists,Muslims, Hindus etc. and all these sects whether you agree with them  in principle or not need and deserve representation, after all they might not also agree with you in principle and that does not make you Catholics superior. We are not coming up with a code of conduct for  Catholics; we are coming up with a National Constitution for crying out loud! Not all Zambians are party to the Catholic dogma or indeed the Christian dogma nonetheless, they too deserve to be heard and represented.

Surprisingly, President Sata decides to appoint one traditional leader, who actually hails from the Northern Province, In what capacity? Anyway, whatever the capacity the bottom line is that the President should be away of this imbalance emerging under his realm. No wonder phrases such as Barotse and Bantusthan are beginning to gain prominence. It is because we have now started seeing our differences due to this hegemony that is growing at an increasing rate!!

Candidly speaking, we have seen the rivalry emerge and let us not blind ourselves as this might be a time bomb for our beloved country. Let us not allow our president make cautiously and ethically inept decisions that might cripple this nation in the near future….Comrades, Let us remain united and resolute, this is no sour grape but a cry for my beloved country!!


    • Your reasoning is correct…unfortunately more then a hundred people have shot you down, of which the maturity are non thinking tribalists…the author is correct, the three Bishops appointed was a sign of weakness…and its true that the appointments favour Bembes, their cousins and some people from the east where i come from…just maybe all the educated people from the south and west were in favour of HH!!! Somehow the President should be told in the name of fairness…or is he in his own world that you cant talk to him??? Ba Sata, the country is made up of 13 millions Zedians…of which less then 3million are from the north…you too if you continue will be labelled a tribalist…Good luck sir.

  1. Even me as i Bemba i feel the old is not doing the right thing, he is so skewed in his appointments. He is just a tribalist.

  2. This old man is going too far endangering the future of young Bembas, we must fight this tribalism and appointment of women leaving us out. Even when they are not qualified.


  4. Well the President’s appointments makes me wonder what kind of advisers he appointed in the first place and if at all they are doing their work, I think Sata has been Presented with a very great opportunity to show that he’s actually not tribal and try and embrace all tribes especially from the South and the West. It is sad to see such things happening in the first two months, leaves me wondering what we up for in the remaining 4 years and 10 months…..and for goodness we appreciate the Catholics but there’s no point including 3 Bishops as though this a Catholic nation, if doesn’t like the Pentecostal as he has demonstrated then he probably should have  appointed another religious to show inclusiveness. 

  5. Too opposition to the PF government’s dealings, is it by design or chance? Can we find a solution to this please, lest it becomes our major issues instead development.

  6. That is why the Chitimukulu never appreciated him. He ended up insulting our Chief. Watch this old man, he will destroy the nation. Some evil guy who destroyed marriages in Zambia was his MP Contender in Mkushi. Thank God he lost. Anyway, i have no intentions of coming back to Z.

    • Are you happy with your illegal immigrant status. Whether you are going back or not, we are not interested and we don’t want to know.

  7. The US president has people in his office who sift through mail from the public some of which is passed on to the president. I am sure this could be an idea our president could adopt as to be in close contact with peoples thoughts

  8. wasting your time bwana why are you thick dont you know that there are 73 tribes in zambia why just amplify one , indeed you are widdening it beyond boarders ,that is infiriority complex stop it it is smelling .. just workhard people will recognise you

  9. Remember Hitilar’s thinking and actions? Umusuku ubi utukishe mpanga yonse. Zambia is for all Zambians. Thats what God intended Zambia for. The love for our fellow human beings is paramount. Do we need each tribe to have their own president for them to enjoy? No wonder now each province whats one of them to become a president. But this is a time bomb!!!!!!!!!!!! Think twice before it is too late. The innocent Bembas will suffer in return.

  10. Not all Bembas are thieves, but some Bembas yes. It is historical, when we came to Z, we had no cattle, so survival was crucial, no wonder most of my brothers and sisters are thieves. They were just plain warriors or reneged soldiers who survived on looting. Iam Bemba it is the truth. So you need to understand we left KORA with nothing except spears, bows and arrows and other killing instruments. Thank God now we are civilized and educated. But this is the Historical Context.

  11. When we voted for PF, we meant well as a people and wanted proper representation. What we are seing now is that the president is only representing the Catholics and the Post. Since Iam still PF, I think we should have Guy Scott for president.

  12. you poor minded Choolwe Muzyamba so you want the president to appoint people from s province and then you will say the president is ok?,why did you voted for UPND 98% in s.province if  is not tribalism?  southerners you are not so clean to talk about tribalism.  

  13. Choolwe Muzyamba, you have a point this guy is putting us the Bembas in trouble, lets campaign against this tribalism. Iam Bemba and proud, but the President is going to far.

    • Not for a Constitution making process! It must be a consensus process – not through dictation. If he was gay does it mean he can and should only appoint gay people so that they can include the gay clause in the Constitution????

  14. the writer should carry out a detailed research.There is Bembe the tribe and Bemba speaking people.Only people who come from Kasama,Mporokoso,Chinsali, Luwingu are full time Bembas. The rest are either Lundas,Namwanga,Mambwes,Bisa, Chishinga,Aushi, Lalas,Lamba etc. We have never been bantu botatwe. Names like Musonda,Mulenga, Bupe Mwewa Kunda can deceive you.They are not always Bemba names.The only thing is that Bembas are interractive and network very easily to be percieved having influence in the Zambian Politics.They marry any tribe if they fell in love.No wonder they are every where in Zambia.

  15. “I am sure that we all know what ensued in April of 2008 in the rain ball nation.”

    Not me. What is this “rain ball” nation of which the author speaks? Could it be South Africa, the rainbow nation?

  16. I regret wasting six minutes of my time reading this crap plus the one minute typing this.One thing is for sure.No matter what our president will do, there will always be some characters like the writer of this article who will see some wrong…and that is not bad in itself coz everybody and everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.It only sucks when ones opinion lacks merit and such a one wants to paint a false picture which is only visible to his or her eyes.Brother Muzyamba
    come up with constructive criticism and not this crap.

  17. At the moment Zambia is the model democracy in Africa. It is not a juvenile democracy. I find it appalling that after being elected by all tribes the President seems to be pushing a tribal agenda. Tribalism and ethnocentrism lead to bloodshed. Please do not endanger the lives of the young Bembas as they may end up paying for the sins of misguided tribal governance.

  18. So what are you saying you Buntustan Muzyamba? That Buntustans will rise against the government?

    What a wum you are! Go and try Rwanda you prick!

  19. People who worked with SATA warned that the man is a tribalist, I never believed them. I wanted the change at all cost because the corruption level in RB’s government was just unbearable starting from the airport through the traffic officers to the officers in government offices. Now am regretting for having supported SATA because the man is openly appointing his bemba speaking right, left and centre.I have always been worried and concerned about Catholic church involvement in Zambian politics. They went too far in supporting Michael Sata and they are now quiet when Sata makes mistakes in appointing corrupt people. Sata criticized LPM with what he coined as Mwanawasa family tree. He has instead been appointing one tribe for his own selfish motives.  

  20. This Bemba appointments are becoming emberassing.Mr President see how you can balance the equation. Are the advisors doing their job or the man does not just take advice?

  21. Zambia and our leaders need prayers for wisdom to prevail. Maybe a petition should be started by concerned patriotic Zambians from Northern and luapula Province to distance themselves from such appointments and recommend to the leaders that indeed the country needs tribal balancing. Leaders should learn from how KK how he united the country, Zambia never knew tribalism “Tiyende Pamodzi”. The rates of tribalism sentiments in the past few years which seem to be rising are alarming and cannot be allowed to continue. Christians need to pray against this situation and it should not divide Zambia. God bless Zambia.

  22. What is wrong with appointing 3 Catholic Bishops? Their credibility and education goes beyond the writer of this article. Go to hell those complaining. You have shallow minds, including the writer of this article Choolwe. 
    Choolwe are you educated like the Catholic Bishops???

  23. 18# Akol
    Yours is very true
    Bemba’s are lazy, they don’t farm. Naturally lazy people are always thieves and talk a lot. Without Southern and Eastern Provinces, Zambia would not sustain itself with adequate Agro and Animal farming. Northern Province is so large and has favourable rains and yet, its one of the most unproductive in terms of farming. You can excuse Western Province because the land is mostly covered in sand pits.

  24. Choolwe your analysis is wrong. This country has 73 thribes and there’s only one tribe (out of the 73) that has been complaining and seing everything wrong in what Sata is doing. Stop accusing people from Northwestern. Brian Hapunda was appointed as High commisioner to SA, you are the same guys who gunged up on him to let down the offer. Secondly don’t use other denominations like SDA and other to justify your opinion. Let them speak for themselves. 
    As for the Catholics, they have a history of politics and speeking for the poor. Tell me of any place where they are not found. And they use their money as opposed to fake denomination that survive on the poor and brown envelops. Catholic have hospices everywhere using their money. You are also wrong to associate Catholic to Bemba.

  25. Seriously people do u expect Sata to appoint people from the southern province that voted for HH coz he is Tonga and do u think HH could have appointed Bembas and Ngonis. This article is written by a Tonga all because Tongas are feeling sideline. THIS IS JUST THE WAY THE COOKIE CRUMBLES. most of us would do the same if not worse if we were in Sata’s shoes. How do u begin to trust people that dont trust u?

    • you so right it’s a pity l can’t write ngoni or nsenga but we need more like you, the people complaining about tribe are the very tribalist 

  26. Muzyamba ilyo mwale fotela Ba UPND ku S province bekabeka bushe calolele mwii? Te Tripolizim iyo. Busha ulemona kwati ba ka teka, intambalukuta ba calo cesu ica Zambia , Ba Michael Chilufya Sata kuti baya bula abantu bashaifulila abakulwishanya na kabungwe kacimfishe akusala kwacinkumbawila kabili akaleteka akabungwe ka PF. AWE BAFWILE UKUMONA PAKUBALA ABANTU BASALAPWIKE KABILI ABENGA BOMBA ICINTO ILEFWAIKWA PANSHITA ILYA. A bantu aba mu PF ebo bafwile ukubula ilyo tabati balolekeshe mumbi. Naimwe Inshita yenu ikafika nga cakuti ba, mutilati banani bane ati ba HH nga cakweba ati nabo baisa cimfya kuntashi naimwe cikamisekesha. Mwifulwa bane

  27. This is written by a Bantusan ,chief tribalists. They think with their heads and not their brains . They are simply loses

  28. Why are Tongas making so much noise about Sata/Bemba FYI Sata is Bisa not Bemba. U never voted for him now u want to be appointed what nonsense is this. He is not dividing this country, did he create the 73 tribes? Kupusa lets discuss things that make sense.

  29. For your own info Iam SDA and I can confess to you that our pastors do not have the credibility to be part of the committee. Not long ago, when this country was thirsty and longing for change because of the past govt, they were busy honouring RB with doctorates. What was that? It was the Catholic who stood with the poor and the rest of us Zambians in those difficult times. Lastly, this is not the first time we are having a constitution making process, and SDA together with the other groups you have mentioned were not invited to the NCC. If it was not an issue then why should it be an issue now? Is the constitution going to be for the Bembas or for all Zambians? Be objective my friend.

  30. The picture u have of Catholics matching (fundraising) what has that got to do with your article? Are they Bembas too? LOL how many hours did u spend writing this. U are being so tribal, typical Tonga. There are serious issues that people need to focus on, stop highlighting silly things, HH’s loss is a biter pill to swallow but u guys have to move on and know that he’ll never rule Zambia

    • You are such a silly Ngoni agry bitch. You have taken after your mum. Why say “typical tonga”? There will be a presidential bye-election one day at this rate! Everything about most appointments stink regionalization which is as good as tribakism.:d

  31. not to detract from the really passionate debate going on but….. what the hell is a rain ball nation???

  32. Akol waba ichi****
    shallow thinking. just wait and see how the government performs.thats the important thing. if they dont perform to the peoples expectation they will be voted out.

  33. I find this article very provocative and intended to bring out ire. If those were the goals of the writer and LT, they have been achieved. What baffles me is why the complaints about appointments, when the UPND has always tried to exclude PF from Southern Province, Western and North Western Provinces? For those of us who have travelled and lived in these parts, there has increasingly been antipathy against people perceived to be supporters of PF. MMD abused their power sure, but you see the same from UPND even before becoming the ruling party. Bembas are thieves, they say. How many MPs in North Western, Western and Southern Provinces under PF have not been awarded posts in government? Then look at those from the other provinces? Be realistic and factual, please! 

  34. Nonsense!!! Bisa Bemba what?!!! How do you say “How are you” or “Come here” in Bisa? Do you know that Southern Province is not made of only Tongas? There are Tongas, ilas, Toka-Leya, Tonga-ila, etc. Can we say Tongas and ilas are a different tribe. Countrymen, even Jesus was opposed and you want us to just watch Sata do as he pleases? What good will it do to go to Parliament and then his constitution does not marshall the requisite 2/3 majority after spending K300 billion??????????????????????????? Consensus is thus important in this and it is our right to condemn any attempt to marginalise other key stakeholders. The NCC constitution was rejected because of such arrogance.

  35. Italia bunga fimofimo is so dull, I have always read his blogs and wonder if he is not a form3 drop out. Read his blog @ 34. People who know no peace and grew up with the ground mother only. Shame even mushota is far clever.
    Ask Dora that mentality never last.

    Zambia is worrying right now , I hope and trust that God who has seen us through trying moments will yet again show us his love,mercy and favours as we need them more than ever.

  36. Italia dog dog # 34 don’t be so shallow! Are you Zambian ? Even a Bemba will not talk that rubbish. Talk from your mouth and think with your brains,your bottom whole under your legs is for toilet visits. Evil Satan !

  37. Choolwe with your UPND you have to blame yourselves. You came into pact, with PF, wrong motives. However,  PF welcomed you and was willing give you position in the govt. Just b4 elections you ditched PF and went on a serous campaign, not for your party, but against PF  in trying to assisted MMD bounce back. Now that your mission failed, you want to sour a seed of discord among Zambians. Just let SATA rule. There’s nothing he has done which is not within his powers as president.

  38. Choolwe spot on musa!!! I am from riverpool (luapula), chiengi and a proud one! I will never support Sata because he has no moral values to believe in. We need to confront his emerging tribalism and naseauting actions. Zambia is for all zambians whether they voted for him or not. He has to share the national cake equally whether he likes tongas, luvale lunda lambas or not etc. We need speak and confront this tribalism thing candidly! PF supporters are very blind and have polluted zambian minds with lies and innuendos! It amazes that govt offices have now become bemba speaking offices. We have 7 local languages and if i were presido i would love to see each each zambian speak 2 at least of local languages for pipo to have a sense of belonging! Sata shouted loud on tribalism in RB and Levy!

  39. Sata’s practical tribal partisanship has done irreparable damage to the fabric of this nation. Be it by conspicuous silence such as Kenneth Kaunda or by contradictory and convoluted support e.g. “#16 Lama”, all such conduct only will save one purpose, fuel secterian resentment in Zambia and hasten the downfall of this tribaly bigoted SataN regime. Moreover, the roots of tribal bigotry beliefs lie squarely in mysticism, not in rational and objective considerations. This is not the path that will bring political and economic emancipation to Zambia or anywhere in Africa, precedent proves it will only tear us apart. We can only ignore Sata’s dangerous charade at our own peril, it’s a time bomb we are sitted on and its ticking!

  40. Who are bemba, even people from Luapula are classified as bembas when they are not. Could someone define who are these bembas they are referring and has been highlighted by some bloggers Sata is not bemba, is the bemba thing by region or by names. once it is clear who are actually considered as bembas then we can deal with the issue from that point

  41. I think Zambians are smart enough and mixed enough to rise above tribalism as a nation. If those elected/appointed fail to deliver then the next rulers will be able to cite the failings with an electorate who agree with the view. In the meantime I personally am not too bothered what tribe people are as long as they get the job done.

  42. A true leader with passion for his country transcends all forms of prejudices, is not vindictive and embraces all, irrespective of who put him in power. The current petulance going on is fertile ground for acrimony. Zambians across the country invested sweat, tears and blood to guarantee the change of gov and therefore deserve better. The leadership needs to take stock of itself, do some soul searching and harmonize the nation. When KK proclaimed “one Zambia one Nation “(a form of synergy: A whole is better than the sum of it`s parts) he was pragmatic about it. The opposite is what is attaining now where people are saying” The leadership can break us but we will remain strong in our broken places”

  43. the appointments are tribal and proper family tree.we the northwesterners are not in this governent,our beloved cousins from the lambaland and southern province are not either.Our brothers in the western province were dribbled. our children and nephews of central province have been given a red card.society is about the ruler and the ruled,we have never been fools.tunakumona mwane.anukenu ngwenu,vaka chinyama hanga vayoya

  44. I am Bemba but I don’t like MCS from the start. No wonder I never voted for him, I can assure you he will nose dive shortly. Watch this space

  45. Have people noticed that so far, only people from Eastern province have been charged and this trend will continue, of course Musokotwane has been arrested but even this anti corruption fight is not very clean.

    I feel the President should make more effort to unite the country not to defend himself. He has given the Post and the catholic church too much power.

  46. For harmony and contentment`s sake, may be we need some kind of clause in our constitution on ethnic balancing when it comes to cabinet portfolios but put well qualified ministry- specific technocrats below them, from Perm Secs, going down the junior civil service hierarchy and making certain that these qualified specialists run the ministry and are not overruled by the Minister whose duties should be to adhere to their advice in addition to carrying out political duties. Just thinking loud


  48. The writer of the article is myopic to say the least. What do you mean by saying that he is side lining other tribes like you tongas my foot!! 98% of you tongas voted 4 HH U expect HE 2 appoint people who rejected him. I agree with other blogers whose analysis was factual. There a 73 tribes so if you want tribal balancing how possible is this to just put pipo in positions 2 appease you tongas @ ni 1 Zed 1 nation.Cikonkofye echo ukwete. als dont compare Suid Africa and Zed. down that side pipo were exposed to racism called apartheid where black were taught to live according to their tribes and this got ingrained in their minds and soul thats why they tend to be xenephobic.

  49. Good evening

    First of all, the article sounds more like a cry from a frustrated blogger to me than a cry for our beloved country. We can’t start talking about hegemony and tribal rivalry just because some people are not happy with a some appointments the president has made.

    So why does’nt the author give us a list of people he thinks are better qualified and more competent enough than the ones appointed? It is always easier to ring the alarm than to help find ways to prevent a fire.

    Secondly, I think that people are spending too much time and energy debating on the president’s appointments instead of moving forward. There’s still enough time to complain once these people fail to perform. And now, let’s move forward with real development please!

  50. f.u.c.k the writer of this article in the a.s.s (am not gay)) if u dont like his appointments. form yr own political party and convince people to vote for u and then appoint yr own people.

  51. #55. Clive Chanda,
    If Hindus and Moslems should go back to India and Arabia respectively, then I beg Catholics should also pack their bags and robes and leg it hard back to Rome. The association that should have been represented there is the Traditional Healers Association of Zambia through Dr Kabuhaya etc. That is what we are and what we have always been, not subjects of Pope fimi fimo! Also, I beg to differ that the appointments of GBM and Kabwili have anything to do with grey matter, zero, its all about their tribe. There were so many able candidates out there but SataN overlooked them because they were bot from the North, period.

  52. When tribalists with incorrigible hatred’s reign extends to religion and intellectualism, they risk a complicated critical mass.

  53. Go back to school and study. Politics is like that, whether you like it or not you cannot put people who have contrary position. What do you expect? I am proud for having studied Political Philosophy. God and ask the pastors with their shallow minds. President Sata knows what he is doing though sometimes I do not understand him, but I trust him. HH not yet his time with his Southern Province. Zambia is more than Southern Province. Convince the people and they will vote for you. Late Mazoka MHSR, tried: why can’t you work hard also and harvest the labor of your work. But I do not blame him (HH) much since, he is still in the cave and he cannot see the reality. When he comes out of the cave, he will come to his senses.  

  54. Go back to school and study. Politics is like that, whether you like it or not you cannot put people who have contrary position. What do you expect? I am proud for having studied Political Philosophy. Go and ask the pastors with their shallow minds. President Sata knows what he is doing though sometimes I do not understand him, but I trust him. HH not yet his time with his Southern Province. Zambia is more than Southern Province. Convince the people and they will vote for you. Late Mazoka MHSR, tried: why can’t you work hard also and harvest the labor of your work. But I do not blame him (HH) much since, he is still in the cave and he cannot see the reality. When he comes out of the cave, he will come to his senses.  Reply

  55. The problem i see here is that some bemba pentecostal pastors have been denied an opportunity to make money out of the constitution making committee. They only see things through money…I believe leaving them out at this moment is absolutely fine.

  56. The author is a tonga who is bitter and has no common sense or basic logic. Southerners voted for HH and UPND, why now want to reap wher u did not sow?

  57. I still remember the promise, that we will be taken back to Angola,… am still waiting and so are my fellow tribes mate. Already our traditional cousins are being called Bantustans what can we say.

  58. Zambian news is too boring. We need to debate on how to revamp the economy,how does the country make/raise money for roads, hospitals etc This country i will never come back i will be watching from the terraces

  59. This old mn has put us bemba in future problems. can some brave soul go and force this oldie to respect all zambians. Nowadays our children have names like Mudenda Chewe, Chileshe Lungu, Mwamba Wamunyima, Lubasi Kondowe etc… we are not 1955 bwana Sata

  60. I think time for all the Lundas, Luvales kachokwes, Luchazis, Kaondes, Mbundas, Nkoyas, Kaluyis and all Bantu botatwes ( Tongas, Lenjes, Illas Toka leyas) to seceed has come, it’s time to put an end to all this Nonsense

  61. We never had this discussion this big, we are to blame for Sata showed all these attributes from the time I have known him in UNIP. Only God can save us from this wicked situation. No amount of complaining will change Sata’s mind or attitude. Remember he carried a list single prepared by himself to the PF conversion. We have to live with this hope we can only learn a lesson. Dictators are not hard to know why we ignored this beats me- just for the sake of change. If you are Bemba you won’t see anything wrong because you father,uncle,son,step dad etc has benefited. The only thing you can do is to support and insult whoever complains. The masses never looses,wait and see.

  62. Overseas@71 I don’t Care with the size if I managed to pregnant your mum for the last boy in your family and you call me dad it’s fine.why did your mum moan all night then?????

  63. me#74 i will go and teach yr mom a lesson with my long and thick dick very hard in her small small ass so that she will come and teach u too how to respect elders makaka.

  64. Whether you like it or not HE MC Sata is the President of Zambia not HH. Take your frustrations else were. This Tonga moron author is based in SA hence this useless examples like xenophobia. Our president will only work with people he can trust and wih same princibles. Mayble we do not even have educated Tongas we can work with anyway. The problem is most of so called educated Zambians are villagers( amafontini). The old bally is very exposed. We had one Tonga moron degrading him day in and night on his education level. What is his comment now since the same UNDUCATED OLD MAN is his president today?

  65. I have always argued on this blogsite. One day, just one day, all that Zambia has gained since independence will be lost in civil fire between ethnic groups or tribes fighting each other. Let me say one thing: when civil war starts in Zambia it will take a very long time to quench because of all these grudges between tribes, millions will die for sure and it might be the end of Zambia the way we know it. But I think it is stupid to blame Michael Sata. It is not his fault, nor is it the fault of Bembas. Bembas and Sata did not force other tribes to vote for PF or be members of PF. Why did you vote for him? It’s your fault. Instead of complaining, wait for 2016 and if you don’t want Sata simply vote him out, instead of making all these silly complaints. Why did you vote for him?

  66. I do not understand how Tongas think. I have travelled extensively and met Zambians around the world. What I have noticed is that as a Bemba, I get on with most people, including Nigerian, Ghanaians and most Zambians. However, when I introduce myself by my first name to a Tonga or Lozi, they always want to know my surname. Once they find out what my surname is, they are not so keen to be ‘friends’ anymore. I recall a coversation I had with one Lozi girl in London. She had already discovered that I was ‘Bemba scum’, but I happened to mention that I knew one Hamoonga. Even before I finished the sentence she jumped at me and shouted ‘Oh my cousin. Do you know his phone number?’. Of course I did not let her have his phone number. I was too disgusted with her.

  67. It  is bewildering to note some flawed reasoning here where despite  not winning seats in  some provinces, people are painting a picture as though Sata did not receive any votes from individual electorates domicile in those areas which also contributed to his sum total of votes and propel him to victory. What a shame!

  68. Sata is the President, like it or not. I am not a fan, but he was elected. You what? I would not vote for HH in a million years. Young Chipimo is the future. A Rhodes scholar (from Oxford University), he is way more intelligent than HH. He has pedigree, unlike HH (father unknown).

  69. Do not misunderstand me, I seriously harbor no ill thoughts against the author, but the people who opened educational doors to this buffon. Maybe a perfect description of him would be that his (Choolwe) Intellectually impaired and differently brained. His morally handicapped and a person with difficult-to-meet needs and will end up a client of the correctional system.

  70. The perception is that it`s ” THE WINNER TAKES ALL” scenario.  and as long as the status quo is maintained,  no matter what, dissention will not die away

  71. This is nosenense do you want president sata to appoint hh? When mmd was full of easterners no one said anything. Let the man do his job you silly critics.

  72. Whats wrong in appointing 3 bishops, The Pente like Bishop Joshua Banda has been coming to the UN meetings, I have never seen the any Bishop coming to the U.N representing Zambia. Have you heard the Bishops of Catholic complaining, These so called Pentecostal Bishops are just interested in making money and enriching themselves, I for one I do not see what they have done to the community, apart from collecting offering and buying ipones and expensive cars for themselves. Do not blame Sata for everything.

  73. Next Year I will ask President Sata to invite the POPE to visit Zambia chikaleke nobukali.

    Tukamuleta Papa, ngolefwaya ukaikulike.

  74. #78 MUKAME – You are the tribalist and you are the type of Bembas who are not helping the situation in the country right now. Just because she was not interested in you does not make her a tribalist. Look whatever people think about each other, the truth is each tribe is tribalistic – that is the reason why we still have tribes. Every race is racist, that is why we still have races. So you Bembas, stop pointing at others – infact it is on record that the worst tribalists in Zambia are among the Bembas. Everybody knows that, so stop bullshitting here and just contribute to finding solutions. Slowly Zambia is turning into an uncivilised cesspool, which fairly soon will erupt. Very soon it will erupt. Sata must pay serious attention to the constitution.

  75.  I applaud my Bemba colleagues on this blog who against all odds can stick out their necks and condemn the vice of bigotry being perpetrated by a kinfolk’s member. Theirs are the voices of reason; they are the adults in the room. Kudos to you! The stakes could not be higher. It`s unfortunate that we are now, more than ever before, increasingly seeing each other through the lens of tribalism, something must be seriously wrong. Old adage” United we stand divided we fall”

  76. I agree with Choolwe Muzyamba”s observation, it is rare to find this kind of analysis by most Zambia editors especially on this site. People voted for change because there were tired with more of the same from MMD, I am bemba and don’t seem to appreciate 90% of the course the President is taking. If elections were held today, the old man would find it hard to win. To put this government to test people should vote for the opposition where ever by elections will be taking place just to show him that Zambians have changed from ignorant to literates. This old man was supposed to be the best president ever but this old people don’t seem to get it. RB made the same mistake, maybe because they have nothing to lose because not much is left for them to live. NO. 85 RB was the same as Sata lost



  79. When civil war starts in ZED ;Notherners/luapula- will be supported by tanzania and part of congo, Eastern supported by malawi, southern province will be supported by none. northwestern/western province by Angola and part of congo. now u know who will win the war.

  80. # 54 Nine Chale and all Satan’s supporters be reminded that we are going to just impeach this thug of yours thats why he’s busry harrassing all ex ministers in the hope that they submit to his jungle rule.We have the numbers in parliament and we shall use them.

    So tell me Nine Chale what qualifications has GBM apart from sponsoring PF?otherwise ,in your words no one from NWP is qualified enough to be appointed by Satana?
    Tell me how many thieves has appointed ,larz Bemba chancers like Emmanuel Mwamba,Chungu etc.Guy Scott with his swine fever scandal.
    Sata will be empeached soon.One of his ministers is already about to resign in protest of tribalism….

  81. This article has brought out the hitherto hidden truth about the congenial appearance of a zambia still trying to become a nation.The recriminations are akin to the conflagration in kenya before & after elections which was all built around kikuyu hegemony in that nation.Nothing is special about zed that it can’t happen here.We have a combustible mix of all recquired and the irascible nature of some zambians is all thats needed to put us on the brink.There are some truths here that need to be confronted ASAP.

  82. We are very lucky because now Zambia is in the process of drafting a new constitution, why can’t people submit to have Zambia as a Federation of United Zambia. Each province can have its own governance and legistrative structure. Then, the heads of all provinces can elect a Zambian President by a majority vote. The Zambian cake will be shared according to what each province contributes to the national budget. By the way even Germany is a federation, and it works for them. In this way we will avoid name calling and this ugly tribalism nonsense going on. Let each province manage its own affairs. You will be suprised that even Europeans have tribes, insteat they call it dialect, but they are united. It will be a shame a shame if Zambians start fighting each other just because tribe/language

  83. The author is useless. If you talk of Bemba as a tribe, then you will find that MCS appointments are not dominated by bembas. What has happened is that in Luapula, Northen, Cbelt and central we all learn bemba in school and so we have ‘killed’ small tribes in us and we are all called Bembas. Remember every Zambian should identify himself with the 7 major languages found on znbc radio one namely Bemba, Kaonde, Lozi, Luvale, Tonga, Nyanja and Lunda. So if you allocate province and language, bemba takes a larger part of Zambia

  84. The author is useless. If you talk of Bemba as a tribe, then you will find that MCS appointments are not dominated by bembas. What has happened is that in Luapula, Northen, Cbelt and central we all learn bemba in school and so we have ‘killed’ small tribes in us and we are all called Bembas. Remember every Zambian should identify himself with the 7 major languages found on znbc radio one namely Bemba, Kaonde, Lozi, Luvale, Tonga, Nyanja and Lunda.

  85. Zambia is for all Zedians. Sata has promised to rule based on biblical principles which he is somehow drifting from. “Love your neighbour as you love yourself” so says the bible and Jesus said you should love even your enemies coz what difference will it make if you only love those who love you. Yes the tongas didn’t vote him maybe because he wasn’t appealing to them but Mr. MC Sata should have shown them that he is actually above politics.All in all its not too late for him to correct the impression he has created so far and he shouldn’t bahave like ka Mushota.

  86. The empty defense by pro-Sata Bemba stance in these appointments must live long enogh to witness a father of all revolutions in Zambia when the kolwe-natolafwe pride will be swept away. The Lozi thought they were smart over the Nkoya matter. Now, they are sweating and may soon realise that strength is the hands of the upright. Yes, appoint a government of all Zambians and not Bemba lozi.

  87. You can advise the guy. he is sick in the head. he just wants end like gadaffi. the man does not even adhere to advise. one of his advisors is my boyfrind and he tells me mudala cant be advised or you loose your job. the appointments been made are not ell balanced at all. yet we are all one zambia. north western province has been given a nkoya from kaoma as minister. western province has been give a bemba as Ps. this is not fair at all. some of these provinces are very sensitive. this man please us and canada help us. go to zambia and do as you did on Gadaffi. hes evil. the man is very dangerous. just look into his face. am in canaa last week he fired nevers and say the mission is in totonto. is he sick.

  88. mr satan, kindly balance the appointments. Zambians must be regretting having voted for you. am happy i nenver came to vote i would have wasted time. This is the change that people wanted. infact God let all that voted for this man suffer more. we will be reading news for the next five years again and see.

  89. Just for the record, Augustin Seyuba is not Bemba or is it Bemba speaking. He is from the border area between Angola and Zambia. He is Ovimbundu or Bunda as they are called here. This tribal grouping is pread over parts of the northern parts of Kaoma districks where there are Chokwes and Luchazi. In sammary Seyuba could be from North Western province or Angola. I think the author of this article is spot on. A president of a party if different from that of a Country. Southern province, Northwestern province and Western province all have tax payers and institutions that make that one man a president and pay his salaries and all and sandry. So it would only be fair and a uniting factor to appoint people based on balancing and merit, so that all tribes or provinces are well represented

  90. The truth hs bn spoken. Sata is a big tribalist. He hs shown ths openly. For instance, the decision to build a university in Chinsali hs bn disguised as an honour to Kenneth Kaunda. The truth is ths man wants to develop hs area. Why wsnt ths left to education xperts to decide? I see another Rwanda coming to Zambia.

  91. There is much pain in Zambia now. Even those supporting Sata are also feeling the same pain whether they like it or not.

  92. what do you expect from an illiterate president. Dont even blame his advisers because am sure he is over ruling them 98% of the time. The has become a similar scenario as what happened in Luanda where the majority Hutus were sidelined by the minority Tsutsis. Is Sata telling us that Bembas are the only educated and right people to be appointed to govern this country? Sata should know that he is pitying Northern, Luapula and Muchinga(my foot) against the rest of Zambia. Just check how he is flip flopping on Barotse agreement. When he was campaigning he didnt say that he was going to appoint a commission of inquiry. Bemba leaders are sly just as KK tricked Nkumbula into joining one party government and I believe that is the reason Tongas do not trust Bemba Leaders.

  93. When we say appointment in government, we mean influencial positions. Appointment as high commission to South Africa is not as influencial as Minister of Finance or Defence etc. KK himself warned us about Sata that he was not presidential material. His thinking is warped towards tribalism and Catholicism. Am sure catholic bishops also did not expect this kind of favourable treatment and should not be drawn into politics. Catholics are just doing GOD’s work but Sata is over zealous in what ever he sets his mind on wether positive or negative. He suitable to hold positions as GOVERNOR and not PRESIDENT OF A COUNTRY.

  94. Zambians learn from history why you think bembas are everywhere, bemba is spoken everywhere. Did you see Sikota Wina on reflections about Independence day? I learnt alot from his being on ZNBC. He was talking about pre independence happennings, how the Harry Mwaanga Nkumbulas lost popularity to KK, the federation and even sang some of the political songs they were singing in Chilenje and around, the ‘donchi kubebas’ of that time. What struck me most was that all the songs Sikota Wina sang, were in Bemba!!! Coincidence? Bemba influence is from long ago. So people just live with it. You cant fight it now. There are more bemba speaking people than tumbuka speaking people. That’s a fact. Democracy is about numbers so if we all go tribal….someone will still win with say 10%, he he he he

  95. I hear Catholic bishops learn alot in seminaries. Like our jesuits fimofimo, they are the ones who calculate that food basket for a family of 6. Does Bishop imakndo concern himself with that? No just busy tithing people. He he he he he. See the difference? he will see the commission as another tithe. that’s all these pente bishops know. How to tithe so they can buy hammers!!!! Know what i am saying????

  96. All other denomiations were there on NCC. Mungomba, Willa commissions. So whats this fuss. besides each of the 13bn zambinas can go make submissions to this commission so whats this fuss about people?

  97. Western PS is Augustin Seyuba. Stop spreading lies and get to work insteand of coming to this site which has just become a place for tribal rants. Zambians have intermarried and its surprising that tribe has become the main topic on LT. Shame on LT for promoting tribals stuff and people buying into it. Last time on this useless sight!!!!

  98. An article that lacks merit in its content,why do you Bemba haters propagate nosense!the Presido is at liberty as the the constitutuion allows him to appoint whom he wishes to so imwe yama mulechulu fye,with you hallucinations your HH is to big headed he refused a chance to be part of the leadership of this country, do you the Catholic church has all the 73 tribes in its rank and file so iyi article yenu ya fake ni Go’ nga!

  99. What good about Bemba and Catholics can come from a Tonga Bantustan? You are just creating unncessary tension. Just enjoy the following Bemba songs which has over 100 choirs over the world singing it. Bemba is contagious, let us just accept it. Leave catholics along. Sata is just a proud catholic and does not hide it.

  100. I m also seeing danger in these appointments, and if anything we will just start a civil war in Zambia, see who emerges victorious like in Congo. This is simple look at countries in North Africa, we can instigate the same style, after all money acts.

  101. Bembas are burying their heads into sand. Enjoy your 5minutes of fame and think this will last forever! We have nothing against the tribe BEMBA but the man who has duped all of us into voting him into state house and has turned out to be a tribalist WILL PAY.

  102. All provinces are tribal when it comes to voting. When a province has a strong candidate from there, they always vote for them. But ofcourse Lusaka & CB are different and these are the only different provinces. Chiluba won in all provinces because he was the only opposition i think (tho’ i was too young to vote), i was big enuff when we had Mazoka winning in Lusaka & CB, but in the north there was Sata & Mazoka didnt win. So, why wasnt it Tribalism when the north voted for Sata when we had a better Mazoka. This is not to say there is no tribalism in UPND,am very sure its there & its there even in PF. Maybe the difference is the levels. Lets learn to condemn it regardless of who is practicing it. In this case we can all see that Sata is being tribal. i hope 2016 wont be the north Vs all

    • I support you but you are wrong on the Mazoka-Sata results of 2001. Maybe you’re a youngman who didn’t know what was happening back then. Back in 2001, Sata was as unpopular as Mutesa (ZED) or Chipimo (NAREP) and he never received votes in Northern Province, but only Lusaka were he had councillors. It was Mwanawasa who got the most votes from Northern and Luapula, especially Northern and because of his tribalistic tendencies he appointed a northerner as his veep to appease a tribe and he set the ball rolling. When Levy said “Bembas stink”, he made Sata popular. Sata took advantage of this, like anything else he has took advantage of like windfall tax, chinese labor abuse, barotse, … Don’t just join in what these fools here are debating about. This tribal war is just on this site…

  103. no offence most zambians r educated but NOT CIVILIZED, Sata maybe educated but he is not civilized and this is a Big problem coz the president doesnt see things the way u SEE THEM. those of use how have travelled will agree to this , a person with a GSCE in Europe (black or white) handle work well than a degree holder in zambia. I DONT BLAME SATA.

  104. Useless and baseless article. Question the merit of the people being appointed and not their tribe. Some people have natural hatred against MCS and such where never with him in his struggle to state List all the appointments made so far and against each appointee, indicate the tribe and church thats when i will believe that Sata is impossing Bembas and Catholics.

  105. @KB #140. Just because you failed to get a degree doesn’t mean that you should compare us to high school graduates in Europe. Shit is the way it is in Zambia because you like voting people based on charisma not what they are able to do for you. Zambia is one of the worst countries were the educated are despised and sidelined and to keep our jobs we remain quite!

  106. I would be surprised if the Catholic bishops accepted their three appointments on the committee. If I remember well, the Bishops have been preaching equity, fairness, and all the nice words meaning the same thing. Surely if the Catholic Bishops accepted this, they would be going against the Ten Commandments and opening themselves to ridicule. And if the current leadership turned corrupt, as most of our politicians seem to do soon after their honeymoon, then the Bishops would be part of that. Surely no self respecting church would want to allow itself to be sucked into that level of cheap African politics.

  107. Lama you must be foolish. What percentage did sata get from the north? What do you call that? Kanonga eebo mentality. Please think beyond your nose. You are a tribalist

  108. Bembas are in denial that Zambians have realised what Sata’s intentions have been all along to make Bembas as dominating tribe in his govt. Iam glad that this will be the polical item for 2016 elections. Young Elias Chipimo should come out and join Zambians in condeming Sata’s stance on this tribal issue or his political ambitions will be disaster with a Bemba tribal tag. This tribal issueshall be on a lobby agenda item from now onwards. Ignore it at your own peril as we are now bringing it on the international centre stage with Sata PF govt.

  109. Let me talk about the Committee to review the Constitution. 20 technical experts appointed. 73 dialects or tribes! So are we saying that we should have had 73 tribal experts with hindus, moslems, americans, europeans, chinese and all. can someone produce that list of technical experts? people this tribal sensitivity is bad.

    people like GBM and Kambwili worked with sata in the opposition and deserve to be with him as sources of strength. dont think that leadership is so cheap. the only appointments you can talk about are those like judges, boz and other institutions. there, may be yes but not cabinet. reason? The man can not trust people who have always thought about tribe before anything else. why cant you defect to Bemba nga chashupa?

  110. Lets stop being paranoid. what tribe is Mwangala Zoaloumis? many people on that committee i should think are lawyers first of all. it really does not matter.

    come to think of it. i think it is more profitable for the same Choolwe mweetwa to start criticising policies rather than always blowing the tribal trumpet. anyone is free to stand and be voted for. no other means will do. If you want to start fanning civil war, you will simply get yourselves in trouble. You will never ever have peace. The hague will be waiting for you. I mean if you do not like sata just come and stand so that you dfeat him. he defeated rupia by campaining and he was voted for.Simple!

  111. Remember London judgement 19 convicted 18 from northern and luapula only one tonga; Attan Shansonga…Indeed Bembas are thieves! Wait and see!

  112. LET THE TRUTH BE TOLD,the worst tribalists are Bembas.Go to livingstone Maramba market and you will hear Tongas have learnt Bemba and Nyanja.The people of Southern ,NorthWestern,Cental and Wsetren pronvinces are VERY peaceful people who are willing to accomodate other tribes.How many bembas kaponya at Kamisala market in Solwezi can speak Kaonde ,Lunda or Luvale?


  113. Kholwe Muzyamba do
    not put this crap on LT,ever,kept it to your self. I grew up in Lusaka speaking Nyanja ,which is not my mother tongue. In the household we all spoke Nyanja. My best childhood friend is N’senga,boy a love to listen to any body speaking N’senga.Khoolwe ne ku nyopole (sic)

  114. Zambia needs prayers more than ever. Lord grant wisdom to our leaders and Zambians and help everyone to be sensitive to those that are hurting. We refuse that a legacy of division should be passed on to the future generations. Lord bless KK for the good legacy of unity that he has passed on to Zambia. Jesus please intervene in our nation and let righteousness, love, unity,respect prevail in our nation. We thank you for the peace that you have allowed us to enjoy in Zambia, we repent on behalf of our nation concerning any doors that have been opened that do not please you, please raise up intercessors in our land who will give you no rest until righteousness,love, peace, justice prevail in our great nation in Jesus name. God bless Zambia.

  115. jounalists are working hard to bring this issue out of contexts so zambians are dull that cant make difference of people’s tribes all in northern province are bembas and all in southern provinces are tongas and all in western provinces are lozi

  116. For your own information this is not the first time tongas are behaving like this, they have from the day of KK. Read you history the like of Harry Mwanga Nkumbula behaved like HH, UPND and tongas are behaving its actually the tongas who forced KK in 1973 to declare Zambia a one party state because of the behavior of the ANC and Nkumbula.

  117. U guys tongas never voted for Sata becuase he was bemba why do they now want positions. he has already appointed the few tongas who are in PF. Dont insinuate that Sata takes sides with catholics. pentecostal pastors took side in MMD and they never sided with the people. You know people like Joshua banda, and the likes.

  118. Ba RED SQUARE naimwe… So what is your point in saying that people in Maramba market are speaking Bemba? Where they forced at gun point or they learn out of their own volition? Languages are learnt because you find them useful. If those people in Maramba market feel that it is useful to speak Bemba so be it. What about the English language which spread all over the world? Do we have to start to vilify the English people for their language that has gone international? What about Spanish, French…. I know that people have started learning Chinese.

    People cool down. If you can not mingle, interact and popularise your language what has that got to do with Bemba? why don’t many people want to learn? My man some things are just like that. It may be natural selection.

  119. We need such courageous guys like you Choolwe, the truth hurts. Its only one day that we will stop enjoying the peace we are enjoying as a nation, hence you can’t fool someone for a long time. Some groupings will rise and say enough is enough, i am not trying to encourage tribalism, at times its better we check ourselves before we utter words to our friends. I wish we could have a lot of genius fellow who realize that we are who we are because of others. We are all not perfect, but to start to call tongas all sort of names is like burning your own house with your belongings inside. I wish these people will one day realize what they are doing is not good for the nation. Can it be wrong if we divide this nation if you superior men think tongas are a stumbling broke? This issue piss me off.

  120. In my view Sata has managed to appoint from all sections even in regions tribalism is believed to be major as witnessed in the past elections. You people never cry foul when you advocate to vote for your own….

  121. Leave the Catholic Bishops alone. These Bishops are well educated and intelligent compared to the EFZ Bishops who are only Grade 12.

  122. This is serous attention seeking, stereotyping and advocating negative tendencies will only create confusion. I agree on the inclusion of only one religious body but not the tribal part. Its either all the religious beliefs are included or non. “ONE ZAMBIA, ONE NATION”

  123. :d:Mukame, am told your mother got pregnant to his uncle, how do u call your dad, He he heeeee leave the zambian billionaire alone imwe ba pomwe!!!!

  124. This is rather strange and funny. You want to bring war to Zambia? For what? All because some guy called Sata won the presidency and formed his own team to govern with? Why advocate blood shed when we know that we are in democratic country.

    We use the ballot and not the bullet. are you guys admitting that you are lamentable failures at the ballot and so you want to use the bullet? this is not necessary you guys. work harder.

  125. It was almost a wonderfully written piece until you spoiled it all for some of us by blurting out that “No wonder phrases such as Barotse and Bantusthan are beginning to gain prominence”. You seem sufficiently well informed so much that it shocks me when you draw a near parallel between Barotseland and the bantustan . When you bake a cake, am afraid you have to eat it, whole! Am curious here,what exactly were you expecting.These are the clearest signs that they are large and in charge period. You and the rest of your country may whine all you like it shall fall on deaf ears.This is why we keep telling people that this.ONE ZAMBIA ONE NATION has and always will be a fallacy which only exists as a figment of the imagination of whoever utters it.For most of us it a meaningless statement!

  126. Whining and whimpering over appointments. Funny how some folks reason. The man you bullock left right and centre got the mandate of the people. So give yourselves time to rethink and re-strategise your wining formula. Otherwise you have all the rights to complain but please stop hinting at war. War? What war? Can you win that war? stop the rot.

  127. Countrymen, if the Committee is supposed to be made up of “experts”, do we need THREE “expert” Bishops from the Catholic Church? What expertise is Chief Luchembe bringing to the Committee that eg Chief Mwinilunga or something would not bring? We dont want to spend K300 billion and then the Constitution is rejected at referendum or parliament level. This is why people need to feel or perceive to be part of the process i.e. CONSENSUS is critical to a successful constitution making process. It starts with such committees as some group can easily derail it as PF did when MMD tabled the NCC constitution. It is not about “pleasing everyone” just as much as it should not be about “displeasing” anyone. Is this HARD TO UNDERSTAND????

  128. I am on record saying it is nature to support your own. But it takes a great leader to see other tribes as his own too. In this case Ba Sata cannot be said to be a great leader his is too pro Bemba speaking people and catholics to a point it sucks and disturbing. Most of his appointments are too bais and clearly showing that he has no regards for other votes he got in the very provinces he did not carry the day. He needs to change if he is to enjoy his presidence. We voted RB out because it was all Banda, Ngoma, Lunga every high post. Bembas you are not the only people in this land.

  129. You know, the problem we have in this country is that Bembas want to speak and everyone listens. They do not want others to air out their views. What is this nosense? Let thank God that we were all created in his own image.

  130. Awe ba Kp naimwe, speaking we can speak. That is your right. That is our right. We are all Zambians. what is wrong is the paranoia syndrome. Why were some guys talking about war on an issue that can debated in a civilised fashion?

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