Living Waters Global Churches Bishop in Charge Bernard Nwaka has appealed to the people of Zambia to help restore the life of Iris Kaingu and her boy friend.
Bishop Nwaka says the media in the country and the community at large should not put pressure on the two for the sins they have committed but help restore their lives so that they can begin to fear God.
Bishop Nwaka says he personally renounce the evil which the two committed but there is need for the community to show love for them as Jesus Christ accepted the woman who was found committing adultery.
He says that Jesus showed love and accepted the women and warned her never to sin again.
Bishop Nwaka says that this is the route the Zambian community especially the media should take to serve the life of the two young people.
Zambia Centre for Accountancy Studies ZCAS has expelled Former Community Development Minister Michael Kaingu’s daughter Iris who is appearing in a sex video with her boy friend a matter that has also attracted Police investigations.
SEX Minister’s daugter or EX- minister’s daughter let the law prevail, no one is above the Law even if it was COBRA’S daughter the police wud do the same. what about Boneti petition to FIFA how far has it gone kanshi?
It is unfortunate such things are happening in our society. Zambians, where have we gone wrong? I cry mother Zambia.. is it freedom of sex….Olease let us restore our diginty as Zambians.
pipo of GOD we all knw dt iris n her boyfrend hv sinned against th almight bt pliz pipo let us b pryn 2 God 2 4gv thm.
Lets see the hypocrites… the Man of God is rite…… We can c what they v done and many of us are just good at hiding…but Gods see everywhere…Pray for them
sorry for the girl and boy but unfortinately if the law says its punishable to make such videos the two will have to face the consequence of their wrong doing. what they did is something most adults have done before including pastors but ka video was a big mistake. the lesson guys, learn from other people’s mistakes and dont let ohters learn from your mistakes.
I reckon our morals have gone wrong purely because fathers and mothers are not doing a good job bring up their children…the family value system has gone wrong not only in Zambia but the rest of the world…be the first one to throw a stone at Iris and her boy lover…and know how evil your heart is..ZCAS is equally wrong in expelling these young people…alot of your workers are having illegal sex and so are your students…these two kids posted their act on the internet…that was wrong, but taking away a chance to gain education, how does that help them to improve their abilities to fully enjoy the freedom to employ their efficiency (labor) in a chosen field of their liking?? what will stop them from committing other societal wrongs to gain money?? How has your act helped them?
I agree with you, but actually these kids did not even post the video on the net. It was a malicious friend who the boy had left his laptop with while he was away.
I agree @Dojo Zambian parents are letting their children get away with alot of inapropriate behviour
The hypocrisy prevalent in Zambia today is reaching biblical proportions. We claim to be a Christian nation but are so oblivious to verses 7:53-8:11 of the Gospel of John i.e. the one about Christ’s confrontation with the scribes and Pharisees over whether a woman, caught in an act of adultery, ought to be stoned. And yet our modern day scribes and Pharisees seem not to have learnt any lesson from this verse and happily wallow in hypocrisy. Even Sata, whom god has a video of, engaged in a similar act with Mpundu’s sister, would not come to the poor girl’s aid! I just hope the principal is without sin for casting the first stone of expelling the kids. Given the reaction, I wonder what people think these kids do behind the walls of their rooms.
Nonsense People…I believe they are a lot of people fornicating or being adulterous! it was consensual sex between too adults. and for all intents and purpose am sure they made that video for there personal enjoyment. Like most of you fornicate or adulterate for your pleasure. Unfortunately for Iris the video fell into the hands of some unintended person who spread it around becoz of technology! IF ANYTHING YOU SAME PEOPLE CRYING FOR IRIS BLOOD, SHOULD TAKE YOURSELVES TO POLICE FOR BEING IN POSSESSION AND DISTRIBUTING PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL (Iris Video)! We all do crazy things in our bedrooms its our business! this girl didn’t start a website to distribute her video it just happened to find its way off her laptop and the rest is history! Ba shit don’t act so Holy ala!
I agree with the Bishop for sure there is no need to punish the two for their acts. After all most of us who saw the video should also be punished after all how did we see or watch it. It also means we were watching forbidden material under the law. How do you report without watching the material? I am sure even the Post Newspaper watched the video in full that’s why they reported accurately about it and gave us the website to also have a look at what they were talking about. Should they be punished or not. Lets not pretend here we are all sinners. I end here bane!
I don’t think the video itself has anything to offer to the already polluted internet. It’s unfortunate that they took the video of themselves having sex, for their own record of course. Someone then took advantage of their foolishness or carelessness and decided to publish the video on the internet – with a lot of malicious intent of course. There’re a lot of people who have done the same but avoided trouble by keeping wiki-leaks at bay. Iris and Nathan’s situation is similar to that of Kim Kardashian and Ray Jay.
I am pleased to see tolerance and the will to forgive in action. For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23). Colossians 3:13-Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Having said that, the friends who put this material on the public domain are the ones who should be guilty of distribution. I understand christian morals, and I do not wish to offend christian sensitivities, but please do not ruin the future of these two young ones. The “crime” they have committed is not worth their being ostracized and made outcast. As someone has correctly pointed out, most people who are pointing fingers are guilty of worse but have not just been caught yet.
#9 Equalizer…thanking for equalising my facts concerning the posting of the said material on the internet…salute my good sir!
You are most welcome :)
I have viewed the video on xvideos.com can’t see what the problem and fuss is all about. What is unfortunate is it being posted on xvideos, so embarrassing for the pair. check it out and you be the judge, search for Zambian and you’ll see it. I MUST WARN YOU if you are faint hearted DON’T watch it. You have a choice IT’S ENTIRELY UP TO YOU…
Would this guy be singing the same hymn if the people in the video were GAY? I don’t think so. This guy would be screaming, ‘stone them, stone them, stone them’, while frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog!
OKAY HERE IS MY QUESTION – WHO discovered the video on that website? And WHAT was that person him/herself doing on that website. The very fact that the video was discovered has revealed that ZAMBIANS ARE LIVING A LIE!!! IF ZAMBIANS WERE PURE why would they find themselves on that website. IT IS NOT LIKE THESE TWO GUYS POSTED THEIR VIDEO ON POST NEWSPAPERS WEBSITE. For you to find the website they posted their video, there must be something wrong with you as well – what were you doing there????? Zambia must stop living a lie and just legalise pornography and then control it properly so that it is safe. This all rubbish, the two must be left alone, they have done nothing wrong.
Someone tiippes the police about the video. News was circulating at ZCAS. Making anything of that nature in Zd is a crime. Mistake number was to make the video. The father is law maker anf ujderstanda better. Let us not look at status. There is no one above thek law. Basafotokoza kusugoro
This now goes to show why the media should be regulated. First, watchdog mention ‘xvideos’ and by that any one could google and watch the video. Mistake number. Number 2, one blogger actually pasted the link and number 3: The un toucheable post, which is a mass broadcaster considering its coverage, it published the link. Now, is this not spreading the video as much as possible? There is no such a thing as free press. Its like telling pipo they can own a nuclear reactor any time they wanted. Suppose they are a bunch of lunatics? Wake up!
Indeed we should all forgive the young lady and her man.At the end of the day we are all sinners.May be the holy one among us cast the first stone.
there is no offense the two have committed ..its the regid thinking of the people of zambia …how do you want to arrest the people who had sex in their private room..two adults enjoyed themselves…they did not do it in public..tipuical of zambians
Do people in Zambia no longer have better things to do?? Zambia has lost its grip on culture! The younger generation has been trying to emulate the west to a point where they are becoming more immoral than the west! It is shocking to see some things going on everyday on Facebook and even being presented on tv! The subject of sex has become nothing! Prostitutes are on tv!! This sucks people!! What is happening to Zambia???
I followed the links published in the Post and concluded the vedio was being filmed; with someone directing the positions. This practice is happening in our colleges and the trend must be curbed. Expelling them will send a strong message to all and sandry that when parents expend resources, children must understand their priorities. When you choose to transgress against the law, you must be prepared to face the consequences. As for forgiveness, let the couple show remorsefulness and also send a message they will not be reckless as to commit fornication without protection; we are paying a lot as a country in early deaths.
I have seen the movie’…from the title it looks these guys were creating promo video for niliwood or bolywood..So i suspect they posted it on the net..anyway sometime is difficult to calculate the outcome of certain actions…For 16min movie not bad..lol..I thought it would last a minute..my bad..just looking at the fun part of this …Changa baseka uwacelwa..they i go again!!!..i cant stop laughing..I will pray for these guys next sunday..
We have lost our conscience as a society. Issues of immorality should be fully condemned while preserving the soul. The worst hypocrites are those who fail to show disapproval for such acts. I am surpirsed many bloggers are quickly endorsing the act as normal; does this show how far we have transgressed against righteousness as a society? We need to preach Christ to those that are lost, while ensuring we also remain in the faith lest we be cast away. However, indecency must be disapproved. The two young chaps are already feeling the weight of their transgression and will need a lot of help during this moment.
Dont judge before you are judged,the measure you are using to judge Iris is the same measure you will be used.There’s no righteous on this earth we are all sinners,its unfortunate that the chaps were caught in the video,in bemba we say changa baseka uwacelwa.we all do that as couples,so lets forget about this story because we do that all.Its up to them as a couple to repent and i can advise them to get marriage so that they can actually continue where they ended,pakuti cikalelowa bwino sanaaaaaaaa
how many pipo sin in zed even if we claim to be a Christian nation? i am very sure all of you who have commented here have committed fornication before except we have not seen you in action. Becoz the girl’z sin is out we want to blame her too much. Leave the girl alone GOD himself will judge her not you. lets not be hypocrites
Those two did not sin against any Zambian and I wonder why all the hypocrites are getting excited about this issue. If they have contravened the law, then let the law take its course. But as far as fairness is concerned, they did not sin against anyone but against their bodies and maybe God. So the rest of you holier than thou just piss off and continue hiding what you do behind the walls. Why ridicule someone when you all have accepted those prostitutes in Addis Ababa drive, Northmead and peak cock bars to mention but a few. Stop the pretending and face reality! This has just proved how much Zambians watch porno movies or did they show the clip on ZNBC?
Just the issue of producing a porno movie is wrong infact they should be sentenced to death by hanging till pronounced dead. as long as they are in the soils of zambia let us not set a precedent of wrong things by forgiving such chaps. if they enjoy sex let them do it out of public. they have reduced themselves to dogs anyway. we all do sex but we do not show it in that way
Quest, you are kidding me! Are you moslem? Because what you are advocating is unchristian and unzambian. If you have never ever done what these two kids did, then God bless you for you are a saint. Every couple does what these kids did consensually. It’s the scumbag hypocrite who intruded in their privacy that must be caged because his actions were imbued with malice aforethought. He wanted to hurt these two for whatever reasons. Cast the stone if you are so holy. Lets forgive the kids and move on. They have already suffered enough.
Are we still talking about this?? People need to get back to work..Gosh Zambians. smh
Tangu, the fact that pelople are talking about it shows you the gravity of this error; people fornicate (which will equally be judged) but to produce such indecency for public consumption will not die away quietly. Even when I have sex with my legal partner, I cannot afford to use a camera for it is against the law. Expelling them will send a strong signal to all college students to study and do those things when they have weaned off the support machine of their parents. The parents and ZCAS are inncent parties who may not walk with their heads up for a while.
you are right boss i very much agree with u, they have actually imparted a very bad act in some people who i know 2de or the other day others may do the same.
I do not think there is anyone condeming them. Once we sin, we condemn ourselves. Full restoration takes courage; to face up to the reality and apologise, not necessarily for the fornication but disaplying their fornication to the public. Society will readily embrace them.
I agree with your view, but we can not yet say for sure if they did it for public consumption, or indeed displayed it themselves. If they did, I totally support your stance. I’m just saying that at this stage it has not been ascertained that they were infact responsible for displaying their private acts.
#7 Steel & #9 The Equalizer. Both of you, your comments make sense. Zambia must move on and not dwell on what is now in the past. Yes, a mistake was made and the two people involved have been punished by the school and for sure their reputation damaged for many years to come. I think the POSTZAMBIA site should not continue commenting on this matter since damage has already been done. Going forward what is important is to have good Sex Education lessons to the young ones and let them know the down side of Electronic Technology and Social Networks. Manso ni kusogolo.
Two adults had consensual sex and taped it, big deal! What sin, what crime! You Zambians are petty and ridiculous people!
When iris kaingu, we be gettin married no lobola should be paid on HER.She as lost value.
I would pay double for her.
What is your 15 mins of fame?
Get a life you imbecile.
She is still a better person than you who has now tried to make her look dirty.
Iris, Good people do not look at you shamefully.
People understand you did not intend for this to happen.
The two humans just had some oil change and taped it, why are you making a big deal about it???
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. (NIV)
Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it. [Eph. 6:4; II Tim. 3:15.] (AMP)
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. (KJV)
I think people are not judging iris and nathan, they are simply condeming the acts of them doing tht and posting I on the internet. Sex is s lacred and should be done in privacy. They created the evidence for the police. Easy case and prosecution. Chansa kabwela vs the people.
Let us not be the first ones to throw a stone at the 2, rather let us help them pull thru and to sin no more. The media has put profits and their self fulfilling first, much more than a moral issue as to withold issues deemed sensitive and damaging to other fellow beings. They were quick to give the link were to find this shame for ourselves. needless to say we all committed a crime even by watching pornographic images. Other wise the police has a responsibility to curb this by purnishing offenders. Equally, the 2 shud accept punishment as an absolute way of being sorry.
Govt has no jurisdiction in this matter, It was between two consenting adults, posted on a website of a company registered outside zambia, People watching the video in zambia can be charged for posesion of pornographic images. Let he without sin cast the first stone
Lets move on fellas. Kano uushabembuka, let him or her be the first to cast the stone. The ***** that posted a private video on the public fora should be the one to be carpeted for he not only intruded in their privacy, but betrayed given to him by his friend of lending him the laptop. Lets not hide our heads in the sand because we all do this in our private bedrooms. Forgiveness as the bishop has said, is the most appropriate because after all, they will answer to God.
I have sex and film it all the time.what’s the big deal. I don’t see anything wrong with making a video, person to be punished is the one that made the video viral
Abena zed na nkhani ya nini sure? If i were Nathan i would wait until the guy who stole their lives finishes his expensive course, then just when he graduates, nail the guy down!! Equalised!!
Pastor Nwaka,Are you then saying your members can go prostitute and come back to your church as long as they CONTINUE repenting? Hope not presiding on church of porn stars. you are the type of Pastors who amazes many christians on morality ,you admit immorality in one breath and refute it in the other,same mouth. Very misleading….you dont take principled position on many matters. Why dont you pastors then,advocate to legalise prostitution after all your members will come back seeking forgiveness before they die,and prostitution is well documented as you have referenced…Are you NOT advocating for their enjoyment of the EDEN FRUIT,as long as your member continue to come for repentance.will not be surprised to hear that pastor you have f…ked up after staringly watching, XVIDEOS IRIS
no evil has been committed here, like this myopic bishop is suggesting.
@29 ruth do you also have an illegal partner? so sex with your legal partner is right but the graphic sex by these two is wrong? yu shud hav been a nun.
Guys, we are all human beings. Let’s forgive, and help these two to reform. It may be that YOU are not doing the Iris sin, but other sins. Worse it could be that you are doing it in hiding – it is still sin. So, let’s forgive, and help these guys reform. I pray for Iris and the boyfriend to see the light of God, and be reconciled with God. Amen.
The parents need counseling too especially those mentioned on how best to come to terms with what has hit them! Those justifying this act as of consenting adults need to search deeper in their souls for the two undertook an irresponsible risk for their action without considering that they are students still not totally independent of parental support! Let them marry and morally support each other on rebuilding their dented image. In the long term open up to your offspring for recorded history made. Pastor Nwaka why not invite this couple and help them spiritually?
Do not judge one another by their mistakes.if you died today you are only answerable about your own dids and not mine….Iris Kaingu (source :her facebook page)
That was just a sextape, like Kim Kardashian, please get a life Zambians. This bishop is showing signs of real leadership on this issue
As far as am concerned the law in zambia does not say anything about making a sex tape for personal, but the law says its a crime to DISTRIBUTE obscene material (sex tapes) so in this i dont see why people are calling Iris’ blood when she is not the one who licked her own sex tape, the person to be punished is the person who licked it. He should be arrested and charged with 1) trespassing 2) theft 3) distribution of pornographic material. And if you know you were not a virgin when you were getting married shut the f#$% up!
There is no big deal life should continue.
Cry our beloved country. Foolish Africans copying the evils of ancient Greece enough said. If you are wise and trully know our history of civilizing the world, then you shall agree with me. But! The inferior complex ones shall continue singing political correctness.
Can the person who has no sin please cast the first stone……( Jesus Chris). The Pastor is write as much as the law has to take its course, we are not to condemn them. All we can do is to encourage them not to indulge in such behavior in the future.
This young lady should not be condemn since none of us is righteous, She did this due to bad judgement we all have done stupid things we do not want people to see.This young woman should be allowed to go back to College and continue with her education.
It was like General Miyandaring banning girls from dancing on TV claiming they were corrupting people’s minds when he was himself once allegedly involved in dangerous coup plotting by violent means. Hypocrites! You bet most of them wish it was them copulating with Irish, “majelousy amina linja tuni a nyenyisa”
Even if you were to force me to find a stone or simply put one in my hands to throw at Iris, I would still throw amiss but hit squarely on your forehead (hypocrits). The College is totally wrong to expell her from school. Please reverse your decision you hypocrits. But rather use it as a good talking point to engage all your students and advising them on issues affecting representation of school, college, community, and country. Please leave her alone. Reinstate her. It will be a greater evil for the college or government to condemn her as undeserving to be educated like any other Zambian. Viva Zambian bloggers…I love most of your comments because you are not afraid to speak out. Viva Bishop! One Zambia, One Nation!
These chaps should face music of the law. They wanted to cash in on the dollars of the porno industry and they posted the video themselves.
Can someone please school me here: Is it a crime in Zambia to for a couple (married or not) to make a sex tape (i.e. filming themselves while having consensual sex)? It could be that they made it for their own private use and somebody else leaked it and posted it online. I mean what’s the crime here (I mean by law, not moral)? Is it because:
1. They had sex out of wedlock?
2. They filmed the sex?
3. They or someone else posted the film on the internet? or
4. All of the above?
I mean morally of course you will bring out all sorts of scoundrels and hypocrites as we know them in Zambia. But I just want to know what law these two had broken. When I first heard the story I thought they had not known each other and they were doing porn for sale or something.
she’s already forgiven..its just mmembe who thinks he’s righteous..!
@ # 48: Someone ‘licked’ the sex tape too! The perverts you get out there.
i want them forgiven and restored.sex b4 marriage is wrong and being a source of porn is arrestable,you can have consentual sex in private and if found in a room wouldnt be jailed but if you record and it falls on someones eyes even by mistake becomes porn and you the source of it,it joins the class of arrestable offences in a society,if you are a liar at home you cant be arrested but if you are an accountant then you lie while working it becomes arrestable.Am not judging r society they may be locked up,am sure they were big zcas dons showing off cash,unrully and making others feel being morally right is boring,parents payed a lot for school and they turned there school lives for fornication,most people supporting are saying we all sleep around its ok,watch it its not ok before marriage
and who says your sins will never catch up with you? one way or another they always do. Girls why are we so stupid?! we fall inlove and forget that there is a tomorrow. the guy is a hero, the girl is a whore as far as society is concerned. chifundo iris. what a way to spoil your name. this is not to say we are saying you are doomed and there is no comeback for you. but always remember that what you do now will affect you later on. be very careful people. i pray that you find the peace you need iris. it aint easy, and for those of you who are pointing fingers! let he without sin cast the first stone! otherwise shut the hell up!
Thanks Bishop Nwaka for this moral leadership… It is easy for all of us to get carried away with judgment and condemnation, as if they were the highest moral values we are capable of… when there are other higher ones like forgiveness, compassion, understanding, etc. Thanks for calling us to these higher values of the human spirit.
“Police investigation” – for having sex! Let me save them the trouble — they were having sex, they’re not married, and yes, they made a video.
Case closed.
Is it illegal to have sex? – No
Is it illegal to be single? – No
Is it illegal to make a private video? – No
The real crime here is that the video was leaked. The girl is a victim – instead of condemning her; take better care of your videos and leave her alone!
There is a law in Zambia that prohibits the production and distribution of pornographic material. There is no proviso for “own or personal use or personal viewing”. Its not allowed period. And its not allowed for very good reason: TO AVOID TIMES LIKE THIS, WHEN THE VIDEO CAN CORRUPT MORALS OF THE OWNERS THEMSELVES OR THE INNOCENT PUBLIC IN CASE IT DOES GET DISTRIBUTED! As much as we sympathyse with the kids and their families, they were foolish and have to face the concsequence of their actions. Fine, sex is good and everybody does it. But why record it? Whats the aim? Its like going to shit in the toilet and you record it, why? Only a sick mind does that! See, because of their stupidity now the whole Zambia is viewing their pornographic tape! Cage them!
Acrobatic styles like in WWE.
expelling IRIS from school is not a solution that is going to mend the minds of the two children of God.Bring them together educate them on the wrong they have done,if its punishable have them punished and send them back to class.Iam sure they themselves never posted this illicit video on the internet.Sameone played them cards from the back.
The fact is that the damage is already done. ZCAS has had its image dented and Iris will never clean her act. All of us growing up in this age will look down on her and the story will never wash off her name. Anyhow, it is good to note that she does not deserve any more attacks. If anything, people are moving away from the underpinning point- ZCAS’ must take responsibility too!
Personally I have forgiven them although I am not empowered to forgive but the law should not regulate our private lives. There should be no interference in my sex life by the govt!
There are times wen i fail to understand our attitude towards reality…me inclusive though. Very few out of those that are being so critical can seriously tell me that they never had sex wen they were at college. Is it because Iriss’ private video was circulated by the friend to the Nathan. I even wonder wat the cops are still doing arrest the guy who circulated the video coz he also committed a crime (distribution of obscene materials is a crime).
Allah,does not like sinners and it is our responsibilities us on earth reduce Allahs’ Judgement day duties by hanging those we find to have sinned beyond reasonable doubt to be stonned to death or hanged,in my view kill both of them.
Allah,does not like sinners and it is our responsibilities us on earth to reduce Allahs’ Judgement day duties by hanging those we find to have sinned beyond reasonable doubt to be stoned to death or hanged,in my view kill both of them.
#6 ” your comment ” I reckon our morals have gone wrong purely”
My comment: This I agree but what I do not buy from you is your last statement that “fathers and mothers are not doing a good job bring up their children” The current generation of the youth have no longer respect parents. Exodus 20:12
New International Version (NIV)
12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. We see Children, who do not obey their parents anymore do what the former ministers daughters did..(The command says that honoring your parents allows you a long life.) Please Media, it does not add up well to say EX- Misters daugher just to attract attention. address the two as by their names.
‘Forging them’… Jeez, here we go again misusing word. Who did they wrong that needs to forgive them? It sounds to me that the cops must be following whoever leaked the video and posted it online. He/she is the real culprit.
Fun, in other civilised countries this girl would have been a celebrity and a superstar after this. Kim Kardashian became an instant celebrity and is now a millionaire from having a sex tape with Ray J leaked in public. But in a country like Zambia full of pretenders and hypocrites she is being vilified like she is some sort of a murderer. All she did was enjoying sex and filming it. We should be vilifying these Bakabwalala, Basholi, thieves masquerading as politicians who steal people’s resources not Iris whose only crime is having sex on tape.
I agree with you the so kod jiga bt let me remind educate you that ulunkumbwa lubi elo lulocesha,further more why do you argue about such and you even say she would have been honourd,mukayeko kubasungu kwine uko mukayesendko ubupuba bakmicte hona,you are welcome,remember zambia is christian nation.
What a country we live in – pretending to be of high moral ground yet HIV/AIDS scourge is prevalent. You can’t build a country with a bunch of pretenders, the majority of which are tasked with a mandate to run a country. And just how did expelling Iris make ZCAS and everyone associated with the college holier than thou? Just because you don’t have a sex tape don’t make you holier or of high moral ground.
In the first place why are people watching that video?Those of you who have been watching the video are the ones who may have committed a crime/sin.Now Zambia has major issues to tackle than meddle in the private lives of their citizens.I personally don’t understand what the fuss is all about!I mean how many channels do we have on Sky/Virgin or whatever channels you subscribe to?I don’t watch all of them because I don’t want to! Zambians are well known for dwelling on pettiness and missing the real issues.How many people who KNOWINGLY infect other people with HIV on a daily basis and still believe they are better than Iris?How many husbandswives are fully committed to their spouses without having one or more on the side?
Bishop Nwaka surely knows that there are consequences for every sin. If according to the laws of Zambia, the two forgiven sinners are found wanting, the law should take its course and if the two go to jail, so be it. They will be paying for their sin just like Adam,Abraham, Moses, king David, his son Solomon, and many other men of repute in the Bible faced the consequences of their sins. I just feel for the former minister and his wife, they are devastated and those close to them should run to them and pray with them. Utwana tumo tumashilu, kuti twalenga abafyashi bakwata heart attack.
Most of you are missing the point. There are kinds of sex that are prohibited by the law. Until you amend such law, you cannot simply brush it aside. Rape is a crime, having sex below the age of consent is a crime, having sex in public is a crime e.t.c. What we need to assess is whether what happened in this instance falls within any of the categories of prohibited sex. The college has a right to expell the student, otherwise they would be setting a precedent by letting it go unpunished. Some of you are mixing the issue with morality and religion. Whats the point of the law if you demand that everyone be forgiven?
I totally agree! You cannot mix law with morality
cont…We have had a generation wiped out because of selfishness.Men think/reason that having more money means having more girlfriends.Now this is my honest observation.Zambia being a Christian nation tolerates men sleeping around while Britain being a secular nation is so strict to a point where men are scared of losing so much!I am not saying there are no infidelity issues in the UK but an HIV positive person will find it extremely hard to deliberately infect another in the UK than in Zambia.Someone will return from burying their dead spouse to jumping into another person’s bed without warning them or even insisting on protection!Who has more conscious?
The only problem am having is the title if it was only the name at least but not zambian gal.It sarted that Nathan left the laptop were this video is and one of his friend so it and started showing it to friends and friend to friend until the whole school including teachers then facebook the last thing Xvideos.but they intended it for them to see themselves after they finish.i think they were watching pono videos so they wanted to try the styles they were watching but it fell in wrong hands.the police should arrest the who posted this video not them.i wonder how the parents are moving unless they in ma yard ngati ni kumboni awe sure.
You are all wasting your breaths. Go back to your various programmes and forget about this issue. You talk too much. The police are on it and are about to conclude their investigations. Arrests will be made.
If any of your above have seen the video they you are all guilty of Watching porn and you can be taken to court!!!!!!!!LOL
The Freedom that these parents have given their Kids is now haunting them back ifya bufontini mwatemwa ati Ichisingu lelo its payback time!Look at the Chinese and Japanese these are Societies that have advanced technologically and they have very strong Traditional cultures which they have not thrown over the window because of Western Education.Tata Mayo ehh come to Africa and see the nonsense! of the so called Educated so pathetic that they dont even think but parrot what they learnt.Ulya umwana umwanakashani tapuseni nowafyala Chikabolala cha nfunti! The law should Visit those two foolish Kids so that others can learn that we have laws and if you break them you will feel the pain period!
Before we judge Iris and Nathan,its better off to reflect on what we have done wrong in our lives.Most of the staff we are ashamed of to date.I confess having done worse things than these two when growing up except it wasnt put on video.My conclusion is that Iris and Nathan did good things at a wrong time and at a wrong place.Kuli ba Kaingu,umwana kasembe ngakakukoma kukabula wakobeka.Talk to your daughter nicely but firmly.Bashi Nathan,same advice.There is no sin our Great God cannot forgive if confessed genuinely.
Pastor what wrong with you start with you church there is alot of Oral Stuff being practised by your members tell them to repent before thy spreak in tongues. I forgive u not the Ministers daugther and the dog pound.
Am so dissapointed with most of your comments guys, it just show how shallow we can think. IRIS and NATHAN, did what 95% of pipo do, the difference is that they where caught, so Y? are you making this hip of soil into a mountain….be part of PIPO WHO BUILD than those who DESTROY….forgive these young pipo and move on….sha…
Honestly this is some bullshit, this couple made this video in complete privacy not for distribution. The person that should be prosecuted is the guy who published it. They should see themselves as victims of invasion of privacy and theft. The reason their case has blown out of proportion is cause the girl’s father is a politician, it’s all just a scheme to attack the former minister and the party he is affiliated with. See the bigger picture people, let’s not criticize and (let he without sin cast the first stone) ask why? Why is the media reporting an act that happens in every college? How many sex pics have we seen from these colleges? Why is this particular situation the headlines, ask the question why?
Mathews 7vs1- the bible says do not judge,Why do you look at the speck sawdust in your brother`s eyeand pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?hw can you say to your brother,let me take the speck out of your eyes;when all the time there is a plankin your eyes?
@77………awe sure…….
In these times of aids ka Nathan kachili kalelya live wire. Ichinyo chilafulunganya abantu
the only diference between iris n nathan n us is that we do it in hiding while they recorded themselves and the all nation ended up seing her leggss in the air..n that has proved to b a very stupid mistake..n the media realy blew this out of propotion,n am am sure if it wz just an ordinary zambian’z daughter,the headlines would have been different…the man of God is right,lets just help thz kids restore there lives,we make mistakes though some mistakes are so shamefull…
Guys!! Don’t hate, Seems like Iris directed and produced that film. Nathan….. that 16minutes is very impressive. I bet most of you guys here wish u could last that long. Iris….u just lay there like a log? move those hips .
the real criminal is the guy who distributed that footage, he stole, invaded privacy and distributed the material. Since the media has no interest in the individual and has decided he remain anonymous i shall call him “peeping tom”. A “peeping tom” by definition is an idividual that gets sexual pleasure from watching other people’s sexual acts or sexual organs, the person who went sneaking into the files (as i assume they did not have the video titled “OUR SEX TAPE” in bold letters on their desktop or task bar) of the victim’s laptop and jerked off to their footage, if you so happen to read this comment, you my friend are a ‘peeping tom’. lol. everybody watch out #pervontheloose…..