Sunday, March 9, 2025

There is no law requiring government to take findings of ZAMTEL to Parliament-Kambwili


Foreign Affairs Minister Chishimba Kambwili

Minister of Foreign Affairs Chishimba Kambwili says there is no provision in the law, which states that the findings of the Commission of Inquiry should be tabled before Parliament.

Mr. Kambwili explained that the Inquiries Act clearly states that when the Head of State appoints an inquiry the report should be given to the President who later decides what to do with the findings and not Parliament.

The Minister is reacting to a request by the United Party for National Development – UPND to refer to Parliament the report of the Commission of Inquiry on the sale of ZAMTEL.

UPND Deputy Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa says Parliament is the most impartial and competent body to scrutinise and determine the findings of the Commission of Inquiry.

Mr Mweetwa says referring the report to Cabinet would not be fair because the Commission was established with the authority of Cabinet.



  1. Why is UPND sticking its nose in matters that don’t involve them? Do you want to play good to MMD so that you take them over while they are asleep?

  2. pf= ba manukula; we need a commission of inquiry into the shooting of an innocent citizen in ndola by the pf government.

  3. If the idea of rooting out corruption is to be done is secret then not alot will be accompanised…i reckon whatever injustice has been done to the Zambian people should be brought out in public, so that no one cries foul…take the report to Parliment if the people’s representatives want to look at it, after all its these same representatives from the previous government that are being accused of crime…let them learn from it…

  4. Kambwili should immediately contact Dora Siliya and learn that politics of “ya munyopola njala” don’t have a place in Zambia…And Lusaka Times should reconsider photo about his pussy looking kamwa which is climax for homos….

  5. POWER FAILURE (pf) to grasp Rule of Law, Accountability, Transparency does not amount to Good Governance. Let the people decide via parliment.

  6. And some people believe that this hippo faced buffoon was appointed Foreign Minister not because of tribalism but intelligence and merit!!!!

  7. Ba Kambwili, anything can be justified if you want to. Your circle behaved differently when in opposition. Had this been an MMD decision, you would have paraded yourself naked (again) to show your displeasure…..but then again, I am not surprised by your blatant double tougnedness…..

  8. I think our Ministers should think before they open their mouths. Yes, there is no law but that does not mean that it is right. Parliement have the power to also make decisions on the issue because it affects all Zambia. ZAMTEL is not a personal property of Sata and his cabinet colleagues. WE as Zambia should work towards reducing the powers of the President. In fact, parliement was supposed to be conducting these investigation and not cabinet. Whom are Sata and cabinet answerable if they make the wrong decision?

  9. No matter how you talk Sata will be advised by us after the report is taken to him at State House. You have no moral obligation to be championing nonsense from nashala neka parties. Get life the boat is being stirred in the right course.

  10. Kambwili, what poeople are asking for is access to the report. All enquiries are obliged to make their report public so that the people can decide whether the President is reacting appropriately or not. You can’t be treating enquiries on a public institution as confidential. Distribute the report when it is ready. This is why we need the constitution as soon as possible. There is no need for people to start queueing up to make submissions again. The so-called committee of experts must study the zillion draft constitutions we have done since independence and consolidate them into one. Presidential powers must be cut to 50%, with more power given to Cabinet office to run the civil service. Parliament should be more powerful than a president.

  11. hahaha nice. so kambwili is just saying we were all taken for a ride? notthing will happen after the so called commission of inquiry? way to waste tax payer’s money.

  12. Only 60 days in office, power has quickly got to their heads. Or is it the desire to persecute political foes at the slightest of an excuse and avoid stumbling blocks like Parliament to achieve it (persecution).

  13. Makes me wonder who advises these guys. Guy Scott is the only one that makes sense in this government. The rest are either mute or make me shudder whenever they open their mouths. The president should stop acting as both judge and jury over issues like Zamtel. His cohorts seem to be following in his footsteps.  

  14. Some comments that these ministers make are very un proffessional and make my estimates in them go really down. Transparency is very important. If the enquiry was done in good faith why hide.

  15. This honourable should know that we are talking about transparency here. His president made an open accusation and then appointed the commission of inquiry, so why not discuss the report equally openly in parliament?

  16. Why does UPND want to do the work of GRZ? We have a government in place guys and let them do their work. Wait for your turn to come. By the way, only if you remove HH as he is not marketable!

  17. Hate him or love him, what Chishimba Kambwili, with his humble education, is saying about the provisions of the Inquiries Act is correct. What I find shocking is that the learned Honourable Cornellius Mwiitwa, a law graduate of UNZA, seems not to know the contents of this Act.

    • Even if its the act, Kambwili’s talking has sent wrong signals. He should have kept that to himself or commented in a more profffesional way. To me it seems he did not want to review his findings. Get examples from developed counrtries things are done with transparency. Every needs to know the truth. It about being truthful and honest. The people of Zambia needs people they can trust.

    • Coz there was NOTHING on paper warranting its sale. Mathani could have made mistakes but the PROCEDURE that was taken to grab it was all wrong !

  18. Mwandi ba PF dont take it to Parliament but make a decision that benefits the people especially those that were fired. The damage has already been done and Zamtel has embarked on major re-branding and their services are 100%. Dont let those UPND/MMD Spoilers make the decision coz they are the ones that approved of it in the first place. SAIL ON !

  19. Fellow Zambians what really due expect from a STREET KID like Kambili who is a METAL scrap dealer is short he is a KABOVA and KAPONYA who is a JOB SEEKER and does not understand what DEMOCRACY nor policy on governance!

    Kambili is a disgrace to Zambia’s politics. I felt embarrassed for his President Sata to send him to Australia during the Commonwealth Head of State Meeting in Perth recently.

    Zambians should brace for the worst from this EVIL Bemba led Roman Catholic Dominated PF government.

  20. SHAKA OZ ! another bitter fellow. have a life. don’t be personal my him names but that cant change his status.

  21. Am sure many of you are wondering what position this gentleman has. Kambwili is just out of order making comments about anything. Foreign affairs minister must not engage in topics that are for the finance minister. Of course the Zamtel deal involves Libya, that’s where he must be concerned!

  22. #5, True mwe, the mouth of Kabwili bears a cunning semblence to the feminine genetalia. Imagine ifKambwili grew a “ndevu” around it, it would be just like the organ between Dora’s legs where Folotiya nearly drawned in torrent “Musi o Tunyaka” waters. And the nostrils also, “awe sure”, standing next to him is it not death by oxygen asphyxiation one would be exposed to here? The chicks kwati ni “gumugumu blue head”. God must have been in a hurry for lunch when he created this monstrocity!

  23. This Kambwili Chap has becoming chief spokesman for the President and the folly that goes on in that office – He will be the first to go within 90Days of the PF government…

  24. The earlier we begin to appreciate the dividing lines of the three arms of government and their functions the better. Its the responsibility of the executive arm of government (Cabinet) to execute executive responsibilities. Zamtel report must be handed over to the person(s) who appointed the commission on behalf of cabinet. Lets believe in the institutions that we have put in place and please respect these structures. As for UPND please have patience we know you have NEVER been in government hence you lest understanding what it means.

  25. so as usual failure will not be punished but will instead be rewarded.
    We need to name and shame the people who failed us by allowing zamtel to go for a song.
    The president and minister were not the only people involved in giving away zamtel

  26. Som of u guys making comments insulting kambwili ar vry stupid and ignorant.da man says there is no such law requiring commision of enquiries 2 to take its findings 2 parley,bt u ar opening yo stinkin mouths 2 insult him ,dont b stupid.Hw dare u call kambwili, a mining engineer,kaponya? Thnk,yo hatred 4 da pf gvt wil nt work.Zambia doesnt nid pipo lyk yourselves who ar so naive and narrow minded,devoid of any sensible issues.shame on u.

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