Sunday, March 23, 2025

Zambezi Airline Plane damaged by loader repaired


Zambezi Airlines chief pilot Pascal Chansa leads is crew out of the new plane

One of the Zambezi Airlines Planes which was damaged at Lusaka International Airport in May this year has returned to Zambia after undergoing a successful six months repair works in South Africa.

The Boeing 737-500 was badly damaged by the loader at the Airport as it was landing in May this year.

Zambezi Airlines Director of Flight Operations Captain George Sinkala says the Plane returned to Lusaka on Friday after being certified Air Worth.

Captain Sinkala says the repair works were carried out by Jax Wax of South Africa.

He says the Plane which has capacity of One Hundred and 11 Passages is now fit to fly after going through flying tests in South Africa.

Captain Sinkala who flew the Plane from South Africa to Zambia on Friday says it is in good condition and has also been certified by Department of Civil Aviation.

He was speaking in an interview in Lusaka on Saturday.



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  1. Is this news? Would you report the same about a bus or a tractor which has just been repaired? Come on LT, look for news worthy reports!!!!

  2. Yes it can! We need to import more mbeba from Chipata or Katete. And also carry air mukwai monkeys on our way back. I end here!

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  3. My goodness…LT you really need to edit your articles before uploading them. The title has a letter missing; a plane is just a noun, not a proper noun ‘Plane’; I guess ” certified Air Worth” should have read “certified air worthy”; and “One hundred and 11 passages” should have simply read “111 passengers”…need I continue?…LT, this is really pathetic…

    • that scoail media is the only aspect that has led to the success or failure of these businesses, a study from merely a few weeks ago that rated American Airlines the ?most hated? on scoail media and Virgin the ?most loved?

    • Lori Van NostrandWhat your doing now, by esnserxipg your self. Is wonderful therapy. To follow your bliss is too. I am impressed by your being able to share your very deep feelings. I am also moved. Your very good Colleen. Blessings

    • Cant blame you Sanchez, I guess you wouldnt trust your mother when she tells you she gave birth to you! You sound racist and pathetic!

  4. Give them back their permit to fly. I am a Sata supporter but the grounding of Zambezi Airlines, is totally unacceptable. All the reasons given so far appear to be without merit. The President has received bad advice in this case. I am not suprised that tribalism is being mentioned as the real reason. How sad is this! Give the man a chance, he is on his own funding this project, we should all be proud of him.


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  5. Does this airline even own these planes, most Airline in Africa lease the planes…why didn’t they just get another one instead of patch-up jobs!!

    • Ba jay jay, You display the highest level of ignorance I have ever come across. Visit the airport one day and ask to be accordd an opportunity to have a closer look at SAA, BA, TAAG or indeed any other aircraft and see how much patch repair they have undergone. How much do you think an aeroplane costs? Just a brake unit can buy you two autorec motor vehicles…Wisen up bro!

  6. my car toyota corolla ACJ 3237, 5 passengers seater was bashed by a toyota haice early october and is brought back to chililabombwe after being repaired by car doctor of chingola.lubengele passengers have confermed that the car is fit to pirate. same same with this news.

  7. # 4
    I think this is news because we all know that Zambezi airlines’ licence has been suspended due to safety reasons. Now they have a bargaining chip to restore their licence.

  8. LT this is not News please give us real news, Kindly tell the Sata Govt to give this damn Airline their operating License too many people have lost their income because of this Airline being grounded,Employees of Zambezi Airlines and Vendors and their Employees who do business with Zambezi Airlines.

  9. How in the Hell was this Aircraft taken to SA for repair if t was damaged in Lusaka??:-?
    Munali ku mbululusa anso ndeke inali yo onongeka ma pepe.Naku faka bantu pa risking anso..

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  10. Cindy WadeColleen, that poem sums up all the facts that sunrourd death and shows your empathy and love you have for people. Proud to be your friend!!! Only problem is can’t read these things at work, my eyes well up and I cry at my desk, LOL

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