PRESIDENT Sata on Friday received kudos from an unlikely source – former Vice President George Kunda.
Mr Kunda welcomed the appointment of a 20-member technical committee to draft a new republican Constitution.
“I’m happy that the Patriotic Front (PF) has started honouring some of its campaign promises and one of this is the appointment of the 20-member technical team to draft a new republican Constitution. I’m happy with the composition.
“I’m just hoping that the committee will come up with a Constitution that will stand a test of time according to the wishes of the Zambian people,” Mr Kunda said.
He said in an interview that he is impressed with the legal representation on the committee.
The committee to be headed by former Chief Justice Annel Silungwe is expected to complete its work within 12 months.
Mr Kunda said he is happy that President Sata has appointed a 20-member technical team to immediately begin working on the new Constitution.
Last week, President Sata announced the appointment of a 20-member technical committee that includes the Council of Churches in Zambia (CCZ) and three bishops from the Catholic Church.
Mr Kunda said the committee should not be restricted to completing its task within 90 days because this might compromise its quality of work.
[Zambia Daily Mail]
Maturity at work. Well done GK. Now go and teach Hakaivotela Humwine and his Bantustans about the same
Kunda, you failed to do this because of your selfiness. fake lawyer. Viva PF
lol..ba KAUNDA is already bought by COBRA TEAM..Ni donchi kubeba
Daily Mail back to the dogs again!!!
Kunda for the love of the money that was involved in NCC kumda failed to do this task as lawyer and failed the entire MMD on legal issues. Good to see him appreciating PF tho.
Alah, ati umusungu wa nyo one Satan antemwe. This is stinking.
Thug trying to spread rubbish from his waterly brain.
ya UPND you are always critisizing everything, are you okey, and why is it that the majority of you pipo in upnd are tongas.
yea, give credit were its due!
GK, the man who always changes positions depending on the person in charge. I would not be surprised if he supports the reconstituting of the Task Force on corruption after leading its creation in LPM’s rule and leading its disbandment in RBB’s rule. But good that you are supporting MCS’s actions. I have not heard you implicated in the scandals yet, you should be a smart chap after all
People never try to trust Cameliom Kunda G. That man won the case against FTJ in London.
the Camelion Kunda went to Luapula demonstrating in support of FTJ manuplated Acquittal.
Do not forget the NCC on the constitution making process. He is UZILESSY
Even the dead watch becomes correct at least twice in a day so let Kunda confirm what we told the MMD.
George Kunda is UZILESS. We do not his contribution anymore. He had are rare opportunity to enact a people driven constitution. What did he do. Selfishness and not being principled are the attributes of UZILESS JOERGE GUNDA. Have you forgetten the London Case concerning FTJ. This UZILESS GUNDA won and came back home smiling. When RB came on board he changed like a camelion. He went to Luapula to demonstrate in support of fictious FTJ Aquittal. Imagine the rare opprtunity he had on the constitution making process. I personally wouldn,t have messed up that rare chance of enacting people driven constitution. The NCC was a mess.
Keep it up kunda
yah yah yah kunda at work.wish u had listened to the pipo u wld not have been in opposition.i really wanted to see MMD in opposition and my dream has now been realised.those who were vocal are now quiet mamamama.
@Wiseman, nice one. I needed to hear that one! Hahaha
Kunda belongs to the Roman Catholic Organization may be he was paid a visit by the BISHOPS to convince him about the support he should to his fellow Roman Catechist President Sata.
Kunda as a mercenary of the Roman Catholic Organization MISLED former President Banda on many issues and i don’t why he should be a TURNCOAT now against former President Banda?
Its just difficult to support whta Sata and his Roman Catholic Organization are doing in Zambia really!
Zambians Christians should pray on their knees that is the only answer!
Advise BANTUSTANS NOW. they have empty critic. Especially Hakaivotela Humwine ( HH)
You guys open you eyes Kunda is happy about the committee because he knows that it will fail to delivery just like he failed so he wants an excuse.lol
Let’s not criticize GK we are building Zed bane that is the change we fought for
nda is sick. cameloen
Cowards – Speaking well of such a rogue committee is not in the interest of the Zambian people because it lacks the representation. So George Kunda is not speaking for the people. Non of these chaps is bold enough to be consistent enough in challenging the status quo…
“I’m happy that the Patriotic Front (PF) has started honouring some of its campaign promises and one of this is the appointment of the 20-member technical team to draft a new republican Constitution. I’m happy with the composition.”
Mr Kunda said.
The man is clever and wise. he chose his words carefully. He’s a lawyer so his fratenity is well represented. But his punch is in “I’m just hoping that the committee will come up with a Constitution that will stand a test of time according to the wishes of the Zambian people”.
Will Sata deliver a consitution that’s according to people’s wishes?
Mr.Kunda Please keep yr advise you failed the Zambians.Failed leadership unstable and dangerous. Mr.Kunda you are dangerous to Society You dont have the interest of the Zambians in yr heart.
Remember Justice Silungwe and the Zamtroop account?
What’s wrong with the story by Daily Mail? Keep it up ZDM give us balanced reporting. To some of you a good newspaper is the one that always insults or criticizes GRZ shame on you