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Saturday, March 15, 2025

LCC Summon Bread of Life Church Over Death


Council Public Relations Officer, Henry Kapata
Council Public Relations Officer, Henry Kapata

The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has summoned senior church officials at the newly built multi-million dollar Bread of Life Church in Lusaka’s Emmasdale area to appear before it, tomorrow.

This follows the death of a forty-year-old congregant after a ceiling board sliced half of his face following a heavy downpour in the area.

Council Public Relations Officer, Henry Kapata says the local authority has since launched investigations into the matter.

Mr. Kapata further disclosed that the local authority is yet to establish whether the church obtained a partial occupation certificate to use the unfinished building, as stipulated by the Public Health Act.

And Amos Lwabila, who has described the incident, as the work of the devil, expressed sadness at the development.

Mr. Lwabila, has described the late elder, Artone Nyirenda, who was Kitwe based, as a dedicated Christian.

Mr Nyirenda was badly injured by falling pieces of the church ceiling board after strong winds blew off parts of the newly built Church in Lusaka’s Emmasdale Township.



  1. The money from the Hammer SUV should have been used to finish the church! When are Christians going to learn to sacrifice?

  2. ..Amos Lwabila, who has described the incident, as the work of the devil, ..

    Imwe ba Amos be serious please, you occupy an unfinished building without any certificate of occupancy , meaning no safety inspectors certified the building and the ceiling falls because of poor workmanship and you now have the audacity to blame the devil?

     Leave the devil alone. It is you is the devil for bring the name of God into disrupt by occupying some unfinished structure and hiring cheap labor with low skills to build the house of God. MWANA WA KWA SHETANI IWE.

    Didn’t you read in the bible how Solomon built the house of the lord  &  used qualified skills and quality materials and DID NOT OCCUPY THE TEMPLE UNTIL IT WAS FINISHED COMPLETELY. God is a FINISHER

    • MAn chanda beu.. u tok of cheap labour and oh stuf,, if i may ask if u know much about civil engineering , if do then gud if u don’t u.u shud knw that the engineer does nt mix they clay or rather cement n sand for contruction,wether u buildin the house of God or any other buildings pipo at a construction site steal,they put few bags of cement alot of sand n stuff,if u hv worked at a site u wud know this,well yea u cnt blame the devil for such work,, equally u cnt go strt saying cheap labour,, because regardless hw work is done,, cheap or not,, pipo at sites steal important stuff n least care abt the building itself,, its pipo who are greedy man.. nt cheap labour.don’t compare the times of solomon and nw,.. if u folow the bibilcal events u will realise that the world is worse than before

  3. RB taught people to commission unfinished buildings and now it is costing people lives. This church must be extensively sued for the loss of life they cause.

    I am sick of these sick pastors who live off of poor people’s tythe. You live in Kalingalinga and you continue to give money to the pastor who lives in Woodlands and drives an Escalade. Brainwashed!

  4. Sometimes we take God for granted you ask for money from his people in the name building Him(God) a house and you use part of the money to enrich yourselves leaving His house unfinished, that’s the end result. I’m glad an elder of the church died instead of an ordinary member. Now after that Imakando and his team are blaming the devil after conspiring with him.
    Shame on you!!!!

    • Shame on u too for not knowing the events of the church ,, n how the Bishop come into possession of wateva he has,, am a member of that church ,more i was a leader too,how financial flaw is 1 of the stuf i knew well.. if u ask wher he gets wateva he has,, my frend som of those cars u see its members who bought for him..are u saying he is suppose to refuse???He cnt he is human., perhaps thats wat he receives for his word as the fruits of labour,

  5. Shoddy works n u wanna blame the devil. Giv 2 the lord coz u want to, nt 2 receiv a reward. The upcomin kirk franklin concert shud b relocatd to a safe venue. Wat was th rush n excitement wit incomplete buildin.? God is a God of order! Jst the way we blame mines 4 accidnts let bred of ths life b fined.

  6. Iwe Kapata, who is summoning the Council since they should have been the ones authorising the designs, monitoring construction works and certifying completed works? This is the result of eating with contractors at the expense of quality and safety – obviously mwali saina and approved without even inspecting the site. I hope investigators will ask for: (1) Safety file for the project during after construction works (2) Approved and signed off designs, clearly identifying who prepared the designs and who approved them (3) Minutes of Site Inspection and Site Meetings during the construction preiod of the church. (4) The roof guarantee documents from the contractor, clearly showing the period in years of trouble free guranteed usage and workmanship of the roof.(5) Contractor’s record

  7. This was a chance for Bread of Life Church International (BLCI) general overseer, Bishop Joe Imakando to perform a miracle by bringing the deceased back to life! We always mourn when we lose a life needlessly! Bishop, please compensate the family (perhaps 2 hammers and a merc) to start!

    • even if he here to giv him harmers. they wudnt ressurect the dead, besides joe imakando is not a miracle perfomer. God is the source of miracles.. Bishop imakando cnt do miracles if God says no to it,

  8. The church has sacrified its blood to its satanic worship,GOD can not let such things happen to people in his own church.

  9. Zambia must pass a law to compel all public assembly places like churches to insure the public that gather in such places. I wonder what will be offerd to the family of the deceased as compensation.

  10. Number 5 why do you think am brainwashed. I read the bible on my own, and understand it. the pastors are just there to shepered, and not all live in Kalingalinga and who said Kalinaglinag is for poor people? My experiences as a born again Christian for about 30 years is that the more consistently I tithe the better things become for me.I know you cannot understand beacuse the things of the spirit are spiritually discerned. I am not a pastor but I also teach about tithes and offerings, anyway it is understood the Work and Men of God receive all critism so that they are discouraged but we shall stand by them. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA and you that you may be delivered and your spiritual eyes may be opened.

    • iwe chikala,can you justify why yo pastor is driving expensive cars while you worship in an unfinished church building? Use yo brains for once.

    • wawa!!!!! ati you are not brain washed? explain how God to whom you pipo have blindly been tithing to for only you know how long, would honestly allow that an elder dies during the dedication of the building. if i were you, i would take time to seriously reflect on the meaning of what happening instead of hiding behind blaming the devil. wake up!!!!!

    • Ba Special agent M,
      I like you and you have spoken the truth of the matter. i too am a faithful tither and nothing/ noone can change my mind about it. we are blessed for life for obeying the word

  11. I was waiting for a miracle from the Bishop, but I am only hearing  brimstone and the devil. If the devil is free to roam around the anointed place what happens in their homes. Fake Pastors conning the poor and ignorant Zambians. 

  12. If there was no certification from the local authority, the Church leadership acted without wisdom or responsibility.

    Health and safety must be observed in Zambia. No unfit police vehicles, army vehicles, government vehicles in general, for example.

  13. Accident happen anywhere there is no sin committed here but if the health and safety was not followed it is just a normal wrong where by the offenders should be punished but that does not bring the church to disrepute.

    • you surely are not a wise man. accidents in church????? which church??? poor buildings and you say normal accident when a life was lost? our God is one of supreme order and that excludes substandard buildings. how does your head enrich himself so much but use cheap labor n sub standard buildings? am sure even God is frowning on your “grace” on how he could allow such a thing!!! no wonder you have taken forever to finish the building.

  14. Just when I was about to give Nick some loving, now this!
    This in itself is a clear cart manifestation that the building itself lacks God´s blessings.
    One wonders why this country called Zambia exists.Here in Glasgow we die from natural death that is,if at all we die!

  15. this is why Sata left out the pentecostal people, the’re conmen and women. i was watching a documentary about these churches in nigeria and its whose over there. a pastor has 3 luxury cars yet the congregation get on public transport to go and give him more tithe. God will cane you!!!!!

  16. Its a sin in its self not to obey the law of the land, by not getting a certificate of warrant to use the building. Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar…))

  17. Tithe is meant to support evangelization or the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus who came as a humble Son of God. But whether buying a Hummer or any Luxury car for the Pastor in poor compounds is part of evangelization, only God knows!

  18. Do they worship the same god that asked Abraham to murder his son as sacrifice? is this the same god who preferred a bloody lamb sacrifice? is he the same god that had to perform a human sacrifice by the name of Jesus to forgive sins? I am sure this is just another one of his preferred blood sacrifices to bless the church and building. Now that the sacrifice has been performed let the miracles, praying begin. Its’t the same god that sentenced all man kind to death and suffering when Adam eat the so called tree of knowledge? It’s just ionic that people want to blame the devil who might not even exist for the punishment that god gave mankind. illness, death, pain, suffering, earthquakes etc are all gods punishment to mankind for eating the fruit of knowledge. 

  19. Lusaka City Council should be summoned by the courts and not the church. They failed to inspect the structure when it was being built. Actually all structures in Zambia built after 1990 should be demolished. Municipal councils in the country do not have architects and building engineers to ensure that structures are built according to the building codes – if ever there is any. We should not wait until an earthquake shakes that country, to formulate rather implement building codes. Most of those structures in Zambia can not pass examinations if serious inspectors where to conduct an audit. The fire marshals should certify all buildings as safe before use. This does not need parliament to ratify. It can be done within 90 days. 

    My father in law has been visiting me for seven years now well, since 2004….I don´t even know what to do,can some good Samaritans on this blog please help.This is setting me up to geting upset!

  21. To Ine ndine ba Zambia 22…
    ´´It’s just ionic that people want to blame the devil…´´
    It´s not ionic it´s ´IRONIC´.
    Please,it´s a secret, don´t tell anyone that a 12 year old boy from Matero Primary School corrected you sir,matter of fact, I look up to you.

  22. I was just having an English breakfast, Grilled Bacon, Fried Egg, Grilled Pork Sausage, with
    Baked Beans, fresh baked Tomato and sautéed Mushroom and after checking Lusakatimes on my black, I pad 2 I am reading this.

    What has happened to this country Zambia, Please?Now the churches are killing people instad of providing sanctuary to the poor. We need divine Intervention ….I mean real divine Intervention , if you ask me.

  23. Mushota, who cares if you ate English breakfast? Its so irrelevant to the discussion at hand. It just shows how shallow minded you are. 
    As for what happened at bread of life, we can not blame Bishop Imakando when we know who did it- John 10:10a ‘ the thief, satan, came to steal, kill and to destroy…’ . 

    • If you dont service your car and it crashes as a result and kills a person, do you blame the devil or yourself? take responsibility for the poor workmanship and stop blaming the devil on this one. Blinded by the devil you cant see light!!! Or truth!

  24. There are Laws in the land and let dead rest in peace,it’s not our duty to judge anyone involved and there are reasons for whatever happens. There are lessons the church should learn from it all and work to avoid such in future by all including those undertaking simillar projects. Let God’s name be praised!

  25. Most buidings in Zambia are unsafe. Can LCC summon lusaka Main Post Office? That building is unsafe yet business goes on there as normal. People move into unfinished buildings & the council does nothing until an accident happens. for the church, that is the price for trying to compete with Nigerians. Who cares as to who has the biggest auditorium in Zambia. Do things honorably & don’t blame the devil for your mistakes. Sad that a life has been lost. May the church compasate the wife and family. hope the church had insurance. don’t just drive Hammers and forget about safety issues and the poor.


  27. Ba “Nubian Princess @ #5”, do not unfairly draw in RB into this unfortunate event. The Catholics could have instigated the PF-led LCC to extend their devilish witch-hunt to Protestant Churches. LCC has been under the control of PF Counsellors for several years. There are numerous buildings that are built without certification approval by the Council Engineering Dept from foundation, slab, roof level, installation of plumbing and electrical fittings. ZESCO does inspect wiring systems before it connects power to a building, but Council Inspectors are nowhere to be seen. Take state of Carosel Building opposite Comesa Market. The LCC must explain the sprouting of many illegal ntuntembas on roadsides. LCC must stop extending dirty politics into Churches.


  29. Looks like there are emotions on both side of this issue.  Devil haters want to get the most mileage out of this and Bishop Imakando haters also want to use this opportunity to throw their vicious punches at him.

    Bottom line is, the devil aside and the Bishop aside, this was a terrible accident and loss of life is regrettable and as Zambians we need to learn from this. There are many potential cases like this, and have even happened in Zambia and gone unreported.

    I think it is time for the Construction industry and  LCC to  jack up their inspection teams. These two need to take full responsibility. Unfinished structures have been used before, Manda Hill at one point,  the recording holding  Carousel Center and even the New Down town. So this is not unusual.

    • Sir, i beg to differ with you. Churches are spiritual places with divine discernment. For such to happen without it being fore told or seen its really questionable. It high time the church started prayed to God for spiriyual eyes not just making church like any other social gathering. Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever more. May God not expose our weaknesses again.

  30. Iwe 27 you are stupid. Your father-in-law is not visiting, he lives with you! You have 2 options, ask him to leave or divorce your wife

  31. I stand with you Bis. Imakando, I stand with you Elders and Members of Bread of Life, I mourn with you the widow and Nyirenda family for the loss of your beloved one, do not dispare death does not chose a venue, what mattars is were do we go after death? may God confort you brothers

  32. The LCC were supposed to inspect the building right from the start to the end. Now we have a problem in Zambia, the local authorities are not doing their work. When there is a problem like this one that is when they swing to blame the owners.

  33. If the building is not complete and no certificate of occupation form the council then its the work of the devil,, simply human error in judgment why proclaim the devil when this was a church. We must avoid to always say it is the devils work when as human we are given choices, if the church had waited until the building is done then this would not have happened. Now you have made a sacrifice of a church member when human sacrifices are not allowed(~~)

  34. #38 you dumb matherfacker you think your empty words will heal the broken hearts of this family for an accident that would have been clearly avoided. you must be one of those so called Pentecostals ha! Let me tell you something man Imakando is a bloody killer. I’m not judging him here but one thing I know for sure, it is not because he loves God that he preaches the Gospel. That guy loves money and will do anything to get it. I’m telling you man, these pentecostal preachers are soul less people. Open your eyes people and return to true authentic Christianity( Catholicism) . N.B. “matherfacker is just an angry expression, not an insult.”

    • may death visit you…you cant be a “true christian (catholic) and you dare insult a man of God (priest)…cursed are you

  35. #15 Special agent M, Could you kindly explain to us who you think do not understand since you read the bible everyday and teach about tithes, “the more consistently I tithe the better things become for me”. Could you please give us a scripture that says that.
    Christians are very quick to blame the devil when things don’t go their way. What a shame. We refuse to observe safety measures and we blame the devil. The council should be involved in this matter because of the corruption that goes on and the way they have elevated this bishop, obviously they could not say “No” to him not to use the building until it was completely finished and certified safe. Grow up pls.

  36. #30 Paul, please don,t be childish. Our safety standards are the lowest in the world . Don,t try to spiritualise everything. This was an unfinished building. We need the white man to come and teach us how to put up good safe buildings. Get real please. People are so ignorant

  37. Call me whatever you want but I feel it should have been that selfish Imakando who had died. How can one who is awaiting heaven be so consumed with acquring so much material wealth. This individual feeds off the poor people, they give their little coins for the furtherness of God’s gospel but that individual gets that poor people’s money & enjoys it. His laxury lifestyle is not financed by hard erned money BUT money coned from the poor people. How can a shaperd amass so much wealth from the offering coffers and not think of helping the poor ships, so called street kids and blind beggers who roam the street. Imakando should compasate the family of this poor man who has been sacrificed to the devil. After all the money that Imakando has belongs to the church, given by the poor followers.

  38. The God of heaven will surely answer us and vindicate us as Bread of Life. 
    Micah 7 vs 8 
    Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, Jehovah will be a light unto me. 

    We are breaking forth to a new dimension and the Blessing Centre shall be a blessing. We stand with our Bishop through this.

  39. Here comes the problem with most people, simple matters to understand they decide not to. This Bishop is way above the standard of leaving of his followers. A hummer, a jet, benz, renovations to his house at a cost of 1 billion, a prime property along Thabo Mbeki Rd and not appreciating a benz car. All these are at the expense of completing the building (church). This man is in the wrong and God is watching him. The entire Lusaka heavy rains only around this church? something is going on. By the way ask your pastor if he is still interested in quick cash……he knows the story.

  40. i may not know the bible that much but from what i know the devil can not control the weather he may be the prince of this world but he has power over it because he did not make this world but GOD, when we have a flood we call it a act of GOD, then why is this any different?

  41. Churches are spiritual places with divine discernment. For such to happen without it being fore told or seen is really questionable. Its high time the church started praying to God for spiritual eyes not just making church like any other social gathering. Jesus the same yesterday, today and forever more. May God not expose our weaknesses again. The bigger the challenge to the devil, the bigger the efforts he makes to frustrate us and hence, the greater annointing needed. Maybe its time we stopped talking against TB Joshua as a church!!
    Truely if he is a man of God, we will not go unpurnished by God! He can speak with loud actions to stress a point, lets watch and pray.

  42. its unfortunate the man died like that..never blame anyone for that..the whirlwind or tempests.. were not brought by anyone..but nature!!

  43. Ba Pente , Ba Pente, why put selfishness, pride and greed before what is right by your brother??? That Temple has been under construction since 2000 or 2001 and billions of kwacha has been collected in the name of the Lord for over 10 years and today you what to dedicate an unfinished building to Him?? Lord shows you, in uncertain ways that He’s not glad with your actions, your deceit and greed, and you still can’t see??? Imakando should account for all the donations and should also be held responsible for the loss of life.

  44. Elder Nyirenda is in his early 50s and not 40, I sense juju over his death and am sure it because of the church canter he use to drive not every one was happy, I remember years back there was confusion amoung elders over a church minibus which was been driven by I think it was Dr. Niyrenda now in Botswana, though am not sure whether the two are related.

  45. Catholics pls do not over glorify yourselves. History has it and what is called the dark age. You know what the church did then under the name of Roman emphire. Millions where killed by the church leaders for wealth and control. Leaders can be wrong and this should be sperated from the true worship. Some of your own leaders are on record abusing young boys, that does not mean the entire catholic church must be called names. Stop calling pente names based on selfish pastors or bishops.

  46. First of all,why should unfinished building be occupied where alot of people gather?We go into unfished houses bcoz who have run out of money as individuals to finish the building (Which is not allowed).But i wonder why the Bishop should drive a Hammer when the church building is an safe for its members.I think this is negligence and bukaitemweeeeee……….they would have been gathering ai a tent till the building is finishaed..wat is wrong with that?

  47. # 15,there is nothing wrong in giving tithe but there is something very wrong on how this tithe is used.If you look at the luxuroius life of the Bishop,you will agree with me that not even God would be please with his life style.It’s written in the Bible that it is very easy for a camel to pass through the eye of the needdle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.This message is preached in every church that worry about people’s salvation and i am surprised that Pastors who have read the Bible and have understood it have ignored this warning and are living very strange lives.


  49. It is very sad that Zambia today is a nation which doen’t value God but glorifies wickedness and satan. There is no fear of God as men and women have lost respect for one another and are so full of insults and other related evil.
    Accidents do happen but surely it is unwise to demonize a man of God and the church. We need to pray for them as they are going through this heavy burden. Bishop Imakando is not a satanist but a genuine man of God with or without him possessing hammers or jets.

  50. O God, may you kindly forgive us for calling your works evil, even for calling Bishop Imakando all sorts of names. Naturally we don’t understand your ways and your works. It all works out for good to them that love you. I bless the soul of the late Elder Nyirenda, O God remember the good works that the man did whilst on earth. May you help to comfort the bereaved family. I bless thee O God. May we be acceptable as your people. Who are we O God to condemn those that have died in your house, we are humans, sinner, unjust people, greedy who are not even worthy to call your name. To you O God be the Glory the Power and the Honor for ever and ever in Jesus’ Name i pray Amen & Amen.

  51. Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

    When we stop trusting our minds, we give God a chance to work in our lives.

  52. even bad things happen to good people,i know the facts are there but the truth is what can separate us from GODS love?i know people are angry but people dont be judgemental,lets not get to denomination wars cause every one has some troubles,catholics appear to be HOLY and take advantage of anothers hard time when it is wrong,let me remind you that you have things like opus dei(google it) an origin from constantine who formed catholism as a church merged between pagans and christians hence the worship of borns and statues you do,the pop uses bullet proof when walking in streets,linked to assassinations,undue political influence and abuse of human rights of defectors,such we know but we dont judge you,leave bread of life alone,i know a lot and can start putting up links but i wont.

  53. Why do you chaps always guff useless justifications for wrong things. The Church was not finished. Someone (a human being) made a decision to use the church even in the state it was.That person should be held responsible, not Satan, witches, spirits or even God Ok.

  54. Zambia: Bishop Joe Imakando, among the richest Pastor’s in Zambia ‘he owns a Hummer and soon a private JET’BREAD Of Life Church International (BLCI) general overseer, Bishop Joe Imakando is among the richest pastors in Zambia, Tumfweko understands.
    The man known for his prosperity teachings owns an expensive american General Motors (GM) vehicle, a HUMMER.
    Sources close to the development disclosed that the Man Of God will soon buy a Private Challenger Jet.
    It is alleged that the Challenger Jet was supposed to come in by June but after an outcry by some members on Hummer talk, he decided to first finish the Multi-Million dollar Blessing Centre worship centre which is under construction.(

  55. bwana think of it (66), who tells you that every one who is attacking imakando is catholic. the truth of the matter is that he ****ed up. and he is not humble in his ways as is expected of a man of God too much pomp surrounds him

  56. @66 you are right. why do pipo go straight into judging the pastor before even understanding or having enough information. Am sure it was an accident.
    And for all of you who are saying that the Bishop is driving in a hammer truck which he bought using the tithe you are wrong coz you do not have information. Just leave the annointed man of GOD alone. That truck was given to him as a gift from a church in Australia. DO you want him to refuse a gift becoz its a hummer truck. Get information first then talk. Not every Pastor is using tithe for personal interest. It is just bad that the man died.  

    • Na lie oh! Church members here in Zambia bought it. Give credit where its due.Members decided to buy it as a birthday present.

  57. When are these suckers going to start paying tax?
    They milk the poor out of their little money and divert that money into expensive cars and houses.
    That life would have been saved..

    Its so funny that so many religious fanatics defend these day light robbers..

  58. PASTERS? Those are CON men reaping where they did not saw, stealing in the name of the church! Jesus was for the POOR, if you get from the poor then you have no RESPECT for the BIBLE. Wake up Zambians! Lets fight these hypocrites!

  59. too bad for man of God.i just hope this is not Dark Ages phase. As much as the church was wrong to allow people to worship in an unfinished building, how many people are conducting businesses and of course living in partially complete building?And this new Council spokesperson, I hope he’s not related to Jean Kapata Mandevu MP. If he is then I smell a rat.Fellow Zambians lets help stop this Catholic motivated persecution of Christians. Remember the Dark Ages. May God help us.

  60. The fact is Imakando screewed up…He must have used God given wisdon to consult qualified engineers on the safety of the building…And what about the prayers of protection…of it is God’s Will…alabwafya na ba pente…

  61. People point taken,i was only letting bloggers know that such things shouldn’t be blown out of proportion and used for a general comment ati all pentecostals although we are all one and we feel bad as a church,if the hail storm never blew it would have been a different story and from what i hear even if the building may have been finished that type of storm would have still torn it down.Lets respect a funeral til it passes then you can talk,we aint helping at the moment

  62. it is a sad moment to the entire church,accidents are al over the country, now because it has come to man of God, the world has to say bad comments, remember that the same man stood on the gap to pray for Zambia, but today people ask a miracle from man of God. God is there to stand on behalf of his people,we will pray.

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