INFORMATION and Tourism Minister Given Lubinda has challenged former Education minister Dora Siliya to prove claims that the 29 impounded motor cycles that were intercepted on their way to her residence were a donation instead of making empty accusations that Government was persecuting her.
Mr Lubinda said the statement by the Petauke Central Member of Parliament (MP) that she was being persecuted were inaccurate because the police and Government did not have reasons to persecute her but reminded her that the law requires her explain on how she acquired the impounded property. Police in Lusaka on Saturday impounded a truck laden with 29 electric motor cycles which the law enforcers linked to Ms Siliya.
The cycles were immediately taken to Woodlands offices being jointly used as an investigation centre by a combined team of security personnel. The incident happened barely 24 hours after a combined team of law enforcement officers searched Ms Siliya’s house on Lusaka’s Independence Avenue in their continued investigations on a number of suspected irregular conducts by former government officials. Mr Lubinda said the Government would not be discouraged by remarks attributed to Ms Siliya that she was being persecuted because the Government wants to correct what he described as scandalous activities.
The minister said the Patriotic Front (PF) Government was composed of men and women of sober character and would not engage in petty politics such as witch-hunt. Mr Lubinda, who is also Kabwata MP, said it was incumbent upon Ms Siliya to satisfy the police that she acquired the cycles in a lawful manner than engaging in accusations that lacked background.
The motor cycles impounded on Saturday were discovered around 10:00 hours after a truck from Melcome Industries laden with the items was intercepted by police on Bwinjimfumu Road in Lusaka. The truck driver identified as Lawrence Kashila was detained and later released after police interrogation during which he revealed that he was taking the cycles to Ms Siliya’s house on instructions from his employer, Muhammad Ahmed Seedat.
But Ms Siliya said the motor cycles were a donation from South Africa made about seven months ago to “My Home Town”, an organisation the former minister is matron of. Ms Siliya said the cycles were being kept at Mr Sedat’s warehouse and that she had been too busy in the recent past to find time to distribute the vehicles to the intended beneficiaries.
The MMD national chairperson for information and publicity accused the PF Government of harassing and persecuting her and wondered how the police could impound the motor cycles without anyone coming forward to complain about the matter. Ms Siliya said “My Home Town” was currently working in Petauke in Eastern Province, in Choma in Southern Province as well as some towns on the Copperbelt and had nothing to do with public resources.
The impounding of the cycles comes after more than 1,000 bicycles were confiscated from former Finance minister Situmbeko Musokotwane and other members of the former ruling party while former minister of Mines Maxwell Mwale was also arrested in connection with the bicycles.
[Times of Zambia]
Lelo,Lelo Ba siliya BOkosi.
Dora Remember your words ”Ati SATA WILL NEVER RULE”” never say that man cant marry my mother because he has six fingers.
Dora, how much did Lap Green pay you as inducement for Zamtel. Some folks claim you have a flat in Sandton, care to enlighten us?
i charge Dora Siliya with the case of Negligence…how dare u even say I WAS TOO BUSY TO SEND THE BIKES TO THE Beneficiaries ….oh ! what a disaster…surely if u cant deliver to 5 or so people. do you qualify to represent a constituency ????? Shame on MMD…its was time..
Electric motor cycles?
NGO, i thought it stands for” non governmental organisation” kekekekekeke!!!
if there was one pompous minister, it was dora!!!!!!
Why the persecution of former cabinet ministers? setting are very bad precedence for new governments in future.Of what value are motor bikes to the zambian economy? Please lets focus on real issues and leave that beautiful lady alone!
The precedent we are setting is that anyone who steals while in government will face consequences, and that is a good precedent. If future governments steal, would you rather they got away with it too? If she is innocent she just has to show that she is,which is easy. No such arrangement can be carried out without documentation.
zoona Liam wakamba vachendi change of constitution in 90 days iyo iyo 90 days iyenda ku ma investigation it takes a lot to develop a country
Hmm, but chisusu alamoneka bwino! Such beauty shouldnt rot in jail!
Dora……..nafipena ifintu nomba aiiiii????Wherever you go,if you are suspected, you have to be investigated period!! You will be investigated and if you are innecent,freedom will be yours.But i cant see freedom coming forth kaaaaaa…Ukose mayooooooo…….wats goes round, comes round !! Do unto others as you would like them to do unto you.
Yakosa ba Dora! don’t always rush to pre-empt the case that you are being persecuted. Here is free legal advice: take the papers for the donation from My Home Town to the investigating officers and lo and behold, your katundu shall be handed back to you.
wapwa munzi uloba iwee, just remove your slipers u thought zambia was yo kantemba.
How did she buy the property on Independence Avenue?
leader=humility. if you miss it, you become like siliya.
Ba Dora, you are so arrogant, not a humble person, all what we want is you to go to Chibokaila so that you are humbled. Humility is very important ba dora.
Dora musa wandalama ifintu napena…the more Dora fights the more GRZ tighten the screew around her waist…
Chisusu uyu ena musuma sana….nice. You can really enjoy
This is all what you can imagine about Dora.What about these other women
Why did you suddenly change the photo. The flamboyant dressing in the previous photo was more amusing, though perhaps not too flattering to Dora!
The only problem is we Zambians are not sure if Dora Siliya cases is for Bicycles or it is the EVIL Roman Catholic Bishops (who accused Siliya during the election campaign of speaking against the Roman Catholic Organization of SUPPORTING homosexuality) who is behind the persecution of Siliya.
I just hope Dora Siliya wont suffer the fate of former President Chiluba who was hated by the Evil Roman Catholic Bishops for no apparent reason apart from declaring Zambia as a Christian Nation. Roman Catholic Priests are Haters they have no forgiveness like during the time of the POPE in Rome.
Share OZ ..wait for Dora to be charged..Dont speculate..your crystal ‘ball’ may not be that clean..
Nama condom muchola nakaputula yakuchinja in case baisundawila kuma questions yaba kapokola
There you go, Zayelo doing what he does mostly…Sensationalism!
Liam! of what use to Zambian economy is one Colgate stolen from shoprite store, yet the poor thief is sent to prison. nothing wrong to investigate misuse of public resources. this will help to discourage would be offenders regardless of their status.
Let innocent people rule Zambia, people who are next to angels, people without any track record of corruption or wrong doing. These are the people fit to foster development and put more money in the pockets of poor Zambians. Dora Siliya simply has to proove the source of those cycles and be ready for an innocent PF govt officials to deal with her in the event of failure on her part. It is ironical that former ministers are not so zealous to proove their innocence. Eventually they will have to be locked up for not satisfying the enquiries being put up by PF govt. This is what accountability and transparency is all about. After all PF govt officials are adhering to these democratic values and they too might come to give account to the next in coming govt. Some may do so shortly on peolple’s
Big bums looked nice in that dress. The investigating wings should be very professional in their investigations. It will be embarrassing after this hype if these people are not found with any case. In People’s minds Dora, RB and RB’s sons stole government money hence the pressure is on those investigating to find a case.
demand. Never know if others have not received more money in their pockets may demand and allege that PF govt duped them and demand for accountability. Lubinda should not be the law enforcement officer, prosecutor, or jurry. Let other govt agencies do their work and the law to take its course. As far as his approach is concerned to former govt officials of guiding police what to do and say to these people suspected to have massively debanked the national resources, will always claim being persecuted. This same approach attracted comments from Lubinda before elections that RB govt can not organised a free and fair election. To day he is the beneficially of his misgivings. Some one can accuse him of hypocrisy and rightly so.
so in zambia you cant own property…or shall i say bicycles in large numbers without police obstracting your freedoms
PF is trying to be very soft on these criminals. remember how MMD dealt with you. they did not care about any democratic process or descent process in dealing with its rivals. MMD plunderers are even speaking eg siliya, kunda, william banda! and Lubinda merely challenges them? he must have them arrested and investigate while they are behind bars. thats how MMD worked.
@Ni Zee #25. Ever heard of Ntolelefye? We chipuba we!
U chaps r petty and i wanda yo levels of education. Dont u have beta developmental issues to pay attention to….iziots
Electric motor cycles ? umbi akalala panse with our load shedding…awe mwandi.
We might as well ask PF to steal then iwe chi Tungati wechipuba we! Unless you benefited you tool!
mengo #23 Remember our late president FTJ Chiluba- now he openly abused public resources.We however embraced it as ‘New Culture’ .We spent yrs trying to persecute him and get our money back but instead spent more of taxpayers money.What we need is proper systems in place that will make it hard for office bearers to abuse office.why did the police wait until after the elections to start investigating bicycles,motor bikes,houses,etc Why didnt they charge people like William Banda on the spot.We need the police,investigative wings etc to work independently…As it is after 2016 GBM will be under investigation,Sata will be under investigation,Guy Scotts house will be searched.All thats nonsense.
@Liam. There is nothing wrong in searching investigating people. Why are Africans so thick?
If you are not guilty them you go free! Simple!
OK then the PF government should steal/abuse their offices after all, all they have to do is cry persecution when they are kicked out right? No wonder we are called monkeys!
But zed has gone to the dogs nangu ntile opposite!njinga Manje nashileta akantu and people are busy celebrating ati corruption fight!ifyapububa so many petty people in and outside gvt,contrate on development,kasako if we heard ati that one bought a plane that one built a house pa sea noti bicycles ba Fi kala!!
Liam! Yes you sound reasonable on the need of investigating people when they are still in power.This is why we need a good constitution in place that will give less powers to the President.But i still believe that, those that are suspected to have abused government resources, should be investigated and if found wanting should be prosecuted. Otherwise if this is left unchecked, even the current government officials will continue to still with impunity, especially that Most Zambians will always treat it as witch hunting. By the way, you sound like a mature person.
Why worry when the investigations haven’t yet proved anything?The guity ones are always afraid
where do you think Dora can take the motor cycles..?hehehe..pliz get real guys ba PF!!!
She knows better. Are you one of her??? You seem to be
Imwe bantu, the day RB and his co-accused removed the ‘abuse of office’ clause spelt doom for this country. Only a thief can ‘remove’ security guards who is guarding a bank. What would be the motive? It is to steal. so dora and her group stole period and they should be treated as thieves.
Shaka OZ
Why do you have an evil obsession with the catholic church, it has behave annoying and people just thump you down because you have been going on with your insults for the catholic church. Please do grow up and concentrate driving that truck before you crush!!! Good day
It is clear that my brother, Dr Malama is being compromised by politicians in his professional duty. Indeed, why is it NOW a crime to have in one’s possession bicycles, motor bikes which have not been reported stolen? The onus is not on the accused person to PROVE INNOCENCE, the onus is on the accuser to PROVE! How long shall we go on in Zambia with people trouncing fundamental human rights and basic tenets of law? Zambians had gotten used to the illegal ‘Abuse of authority’ clause in the statutes that they came to accept it as good law. It is not good law and any Lawyer worth his salt can defend anyone charged under that law. It is trite law that for theft to be proved there must be something permanently missing from somewhere without the permission of the complaint.
Keep on her neck till you find something; once you are out it will be your turn too. there is no end to this game…… wish all currently serving as Ministers the very best and remember to say hi to common man has you pass in those posh/snobbish cars or vehicles of ours (GRZ with flag). Most people once out of office they want to greet common man who is not interested then.
My Home Town. NGO owned by a former Zambia based in South Africa, a Mr ndambo. Operates from Choma. Has been courting investment from the Chinese for Choma. Almost attracted a Cement factory, but the project was too big and was taken to Congo DR. This is the few that I have learned from an article from ZWD dated jan 2010.
My Home Town. After reading some background on Home town, I feel somthing is not clear about the Home town donation. Home Town should take Dora to task for keeping such a donation for a long time wjile the needy were walloping in poverty.
Smart Dora life is a game
What we need is a law requiring all political parties to disclose their source of funds. As we we speak there is no such law. Even PF cant tell you where they got the money for their campain. T
these bicycles, motor bikes e.t.c were bought from tata zambia for census process but MMd got them
Koma body chilinayo ka? Ok Banyamata, chinadyako za Zamtel, but please say something about…
Pali ndiyo zo-ona.Dora nizi.
so every former senior MMD member has uncountable number of bicycles after leaving office very fun lol
Ndipo ningachikwele ichi. I want her to make us see her bums too. Can Nathan teach or give such a woman a good lesson? Lets wait and see. Lubinda talks too much. Suppose he is offered… can he refuse. I dont think so! I end here!
MMD under Rupiah perfected the art of stealing you may only see icycles but there is massive wealth that they stashed away the only way for us to get to Dora Bokosi Siliti bring her on stage we touch her bums I`m not a coward ike the Eastern or Bemba chaps who have been tormentd by this piece of arse. Give me an opportunity it will be bulls eye at first call & she will have quadruplets then reveal all the deals & shut her flap for ever.
Chickens are coming HOME to R. Ms Siliya plse provide credible documentation about yr Organization in Petauke otherwise yr excuses we can see thru garbage coming out.Mr.Sata we want to see real justice on behalf of the Zambian people who hired you to take this beautiful in the right direction
Pali ndiyo zo-ona.Dora nizi….
Let the PF cadres have a field day as the sun still shines. A fatal fate on Sata may set-in to redeem the innocent people that Given Lubinda is striving to harrass. Let the due process of law take its course than allow Lubinda to pre-judge Dora Siliya and influence the Courts’ mind-sets We know the PF Govt fears Dora greatly for her exceptional intelligence.
wat Liam is saying is true ba taya che ntawu in the end Zambian pipo will loose faith on this boat mind u bamene bo kamba ati nkolo yafa boat ima mbila mu manzi thoz who were saying that the watch is dead the boat can also sink in water
these guys can be petty…………………….could you please find sensible cases because i can all buy the bicycles
Your buying and her buying are very different my dear!! Think!!! 29 for what?? Ma rubishi!!!
MSH and others in support of Dollar slit are just disgruntled. i wouldn’t be surprised to learn they are related
Guys, you are missing the point. There is no law in zambia that compels Dora to provide proof about where she got those bicycles. It is the proscecution that has to prove that she stole. You think you can grab pipo’s property and tell them to prove tha source? No. There is no crime in owning property and until the DPP gives a case for theft, you have no obligation to disclose.