Security wings have opened a docket and started investigating former President Rupiah Banda regarding the K3.5 billion (US$700,000) he could have spent on a duplex of luxury up-market villas located on Leopards Hill Road barely 90 days after he became President of Zambia.
This has been confirmed by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) in a written response to the Daily Mail.
Charges are unlikely to hold unless his immunity is lifted in Parliament through a popular vote to pave way for a possible court and police appearance.
President Sata has said his government is not in “a hurry” to lift his predecessor’s immunity as he embarks on a spirited anti-graft fight, suggesting that he would want law investigations officers to complete their job before he can act.
A team put together to probe the former President comprises high ranking specialised officers from the Zambia Police, ACC and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEC).
The property Mr. Banda has been linked to is located on plot NO. RE/29/488A Leopards Hill Road in Kabulonga and value runs into billions of Kwacha.
“I would like to inform you that there is an inquiry into the matter (the Leopards Hill property) which is being investigated by a joint team of investigative agencies,” ACC Corporate Affairs Officer Mr. Wezzy Chomba said.
Mr Chomba could, however, not shed more light on the matter and instead referred all queries to the Inspector General of Police saying: “the office of Inspector General of Police will deal with any matters relating to media on the said subject.”
But Inspector General of Police Dr Martin Malama declined to give the Daily Mail more information on how far investigations had gone saying Zambians will have to wait for the courts to start trying various “high profile” cases.
“We have no comment on that. We want to ensure that the people and details of all investigations taking place are revealed in the courts of law,” Dr Malama said from Zimbabwe via phone yesterday.
It is alleged that Former President Banda demolished structures which were there to build a multi-million dollar complex of 12 villas whose value runs into billions of kwacha.
Source: Zambia Daily Mail
Witch hunt ,he simply got a loan what do you want form him kanshi?
pankoloko forever nishi balilusakale?nothing wrong with investigating are you his relative to know nga alipoka loan.
Nga ni loan kulanga fye ifipepala. Tapali ubwafya. Its not just the PF govt who want to know these things. Its the majority of Zambians. Apparently witch-hunt is a new phrase you have learnt and are excited about using it at any opportunity like a new christmas toy you never got.
There is nothing wrong in doing an investigation. It happens even in developed countries.
Well done HE MCS.
I really dont understand what Zambians want or probably we dont understand the meaning of investigation. To be true there are many things in zambia that are no done well. They need to be investigated surely there is nothing wrong with that please its a good way to go if we need transparence .
That is petty money K3.5 billion.
I am not condoning what he did, I am sick and tired of hearing of all these commeions of enquiry, which a lot of you inferior people to me can not realise that , these commisions are actually wasting a lot of tax player’s money. I am sure they will come up with another one
Myself and Nick just in the last 18 months we have made that money, Its nothing to be upset about. Concentrate on creating jobs for the poor.
Pathetic country
Tell Them sis
You seem to be bragging too much about the money you make there, but we are aware you can only afford to bath “hot water” twice a week due to the standard of living there. So come back home and enjoy yourself!!!
Mushota you are very shocking in the way you have come out. Do you have an idea of what K3.5 billion can mean to many poor zambians out there? people starve and die everyday because they do not have not even a $ to buy food or simply a K20,000 to buy medication. Thought human beings should be compassionate and have feelings but I am shocked today.
Talk about whats pathetic now!!!!!!
Delete, rubbish!!
let PF go ahead and emberrass itself like they are doing on the gold and ZRA issues
I hope they will investigate how PF paid for the helicopters hire and where they got the money. We all know PF was broke before elections and so where did they get this money. If this is not persued it is clear that there is a witch hunt.
You free to do so when you are in power
At least we know that PF did not have access to the national treasury or tax-payer’s money. When they surprise us with lots of cash suddenly now that they are in power then we’ll check them out. Its tax-payer’s money we’re concerned about, not donations from sympathizers. If MMD got that money from sympathizers, ah, they can just prove it and we’ll let them continue in blissful retirement.
so these guys are building flats from our tax payers money and us civil servants hav low salaries. even refusing to give us a living wage. our housing allowance is K150,000.000 while for them they hav huge stollen funds. you arrest them. they are fools. viva PF
Iam with Mushota..this anti-development attitude in Zambia is what make most Zambians to trek to other countries where their investment will be appreciated and safe.Zambians cant just accept the fact that the neighbour is now doing better than them,instead raise foolish allegations of Dubai,Satanism,(s)he killed a relation to be rich..foolish PHD mentality.When its a foreigner,they quiet ndwiiii and will even say anabwela nazo ndalama.With this thinking,I doubt Zambia will ever have a Dangote or let alone appear on the Forbes 50 richest Africans in the next 50 yrs.We need cultural revolution ASAP
Actually, investors and donors seem happy that we’re cleaning up, except some corrupt ones of course.
The thug also fired all Zambian workers and replaced them with Egyptians!!
Former presidents should own assets please. A lot of rubbish is being done by PF cadres in the name of investigative wings.
Witch Hunt continues. This cycle will never end unless we put tighter controls on public funds. As president, people will give you gifts, cars, money, etc.
Having possessions is no sign that money was stollen.
This is true for HE MCS. Are we going to see the next president “investigate” MCS?
This madness has to stop, and the only way is to carefully monitor our expenditure.
Sata will never be investigated because he has set-up a Trust.Him and his family memebers are trsutees, cleverly no one has a controlling voice. Clever or doggy, its up to you to decide!
If Given Lubinda a mere MP could have built Namakau House, what is so difficult for a Vice President and former chief executive to build a duplex of flats. Why not probe Lubinda on how he managed to build Namakau House. This is pure with hunt and persecution.
You are yet to see more drama!
RB must be investigated and so will be Sata if he is found wanting…We must put an an end to plunding of our national resources…If Sata is the man to do this be it… If you steal even one ngwee u must face the law period. ..there are rumours Tandiwe has millions dollar acounts, houses in Malawi..GRZ must investigate and if evident warrant removal of RB immunity ..we must do that…this is lesson not only to RB and Sons, but also future Kings and Princes of Zed State house..
Being a Zambian is a sin mwe.. no one will ever build anything without ukumufyonononapo. RB has tried his best to be humble. And you hopeless ones forget that he was Vice-president before the guy died. and ka $700,000 is nothing for a president.
And you call yourself Nostradamus…
$700,000 in 90 days, how much does the president earn to be able to embark on such a project within 90days? Looking at how advanced the construction stage had reached, its clear the funding was there so its only right to ask where it was coming from. Ever wondered why pot holes have been there since the 70s and they say there is no money to mend tar the roads, ever wondered where someone would get 700,000dollars within 90 days to build a villa? ASK YOURSELF. Let the investigation begin
Ba Fi kala muleyi kala fye 1st it’s bicycles mere njinga nomba mwayamba amayanda!stop this nonsense and develop the country atase js because some of you are poor shouldn’t mean everyone shud live like you atase it’s very upsetting and embarrassing!
Kalale boyi. Naunaka.
Fuc…..k you mushota.. Money you make from having sex with dog makes you go crazy.
KK was in power for how long?he never got money like Banda to Build Villas in 90 days after taking Office,it very clear that things don’t add up on this one
It is a pity that people have chose to misinterpret issues here. Nobody has said RB stole money and he should not own property. He has all the right just like you bloggers on here to own and buy property as much as he wishes, but if the police suspect something fishy, then they have the right to investigate RB and any other person. This is why are constitution sucks because it gives too much powers to the head of state, if the powers are reduced, we will in the future situations were the president can be queried over the property he is acquiring without waiting for a new government. Eg. RB could not questioned or even challenged lest you are fired. Since it was impossible then, this is the right time for the police to carry out investigations. After all nobody is guilty until proven so!
Were they completed within 90 days or construction started at that time
Were they completed within 90 days or construction started at that time?
Where did Given Lubinda get money to build Namakau House? Let him explain!
#1 there is nothing wrong in doing investigations,but you sound uuwacikonko,nimwe ba share holder.i pity you.
Banda has to explain to Zambian People how he made 700,000dollars,so we can all make some money & build Villas like him
Circus in the minds of people purporting to be intellectuals. A Zambia of your dream is only possible through such investigations. Like other bloggers have stated, “this is just an investigation”. To remain RB’s die-hard sympathizer (like some bloggers here) at the cost of your integrity is a big insult to yourself and those who believe in you. Let unblemished investigations, arrests and recovery take centre stage if we are to respect public resources, the end result is a corrupt free and dedicated leadership. We need a leaders that have utmost respect for public resources and dedicated to serve the people.
Well said sir, Could not agree more, we need to have a system where a checker has to be checked.
I visited Lusaka recently and almost every Jim and Jack has property.I’m sure they are worth billions of Kwacha.Whats wrong with Rupiah Banda also owning property.He doesn’t strike me as a thief maybe a savvy businessman but not a thief.He is 70 plus odd yrs are you implying he only started making money when he became president? Leave the old man alone PF and focus on developing Zambia.
Some sense at last!
Thank you.
Lets make it clear…RB can explain how he got the money without going to court…this is what the investigating is all about.. Only a fool can inherit an office without establishing what the f went on… When everything has been accounted for, assumption will that Sata is starting from a clean slate…It therefore in the best interest of Sata and the nation to establish the baseline so Sata can not claim ignorance later. I dont mind how many commissions Sata decrees, correcting mistakes is equally expensive..
its only in Africa were a president declares their worthy when taking office but dont do the same when leaving office.All we want is accountability.If 50% of my salary goes to govenment,then its only right that i know how it is used.He who pays the piper calls the tune.
Not even winning Kwachamania would accord you such a manna,He was civil servant .3 years a Trillion house ,hey wena ,ubuwa masipa ne…
Zoon anichi kabwa buka ichi,not kabwa lala.
I don’t think it is wrong for anyone to own or even dream of owning such property. I smell witch-hunt! Why is it that all the time we want to question how people get wealthy? Let us put enough safe guards in the system so that we don’t always concentrate on ‘investigations’ after someone leaves office. Is that how the current government officials want to be subjected to once they leave office?
Frankly speaking this tradition of probing presidents must just stop, at least not publicly. Carry out your investigations but keep it very confidential. I think people must know that Rupiah having held such a position, he had access to funds maybe as courtesy gifts from foreign firms and the like. Honestly, $700,000 must cause so much noise? PF government is being petty.
If the money came from elsewhere let them just say so, and show us where it came from. That’s all. Rather simple,I would say. But when they just keep quiet when being questioned, ah, we conclude kaili.
Nothing has ever come out of all former presidents being investigated except years of precious time wasted and a hell lot of tax payers money being spent in the process. While in the dark corners of your Luxury privacy’s together you(former and current presidents) sip whiskey and laugh about it. Stop this nonsense of taking us the Zambian people for fools and give us something we have long deserved “Tangible positive development”
When we start accusing people of graft we must do our homework. RB had and has many properties in Lusaka that are developed and generating income. For example the house on Chila Rd that was rented from RB for the CEO of Finance Bank. That house was bought by RB in 1978. So let us not speculate on RB being a peasant farmer. His children all of them were successful before he was president, look at where they were educated.Jealously we are just accusing and embarrassing PF.
How does a bank give a loan for $700,000 when the person applying for the loan only earns 10% of the amount borrowed per year?
What terms were the loan?
25 years?
Did the bank expect a 72 year old person to keep working until 97?
Iwe Mushota give me your email, i will be in Scotland this weekend.
Banda & Sons never had money it only when the father come to be President that we could now see them with money and building Villas,buying girlfriends Flats cars hiring planes,it does not make sense at all,We have Bank Governor who get more than our President,Banda never thought about Zambian,but was there to make money for his family.His sons became too big as if Zambia was there business
The moment I lost confidence in RB’s government was the time a woman gave birth outside the hospital and his govt never punished the perpetrators but victimised a professional journalist.All was not in vain…
I suggest you put all cases he commited in 3 years he has ruled zambia and cme up with a solution,whether to put him on trials or to remove his immunity not that you are doing you people.Just probe him thoroghly well and not wich hunting,he is a human being and he deserves respect.Justice must prevail to any kind of human race.
Buff00n RB’s dealing need to be exposed as there are still people out there who think this chap was squeaky clean. Why isn’t he defending himself?? The longer they wait the more they will cover their tracks: a mere bank clerk faces the full force of the law for any slight discrepancies in the accounts yet we let these big fish like Ka Titus and other ex-ministers retire in luxury.
We will not make the same mistake like FTJ,we will investigated him,there no way a men who came from a farm with nothing can start to bulid Villas within 3 years of be in office
Rupiah Bamba, will be found wanting and prosecuted just wait bafikala
What is k3.5billion?Concentrate on developing the nation ba PF and creating jobs to the millions of youths who voted you into office.5 years inono ka, you will be surprised at what hit you in 2016.
Firstly, as a nation we have to be objective of the news. Look at things analytically, look at the source of the newspaper, what is the motive of the story if the story was truly bout investigating why put it out with no facts etc. wen i read ur blogs alot lack proper analysis. Always question what u read. I will always support rb, he is educated, cultured, and value based he has stuck onto the belief that Sata is still his president and no matter what he will still support the incumbent gov. He acts like his still leader. I want him bk, this new govt is an embarrassment. I am actually embarassed of him. Anyways Zambians what I am saying is read between the lines don’t believe everything you read or write.
MMD will always talk like that,ever if you don’t like PF,MMD will not come to Power in 2016,just enjoy the rest of the Tax money before we come for you
A Miller will always smear himself in flour en the one who works in a field eats from field.
As Vice President, RB could have easily had $700,000.
May be Guys Scot has already made himself a $700,000 within his first 60 days of travels. It’s not a lot of money at that level.
man hunting country
Sata and his folosh people have failled to deliver. the 90 days development is just their to arrest people.
Why is scott travelling a lot as compared to HC. calibre
Okey I am going to build expensive villas after being in the big public office.I will put my boys in charge of national contract deals.Then I will make sure my wife gets a lion share of the national cake from your pathetic taxer payer’s money.I will be so rich like Gaddafi that no one will dare question the source of wealthy for that will be deemed poking your nose in the wrong bussiness.For all my wrongs I will do, I will not be accountable for I am untouchable and infallible. I will also lavish my vuvuselas such that after I leave office, anybody who dares to look into my cupboard will be accused of witchhunting.I am the Munchurian canditate , your one and only.
I like Mushota. I end here!
ll always love you RB
For once I agree with you Mushota. The PF machinery is definitely firing in the wrong direction. We are still waiting for the jobs we were promised, more money in our pockets, improved healthcare, improved education opportunities the list goes on.This witch hunting will not take us anywhere. Can the govt stop this rot are start governing. @Italian Bunga Bunga is areal cadre for sure, very patriotic.
Uyu mambala enze kawala maningi. In case you Zambian are blind, investigation should be insituted especially on procurements one company called Melcome Marketing become a supper supplier start with Ministry of Education you will understand how they bought everything thing from Erasers, sharpners, rulers exercise books to desks to supply to grz till recently campaign materials your findings will be interesting R.B was more sophisticated then kafupi. Just watch this space all you myopic Zedian will be shocked on what he did for your nation, while you watched
Lusaka Times you are a useless newspaper please write stories which are news worth the story abt Mr.Bwezani Banda is a bunch of speculation which should have been kept quite what the people should have seen is the end result.What you are reporting if f—king b–sht
I am not PF or MMD but a Concerned Man
No. 9, sharp shooter, its not that we are against development but there has to be sanity in the way this so-called development comes about. A year before, someone was swimming against the tide of poverty and from no where, demolishing flats and re-building blocks of flats, do you know what it costs just to demolish?? And then, why did he have to wait for Mwanawasa to die before he could embark on this project?? If there is suspicion, let him be investigated and if he’s clean, head-lines should also be written just like now, that he’s clean. Now that’s being fair!!
People plz what is K3.5Bn? If a civil servant, driver, security guard even those selling air time can manage to build him/ herself a ka house, are you expecting RB not to manage, in fact what you need to cry for is for the country to stop the no sense of build houses for former Presidents. Stop the poverty mentality and lets progress.
Mushota is a waste of human sperm. A dog could have made a difference. Anyway let have a comprehensive approach toward corruption and have every corrupt fool accountable. Sata and his cronies should have something to learn from this that the law witll not rest till we have see transperence
@Zambi-can you are right mushota is a waste of human sperm, I think bawishi ngabacitile masturbate chapwilamo than having Mushota. Mushota needs to know that it’s not about having money that matters but what you do with the money to ease people’s challenges thats what counts. If the money you have shakuyumfwilapofye then you are nothing and just between a cocroach and that white thing which forms on the corner of people’s mouth when they are thirst period. RB needs to be investigated if found wanting bring him to book. That man is heartless just like Mushota who cares only about himself/herself.
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