Sunday, March 9, 2025

Kabimba assures Zambian diplomats working genuinely as professionals


Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba
Patriotic Front Secretary General Wynter Kabimba

The Patriotic Front has assured Zambian diplomats abroad that those working genuinely as professionals, should not be afraid of being recalled.

PF secretary general Wynter Kabimba says the country’s envoys should not think that the ruling party has embarked on a witch hunt meant to axe sympathisers of the former ruling party – the MMD.

Mr. Kabimba says this when he addressed Zambian diplomats and their spouses at “Zambia House” in Brussels on Monday.

This is contained in a statement released to ZNBC by first secretary for press at the Zambian mission in Brussels Samuel Ngoma.

Deputy Minister in the Vice-President’s office, Edgar Lungu says the PF government was not going round for purposes of retribution.

And Director of International Relations, Longa Chibesakunda, says the ruling party wants Zambian diplomats who will serve the country wholeheartedly.

The three-man PF delegation is in Brussels as guests of renowned German’ good governance NGO, Friedrich Ebert Stiftang to familiarise themselves with parliamentary democracy.

They leave for Berlin on Tuesday.



  1. you knw wt pf is rubish also, they employ people who were not compaining 4 them for the sake of regaining power.sata is also rubish forgeting people who put him power and sacrificed their jobs any way he is a politician who will do anything to remain in pwoer

    • I think u r more rubbish according to the way u have put this up. A Government should not be run by cadres but qualified people, thats what has destroyed African nations, Satas alligence is to the Zambians…all Zambians, not PF supporters. I wonder what u do in German.

  2. You cant remove everyone – where are you going to get replacements? Now you are caught up in your web of nepotism. AND why is it you the cadre is making the announcement and not Kambwili, the mouthy bulky seat-warmer?

  3. In what capacity is Wynter addressing the Diplomats? And who is footing his bills since he is not in Govt? Its now the Party and its Govt?

  4. I despise this man

    I am in Scotland here and I have just been told Zambia is scorching Hot, and the roads are packed with cheap Japanese cars etc

    How someone  drives a Japanese car , I dont know. Myself and Nick we for the sake of safety do not drive vehicles with more than 80 000 miles. It is wrong. We get rid of the car as soon as we can its not safe

    A vehicle can kill you if anything I want a law which bans anyone driving a vehicle which is more than 12 years of age. I drive a 2007 reg Micra and It disgusts me when yo see an old Reg car and I am sorry to say this, But a lot of times such cars are driven by blacks and Indians. when you peep to say who the driver is. Its a joke


    • Young lady, can you stop displaying your ignorance or I will spill the beans about who you really are and what you are involved in. I live within a mile from you. You don’t even know anything about Scotland to be lying about mileage and black people. Which Scotland are you referring to?? The other day you claimed you make hundreds of thousands but why do you drive a stupid micra that even a prostitute can afford?

    • The problem with you mushota is you went to Europe after 25, and you fail to reason properly.Life is not a linear line.Just coz you drive 1987 model,you think everyone should and must emulate you.It sad that even when you claim to be British,inside u feel a foreigner and that is why you try so hard to show people that you are living well.Gone are the days when people would go to europe for a better life.In UK where i stay old vehicles are a classic,what is wrong in driving a classic.The planes you use between london and Scotland are older than 12 years lol

    • Is a Micra the best you can do? You are a waste of space on LT. And for your own information, Nick probably laughs at you when you say negative things about your own people. All the Scottish people that I have met in England are very proud of the origins and will not say despicable things about Scotland. As the saying goes “You can take a man out of the jungle but you cannot take the jungle out of him”.   

  5. Cold Season
    Who are remaining for you not to fire!!!! Beats me????
    You have already fired everyone even the first secretary in Namibia only because she is Sikota’s sister.
    PF boza 

  6. Trying to shhot everbody in a rage of hate has brought soberness to recant your zeal and face reality of things. PF is a one man party and ruling a country is never succeeded by one or a few individuals. PF intentions are unsustainable, in fact they had no agenda for Zambia except to wrestle power out and succeeded well but are now stuck with governance. Winter Kabimba has nothing to do with a talk to diplomats other than Chishimba Kabwili. Understandably he is unable to speak diplomatic lingua and so Kabimba stands in his place. The same with Sata who due to lack of diplomacy has never gone out of Zambia or address any international forum, so he sends Dr Guy Scott. These fellows dont just get it.

  7. we want to know who has paid for Kabimba’s journey because he has no government post neither is he is civil servant. I hope these PF chaps have not started rooting the government coffers in travelling abroad dubiously.

  8. #10 Hamonga Mutinta Mubita, My brother I agree with you. I wonder which part of Zambia Mushota comes from? They ought to be ashamed of him. This guy is as Queer as a 3Pin Bill. I’m sure, we have not heard the last of him. The only way he could have ended up in the U.K was through Homosexsual activities.

  9. Brother Mushota when you have your civil ceremony with Nick (sorry nick) don’t forget to invite all the LT bloggers. Your ceremony will be the biggest as it will put you in line with you quest to obtain the most awaited British passport :((. You have waited too long man! About you Micra, why a Micra? Haven’t you tried a Merc. B180, it’s better, you know. After all you and your ‘nicky’ or nick (I now don’t know if you are both men or both women) are in five figures.

  10. So who financed Kabimba’s trip since he is not part of governmnet? These are some of the issues that the next government in power should be able to follow up because he is not a government employee

  11. It’s very sad that Zambia has turned back to the archaic era of “the party and its government” where the party is superior to the government. Kabimba is not in government and why he speaks as one with authority with no shame is very sad. Besides MCS is on record as having instructed that all party (MMD) cadres should be removed from their positions. Further, the PF stipulates that key positions will be manned by party (PF) cadres. Why should people continue lying. Have they not gone back on enough of their pre election promises in the true spirit of “dont kubeba”? I cry for mother Zambia!!!!!

  12. Comrades, I cant believe you still take mushotas bait. The more you ignore her the more outrageous she gets in order to get attention. If you ignored her for a month straight im sure she will post her naked pics just so you wont ignore her anymore…

  13. #5
    Look at this male/female creature thingy bragging about a Nissan Micra, that would be classified as hand language to Zambians, you cockroach!! 

  14. in what capacity was Kabimba issuing that statement regarding diplomats abroad????? I thought we had rightful foreign affairs officials to issue such statements.

  15. #22, You are very right. She ( or is it he ) is like a parasite that will simply not go away. She feeds on and craves the attention that she gets from Zambian bloggers on LT and ZWD. Pathetic and proud piece of s**t.   

  16. This is just a political ploy meant to hit at Nevers Mumba. Guys, remember, it was just yesterday when Nevers made a press release that he will finalize his MMD presidential candidancy next week. PF was listening and this faked press release is their response. It is meant to decampaign and smear Nevers Mumba as, you guessed it right, a masquerader–a Zambian diplomat who worked UNprofessionally. And, therefore, not deserving any trust of public office by Zambians. Believe me you, PF is, has been, and will be watching every move Nevers is making. PF wants only ‘one BULL’ in Chinsali–two hurts PF votes bad.

  17. Mr Sata is taking his sister to canada as deputy ambassador hope you guys have heard. that is why he fired every one at ottawa mission.nepotizim

  18. Well, I know a diplomat that really needs to go back though and I hope they do. This person was brought here through shady means coz she “knew” some very important person( very interesting story..) and was getting paid ALOT of money doing absolutely nothing but surfing the net.

  19. What you are saying Mr Kabimba is not true. You are witch-hunting. If you are not, explain your action by recalling all diplomats at Zambia High Commission in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and almost everyone in Tokyo, Japan.

  20. It is indeed not appropriate for Kabimba to speak on isues not related to the Party but a purely executive issue.

  21. The Spokesperson at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is the one who is supposed to make that announcement, not a stupid hooligan secretary general from a party where the president does not even know Civics because he does not know how many MPs he can nominate.

  22. Mushota you are just being racist. The fact that your partner is white does not make you one. With all those qualifications you claim to have, you should have by now be sober with issues surrounding race. You are even better placed to understand racial issues from where you are. I know your comments are just meant to tease anxieties but you cross the line most times when it comes to race. Shame on you with your inferiority complex.

  23. Joe Kaunda, Deputy High Commisioner-SA, Chansa Kabwela, Deputy High Commissioner, Henry Ngilazi 1st Secretary both Sweeden, Larry Moonze- Zambian representative to Cuba,Joe Chilaizya ZNBC DG, Chella-Special Assistant-State Hse, Malupenga-Permsec MIBS, What does this list of names have in common, save for Henry Ngilazi, who apparently screws Chansa Kabela? Former employees of The Post Newspaper.

  24. KABIMBA WYNTER is a PF secretary general and has nothing to do with the running of the government. His job is to organize the PF party. Why is he talking on behalf of foreign affairs? Please let someone explain this to me.

  25. last time I checked, Kabimba is not an MP. so what is he doing in Brussels. Hope its not on Tax payers bill cause we are better off using that money sending RB on the honerable mission to Congo

  26. Kabimba at it again, I am not sure whose mandate he is using to speak to these diplomats. PF is slowly but surely showing that they have no program for the nation, if they have one then it is one of replacing all non Bemba speaking people with their own. Post News paper had an idea about this, PF having no agenda for the nation. I bet they forcced PF on people’s minds so the Memmbe could find it easy in 2016 to go for the top job or someone he is comfortable with. What would explain his turning around now? Showing Zambians that Micheal and PF will not develop this nation, check out the recent editorials. all pointing to a failing govt.

  27. It is very disappointing that most comments on this article appear to have been preconceived without regard of what it was all about. For the record, ‘The three-man PF delegation is in Brussels as guests of renowned German’ good governance NGO, Friedrich Ebert Stiftang to familiarise themselves with parliamentary democracy’ – so you know who is funding the trip. As for Kabimba addressing the meeting, this is normal. He is stating the policy decision of the PF government, and as SG he is the ideal person to reassure the diplomats who are understandably anxious about what the future holds. I therefore, fail to understand what most of your questions and insinuations arise from? The paucity of intelligent reasoning on this site leaves much to be desired.

  28. Iwe Umwaume, the question is in what capacity is Winter addressing journalists. Do you mean to say if Humphrey Siulapwa wsa invited to go the wherever then he would have the mandate to start making policy announcements and adressing diplomats?
    Winter is a PF cadre and not a GRZ official. So, he should be talking to cadres and not civil servants. The PF representative who is paid by me and you who we expect to talk about diplomats is Kabwili.Period

    • Monko, the party in power can address diplomats, there is nothing wrong. Indeed some party members of the ruling party travel on diplomatic passports. As far as I can establish, the diplomats who attended the meeting were not coerced or kidnapped in order for them to attend. For all we know, they could have even asked Kabimba to address them. What is your gripe with it?

  29. What is the difference between what RB’s government did in appointing people to foreign service and what MCS’s government is doing? Me, I don’t know but what I expected was that the MCS government would first of all put in place a clear criteria for appointing such people and then proceed and appoint. So far, it seems the beautiful ones are not yet born.

  30. African politics are all the same.At least we are now back to one party state.Kaunda managed to rule Zambia not that he was popular but created instutions which feared him greatly.So it possible for Kabimba to go round the whole world without any body asking why.I hope this trip was not sanctioned by the President because Kabimba can easly embaress the president.The right person to have travelled should have been Hon Kambwili to talk to embassy emplyees.

  31. Well its seem the president/ministers have outsourced their diplomatic duties .i suggest all these clowns are taken and tutored in international relations in some schools:its sad watching the unfolding circus in Zambian politics and what makes it even sadder is some Black(coconuts)(black on the outside and white on the inside )busy bragging about some white-mans country forgetting about their ancestral homelands where in your sense of pride: keep cleaning toilets and fraying chips at McDonald we shall keep our Zambia.

  32. In Malaysia you have fired 10 out 11, leaving your relatives’ husband. Here in Zambia we have our relatives not those of the diplomats going for Masters in Malaysia. I read in the newspapers about degree programs at UNZA from Malaysia. So competence, Bemba and PF! Sue these chaps for unlawful dismissal. Do not leave Malaysia until they pay you. Sue them in Malaysia.

  33. #43 Paolo Di Canio

    You ULI CHIPUBA SANA! What is your position on why Kabimba is among elected Members of Parliament and yet is not an elected MP? Your EVIL Roman Catholic Bishops ae quiet because it suits them. Did you hear that EVIL Roman Catholic Bishops Organisation has a PORN Publishing company in EUROPE? What a shame and double standard on them?
    No wonder they are playing double standard on Sata and his PF. They are not condemning his excesses like Kabimba’s non Diplomatic PF Government trip to Belgium!!

    God of Abraham help us Lord in the name of Jesus not mary!

  34. Can Transparency Zambia launch a complaint against this EVIL government of Sata and his PF for the way they are ABUSING Zambia’s tax payers money THROUGH SENDING KABIMBA to Belgium? The MMD abused our money and we complained. Now Sata and his EVIL PF government even before they are 90 days of their PROMISES they are going at a very FAST RATE of ABUSING Zambians public resources and will be immediately be CHARGED with THE ABUSE of AUTHORITY and PUBLIC MONEY!!

    Sata should stop PERSECUTING AND accusing Rupiah BANDA that he built his Villa’s within months of becoming President because he is already GUILT of ABUSE OF Zambian’s public money.

    This will backfire against Sata and PF immediately they will be voted out HE WILL BE prosecuted for abuse of AUTHORITY!! Watch my words!!

  35. Mushota – Micra, is a Nissan, which means it is Japanese – Ala Ubututu bobe, bwa nsoni sana!!! iwe kabwa, shi bwelako uko ku scotland, ukaleka ichibanda chakwa Livingstone chi keme!!!!

  36. All you weak souls, Mushota’s idea was to detract you from discussing the subject matter and you fell for it. Try to ignore next time

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