Friday, March 14, 2025

Katele Kalumba attacks MMD NEC and defends Wife


Katele Kalumba
Katele Kalumba

FORMER MMD national secretary Katele Kalumba has called for the resignation of the entire MMD national executive committee (NEC) to allow an interim committee to undertake an election postmortem, including sourcing funds to hold an extraordinary convention.

But MMD national secretary Richard Kachingwe says the MMD leadership is busy re-organising the party and will not engage in trivialities with Dr Kalumba.

Dr Kalumba said in an interview yesterday that the current NEC cannot have new thinking to conduct an objective postmortem when it failed to provide leadership during campaigns prior to the September 20 tripartite elections.

“The group had no strategy whatsoever, what new ideas will they provide to the party now? They will simply cover their own mistakes. If they have any moral or political sensitivity, they should step aside and allow an interim organising committee to undertake the postmortem,” he said.

Dr Kalumba said the interim committee should also look into campaign financing and how funds were used in the run-up to the tripartite elections, including funding which will be needed for the extraordinary convention.

[pullquote]“Let them know that Katele Kalumba and Lumba are the last of the human species on earth who can succumb to threats. We are least impressed with their threats, I cannot be threatened by political stalk borers,” Dr Kalumba said.[/pullquote]

He said the interim committee should also review the MMD constitution and propose corrective measures to issues like the abolition of the party vice presidency and the undemocratic practice of re-appointing people who have been rejected by the membership to NEC positions because this defeats democracy.

“For the sake of our national chairman Mr Michael Mabenga, he should know that there is a provision for an extraordinary convention in our party constitution,” Dr Kalumba said.

He said there are many funders of the MMD who are sympathetic enough to allow the MMD to go through a renewal of leadership.

“We need a renewed leadership that will allow new leadership to emerge to give hope to our members and not the same old faces like Katele Kalumba and Michael Mabenga. Our debate is not self-interest but how we can salvage MMD from going to the brink of collapse,” Dr Kalumba said.

He said there is a ‘crisis of faith’ in the MMD and the only way this can be addressed is through an extraordinary convention.

“The leadership we have now will pass judgement on former vice president George Kunda ,who was a partner to former President Banda and by all accounts was playing the role of vice president in the party when he was a trustee,” Dr Kalumba said.

[pullquote]“There is no provision in the MMD constitution for groups like Die Hard MMD Youth Wing and provincial task force chairmen, they are speaking with no locus standi in the party. Fundamentally, MMD was founded on the principles of open, transparent and truthful debate and that is what took us to Garden House motel, every member is protected by the MMD constitution to debate any issue, there is no issue that is sacrosanct.[/pullquote]

He also said it is unfortunate that pressure groups with no constitutional positions like the Die Hard MMD Youth Wing are attacking him and his wife Lumba for speaking out on issues affecting the MMD.

“There is no provision in the MMD constitution for groups like Die Hard MMD Youth Wing and provincial task force chairmen, they are speaking with no locus standi in the party. Fundamentally, MMD was founded on the principles of open, transparent and truthful debate and that is what took us to Garden House motel, every member is protected by the MMD constitution to debate any issue, there is no issue that is sacrosanct.

“Let them know that Katele Kalumba and Lumba are the last of the human species on earth who can succumb to threats. We are least impressed with their threats, I cannot be threatened by political stalk borers,” Dr Kalumba said.

But Major Kachingwe says the MMD leadership is busy re-organising the party and will not engage in trivialities with Dr Kalumba.

“Those are his views and we will not comment on non-issues. Why do you want to turn me against my brother? That is the exact thing I told the Post Newspaper. We are busy organising the party and we don’t want to go into trivial issues,” Maj Kachingwe said.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. He has a point, how can you evaluate yourself? It is an issue of objectivity, not ka ‘ngwe’ or influence. Kachingwe, listen to Kalumba

    • You can surely evaluate yourself. there is what is known as self assessment. Dr. Kalumba call for new NEC leadership is an attempt to throw the MMD into political oblivion without any hope to bounce back to power. I know for sure that he speaks like this with the interest of the PF at heart. Why should the MMD NEC resign? they do have a mandate as powered by the last MMD convention- win or lose they have to provide the leadership for the MMD for the next five years offcourse this must be done within the provisions of their constitution. Dr. Kalumba if you had the interest of your party at heart you will surely approach the in privacy and chat the way forward but the fact that you are rushing to the press we know where intersts lie.

  2. No.3, true point, objectivity is lost when an interested party is also asked to act as the referee, analyser or what ever!! Anyway, Banda is just a bad leader who’s managed to tear down the MMD and is driving it into oblivion. Let new leadership emerge and fresh minds impose themselves, otherwise MMD will go down the way of UNIP. KK refused to hand-over the reigns of UNIP to Kebby or any other leader until it was too late to save the party.

    • KK could not hand power to Kebby because he Kebby had been bought by MMD, Kebby had become selfish in the end and being a Tonga power meant much more to him than loyalty

  3. #3 I agree that he has a correct message, but I think the delivery and execution of that message is flawed, misplaced and leaves much to be desired , especially coming from a founder Member who is supposed to treat all MMD members as his children ( ie love them all EQUALLY).

    There are better and diplomatic channels our former national secretary should have used, particularly that his wife is on NEC and delivering his message to the intended target would not have been a problem.

    This art of playing to the media and public gallery is not what we need in MMD right now. We need civility, calmness and maturity in resetting our party. The divisive line taken by this family is not helping build the party. If you want honey don’t disturb the bees. You know better, sir

    • i am not an mmd supporter, never have been, but l very much agree with you He should not be running to the press, these are mmd in house problems and as such should be sorted in house and for Gods seek the man is a doctor he really should know better

  4. You see why Mpombo called the leadership of the MMD ‘political nicum poops’. Guys who don’t even know when they’ve solied their pants. Katele is telling the guys how to be objective and they can’t even see it…MMD yalala. Remember the interminable round of nonsense UNIP went through for years and ended up in a coma? To-date UNIP a founding party in this country is in a coma. MMD can’t seem to learn from. Are the guys educated?? Schooled but daft? RB was total paralysis for them…

  5. Sad that MMD can never see sense in Katele (Kachingwe refers to his analysis as trivial). IMAGINE! RB sees no suitable successor in MMD; prefers HH to indirectly take over from him. MMD chairman rejected in a rural constituency. MMD NEC members’ election petitioned. MMD NEC members dragged to court for corruption allegations. CAN any right thinking person see any NEC in MMD? Come on! Katele is right. Though, he is preparing ground for his and his wife’s defection to PF. Watch this space!

  6. Ba kaka you are a seller out. We know you are trying to hoodwink Micheal so that you escape your prosecution. You are indeed an envoy of the devil. Your views could be right but surely you as mwinemushi should know that it is not good to wash dirt linen in public. You and Xaviour Chungu deserve to be in prison because going by your conduct, I have no doubt that you are a fraud star who is capable of doing anything. Please napapata dont use your computer to hack into my well being.

  7. This is politics in MMD now. Nice one! Keep it going guys keep it going. There will be more drama when they come up with an interim President. We will see resignations and all.

    Oh dear! How the mighty have fallen!

  8. Mm ati last species chakuti chakuti! This guy speaks in native tongues who knows what he ment are we seeing the return of da laptop!!!

  9. Kachingwe, I appreciate that you are busy reorganising our MMD but you better at sometime pause and consider constructive and destructive advices. Dr Katele has a point and you have a point also. Why not sit down with him and share a pep talk then maybe you will learn something from him and you too share with him what you’re currently busy doing.

  10. Kateleeeee……..twalimishibaaaaaa…..kalemwaaambaa!!!!! You just want to rule Zambia?You have been given people to rule bt you dont want.try to stand as MMD president and see how you will fail.

  11. This Man should not have any platform to utter his drivel.

    He should be in jail.
    I know that, you know that and he knows that

    Another execuse of a turmoil witchunt driven country, that sees a small picture and not the whole picture.

    Why condone a criminal to address you, and why listen to him. If I get raped by a stranger and he is then accorded the attention and listened to, I would go over the roof.

    Who is running this sinking ship again? Mr Sata?

    Someone please pass the puke bucket!



  12. Kaka wesu wasosa, only *****s cannot see the sense you have spoken. Other issues concerning kaka aside, MMD just need to bold and take the advice. Who says convicts cannot issue statements and give progressive advice anyway?

  13. Isn`t Katele Kalumba part of the gang that destroyed the MMD through corruption and theft of public money? What advice can this guy give? How to hide from the police?

  14. Ba Kachingwe? When we told you that the MMD was sinking you said we were talking trivialities, when we said that RB had lost ground you said we were talking trivialities, when we said that people were complaining about the Party you again said the big T was what we had been smoking…well see how you were defeated, see how your President wept as he realised how much anger people were habouring? Katele can talk trivial things today? Please lets learn to respect each other if we are to salvage anything from the losses of October otherwise even you will have nothing to talk about soon..see if you can win in that a trival issue?

  15. Why is it that when I comment, I have RED ARROWS, down as though my comments are rubbish

    Please stop putting Red Arrows, Instead vote me UP. I am the seeker of truth and Justice and i just was to see the bigger picture so you can reach my level. Any 1diot putting Red arrows should be ashamed of themselves.

    Embrace me for i shall not be here for long, now give me thumbs Up and let me have some GREEN THUMBS UP, Or you will drive me off LT for good, and you shall forever miss me, and i will end up on other forums who will benefit from my MBA, CIMA ACCA and soon PHD


  16. MMD is in very serous troubled waters, a storm created by MMD. MMD welcomed defectors especially from PF. These had no clue on what basis MMD was formed. They hounded all the original MMD heavy weights out and what remained is a shadow of its former self (MMD). Banda never renounced his UNIP affiliation, that’s how ka William Tekere Banda jumped on the gravy train of turncoat RB. Yes MMD is depreciating very fast because it’s core is rotten.

  17. Katele kafwoto your place is jail, you are a convicted criminal, you think we have forgotten? just shut up and wait to be jailed fool.nobody needs your opinion.

  18. Dr. Kalumba has a point and the MMD leadership especially Kachingwe should give him an ear whether he is a convict or not. The MMD as a party needs a fresh breathe, its suffocating right now. They say “a wiseman can get sense out of a foolish statement while a foolish man can’t make sense out of a wise statement”. Tired of same old faces ba mambala imwe.

  19. Why is it that when I comment, I have RED ARROWS, down as though my comments are rubbish

    Please stop putting Red Arrows, Instead vote me UP. I am the seeker of truth and Justice and i just was to see the bigger picture so you can reach my level. Any RETARD putting Red arrows should be ashamed of themselves.

    Embrace me for i shall not be here for long, now give me thumbs Up and let me have some GREEN THUMBS UP, Or you will drive me off LT for good, and you shall forever miss me, and i will end up on other forums who will benefit from my MBA, CIMA ACCA and soon PHD





  21. Let them follow established procedure. That’s political maturity, not fights in public. Zambia needs mature leaders.

  22. It is surprising that the MMD are still talking of RB, the man responsible for their demise and for the mess in the country. We shall see more in-fighting in this party and before long they will be spilling beans on ‘who did what’ and who has more bicycles, electric motor cycles and vans.
    MMD is now in the intensive care unit with no hope of recovery.

  23. Eya ya yeah…wapya munzi…Interesting seeing how the MMD guys are in the “Fyaba yama talk”.Ha ha ha…anyway i bet this is healthy for the new government.Problems in MMD means more unity in PF.Let them continue…ifwe yalipasa.

  24. Mushota l think the people on this blog have answered you so take a hint love… move on Zambians are not into you transgenders try tonga watchdog

  25. Mushota – your uncle (Blog name: Mushota’s Uncle) says you failed your Grade 12 i.e. 9s in all subjects! so how did you manage to pass MBA, CIMA ACCA? kekekekekekeke.

  26. Mushota just swallow your pride and come back to Zambia. Am well informed by your friends that you complain of a small and weak dick of your old man. What a shame! For as long as you stay their you will never find a man to sexually satisfy you as your Zambian ex. Is is true that you keep calling him and telling him how much you miss those real deep moments you used to enjoy?

  27. The amazing thing about the MMD is that even in its failure the members are busy scrambling for jobs and positions at the expense of reviving the fortunes of the party. Reminds me of a parasite that continues to subsist until the host is dead. They will only fly off in panic when the party finally crumbles like UNIP…

  28. The debate over the MMD undergoing a tranformation process is welcome. Yes Dr Kalumba is reminding MMD membership of the path the party must take to come out of the shadows of loss of the recent election. The party has the foundation hinged on mass movement and the process of electing the party leader must bear approval of the masses. Mr Kachingwe and others in NEC need not contest for any leadership positions if party rennaiscence is the prime objective. New thinking, new ideas and innovative strategical positioning the party can only come from new and fresh leadership of the party. the political land scape has changed and complexity management values and ethoes are necessary to counter emerging challenges the party is facing. That is win back confidence of Zambians for 2016 elections.

  29. MMD needs a complete overhaul — a re-think of its principles, a new fresh, energetic team. We are tired of all these old dinosaurs. PF will be the last party in power with these old fossils.

  30. The MMD despite its many failures remains the formidable opposition party. We must recognize that the MMD won over 40% of the votes and that base of supporters is much stronger and growing especially considering the blunders and broken promises of the PF. We are living in a different political era in comparison to the 90’s when UNIP went into oblivion after loosing elections… Currently the MMD has the most politically savvy and intelligent individuals who will not give up their dignity and defect from the MMD to join Micheal Sata and his rogue cronies.. We all know now that PF will hardly survive 90 days in the Presidency…

  31. Uluse!!! Katele remembers just what it took to made the MMD. It was not insults and being hot headed. 1998 and 1999 were years of deep thought and personal sacrifice. MMD brought together the best brains which Zambia had………remember Arthur Wina, Christon Tembo, Angel Mwenda, Elias Chipimo Snr, Aka, etc etc. Many came too late to join in efforts of nation building but they were only in time for eating, eating and eating. Let me ask you MMD members “How did RB qualify to be MMD and President? that is where you should start. Please I beg you, it is not time to throw insults. It is time for seious introspection.:-w

  32. Witch, the witch where are his laptops?
    Go back to the land and be a FARMER. PF doing well free health care, all Zed will benefit from the share of the national cake :)

  33. Mushotana you are an attention seeker and we LT bloggers are sick of you even if you keep clinging on. Miss you? Ha ha ha when you disappear into oblivion after getting you British passport, which will be you ‘greatest achievement’ (CIMA and PhD nonsense is just an illusion) ever we will breath a sigh of relief.

  34. Ka mushota kacinyo naka bwela, she has no enough attention from her old boy so she seeks it from the unknown men, may be she experiences orgasm when zambian men give her the attention.

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