Friday, March 14, 2025

My Home Town boss defends Dora


MMD Spokesperson Dora Siliya
MMD Spokesperson Dora Siliya

MY Home Town (MHT) managing director Silas Mungala says he will cooperate with law enforcement agencies to establish whether public funds were used in the purchase of the 29 electric motor bikes that have been seized from MMD outspoken Petauke Member of Parliament Dora Siliya.

Mr Mungala said in an interview from his base in Choma on Monday that it is unfortunate that the issue of the seized electric motor cycles valued at about K140 million has brought about political undue excitement.

“I will be able to lay everything to rest. I want someone to come to me in an official manner so that we can lay everything to rest,” Mr Mungala said.

He said there are many of such electric motor cycles running in all parts of the country which his organisation has supplied for sale.

“Those motor cycles are all over the country, we bought them for sale. Unless I see them, that is when I will be able to confirm that they are the ones,” Mr Mungala said.

Mr Mungala said the electric motor cycles will be easy to identify if they are the same ones supplied to the MHT Petauke Chapter because they are branded.

He said unless there shall be an official enquiry on the seized electric motor bicycles, he would not be able to comment on the matter.

Mr Mungala challenged the Government to make an official inquiry to My Home Town in as far as the motor bikes that were confiscated from Ms Siliya, the former Education Minister in the MMD government.

“Unless I get an official query on the matter that is when I will be able to give a statement. If there is an official inquiry let them come to me but as far as I am concerned no bicycles belonging to My Home Town have gone missing,” Mr Mungala said.

He, however, said his organisation has not received reports that the motor bikes are missing, adding he would have been the first to report the matter to police had there been claims of missing bicycles.

He, however, clarified assertions that Ms Siliya is the matron for MHT stating that the Petauke law maker is in fact an ordinary member of the organisation.

Meanwhile, JIMMY CHIBUYE reports that Lusaka lawyer Sakwiba Sikota has accused the Patriotic Front (PF) of harassing and persecuting Ms Siliya and other members of the opposition MMD for nothing other than political vindictiveness.

Mr Sikota said Ms Siliya and other members of the MMD are being persecuted for crimes they have not committed.

But Chief Government spokesperson Given Lubinda has charged that Mr Sikota is being myopic in his thinking by accusing Government of persecution when the police are still investigating the matter.

Mr Lubinda said the PF Government is not using the police to harass and persecute any MMD member and advised Mr Sikota not to be a “cry baby” to win public sympathy.

Mr Lubinda said the police will not follow people who are innocent but will endeavour to pursue and interrogate individuals they suspect to have acted against the law.

He said Government will not allow any person or institution to interfere with the operation of the police because it wants security wings to conduct their duties professionally for justice to be dispensed.

Mr Sikota said at a press briefing in Lusaka yesterday the action by the police to search Ms Siliya’s house and subject her to interrogations on how she came in possession of 12 motor cycles, under the brand name of My Home Town, amounts to harassment and persecution.

On Friday last week, Police searched the premises of Ms Siliya and asked her to provide proof of ownership to the 12 motorised bicycles, 12 pieces of MMD branded chitenge materials and four motor vehicles found at her house.

But Mr Sikota said many Zambians have motor vehicles and they have not been asked to provide proof of purchase of the said vehicles as the Taskforce has requested Ms Siliya do so.

“The persecution of our client has been extended to even her son who was called to the Taskforce over the same issue. This is the extent of the persecution and harassment of the Siliya family that the State is engaged in,” Mr Sikota said.

Mr Sikota said Ms Siliya, who is also is a patron of My Home Town Petauke branch registered under the Societies Act Cap 119 of the Laws of Zambia informed the Taskforce that she received the motorised bicycles from My Home Town head office in Choma who have distributed the motor cycles to other branches in Namwala, Ndola and Lusaka.

He said the alleged witch-hunt should stop because it is clear and evident and wondered why the police have targeted Ms Siliya on the My Home Town motor cycles and not others involved in the project.

Mr Sikota said Government should stick to good governance and the worldwide principle that one is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

He said the country is being taken back to the dark days of SITET and the Leadership Code when everyone was a suspect and subject to arrest for having any form of property.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Sikota takes us for retards…

    if My Home Town really made “fat” gifts

    what were his ulterior motives??

    plundrers, crooks and thieves in jail !!!

  2. I also have 20 bags of groundnuts and have no receipts from God to prove that they came from the ground. Are you coming to search me or do you only search MMD officials, Dr. Malama.

  3. Its clear that whenever you commit a crime you need another crime to cover the first then another and another ….. Finally Dola Slitty ends up saying PF is prosecuting me. Further Sikoty will make money defending the undefendable.
    My msg is simple you are reaping exactly what you sow.
    Please enjoy dancing chachacha as we danced when you were beating the drums now we are beating the drums.

  4. It is people like Sakwiba Sikota who bring sham to the Judiciary. Lawyers can not walk with their hands high now. All just for the money!

  5. Sikota and Dora seem not to be honest in their dealings reason why the police are after them – let them come out clean – already so many conflicting statements – even before taken to court Sikota has cried arrassement of her client by the police – this staement does not reflect him as a lawyer but sounds like that of a dora spokesperson

  6. SITET was Only after people like Iboo , Wina’s and other drug dealers, and those that were not declaring Forex.If Dora got them illegally then let the law take its coarse

  7. “Those motor cycles are all over the country, we bought them for sale. Unless I see them, that is when I will be able to confirm that they are the ones,” Mr Mungala said.

    I thought I heard Dora on 19:00hrs news say they were a donation not bought? MD says they bought and the patron says its a donation. Somethings fishyyy Police swaaaa! please turn every stone.

  8. To be honest, there are surely some people like Dora whom the new government & some sections of our society feel are not clean. Fine. But to be fair, can’t our police investigate without all the fanfare? Why do things noisely as if they are the Intercity call boys?

  9. Go to Mwinilunga, the motor bike capital and you will be escorted on motor bike, Mwinilunga style. so no fuss about 12 motor bikes.

  10. This country has gone to the dogs. Wasting time on motor bikes. What about the development agenda? We dont care about the 90 days nonsense. All we want to hear is the development agenda, in Education, Health, Housing etc. And the policy on how the government is going to improve on what the MMD government did. No time to look back and waste time talking about none issues. Yes maybe the MMD misused our money, but what measures are being put in place to ensure that it does not happen again other than alarmist pronouncements from Sata and his fellow thugs?

  11. ZP, ACC & DEC need to conduct their investigations professionally. The days when you based your case on Q&A between a suspect & yourselves are now in the archives. Please quietly gather hard evidence anything else is political persecution which is wrong.
    Given should also not encourage this as in 5 yrs time the same officers will be after him. So given urge these guys to do their jobs properly.

  12. “He said unless there shall be an official enquiry on the seized electric motor bicycles, he would not be able to comment on the matter”.

    Mungala chipuba. He is commenting and at the same time saying he wont comment. He said they were bought but Dorah said they were donations. which one is whch

    • that is the problem with trying to cover lay ‘donated or bought’ please help us. I think Dora is avoiding the buy coz it involves money the police will ask the source , smart Dora. De ploblm this time she out GRZ. trouble !!!! ba Dora

  13. My Home Town is not satanic. the problem with Zambian’s is anything looking progresive and you are not part of it then its satanic. so many poor Zambian’s have been helped to come for medical attentions in SA. its not political and non partisan. I salute My Home Town cos I know alot of poor Zambian’s who have benefited from it. Morningside Clinic which always has someone from Zambia under my Home Town or they are accommodated in various Self Catering appartments while they seek medical attention. Viva my Home Town.

  14. There we go. I still maintain my stance. These half baked investigations will cost government alot of money and embarassment in the end even the person who really stole will go free. Police seem to be doing their investigations in a haste so much in tune with most blog comments. Just because someone drives an expensive car does not mean they stole to but it. You need to investigate them in detail. Remember financial information is private, unless you investigate and have authority you will remain speculating and hating those that seem to have beyond their means.

  15. Dora Siliya’s son is working in the USA so I understand. Am sure he can manage to buy several cars with no issues at all. I also know some kamasmall boy here in UK who has managed to buy his father, mother, brothers and sisters very nice cars that would make PF kaponyas investigate but the boy is working and can manage to buy anything he wants to buy either here in UK or in Zambia. Infact when one is working outside Zambia say in Europe he/she can buy big things in zambia that even Sata may not even be able to buy using his government salary. This is total vindictiveness. I also own 8 cars and I do not have any receipts. But I have blue/ white books for them. What can I do guys? I end here!

  16. we love dora, go gal we are behind you. show this piece of shit pf that you cannot compete with unlearned pipo. dora the intellectual and intelligent gal. kisses and hugs baby.

  17. Dora Siliya’s son is working in the USA so I understand. Am sure he can manage to buy several cars with no issues at all. I also know some kamasmall boy here in UK who has managed to buy his father, mother, brothers and sisters very nice cars that would make PF kaponyas investigate but the boy is working and can manage to buy anything he wants to buy either here in UK or in Zambia. Infact when one is working outside Zambia say in Europe he/she can buy big things in zambia that even Sata may not even be able to buy using his government salary. This is total vindictiveness. I also own 8 cars and I do not have any receipts. But I have blue/ white books for them. What can I do guys? But baPF 5 years sipatali ka you will be on the receiving end also. I warn you. I end here!


  19. sikota and dora are fools, they want to take us for a ride. she will shut her stupid mouth when she is arrested, vimatako

  20. Its interesting to watch the drama unfold. Proir to the elections, the media (both public & private) carried a story on some cadres arrested for election violence. One was from MMD, Alex ‘Shimpundu Pankoloko’ while there other was Dixion Pende Nonde PF. Soon after elections, Shi Mpundu was convicted and went in for 18 days and has since completed his sentnce, and the other cadre has had his case die a natural death and walking the streets freely as if nothing happened. What do you call this?

  21. The issue of disclosure of party funds /sponsorship has been in public domain for quite some time now,but no party is willing both ruling and opposition.Then why grab/search/drag your collegues,just because they are on a weaker side.If PF is transperent can you disclose where you got your source of funds as well,two, can the PF surrender honestly that which they got by deceit (don’t kubeba) corrupt practice from opposition parties.Dr Malama must investigate such and account for all what is being grabbed or the next government will catch up with you.

  22. “Unless I see them, that is when I will be able to confirm that they are the ones,” Mr Mungala shy do yu want to see them first? Don’t yu hve minutes and documental evidence on expenditure of K140m somewhere? Please excuse me. Why has the good matron brought yu in all these weeks?

  23. Dora leka ukulila iwe. Bonse we need to be honest with what we have been entrusted with especially ama offices. You can see that people who did not touch the feace like Chituwo, namulambe, shikapwasha, munkombwe,namugala, mutati etc no one is writing their names on walls. There is time for everything time to laugh and time to cry eclesiat 3.

  24. This PF government should please go to work. you have very little time and you are making alot of mistakes, when your time is up it will certainly be pandamonium for PF to recover. i personally voted PF but not impressed so far. get work please!

  25. This is how cheap our govt is interrogating a teenager ,can he know how mummy acquires/d her wealth when he was at school just admit u have no proof now u want to intimidate the young boy shame

  26. The police will be embarrassed by this prosecution. Who is the one who reported a crime to the police over this matter and what is the crime since the owners of the bycles say there is nothing wrong? Just because you hate Dora you should not lose the gift of logical thinking and analysis. If Dora is convicted over this I will never wear clothes in public again.

  27. I’ve got 3 cars. Am I in trouble? Just joking!!!! Is anyone keeping tabs on the 90 days or have we all moved on to the hunt? On election day I had K3.1m in my Stanchart account. Today I have K4.4m.

    10. etc please add to the LIST

  29. False acuusation when not proved by law attract law suit. Lawyers like Mumba Kapumba will jump on it and sue govt. Remember, Mahtani, Chiluba, Faustin Kabwe, Chungus(2) and poo Dr Bulaya still serving jail were all represented by lawyers who were after money. When Bulaya was milked dry Mumba Kapumba run away from him now stuck with Mahtani for more money. Shameless lawyers as only a few are really proffessional and Sakwiba is one of those genuinely representing former MMD govt officials being persecuted by PF govt.

  30. Zambians wake up don’t trust this Sata and his PF government! He is sending PF cadre Kabimba to Belgium on government paid BILLS and at the same time condemning the MMD for using cadres in the former government and to pay for a legitimate former President Banda peace and election observing mission to Congo! What a contradiction of this man called Sata. I honestly can not stand this man. I s it possible for elections to be brought forward to 2012 so that we Zambians can vote this man out and his PF cadres out?

    Zambians help please. This man is a time waster

  31. Ladies and Gentlemen this is the beginning of the broom sleeping the dirty floors.Now all you blood suckers and criminals you will be audited how did you build those expensive houses,where did you get the money to buy all those vehicles.The Cobra is just beginning.

  32. #12 ui mbushi sana….kabili wabika nge fyakulya fyobe…u say why does Sata care…??? Remember; money stolen from Zambia by Dora and company belong to Sata alone but to the Zambian people as a whole. Pres. Sata is just the presiding overseer of our beloved Zambia. People like u  will never amount to anything…please ZP mu mangeni uyo Dora….giver her nasty ass and over used P.U.S.S.Y……please ba ZP to the suffering prisoners….they will surely feast on her.

  33. Good that someone is now ready to put the whole thing to rest.Good for you Dora…ati bwanji apa ?

  34. Just show them proof of purchise. (invoice)
    # 16The Prof .. No no. I disagree with you on the first sentence. Unless you have dirty hands.. development can not happen without cleaning the mess. #12 salter pa States < good posting. .. tiyende pamozi namutima umo

  35. Can anybody on this blog answer where Dora’s son got the $250,000 in his account? He is only 19 so where did he ever work to save such a huge amount of cash?There are some PSs who have worked for GRZ for donkey years and have never managed to save such a big amount..Guys , let us think with our brains and not our hearts.Whether we cry or rejoice, the PF government is here to stay.HH should be a councillor till 2021 and then after that stand as an MP and then try the Presidency in 2026 because by then he would have matured

  36. # 51
    there is only one reason : he is one of thieves and plunderers’ sons

    By Zambian Watchdog on Tuesday 26 April 2011


    Jimbo is now the man to talk to if you wanted to sell anything from cell phone gadgets, fertilizer, road contracts, oil and now even the mines.

    Jimbo put together the Baluba deal (sale of Luanshya Mines to the Chinaman who won’t pay tax for the next 15 years as over worked miners go home with pea nuts) where some millions of dollars allegedly exchanged hands.

    Jimbo cannot be ignored now. In terms of life style, Jimbo lives what many simply dream of. It is a first class red carpet life. The only difference is it is being subsidized by ill gotten public wealth.

  37. continued

    Recently he caused a sensation when he made an outright cash purchase of a Mercedes Benz S600 (worth $250,000.00), a BMW X6 ($120,000.00) for his girlfriend and innumerable lush gifts of expensive cars and houses for his many wives.
    Jimbo is in now playing in the same league with sons of African dictators notorious for luxurious lifestyles, extravagant expenditures that represented the rot and extent of corruption their fathers had been involved in.
    But this was the period when “Big Men” reigned and the West’s interests in Africa were not focused on good governance but mainly on raping the mineral resources such as copper gold, uranium you name it.
    Poverty levels in general were also much lower than the current more than 70 percent levels existing in Zambia for example.

  38. continued
    It is therefore surprising that in this modern day and age of anti-corruption and intense calls for good governance, any president will engage in corruption, let alone his lieutenants and children when lessons on how such acts are being dealt with are many in the region and beyond.
    Corrupt children and their parents are canned together with parents as the case is just next door in Egypt and Libya.
    Recently, anti-corruption and human rights groups were outraged when the son of President of Equatorial Guinea, Nguema, and Theodore Obiang Nguema ordered a Yacht worth $396m.
    Nguema whose lifestyle is financed from the country’s stolen oil revenue has a $35m house in California, owns premier sports cars such as Lamborghini, Buggatti Veyron, Ferraris and Porsches

  39. It is a pity Zambians allowed useless people like Sikota to enter parliament, given any chance he can sale the country just to enrich himself. This guy has no morals.

  40. All of you that are saying the investigation are a which hunt on MMD. Did you see the 2.1 billion hidden at Liatos farm what is you comment. I guess the money just happened to haveburried it self or was done so by the MMD. You chaps defending the Incontinent Dora Slit should be fools.

  41. Sakwita, come and help liato too. Since you ll be filthy rich defending these criminals. Useless politician. What time do you sit to plan for ULP? Or is it dead? You are so useless no wonder Tongas refused you to lead UPND after mazoka. You are so useless, HH is even better.

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