Friday, March 14, 2025

Jerabo kills wife,fakes suicide


As Zambian women joined the rest of the world in commemorating 16 days of gender activism to raise greater awareness around women’s rights, a Jerabo man in Kalulushi allegedly killed in cold blood his 18-year-old wife and later tried to cover up the suspected murder, Police confirmed yesterday.

It is not clear what time the senseless murder occurred but the victim has been identified as Prescosia Chama.She has left behind a one-year-old baby she had with the same Jerabo.This is according to police spokeswoman Elizabeth Kanjela.

“It appears he beat her up quite a lot and when she died, he tried to cover it all up by tying a wire around her neck and hanging her with the same wire in order to make it appear like a suicide,” Kanjela said, “but the post-mortem shows that she did not commit suicide. She could have died as a result of the violent beatings.”

Ms Kanjela told the Daily Mail that Joseph Soko, who has a history of violence, has been arrested and “will appear in court as soon as possible to answer murder charges.”

The infamous Jerabos—a street lingo term which means ex-jail boys or plain thieves—are notorious for their disregard for the law in particular and human life in general.

Their favourite pastime is to hijack on highways truckloads of copper destined for exportation from the various mining houses in the Copperbelt province or beating up people, mostly womenfolk.

In April they stormed a Kitchen Party in Kitwe and beat up the women who were having a party there because one of the girls in the party, the host apparently, had refused to marry one of their copper-thief bosses.

Chama, whose one-year-old child is unlikely to grow up with both parents, is not the only Zambian woman who has been brutalised and killed needlessly in Zambia in recent years as studies show “a sharp rise” in violence against women.
[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Quite an unfortunate situation, and my heart goes to the family of the deceased, BUT someone needs to fire this reporter…what kind of English let alone reporting is this?

  2. The iz a very sad development for this18 year old wife and a baby! Much az the legal age for marriage in Zambia iz 16, it’s realistically too early for a woman to find and court a man, carry a pregnancy to term in in two yearz.

  3. Legal age to marry in zambia is 16yrs or my foot, this is total nonsense at 18 how do u have a kid what age did u finish school thus why poverty will never end in zambia, i have a PhD and iam scared of marrying because my current Job does not pay me we, i get US$10,000 per month, anyway MHSRP and cage that satana man

  4. Very sad story. Please Lusaka Times editor, may you learn to correct the English mistakes which are in most of your articles. Remember your stories are read by many people non Zambians inclusive.

  5. Why is this jerabo stupidity being allowed to exist in the country. What is the so called Dr Malama doing to curb it. I hope the chap hangs by the neck till he stops breathing.

  6. The Police should do more for our people how can jerabos keep on doing this and all we do is just talk about them?Do we need a vigilante to clean the mess?which is even wrong.The funny thing is when people take law into there hands it becomes an issue and they get locked up,i don’t understand.My condolences to the family,am not trying to condemn the girl but ladies should chose who to play with,girls like cash too much that they don’t mind spending there life with a dangerous criminal,imwe! aweh take the rough road and build slowly money will come later.My sisters i feel bad……..THINK OF IT

  7. The level of journalism exhibited here is unacceptably low. It took forever for me to find out what a “jerabo” was. Please define your terms early so that people don’t lose interest in the story because they do not know what you’re talking about.

  8. I thought the new inspector General said he is going to deal firmly with the Jerabos,where is he and what is he doing about this?

  9. Awe mwandi ati “Chama, whose one-year-old child is unlikely to grow up with both parents”…duh? “Unlikely”? More like “definitely”! Don’t tell me this person collects a pay check for their reporting?

  10. Plse zambia police help us to restore order and sanity.Honestly at this era we dont expect such acts of barbarism.We are tired of the so called JERABOS wat an agry name Ha!

  11. #23 Damn head u are a sucker unemployment in Zambia is @ 60% where do u think she will get the money to go to College?Wherever u are wake up. scum bag Please do not insult the dead

  12. There are a lot of reasons why people marry young and also not every one can afford to go to school. For some marriage is a better option than prostitution. instead of condeming why this young woman was married with a child at such a young age, please deal with what is wrong here. Murder,,FULLSTOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. #24 you should not bring your emotions, insulting character on this very important platform where views must be expressed regardless. However I won’t even waste time responding to you coz I can’t sink to your level of thinking.


  15. Very sad development indeed. But equally saddening is the quality of reporting in this article. Where are we going as a nation, mwe bantu? What are our journalism schools teaching these days? Epo mpelele.

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