Friday, March 14, 2025

KK assures China that President Sata means well


First republican president Kenneth Kaunda and Foreign Affairs deputy minister Dr Effron Lungu before departure for China at Kenneth Kaunda International airport in Lusaka
First republican president Kenneth Kaunda and Foreign Affairs deputy minister Dr Effron Lungu before departure for China at Kenneth Kaunda International airport in Lusaka

First Republican President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda has assured the Chinese government that the PF government under the leadership of President Sata is ready to engage China as economic development partner.

ZANIS reports that Dr. Kaunda says President Sata does not in anyway hold any anti-Chinese feelings as the world tended to believe in the past especially in the run up to the September 20 tripartite elections which saw him ascend to the presidency.

He said President Sata is a truthful, genuine and honest man who always stands for the truth.

Dr. Kaunda said this today when he visited the China non-ferrous Metals Mining Company in Beijing.

Dr. Kaunda explained that President Sata had sent him to China as a special envoy to reassure the Chinese government and its people that the Zambian government is ready to support and work with the people of China.

He explained that President Sata has written a letter to the President of China Hu Jintao which will be handed over to his Vice President Xi Jinping tomorrow in which he outlines his readiness to work with China.

Dr. Kaunda noted that President Micheal Sata had sent him to Angola a few weeks ago on a similar mission to renew Zambia’s relations with that country.



  1. Good message, but can the Constable stand by that message please, otherwise you will start looking a fooool ba KK.

  2. You cant ignore China. In last evening’s US Republican Party debate, Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney alluded to the fact that China is an emerging super-power that cannot be ignored. Good job super Ken to know what China means to the world.

  3. Yes we can not ignore China, but that does not give Chinese companies/investors (infestors) a passport to abuse Zambian employees and pay them slave wages. The so called new super power must behave on this score and that’s what MCS has been telling them. To respect laws of the land.

  4. Its nice to see how a former president is being sent to such missions, really Diplomatic of Michael Sata. But again, i think ba KK should enjoy his retirement. He needs rest, nabakula ba mudala.

    If the same gesture can be handed to RB, i see a very united Zambia which has matured democratically. Hence the GRZ, kindly sponsor his trip to DRC and please ba RB disassociate yourself from politics. You did your part, served Zambia and scored in some areas and failed in some. We Salute you and wish you well.

    God bless Zambia

    • I Like your thinking .very reasonable. You are the people we would love to be commenting here than bitter fellas who can’t think but insult instead.

  5. Bashitisha ichalo!!! But again which other partner can we get. USA is a mess, Europe is in Limbo… LOOK EAST IS THE SOLUTION..

  6. I agree with No 1, KK will regret having associated with SATA going by what is presently occurring in the country I don’t see any good ending for the present Leadership. W ether people agree or not the fact is things are not well.

  7. Mending bridges……My President, please be careful with what you say about other nations and companies in future. 

  8. It is better for the President to visit Chaina and speak to his friend the presodent of Chaina.Kaunda is too old to travell long distances.However, the problem is if the president travels outside Zambia who acts as a President because Guy Scot cant act as president.Because the constitutes stipulates that one to act as president is some one who is capabable to be elected to the office of the president.Guy scot at the moment is not allowed to be elected to the office of the republican Presidency.Hence at the moment the president has to send some one to represent him on outside assignments.Other wise he has to choose a Minister to act as President when he goes outside Zambia for some days.

  9. The headline should hav read ” KK begs China”. We need China more than China needs us. They hav more investments in Tanzania, Congo DR, Angola and Zimbabwe. Sata thought Zambia was big. The West is broke Sata, evryone is luking east.

  10. This is a classic example of what makes the cost of doing business in Zambia high. Leaders opening their mouths undiplomatically, only to swallow their own words and spend huge amounts of money making amends. Guys, we have broken the bonds of friendship built up painstakingly over 50 years, no matter how much we apologise the trust is already broken and we end up with feigned and not genuine friendship.

  11. nice old trademark suits of his presidency, the man has kept touch with his real self. good work old man in your old age. keep up serving mother zambia. china can hear you coz you worked well with them.

  12. Ba KK ati Sata is a “truthful, genuine and honest man” since when? or are you pals now that he beat the fellas that beat you? Is it because the enemy of your enemy becomes your friend? Careful KK your name will be tarnished. Complete your memoirs they are overdue old man.

  13. Sata is just doing what is right at the moment,even when he was in the opposition Sata did not say that Chinese investment was not needed by the Zambian people all he said was we must let China invest at our terms and conditions.Let us not misinterpret what he said,sending Mr K.K was a very good diplomatic move as most would agree and i disagree with the one’s saying he is too old to travel.How old is Jimmy Carter?In my view i feel K.K was just that perfect person-fit for this mission and this has demonstrated the high level of diplomacy the PF government is committed to and i don’t think K.K or the Zambian people will ever regret this move but i surely feel it is just proper and in order for the current government to fund RB and his entourage..

  14. KK does not mind doing the dirty work of a man who had a hand in the death of his son?  The man who wanted to deport to Malawi? Politicians are something else! Does this mean that KK is back in active politics and does that mean he ceases to collect his benefits as a former head of state as he is doing the work that should be done by the Commerce and Foreign Ministers,although I can understand why not even Chilufyana would want to send Kambwili to represent the country.

  15. How do you say ‘Please excuse my humble tail tucked in between my legs. Accept our heart felt apologies for not realising how much we need you.’ in Chinese?

  16. #20 you right and really a patriotic Zambian.Your comment is right,i only disagree with you on the government sponsoring RB s entourage.His trip is being sponsored by the Carter Foundation so he doesnt need a big entourage except what the foundation is requesting.We dont need to waste tax payers money for that trip.Rather we pay for him to go to RSA for his medicals on his problematic knee.

  17. This are excellent diplomatic moves, only strengthening those ties that will benefit the country, not running to any invitation the President is invited to.
    I have heard some people complain that the President has not travelled around neighbouring countries to renew our ties, remember how we complained about RB travelling??? Teams he is sending are travelling very few and effective, he is a working president, at home!!!

  18. It seems special envoys now don’t take mnessages directly to head of state, eh? The Lady with a message from Malawi was met by Guy Scot, not Sata, at a hotel in Lusaka. Interesting.

    China is a heavy weight, granted, but we still need to put our house in order so that our immigration and labour laws protect our people.
    #17 Donchi at work. Excellent spin there re cost of doing business! You are a genius.

  19. KK preaching Zambia that SATA is honest and genuine. I think KK head needs to be examined. First he say SATA is not fit to be president now he is praising the COBRA. My Word!!

  20. so, when Zambia needs China , it wants to be friend with China. But when Zambia feel it doesn’t need China’s investment(during the election) anymore, it tries kick and smear China. And now it wants China’s investment again after Zambia found out it still needs them.

    It doesnt’ sound like Zambia is a dependable or friendly country for China’s investment.

  21. Question please, was it not HE MCS who told the Anglican Bishop that Zambia has fallen behind, development wise because of too much focus on the EAST instead of strengthening relations with the West??? Please clarify

  22. kaunda is old he nneds to rest. lets bury hatred that is being potrayed in Zambia. Sata was suposed to use RB and not old KK. ******mba. he should also try to learn on how he should start miixing with interlectuals himself so he can gain experience. i know Sata cant handle international maters of such leve never please lets face facts. he really needs help. chi KK is exposed and knows how to negociate. Ba Sata kuti baya tukana fye mubantu and embarrase Zambia. he still cant move to advanced countries. we see KK being President in brackets here . ba KK is the President they way i see things and not Sata.. sata is just too good at organising thing on groung level and not at international level not now.

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