Friday, March 14, 2025

RB surprised at persecution his former ministers


File: President Banda with his candidate of choice Kennedy Zulu who was one of the first NEC members to defect to PF

Zambia’s fourth president Rupiah Banda lamented at what he described as persecution of some of the ministers who served in his administration. Mr Banda said he was surprised that this was happening despite him having accepted to hand over power peacefully.

He said he did not understand why some PF members were grabbing bicycles from MMD members in Chipata even after the former ruling party handed over power peacefully.

Mr. Banda travelled to Chipata by road and was escorted by three official vehicles.

Zambia’s fourth president said he now felt betrayed by a number of MMD members whom he thought were loyal to him at the time he was at the helm of the country and the party.

Addressing his sympathisers in Chipata at the weekend, Mr Banda said he was disappointed with members who deserted the party shortly after realising the MMD’s 20-year reign had come to an end.

This was Mr Banda’s first visit to Eastern Province after being defeated by Patriotic Front’s leader, Michael Sata in polls held on September 20.

Mr Banda said he has learnt a lot of lessons from the loss and that he has come to know which people were genuine members of the former ruling party.

The former head of State apologised to the people in the province for supporting the candidature of former MMD provincial chairperson, Kennedy Zulu at the party’s provincial conference prior to the tripartite elections.

Chipata business executive, Chilufya Chishala, was the preferred candidate for the position of MMD provincial chairperson but Mr Banda intervened and endorsed Mr Zulu and instructed delegates at the conference to support his candidate.

Mr Zulu was, however, among the first National Executive Committee members of the MMD to defect to the ruling PF after the elections.

“I have a case before you the people of Eastern Province for defending Kennedy Zulu as provincial chairperson,” Mr Banda told his supporters who met him at the Chipata-Lundazi Road junction.

He urged MMD members in Chipata not to be ashamed following the loss but to remain united and reorganise the party so as to be able to take on future elections.

Mr. Banda said the MMD scored many successes in the economy citing the rehabilitation of roads, construction of new hospitals and schools as some of the developmental projects the MMD successfully executed during his reign.

‘MMD did a lot during my tenure in office. More roads, schools, hospitals have been built across the country, there is no need of being ashamed of ourselves, instead we should be proud of that,’ he said.

The former head of State was later driven to his Chasimpa Bwezani Farm on the Chipata-Mfuwe Road,

And acting provincial chairperson, Ezekiel Mtonga said the MMD was strong in the province.

Mr. Mtonga said the defection of the former provincial chairperson, Mr. Zulu to the PF had not disturbed the party.


  1. Dear Mr Banda, you were defeated in the elections. You therefore, had no choice but to hand over power. You DO NOT deserve any special consideration for handing over power ‘peacefully’ as your employers – the Zambian people has sacked you. If you are looking for sympathy or praise, you DO NOT deserve it. While you could fly to South Africa to have your knee checked, our mothers were dying during childbirth due to your greed and self interest. While you persecuted political opponents, your wife was drawing a salary for a job she was not performing. So, excuse me for not caring about the ‘bicycles’ that you seem so proud of. I just don’t care – just as you never cared about our people.

  2. to sum up…

    “I handed over power peacefully so close your eyes on my bribes and on our plunder of Zed”

    but the corrupt Humpty Dumpty dreams, he is accountable to the Zambian people…

  3. RB and the MMD lamentably lost the Sept. 11, 2011 electionz and the only sensible thing to do waz to hand over power. So nobody did anybody a favour7. Thoze who conducted themslvez in a questionable manner will  have to answer to the people of Zambia, and this should not be seen az persecution just becauze they may be MMD! 

  4. RB , how do you explain a ex senior minister ( Musokotwane ) saying the 1000 bicycles where for personal use ?? You underated the people thank god Sata is on your A.s.s . Its a matter of time your immunity will be lifted !

  5. too bad,this when yu work up rb? yu were blinded by power,pipo advised yu left right and centre to no avail.too bad indeed.worse is yet to come,be strong and do not stress much.

  6. MMD gorvernment did not recogonize miners. no terminal benefit from zccm, no interest from zccm terminal benefit, poor condition of service from mopani employees. MMD was a very bad gorvernment. let them go mwee

  7. Peacefully,do you know pipo died in Kitwe,ati i handed peacefully.Why did KK have to talk to you.Ok why did you cry…..

  8. Handing over power peacefully does not buy you free ticket to run away with ill-gotten wealth and don’t confuse persecution with prosecution……and because of your tribalism which is deeply embedded in you, you could not stomach having a guy called Chilufya Chishala to head the MMD in your village, for this and to you sir I say good riddance!!!

  9. Ala B, you handed over power because we rejected you as Zambians so expect no favours if your former ministers and indeed yourself commited crime against us.

  10. It is really sad we had such a person as our head of state. It just shows the level of political immaturity of the majority of Zambians. My fear is that nothing much will change & hence we are still capable of repeating such a mistake.

  11. RB what other choice did you have apart from handing over power peacefully? Let those that stole taxpayers money payback and this should be a lesson to the newly elected/appointed leaders.  

  12. RB you did not handover power. the zambian people voted you OUT BECAUSE YOU FAILED THEM.YOUR MINISTERS ARE NOT BEING PERSESUTED .the zambian people want to know how the state funds were used, why are you worried? is it because you know the truth? WE WONT FEEL SORRY FOR YOU EITHER, IF FOUND WANTING.ZAMBIANS SUFFERED ENOUGH AT YOUR HANDS IT IS NOW PAY BACK TIME. SO NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY.. ALL WILL FALL ON DEAF EARS.DID YOU THINK YOU WOULD RULE ZAMBIA FOR EVER? SHAME UPON YOU .

  13. Ba RB, today you have forgotten about ZAMTEL and all other fishy deals and you say your former ministers are being persecuted? The people of Zambia just want what belongs to them. If any of your former ministers did anything wrong, including you, then the law will visit you, PERIOD!

  14. It’s simple and basic, when you hold public office, you must be accountable. Anyone probed must comply, as you earn your money easily, you must sweat for it too. Nonsense!

  15. What does he mean despite handing over power peacefully? When you lose an election you move out as simple as that, so handing over power peacefully is expected in a democratic country. Should the Law enforcement agencies not bring to book ex ministers just because the former ruling party claims they handed over power peacefully? Tax payers money is hard earned money and whoever abuses it regardless of what status they are must be answerable to contributors of this money. Break the law and you face the consequences its as simple as that.

  16. You are next in line to be visited by the popos mambala. You thought Zambians were fools and you took advantage of the poor pipo. You and your ministers need to be locked up asap, we are tired of mmd and your corupt minds.

  17. This isn’t about persecution, this is about accountability. How did each minister discharge their duties? The logic is, PF govt is trying to unveil how the head of each ministry operated and if procedures put in place were followed to the letter. They are not interested in individuals, otherwise most of the MMD ministers will be behind bars, what PF govt wants to establish is, if abuse, corruption or otherwise occurred in the discharge of the duties of ministers. Then, decision makers will be asked why they made such bad decisions and only then a full investigation will be established to dig deeper into the operations of such failing ministries. A case in point is ministry of health. we all know how corruptly this ministry has been twisted to.

  18. RB you have really cracked me up…well let me school you on this…you see in life its not the falling that kills you,its that sudden dead end that kills,so you shud have seen it coming and dont expect us to give a sholder to cry on since you seem to have a tendency of crying…oops this is just the begining theres more to come…I mean more RB..alot more coming…kekekekeke

  19. RB stop teasing Zambians. You with your ministers stole from poor Zambians. You only thought of yourselves and children. Useless people. Handing power is what you were supposed to do coz you lost terribly man. Please Sata quicken the investigations into Shikapwasha and chanda chimwii at ZNBC, we want Shikapwasha arrested asap.

  20. Jail awaits you. Even MMD is probing you to find out where you got the resources, how much and what have you done with the money and where you have kept the remainder. U are in hot Soup.!!!!!!

  21. “I have a case before you the people of Eastern Province for defending Kennedy Zulu as provincial chairperson,” Mr Banda told his supporters who met him at the Chipata-Lundazi Road junction. Chipata business executive, Chilufya Chishala, was the preferred candidate for the position of MMD provincial chairperson but Mr Banda intervened and endorsed Mr Zulu and instructed delegates at the conference to support his candidate.
    Says it all. Just like he did with Bum Bum.

    And yes you lost an election so you had no choice but to hand over you tool! Did you want to do a Gbagbo? We know about how you resisted and instructed that results stop being announced.

    Just wait the net is coming. Toot toot toot!

  22. bemba thieves leave rb alone and concentrate on yo kaponya tribalist , will jst choke with bitterness.pension,bodyguards,free house,while you live poverty stricteken awaiting no money in yo ;lazy pockets.amambala

  23. ……….not only that. He was forced to step down by KK, American Ambassador and other dignitaries.

    #22 X5….Great stuff

    The biggest lesson here is “dont take people for granted” and “never ever underestimate people power”

    Good luck!!!

  24. So in short he did not want to handover power peacefully, he had so other motives, Sata must in quickly and arrest this man he is useless, he thinks by handing over power which he lost peacefully he was did Zambians a favour, The bottom line is you hand over power when you lose elections like he did. This is not Ivory Cost, l warn him very severely

  25. So in short, he did not want to hand over power peacefully, he had some other motives, Sata must move in and arrest this evil man he is use less, he thinks by handing ove which he lost he did Zambians a favour. The bottom line is you hand over power after losing elections full stop. This is not Ivory Cost I warn him very severely.

  26. Lupya will soon start dacing pelete.Leadership/Presidency of involving sons is very dangerous.Look at what happen to Saddam and his sons , Gaddafi and with his sons and Mubbarak and his sons.All these examples Rupya was aware of of all these examples but allowed his sons to meddle in running Govt in sourcing contracts for themselves.


  27. mmm interesting to see the naivity of people above. They scorn RB’s comment about handing over power…funny then that Obama thanked RB for handing over peacefully, Sata thanked him, the AU thanked him…I wonder why. Were they thinking about what went on in Ivory Coast, Libya, Egypt? The Carter Centre is now using him as Election Observer on DRC, why? Because he has established good democratic credentials. Just wait until Sata has to hand over power…I doubt he and his PF cronies will be as as gracious…mark my words. Let the MMD elect a new leader and let RB go about his retirement.

  28. @#32 Chimpi. So you want Sata to cling on to power just so you can come and say “I told you so”

    Kolwe thinking, no wonder we are called monkeys. If you lose you hand over, there is nothing special there. That is the way it should be.

    Jesus some people are thick!

  29. The fact that he could even think that handing over power means no prosecution just shows what kind of fella we had at the helm…accountability did & still does not exist in his vocabulary. Useless and selfish man…chi blue mutwe gumu gumu.

  30. Very selfless leader, he did not complain about his own persecution but he put that of his ministers before his own.

  31. # 27 Smith -Why can’t you argue objectively instead of resorting to shallow prejudice and incomprehensible drivel?

  32. when that monkey urinated on him at state house, some one smowhere interpreted that grave consequence of that as bad omen. we ignored him. now this guy is all out to prove to all and sundry that he is totally useless and annoying. even a child knows that he was stealing. cage him.

  33. # 32 Chimpi – “Just wait until Sata has to hand over power…I doubt he and his PF cronies will be as as gracious…mark my words.” I challenge you to read Sata’s speach with regards to those who had been insulting him during the run up to the tripatite elections.He is still being insulted left right and centre – just go to ZWD website and see for yourself. If he was what the likes of you have been calling him he he could have sought reprisals by now. I am sure he will concede defeat when that time comes – Zambia is a democratic country afterall .

  34. We just want to know where MMDead got the money to buy 150+ cars and the extravagant campaign the whole southern Africa has ever seen….thats not too much to ask now…

  35. It is amazing that perfectly sensible people can arque that all the suffering of the Zambian people is due to RB who ruled for 36 months. Zambians grow up please. Chiluba and Sata did the same to KK in 1991 and is now naming an Airport after him. Amazing people Zambians. Just can not kick bad habits.

  36. Let him travel by road because he used to fly from one chopper to another, what roads, schools , hospital to bost about when he never finished any project, he is fooling himself.

    he is bitter and time will catchup with him soon.

  37. When there’s a wrong you correct it, Zambia just wants to know the truth. You handed over power and yes you just had to! What other options did you have? To hand it over to the ARMY so there could be uprising and killing people for your own enrichment? Tata ba Mudala Rupiah, it seems upto now you CRY in your SLEEP and ask GOD why you had to LOSE…! Well its simple…People of Mother Zambia saw how much you chose to lavish yourself and MMD and forgetting your main purpose of being in office as a HEAD of STATE…more is yet to come, lets hope you will stand the PRESSURE!!!

  38. PHD Pa zambia, Ma jelous..Your Parents have lead you to a poor life, leave the Bandas along he worked hard to put his children were they are.

    By next april very few people should even open there mouths to talks because most of you earn below 2 million. We are very few who will be paying TAX to pay for your Under five Clinics for your Children made in your bed at mid night

  39. RB. your ministers are now in the UPS truck. Let them test the Unemployed Peoples Society, just as you did to ZAMTEL workers. What Goes Around, Comes Around! You resisted the defeat, KK had to come in for to accept, you call that PEACEFULLY after 4 days? People had already died before the winner had to be declared. Prayer for you; LORD HELP US THAT THIS RUTHLESS PARTY DIES FOREVER!

  40. so what if you handed power ? RB plz feel ashamed of your mess up u left in your governance of this great nation : zambia . the best you can do is let law enforcement agencies do the work and bring culprits to book so that they are prosecuted .we shall remember RB for corruption and misuse of govt resources . RB did no want to leave state house but thanks to zambian pipo for their prayers period . God is not a fool. Recomendations go to NEW IG .

  41. Rupiah Banda has a very low IQ. He doesn’t seem to know what the word persecute means and he talks of ‘handing over power peacefully’, was there any other way after losing an election or is he confirming that he tried to bring chaos by trying to cling on? So it’s true that some security people warned him to stop his evil intentions and concede defeat.
    He admits he was so daft he couldn’t see that bootlickers were misleading him. He single-handedly endorsed his puppets. Now he is not being met at an airport but at a dusty Chipata- Lundazi junction.

  42. I handed over power peacefully so I, my family, or my ministers should be not be investigated for anything, right? WOW, this says a lot about the mentality of most of RB’s generation who have had the privilege to be Presidents on our beloved continent. To these people the words “DEMOCRACY & CONSTITUTION” are as alien as an “ice-cap” in the Kalahari desert! Sir, in a Democracies, a Constitution rules supreme, not whims of men or women. And last time I checked, Zambia had a Constitution which demands that you handover power—-PEACEFULLY!—-when you lose an election. Ain’t that true, bwana former President? So you shouldn’t expect special treatment for abiding by our Constitution.

  43. cont…

    In fact the praise or kudos you are getting from people and/or foreign entities are misplaced. You should thank the African despots such as Gbagbo, Museveni, and Mugabe for distorting what should be a routine reality on our beloved continent. I don’t see or hear people heaping praise or favors on a European or American President for handing over power. So why should it be any different with you, RB?

  44. cont…
    For your own info., the French former president, his name escapes me at the moment, but the one before Sacozy (sp), was/is under investigations for corruption or something he did when he was president, yet he also handed over power peacefully in his country! Even the Israeli former Prime Minister (can’t remember his name ) was once investigated for corruption and was, if I ma not mistaken, convicted and order to pay millions of dollars back. So what is so strange about our govt trying to investigate former Cabinet Ministers suspected of engaging in corruption?

  45. cont…
    There are a lot of questionable things that people like Dora Silly allowed themselves to be part of. And credible criminal investigations will be able to clear the air. If she never committed offenses, the truth will bear her out and she has nothing to fear. But unfortunately sir, you encouraged some of these people to be unethical in their dealings as ministers because of your non-action when it came to fighting corruption.

  46. cont…
    You even saw it fit to do away with laws which were meant to vigorously fight graft among govt officials. And what message do you think such actions sent to your lieutenants?—-YOU CAN STEAL AND I WILL PROTECT YOU!!! All we were treated to were ‘colorful’ pronouncements against corruption. You let loose your own family and certain Cabinet Ministers in your govt to behave as though they were law unto themselves when it came to govt pronouncement procedures. This is why they are in trouble, not because there is a hidden agenda against them.

  47. cont…
    Why is it that even within the Party (MMD) you were in charge of for three years the same sort of allegations (misappropriations, misuse, missing of funds) are being made? Is the PF govt also making these allegations? Sir, these things should give you some pose to reflect on how far removed from reality you were as President. Not everybody you protected using the immense powers of the presidency are as honest and clean as you thought—-be careful who you defend, sir! You really don’t know everything.

  48. cont…
    You really don’t know everything. Like you yourself have acknowledged about Kennedy Zulu. These people took advantage of your “sheepish” leadership to screw poor Zambians and amass untold riches, far beyond their means. Or did you just decide to look the other way because your own family (your children, probably even your wife) were also deeply involved in questionable govt deals and businesses?! “Umulanda ta ubola”, as the Bembas would say!!

  49. Why can this fellow shut up? If he can’t please expedite his investigations so that he can be put behind bars and stop irritating us further. He did things as though he was going to remain president for life. You are to blame for all this and not PF and Sata. You failed even to change the constitution and now the bad laws you left are eating you up. Shame!

  50. Love you RB. you will always be a father and a parent for the few years you saved mother zambia. am proud that you have very advanced sons and educated

  51. and why is Sata taking his first cousin to Ottawa Mission as Deputy High Commissioner. people are quaite and are not talking about it. beacuse its sata. we have a living God. and he is not silent.

  52. Sorry…..

    Meant….”procurement”….and not! “pronouncement” procedures @58…. Also, “Umulandu”….not “umulanda” @60.

  53. BUFF00N RB can’t understand as he didn’t believe that corruption existed in his government, at you are travelling by road now not air-miles…you see how dangerous the GER is,how neglected it has been under your watch!! 

  54. RB no worries. It is a question of time before we begin to pick on their sins too as they did for the KK regime. Now KK is a great man although he left the country bankrupt – you didnt. All the macro economic indicators are good. Ive forgiven you for all you may have directly or indirectly done to me, if any.

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