Friday, January 10, 2025

The Continued Foreign Policy Fiasco of the “Donchi Kubeba” Government


File:President Sata talks to Chinese Ambassador to Zambia Zhou Yuxiao

By E. Munshya wa Munshya

That the Patriotic Front’s foreign policy is a disaster is there for all to see. It started at the inauguration of President Michael Sata when he refused to invite his Malawian counterpart but instead invited Wa Mutharika’s tumultuous predecessor Bakili Muluzi. This lack of clear foreign policy guidelines has spilled over into several diplomatic agencies of our republic. Zambia abstained from the UNESCO vote that admitted Palestine into full membership and additionally, it voted against a UN General Assembly motion condemning Iran for its role in planning an assignation of the Saudi diplomatic personnel.

Closer to home, the new government has picked up quarrels with the Malawian authorities to the extent of allowing a Malawian opposition radio station to operate on Zambian soil. With regard to Angola, the entire nation, and SADC region, and diplomatic corps was shocked when President Sata apologized to Angola for the “MMD government’s support for rebel leader Jonas Savimbi during the 1990s”.

The irony of this apology is that President Sata himself was actually the de-facto number three during this MMD government he was condemning. Since his inauguration only 2 regional leaders have been to Zambia and he has not even dared to travel to visit with his counterparts. Zambia a beacon of regional peace has been reduced to a grouchy neighour.

Nothing further demonstrates the Patriotic Front’s foreign policy catastrophe than what happened just this week. On a day that he sent President Kenneth Kaunda on a mission to China, President Sata refused to fund President Rupiah Banda’s trip to the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo for an observer mission.

In the same diplomatic hullabulla of fixing what is not broken, Sata not only sent Kaunda to Angola to mend relations that were not broken, he has now sent Kaunda to China to mend relations with China that have never been broken. His lunch with 150 Chinese investors at State House was more than enough for him to apologize for his anti-Chinese stance during his campaigns. Kaunda’s trip to China is unnecessary. Given that it is necessary, I wish to argue that equally necessary is how we handle our neighbors like Malawi and Congo DR.

On November 28 2011, Congo DR goes for its second national wide elections ever in its history. The international community is very concerned that Congo may relapse into yet another civil war. The opposition leader Etienne Tshisekedi has proclaimed himself Head of State, and the incumbent is facing the biggest opposition yet of his presidency. That the Congo is a turbulent country is a no brainer. Zambia has shared the problems of the Congo in our long history as a country. We share the longest border with the Congo and most ethnic groups in Zambia do have their counterparts across the border. What happens in the Congo greatly affects Zambian security and peace. Zambia cannot afford to overlook the Congo.

Since a peaceful Congo is in our best interest as a nation, any Zambian leader should make it a priority to ensure that Zambia is able to live at peace with the Congo. As such, any effort at ensuring that the Congo has peace should be a foreign policy priority for any Zambian government, but at least not for President Michael Chilufya Sata.

President Jimmy Carter has extended an invitation to President Rupiah Banda to co-lead with him a mission to Congo during these elections. President Carter and many western powers are quite impressed with Zambia’s peaceful transition from the MMD government to the PF government and from President Banda to President Sata. It is in this vein that most western powers are looking at using the Zambian example as a model of democracy to other African countries. A peaceful handover of power from one leader to another is something that is rare in Africa and so President Banda should be commended for having peacefully handed over to Sata.

It is in this spirit that Banda has been recognized by Carter to travel with him to Congo and help the Congo through its elections. No American leader has taken African interests more zealously than Carter. He was here in Zambia in 1991 when we made our transition from the Kaunda dictatorship to democracy. He helped pacify a nation in transit. Carter helped Zambia in our time of need. He spoke and advised Chiluba at a critical time when Chiluba was about to assume power. His presence was also an encouragement to Kaunda who quickly relinquished power when it became apparent that he had been beaten by over sixty-percent.

That Banda has been invited by Carter to go to Congo is positively praiseworthy. But the way President Sata responded to this invitation leaves much to be desired. Importantly, Sata equally praised the gesture. He congratulated his predecessor for this appointment. In what could just be described as shocking, President Sata then added that even though Banda should be congratulated for this appointment, he (Sata) was not going to fund Banda for this private adventure. President Michael Chilufya Sata’s response leaves much to be desired. Here are the reasons why.

  1. President Banda still remains a former Head of State who is entitled to security at taxpayer expense. President Sata cannot refuse to fund the security for a former Head of State. Indeed if Banda went to Congo and due to a security breach Banda gets hurt or is killed, it would not be good for the world to learn that our only other former Head of State went to the Congo without security.
  2.  President Sata is wrong to insinuate that Banda is taking a purely private visit to the Congo. It is either President Sata has paranoia or may be he has amnesia. How can a trip of peace to a troublesome neighbor be branded as a purely private visit? Indeed this would not be the first time that Banda is traveling out of the country. He recently went to Morningside Clinic for a medical check-up, and Sata funded that trip. If Sata funded the trip to Morningside Clinic, he surely can fund Banda’s trip to Congo, can’t he?
  3.  President Sata is wrong because his actions are dangerous to the security of our republic. To a large extent, Zambian security is closely intertwined with that of the Congo. Any initiative that helps to bring peace to the Congo should not be jeered but rather cheered. If the Congo is not peaceful it will be difficult if not impossible for Zambia to have peace. The fact that the Congo is having elections provides a chance for Zambia and other nations to play an initiative of peace. And as such, if that role comes through sending a former head of state to Congo, we must encourage that and not molest it. Doesn’t President Sata realize that if Congo relapsed into civil war, its insecurity will affect our own security? Doesn’t President Sata realize that if the Congo is unsafe, even the Chinese investment in Zambia may be at stake? It he could fund Kaunda’s trip to China couldn’t he also fund his predecessor’s trip to Congo. Surely, even if China pumped millions into Zambia if the Congolese “kadokos” decide to invade Zambia, even those Chinese millions will lose value. Peace is a prerequisite to economic growth.
  4. There is no justifiable reason why President Sata should refuse to fund Banda. There is no justifiable reason why Sata should refuse to provide security to Banda while in Congo. There is no justifiable reason why Sata should even have mentioned that gobbledygook about not funding Banda or members of Banda’s entourage. If Banda goes to the Congo and after the elections it emerges that Kabila has lost, no one can play a better role in convincing Kabila to relinquish power than a fellow African who has the experience of losing an election. Besides, Banda’s mission to the Congo is not a selfish enterprise on his own; it would lead to Zambia gaining a higher profile on the international scene.


May be Chilufya needs reminding that leading Zambia is not just about what you do in Lusaka for the people of Lusaka. It includes small efforts that you do for the weak and turbulent nations like the Congo. This is because, if Katanga or indeed Congo DR catches fire, that fire can easily spread to Nkwazi House or for the moment to Omelo Mumba Road since Chilufya has refused to move to Nkwazi House because it is too filthy. But for now, whether Nkwazi House is filthy or not, our sister nation is calling for our help and it will be folly for us to say no.


    • You cant call this invitation careless travelling. The analysis is very clear. Sata is just creating a bad name for himself and piling point on Banda who he thinks he’s hurting. This paranoia is detrimental to Zambia’s image and peace. He must accept that Banda ruled Zambia and there are millions who were happy with his rule including the international community. This is despite the obvious problems that he needed to improve on. He ruled the nation without discrimination. Sata’s hatred will take toll on his own image. It appears he only cares about the Chinese and Angola for his own reasons but no country is an island, more so that the world is a global village now.

    • “Government”, you have totally missed Munshya’s point. The gist of the statement is what you could have applauded and not your distorted view. I am sure you are capable of better comments than that!


  2. @THE EDITOR- Frankly, you are dillusional. You think we believe you? Hell no. This is your subjective opinion that shows how politically illiterate you are.
    Everyone knows that Malawi’s government is in a foreign policy dilemma. Why blame Sata for his counterpart’s demise. Malawi is not even a major player in Africa- All they produce is tobacco!
    You do not understand foreign policy. You are clearly an opposition supporter who was given a chance to write, talk about giving children sharp objects, they cut themselves!

  3. Well cant the Carter Center fund this trip since they are the sponsors of RB. As i know it, when you are professionally invited by Organizations such the Carter Center which i happened to have worked for in the 2006 Zambian Elections and the April 20, Sudan Elections and the recent Referendum in South Sudan, they paid for our air tickets, accommodation, local transportation, security, pocket allowance and an allowance to take home for my wife and children. So Professor Wa Munshya do criticize Sata and Cheat the well not so learned and less traveled humble Zambians. The Carter Center is a Philanthropic Organization which is financed by Governance Interest Groups, some times including Governments like trhe US for their self interests, so why waste Zambia’s Tax Payers Money. Sata ni Donchi.

  4. May to cld be the mo reason y chiluba picked mwanawasa and the more reason y kk use to say sata is not presidential material.

  5. You should see Munshya’s facebook posts. He spends most of his time attacking government over 20 posts a day. Something else is wrong with this guy. On the other hand, there is really poor journalism in this country. May be it is poverty leading to journalism of the belly.

  6. This article is meant for illiterates of Foreign Policy Issues. It is actually a shit article, who does not know the problems of the Congo, they started before 1964. RB should remember that meddlers in DRC affairs die. This Stadium which was pulled down in Ndola was named after one Nordic General, who was Secretary General of the UN. His plane was shot down at Ndola, Zambia and he died. As General Dag Hammarskjold. The Congo is a hot issue, Sata is too small to blamed by by this MMD Arse Licker with his lies in this shit article.

  7. @Mino2011- Hahahaha, it appears people will not debate this issue before slamming the ‘babytude’ of the editor. Clearly out of touch the editor is, he does not understand that when one holds the responsibility of informing the public, one need not speak from emotion.

  8. The auther lacks knowledge in so many areas, on the issue of UN General Assembly and Palestine all countries said yes except the US.Even South Africa was against the UN General Assembly so Mr. Auther get your facts right…RB was consuming and wasting tax payers money and you are supporting him.? were you paid to write this? if not I feel sorry for you,you sound like you know meanwhile you dont,you are fooling yourself…Refrain from such this is a public fora for people like us not you….

  9. About Palestine- Everyone is now tired of Israel. Even Obama indicated it in his ‘gaffed’ chat with Sakorzy. This editor is trully a delluded individual and a disgruntled person too.
    Someone once told me that the moment you start to have absolute views, you convince yourself so much and affiliate yourself deeply to a notion that you qualify to be called delluded.

  10. Munshya wa Munshya i think your Foreign Policy Analysis lacks ideal balance of the scope condition and IR theories which are credibile to effective analysis of Foreign policy. I wonder what lenses you used to come up with such analysis. Any IR student will disagree with you. the issue of Isreal and Palestine is a complicated one. i commend Zambia for staying away from the UNESCO vote. Isreal is a very important state not to USA alone. France has already warned that any military attack on Isreal, France will move swiftly and use anything they have to protect Isreal. Munshya nice try.

  11. You have a few good points but your article is half baked. you have personalised the issues too much. before critising the president you have to consider underlying issues associated to tax payers Dollars

  12. I think the Carter Centre will fund RB fully. Isn’t that the way these organisations operate.

    The issue here is Sata’s ignorance. He pushed a door that was already open. He should have simply congratulated RB and kept quiet. I doubt RB or the Carter Centre asked GRZ for financial help.

  13. The writer of this story is pathetic, patehtic in the sence that he fails to write the truth, President Michael Sata did not refuse to fund Bwezani, all he said is that if Bwezani is going to have a team travelling with him. that team will not be funded. beside, the persons that have invited Bwezani are the one that are in any case supposed to fund his trip. Sata has not refused to fund Bwezani but says the counrty is unfortunately unable to fund Bwezani’s team. Period. Cristal Clear and Understable. So Bwana writer of the story try to gather your facts before you shot period.

  14. You cant call this invitation careless travelling. The analysis is very clear. Sata is just creating a bad name for himself and piling point on Banda who he thinks he’s hurting. This paranoia is detrimental to Zambia’s image and peace. He must accept that Banda ruled Zambia and there are millions who were happy with his rule including the international community. This is despite the obvious problems that he needed to improve on. He ruled the nation without discrimination. Sata’s hatred will take toll on his own image. It appears he only cares about the Chinese and Angola for his own reasons but no country is an island, more so that the world is a global village now.

    • @Balanced view,who refused to pay for RBs trip? read..huh!!! but we Sata doesnt want is RB to go to DRC with chaps who are virtually just carrying RBs diary..we are the tax payers you got that?

  15. Hahahahaha, Zambians must quit this mentality of feeling sorry for ex government officials. The are simply paying the price for holding public service. When you look at their pay cheques, you will be puzzled!

  16. Its like every jim & jack (ass) is now making a living out of opposition and criticism of the President. We all know the man is far from perfect but at least give the guy a break, if he had started with visiting all his neighbours, the same jack(asses) would be calling him “kamwendo munjila – part2”.

  17. Even within Ministry of Foreign service, Kambwili and his PS are like chola boys, the minister must be somewhere in State House. In Mlaysia 10 dilopmats have been recalled causing causing a huge crack in bilateral and multilateral cooporation in among the ASEAN countries, even our children studying in Malaysia are being laughed at.

  18. @Uwakwisano I totally agree with you!!!! Funny how wveryone seems to know about foreign policy now and how everyone would like to criticise the government. The most amazing thing is that even if Sata did what they say he should have done, they would still be the first ones to criticise him, ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! So people grow up and be objective in your analyses, not ‘yapy yaping’ like little babies. We are not not saying if the president is wrong we let him be wrong, but could we please exercise some maturity people!!

  19. The transition from Sata to the next President will be bloody. Sata won’t go without force. He will soon try to make himself life President. Watch this space. He is Mr Mugabe in the making.

    • @ Twendeshe you are 100% wrong,maybe its becoz u are too far so u dont know whats really on the ground…it looks like we will wait till Christ comes to see Sata transform into Mugabe.. we are u used to critics like u.

  20. How do you say ‘Please excuse my humble tail tucked in between my legs. Accept our heart felt apologies for not realising how much we need you.’ in Chinese?

  21. I see nothing wrong with Munshya’s objective article. The problem with us Zambians is that we will not appreciate good advice. What Mun shya has outlined in this article are serious issues which our government can only ignore at its own peril. Let us ensue that our president suicceeds and we can only do that by helping him to do the right things. Surely, we should feel proud as Zambians that our former head of state has been invited to co-lead a delegation to observe elections in a sister country Congo. By muzzling people like Munshya, our president will continue making mistakes. If the king is naked, find a way of telling him instead of pretending all is well. .

  22. Notwithstanding the fact that Serpent likes talking, the man needs to curb his utterances. Populism won him votes, thus it was a good political strategy, but not everything is about himself and his political appetite which is impossible to satisfy. Much as Rupiah might have done wrong during his tenure of office (wrongly or rightly so), it does not take away our government’s responsibility to provide him with security and comfort. These monkey think with their bellies and desire to punish others even when the crimes are mostly imaginary. Sata is simply the wrong man for the job no wonder blunders are the order of the day at statehouse.

  23. You Author .You think PF campaigns did not cause a single pressure between the PF and the Chinese?You think Supporting rebels or so does not cause any frictions?You must be a dreamer or Chante chimbwi the dead

  24. Correct me if am wrong, but is this not the same author who wanted us to support Chilufyana’s bid for the presidency a few months ago? What is so controversial about the point he is making? Surely IT IS in our best interest to play a part in fostering peace and stability in the DRC? If war breaks out again, we will have to host thousands of refugees which will be a drain on the Zambian tax payer and might impinge on the expansion plans for the mining industry. A stable DRC is a vast potential market for Zambian maize, sugar, cement and other products and will increase the attractiveness of  the whole SADC and COMESA region as potential investment destination.

  25. munshya wa munshya i can not be supprised with what you have written.leave sata along .you are writting your atticle as though you are preparing for a secondary school debate during your school days at chingola high school.In fact we need this man RB immunity removed so that he can answeer the charges ahead of him.Mind you congo is a hot issue people who try to mend things in this country congo die trying care with the way you write your article.

  26. #36 Am sorry but you are not making sense! So what you are actually saying is that PF erred in the anti-Chinese rhetoric during the campaigns? So PF foo.lishness nearly cost Zambia dear and now we have to spend time and money grovelling to the Chinese because of Chilufyana’s big mouth? Would it not have been better to elect somebody who is able to control what comes out of his mouth and does not require an ailing octogenarian to clean up his mess? As for Angola, Zambia had cordial relations with that country and there was no need to bring up the clandestine activities of Sata and Chiluba in relation to Savimbi which were not official Zambian policy anyway.

  27. I am shocked that Kaponyas are still unable to identify sensible things even after elections.
    They are still DEFENDING their TITLE of KAPONYA as commited as before.
    I thought you can still be called a Kaponya even if you chose to think and apply analysis to issues, but they think if they reasoned they would risk their tittle, “Kaponya”; I dodnt think so.
    This article is so well written a piece that even a nursery school child will be able to see sense.
    All you need to ask the child is, “What is better – fighting of peace?” The child will tell you peace.
    Ask another question, “If you find your two friends, a brother and a sister about to fight; should you persuade them to stop or leave them to fight?” The child will tell you, “persuade them not to fight”.
    But SATA doesnt care.

  28. Munshya this is just his personal opinion and its your human right however, it lacks merit and indepth understanding of Foreign policy and how it operates. I didnt finish reading the article but I think its a waste of time…..

  29. We seem to have many Mr. Know it alls.
    My Fellow bloggers, Hate language doesnt pay. Critically analyse the Article and then see what you can agree or disagree to.
    Atesting to that, am for and against some content in it. But solely speaking on RBs trip to the DRC, Mr. Sata shouldnt even bite by the Bush. RB SHOULD BE FULLY FUNDED BECAUSE HE DESERVES IT as a former Head of State. That the constitution stipulates. The LAW is CLEAR on that. Dont contradite things please. God Bless the Soverein State of Zambia.

  30. the author is right and only peace loving zambians can understand him. The problem is Pf sympathizers think with their ‘DONT KUBEBA’ slogan

  31. Hello people, instead of just dismissing the author with contempt or scorn, at least engage him intellectually by debunking his points. The comments here about the author being a ‘fool’ and knowing ‘nothing’ are not any better than what the writer has put across.
    I’m sitting on the fence on this one. I kind of agree with the writer that Malawi and Congo are just as important as China, if not more important, to our country’s security, political and economic development, and therefore special attention must be given to them. But at the same time I agree with the argument by many bloggers that tax payer shouldn’t be used to fund this RB trip.


  33. RB has not been engaged by the Zambian government on behalf of the Zambian people, so the Zambian people cannot be expected to foot the bill. I’m sure the Zambian government will probably be invited officially anyway or even if they were not invited, they will perhaps still be sending a delegation on an assignment to the Congo. That delegation if it exists will be rightly funded by the tax payer.
    Like some people have indicated above, RB has been invited by the Carter Foundation (which perhaps has more money than our government) and therefore the foundation should foot Mr Banda’s travel bills. And just why we have to expect the government to be paying for everyone’s international trips.

  34. Why can’t Mr Banda pay from his own pocket anyway? He has money and he still being paid by the Zambian people, through the government. He can provide services such as this diplomatic service to the country by paying from his salary as former president. Sometimes we should learn to be thinking like that. Once we do that all this per diem mentality for getting paid for attending meetings and travelling doing duties within your job description will stop and the country will once again develop.

  35. We warned Zambians not to vote a Grade 2 into state house. This Sata business is becoming a nuisance to our neighbours the same way Mwanawasa was breeding arguments with Zimbabwe. Can this nonsense stop and let us show support to the Congolese government by sending our high powered observer missions to that country. Lack of critical analysis from this Sata nonsense can damage our country. Take Europe for example where the Euro faces extinction, UK is helping the euro area structure a plan for survival because 3 Million jobs in the UK are linked with the Euro areas. Leaders in the UK are not shunning crisis meetings and conferences aiming to resolve this financial malaise. Sata must quickly grow up and learn to lead.   Does this Sata understand the implications of war in the Congo DR?

  36. Mr . Munshya, I cannot cease to get amazed at the ignorance of the so called Zambian intellectuals like yourself. What foreign policy fiasco is in this new adminstration of the so called Donchi Ukubeba?

    How can a head of state, in his right mind, invite onother head of state who declared him persona non grata? Either you are plain ignorant or you live in cloud cuckoo land. The President was right to invite Mrs Banda the vice president of Malawi, and whom ever he chose to invite that was his prerogative.

    Was he right to apologise to Angola, yes, because his conscience told him so. Zambia, was right to abstain from voting for the so called palestine, I can’t go into details as I am limited by space. The case concerning the Iranian man is till in court and again zambia, was right.

  37. Although Sata, was the virtual third man in the Chiluba Govt, he did not necessarily agree with every aspect of Chiluba’s policies. Now, is his time to correct what he disagreed with. A wrong corrected cannot do any harm. You describe, this government’s foreign policy as a catastrophe, is this really accurate? What is so tragic about sending the old man to China? Do you know his terms of reference? Have you any idea what connections and influence he might still have in that country’s leadership? If you don’t simply shut up and wait for the results. Sata, for your information is the only world leader, who has faced up to the Chinese, and they have listened. Again, wait for the change in Chinese, treatment and remuneration of Zambian, personnel, before you make stupid conclusions.

  38. What this author is implying is not what martin Luther king, Malcolm x, or Marcus Garvey taught us. Foreign policy above all else should be motivated by dignity for the masses,in this case for us Zambians. Why shouldn’t Zambia make an independent and well intentioned decision in the UN? It’s not because the USA has uncomfortable opinions about Iran so we should also follow suit, No boss!!. Rupiahs presence in the Congo will neither add nor subtract to Zambia’s foreign policy but it would indeed be wise for Sata to provide security so that the old man can travel safely and make some cash to take care of Thandiwe and the kids. A man’s got to put food on the table lol. Besides Rupiah is a former head of state so let him have his dignity please Mr president.

  39. Viva MCS. President for all Zambians. We love you Mr. President. More Money in Zambians Pockets. Keep it up Sir. We like your stance and support it. We need by-elections in all 3 Ndola Rural Constituencies.

  40. Let me remind Mr. Munshya, that all the conflagrations that have blighted the Congolese landscape in the past and now, were instigatated from the west and the east during the so called cold war era, and recently by wealthy individuals and companies and intelligence organisations in both east and west, who want to control the wealth of this well endowed nation. Zambia, has never been known to have interfered in the Congo, and Mr. Sata, wont be the first President to do so. Mr.Bbanda’s, presence in the Congo though diplomatically, acceptable, wont have any bearing on the course of events in that country. Wake up to reality, hatred of MCS and your bitterness towards his every action will only impact negatively on your health my dear brother, take heed.

  41. Pure Rubish reporting……..Why would an organisation invite diplomats and fail to sponsor them? Then why inviting them in the first place?

  42. #18 Batman

    Only your EVIL Roman Catholic Bishops Organisation are tired of Israel. Go into all Zambian Pentecostal and Evangelical Churches in Zambia even Jehovah Witnesses the nation of ISRAEL is a blessed Nation and he who blesses this Nation shall be blessed by the Almighty God!

    But your EVIL Roman Catholic Bishops Organisation so called church even in the BOOK of Acts in the Bible they persecuted Paul the Apostle. Sata and his PF government instructed all the above EVIL acts because he is now under a SPELL of the EVIL Roman Catholic Bishops Organisation church who are against the nation of Israel.

    Its good this will bring more REVIVAL in the midst of Pentecostals/Evangelical Christians in Zambia. All these will work for GOOD!

    God bless the Nation of Israel!

    • Religious ignorance, disturbing objective intellectual thought on Israel. If only you knew how much the Israeli’s hate anyone that isn’t Jewish or of Jewish decent. Henry Kissenger, himself a Jew declared that Jews were the most self-serving people on Earth. You have to hand it to the Zionists though, the way they have most ignorant Africans (and indeed the ignorant, extreme capitalist West) wrapped around their greedy fingers is an evil to behold. Also read up on the modern history is this Israel. Modern day imperialists and colonialists.

  43. All of you bloggers supporting RB to be funded are just wasting your time, the former president is a thief, so he is required here at home to face charges together with his sons, charges like the fraudulent of Zamtel. By the way what was the role of RB sons in each GRZ business contract ? We have nothing to do with Congo DR . Let them just conduct their own elections peacefully just like we did two months ago. It is true that the leader of the DRC to day is a foreigner and not Congolese, let the citizen in DRC decide his fate, no fighting after losing the elections.

  44. #56 Lambaland

    Viva WHO? Which more Money in Zambians Pockets?

    Zambians are suffering right now and Sata has sent Kabimba on a government paid to Belgium while he has condemned the MMD for the same acts!

    We are remaining with few days and there is no MONEY no Employment for Zambians ONLY THREE Evil Roman Catholic Bishops who will SIPHON our PUBLIC money as sitting allowances on the DISCRIMINATED constitution review committee!

    What a shame!!

    God bless the nation of Zambia.

  45. I meant, “We are remaining with few days before the 90 days MARK. Sata’s and his PF LIES.”

    I wonder why the so called Roman Catholic Church has failed to condemn Sata and his PF lies and the PERSECUTION of the Most Patient and Gentle Person former President Rupiah Banda!!

  46. All the facebook posts have now culminated into a news item. The man has his reach into the lawyers’, theologians’ and journalists’ domain.

    Munshya “knows all” things, and is the “only one” who is right. Lol.

    When you ignore the justice that Zambians have been dying for, since the Zambian economy began going pear-shaped, you end up with Munshya’s premise and extreme cardre departures that you read in his careless words.

  47. Small men try to destroy those who BIGGER than them so that they can appear to be big!
    No one can destroy a good man! The truth stands forever!

  48.  No referee anymore. When boxers are fighting and the other is down, the ref stops the other from continuously punching the other.  Certain things when they grow roots, they will not be uprooted easily. 

  49. 1.Good article. The best the other zealots can do is shut the f*ck up rather than mubble incomprehendibles. Kaunda sacrificed evrything at his disposal just so our neighbas could have peace. Chiluba too played his role in Angola and the Congo. Its naive not to be alive to these salient foreign relations issues.

    2. You goons who pretend to love the President more than we do better learn to take criticism positively like late Levy did. Munshebwa ayile kubuko namashinsha!

  50. The one who invited RB will fund his trip. FULL STOP. The Carter Centre has enough financial muscle to support their observers. Why waste poor tax payers money?

  51. Mushya you have spoked real sense. i cant remember when last i read such sence in the news of Zambia by a Zambian. Dont mind stupid *****s so called blogers supporting the stupid Sata who is just their to hurt people and not to work. He is a type that cant perform on proper administrative issues as he is just used to violence. even the blogers supporting him here are morons too. and they have nothing to do in lives. May God bless you and i love you courage and comon sense. you are truely amazing. never ever be moved by any silly bloger and or comment. Zambia is a Democratic Nation where people need to voice out what their rights are and no one should criticise them. but the stupid blogers on this site want to just suport the stupid President Sata for his silly did. The Evil President

  52. continuation. the eveil President who doesnt mind people’s concerns and he does not enjoy to see people live at peace but he has to inflige them. actually he is the most agly man i have ever seen on earth. short lived satan he cant even go into state house coz of too much juju. he still wants to call his conglis doctors for rituals. Shame chi Sata. Ububi we mbwa we

  53. Tunnel vision is detrimental. Author entitled to an opinion. Bloggers entitled to agree or disagree. Facts remain blurred. Both Congo and Malawi have people in power who show little interest to their people. Author attacks and sounds emotional so perhaps is too close to the issues that pain him to even bother to appeal to readers to look at anything other than his opinion. Could have been better communicated but reads as forcing a viewpoint down throats rightly or wrongly. Editor. Buck up Sir or Lady.

  54. ” That the Patriotic Front’s foreign policy is a disaster is there for all to see. ”

    No it isn’t. And I am utterly unconvinced of the MMD and UPND shills who want to declare the PF a failure within months of them taking office.

    Remember that the MMD has has a generation to screw things up, now the PF doesn’t get everything right to to everyone’s satisfaction, they want to declare defeat?

    If you want to criticize the government, then take up real issues, not points of disagreement like a UN vote or relationships with Malawi.

    Now the Windfall Tax, there is something you can criticize them for, but never forget that it was the MMD post-Mwanawasa which refused to implement it.

  55. Shaka OZ @ 61 ++
    What is your obession with the catholic church, has some catholic dude shagged your wife senseless! That small needle your call your dick is just tickling your b..itch man, bring here we treat with the real third arm

  56. Constable sata’s supporters are incapable of civil discourse, one would expect them to come up with counter arguments to Munshay’s not insults but obviously reading from a lot of comment above thats too much to ask.

  57. Most Zambian youths are lazy this is a fact ask how many finished the article mush whatever you call him wrote. Most of these youths like short articles without analysis. i presume non of them have ever finished a medium volume story book. so before we go on with the  analysis of Musha wamusha. we ought to bear in mind that he is not an expert so he might not be precise with all the fact but the bottom line is our President was wrong to dilute his congratulatory message with a statement of funding. 

  58. Author, please give yourself a break and go to school. Your article is absolute junk, lacks objectivity and credibility. You are an embarrassment to the media fraternity!!!..   

  59. Improve on your English. Just the first sentence puts off readers. Useless article just a waste of space on your website. Read the PF manifesto about its foreign policy

  60. I think this is one of the poorly commented articles on LT. It’s a pity some people have rubbished the article without even reading it? Yes, the article appears subjective, but there is a lot of sense and truth in what our brother is saying especially where peace in the region is concerned. It is true that peaceful neighbours means prosperity for all. As Zambians we take peace for granted probably because we’ve never experienced things like civil war and genocide. RB’s input in the Congo need to be supported and appreciated at all cost. It’s a shame people (including Sata himself) have politicised this much needed cause.

  61. I believe Zambians should begin to worry whether the world out there belive we have a president in the nation as past ones irrespective of their performance. To begin with Mr Sata has a complex of appearing with fellow foreign leaders, the reason being preoccupied with obssertion to make every Zambian feel and know that Sata is now president of Zambia. To appear with fellow presidents may demean Sata’s stature as BOSS of Zambia. This level of thinking according to psycologists is embeded on pride and fear conception of oneself. Mr Sata requires statemanship theraphy, the sooner the better before the world coin a title for us.

  62. You PF Bafoons, you think just like your leader Sata. If we don’t support a peaceful transition in DRC we will see thousands of refugees cross the border. For those of us who lived in border towns when Zaire was in turmoil, we know what their unrest means to Zambia. FYI, secondary school pupils were asked to stay away because classrooms were given to the refugees. Cars were snatched at gunpoint everyday on the Muf-Ndoal Road because of that unrest. Is that what we want as Zambians? Blindly following Sata’s foreign policy path to destruction? Wake up you PF dunderheads, and with a Defense Minister like GBM, God help us when those Congolease Rebels spill into Muf, Chingola, and Chilalbombwe!

  63. This is one rubbish of an article! Zambia has wasted a lot of money in helping  neighboring countries to get their independence, do we need to continue wasting more money on them? Let us learn to think of Zambia first! Let them sort their own problems.This writer is full of MMD rubbish, which liked to treat Zambians like second class citizens.We are busy exporting electricity when Zambians are in the dark. Be a Patriot, think of Zambians first before any foreigner. 

  64. While I have applauded most of Munshya’s previous articles, this one is shallow and lacks substance!
    Get your facts right before you attempt to delve into analysis. There are too many factual errors in this article eg Zambia shares the longest border with the Congo (No! Angola does), thereby trying to oversensationalise the spill-over effects; wrong reporting on the UN vote on Palestine; Overlooking Malwai’s self-inflicted foreign policy mess and trying to blame Sata; Portraying Sata as totally unconcerned about Congo; trivialsing KK’s trips to Angola and China.
    And the most frivolous nail in the coffin is bringing in Sata’s continued stay on Omelo Mumba road. Munshya, your article is too petty and personal to be taken seriously. Next time stick to factual analysis!

  65. Sata’s continued stay on Omelo Mumba road is normal.
    The Iranian President stays in his own little house and owns a Peugeot 504. He carries packed lunch prepared by his wife to work.
    SATA may have his weaknesses just like any human being but he is not into luxury like RB who used to do BRAII at state house and a lot of drinking beer or is it whisky and working less hours while chilling out with her grand daughter wife.
    Let RB’s trip be paid for by CARTER Centre.
    And why elections monitoring in congo all the time..

  66. But who is more hateful between Sata and RB?. People have forgotten how the same RB scandalised Sata using Chanda Chimba, Edward Mumbi, Lifwekelo,Chifire some church leaders (Rv Moses Lungu & others), the GRZ controlled media!!, Aaahhh, so many to mention but a few!. Now that Sata says he wants to protect GRZ funds people want to condem him that he is victimising RB, eeehh Pipo please!. Isnt this same RB who was living larvishly and openly declared that Sata would never be President?. Eiish, if RB is used to globe trotting, then this should not come at the expense’s of tax payers.

  67. The only sensible contributions are from 24,28,34,37,42,51,44,89 and 91.People must be objective when making contributions, that is why you fail in comprehension and analysing of case studies.

    There is too much blind loyalty among nmany Zambians even on issues that they are not very conversant with. Dont criticise for the sake of it. See the logic and analyse the issues at hand and the implications. That is why when you have so many YES MEN, at the end you start saying ” Tenze kumuuza”

    Zambians wake up.Dont be like Munkombwe who is just yapping thinking he can be given another job by the current governmment.

    I hope people willmake their own independent judgements. Regards

  68. I do like the manner in which you have presented this matter and it really does present us a lot of fodder for consideration. However, because of just what I have experienced, I just simply wish when the actual remarks pack on that individuals remain on issue and in no way get started on a tirade of some other news of the day. Anyway, thank you for this excellent piece and whilst I can not really agree with the idea in totality, I regard the point of view.

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