Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Government U-turns on the composition of team of experts on the constitution


VICE PRESIDENT Guy Scott, Defence minister Geoffrey Mwamba and Muchinga province PF chairperson Jimmy Sinyinza arrive at Shem Basic school ground before addressing a campaign rally in Nakonde

THE Government may consider reconstituting the technical committee of experts appointed to draft a new Constitution to include stakeholders not represented such as the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ),Vice-President Guy Scott has said.

Dr Scott told Parliament that the Patriotic Front Government (PF) was listening to the calls of the people on the composition of the committee of experts to draft the Constitution.The vice-president said this in response to a question by Mpika Member of Parliament (MP) Mwansa Kapeya (PF) who wanted the Government to shed light on the views being expressed by Zambians on the composition of the committee.

This was during the vice-president’s 30-minute question time in the House.“Stakeholders who are not represented such as the EFZ may beconsidered,” Dr Scott said.

The EFZ has since written to Justice Minister Sebastian Zulu nominating their representative to the committee of experts. Kalomo MP Request Muntanga (UPND) asked for an assurance that the people left out of the committee of experts to draft the Constitution would not boycott the exercise, to which Dr Scott said he could not guarantee so.

The vice-president said, however, that those that would boycott would have to be blamed for their actions.Nalikwanda MP Geoffrey Lungwangwa (MMD) asked Dr Scott to tell the House which contractor had been engaged to renovate State House, to which the vice-president said a comprehensive statement would be issued over the matter by the minister of Works.

And Liuwa MP Situmbeko Musokotwane and his Lunte counterpart Felix Mutati (MMD) lauded the 2012 National Budget and commended the PF Government for acknowledging the firm macro-economic foundation laid by the MMD regime.Contributing to the estimates of expenditure for 2012, Dr Musokotwane congratulated the PF Government for increasing the mineral royalty tax to six per cent from three per cent as well as increasing allocations to the education, health and agriculture sectors in the 2012 Budget.

“It is not debatable that in the last decade, the economy has grown while jobs have been created. More food has been produced. In the 2012 Budget, I notice that the Minister of Finance and National Planning Alexander Chikwanda will spend more compared to 2011.“

”In the education sector, the minister proposes to spend K900 billionmore, another K900 billion more will be spent in the health sector while K400 billion more will be spent in the agriculture sector while bulk other amounts will go towards infrastructure, which is commendable,” Dr Musokotwane said.He said the MMD government could have done the same by increasing expenditures in the agriculture, education, health and infrastructure sectors.Mr Mutati on the other hand hailed the PF Government for increasing the mineral royalty tax to six per cent.He said the PF Government should build on the economic growth left by the MMD government to find more money to spend on the social sector.“The tax relief of K2 million is a welcome move as it will benefit all taxpayers.

The royalty tax increase is also good,” Mr Mutati, also leader of the opposition in the House, said in his debate to Parliament on the 2012 Budget.He said the MMD government did re-energise the national economy to the best of its knowledge and what the PF should do was to build on the weaknesses for the good of Zambia.?Mines Minister Wylbur Simuusa in his debate told the House that the PF Government did not promise to reintroduce the windfall tax as it was being alleged but it promised to harmonise the tax regime in the mining industry so that Zambians could reap more benefits from their national resources.

Mr Simuusa said the Government was already addressing the taxing system andt the increase of the royalty tax to six per cent from three was a step in that direction.He said the PF, then in opposition, and their counterparts advocated for the re-introduction of the windfall tax owing to the high consistent price of copper at the international market.

“At that time Mr Speaker, copper prices were pegged at U$10,000 for a long period of time and that was why we advocated for the re-introduction of the windfall tax, the then MMD government should have been responsive to the then prevailing situation,” Mr Simuusa said.

He said even the Chamber of Mines of Zambia had stated that it was not against the reintroduction of the windfall tax but the way the MMD government implemented it.Minister of Lands, Energy and Water Minister Chris Yaluma told the House that the PF Government would continue to accelerate investments in the expansion of power generating projects.

His counterpart at Local Government Nkandu Luo said it was saddening that the so-called economic growth achieved in the last two decades did not translate into uplifting of the welfare of ordinary Zambians.Professor Luo hailed the K2 million free tax initiative of the PF Government, stressing that it would benefit especially the poor people of Zambia and not those well-off. The two ministers were contributing to the debate on the 2012 national budget.


  1. WRONG headline ba LT. whats WRONG with our reporters. when people complain or advise what should the government do. please give them a break.

  2. Yah! listeninig to peoples needs, is the only remedy. they are the ones who put you in power, except where complaints are baseless like the issue of tribalism and balancing, it is all about integrity and not which tribes, how many lozis, suppose they are not qualified.

  3. Sata is destabilizing his presidency. can we trust him to make right decisions if he keeps on changing them when people cry out? does he listen to his advisors or does he have advisors? this is embarassing. sata was in govt enough to know certain things. we can’t go on like this. its scary!

  4. Then am for the boat because they have proved to be a listening govt and since Mr Sata has demostrated who am i to deny a listerning president.If people have spoken then who are we to deny

  5. Was just perusing thru the other headlines when PF bloggers here were justifying the exclusion of EFZ and now when it will be considered for inclusion, they say ‘it is a listening govt’! My foot!

  6. Once again GUY SCOTT cleans up Sata’s mess. Its clear who the thinker in this government is, as long as GUY SCOTT continues to be the voice of reason in the government- the PF will be okay. However if Sata stops listening to him, then Zambia may be in for it. Its clear that the catholic bias was from Sata, the reconstitution of this committee is something that has been impressed upon him probably by people like Scot..

    As for the other details such as Dr. Musokotwane and Hon. Mutati lauding the budget, this is good.

  7. It is not necessary for all and every organisation in Zambia to sit on the Constitutional body. How many people are you going to have, and do you ant them to use the Independence Stadium to have their consultations on the Constitution?

    Provided there was no malice on the part of Government, it was fine to not invite the EFZ. The most important role of the EFZ is the fellowship of Christians, and the propagation of the Good News of God’s Salvation.

  8. Nothing is good for man. When Sata listens to people’s cries and u turns, his labelled a lunatic, when he does the opposite his still a lunatic. What or how do you want him to be? Lukewarm, neither cold nor warm. Ni sotambe 

  9. Tell me of one populist President who has lead is country successfully? To change things, a leader should not just accept all the demands that people make. He should be seen to make tough but necessary decisions. That is what we call principles; even if people do not appreciate you now posterity will vindicate you. Please Mr. President, while i appreciate you are a listening President stand firm on your decisions as that will define your Presidency. I have heard of people complaining about your appointments; i believe that it is the prerogative of the President to select a winning team. There is no need to look at tribes, we are all Zambians. Just get a team that is loyal to you and will help you succeed. Do it for our future generations not just us. Bless you Mr. Sata.

  10. We had a government in power for 20 years that never listened to the cries and complaints of the people on genuine matters. As a result the nation lost more than K300billion in the constitution making process – all because the govt never listened. MMD became stubborn and believed their view and position was always the best for Zambia, and we know that this contributed significantly to their terrible and deserved loss during 20 Sept elections. I would rather the govt listens to the people and change it’s mind even thought that might not reflect well on their side but in the long run it is best for the country to get things right, even if that came as an after thought. A listening PF govt is far much better than a stubborn MMD govt.

  11. The renovation of State house is always vexing for Bemba presidents. This is where corruption starts. Remember Chiluba with his tatty background demanded state house renovations and Chibwe’s company single sourced did a shoddy job and people questioned it. Chiluba quietly removed Chibwe from cabinet. This was after huge sums of money was paid to Chibwe in advance, corruption immediately a Bemba sees money makingopportunity regardless of the means. Apollo company for Minister of finance mr Chikwanda single sourced is now renovating state house. Corruption in progress and farmers are not paid todate and money diviated to renovate state house. Where are PF morals to leave farmers un paid when we hear MMD govt left reserves in govt coffers?. Chikwanda too has to leave govt.

  12. The very reason Chibwe was fired for unilateral sourcing his company to renovate state house. Mr Sata is alive to this fact and decision over this was set then when Chiluba fired Chibwe. Chikwanda’s position is unttainable and has to leave if Mr Sata is allegic to corruption.

  13. There is no civilised option in a constitution making process than humility and inclusiveness/consensus building right from the start. You dont loose anything by listening to holistic advice, unlike the arrogance we have seen in all previous constitution making processes. Recall over K600 billion was used in Mung’omba and NCC only for the draft to fail to marshall 2/3 parliamentary majority. We are a very very wasteful country and it should be a treasonable offence to use K300 billion only to fail to marshall the necessary numbers on a referendum or in parliament

  14. Scott seems to have a lot of work in trying to mop out the dirt that  Sata leaves behind. So who is listening to who? I end here!

  15. For those of you who may not know, this is Mr Sata’s style: screw up things intentionally and create an uproar. Then do a “damage control” and the gullible call him a “listening leader”. This has been his tactic throughout.

  16. Okay, enough gentlemen, can we now debate the articles entitled ”‘Africa can’t develop because Africans are dunderheads’”. It was insulting but i think it was not given enough debate.

  17. i hope he will also listen to the peoples’ voices so that his appointments are not as tribal as they are!Errors from day one isnt good for our country and inteligent people like Scott who has become a mopper of someones’ mess

  18. The group should only have 1 CATHOLIC BISHOP.
    1.LIFUKA AND KABANDA SHOULD ALSO BE DROPPED -real legal /constitutional experts like
    Prof Ndulo,Prof Hansungule and DR Beyani should be appointed.
    2.Zaloumis and Mvunga should be rested they contributed to previous commssions
    I guess this will not happen, it seems to qualify for anything in this PF govt you need to be Bemba or catholic.
    I will not be surprised if Fr Bwalya is appointed to the group.

  19. Zambians will wait and see how other representatives will be included in this Technical Committee! Hope the government listened to our genuine complaints!

  20. Ain’t we Zambians ever going to learn from countries such as the USA? Even Obama despite his rhetoric against Bush before he became president, has sometimes gone against his democratic party for the good of the USA. There’s nothing wrong in Sata or the PF government u-turning on their decisions, for that’s what democracy and reasoning is all about. Unless we of course want them to be adamant as the MMD and take the path of what’s happening in the arab world. We need to safeguard our peace even if it means biting our tongues as long as it’s for the good of the country. Please, continue on this path of listening Mr President and your party pantu munshebwa, aile namashinsha kubuko.

  21. How many u-turns has Chilufyanya made so far,for anyone to justify that he is a listening president?Look at these: u-turn appointments of Xavier Chungu,Dr Simon Miti,constitution wont be ready in 90 days,issue of more money in the pocket and many more.This series of u-turns amount to incostistency,deceit, lack of brain or insanity.Don’t cover up this nonsence as ‘listening government’

  22. Some people are just daft. Sata says “I won’t change the composition” you praise him, then a few days later Sata says “I will change the composition” and you praise him! Its like some of you are Sata’s puppet dancers, hired to dance to his songs even when his signing is off tune!

  23. No matter what you do someone is going to complain. Sometimes to lead you must ignore criticism as some of these critics do not even have a constituency.

  24. The constitution of the constitution constitutes another debate for those with a stronger constitution than mine. Wake me up when it’s done:)

  25. These u-turns are making PF lose credibility, always making blunders and then damage control. Why don’t you consult each other first? This says a lot about PF leadership, were you guys really ready to rule? Take your time, you are in power and get used to it, you are no longer in opposition.

  26. Its a MUST to put Profs Muna Ndulo, Hansungule and Dr. Beyani because they are more deserving to be on this committee purely on MERIT- if they are left out then indeed we shall conclude that it is on TRIBAL basis.

  27. You need your name to be Bemba, relative or friend to be on the “PERSONAL CALL APPOINMENTS” list. Change your names, make friends with the ruling circle or marry their ugly children if you have to survive.

  28. I pity fanatic cadres who cannot dissect and analyse issues. You need to be objective and help the President make sound decisions, the joke is on all those bootlikers and yes bwanas who blindly follow whatever is uttered, have your own mind. This is why politicians will continue to manipulate you coz of poverty and the inability to think on your own.

  29. I did not realise until now that the best president Zambia has ever had was Levy Patrick Mwanawasa a Lenje by tribe from Chief Chamuka in Kabwe east. He was really focused on taking Zambia to greater hights. He deserves more honours than the little he has received. He was not a kulibonesha. He was really ichibumba. Inshimbi and very principled man. Off course a few people around him let him down. MHSRIP. Maybe we should try someone from a smaller tribe again because it is not easy for the tribalism to show it`s ugly face. I did not know Bemba`s are worse than Tonga`s except they do it in a subtle manner while a Tonga lays it bare.

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