Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Kambwili warns foreign nationals as 4 Chinese workers are arrested for indecent assault.


Foreign Affairs Minister Chishimba Kambwili

Foreign Affairs Minister Chishimba Kambwili has said that government will not be selective in dealing with criminal cases involving foreigners working in Zambia.

Mr. Kambwili said that government will not use any diplomatic channels in investigating any criminal activities suspected to have been committed by foreigners.

The Minister was reacting to developments in which Police in Luanshya are holding four Chinese nationals in connection with an indecent assault case involving 9 girls between the ages of 12 and 15.

Mr. Kambwili who is also Roan Member of Parliament told ZNBC News today that he is disturbed with the developments and has urged the police to investigate the matter.

He said that the law should take its course regardless of whoever has committed the crime.

Police in Luanshya arrested four Chinese nationals in connection with an indecent assault case involving 9 girls between the ages of 12 and 15.

A ZNBC news crew found the four Chinese nationals in police custody at Roan station while the girls were also there giving statements to police on today.

Copperbelt deputy police commanding officer MILNER MUYAMBAGO says the matter is still being investigated before the four can be charged.

But some of the girls interviewed revealed how they have been exchanging sexual favours for cash with the Chinese.

The girls says they are given 90 thousand kwacha for a session of sexual intercourse and 30 thousand kwacha for being fondled.



  1. This is nothing new.The chaps likes the African one.I lived in one mine township where 4 or more of these jack chan relatives will hammer one girl.I think this is a case of service gone wrong.I believe they just refused to pay for the service and the tuma girls decided to change nzelu.

    • Am not supporting what they did or anything.Those teen age sex workers have a tendence to give a false age if they just want to have somebody convicted.A close mate of mine once fell prey to such an act.But still the law is the law….if it is proven that the girls were under age then let the chaps dance to the tune.

    • even if government was 10 times richer than america, criminals will still abuse children. it happen everywhere once the law is weak

  2. atase btw 12 and 15yrs? too immature for such indecency…the culprites must face the law.even if the girls did it willingly, the acused cud av noticed dat the girls were below the required age for such abuse!

  3. Good for you. But what is Kambwili doing in commenting on such domestic issues instead of dealing with foreign matters?

  4. iwe #1 and you were just watching from afar? This is part of the problem. We have by-standers who recognise that a crime is being committed and yet choose to look the other way. These are kids, for heavens’ sake!

    • Uli wamano # 9, naiwe # 6 I hope u r nw clear, even if he wasn’t o that, he is a parent. Any loving parent, brother, sister, uncle, etc would condemn that. even you..

  5. #6 read the story again. you will discover the incident happened ROAN LUANSHYA where HON KAMBWILI is member of parliament. secondly, since it is involving foreigners the man is in charge of that. thirdly as a cabinet minister he could have been responding from questions posed to him by some reporters.

  6. Problem Ba fana ku konda ndalama by the why is Luanshya next to Kalulushi Am just asking it is like these 2 towns are riddled with immorality manifestations Just wondering???????



    He says they shall NOT use DPLOMATIC channels. I think it is because in many cases when foreign nationals misbehave in our country their embassies come to their aid to plead their innocence or beg for their release. Now he is saying it will be decided in our courts.

  9. Why are these Chinese so troublesome? One hopes that the Chinese we see in Zambia are not jailbirds in China, sent to Zambia, to rid China of their criminal elements.

    Let them be jailed or deported or both.

  10. Iam mixed up who is this Kabwili? another Home Afffairs minister or Inspector General of Police? You never know shifts in PF govt. However, the Chinese issue with local girls is a local matter that can be handled by local police officers, not even IG. If Kabwili is posturing about foreign affairs issue, he should concentrate about the Chec nationals whose president has written to Mr Sata over spying allegations.

  11. So, we will hear issues about diplomatic channels, but when a zambian is caught with drugs in china, awe mwandini, its deatt sentence, no diplomacy .

  12. Introduce sex education in schools and make sure the upcoming generation is made aware of self respect and consequences of undulging in sexual activities outside of marriage. Yes, we are poor but this is not to be used as an excuse for wanting to have sex and earn a living out of it. For promoting unwanted behavior, the girls involved must be punished so that others don’t follow the same path. They must be given a punsihment such as sweeping the streets in town, clean the hospital surroundings, sweep bus stations, etc. this they can do on saturday when there’s no school.

  13. This is a very serious offense. It is a test case for our new government. I don`t think young girls at that age can lie to make money. The community should protect innocent kinds from such acts of human abuse. Those guys if found guilty should be looking at a minimum of life in prison.

  14. The case is involving foreign nationals. its within Kambwili’s capacity to comment. he will be the one dealing with queries from the Chinese government regarding the cases. These are babies, there hookers everywhere for the china men to choose from but they chose to molest babies. if it was my baby he can cut off their NUTS.

  15. Is this case indescent assault or/and defilement? Secondly poor jounalism is not helping us instead its assisting the culprits. There is no follow up in such cases, the case in view is the Kalulushi saga where a foreigner was caught using dogs on our girls,the recent one of Iris and Nathan on ZCAS porno, the Nsansa School Boarding Mistress scandal plus many others. All these cases just die out in the dim light and make it easy for offenders to offers bribes to be released as these is no follow up. Some of such cases end up being thrown out under the guise of lacking evidence.ITS TIME JOUNALISTS OR NEWS WRITERS CONDUCT A FOLLOW UP TO AVOID CASES BEING BURRIED.

  16. This is pure CHILD SEX ABUSE, if found guilty, GAOL then DEPORT after serving sentence, also put them on INTERPOL’s SEX OFFENDERS LIST!!!!

  17. They will be freed in the end. The chinese government just paid off Sata’s debts. What do you think. Juts go home and eat nshima, you will think more clearly. A chinese is a chinese.

  18. Nyele tuma chinese, anyway this is normal its not a case because they used to pay. Tell me who hasnt paid for sex before? Don’t descriminate because they are chinese.

  19. Ba LT Admin,

    Your thumbs UP and DOWN, have not been working for 3 days now, is this Website on Auto-pilot? Are you chaps on holiday? We going to immigrate to Tumfewko.com they are more serious!!

  20. Mr.Minister close your mouth and let the law enforcement departments do their jobs.What are your short term and long term plans for your Constituency in regards to unemployment reduction?Talk is cheap showing you are working people can not be fooled anymore.

  21. The frontal lobes have been found to play a part in impulse control, judgment, language production, working memory, motor function, sexual behavior, socialization, and spontaneity.
    The frontal lobes assist in planning, coordinating, controlling, and executing behavior.
    People who have damaged frontal lobes (example would be a result of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome) may experience problems with these aspects of cognitive function, being at times impulsive;
    Cognitive maturity associated with adulthood is marked by related maturation of cerebral fibers in the frontal lobes between late teenager years and early adult years. The frontal lobe reaches full maturity around age 25.
    Any offender should be tried by the Zambian courts and put away for a very long time. This is plain child sexual abuse!

  22. Even if they are found guilt mark my words nothing will happen to them here in Zambia. China is now like USA, it protects its citizens and will not allow them to serve a jail sentence in a poor country like Zambia. By the way PF is now in power, why not revive the Column Coal mine shooting incident? And when are we having the new PF DPP?

  23. imwe zoona… how can u ask if this issue is foreign affairs??? and what Kambwili has to do with this case….
    the case happened in Roan Constituency of which Hon. Kambwili is Member of Parliament. he is a representative of that place and thus has right, duty and obligation to comment about the case.
    foreign affairs issue…. are Chinese Zambians????
    eish some pipo are dul…. dalu dalu dalu…. yabaese Zambians????
    eish some pipo are dul…. dalu dalu dalu…. yaba

  24. # 22 DEVELOPER ..
    Remember that In this modern world children are protected against adult advance. Children NO punishment to them is needed. Punish those Chinese adults who have committed an offence. Why they (Chinese) fail to marry or go after 18yrs olds and above. Back home in china they have to follow a one child policy, Poor safe in mines, air polution etc..

  25. 12 to 15 yrs is government trophy. Having sex with a minor is punishable in Zambia. We are wondering how much U$$$ china will folk to Sata to be allowed to paoch freelly in impoverished luanshya. Its again more money in Sata’s pocket

  26. I was in Solwezi last weekend. There, at the Floriana Inn, I saw expat workers from Kansanshi and Lumwana mines drinking, dancing and fondling young girls between the ages of 12 and probably 16 also….WITHOUT IMPUNITY!!! These guys need to be investigated. They were senior Australian, South African and British expats from those two mines. My insider informed me that they use their Zambian subordinates to round up these juvenile girls for them. WHAT A SHAME, WHAT HAS BECOME OF MORAL TURPITUDE… IN THE NAME OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT????

  27. Sorry guys but I have to remind you that we just feted them at State House, and apologised too, to my knowledge KK is still in China on his knees at the People’s square.

  28. whats wrong with us kanshi? if i chinda a 15 year old am locked up for defilement, if a chocholi chindaz the same girl its indecent assault, how come? did those girls go and complain to the police for assault or banabagona? let there be one law for everyone.

  29. Sterilize or castrate all pedophiles. This should not and will not be tolerated nor will people like me allow these scum to do this to my people. Zambians please take photos and expose names and companies of these pedophiles who come to Africa and abuse children. These are your children, your people being abused and if you don’t stand up and make a stance, this pedophile rings will grow. These children are being exploited because their parents are not paid enough to feed them and these evil men know that as long as the workers are poor, their children can be exploited sexually.

  30. Shameful really, there is a renowned paedophile at Lumwana Mine by the name of Guy Codringley. He has been on the run from law enforcement agencies in Indonesia, Turkey, Vietnam and Kyrgyzstan since June 2006 for related offences. Yet, we accepted him with open arms in Zambia!!!! 

  31. I am in china, if I did that they would either hang me or send me back to Zambia on a boat, 12 is really young by the way…

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