Friday, March 7, 2025




 Katatala Ryan Nkole , AKA Mr. Miyagi , was born on the 2nd of may 1990.My hobbies are writing poetry,recordind music,going out,kicking it with my friends, hanging with my girl friend cooking,watching stand up comedy cooking around making my friends laugh and traveling dang my list is long..He is a young entrepreneur running his own resturant and other small ventures, he also does music , hiphop in particular.

He completed his o’levels in 2007 and started working for his mum for a year then  went into college in June 2008. He was there for 8months then had to  dropped out due to his father falling ill, while off from school he joined his family business where he worked for a year and a half. He decided to go complete his diploma which he did and graduated top of his class.

KAPA187:  Where does the name Mr miyagi come from?

Mr Miyagi: The name Mr. Miyagi , well I was very intrigued by the first or should I say original karate kid just the way Mr miyagi who played a sensei(mentor/teacher),taught Daniel son karate and he was just supper cool and very soft spoken and he had the name is just cool dont you think? Plus in a few years when im running the hip hop game I can mentor upcoming rappers.

KAPA187:  What made you decide to start making music and what separates you from other zambian rappers?

Mr Miyagi: Uhmm it was some time when I was in the 9th grade bow wow n em was hot ,all the girls liked rappers so I thought ey let me try this out see what happens n I started writing..what separates me from other rappers I have confidence in my ability some might even call it cocky,not to blow my on horn but im creative, i have great delivery.

KAPA187:  Listening to your music, i feel you are influenced by the likes of lil’wayne and other “southern” rappers . What is your main inspiration?

Mr Miyagi: my main inspiration to do music comes in the form of 5 rappers namely

1.drake reason he changed hip hop via mix tapes he came from nowhere n he did it without a deal which I wana almost mimic

2.j.Cole his just deep man he speaks the truth and talks and he is supper intelligent

3.M.i his the best m.c Africa has and one day im gonna get signed to him

4.busta rhymes dang his just breath taking

5. its a tie between krytic, 5-4 and thugga lets just say they are my local idols..

KAPA187:  You are also a young entrepreneur . People your age like to enjoy life not have many responsibilities , how do you stay focused.

Mr I stay focused firstly I like things i.e nice clothes ,perfumes, eating at nice resturants and traveling so to achieve all these things I have to stay focused and put in work you can say I took everybody’s weakness and made it a strength its my fuel plus my mom after losing my dad I fill like there is a gap so I have to take care of her plus she dont play around lol

KAPA187:  Is music something you are will continue with in the future on is it more of a hobby?

Mr Miyagi:. its more of a hobby but if it takes me higher who am I to turn it down

KAPA187:   Do you have any hidden talents?

Mr Miyagi:. do I have a hidden talent ,No but im multi talented.  I always seem to get people cracking up so I guess comedy and because of my creative mind I help out a company with marketing and ideas for commercials

KAPA187:  What is you ultimate life goal ?

Mr Miyagi: musically I want to get signed to chocolet city a nigerian record label then later on ink a deal with young money, genral life goal to have successful business empire and be a force to be reckoned with internationally take what my dad left to the next level .

KAPA187:  What has been your biggest achievement in music?

Mr Miyagi: biggest achievement not yet my man but ask me that on our next interview im gonna have an answer for you

KAPA187:  The best moment in my life was when…..

Mr Miyagi: The best moment in my life was when I did a music video with Paul the prince shout out to him and I was in town and kaponyas where shouting and I quote ” ba miyagi ati shani muli ba kali” I felt good…and also when I got a contract for my restaurant to cater for a workshop

KAPA187:  By the time you are 50 years old what will you have achieved

Mr Miyagi: when im 50 by Gods grace I would have achieved my goal of having my own 5 star restaurant and a state of art recording studio

KAPA187:  When can your fans expect an album

Mr Miyagi: .my album hmm uhmm I will drop a mix tape every 3 months then by this time next year my album will be ready but for now im doing the mix tape thing I have two out right now so halla at me on gifted @im_mr_miyagi for the music search for i-am-mr-miyagi  on

….. Thanks



This is an undeniable hit , the hook and beat will be stuck in your mind .

He samples lines from Trey songz and uses them for his chours.







  1. Everyones american nowadays. If these zambian rappers were actors they would have won oscars from their impersonations of americans. 

  2. It might not sound original. But its too nice to evan come from someone Zambian.;) don’t get discouraged.

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