A political Activist says the MMD’s move to suspend its Labour Affairs Chairperson, Austin Liato over the 2-billion kwacha saga is unfair because it portrays him to be guilty even before investigations are completed.
Dante Sanders condemned the opposition party, saying Mr. Liato deserved better as he was a faithful party member.
He says Mr. Liato’s suspension sends wrong signals to the public.
Mr. Sanders also praised the Law enforcement agencies for unearthing the 2.1 billion kwacha which was discovered buried at Mr. Liato’s Mwembeshi farm last week.
A combined team of Zambia police, Anti Corruption and Drug Enforcement Commission -DEC- officers carried out the operation.
Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Imwe ba Sanders! What would be Mr Liato’s defence? 1 I didn’t know about the money on my farm
2 It was not me it was my wife.
3 I was sleeping when Dora Siliya came and dug up the farm and buried the money there
4 The PF planted the money on my farm
5 Naimwe its just money not drugs
6 I was helping the Bank of Zambia deal with inflation by taking some of the money out of circulation
7 Caleb Fundanga asked me to help out since the bank vaults were too small in Cairo Road.
No I think the MMD has gone through all the excuses Mr Liato would have and decided to dig a hole and bury Liato in it.
MMD is desperate to shake the perception that they are a corrupt bunch of thieves. It will take them a generation to do that, unless PF adopts their ways as well. This explains the speedy Liato suspension.
My view too bro sandles.
The man definately has a big hurdle ahead of him to clear his name over this serious national economic surbotage act. He needs to be relieved of his MMD membership so that he can have time to defend himself from this monumental hurdle. Actually, if anyone has such incriminating case against them and they do not suspend their membership of any political party, they should be assisted by being suspended.
The fruits of greed
Chi Liato, no wonder icilufumo chalishikapo K2b!
mr saunders, our own saunders, please we all know that the guilty are afraid and in this case the mmd party is afraid. why is that they are defending dora in the zamtel saga which is a foregone conclusion and yet they are isolating liato? heh our own saunders.
FORMER Commerce minister, Felix Mutati has been having a love bonking affair with a married Lusaka woman, Agness Katwishi Bwalya.
And husband to Agness Bwalya, Van der Volt has cited his wifes love affair with former commerce minister Felix Mutati as grounds for divorce.
According to the petition filed for divorce by Vort, Mutati is allegedly having an intimate affair with his wife Agness Katwishi…
Cutting the weakest link in the chain of corrupt MMD leadership. The police should put more pressure on Liato, he has more to tell on they plundered the country.
#10 sk,
weakest link indeed.
If Liato was an ordinary citizen I’m sure he would be in custody because this case amounts to economic sabotage. Why is he still free to walk the street of Lusaka as if nothing has happened?
Liato the thief, lazo, kabwalala
I don’t agree with Mr Saunders. The MMD has every right to SUSPEND him. Mind you, he has NOT been EXPELLED. It’s standard procedure that he be suspended pending the outcome of this case.Even at a workplace,if you are found with a disciplinary case especially of an accounting nature, you are put on suspension pending further investigations and ultimately the outcome of the disciplinary case. The MMD is in order.
MMD is indeed a party of thugs. Imagine how catching little Liato has caused damage to them, and we still have big fish. This is just the start!!!!
DANTE SANDERS seems to project himself more as a CORRUPTION rather than POLITICAL activist with these remarks. What he says is the converse of what the public think – the suspension sends the right signal that MMD cannot protect you if you transgress the law. Perharps the details that the media should clarify to us are: (1) Was Liato present when the search and siezure operation was conducted? (2) Has he been interviewed whether publicly or in camera and has admitted that the property at which the money was found is in fact his? (3) How often does he himself personally live there? (4) Has he adimitted that the money is indeed his?
Ba MMD balisungapo, ooh sorry balishikapo. They are now planting kwacha to haverst Benz cars, Iyo kwena in Pa Zed. The problem is people who steal a chicken out of desperation to feed their families are sent to prison for 2 years with hard labour while Liato who buried 2 billion most likely stolen money will be set free…..and Sakwiba Sikota will be in the fore front crying that its victimisation….greedy thieves
this is a stage managed issue in order fo the PF to win Nakonde and Chongwe.Liato will be taken to court.instead Liato has joined PF.
Mr.Liato should be sent to prison for 70 yrs and then offer him amnesty if he can testify and become a Govt inform-ate so the Govt can go to the foundation of this Cancer.This is just a “Tip of a huge iceberg”
Saunders would have mantained his dignity by staying silent.
Mr Dante Sanders is a mature polititian whose judgement should not be impaired over corruption cases involving MMD members. We the faithful non corrupt members of the party will not tolerate leaders voted into leadership with dirty, low and corrupt morals. Sandes is alive to that fact and to pretend that thief Liato has been treated unfairly is next to madness. Thief Liato has not been expelled from the party pending conclusions of investigations. However, Sanders has to advise Liato what to present as his defence because as things stand, he has nothing to say that would be credible and acceptable by any govt except a corrupt one and PF govt in power are allegic to corruption.
Lol ba Saunders what is under your floor manje. Timing yachepa boss
This is the problem of electing people like Liato former unionist who only survive through PATRONAGE and dubious deals.
Its sad indeed!!!!
Too much cash not in circulation in Zambia thus tulachula! Money must be in circulation to beget more money. We condemn a section of Zambians for stashing money in their homes but burying!Â
Mr Liato nganaimwe yalukile shani?i suspect:(1) mr liato can not bend to dig a hole,but forgot to bribe the one who dug the hole.(2)si banacekeleko madam,or he’s gone missing with some girlfriend and the wife is annoyed with the move,noulula nkani.
Ba Sanders, stop politicking. Mr Liato is not just being accused, K2.1 billion was unearthed from his house. What kind of defence can he adduce in such a case? If it was for any other case, I would have condemned MMD for suspending the former minister before a competent court of law found him guilty. But we are dealing with a peculiar case where the onus will lie on Mr Liato to prove the source of this money and not on the prosecution. Even if, for arguments’ sake, he was prosecuted before a court of law and elected to remain silent, the fact is the court would still convict him. So Sanders, your hatred for MMD is blinding you to such an extent that you will always condemn MMD even where it is right, as in this case,