President Sata has given Mpanda Fishala Council Guest House to Mpika Diocese.
He has directed Mpika Council to immediately hand over the Guest House to be used as a home for retired priests.
Meanwhile President Michael Sata says the honey moon for PF after the triumphant entry into government is over.
Mr. Sata says all PF MPs and Councillors must immediately get down to work and address people’s needs.
He said this during a thanks giving mass held in his honour at Chilonga Catholic Mission in Mpika on Sunday afternoon.
President Sata has also urged PF MPs in Mpika to regularly visit Chilonga Mission and help address challenges at the Centre.
President Sata has appointed PF Isoka MP Malozo Sichone as Muchinga Province Minister.
President Sata says the new Minister should immediate get to work and begin to construct Chinsali as a Provincial headquarters.
He made the announcement in church at Chilonga Mission.
President Sata has directed Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba to rely the message to Mr. Sichone.
Hmm now the floor is open for anti-sata and catholic attack.Bring on it ladies and gentlemen.Spill your views…
# 1-Bring it on.
Creating of a province needs parliament approval why is this guy bulldozing everything, that guest house belongs to the council why donate it to charity without government approval this guy is sick
Well done. Next time give the catholics a lodge in the southern province that will shut up UPND. Because it’s in Mpika i’m syre all the anti PF will be making noise for nothing.
For sure, powers of the president should be reduced. Especially that we have a crazy one in power. I guess the council relies on this guest house for revenue
SLUSH FUND in kind. Welcome back to FTJ days.
What right has Sata to do what he is doing – grabbing government guest house to give to the catholic church and appoint a cabinet minister for his arbitrarily established province? Some muppets think this is a laughing matter and will see positives in this action and praise Sata! This is pathetic!
Yaba nomba bakateka bachitako over. Voted for MCS and a Catholic but this is too much, why not give them one of your houses or land to build.
Let the madness no begin. Just hat power has he to grab property from the government and Santa Klaus the Catholics? This man in mad in the head.
Kermit the frog what are you trying to say.. ???
Some obvious folly. Why rely on the defense minister to relay the message to mr sichone? Is it just me or there is some lunacy in these processes?? How did the decision to handover the guest house to the diocese come about?? Why was he making political announcements in church??
thats the problem of having Christian nation and why some of us are oppsed to it.
The catholics should do the responsible thing; refuse to take over government property awarded in such an unfair way.
This is a poor government we cant afford give aways, for what?
Go to hell with that shit man
You cannot just take government property and donate it Mr Sata. This is kind of pathetic! And you cannot appoint a minister for a nonexistent pronvince!!
We shall hand it back to the council once this monkey leaves state house. The CATHOLIC CHURCH is very rich and what Sata should have done is to tell the council to allocate land for the church to build the house for the priest.Sata does not realise that he is a republican president not president of the Catholics. He is blooding trouble for himself and others too
I support the president on this one. After all councils have no capacity to run guest houses that are full of bed bugs and nothing to talk about. Yes you will insult the president on this one but just come to reality and you will discover that he is right to do that. Infact even some councils now have nothing to offer after the sale of council houses by Kafupi (MHSRIP). I end here.
Stealing from John to give Jack…Ba Sata ala bwafya..Chinsali Provisional HQ for muchinga!!!
I have travelled around the country, and the state of these council guest houses are not fit for human habitation. Most of these are liabilities to the council. Most government official spend nights at Mpika Catholic dioces guest hse when in Mpika, coz they are reasonably cheap and clean. I don’t think this council guest house is even functional.
Ths just confirms an article I ws reading the Watchdog ” Africa will never develop because Africans are dunderheads”. Surely, its only in Africa where such a thing can happen and get support from a gud number of fools.
Spot on man. And in Zambia its 55% of the population that are dunderheads as confirmed by Hon. Sampa; data aquared from CSO
its okey
this is abuse of power anyway we are watching……filiokotuleya. mwe lesa twafyeni.
Well the president has those powers and he can do what he has done and this is what we meant when we said that the Zambian presidency needs to be given to someone , humble and sober minded. We have another 2 years before we can have a constitution that cartels the president’s powers. For now , just enjoy the show and watch how absolute power in the hands of some people really corrupts.
ask rupiah and sons ltd.
weshilu we….kolwe.
Weshilu we…kolwe!!!!!!
i know the catholics are thinking this over. they are not like these tunteba churches. the adminstration board of the church will come up with a comprehensive answer to this offer. and then you tongas will be given time to be stupid. catholics are not easily corrupted, you wait and see.
From a christian nation to a catholic nation?
Ohhh i see, since when did Catholics stop being christian?? who appointed you spiritual judge. can you say with 100% conviction that every protestant will go to heaven and every catholic will go to hell???
Where is Saint Micheal & his wife Sr. D? I hope their song ‘Mad President’ is going to hit the airwaves soon! This President is just that . . . .mad.
chikala respect the president
Good job Mr Prez. That guest house was a white elephant. Guesthouse by name only. It gets one guest a month on average.
I think Mr Sata is very much correct to give this guest house to the catholics.I stay in Mpika and this building has been there without operating for the past 5years.you guyz who are criticing Micheal Sata, dt know what you are talking about.Us who are here really knows what we are talking about.
Chizungu iwe shya..
I bet that even the Catholic Bishops and Priests are deeply shocked to learn of this reckless Presidential Decree. The Catholic Church is the richest religious institution in the World. Why take away a public structure from the poor and donate it to the rich? We warned Zambians that Ba Sata lives according to the rules of the JUNGLE. Soon Ba Sata will donate all retired prostututes to the Catholic Dioceses to care for the (????) NEEDY Priests. My God, what a reckless Govt!
number 29 please avoid insulting our priests, it is not the catholic church’s decision but Mr Sata’s so please have respect for our parents the priests whom many of us Catholics look to for spiritual growth and guidance. Yes the President may have been wrong in giving out a structure built by tax payers money to a church but it sure does not warranty the use of verbal abuse and insults. There are people who have faith in the catholic church kindly respect that.
You are so right what should not be forgotten is that the majority of that Zambian voters voted for HE MCS and many Zambians actually share the sentiments of our PF govt. Catholics are christains not some fake christains who’s arm in life is to hide their thieving and sleeping with people’s wives through their churchesÂ
History tends to repeat itself one way or another. If you follow how Idi Amin started, Sata is showing all the tell tell signs of a ruthless Dictator. The only thing agains MCS is his age and hopefully we wont go through this madness for long. This man is taking us backwards.
The Chief justice must immediately constitute a tribunal to check our beloved president. Something is terribly wrong. You guys might be laughing when someone is in serious terminal condition with demensia
This is not Tith ba Sata. This is govt property and should have sort consert from relevant authority. Also this is were concil makes some income. What happens to the people that work there now? How about tourism that sould have ran consistent with provisions such as cheap accommodation? Isukulu lyaliba important for sure
my rubbish….
I am equally worried. I voted for the Cobra but it is like the power has confused him. God help the serpent. It is like we are in a suspense movie. Ba doc kindly advise the serpent before we lose the next elections. Our jobs are on the line for us who work in parastals. I just got promoted recently.
Chiluba gave mine and council houses to people all over the country and RB came in and also gave council houses, now its Sata who has given council guess house to the church, so there is nothing sinister about this, it’s just a common trend by presidents in office, and some you folks here you are the beneficially of houses chiluba and RB gave out without parliament approval. So just sack it up and move on
Just because RB and FTJ did it doesn’t make it right!
Isn’t’ this Paradoxical?  While, prior, the Local Gernment Minister, Nkandu Luo made a pronouncement about the councils taking back administration of Markets and stations, the President is in essence doing the opposite by taking that premises away from the council (chaotic!).
What criteria did the president use to create an extra province in that particular region and not any other? What guarantee is there that another future president won’t` overturn such decisions? For legitimacy and to stand the test of time such decisions needed to be subjected to either parliamentary vote or referendum.Is the president pandering to his base or/and practicing social Darwinism?
Too much power. No need for new constitution if the current one can not be followed
Atleast the sale of ZAMTEL went through some fake tender process! This gift gives the next government a good case of abuse of office against Sata, hope the chap will be alive and fit to stand trial.
Truly, Sata has began making the same mistakes Chiluba made. Chiluba donated to some Churches, that perhaps had no needs.
Sata is donating to the Roman Catholic Church that doesn’t have needs for buildings for retired priests. The Roman Catholic Church is very rich financially. They can build their priests many retirement homes all over the world.
I hope the Roman Catholic Church does not fall for this, and end up making the mistake the Pentecostal/Charismatic/Evangelical Churches made. The result of that is that the Churches became divided in Zambia.Or could it be that the Roman Catholic Church will survive because they have legal advisers, in the employ of the Church, and are used to wining and dining with politicians?
Furthermore, what happens to council guest house workers’ jobs?
Mr Sata should prove to us that he is not in the Presidency as an on-the-job-trainee. He used to call others inexperienced.
We thought and were made to believe that he was experienced, and that he will keep clear of the errors of other Presidents before him. On the basis of that, we campaigned and voted for him, and through the ballot, delivered the victory over others to him and the PF.
This is my first criticism of Mr Sata. Please Mr President, don’t turn us away from you so soon.
Vatican is richer than Zambia many times over. Why give property to a rich church?
This must have come as a big shock to the Bishop and priests of Mpika diocese because there is no Problem of Accommodation for retired priests in Mpika Diocese, and there will never be. Retired priests live in parishes with other serving priests. A specific home for retired priests in Mpika Diocese is never an emergency for the church. moreover there are only 3 retired priests at the moment, and that number will not increase at least not in 30 years time.Â
read the history of Benito Mussolini
same path taken, he gave the pop yo head Rome so that he can have support from Catholics and many they were. so i see no difference and his moves do no surprise me
I think our president is stupid, how can he be giving a guesthouse to his church? Zambia has now become a Bemba and catholic country.Â
What Sata inherited from serving in KK’s UNIP regime is dictatorship. What Sata learnt while serving under FTJ is silencing critics through corruption. Sata’s aim is to silence the Catholic Church clergy by woodwinking them to believe that their own was in State House. So far, he has awarded hefty salaries to Chiefs and expects loyalty in return. The Police have been elevated and we are yet too see the Judiciary. No wonder he has maintained Mchenga. The Parliament is also in great danger, in view of the pending election petitions. Sata cannot rule without dictatorship and corruption. However, he is treading on a path failed by others.
This sounds terrible. hope the catholics will reject the offer. This will open Sata and supporters to redicule. Wished it did not happen that way.
Ba MMD balisungapo, ooh sorry balishikapo. They are now planting kwacha to haverst Benz cars, Iyo kwena in Pa Zed. The problem is people who steal a chicken out of desperation to feed their families are sent to prison for 2 years with hard labour while Liato who buried 2 billion most likely stolen money will be set free…..and Sakwiba Sikota will be in the fore front crying that its victimisation….greedy thieves.
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN GRANNIES ARE ELECTED….the say when one gets very old he becomes like a child.Mental capacity becomes questionable.
Is this some kind of Robin Hood (Prince of Thieves) being conducted by Sata?
We will do everything to ensure this story goes from Media house to another Media on the Global Scale. For that matter let’s address this to Vatican City in Rome and hear what (Joseph Ratzinger) AKA Pope Benedict XVI has to say.
We can NOT have a President that grabs government property to be handed to retired Catholic Priests. The Catholic Church has $ Billions of Dollars invested in world renowned Hedge Funds, Investment Banks & Real Estate. We see this money frequently when we look at Global Investment Portfolios & Stock Markets every day when we sit at desks in our offices. (Cont…)
This surely calls for the Catholic Church to look after its retired priest. The Catholic has some form of a pension scheme that provides funds for retired Priest & Clerics.
Sata has completely lost his direction. If these priests have any INTEGRITY in their SOULS, they should NOT accept these gifts from Sata but address their homeless problems to Vatican City in Rome through its proxies. (Cont…)
Zambians i hope we have seen that ba PF ba le buta…..
MMD or UPND please deliver us from this Idi Aminisc type of leadership. Move a motion for impeachement lets not wait until irrepairable damage is done we waited for 27years to remove UNIP and 20years MMD we should never again be so docile. Parliament should help us not approve Muchinga Province why is Sata in a hurry? THIS IS NOT CHANGE WE WANTED BUT JUST SHUFFLING OF CHAIRS -MMD TO PF
I am an individual that has donated millions to Catholic, Methodist, United Church of Zambia ( UCZ ) to fund orphanage centres – but I cannot encourage the STATE via the supremacy or dominance of a sitting President to start grabbing government properties to please a few retired priests & clerics. It simply stinks!!
What have these Priests & Clerics done with their pension money from the Catholic Church?
Good evening
I’m not really seeing why this should be a theme for serious debate.
Going by most of the comments above, it still seems to be easier to say something cynical about the president, but harder to analyse the problem, let alone provide an input that might help to improve the situation.
LT is what you are reporting to be true?Mr.Sata has given the Council Guest House to the Catholic Church?Reckless decision if He wants to give to his Church he has alot of personal fortune he can build those Catholic retired priests a castle with his own personal money.Surprised but not really Surprised.
“#20 it okey.lol.why not make it a house for street kinderen kanshi.
What about the retired Baptist Church Ministers,Seventh Day,Evangelical Church,UCZ and many other Churches.What are you going to give them,Give them the State House.
No wonder Mr.R B Banda was building a new State House so he can give the State House on independence Ave to the Homeless or people leaving in Kanyama
The Guest House in Mpika should have been left alone,Let the Council decided on what to do with it,This is a dictatorship hiding behind democracy
And Roman Catholic Organisation so called Church people call this SATA’S evil grabbing of the POOR Mpika Council’s Guest House NORMAL?
Surely the EVIL Roman Catholic Bishops and its VATICAN Organisation should have been the first one to protest and DECREED Sata and PF government’s abuse of Mpika Council’s public property! These child Molesters so called PRIESTS who protested every move including innocent moves that Chiluba made during his rule NOW wants to enjoy Sata’s abuse of public resources.
Where is father Bwaya who opposed Banda and the MMD?
The EVIL Roman Catholic Bishops and its VATICAN Organisation who hide in the name of protecting the POOR are now enjoying the ABUSE of POOR Mpika council by ITS CONVERT called Sata who has turned State House in a PARISH 4 SATANIST
The EVIL Roman Catholic Priests and its VATICAN Organisation is a very RICH organisation which can afford to build and buy its OWN Guest House as it has its established businesses, Banks, PORN (like the ones in German) Companies e.t.c.
So why has Sata and its PF government grabbed a REVENUE generating Guest House from a POOR Mpika Council and given it to a VERY Rich Organisation called the ROMAN Catholic Church with its established government in Vatican and its ambassadors all over the WORLD and its King POPE in the Vatican.
Sata’s action does not differ from what Chiluba used to do give money to Pastors and the EVIL Roman Catholic Priests and its VATICAN Organisation used to condemn all this.
Sata and Roman Catholic should stop abusing Zambia’s public resources now!!!!!
Given to use imwe ba swine. You claim to be learned yet you have no brains! Ifi Africa ifi!
He is with in his rights you yidos!
It was lobola sat paid to tresford Mpundu for impregnating his sister people, Chill out!! sata says he will appoint a commision of iquiry next week to look into alleged milestation caese by ctholic priest!
My Open Letter to the Catholic Church in Zambia,Provide leadership and stand up to what is right refuse this offer given by the President, remember by accepting the Guest House your are saying that stepping on the weak is OK the guest house belongs to the people of Mpika the custodian is Mpika District Council.The whole Country is watching and waiting to see what you will do.
The 27 Catholic Dioceses in German have just sold their ( 24 % ) Percent stake of Shares in Weltbild Publishing which publishes BOOKS & PORNOGRAPHY. Weltbild Publishing is worth about $2.7 Billions Dollars
If these priest in Mpika or Chinsali need money for accommodation, they should cry to their brothers in Germany for help. Anyone in Zambia that wants to help these priests can do so, nothing wrong with that – but NOT diverting government property through Sata.
Keep in mind that Sata himself at one time he was to be a Priest and that one of his sons is a Minister of the Gospel in one of the neighbouring countries. So the President is being led by the Spirit of God to look after Men of the collar. Shalom.
As Zambians we ask Sata to give the Guest House back to the POOR Mpika Council to continue its revenue generating activities.
Sata don’t deceive himself that its the Roman Catholic and its Vatican Organisation that made him win the elections! NO NO NO!
Its us Zambian youths who made him win the elections (made up of Pentecostals, Seventh Day, Evangelicals, Apostolic Church, Atheists, Roman catholic e.t.c,)
Sata please don’t be deceived! These Roman Catholic were there in the 2001,2006 and they did not make you win the elections UNTIL when Zambian youths registered for voters cards thats when you went to in State House!
If anything Sata you need to build more accommodation at Evelyn Hone, UNZA, Copperbelt University, Luanshya Trades e.t.c. Not the grabbing of PUBLIC PROPERTY!
Let the retired priests settle in villages and mingle with the so called ‘voiceless’ whot they have been claiming to protect. The catholics have the money to build themselves homes, why take away what belongs to the poor zambians? our president is dementing at avery fast rate.
#62 Italian Bunga Bunga (Original)
Honestly you mean you will never analyze things sensible and clearly like this one were your fellow Roman Catholic and Vatican organisation CONVERT PF President Sata has GRABBED a REVENUE GENERATING Guest House from a POOR Council in the RURAL region of Northern Province (am not sure if its in the new Muchinga Province) and given to Child Molesters Roman Catholic Priests?
If yo stand for the poor then Mpika Council is 200% POOR! And Roman Catholic Priests should not be PARTNERS in the grabbing and ABUSE of public properties!
Zambians have had enough of theses child molesters just to have 3 on the Constitutional Review Technical Committee Commission
Sata now qualifies to be taken to Court for abuse of public resources and office after he will be voted out in 2016 for the the way he has abused his power and given the POOR Mpika Council Guest House to the Rich Roman Catholic Organisation Priests.
Roman Catholic Church Organisation should know that Zambians will take back this Poor Mpika Guest House once Sata is voted out i 2016!
The reason why some of these guest houses cannot attract clients is simply lack of Domestic Maintenances, Miss-Management, Money getting stolen and Poor Catering Services.
This is when Empowering, Training & Advisory to staff should come to play to stay competitive with private Guest Houses.
The Minister of Local Government should come up programs which transform these guest houses so that they can become Functional, Operational & Attractive to entice clients. These are simple ethics of providing services as a business. You cannot expect to make money when you cannot deliver the goods. IT’S A BUSINESS CONCEPT nothing more.
Fishala guest House was actually built by the Catholic Church in old days for the poor and the needy. Afterwards the Catholic gave it to the govt to run as they have done to many schools and hospitals in the past and at present. This does not mean it is wrong for Sata to give it back the the right owners after the council has failed to manage it.
#72 kalembula,
And the Roman Catholic Church should not use its convert Sata to GRAB a POOR Mpika Council Guest House. They should have declared interest by offering to buy it and pay for everything so that Mpika Council can have money to pay for its new building somewhere else!
You Moron Chimpanzee. You mean you can not see the wrong here!!!
#74 Pafwenamwine,
And all the LEGAL Paper work was done to change the OWNERSHIP?
And you mean Your EVIL Roman Catholic Church and its Vatican Organisation should have not waited for its CONVERT Sata to be President of Zambia for them to be PARTAKERS of PUBLIC Resources ABUSE?
There is no fairness here.
You EVIL Roman Catholic paid Jesuit trained evil man and liar. You are a MORON Kolwe and Baboon!!!
Octopus Paul Bwalya, dont make accussations you cant prove. Who told you that Mazoka was poisoned? Ask medical personnel who worked at Ndola Central Hospital when Mazoka was running Boart Zambia. They will tell you how thick his ” folder” was. We all lost a great leader in Mazoka better than all these pretenders like HH but should not peddle lies. We have to accept reality as hatred will never take us anywhere. Our plans are not God’s plans!
There are better things that our President Sata can do right now: that is the building of more Hostle accommodation for the youth/students at Universities and Colleges at the moment.
Look at Evelyn Hone College? It is a SAD story to tell! Students leasing out room space to other students on campus?
Female students are not safe from SEXUAL attacks/HARASSMENT and PREDATORS in these situations at our Universities and Colleges in this Evelyn Hone College?
President Sata should stop politicking and start work. Not every Zambian will eat what Priests are eating or where they are staying!! NO NO NO NO NO!
Am talking about urgent matters that need Sata to attend to at Evelyn Hone College!! Sata should build STUDENT HOSTELS at EVELYN HONE COLLEGE urgently!
Mr Sata the time to get to work was day one not now.And how on earth is a mass held in honour of a human being instead of GOd the almighty?
RB give out for free the ndola ITAWA FLATS to the sitting tenants.and did not ask any one for permission.
this was less than a year after the ndola city council spent one billion kwacha to do some repair works.the ndola council was making about two hundred million kwacha per month from the rentals. now the mpika guest house is rundown and it costing the council ten million kwacha pay to the staff and other services.and the council has no management capacity to run it. SO WHAT THE GREAT LEADER HAS DONE IS THE BEST. You may not be happy but things are happening
What I am learning is that Zambians are no longer docile. First it was 3 Catholic bishops to be on the constitutional review commission which people were not happy with. Now it is the giving of the council guest house to the Catholic church to use to settle retired priests. Really? And then, a provincial minister is casually appointed in church to be minister of Muchinga province, a province yet to be gazetted in parliament. And because the pronouncement is so casual, the President instructs defence minister to inform the Sichone guy that he has been appointed. And all this political announcement and donating of the guest house to the Catholic church was done in the Catholic church, not outside of the church jurisdiction. I don’t know what to think, just that I am uncomfortable with this.
And we thought Robbin hood was long dead…
Just to let you know, I am selling a refrigerated truck (canter), which has a cold blaster going up to -31 degrees celcius and is in excellent condition. Recently imported from Japan and everything works. Give me heads up if anybody is interested. contact: tanganyikaspecies (at) gmail.com
Sata has no right to grab govt property and give it to catholics. We all Zambians are shareholders in the motel.
But not to your Roman Catholic Child Molesters Priests, who have the money through the Roman Catholic Church with its VAST Investments in Banks, Companies e.t.c?
These are the same Roman Catholic Priests through ZEC who condemned Former President Chiluba when he used to give public resources to Pastors!
So what is the difference Between PF Sata giving a POOR Mpika Council REVENUE generating Guest House to Roman Catholic Priests and MMD Chiluba giving Pastors government money? All these are ABUSES of office and PUBLIC resources!!
Sometimes the Priests condemned Chiluba even for innocents acts like declaring Zambia as a Christian Nation just because they felt left out.
If the Guest House was given to Evelyn Hone College in Lusaka it would have made more sense
Thank you mr. president we need more donations for our church. the more you give the more blessings you receive.
The church as a responsible organisation, should politely refuse this generous offer, & advise that it is better for the council to maintain its Guest house, as an income generator for the council.
Which helps in creating employment for the poor workers, who won’t find any other employers if they were to be laid off, if the council found itself failing to maintain a huge wage bill. It is an ill-advised gesture. The Church always looks after its own, & am sure will be happier to see the poor staying in employment!!!!
time and again prove me wrong Sata is not civilized, council guest houses were biult with tax payers money, jst keep hoping my fellow Zambians hope in future we will vote with Zambia at heart.
#84 patriotic zambian,
The more Sata give these type of DONATIONS the more CHARGES OF ABUSE OF OFFICE he will receive after Zambians vote him out of office in 2016.
If not careful, Sata will follow the path of Chiluba in the Court Cases of ABUSE of OFFICE. he will definitely going to be prosecuted just as the Roman Catholic Priests condemned MMD Chiluba and Rupiah Banda for giving to Pentecostals, so Pentecostals and Evangelical Christians should condemn Sata for his blatant ABUSE of government resources by giving to the RICH Roman Catholic Priests.
Its not just Chiluba and Banda’s admn abuses! No No!
Sata is giving BROWN ENVELOPS to Roman Catholic Priests through this!
This is serious dullness for a so-called head of state. misplaced priorities and short sightedness beyond description. But rest assured the Catholic church is very mature and will do the right thing i.e. politely decline the offer just as they politely declined FTJ’s cash handouts. This definately has to be dementia. By the time President Sata is done, he will make FTJ look like a novice in abuse of office.
#88 Brabus,
Your comment makes A LOT OF SENSE but the Roman Catholic did not refuse when Sata appointed 3 of their Bishops on the Technical Committee of the Constitutional Review Commission leaving out the Evangelicals and Pentecostals?
The Catholic did not even remind Sata that it was the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia, Pentecostals like Bishop Mambo with the Catholic’s ZEC together who opposed the Chiluba and MMD’s excesses and his THIRD term through the OASIS forum.
# SHAKA OZ -good points & like your reasoning. # OBSERVER INDEPENDENT – I have always appreciate your blogs on national matters because you criticise PF, MMD & UPND without fear of favour.
Sata is a huge let down period.
President Sata is right, the caholic has been doing a recommendable job to look after the ophanes, teach, hosiptals what else do want.
Nine Chale are you HE MCS illegitimate son? Of late your postings are nonsensical. Or may be the real Nine Chale died and you are some impostor? Your blind support for Sata is nauseating!
This is total madness. Mpika has public workers who need accommodation, why not turn the guest house into hostels for these workers instead of giving his church? To me SATA has no heart for the public servants. Any way LESA NIMALYOTOLA.
I am a Catholic and a PF supporter but honestly, Â I dnt think what the President has done is justified. If he wants to give them something, let him give them what he has and not what belongs to the government coz he is just the custodian and not the owner. I hope our holy mother Church will not accept the offer. that is not the way we should run government. am now wondering if our president has advisors, if they are there, how effective are they? this is too much. or somebody tell me, is there a provision that allows the president to do that? its high time this comes to an end.
Paying the church for its support for him at the expense of the Zambians …. and danderheads jumped in celebrations, you are being ripped off. Stand Up!
the architect of FTJ’s brown envelopes at it again although nine Chale has a soft spot for him. this time, Sata is renaming institutions and giving out public buildings and tenders to restore inststate house. this is corruption. whwere is the opposition?
@ Tuvi …. at least most of you who had applied “amnesia” about Sata … Wake Up! Before you have skeleton of a country left.
Like i always say; all you supporters of this man…by June you will wish the land could swallow you …..shame !! I realized 2 hrs after voting for this man that i had made a very big mistake….and he knows how to crack opposition so niwa mu-yaya!!! no option. Maybe NAREP after 27 years.
constructing new infrastructure is more ideal than grabbing wat is oredy in use. it might bring alot of talk
I personaly don’t support this,becoz the Catholic have money more than our Gvt.If our president will start doing this then I don’t know.Then all Churches need the same.Unless the Guest house was formerly for the Catholic I ve No objection.The Council needs money than the Catholic.
Gentlemen, you are all fools and *****s. No wonder your stay in diaspora is full of jokes. most of you guys just wash dishes in restraunts and you claim to be educated. Please just come back home bane……………..!! You will make progress back home and there where most of you are. In case most of you do not understand even basic english. All our most loved presido has done is, to let the catholics use the idle building. I visit Mpika frequently and every time i see this dilapidated building, i shed tears uncontrollably. The building is actually falling due to non-maintenance. I think for me, THE MOVE OUR PRESIDO HAS MADE ON THIS ONE IS A 100% CORRECT AND WE TOTALLY SUPPORT HIM. I come from Chilonga mission and i do frequent this area alot and every is a benefically of the catholics.
And mind you, Catholics in Zambia and everywhere else in Africa are no longer benefiary of Vitican. Our catholic in Zambia has been atonomous financially for along time. They no longer depend on Rome-Vatican. Actually our church members support their respective parishes financially. It is only that the catholic church is not like tuma ntemba churches around where an individual pastor and his family own kama church and manages all finances. Almost everyone is Mpika benefits from Chatholic Chilonga Mission in almost all areas of human endeavors i.e. education, health, and other social amminities. So, analyse issues constructively mwe mbwaa mwee…………..!!
Sata preparing retirement home for his brother-in-law, Bishop T. Mpundu
What about retirement homes for priests from other churches? Don’t forget that muslims have priests too.
Choma Coucil Guest House for retired SDA priests
The PF government is visibly struggling in their inquiries because the inquiries are being run by nepotistically appointed people and not technocrats.
Also, reducing unemployment must be paramount. We need a politician who can address the matter with a roadmap. Maybe a policy saying government will open 50 companies every year can make sense. Some tax incentives must be given for companies that boost their work force significantly. However, entrusting the private sector with jobs never really works.
I am an ardent Roman Catholic myself but I don’t support what the president has done. It would have made sense if the president donated one of his houses to the church instead of council property over which he has no control. I hope that as Catholics we shall reject this presidential gift on principle.
We have a sick patient as a president, once we taover from him, we shall grab that guest house from bakatolika
The biggest problem is we are seeing all this crap when the government is still new. what more bakajaila? That’s why a president with a degree minimum would make sense….there is some kind of thinking missing, don’t you people see….?? Next time lets think on those lines, surely even a new Elias would think better. It looks like this kobra man only looks at Catholic to be the only church. At-list so far. zas why…..
GRZ is for all the people of Zambia not Catholics. If that building was given to orphans (catholic and non catholic) it would have been ok. The catholic church is rich and doesn’t need Sata to come to its rescue but the people of Zambia do and that’s why they put in office. We know you mean good Mr President but you are a fill steps away from compromising…..
But why donate a lodge that belongs to the council to the church? This is wrong, the councils are currently struggling to raise funds and cannot even pay their workers. The church should hand back this lodge to the council. The President should donate some of his personal houses to his church if he is benevolent.
The catholic is one of them richest churches in the whole entire world, one wonders why such would be done in this manner. 90 days on the count down. Haven’t seen any thing that puts more money in your wallets over here and i can feel many more to come.
This Sata is insane. How can he give a government property to Catholics just like that. That is our property as Zambians. The Catholic fall under the vatican which is far richer than Zambia or even African GDP, and why should he give then a guest house and instruct MPs in the area to regularly visit this mission. Is this the reason why these MPs were elected to do…visit the mission?? Is the president implying that these MP’s were voted in by catholics. How do you define plundering the nation’s resources. Exactly what Sata is doing…it is sickening to say the least. Donate all the council guest houses to all the churches in Zambia. May the good lord save Zambia from this lunatic of a president.
This is what you get for voting an old, tribalist and recycled politician. I don’t blame Sata but all those who voted for him. Chanda Chiimbwi warned you, so deal with your choice, you will have the longest wait.
This is really rubbish!!!!!!!!!!
Zambian can be ignorant most times, empty rhetoric from an uninformed point of view. What he did was simply give back to the Catholics what belonged to them which gov. grabbed. my goodness!!!
can Lusaka times get more background information about issues. Am begining to doubt their credibility. It is better to get more data around issues unlike these useless headlines.
This has nothing to do with the president having more powers. Its simply a case of a sitting president being ignorant of the processes of good governance. We have some serious problem in statehouse! next he will order that Times of Zambia be given to the POST!
Shaka oz has a lot of unjustified anger for what I do not really know. My friends on this blog, if you really know the history of Zambia and Africa as a whole you will surely laugh at your own comments! Two thirds of the boarding schools in Zambia where built by the so called evil catholic church. When Kaunda began his humanism he grabed most of these schools and many other infrastructures to make them parastatals. That include the guesthouse in question here. If it was in the interest of the catholic to demand that all their schools be given back, the government will have very few in its hands. The guest house was disfunctional, why then spend money on workers that are not generating income? The building then has to be retuned to its rightful owners. I bet you have a gospel of insults
Let Sata bring back the abuse of office clause! Â What right does he have to give govt property to a church because he is a follower of that church? Â Isn’t this abuse of office? Â How much is the Roman Catholic Church paying for this guest house? Â Why can’t they just build their own? Â How is the council going to fund the shortfall in their revenues? Â What is going to happen to the employees of the Council Guest House? Â Is the Catholic Church going to take over their employment liabilities and honour their contracts? WE NOW HAVE TOTAL CHAOS AT STATE HOUSE AS KK HAD WARNED ZAMBIANS A LONG TIME AGO!! Â Kaponyas you now have nobody to blame for your abject poverty because one of your own is inflicting it upon your poor souls.
you have no powers to order a Council to give up properties to any of yuor friends. that is abuse of power and should you wish to please your friends build for them
he must have given State House first.
this guy needs to cool down and think before he says things to please his masters. we know catholics went all the way to make sure sata won the elections but he is going to make serious plunders in trying to pay them back. he will be persued by the next government and this mary go round will not end in zambia. what does abuse of offcie mean kanshi…..! ba old man tekanyeni first.
the act is illegal in my view. Where is LAZ on this? Or are they tired of too many mistakes? Our captain, of the boat, has lost direction or did he have it in the first place. not surprised except he has exceeded my expectations.
Well done Your Excellency. The Roman Catholic church deserves it. I’m sure, since its a rich church, they’ll probably turn it into an orphanage. They’re the only ones who speak for the voiceless and the very poor in our society. Continue working for the poor Your Excellency and you’ll remain friends. Not these ‘Tuntemba churches’ that yap, yap and yap for nothing.
tracy: are you saying there is only the catholic church and those who yap. what about other noble churches? and the muslims and other religions?
Is he allergic to Good Corporate Governance?
The nkhani about Mpika being better than Chipata is not exactly amusing! HE should understand that he is now the President of ALL Zambians this business of speaking carelessly paticularly to certain sections of society will not endear him to the people. FYI Chipata did not develop when RB was in power. Tribute should be given to a town clerk a Mr. Simwanza ot other who had a vision for the Chipata he did not think of developing the far north only but understood the simple pincipal that if any part of Zambia develops regardless of where one comes from its to ALL our credit. Enter HE and he wants to undo this! nd by the way even if one wants to communicate with the local audience does he have to make his appointments in Bemba and of ALL places in a church? tbc
HE is President of the entire Nation it is therefore important that he does not foster the maxim ” of all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” we have a nation to develop and we dont need this ‘favouritism/tribal’ sidetracking. The world is moving on and at a VERY fast rate we will be left in our prehistoric mode of thinking while development passes us by. There is need to begin to tackle the REAL issues. Poverty levels and job creation being some of them. we do not have the luxury of name calling, tribalism, regionalism etc WAKE UP ZAMBIANS!
Mwe Bantu umutende utampila mumube elyo waya panse(peace starts from your own house and then spread out to others) you want mr presido to give the guest house to farmers? imwe sata is clever he knows by giving the house to catholics is not a loss coz it will be renovated in a month.well done mr presido.
it shall reversed in the next government,fraud
he should also give one to UCZ, SEVENTH-DAY, WATCHTOWER?
Say what you may, the Roman Catholic church supports the poor, actually, they do more to reduce poverty than the government.
Nothing wrong in giving a house to the Catholic church, they have done so much for this country and they keep doing it- I know that that house is likely to be turned into an orphanage!
RC does and has helped Zambians in so many ways and I have been a witness to many many acts of kindness by them. Even when the Vatican left them with not enough money to eat they still helped which is why so many communities now help them with donations. They won’t tell you how desperate they are because they’re not allowed to speak against the Church but no one can doubt they have done more than most Governments have for Zambia This was a kind jesture and the same kindness will probably be given to all religons and people if you give the President some time. I just wish I had the money to buy the house and give it to them rather than people using this as an excuse to take the President to Court and not focus on more pressing issues than a retirment home for Priests
The lodge in question was a catholic property that KK nationalised together with very good convent and secondary schools. As a result they all went to the dogs because GRZ had no capacity and skills to run them. KK went further to take over all the catholic hospitals which GRZ never helped to build and eventually run them down.Look at the sorry sight of Roan Hospital which GRZ took over from the mines in Luanshya.What Sata has done is veryright. Councils in Mpika have no capacity to run a lodge profitably and the hygiene standards are extremely poor and therefore it is better to give it back to the rightful owner.FTJ tried to privatise these council lodges and no Zambian in his right mind would buy them, so where is the fuss? It reminds me of Zimbabwe, white farmers develop land and black
#23 mature. I like your thinking and analysis. Does it mean there are no Tonga Catholics or if they are they are second class Catholics? Your to answer. This act should not be allowed to take place if it means starting a court case let it be so. Catholics did not contribute to this council for them to be taking over our country. Now catholics will be writing the constitution for us, we shall be lestening to the simons from Catholic church to know the direction of this country. This is not the reason I pay so much Tax. Did anyone get to hear what Miles Sampa said in one of the forum? It seems our friends are lining themselves on Tribal line watch them out and find your foot too.
This is abuse of office. How can someone give a government property to the church?. I feel Sata is favouring catholics thses days. Look at the composition of the constitution committee. There are four catholics priests. Be fair ba Sata.
In all fairness the catholic in Mpika should not accept the Guest House coz it belongs to the council.The best would have been for the President to make a generous donation through well wishers to construct a hostel for the retired priests. PF will not be in power forever and the next govt in future will take back the guest house.What law was the President following?
107# Dr. Nsiimbi – You a are said id1ot.
Did you come from a dog for you to be calling people dogs. Go and stick your DICK into your Mother’s PUSSY and maybe you can get some intelligent. Just put your points across without calling other bloggers Mwe Mbwa Mwee……!!!
Politics and religion dont mix well so – we told you that a Christian nation is a time bomb. Leave religion alone and infact this the same reason the Catholic Administration doesnt support the Christian nation nonsense.
This is not a gift but just returning the property to the rightful owners bane, it was taken away from the church so it has to be given back
Surprising! and fulfills our fears and we know there is more to come.
The donation of the guest house was made at the end of a church service when the president was asked to say a few words as a matter of courtesy. The congregation did not know that he would make this donation and the priest who was presiding did not have the authority to reject a gift that had been given to the diocese. Only the bishop has that authority and all you critics of the Catholic Church can be assured that the diocese will NOT accept this gift. The Catholic Church has clear policies governing the receipt of political gifts.
This serpent owes its presidency to the Catholics… Why else would he be so generous to them. The problem will be when the “ILOMBA” (Catholics) begin to ask for blood…. Zambians pray without seizing and keep watching for the 90 Days – These pronouncements mean so much more than meets the naked eye.. Discern the times people
The true appreciation  or  true  charity of the President was to give his own property to Mpika Catholic diocese. Â
Yaba bapwa abaiche. Sata has opened another Child Molestation Centre in the name of Mpanda Fishala “Abomination” House.
The lodge in question was a catholic property that KK nationalised together with very good convent and secondary schools. As a result they all went to the dogs because GRZ had no capacity and skills to run them. KK went further to take over all the catholic hospitals which GRZ never helped to build and eventually run them down.I SUPPORT THIS STATEMENT AS I HAVE BEEN OPERATING HERE FOR CLOSE TO TWO DECADES. THIS BUILDING WAS INITIALLY BUILT BY THE CATHOLIC IN THE LATE 50s. IT WAS KK’S NATIONALIZATION THAT SAW THE GOVT GRAB THIS BUILDING FROM THE CATHOLICS. I THINK IT IS VERY GOOD TO RETURN THIS BUILDING TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNERS. AFTERALL IT WAS FALLING APART FOR THE COUNCIL WERE NOT USING IT. THIS WHAT WE CALL PRAGMANTIC STEPS. BRAVO SATA!!!
No morales, How can you grab the guest house from the council and give it to catholic? This is rubbish. Why didn’t he built them a house than dislodge the poor council? Shame upon him.
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